GRIFFIN COMMENTS—GEN 8 (Gen 8:1) And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged; God drove the old world into forgetfulness, but He remembered Noah. What a wonderful thing to be remembered, but more so by God. God remembered Noah (Gen_8:1) God remembered Abraham (Gen_19:29) God remembered Rachel (Gen_30:22) God remembered His covenant (Exo_2:24) God remembered Hannah (1Sa_1:19) God remembered they were flesh (Psa_78:39) God remembered His mercy (Psa_98:3) God remembered His promise (Psa_105:42) God remembered Babylon’s iniquities (Rev_18:5 FLOODSURVIVORS:TYPEOFTHECHURCH (Gen_8:1-14) 1.
Party to covenant (Gen_6:18) 2Th_2:13 Eph_1:4 2.
Ark was entered in response to Divine call Gen_7:1; Rom_8:30; 1Co_1:9 3.
Gen_7:4, Gen_7:7 Heb_11:7"Faith...prepared" Heb_10:39Noah's faith made him obedient 1Pe_1:22(Gen_6:2; Gen_7:15) Rom_16:26Faith brought imputed righteousness GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 8—PAGE 1
Heb_11:7...Gen_7:1Rom_5:1; Rom_10:4 4.
The tenor of his life had already separated him, culminated in entering ark. Joh_17:16; 1Pe_2:9; 2Co_6:17 5.
Gen_7:16Eph_1:13; Eph_4:30; 2Co_1:22 6.
Gen_7:17-19 Higher Flood rose, higher the ark. Meant life out of death (1Pe_3:21; Col_3:1) 7. REWARDED (Gen_8:15-19) Not only survivors, they possesseda new world 2Pe_3:13Rev_21:1-4 (1) Fragrant fellowship (Gen_8:20) (2) Curse stayed (Gen_8:21) (3) Perpetual covenant (Gen_9:12) Rev_7:15-17; Rev_22:3-5 with Rev_14:3. (Gen 8:2) The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained; Apparently during this time the earth had poured forth its water unrestrained, and there must be literally oceans of it under the ground; and heaven’s “window,” was opened, which was probably the canopy of water Morris speaksof, as that is distinguished from the rain of heaven. Now these sources from below the earth and the windows in the heavens were closed off so that the same thing could not happen again. In other words, the earth was not going to spring a leak and bring us another worldwide flood. (Gen 8:3) And the waters returned from off the earth continually: and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated. GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 8—PAGE 2
Two things had to happen here since waters were over all the earth; one was the flow of waters now below the surface of the earth must return, and the other was an evaporation of water into the clouds of the air.
[And the waters returned from off the earth continually] Literally, going and returning. "More and more" (Gesenius). The first verb expressesthe continuance and self-increasing state of the action involved in the second; cf. Gen_26:13; 1Sa_6:12; 2Ki_2:11(Furst). Gradually (Murphy, Ewald).
(Pulpit) (Gen 8:4) And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. Supposing the Flood to have begun in Marchesvan, the second month of the civil year (about the beginning of November), "we have then the remarkable coincidencesthat on the 17th day of Abib (about the beginning of April) the ark rested on Mount Ararat, the Israelites passed over the Red Sea,and our Lord rose again from the dead" ('Speaker's Commentary'). TYPESOFTHERESURRECTION(Gen_8:4) 1. Ark resting on Mt. Ararat (Gen_8:4) It rode above the judgment 2. Waving the sheaf of firstfruits (Lev_23:1) 3. Aaron's rod that budded (Num_17:8) 4. Bird in leper cleansing (Lev_14:1-9) 5. Passageof Jordan (Jos_3:13) 6. Stones on land (Jos_4:3) 7. Jonah (Mat_12:39) 8. Isaac restored (Gen_22:13) 9. Joash--king's son (2Ch_23:3) 10. Lot--left Sodom before judgment fell (Gen_19:16) 11. Red Sea--left enemy (death) behind (Exo_14:13) MOUNTAIN TOPEXPERIENCESGen_8:4 a) ARARAT: Mountain of new beginnings. This is the patriarch of mountains, smoked with the first sacrifice in the restored world (Gen_8:4; Rom_12:1-2). b) MORIAH: The mount of testing, the victory of faith, where JehovahJireh supplies every need (Gen_22:2-14 with 1Pe_4:12-14; Phi_4:19).
