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Apostolic Bible Institute

Established 1937

Mission The mission of ABI is to prepare men and women for a variety of church-related ministries and other professional occupations. Since 1937, ABI has continued emphasizing the training of pastors, evangelists, missionaries, Sunday School teachers, and lay workers in the church. The college strives for instilling extensive knowledge of the Bible, with a special emphasis on the Pentecostal doctrines. Such preparation requires strong Biblical and general education courses. The Doctrinal Statement provides the religious position which the school seeks to serve and preserve.

Philosophy of Education The Apostolic Bible Institute is committed to the Bible College concept. The principle aim of a Bible College program is preparing workers for Christian ministries, with a required major in biblical and church-related studies. ABI believes that it fulfills a basic need within the Apostolic Pentecostal church. The college exists for the purpose of preparing leaders and workers academically and spiritually for work within churches, church-related ministries, and other professional occupations.

Location The Apostolic Bible Institute, Inc. is located in St. Paul, Minnesota, the capital city of the state. It is equally accessible to the business areas of Minneapolis and St. Paul via Interstates 94, 494, and 694. With a population of almost three million, the Twin Cities is a renowned educational center and the home of many colleges, universities, and schools. The school is also in the heart of a great metropolis which offers numerous opportunities for employment.

History 1937. World history records it as an era of great economic depression. Apostolic history records it as a year when another great stepping stone was placed for the Gospel’s sake. Just 36 years following the original outbreak of Pentecost in Stone’s Folly, Topeka, Kansas, and 24 years after the Oneness revelation in Arroyo Seco, California, God called a man to “start a Bible School.” This was an unacceptable, and even an absurd idea in many circles in 1937, yet with a tenacious sense of commitment, Rev. S. G. Norris accepted the challenge and established the first Bible college within the organizations that became the United Pentecostal Church. Not shirking the responsibility of his pastorate at the Midway Tabernacle in St. Paul, Minnesota, he simply expanded his ministry. Central to his purpose was the firm conviction that only a strong, Bible-based ministry could guarantee the survival of the Apostolic movement. On October 1, 1937, Apostolic Bible Institute opened its doors to men and women around the world to “work the works of Him who sent me while it is day: the night cometh when no man can work” (John 9:4 - motto of the Apostolic Bible Institute.) The foundation of this Bible college was built on the Word of God.

at the location today known as 6944 Hudson Boulevard North, just eight miles east of downtown St. Paul. Classrooms, an administration building and dormitories were constructed, and ABI moved to the new campus in the fall of 1966. Today the campus consists of classrooms, an administration building, four beautiful brick dorms, a utility garage, a chapel/gymnasium and a large church auditorium. Rev. S. G. Norris served as president of the Apostolic Bible Institute until his death on January 4, 1990. The impact of the founders, Rev. & Mrs. S.G. Norris, on the world is immeasurable. Their teaching has influenced over 4,000 graduates and former students of this college, many of whom are involved in Christian service worldwide. Rev. Gerald Grant was elected president after the passing of Rev. Norris. Rev. Grant has taught at ABI since 1957 and had faithfully served as executive vice-president. He is committed to the same mission which was the heartbeat of the founder - to see men and women biblically trained for the service of Christ.

On April 21, 1943, ABI was incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota as a nonprofit institute for religious education, and for the training of ministers and missionaries. Experience led to growth. The formative years of the Apostolic Bible Institute were spent at 464 Pierce Street. Then, recognizing the need for larger facilities, ABI purchased and moved to 745 Grand Avenue. Apostolic Bible Institute purchased 464 Pierce Street and remodeled it into a nine-apartment building for married students. Dormitories at 721, 736, and 713 Lincoln Avenue and 449 Beacon Street housed the single students. In the early 1960’s, the student body reached capacity. A 40-acre plot of land was purchased

Clockwise Left to Right: 464 Pierce St.; 745 Grand Ave.; Rev. S.G. Norris; 6944 Hudson Blvd. N.

