GRIFFIN COMMENTS—GEN 6 (Gen 6:1) And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, Usually daughters are not mentioned becauseit was the male line that would be the seed of the woman (Gen_3:15), and also becausethe woman was generally thought of as not that important to the story. Men fight the battles; the leadership was by man and men led the worship. We seehow grievous a thing unequal marriages be, when the godly with the ungodly, the believing with the infidels, the religious with the superstitious, are unequally yoked (2Co_6:14) surely even so grievous to God, that for this cause especially the whole world was destroyed by the flood. (Bishop Babbington)
(Gen 6:2) That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. Suidas says, "Seth was the son of Adam, of him it is said the sons of God went in unto the daughters of men—that is to say, the sons of Seth went in unto the daughters of Cain; for in that age Seth was called God, becausehe had discovered Hebrew letters and the names of the stars, but especially on account of his great piety, so that he was the first to bear the name of God." Anastasius Sinaita (q.v.) in his (Odhgo, p. 269 (ed. Gretser. Ingolst. 1606), says that when God created Adam after his image and likeness, he breathed into him grace and illumination and a ray of the Holy Spirit. But when he sinned this glory left him, and his face became clouded. Then he became the father of Cain and Abel. But afterwards, it is said in Scripture, "he begat a son in his own likeness, after his image, and called his name Seth," which is not said of Cain and Abel; and this means that Seth was begotten in the likenessof unfallen man, and after the image of Adam in paradise; and he called his name Seth —that is, by interpretation, "resurrection," becausein him he saw the resurrection of his departed beauty and wisdom and glory, and radiance of the Holy Spirit. And all those then living, when they saw how the face of Seth shone with divine light, and heard him speak with divine wisdom, said, "He is God." Therefore his sons were commonly called the sons of God. That Seth means "resurrection" is also the opinion of Augustine (De Civitate Dei, 15, 17, 18): "Ita Seth, quod interpretatur resurrectio."
(McClintock and Strong Encyclopedia) Seth plays a great part in the traditions of the Jewsand here we find one such tradition. While this explanation of why these men in Genesis 6 are called the “Sons of God,” may not be correct, it shows that the Jewsknew them to be sons of Seth and not angels. Somehave tried to prove they were the two angels that guarded the tree of life at the entrance to the Garden of Eden and that they left their first estate. But there are major problems with the idea that angels cohabited with men. (McClintock and Strong Encyclopedia) (Gen 6:3) And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. This Hebrew verb may be translated either strive with or abide in. The first translation would represent God as continually using force on rebellious man to hold him in line and to keep him from utter destruction as a result of his sinful behavior. The second view would represent God as determined to withdraw the vital breath of life from man, with the result, of course, that death would ensue. The Hebrew word (dun) (or (din) indicates life expressing itself in action or in evidencesof power. (Wycliffe Bible Commentary) Man’s days being one hundred and twenty years refers to the period between the time God decided this and the flood. That would include at least all the time Noah was preparing the ark, but we do not know how much earlier than that God said it. BEHAVIOR Gen_6:3Jos_1:8 3. Behavior: meeting of proper standards. WEBSTERDEFINITION 1 : to manage the actions (of oneself) in a particular way 2 : to conduct (oneself) in a proper manner Gen_2:8-17 In order to lead man to full moral and spiritual development, God gave him specific commands and a specific prohibition to govern his behavior. Gen_6:3My spirit (ruah) shall not always strive (yadon) with (or act in) man. This Hebrew verb may be translated either strive with or abide in. GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 6—PAGE 2
The first translation would represent God as continually using force on rebellious man to hold him in line and to keep him from utter destruction as a result of his sinful behavior. The second view would represent God as determined to withdraw the vital breath of life from man, with the result, of course, that death would ensue. The Hebrew word (dun) or (din) indicates life expressing itself in action or in evidencesof power. In the first interpretation, the spirit (ruah) is considered an ethical principle used to restrain or to control the created one, the result being ethical behavior. In the other, the spirit (ruah) is considered a vital principle given to the inanimate bit of clay to provide life, motivation, and power for living. When that (ruah) is withdrawn by the divine hand, judgment is complete. This divine announcement came from Jehovah when he found his creatures dominated by sin. It is God's declaration that he must abandon man to the doom of death. Sin had set in motion that which would guarantee death. Gen_6:9-13 The word righteous, from Hebrew (saddiq), describes Noah's character as it manifested itself in relation to other human beings. "Straightness" or "uprightness" was evident in his behavior. All his conduct revealed this moral and ethical righteousness(cf. Eze_14:14, Eze_14:20). Hebrew (tamim), perfect, describes the perfected product of a wise builder; it is full, complete, and flawless. Viewed objectively, the word blamelessdescribes character. In the realm of ethics, the idea of "integrity" comes out as the derived meaning (cf. Job_1:1). Luk_7:31-35 Whereunto then shall I liken the men of this generation? Jesusillustrated the behavior of the Phariseesfrom the gamesof children which he had probably played as a boy. If someone proposed that they "play wedding," the others would not dance; if one suggested that they "play funeral," the others would not mourn. Eph_2:3 Among whom also we all had our conversation. The word conversation means behavior, manner of life, or conduct. Eph_4:1 That ye walk worthy. The word walk is used often in the Scripture for our GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 6—PAGE 3
