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apostrophe volume 1 issue 1


january 2010

letter from the editor


welcome valkommen I have never kept a New Year’s resolution for longer than a week in all my life. As New Year’s Eve approached this year, I took some time to examine my reasons for making resolutions in the first place. It’s easy, for me at least, to slip into the spirit of “becoming a new you” along with the new year and make promises to lose weight, get better grades, be happier, etc. I suppose I like the idea of changing myself into someone who is happy with every part of her life. Each of these promises are broken year after year, however, because they lack meaning. Do I really need to stress about changing my appearance when I’m already satisfied with how I look? Is it necessary to

get perfect grades in every class as if that really shows intelligence? How, exactly, am I supposed to just be happy? This year, I’m making different types of resolutions, ones that I actually will be able to keep. I promise to:

> publish this zine, which I’ve thought about starting for two years now, on a monthly schedule because it is something I enjoy doing > keep my grades up in my last year of high school but not get overly stressed out like I usually

do because my GPA is not what defines me > make time often to do something that I have never tried before because I don’t know when I’ll ever get to try again

Most importantly, I promise to be happy with myself and be proud of my accomplishments rather than trying to become a “new


Thank you for reading the first issue of apostrophe. Enjoy!

katie handmade pop-up greeting newly endangered species card instructions pg 7 highlights of Greece: the pg 4 spots I’d like to visit photo gallery pg 2 human evolution: where did pg 8 we come from and where anatomy of a sea star are we going? Greek mythology 101 pg 3 pg 5&6 pg 9&10

table of contents

hello world




how to



follow the current

follow the current



terra friendly

through the lens



critical points

critical points


by katie pelon apostrophezine@aol.com

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