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m a rksm i th

2poem s


1. The onus to enjoy ourselves is upon us tonight, do not punish us with the same string of song (Play a ring of Roulette) in this godforsaken white box and square lounge, club poetry? I.

Wait a second, ok, for me to traduce my Idea: The flower in the Jar faded out

2. I'm usually good at coming up with lines. I'm coming up blank – there are several thousand curious about the people on the other side II. III. IV.

In frustration They turned to strangers Suddenly , the whole world is changed by beasts, apes, spiders, , the whole world is changed by


the slight chemical reaction concocted in my brain, a most bias and unfriendly disease , velocity blooms and in the aerial spectrum the world breaks down, from left, from right into sound, non-sound matter, anti-matter, hue blue and green, no red vectors, no refrain, , squares paint pixels, atoms, , Vandals exceed their limit of expectations Life germinates, into the blind and white of the wild stars still warring

And we will find you on the wrong stretch of the imbroglio


Let’s get into a relationship let’s have that security between us let’s open that joint account let’s move far too slowly let’s follow what the other people are doing let’s not talk about those things let’s follow the trend let’s read up on dating tips let’s watch a movie and make cheese-chips through the microwave let’s be happy before we go out let’s have a conversation let’s go out less and see our friends less let’s double date let’s not bring coats it’s cold outside let’s buy a small animal pet let’s just decide against it let’s follow the pattern again let’s rekindle the love let’s get milk from the supermarket let’s run out of sugar let’s listen to the advice of a friend let’s shake rattle and roll let’s wake up the neighbours let’s do the flatulation competition let’s go out for a while I’m sick of being inside all the time for days on end I need some air let’s go to the city party and let’s leave early let’s have many little inside jokes let’s tell them to our closest friends let’s feel awkward around each other naked let’s follow the ideals of the western world let’s get into an argument over the word hyperbole let’s kiss let’s reminisce at a funeral let’s talk for a while let’s talk about the bin duty let’s forget about the program on at seven let’s dream let’s find out what it means to live in another’s heads let’s run out of tea bags unexpectedly let’s break down and weep and sob gently let’s forget about tonight let’s plan a holiday let’s leave the inside jokes outside let’s get suspicious about the phone calls let’s bring the better moments into the inside let’s listen to music I’d rather listen to music let’s come together in all the sweet things under white sheets and let’s bury the dog let’s go on the holiday let’s get to the airport let’s come home under more stress than before let’s call for help let’s get new keys cut let’s be minimalistic let’s share the last slice of banana let’s buy a new pet let’s forgive and forget let’s let an old friend stay in the flat a while let’s show her the town let’s be angels in heaven let’s give into eastern trends let’s join the gym let’s run inside from a miserable but sweet smelling afternoon let’s get fat together let’s not go out for a weekend let’s have frantic knowing sex let’s meet the fathers and meet the mothers let’s wonder about the phone call let’s go it alone a while let’s play on the swings and make paedophile jokes let’s run a riot at the serene club in Manchester let’s phone each other from bed to kitchen let’s go away for the weekend let’s stay in all day over the weekend in the hotel having it off with each let’s grow old by seven or six years let’s not ever dye our hair let’s forgive each other we were both in the wrong let’s let it go let’s come down at four let’s pay by card let’s get the taxi home let’s be little and accuse another about the phone call let’s make faces in the dust let’s talk about the spinning earth let’s forget to close the back door let’s sleep outside let’s go to our jobs let’s support ourselves let’s go out with some friends let’s get sick of our friends let’s have a great time with our friends let’s move on from that let’s feed the cat let’s laugh at the pauper show let’s make it a shame let’s close the door so not to let the wind in let’s have an hour long conversation with an old lady let’s learn a lesson let’s put new lights up let’s not wake up the baby let’s make owl noises let’s get worried about those phone calls let’s catch up let’s spend the week apart feeling no worse let’s buy little clothes let’s have a house party next door wake up the monsters let’s do the sensible thing let’s screw it let’s change jobs and not see each other at work let’s follow our needs let’s have a spat over the dishwasher advert let’s mutter let’s watch a film we don’t like let’s watch something else let’s have a talk about those text messages let’s get worried about that mist let’s run out of steam let’s just all go to bed it’s late watch as the baby is finally getting drowsy let’s give way to traffic let’s get nostalgic let’s seem to be significant let’s feel unsatisfied let’s see old friends let’s do the very same thing every day day in day out every day all the days all the time let’s have a bad fall let’s forget about losing weight let’s hold on to each other and contemplate the scabs on our fingers let’s pass on light lets run out of milk let’s head off to the shop.

b la rt

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