conduct, our behavior, our manner of life (cf. Introduction). Worthy. Not that we ever could deserve what God has done, but that we should walk in a manner befitting what he has done for us. We do not become Christians by living the Christian life; rather, we are exhorted to live the Christian life becausewe are Christians, Eph_5:8-10 Walk as children of light. God always places the fact of our position before us as the basis for our behavior. Rev_19:11-16 Judgment, throughout the Bible, is always identified with righteousness. This is exactly the phrase used by the Apostle Paul in Act_17:31. In fact, this is the word used in the first reference to God as the judge of all the earth (Gen_18:25; seealso Psa_9:4, Psa_9:8; Psa_98:9; Isa_11:4; etc.). Righteousness,says the lexical authority, Cremer, is "that divine standard which shows itself in behavior conformable to God . . . which corresponds with the divine norm." Jos_1:5-6 Be strong and of a good courage (cf. Jos_1:7 Jos_1:9). God's second order, so necessary to a warrior, was, Be strong and resolute, inflexible; LXX: Behave like a man. 1Ch_19:13-14 Be of good courage, and let us behave ourselves valiantly for our people, and for the cities of our God: and let the LORDdo that which is good in his sight. Behave ... valiantly ... and let the Lord do that which is good. One's utmost effort, combined with implicit faith (cf. Phi_2:12-13). (Wycliffe Bible Commentary) Camp Law and Camp Life -- Deu_23:14 There is a discipline in the house of God that is carried on, not by church officers, nor by the church itself, but by the providence of God. Men die before their time, and others are sick that might be well; sick, I mean, through ill behavior in the church of God. Thus saith the apostle: "For this causemany are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep" 1Co_11:30. If you are not my child I have nothing to say about your behavior: I leave you GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 6—PAGE 4
to your own father. But if you are my boy, my child at home, I must speak to you, I must correct you, for I bear a responsibility towards you. So it is with God. He will bear much from the ungodly that He will not endure from His own people. Supposing Him to Have Been in the Company -- Luk_2:44 His parents did not expect to find him wandering alone: they looked for him in the company. Jesuswas a child who loved society. He was not stoical, and thus selfishly self-contained; and he was not sullen, avoiding society. He did not affect singularity. In the highest sensehe was singular, for he was "holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners" Heb_7:26; but throughout his life he never aimed at singularity either in dress, food, speech, or behavior. He grew up to be a man among men, mixing with them even at weddings and funerals: no man was more truly human than the man Christ Jesus.It is to be believed that as a child he was like other children in all things but sin; even as a man he was like other men in all but evil. Jesuswas not one whose company would be shunned becauseof his ill manners; rather would it be courted becauseof the sweetnessof his disposition. He would not make himself disagreeable, and then crown that disagreeablenessby stealing away from those whom he had vexed. They knew the sweetnessof their dear child's character and the sociablenessof his disposition, and therefore they supposed him to have been in the company. This supposition would even more readily occur to us, knowing what we know about him, which is more than his parents knew; for we know that of old his delights were with the sons of men, we know that he often came among men in angel form before his incarnation, and that when he came into the world he came seeking men. As a man he never seemed happier than when he was in the midst of his disciples, or surrounded by publicans and sinners, or feeding famishing crowds. He was so great a lover of mankind that he loved to be "in the company." Nearnessto God -- Eph_2:13 One other word; let us maintain a behavior suitable to the high position which grace has given us. If we are a people nigh to God, let us walk in all integrity and uprightness, in all chasteness,honesty, soberness-in one word, in all holiness. "Be ye perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect" Mat_5:48. GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 6—PAGE 5