Moriah is also the Mount of the Temple, the place of God's presence (2Ch_3:1; 2Ch_8:16; 1Ki_8:6-11). c) GILEAD: The mount of disunity, anger and grudge between brethren (Gen_31:25, Gen_31:42-52). This incident (Gen_31:49) is often called a "benediction," but it is a malediction between two who were at odds. Solomon later referred to Mount Gilead as "beauty" (Son_4:1). d) SEIR: The mountain of opposition and an unforgiving spirit (Gen_36:89 with Num_20:14-21). Esauand his descendants never forgave Jacob and his descendants for Jacob's inheriting Esau's birthright. e) HOREB: The mount of refreshing water. An abundant overflowing, strengthened life, walking and living on holy ground (Exo_3:1-5; Exo_17:6; 1Ki_19:8 with Joh_7:37-38). f) SINAI: The mount of the Law (Ten Commandments) and Grace (pattern of the Tabernacle), the Law being a school master which leads us to Christ (Exo_19:20; Exo_20:1-17; Exo_24:15—25:9with Joh_7:37-38). g) HOR: The mount of unbelief and rebellion against God, and the mount of death (Num_20:7-29). In Aaron's case, his could have been a "sin unto death," a premature death (1Jo_5:16). h) GERIZIM: The mount of blessing for obedience (Deu_11:29; Deu_27:12 with Eph_1:3). i) EBAL: The barren mount of judgment for disobedience (Deu_11:29; Deu_27:13with 1Co_11:31-32). j) NEBO: This is pisgah, the mount of vision, to behold the milk and honey of God's promises (Deu_34:1-4 with 2Pe_1:4; Pro_29:18a). k) CALEB'SMOUNTAIN: The mount of yieldednessand conquest, possessing one's possessions (Jos_14:6-14 with 1Jo_5:4). l) EPHRAIM: The mount of rest (Jos_24:33). m) LEBANON: The goodly mountain, the mount of spiritual growth (Jdg_3:3; Psa_92:12with 1Pe_2:2; 2Pe_3:18). n) TABOR: The mount of victory, the strength of the Lord in the fighting our battles (Jdg_4:12-16 with Psa_18:2). o) MOREH: The mount of teaching (Jdg_7:1-8 with Joh_14:26; Joh_16:13). p) BETHEL: The mount of the house of God, the meeting place with God (1Sa_13:2with Gen_28:11-22). q) HACHILAH: The mount of hiding and darkness(1Sa_23:19with Joh_3:19). r) GILBOA: The mount of defeat (1Sa_31:8). Had Saul slain all the Amalekites as Samuel commanded (1 Samuel 15), an Amalekite GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 8—PAGE 4
would not have been around to kill him (2Sa_1:1-16). If we do not slay sin, sin will slay us. The Bible will keep me from sin, or sin will keep me from the Bible. s) ZION: The mount of God's glory and zeal. His stronghold to deliver and bless, our future heavenly Jerusalem (2Sa_5:7; 2Ki_19:31; Psa_133:3with Rom_11:26; Heb_12:22). With the Tabernacle having been erected on Zion, and all the Temple worship arranged by David, many Psalms composed during his forty years' reign, which were used in worship, "Zion" had become incorporated into the devotional books and language of the Israelites. So after the erection of Solomon's Temple, the name "Zion" passedover to it with the Tabernacle and the service. "Moriah" dropped out of the phraseology, and the two hills became one in name—Zion (Psa_76:1-2). t) CARMEL: The mount of decision (1Ki_18:19-21 with Jos_24:24; 1Jo_1:7; 1Jo_2:15-17). u) MIZAR: The little mountain, reminding us of the babe in Christ (Psa_42:6with 1Pe_2:2). v) BASHAN: The high hill, the mount of new heights (Psa_68:15with Eph_2:5-6). w) HERMON: The lofty mount of Dew, separation from worldliness (Psa_89:13; Psa_133:3with Col_1:13; Lam_3:22-23; 1Jo_2:15-17). x) SAMARIA: The mountain of false trust (Amo_6:1 with Rev_3:14-19). y) THEMOUNT: The mountain where they went "Up" where the Word of God was taught (Matthew 5-7 with 2Ti_2:15). z) A MOUNT: The mountain of prayer (Mat_14:23; Luk_6:12). aa) MOUNT OFTRANSFIGURATION: The mount where the eyes of our understanding are enlightened to spiritual things (Mat_17:1-8 with Eph_1:18; Col_1:9). bb) MOUNT OFOLIVES: The mount of illuminating and intimate relationship with Christ (Mat_24:3 with Act_1:4, Act_1:12; Zec_14:4). cc) MOUNT CALVARY: The mount where our sins were blotted out, the Golgotha or place of the skull. This is the mount of victory over satan (Luk_23:33; Joh_19:16-18; 1Jo_3:8with 2Co_4:6-11; Rom_8:37; Col_2:1415). (Gen 8:5) And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen.