Credentials Affiliation Apostolic Bible Institute, Inc. is associated with the United Pentecostal Church, International, Hazelwood, MO 63042. It cooperates with the beliefs of this organization and its doctrinal position supports the manual of that organization.

Board of Directors Rev. Gerald Grant, President............................................................... MN Rev. James Merrick, Vice President.....................................................MN Rev. Ronald L. Brown............................................................................. TN Rev. William Chapman...........................................................................MI Mr. Donald Flemming...........................................................................MN Mrs. Eleanor Grant................................................................................MN Mr. Scott Hackler...................................................................................MN Mr. Joel Hoehn........................................................................................ WI Rev. Ronald Newstrand.........................................................................OH Rev. Norman Paslay II............................................................................OH Rev. J. Hugh Rose...................................................................................OH Rev. Melvin Thacker............................................................................... WI

Approval Board of Christian Education United Pentecostal Church Hazelwood, MO Minnesota State Approving Agency for Veteran’s Education Saint Paul, MN Immigration Department Washington, D.C. National Selective Service System Washington, D.C.


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ABI offers two degree programs: an Associate of Theology Degree and a Bachelor of Theology Degree. Both programs consist of a typical college load of 16-17 credit hours per semester. The total number of semester credits required for the Associate Degree is 65-70 semester credits, while the Bachelor of Theology program requires 130-140 semester credits.

Christian Ministries Both the two-year Associate Degree program and the four-year Bachelor’s degree program, are designed for students who desire a broad background in the Bible and general education courses and several aspects of Christian service. The basic skills of church service and leadership are emphasized. Course Objectives: 1. Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the Bible and doctrines of the Bible. 2. Integrate the Biblical and general education subject matter into a Christian world-view which will shape his or her future. 3. Exemplify the abilities and skills needed to serve in one or more aspects of Christian service. 4. Develop skills and Biblical understanding in leadership, counseling and evangelism. 5. Understand the role of the church in today’s world. 6. Effectively communicate the Gospel message.

Music Ministry Both the two-year Associate Degree program and the four-year Bachelor’s degree program, are designed for students who desire a broad background in the Bible and general education courses and several aspects of church music and Christian service. The basic skills of church service and leadership are emphasized. Course Objectives: 1. Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the Bible and doctrines of the Bible. 2. Integrate the Biblical and general education subject matter into a Christian world-view which will shape his or her future. 3. Exemplify the abilities and skills needed to serve in one or more aspects of Christian service. 4. Develop skills and Biblical understanding in leadership, counseling and evangelism. 5. Learn appropriate skills and knowledge to facilitate a music ministry in the church. 6. Understand the role of the church in today’s world. 7. Effectively communicate the Gospel message.

Student Life Spiritual Life Students attending ABI equip themselves for effective service to God and His Church. This may only be accomplished when the educational experience is balanced with a depth of personal devotion to the spiritual emphasis throughout all college activities. Regular chapel services provide students with the opportunities to preach and to hear inspirational, doctrinal, and devotional messages. Guest speakers are invited to minister to the needs of the student body. Times of prayer are held daily. Students are encouraged to begin and end each day with personal devotions. Prayer services are also conducted in both the men’s and women’s dormitories. On Wednesdays and Sundays, prayer times are scheduled before each church service. Prayer and altar work provide excellent opportunities for additional spiritual growth.

Ministry Opportunities The ministries of the First United Pentecostal Church provide opportunities for students to be involved in outreach evangelism, child evangelism, home Bible studies, Sunday School teaching, and many more!

Special Events Throughout the year, special events are held providing Christian fellowship, instruction, recreation, and entertainment. The college facilities present opportunities for softball, basketball, volleyball, and football.