Daniel's Band -- Dan_10:11 This will also consecrate us. I believe that, to know certainly that you are greatly beloved of God, will make you feel that you cannot live as others do. You cannot trifle with sin. He who lives in the heart of the king must be faithful to him. If called to stand in God's immediate presence as a courtier and a favorite, you must take care how you behave yourself, and you will do so. "Ye are not your own; for ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's" 1Co_6:20. Stewards -- 1Co_4:1-2 I shall ceasefrom this picture when I have said that the steward represents his master. When the master is away, everybody comes to the steward for orders. He has need to behave himself well who represents such a Lord as ours. A steward should speak much more carefully and wisely when he speaks for his lord than when he speakson his own account. Brethren, our Master "endured such contradiction of sinners against himself" Heb_12:3, and shall we be weary and faint in our minds? How can we be stewards of the gentle Jesusif we behave ourselves haughtily? Let us never ride the high horse, nor attempt to be lords over God's heritage; for he will not have it, and we cannot be faithful if we give way to pride. (Spurgeon's Sermons) (Gen 6:4) There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. It appears that these giants were before the sons of God came into the daughters of men so they were not from that union. Those from that union were men who became mighty and renown. We will also have giants to fight in our lives, those insurmountable problems that stand like Goliath on the hillside while you stand with only your sling in the valley. (Gen 6:5) And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
This is the first time the word imagination is used and it is used concerning wickedness.The Bible always usesit in that sense, and not in the senseof imagining good things. This came immediately after the discussion on wrong marriages, which implies that it was the results of such unions, which is somewhat like what God decreed in Malachi (Mal_2:11-16). (Gen 6:6) And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. The force of yinaacheem (OT:5162), "it repented the Lord," may be gathered from the explanatory yitÂŞ`atseeb (OT:6087), "it grieved Him at His heart." This shows that the repentance of God does not presupposeany variablenessin His nature of His purposes.In this senseGod never repents of anything (1Sa_15:29), "quia nihil illi inopinatum vel non praevisum accidit" (Calvin). The repentance of God is an anthropomorphic expression for the pain of the divine love at the sin of man, and signifies that "God is hurt no less by the atrocious sins of men than if they pierced His heart with mortal anguish" (Calvin). LOVE BRINGS GRIEF (Gen_6:6) God's creation obeys Him Stars follow their orbits Planets never fail Him Earth does a tremendous work constantly All these rotate in unison and unceasingly PLANTS: Live, bloom in their season TREES: Bear fruit (same every year) ANIMALS:Obey the laws of nature Birds migrate Bear hibernates Ant stores up for winter MAN CAUSEDGRIEF! GODSOLOVEDMAN
Created with a will all his own Made to worship God Made in the image of God Disobeyed the laws: Broken covenant Rebelled: desecration Deceitful, murderers, shameful Filthy, proud, full of envy and dishonesty YET JESUSDIED They used His law to condemn Him They used His tree to hang Him on They used His iron to nail Him with They used His earth to bury Him They used His stone to cover His tomb (Gen 6:7) And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. The righteous of the world had narrowed down to one man and his family and it was time to save them if anyone was to be saved. Several times God’s plan has come near to being destroyed, and the devil would completely destroy it if he could, but each time God has intervened. OLDTESTAMENTSURVEY2Co_3:14 * C. THE FLOOD Gen_6:7 The descendants of Cain advanced in civilization and became addicted to luxury and violence. They appear to be more inventive than the Sethites. The descendants of Seth were distinguished for their pastoral simplicity. They called upon the name of the Lord (Gen_4:26). They were chosen repositories of the promise of redemption (Gen_3:15). They were witnessesfor a God of righteousnessin the midst of a generation which already began to be corrupt, and in the seen to forget the unseen. One of the most compelling proofs of a world-wide flood is that almost every nation has a flood story that closely corresponds to the flood of Noah.
Dene Indians of Colorado: An old man found refuge in a boat in the Rocky Mountains and sent out a raven and a dove to see if the flood was over. The dove brought back a fir branch into the boat. Everything was covered except the most lofty mountains. Macusi Indians of South America: A rat was sent out to investigate matters and came back with an ear of maize in his mouth. When the Good Spirit created the first man, the latter fell into a deep sleep, and upon awakening found a woman standing by his side. PapagosIndians of Arizona: Montezuma {Hero of the flood} who disregarded the warning of the Good Spirit, built a house that would reach up to heaven which was destroyed by lightening before it was completed. Washo Indians of California: Slaveswere compelled to build a temple as a place of refuge from any future world flood. A great earthquake with a terrible fire occurred and the temple sank to its dome in Tahoe Lake. The inhabitants clambered in vain to the top and were hurled away by the angry gods. The flood was started by a giant wave that burst over the world from the sea. Lithuanian: A rainbow was sent to the only surviving old couple to comfort them and to advise them that if they had offspring, to leap over the “bones of the earth.” The survivors escaped from the mountain peak in a coconut shell thrown down casually by the gods as they were feasting. Pelew Indians {also Fiji and Society Islanders, and he Algonquins} said the flood was sent as a punishment for sin. Gipsy: A woman was punished for eating a forbidden fish. Ojibwa Indians: Manabozho got on the top branch of a fir tree where the waters gradually arose until they reached his mouth, in which position he waited five days before he was saved. Chippawa Indians: The snows melted all over the world and caused a flood. Sacand Fox Indians: They escaped the flood in a canoe which a survivor made out of a piece of the sky. Karens of Burma, Tupi in Brazil and Acawajos in British Guiana: The survivors escaped by simply climbing up a fruit tree. Chinese: A flood that started in the valley of Hwang Ho. Other well known world wide flood stories are (1) The Akkadian Deluge (Semitic) (2) The Berossusstory (Babylonian) (3) The Deluge story of Adydenus (Babylonian) (4) Greek Deluge stories (Deukalion and Pyrrha, Megaros, Oxygian, Dardanus floods) GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 6—PAGE 9
