Tom Graham

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T omoli v erGra h a m

poem s

Living so far the days drag on like a drawn out fluff of a word like an um. And living I’ve learnt/ And learnt You can’t be Henry Miller all the time Unless you actually are Henry Miller. (who fails to live at all these days/ who atall ever fails to um. Less than I would like I have made friends with paintings and scores of amphibians by means of a sort of dyspeptic animism by means of dark and light by means of spaces inbetween them At times hemorrhoids At others piles of excramental sensations dragging on Sometimes tea or not (tea). to stem the evervibrating ums. the ers. the great dragging on the iron y the great d r a g o n an’ thenothingevernew... (for nothing could ever breathe fire less/gl um ly. Liquids in freefall Sometimes find their sources in heavenly places /Sometimes they find them in flowerpots. No Tea After All.

I’M NEVER GOING TO DRINK AGAIN nor smoke anything at all nor leave the house ever again now that I’ve spent an entire fortnight with bastards who don’t believe in animals only food I want to be al one al alone for ever I am never going to leave the house again! n e v e r. (well at least not for three days or so well, at least not until this evening.

“” Now / there are some wings Coming in, Some wings already in, we’re all set upon from all sides of the hum of the sonorous All the time / the bracken, the point going heavily out and once it sadly up and was exciting Now it’s (heavily) All they’ve got to give, it’s this, it’s all gotten there’s n o one on the bridge tonight, m y d e a r, there’s no mydear tonight upon the lap between the waxing of the candles and the lowing moor (over up there on the tin-can feeling how i t ’s a l l g o i n g t o b e eaten by tomorrow And this is why mydear: we go: on living on up to the next meal will come and bring us up again for a while until:All.

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