I am sure that Noah and his family kept an eye out continually for such a sight that would indicate that these flood days were ending. This was very likely a happy day on the ark. We have no record of who saw them first, but very likely all were looking each morning to see if something was visible. [And the waters decreased continually ] The decreaseof the waters was for wise reasons exceedingly slow and gradual - the period of their return being nearly twice as long as that of their rise. (JFB)
(Gen 8:6) And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made: This window appears to have been an individual one on the upper part of the ark some way. If this was the only window, then there would not have been much ventilation in the ark. But if the window spoken of earlier was around the ark roof, as most believe, then it could not have been “opened.” So it is unknown exactly how this window was arranged. (Gen 8:7) And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth. It appears that this raven kept returning to the ark to rest on the top, but did not enter the ark again. Literally it says the raven “went forth going and returning.” Being one of the unclean creatures there would be only one pair, therefore the mate would have to find this one after being released days later. Frankly, Noah becomesa bird-watcher. He sends out these two birds, the raven and the dove. (McGee)
(Gen 8:8) Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground; The Scriptural references to the dove are very numerous: cf. Psa_68:14(its beautiful plumage); Lev_5:7; Lev_1:1 (its sacrificial use); Isa_38:14; Isa_59:11 (its plaintive notes); Psa_55:6(its power of flight); Mat_10:16(its gentleness); vide also the metaphorical usageof the term in Son_1:15; Son_5:12(beautiful eyes); Son_5:2; Son_6:9(a term of endearment).
(Pulpit Commentary) (Gen 8:9) But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark. The Holy Ghost finds no resting place until the storms of life are over. We must keep a calmnessof spirit so the Holy Spirit can find a resting place. Now, what was the reason [the dove could find no rest?] It was not want of will, it was not want of eye, nor was it want of wing; what was it? The reason lay in this, that she was a dove. If she had been a raven, she would have found plenty of rest for the sole of her foot. It was her nature that made her unresting, and the reason why the Christian cannot find satisfaction in worldly things is becausethere is a new nature within him that cannot rest. "Up! up! up!" cries the new heart, "what hast thou to do here?" (C. H. Spurgeon)
(Gen 8:10) And he stayed yet other seven days; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark; Many of the Jewish writers believe this would be on a Sabbath since he always mentioned the seventh day. There are many references to seven throughout this event so we know that Noah recognized the religious significance to the number seven. Apparently God made man aware of the importance of the Sabbath from the beginning. (Gen 8:11) And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth. [in her mouth was an olive leaf] From that time to this the dove with a leaf in his mouth has been the emblem of peace. The storm was over and rest had been found so it was a time of peace and rest. Then when the Spirit rested upon Jesusat His baptism, it came as a dove to recognize this one being baptized was the Prince of Peace(Mat_3:16; Mar_1:10; Luk_3:22; Joh_1:32). (Gen 8:12) And he stayed yet other seven days; and sent forth the dove; which returned not again unto him any more.
He sent forth the raven first and it could not find a resting place, so it did not return. Then he sent the dove and it kept on coming back and being sent, until it found a resting place. The law was sent out but never found a resting place for the people of God so the Holy Spirit was sent out, the dove, and it found rest and peace for God's people. It is interesting that the dove which returned with an olive twig is the one used as a symbol of peace, when it was actually the one which did not even come back that should represent peace. (Gen 8:13) And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and, behold, the face of the ground was dry. "The more we examine these acts of Noah, the more it will strike us that they must have been of a religious nature. He did not take such observations, and so send out the birds, as mere arbitrary acts, prompted simply by his curiosity or his impatience; but as a man of faith and prayer he inquired of the Lord. What more likely then that such inquiry should have its basis in solemn religious exercises, not arbitrarily entered into, but on days held sacred for prayer and religious rest?" (T. Lewis). (Gen 8:14) And in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month, was the earth dried. From the fact that he used 150 days as a distinguishing mark and such things as would be used in a lunar month it is believed he was using the 30 day month in this record of the flood. Noah's first consciousnessof safety after the deluge He would probably be impressed with the GREATNESSOFTHE CALAMITY HE HAD ESCAPED.The roaring waters had subsided, but they had wrought a terrible desolation, they had reduced the earth to a vast charnel house; every living voice is hushed, and all is silent as the grave. (Homilist)
(Gen 8:15) And God spake unto Noah, saying, It is unknown whether or not God spoke to Noah while the ark was floating, but now He spoke to him and told him to leave. We know that the Lord had been with him from the beginning and it is very likely, though we GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 8—PAGE 8