(5) Persian deluge stories (Vendidad and Bundahisn) (6) Indian Deluge stories [SEENOAHGen_6:13] (Gen 6:8) But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. Blessedis the man upon whom God will look with favor. His favor will bring you before kings, make your enemies be at peace with you and supply your every need. NOAH: TYPEOFCHRIST 1. PleasedGod (Gen_6:8-9; Mat_3:17; Joh_8:29) 2. God's will revealed to him (Gen_6:13-22; Joh_17:4-8) 3. Prepared the way of salvation (Gen_6:14; Heb_11:7; Heb_10:19-20; Rom_5:6-8; Joh_14:6) 4. Finished God's work (Gen_6:22; Joh_17:4; Joh_19:30) CHURCH- IN NOAH: 1. Noah lived in an age of great wickedness. Gen_6:5"The wickednessof man was great in the earth." Gen_6:11"The earth was corrupt before God." 1Pe_3:20"Were disobedient in the days of Noah." • Church lives in an age of great wickedness. 1Jo_5:19"The whole world lieth in wickedness." Gal_1:4 “ This present evil world." 2. Noah was warned by God of coming judgment Gen_6:7"The Lord said, I will destroy man and beast." Gen_6:13"God said unto Noah, The end.. is come." Gen_6:17"I do bring a flood of waters upon the earth." Heb_11:7"Warned of God of things not seen as yet." • Church has been warned by God of coming judgment. Rom_1:18"The wrath of God is revealed from heaven." 2Pe_3:7"Heavens and earth.. reserved unto fire." Rom_2:3"Thinkest. . thou shalt escapethe judgment of God?" Act_17:31"Appointed a day.. .He will judge the world."
3. Noah was told by God how he could escape. Gen_6:8"Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord." Gen_6:14-16 "Make thee an ark of gopher wood." Gen_7:1"Come thou and all thy house into the ark." • The Church have been told by God how to escape. Gal_1:11-12 "The Gospel.. by the revelation of.. Christ." Tit_2:11-12 "Grace.. that bringeth salvation hath appeared." Rom_5:9"We shall be saved from wrath through Him." Heb_7:25"He is able.. to save them... that come." 4. Noah heeded God's revelation. Heb_11:7"By faith Noah." He believed God's Word. Gen_6:22; Gen_7:5 He obeyed God's Word. 2Pe_2:5He proclaimed God's Word. • The Church is to heed the revelation of God to us. Joh_20:29; Joh_6:29; Joh_14:1We are to believe God's Word. Rom_16:26; 2Co_10:5; 2Th_1:8 We are to obey God's Word. 2Co_4:13; 2Co_5:11We are to proclaim God's Word. 5. Noah was saved becauseof his faith. Heb_11:5"He became heir of the righteousness... by faith. He was justified before God. Heb_11:7"To the saving of his house." (Gen_7:23). He was preserved from judgment. • The Church is saved becauseof our faith. Rom_5:1"Being justified by faith." (Act_13:39). We are justified before God. Joh_5:24"Shall not come into condemnation" Rom_8:1). (Gen 6:9) These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. Noah was a just man. That is he was truthful and honest. The word is often translated righteous. It is the Hebrew word OT:6662tsaddiyq (tsad-deek'). He is also said to be perfect. This term is a most unfortunate term to be used in the Bible becausewhen we think of perfect we think of something that is always right and never changes. We don’t need erasers on our pencils when we are perfect.
This is the first time the word “perfect,” is used in the Bible. The Hebrew word is tamiym (taw-meem'); and means he is a man of integrity and truth. He is an upright man, sincere and his life is complete in God. There are over a dozen words translated “perfect,” in the Old Testament and about the same number in the New Testament, and in almost all casesthey do not mean perfect as we normally think of perfection. The dictionary definition is something no one can become, and the Bible definition is one that every true Christian must be. Being a perfect man he would naturally walk with God as his predecessor Enoch had done, and all who love Him with all their hearts have done ever since. CHRIST- IN NOAH: 1. Noah was born free from the sin of that age. Gen_6:9"Noah was.. .perfect in his generation." • Christ was born sinless in nature, free from all sin. Luk_1:23"That Holy thing which shall be born of thee." 1Jo_3:5"In Him is no sin. 2Co_5:21"Made sin for us who knew no sin. 2. Noah was righteous in his life. Gen_6:9"Noah was a just man.. .Noah walked with God." Gen_7:1"Thee have I seen righteous before me." • Christ was perfectly righteous in His life. Luk_2:52"In favor with God and men." Mat_3:17 "My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Joh_8:46"Which of you convinceth me of sin?" Luk_23:47"Certainly THIS was a righteous man." 3. Noah was appointed by God to save the world. Gen_6:14, Gen_6:18-19 "Every living thing.. .alive with thee." Gen_5:29; Gen_8:20-22 Noah was named in anticipation of the deliverance from the curse he would accomplish. • Christ was appointed by God to save the world. 1Pe_1:19-20 "Christ.. foreordained before.. .the world." 1Jo_4:14"Sent to be the Saviour of the world." (2Ti_1:9-10).
