james davies

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15 Stanzas from Budgies

I found a really exciting quarry for us And a nightclub too I was looking for him to give me the push: But then Gabby and Monty met me: For a sambuca match that didn’t go wrongly enough Hedgehog bird Bird and mouse and bird and squirrel Squirrel pie in Cheltenham Too much cheeseboard We figured she’d have lunch portions Crazy orangutans hold our globe Lips in the heather A Sundisk hat that looks like this Two fat boys cycle past Alex and Maja Smoking cigarettes in the sun One is bigger than the other one Like a packet of cornflakes A long meeting An even longer meeting: You concentrate on your waist And I’ll concentrate on my man A recent occurring dream is one that I believe to be real The setting is my house Our main decoration theme is gold At night there will be no light He has made me leap in all different countries He has called me cush-pet and diddlecum There is a mug from a supplier It kinda reminded me of Leonardo DiCaprio: The horse trainer’s wife speaks out “He mimicked my triangle” See it as a square (faster) See it as a square (faster still) See it as a square (faster again) See it as a square (fastest) See it as a square you bastard With a cup Now a dancehall Then no-one in a dance hall with no bread Hannah in a dancehall with no head Looking like that photo of Nicki Or Benicio Del Toro Sexy like Lambacher Dolloped as in ‘cake photo’ And I ordered carbonara But ate too much; way way too much Like when playing online poker with Margot Lonnqvist And she told me I had mud on my knees

Budgie lines: Dead budgie Budgies with Boris Becker Budgies with Wilf The skill sets of dogs Fungal rope. Frax. Jan and Cliff On my evening school course in Spanish In an expats bar A vanilla flavour after a cloud Steffan’s thoughts about Bolton Disneyland after the apocalypse Orrix of twang Can Justin and Ged annihilate To realise its deepest essence? Not spirit becoming flesh But flesh becoming spirit Like 2 plastic bags with a mud puddle in the middle “Super-everything” So says Ozenfant at the supermarket. For 2 4 1s in extreme liberty See the low price of olives For extreme intensity of feeling See wkd blue

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