5 Elements & Descriptions WoodThe wood element is symbolized by a tree because those that fall into this constitutional type are strong and durable yet flexible. A wood element is considered to be in the birth process of the elemental cycle. This means that wood constitution people should be good at beginning new projects and generating ideas. As a tree has a strong root system a healthy wood element person has a well-grounded personality and strong ties to family. They have good judgment and are usually good decision makers. Anger and frustration are emotions often experienced by this elemental type especially when they are out of balance or stressed. You thrive in the spring time or get sick if you are out of balance. You would do well consuming small amounts of sour foods on a regular basis. Wood types tend to have a darker complexion with a tall, slender build and broad shoulders. Their strength (or weakness if out of balance) is in the tendons and joints of the body. The representative organs of this element are the liver and gal bladder. The eyes are another representative organ for this constitution and a wood element person should be vigilant about getting regular eye exams. When a wood element person is out of balance they can experience such ailments as depression, structural weakness, PMS, hypoglycemia, allergies and Reynaud’s syndrome. General Guidelines: Get regular physical exercise (20 minutes 3x a week minimum.) Your element would benefit from more rigorous exercise that works up a sweat like running, cycling or surfing. Avoid or decrease consumption of heavy, greasy, or fried foods, refined sugar and stimulants like caffeine Chew your foods thoroughly Consume small amounts of sour foods on a regular basis A 10-20 minute stretching routine daily would be beneficial (ie calisthenics, yoga or pilates) One glass of wine (preferable red) in the evening helps to regulate liver function and has been shown to have a positive impact on the cardiovascular system.
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Dietary Recommendations: The following list of foods have shown to be beneficial to your element and associated organs. The goal is to work as many of these foods into your regular diet as possible. This information is merely a guideline and one should be sure to eat a varied balanced diet with foods from all the food groups. Grains- Oats, wheat Meat- (no more than 1-3 servings per week) Sheep, Chicken (livers) Fish- (no more than 2-4 servings per week) Crab, Mussel, Shrimp Vegetables- Apple, Artichoke, Beet, Carrot, Mushroom (button), Radish, Squash, Watercress, Aborigine, Caper, Coriander leaf (Cilantro), Kohlrabi, Leek, Mustard Leaf, Onion, Pepper, Scallion, Turnip Fruit- Grapefruit, Grape, Lemon/ Lime, Peach, Tangerine, Cherry, Lychee, Peach, Rhubarb, Raspberry. Nuts- Black Sesame Seed, Chestnut, Pine Kennel Beans- Mung Bean, Green beans Herbs & Spices- Aniseed, Basil, Caraway, Cardamom, Chive Leaf, Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Dill Seed, Fennel Seed, Hawthorn, Horseradish, Juniper, Marjoram, Mustard, Nutmeg, Pepper, Saffron, Savory, Thyme, Turmeric, Bay, Cayenne, Chili, Chive Leaf, Ginger, Hawthorne, Nutmeg, Turmeric Beverages- Chamomile, Jasmine, Lime Flower, Peppermint, Star anise, Wine (one glass a day, preferable red) Oil & Condiments- Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Soya oil, Vinegar
Herbal or Supplemental suggestions: Take a daily multivitamin Milk Thistle is a gentle way to cleanse the liver. Take as directed over a 6-8 week period once or twice a year.
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Essential Amino Acids- Amino Acids are the building blocks of life. It is important to consume enough of them in their natural form so the body is able to perform all of its different functions as best as possible. Amino acids are found in all living things and are absorbed best by the body when consumed in the form or organic fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy. They can also be found in pill form. Mint Tea- Mint is a powerful herb that can help to calm and sooth the liver. A cup in the afternoon would be beneficial. Dandelion and Barberry Root have shown positive effects on boosting liver function. Can be taken in smaller doses over an extended period of time to help maintain liver health or take larger dose over a few days for cleansing purposes. Cistanche Powder, Zhi Shi or Citrus Auranti- Helps to increase energy, boost immune function, fight off colds and flus. It strengthens the digestive system and increases metabolic rate resulting in better digestion, balanced appetite and weight loss. Cistanche has also been shown to stimulate fat metabolism. This herb is also anti microbial and is good for cleansing the body. Gynostemma or Jiaolan Tea- This herb has shown to have anti-inflammatory properties as well as being effective in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver. Inflammation is a naturally occurring process in the body that when is left untreated can cause such disorders as arthritis, cirrhosis, coronary artery disease and many more auto immune disorders. Turmeric- This herb has been used for over 2500 years in India. It has antimicrobial properties that help fight against viruses and bacteria. Turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory properties which is good for cardiovascular health and can be useful for the treatment of pain. It has been used for many years in Chinese medicine to treat depression and is a natural