4. Noah provided salvation by his own efforts. Gen_6:22"Thus did Noah.. so did he." Gen_7:5"Noah did.. all that the Lord commanded him." • Christ provided salvation by His own efforts. Heb_1:3"when He had by Himself purged our sins." Heb_9:26"Put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself." 1Pe_2:24"His own self bare our sins in His own body." 5. Noah's provision was accepted by only a few. 1Pe_3:20"wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved." Somerejected and some accepted (Gen_7:13; Mat_24:38-39). • Christ's provision is accepted by only a few. Mat_7:14 "Few there are that find it." Some accept and some reject (Joh_1:11-12). The result (Joh_3:36) "everlasting life...wrath of God." 6. Noah became the head of the whole creation. Gen_9:1-2 "Into your hand are they delivered." • Christ is become the head of the whole creation. Psa_8:4-8; Heb_2:8-9 Christ and His saints will have dominion over all creation. Psa_72:3"He shall have dominion,. ends of the earth." (Gen 6:10) And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Shem is probably mentioned here first becausehe was the one from whom the Messiah was to come, but he was not the first born; that would be Jepheth. [Shem, Ham, and Japheth] Shem, the middle son, is always mentioned first becauseit was through him that the Messiah should come. Japheth was the oldest (Gen_10:21; 1Ch_1:5) and Ham the youngest (Gen_9:22-24). (Dakes)
(Gen 6:11) The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
This corruption and violence had been started by Cain, but it did not remain a Cainite problem. The line of Seth also became contaminated and before long the entire world was corrupt. The earth was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. Here are two words used to expressthe wickednessof the world, corruption and violence, both which are repeated, and dwelt upon in Gen_6:12-13. The former refers, I conceive, to their having debased and depraved the true religion. This was the natural consequenceof the junction between the sons of God and the daughters of men. Whenever the Church is becomeone with the world, the corruption of true religion has invariably followed: for if wicked men have a religion, it must needs be such as to accord with their inclinations. Hence arose all the heresiesof the early agesof Christianity; hence the grand Romish apostasy; and in short every corruption of the true religion in past or present times. The latter of these terms is expressive of their conduct towards one another. The fear of God, and the regard of man are closely connected; and where the one is given up, the other will soon follow. Indeed, it appears to be the decree of the eternal God, that when men have cast off His fear, they shall not continue long in amity one with another. (Andrew
Fuller) (Gen 6:12) And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. Man had no law at this time so we do not know how much God communicated with man before this time, nor how except through direct audible voice. Apparently man would be a law unto himself and only his conscience would restrain him and with no more than that the man became worse and worse. Whether anyone preached to the people before Noah is unknown, though we do know he preached. It is possible that Enoch did also, but man apparently had no prophet and no other priest than a family priest. (Gen 6:13) And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. God at this time began to reveal to Noah His plan to destroy all the world except him and his family and therefore gave him the plan to build an ark to the saving of his house. OLDTESTAMENTSURVEY2Co_3:14 GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 6—PAGE 14
NOT IN ABI OUTLI NE p.89-102 b) NOAHGen_6:13 (1) Noah was a man who— (a) PleasedGod: (Gen_6:8-9; cf. Mat_3:17; Joh_8:29). (b) God's will was revealed to him: (Gen_6:13-22; cf. Joh_17:4, Joh_17:8). (c) He prepared the way of salvation in the ark (Gen_6:14; cf. Heb_11:7; Heb_10:19-20; Rom_5:6-8; Joh_14:6). (d) He finished God's work (Gen_6:22; cf. Joh_17:4; Joh_19:30). (2) Noah built an OnenessArk: (a) One ark: (Gen_6:14a) cf. One offering of Christ (1Pe_3:18; Heb_10:12). • One Gospel (1Co_15:1-4; Gal_1:8). • One Way (Joh_14:6). • One Name (Act_4:12). (b) One window, so we can say just one light (Gen_6:16a; cf. Joh_8:12; 2Co_4:6). (c) One door, so just one entrance (Gen_6:16b; cf. Joh_10:9). (d) One rainbow: God's promise and assurance after the one offering (Gen_9:11-17; cf. 2Co_1:20). i) God's mercy (Gen_9:11; cf. 1Co_15:17-20). ii) God's fullness (Gen_9:12; cf. Col_2:9). iii) God's faithfulness (Gen_9:13; cf. Heb_1:3; Heb_7:25; Heb_8:13) (3) Noah was a man of faith (Heb_11:7). (a) Ground of his faith. • God's Word: "Being warned of God." • Rom_10:17The ground of all faith which is acceptable to God is that which rests neither upon feelings nor fancy, but on the naked Word of God.
Not just credulity—the devil believes and evolutionists believe (Luk_5:45).