Campus Facilities

22 acre campus


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preaching music special songs prayer daily

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outreach mentorship Sunday school puppet ministry sign language

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evangelism music groups outreach local and regional preaching

fun and exciting weekly kid’s music skits youth experience

intense prayer powerful worship special music fellowship deeper relationship with God

Student Ministries

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Financial Paying for Bible School Paying for Bible school is easier than you might think When a student makes the decision to attend ABI, we recommend that he or she saves $1,500 - $2,000 for a down payment. The remainder of his or her bill is then divided up into payments. The student would then find a job to work after school to make these payments. ABI classes end each day at 1:00 p.m., which leaves ample time in the afternoon and evenings to work a job. The Twin Cities area has many job opportunities that allow our students to pay his or her way through Bible school. Education is one of the greatest personal investments available to people today.

Soldiers & Veterans Veterans who have participated in the educational program while in service may be eligible for benefits. A widow or child of a veteran who died in service may be eligible for benefits. A child of a veteran who has a service-connected disability may be eligible for benefits. Those currently serving with the Reserves or National Guard who participate in the educational program may be eligible for benefits. Eligible veterans’ refund policy is a total of $10.00 non-refundable registration fee. All other advance payment of tuition, fees and other charges will be refunded on a pro rata basis.

For further information, contact the Veteran’s Administration.


Fall Semester 2009

Faculty Seminar.............................................................. August 24 - August 28, 2009 Dorms Open..................................................................................... August 29, 2009 Cafeteria Opens............................................................................ September 2, 2009 Registration for all students..................................... September 3 - September 4, 2009 Classes Begin................................................................................ September 8, 2009 Thanksgiving Vacation Begins....................................................... November 26, 2009 Classes Resume........................................................................... November 30, 2009 Christmas Vacation Begins............................................................ December 19, 2009

Spring Semester 2010 Cafeteria Opens...............................................................................January 11, 2010 Registration and Schedules...............................................................January 11, 2010 Classes Begin...................................................................................January 12, 2010 Spring Vacation Begins......................................................................... March 6, 2010 Classes Resume................................................................................. March 15, 2010 THIRST................................................................................... April 8 - April 11, 2010 Graduation Weekend................................................................. June 4 - June 6, 2010

Costs Per Semester TUITION FEE........................................................................................................................... 2009-2010 (For on-campus, full-time students taking 12-20 hours) This includes tuition; it does not include textbooks, music fees, or certain other special fees........................................................$1,450.00 (For off-campus, full-time students taking 12-20 hours) This includes tuition; it does not include textbooks, music fees, or certain other special fees........................................................$1,750.00 Prices are subject to change

ACADEMIC FEES APPLICATION FEE (non-refundable).......................................................................................... $35.00 TUITION FEE (for students taking less than 12 credit hours or beyond 20 hours) (per credit hour).........................................................................................................................$150.00 AUDIT FEE (per credit hour)........................................................................................................ $75.00 GRADUATION FEE (includes caps, gowns, and diploma)....................................................... $50.00 TEXTBOOKS (approximately per semester)........................................................................... $250.00 COMPUTER LAB FEE (per semester)......................................................................................... $35.00 DORMITORY FEES ROOM & KEYS DEPOSIT ($25.00 refundable).........................................................................$57.00 ROOM & MEALS (first semester)..........................................................................................$1,475.00 ROOM & MEALS (second semester)....................................................................................$1,825.00 MUSIC FEES PIANO OR ORGAN LESSONS (per semester).........................................................................$125.00 ACTIVITIES FEE (per semester).............................................................................................................................. $35.00

Total Cost TUITION................................................................... $2,900.00 ROOM & MEALS..................................................... $3,300.00 TEXTBOOKS (approximate)......................................$500.00 ACTIVITIES FEE............................................................. $70.00 COMPUTER FEE............................................................ $70.00 ROOM & KEYS DEPOSIT..............................................$57.00 APPLICATION FEE........................................................ $35.00 Total estimated cost per student..................... $6,932.00

