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Human predation
Our change was linked more than nine thousand years ago to the envelope of my hand a population of densities evidenced through small game species an ecological rogation pigeon breasts in pea sauce, a lone man down the tracks sprays round-up, biomass-corrected data on prey-choice step-wise, apparently irreversible shifts in human predatory niche in Mediterranean Basin east spread westward a demographic pressure and greater use of resilient prey populations followed by advances in killing machines my hand juddering on a bren handle head shaken beyond insomnia narrow behavioral responses that characterise socialised thought locally extinct or become common in colonisation to hold gains in habitat. Our shorter histories of existence more widespread geographically the strategies for an evening out in shared risk and unpredictable change in weaponry on land more connected or legislated to cooperative ties.
Human conditions
You tread on your own hand skin alive with razored seeps and necklace fires manipulate the sores in your head’s inner band. Plants initiation of leaves with intrinsic polarity the upper and lower surfaces generated from a structure-less wind form patterned from warm conditions the shape of high sand dunes and sharply contoured rivers, small deviations from homogeneous distribution feedback embryonic order accomplished by a coupling of a short range autocatalytic process with a long range reaction that acts as personal enhancement in a long scream a stable cell determination self-elevated as pattern a mutual activation of states locally that exclude each other assumption of a process analogous to segmentation eat this eat this eat this
Human health
Red moves forward through green and lilac laburnum interrupted by a bicycle one into another with tipping points the loss of high-structured ecosystems as if genes regulated by chreods underlie the history of perception the story of knowing colours the individual development of organised beings in nested clutches of plants and their animal pollinators set against an anxious temperament enclosed in acute fear and vigilance in the predated from an increased activity deep in the head’s almond. We tour the laboratory in hard hats and fluorescent overalls brush against grey argillaceous rock cut to carry a blend of nuclear waste and glass poured into steel casks inside of steel barrels pushed by robots down alveoli and sealed for a century left to seep at a slower rate against marks made by stone to cut and scrape flesh from large animals to access bone marrow more than three million years ago.