(b) Sphere of his faith. •
Things not seen as yet (Heb_11:7; 2Co_5:7). There had never been rain (Gen_2:5-6) • 2Pe_3:4Willing to face scoffers. (c) Character of his faith. • Moved with fear. • Cannot take God's warning lightly. (d) Evidence of his faith. •
Prepared an ark (Jam_2:17). • It costs to expresstrue faith. (e) Witness of his faith. •
Condemned the world (Rom_14:23). • Faith is the opposite of sin. (f) Reward of his faith. • Heir of the righteousnesswhich is by faith. • Faith brings present blessings. • Faith brings future blessings. NOAHWASA TYPEOFCHRIST (a) His name. His name foreshadowed Christ becauseit means Rest (Gen_5:29). He was expected to be the "Rest-giver." He would provide comfort from the toil incurred by the curse.
Jesuswas the One whose "rest shall be glorious" (Isa_11:10). Jesusalso said, "Come unto Me and I will give you rest" (Mat_11:28-30). That rest is in the Holy Ghost (Isa_28:10-12) (b) One in whom God was well pleased. Noah "found grace in the eyes of the Lord" (Gen_6:8). The first words of the Lord about the Sonship were, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." (Mat_3:17). (c) The Just One. Noah is listed as "a just man" (Gen_6:9). By faith he became the heir of righteousnesswhich is by faith (Heb_11:7). Jesuswas the One of whom the Centurion testified, "Certainly this was a righteous man" (Luk_23:47). (d) Perfect in his generation. Biblical perfection has to do with completenessand maturity, not physical or human perfection. This means he was holy unto the Lord and complete in Him. Of Jesusit was said, "That holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God" (Luk_1:35). He was "separate from sinners (Heb_7:26). (e) He walked with God. He lived in fellowship with God (Gen_6:9). Jesus "increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man" (Luk_2:52). Jesusdid only that which was the will of God (Joh_8:29; Joh_5:19; Joh_5:30). (f) He was given an honorable work to do. He was given the job of making the ark, the salvation of all who would be saved (Gen_6:14-19). He had the task of preserving from God's judgment representatives of all creation. Jesuscame seeking those who were lost. He came to effect the salvation of lost and ruined sinners (Luk_19:10). He said, "I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do" (Joh_17:4). [First and Last words] (g) He alone did the work. GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 6—PAGE 17
We find no reference to any help Noah received in his God-given task. Noah alone provided the necessary means of securing the lives of those that God had entrusted to his care. So the representative (High Priest) who went into the Tabernacle to make atonement was told, "And there shall be no man in the Tabernacle of the congregation when he goeth in to make an atonement in the holy place, until he come out" (Lev_16:17). The work of redemption was accomplished by Jesusalone, "Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree" (1Pe_2:24), and He needed no assistance in this work, for God had "laid help on One that is mighty" (Psa_89:19). (h) He saved his house. In his "saving of his house" (Heb_11:7) he reminds us of the language of Hebrews, "But Christ as a Son over His own house; whose house are we" (Heb_3:6). (i) Sustainer of life. In Gen_6:21Noah is presented to us as a great food provider: "And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten," as Jesusis the "Bread of life." He is God's manna for our souls. He is the Shewbread (Lev_24:9). The old corn of the land (Jos_5:11). (j) He was obedient. In Gen_6:22we learn of his implicit and complete obedience. Jesuswas also obedient (Joh_15:10; Phi_2:8). (k) He lost none. Gen_8:18-19 "And Noah went forth, and his sons, and his wife, and his son's wives with him; every beast..." Jesusalso said, "Of them which thou gavest me have I lost none (Joh_17:6-9; Joh_17:12)." He felt accountable (Heb_13:17) (l) He built an altar. "And Noah builded an altar unto the Lord" (Gen_8:20). Christ also hath loved us and hath given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 6—PAGE 18
a sweet smelling savor (Eph_1:3). This offering also established the covenant (Gen_9:8-9; cf. Heb_13:20-21). THE ARK WAS A TYPE OF SALVATION God gave Noah a word of knowledge: there will be a flood. Then a word of wisdom: build an ark. In the ark Noah and his family found shelter from the storm of God's wrath. This is one of the most comprehensive types of the believer's salvation to be found in the Scriptures. (a) The ark was a divine provision. Gen_6:13-14. Before the flood came and before the ark was made, a means of escapefor His own people existed in the mind of God. The Sonship of God was no afterthought. He did not decide after man fell to prepare salvation. Jesuswas the "Lamb slain from the foundation of the world" (Rev_13:8). The ark was God's provision for Noah as Christ is God's provision for sinners today. (b) The ark was a revelation of God. God revealed to Noah His own designs and ordered him to build a place of refuge into which he could flee from the impending storm of judgment. The ark was not an invention of Noah's. God had to reveal to him all the details. Likewise God has had to reveal by His Spirit His thoughts of mercy and grace toward us. (2Co_4:6). (c) The ark was life from death. The ark was made of gopher wood (Gen_6:14). The material was not steel but of that which had been alive and now was dead. Now it lives again to save. Life comes out of death, and life can be secured only by sacrifice. Before the ark could be made, trees must be cut down. Noah's life was secured by the death of the tree. We have a hint here of Christ's humanity. We too must die to the world and take part in His death (cf. Isa_53:2and Dan_9:26). (d) The ark was a refuge from divine judgment.