Scholarships Rev. S.G. Norris Foundation High School District Youth Division, Ladies Ministries and Home Church James D. Merrick Minnesota Resident Scholarship Clifford Gustafson Child Evangelism Scholarship Rev. S.G. Norris Foundation S.G. Norris Memorial Mary Testa Piano Lessons Scholarship Virginia Caldie Piano Lessons Scholarship Senior Bible Quizzing Wendell C. Gleason Memorial United Pentecostal Church Youth Division Sheaves for Christ Scholarship

Local Attractions

Capitol Building

Science Museum of Minnesota Como Conservatory

Minnehaha Falls


ABI is dedicated to providing students with the unparalleled Bible knowledge, and this is only possible by bringing in some of the best Bible Scholars and Theologians in the UPCI. No other Bible college employs as many minds to educate its students. Combined with the adjunct faculty, ABI has over 35 Instructors that teach the students.

Rev. Gerald Grant, President of Apostolic Bible Institute Th. B., Apostolic Studies, Apostolic Bible Institute B.S.B., University of Minnesota Corinthians, Daniel, General Epistles, Theology I, Theology II, Thessalonians, Revelation (ABI - since 1957)

Eleanor Grant, Secretary Th. B., Apostolic Studies, Apostolic Bible Institute Macalaster College Northwestern College Proverbs (ABI - since 1954)

Peggy Erlandson, Registrar Th. B. Apostolic Studies, Apostolic Bible Institute A.A., West Shore Community College B.S., Northwestern College Church Microcomputers, Puppetry (ABI - since 1990)

Lindsay Simmons Receptionist Th. B., Apostolic Studies, Apostolic Bible Institute Introduction to Psychology (ABI - since 2008)

Scott Hackler, Music Director Th. B., Apostolic Studies, Apostolic Bible Institute University of Wisconsin American Intercontinental University 22 years Church Music Director Choir, Composing and Arranging, Music Theory, Piano (ABI - since 1993)

Jerry Simmons, Director of Admissions Th. B., Apostolic Studies, Apostolic Bible Institute Social Issues (ABI - since 2008)

Greg Miller J.D., William Mitchell College of Law B.A., University of Wisconsin Practicing Attorney Church Business Law, Church Finance (ABI - since 1997)

Rev. George Sievers, Dean of Academics Th.B., Apostolic Studies, Apostolic Bible Institute B.A., Tarleton State University, Stephenville, TX, Double Major English and Social Studies Graduate Studies in English, Tarleton State University 15 years pastor 5 years Texas Public High School teacher of English and Social Studies Sectional Foreign Missions Director, Section 1, Texas District 2 years Bible Geography (ABI - since 2009) Rev. Thad Reed, Information Technology Th.B., Apostolic Studies, Apostolic Bible Institute B.A., Bible, Northwestern College B.S., Computer Information Systems, Northwestern College 2 years AIM worker Church Microcomputer Systems, College Math, Speech (ABI - since 2005)

Pam Resong, Librarian Th.B., Apostolic Studies, Apostolic Bible Institute B.A., Carthage College Church History, English, Environmental Science, Public Relations, Religion Analysis, Ladies’ Dorm Supervisor (ABI - since 1991)

Dwight Sanders, Campus Development and Maintenance 44 years Industrial Plant Maintenance Building Construction (ABI - since 1994)

Rev. Kelsey Griffin Apostolic Bible College, Tulsa, OK Th. B., Texas Bible College Th. B., American Divinity School, Pineland, FL Liberal Arts, Northland College, Ashland, WI University of Wisconsin 48 years full-time ministry Global Training Instructor, UPCI Foreign Missions Old Testament I, Old Testament II, Hermeneutics, Minor Prophets, Preaching ( ABI - since 1997)

Rev. Daniel Flemming B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota M.S., Structural Engineering, University of Minnesota Th. B., Apostolic Bible Institute Pastor, Ames, IA - 5 years Iowa District UPCI Superintendent Gospels, Book of Acts, Prison Epistles (ABI - since 1997)