have no record, that periodically God answered Noah as he prayed to God. It is not likely he ever felt alone for he knew God was with him in the ark. (Gen 8:16) Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons' wives with thee. Here again, God did not say, “Come out of the ark,” but “Go forth,” which says He was in there with Noah. Here we have the Spirit and water experience again as we saw in the creation, and will seeagain in the two crossings of the Red Seaand the Jordan River. It is also to be recognized in the Tabernacle and Temple. The theme of “rest” seemsto be quite strong throughout the story. The ark rested (Gen_8:4); at first the dove could find no place to set its feet (Gen_8:9; lit., “could not find a resting place for its feet”). When the ark came to rest on Ararat, this was more than a physical landing on dry ground. It was a new beginning; the world was clean and at rest. (Bible Knowledge Commentary)
(Gen 8:17) Bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee, of all flesh, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth; that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply upon the earth. I am sure that all were ready to leave. It had been a long year in which they had to put up with the environment of the ark, but it was either a stink or a storm, so he stuck it out with the odors and problems in order to find deliverance in the end. Now they could all go forth into a brand new world and start life anew. Somehave claimed that the sensehere is that they were urged out of the ark, but I had rather believe that when Noah opened the door everyone had to get out of the way, for they would all want to escape. (Gen 8:18) And Noah went forth, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him: The earth must have looked entirely different from the way Noah left it a year and ten days before, and so much more so if these mountains he was now on were no more than hills when he left, less than forty feet in height when he started, and now he was likely on a peak that he had to descend in
order to reach fertile land. Noah obeyed God when he was told to enter the ark, and now he obeyed God when he was told to leave. He would not go without God's direction. (Gen 8:19) Every beast, every creeping thing, and every fowl, and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth, after their kinds, went forth out of the ark. The animals began to wander off to set up their turf on the new earth. I am sure that was in order to multiply and replenish the earth, but before they got too far away, Noah gathered enough of the clean ones to make a sacrifice. They must have been in pairs as they had entered the ark. The only one with any difficulty would have been the raven that had to find its mate. (Gen 8:20) And Noah builded an altar unto the LORD; and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. This altar - mizªbeeach (OT:4196), lit., a place for the offering of slain animals, from zaabach (OT:2077), like thusiastee'rion (NT:2379) from thu'ein (NT:2380) - is the first altar mentioned in history. The sons of Adam had built no altar for their offerings, becauseGod was still present on the earth in paradise, so that they could turn their offerings and hearts towards that abode. But with the flood God had swept paradise away, withdrawn the place of His presence, and set up His throne in heaven, from which He would henceforth reveal Himself to man (cf. Gen_9:5, Gen_9:7). In the future, therefore, the hearts of the pious had to be turned towards heaven, and their offerings and prayers needed to ascend on high if they were to reach the throne of God. To give this direction to their offerings, heights or elevated places were erected, from which they ascended towards heaven in fire. (Keil & Delitzsch Commentary) (Gen 8:21) And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done. And the Lord (Jehovah) smelled - as is done by drawing the air in and out through the nostrils; from the root ruach, to breathe; high., to smell - a GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 8—PAGE 10
sweet savor. Ruach hannichoach literally, an odor of satisfaction, acquiescence, or rest; from nuach, to rest, with an allusion to Noah's name (vide Gen_5:29); (cf. Lev_2:12; Lev_26:31; Num_15:3; Eze_6:13). The meaning is that the sacrifice of the patriarch was as acceptable to God as refreshing odors are to the sensesof a man; and that which rendered it acceptable was (1) the feeling from which it sprang, whether gratitude or obedience; (2) the truths which it expressed - it was tantamount to an acknowledgment of personal guilt, a devout recognition of the Divine mercy, an explicit declaration that he had been saved or could only be saved through the offering up of the life of another, and a cheerful consecration of his redeemed life to God; (3) the great sacrifice of which it was a type. Paul, by using the language of the LXX. (Eph_5:2), shows that he regarded the two as connected. (Pulpit Commentary) (Gen 8:22) While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. God started back with the seasonsas before and declared that they would continue uninterrupted again as they had been during this year of flooding. All of these seasonal events were cancelled during this year while the heavens no longer followed the patterns that the sun and moon had established before, and the earth no longer responded as usual to the seasonal changes. But from this point on the earth reverted to its original pattern. TIME FOR HARVEST (Gen_8:22) 1.
While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. 2.
Luk_10:2 Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest. 3.
Joh_4:35Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. 4.
Jer_8:20The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. 5.
Jer_5:23-24 But this people hath a revolting and a rebellious heart; they are revolted and gone. Neither say they in their heart, Let us now fear the LORDour God, that giveth rain, both the former and the latter, in his season: he reserveth unto us the appointed weeks of the harvest. 6.
Pro_10:5He that gathereth in summer is a wise son: but he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causeth shame. 7.
Pro_6:6-8 Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.