Three arks are mentioned in Scripture: • Ark of Noah: This secured those within it from the outpoured wrath of God. • Ark of bulrushes: (Exo_2:3) This protected the young child Moses from the murderous designs of Pharaoh who was a type of satan. • Ark of the Covenant: This sheltered the two tables of stone (the Word of God). Each ark speaks of Christ, putting the three together, we learn that we are sheltered from God's wrath, satan's assaults, and the condemnation of the Law of God. The only three things in the entire universe that can threaten or harm us. We find shelter in His name (Act_4:12). (e) Man was invited into the ark. Gen_7:1. This is the first time "Come" is written in the Scripture. The Lord did not say, "Go into the ark," (which would mean the Lord was outside), but He said, "Come" which implied that the Lord was already inside. Again Jesussaid later, "Come unto me" (Mat_11:28). (f) The ark offered security. It was watertight and thus a perfect shelter (Gen_6:14). "Your life is hid with Christ in God" (Col_3:1-5). "And the Lord shut him in" (Gen_7:16). Noah did not have to care for himself. God took responsibility for his preservation (1Pe_1:5; cf. Joh_18:9). (g) The ark had only one door. There is only one deliverance route from the wrath to come. There is only one Savior from the Lake of Fire. Jesussaid, "I am the way" (Joh_14:6). He said He was the door (Joh_10:9). The door was set "in the side" of the ark (Gen_6:16). Later the ark that savesus was pierced in the "side" (Joh_19:34) from which the way of deliverance was opened for us. (h) The ark was of three stories. The salvation God brings us is for all three stories: the body, soul, and spirit (1Th_5:23). We also have a three tense salvation. We have been saved from
the penalty of sin, are being saved from the power of sin, and we shall yet be saved from the presence of sin. (i) The ark had one window above. Gen_6:16. Noah and his companions were not to be looking down on the scene of destruction, but up toward the Living God. Later God taught the same thing to His people when he had the pillar of cloud guide them in the day and the fire by night. Also in the sanctuary the glory of God was always upward. Our affection must be set upon "things above, and not on things on the earth" (Col_3:2). Look up, your redemption draweth nigh.Luk_21:28 Psa_121:1 (j) The ark had rooms. Gen_6:14. It had rooms or nests. It was more than a refuge, it was a resting place. We are like birds in their nests, the object of another's loving care. In our Father's house are many resting places, but not just nests— MANSIONS!(Joh_14:1-3). (k) The ark was for atonement. Gen_6:14. The word Pitch is from the word Kapher rather than the ordinary word for pitch (zetteth). Usually this word is translated "to make atonement," but here it refers to pitching the ark within and without. Atonement was made by the blood which provided a covering for sin. Sin must be covered by blood. The storm fell upon the ark which provided shelter for Noah. So too, the clouds of judgment burst upon the Redeemer (Psa_42:7), so that we may not feel the wrath He feels. (l) The ark represents the resurrection. Mr. William Lincoln: "There seemsno reason to doubt that the day the ark rested on the mountain of Ararat is identical with the day on which the Lord rose from the dead. It rested "on the 17th day of the 7th month." When the Passover was instituted the 7th month was changed to the 1st month. Then three days after the Passover, which was on the 14th day of the month, the Lord, having passed through the waters of judgment, stood in resurrection in the midst of His disciples, saying, "Peacebe unto you." GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 6—PAGE 21
This also suggests the ascension of the Lord for the "ark rested in the 7th month, on the 17th day of the month upon the mountains of Ararat" (Gen_8:4). The final resting place of the ark was upon the mountaintop, speaking of the place "on high" where our Savior is now seated in glory. How is the ark a type of our salvation? LONGSUFFERINGOFGOD(1Pe_3:20) The world of Noah's day had been well warned. They were without excuse. Here is the effort by God to reach them. They had— a) Nature's teachings (Rom_1:19-20). b) Conscience (Rom_2:14-15). c) Promise of a Redeemer (Gen_3:15). d) Example of an expiatory sacrifice (Heb_11:4). e) Mark upon Cain (Gen_4:15). f) Longevity of the patriarchs g) Preaching of Enoch (Jud_1:14-15). h) Translation of Enoch i) Preaching of Noah (2Pe_2:5). j) Ministry of the Spirit of Christ (Gen_6:3; 1Pe_3:19). (Gen 6:14) Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. Rooms- kinnim, nests, applied metaphorically to the chambers of the ark shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. Literally, You shall cover it with a covering. The substance to be employed was probably bitumen or asphalt. The root (cf. English, cover) signifies also to pardon sin, i.e. to cover them from God's sight (Psa_65:3; Psa_78:38; 2Ch_30:18), and to make expiation for sin, i.e. to obtain covering for them (Gen_32:20; Dan_9:24); whence gopher is used for a ransom (Exo_21:30; Exo_30:12), and cap-poreth, the covering of the ark (Exo_25:17), for the mercy-seat (i-lasth/rion LXX.; propitiatorium, Vulgate). (Pulpit Commentary) The term “rooms” here can also be translated “nests.” ONENESSOFARK(Gen_6:14)