Dr. Arlo Moehlenpah Rev. Arthur Hodges III Th. B., Apostolic Studies, Apostolic Bible Institute Pastor, Chula Vista, CA - 23 years Home Missions National Board Member Ministerial Principles (ABI - since 1998) Rev. Gregg Joki Th. B., Apostolic Studies, Apostolic Bible Institute 15 years Associate and Youth Pastor National Youth Camp Speaker Youth Ministries (ABI - since 2003)

Rev. Jack Leaman Th. B., Apostolic Studies, Apostolic Bible Institute 22 years UPCI Pastor, Lancaster, OH 29 years Foreign Missions Division Director of Promotions and Publications Foreign Missions (ABI - since 2006)

B.S., Chemical Engineering, Washington University M.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota D. Sc., Chemical Engineering, Washington University Th. B., Apostolic Studies, Apostolic Bible Institute Global Training Instructor, UPCI Foreign Missions 36 years Bible College Instructor Creation vs. Evolution, Teaching Methods (ABI - since 1998)

Rev. Norman Paslay Th. B., Apostolic Studies, Apostolic Bible Institute M.T.S, Urshan Graduate School of Theology 12 years UPCI Youth President Pastor, Cincinnati, OH - 10 years Member of Foreign Missions Division Northeast Regional Commissioner Media Missions Leadership (ABI - since 2000) Rev. William Patrick Coordinator for Educational Missions International A.C.E. Teacher Training Director (ABI - since 1987) Dr. Sidney Poe

Rev. James Merrick Th. B., Apostolic Studies, Apostolic Bible Institute Pastor, Duluth, MN - 41 years 30 years Minnesota District UPCI Superintendent Romans, Hebrews (ABI - since 1996) Rev. Ronald Brown Th. B., Apostolic Studies, Apostolic Bible Institute UPCI Pastor - 32 years Superintendent, Tennessee District UPCI Personal Finance (ABI - since 1998)

Rev. William Chapman Th. B., Apostolic Studies, Apostolic Bible Institute Pastor, Paw Paw, MI - 11 years Ministerial Principles (ABI - since 2000)

Rev. Mark Edge Th. B., Apostolic Studies, Apostolic Bible Institute 13 years Youth Pastor Pastor, Bartlett, TN - 7 years Youth Ministries (ABI - since 2003) Rev. David Ferrell B.A., Behavioral Science M.A., Human Development Th. B., Apostolic Bible Institute 19 years pastoral experience 5 years Bible college instructor 3 years instructor University of Maine, Presque Isle Sociology (ABI - since 2007)

B.S., Biological Sciences, Northwestern State University of LA M.S., Ecology, Northwestern State University of LA Ph.D., Entomology, University of Missouri Associate Director, Association of Christian Teachers and Schools Global Training Instructor, UPCI Foreign Missions Bible College Instructor since 1985 Educational Psychology, Ethics, Human Growth and Development, Major Prophets, Theories of Personality (ABI - since 1996)

Rev. David Taylor Jackson College of Ministries 23 years National and International Child Evangelist Child Evangelism (ABI - since 2003)

Rev. Robert Trapani Apostolic Bible Institute Indiana University University of Akron International Counseling Ministry Pastoral Counseling, Ministerial Principles (ABI - since 1996) Andrew Weisbrod Th. B., Apostolic Studies, Apostolic Bible Institute 23 years Printing Industry Experience Owner Printing Business Editor Minnesota District Paper Desktop Publishing (ABI - since 2001) Rev. Dennis Witkus Th. B., Apostolic Studies, Apostolic Bible Institute Clinical Pastoral Program, University of Illinois 35 years UPCI Pastoral Ministry 35 years International Child Evangelism Ministry Storytelling (ABI - since 1997)

Go ye into all the world Mark 15:16

Apostolic Bible Institute 6944 Hudson Boulevard North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55128 Phone: 651-739-7686

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