1. One ark (Gen_6:14) 2. One window (Gen_6:16) 3. One door (Gen_6:16) cf. 1Pe_3:18; Heb_10:12; 1Co_15:1-4 Gal_1:8 Joh_14:6Act_4:12 Joh_8:12 2Co_4:6Joh_10:9 OLDTESTAMENTSURVEY2Co_3:14 * (2) Preparation of the ark Gen_6:14 Enoch's righteousnessand preaching could not turn the tide of corruption. Man's sins became so great that only one family was left that was godly. In this awful crisis one man only found favor with God, and that man was Noah, the son of Lamech, in whom at his birth, with prophetic glance, his father beheld a pledge of that rest and comfort, which the men of faith have felt they so sorely needed from the burden of weary and irksome labor on the ground which Jehovah had cursed (Gen_5:29). When Noah was 500 years old, he became the father of three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Like Enoch, he was a righteous and perfect man in his generation, and in this age of universal apostasy maintained an unflinching trust in the Righteous Ruler of the universe, and at length, when the cup of man's iniquity was full, he received intimation from the Almighty of His intention to bring an awful judgment upon the world. "Behold I, even I," said God, "Do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and everything that is in the earth shall die." From the general catastrophe Noah and his family alone were preserved. He was directed to construct an ark. It had to be done according to God's pattern. It was the only means of salvation. While it was preparing Noah preached to the people but it went unheeded (1Pe_3:20). When the flood was over, Noah offered sacrifices to God of the clean animals and God made a covenant with him. That covenant was sealed by the sign of a rainbow in the heavens. Noah went from this place to his work as vine dresser. He became drunken on the wine and unclothed himself. His son, Ham, saw him and was later cursed of Noah becauseof his indiscretion. MOUNTAIN TOPEXPERIENCESGen_8:4
(Gen 6:15) And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. It is said that the USnavy has done surveys to determine the best size of a ship for maneuverability and that the best length and width is one that is six times longer than it is wide. Noah's Ark was the largest sea-going vessel ever built, until, the late nineteenth century when giant metal ships were first constructed. (Gill)
(Gen 6:16) A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it. It is possible that this window was an opening that encircled the entire roof of the ark, rather than a small opening on top called a window. This would solve the problem of ventilation which would be difficult with only one window above. Noah is afterward said to open this window, so it must have had some type of method of enclosing it. It had to be more than a mere opening above. (Gen 6:17) And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die. Such a flood had to be global and not local for it would make no difference in destroying a few local animals and people, the world would have remained wicked. In order to start over, which is what God is implying here, there would have to be an eradication of all people and animals on the face of the earth with exception of the fish in the sea which apparently could continue to live in water. (Gen 6:18) But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee. Here is the first time we find the word covenant. God was going to “ cut the covenant” with man, or join in alliance with him. Most of the time men broke the covenant, but God never did. Even after the breaking of a covenant, such as the one with Israel with Sinai, God continued with that GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 6—PAGE 24
covenant in the generations that followed, so although the covenant was conditional and they broke their part God could continue the covenant in force. (Gen 6:19) And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female. All of the animals that we have today were derived from these pairs that went onto the ark. Some of them may have changed appearance, such as in the cat family through the years, but originally they were from this couple on the ark. God might have destroyed all the animal creation, and created others to occupy the new world, but he choserather to preserve those already created. The Creator and Preserver of the universe doesnothing but what is essentially necessary to be done. Nothing should be wantonly wasted; nor should power or skill be lavished where no necessity exists; and yet it required more means and economy to preserve the old than to have created new ones. (Adam Clarke)
(Gen 6:20) Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive. He covered first, two of every kind and later he distinguished between the clean and the unclean. Adam had named all the animals after their kind and Noah would have followed that species of creature that was named by Adam. The Jewshave an additional theory to the story, and that is that the angels preserved the animals alive, so that anything contrary to nature we find in the story could be solved by the presence of this heavenly host. (Gen 6:21) And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten, and thou shalt gather it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for them. There was a variety of fruit and vegetable foods that these animals ate, and it appears that either none were carnivorous as yet, or that they had to eat something else on the ark, for Noah did not bring animals for the lions to eat. God has promised to provide for the animals their food so that they do not have to worry about obtaining nourishment (Job_38:41; Psa_104:27-28; Psa_136:25; Mat_6:26). GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 6—PAGE 25
(Gen 6:22) Thus did Noah; according to all that God commanded him, so did he. Noah was a perfect man before the Lord so naturally he was obedient and faithful. He would do exactly what God required for he knew God was about to do something quite unusual in the earth. He was not a boat builder by trade so all he did was from the command of God. He had never even seen a ship nor any rain come out of the skies. So everything about this was foreign to him.