detoxifier of the liver. This herb has been shown to speed the healing process and repair damaged cells. Turmeric has also shown positive effects on the treatment of many types of cancer. Spirulina- Has been shown to help prevent heart damage, lower cholesterol, treat anemia, and can help lower blood pressure. In Chinese medicine it is seen as a blood tonic and is used to treat low energy, poor memory and anemia. Ginger- A spicy aromatic herb that not only provides great flavor to food but has a profound medicinal effect on the body. Ginger has a long history of treating many ailments but with a particular emphasis on digestive problems. Ginger is great for soothing the spleen and stomach therefore it treats such disorders as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, upset stomach and pain. Ginger should be used multiple times throughout the week in regular meals but consider an additional 322 North Cleveland Street Oceanside CA 92054 www.apothequespa.com
supplement or ginger root tea if you should be experiencing any stomach ailments. Onion (in particular red onion)- The onion has an assortment of health benefits essential for all constitutions and should be consumed daily. Onions contain a specific flavanoid that helps to maintain digestive tract health. The level of allyl ropyl disulfide and chromium found in onions helps to lower blood sugar levels. They also contain a compound that inhibits the breakdown of bone cells. Onions have strong anti-inflammatory properties which help to treat the symptoms of many disorders like arthritis, cardiovascular disease and pain. Eucommia Bark (Du Zhong)- Has shown in studies to improve bone, ligament, tendon and kidney function. Eucommia can help with stiffness, arthritis, knee & hip problems, overall joint health and also has diuretic properties to help with swelling. The collagen contained in this herb helps the skin and connective tissue to retain its elasticity resulting in firmer skin and stronger joints. This herb is great for building essential energy or Jing and can help to increase and improve sexual function.
Exercise Advice: Wood types benefit from working up a sweat so get out there and move. It may be hard to implement at first but consider such things as taking the stairs or ridding a bike to work to get your cardio rate up. Bekrams or hot yoga would be an excellent choice or simply running or the elliptical trainer (for less impact) at the gym. Treatments that would benefit you the most: Bamboo Body Scrub Green sea mud facial mask Deep Tissue Massage Detoxifying body wrap
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FireThose that fall into the fire constitution are energetic, imaginative and excited about life. They tend to move through life in a quick and efficient manner and are courageous. The fire types are drawn to the beautiful things in life but do not place too much value on material wealth. When in balance a fire constitution loves to laugh and revel in the joy of life. Fire is in the growth aspect of the development cycle which means that you excel at taking an idea and turning it into a reality. Summer is your best time of year health wise, unless you are out of balance which can then be the worst time. When kept under control, fire is very useful. However, it will dominate and consume if not kept in check. Excess fire can leave one out of touch with reality and living in a “dream world�. A weak fire can manifest as lack of excitement for life, antisocial behavior and phobias. Other conditions that can rise from an imbalance in this constitution are insomnia, anxiety, restlessness, heart palpitations, flushed face, paranoia and a weakened sexual response. Fire constitutions tend to have a reddish complexion a small pointed head or pointed chin and notable small hands. They tend to have curly or no hair. The physical strength of this constitution is in the circulatory system, vessels and the upper parts of the body. The heart is the representative organ and it is said to be the home of insight and understanding. The tongue is also a representative organ of this constitution and if out of balance you may experience sores on your tongue or a bright red tongue tip. General Guidelines If you have problems with acid reflux or indigestion avoid hot and spicy food Eat more Raw and cooling foods like vegetables, fruits (white ones like pair or apple and watermelon), Aloe and seaweeds. Practice simple breathing exercises: Take 10 deep breaths in a row three times a day Decrease consumption of saturated or trans fats
Dietary Recommendations: The following list of foods have shown to be beneficial to your element and associated organs. The goal is to work as many of these foods into your regular 322 North Cleveland Street Oceanside CA 92054 www.apothequespa.com
diet as possible. This information is merely a guideline and one should be sure to eat a varied balanced diet with foods from all the food groups.
Grains- Barley, Buckwheat, Job’s Tear, Millet, Wheat (bran & germ) Vegetables- Asparagus, Aborigine, Bamboo Shoots, Cabbage, Celery, Chinese Cabbage, Cucumber, Corn, Dandelion Leaf, Lettuce, Mungbean Sprout, Nori, Plantain, Potato, Seaweed, Swiss Chard, Water Chestnut Fruit- Apple, Banana, Blue/ Bilberry, Cranberry, Fig, Grapefruit, Lemon/ Lime, Mango, Pear, Persimmon, Pineapple, Plum, Rhubarb, Watermelon Beans- Kidney, Garbanzo, Soy & Tofu Meat- (no more than 1-3 serving a week) Quail, Chicken Dairy- Egg White Herbs & Spices- Licorice, Purslane, Tamarind Supplements- Kelp Fish- (no more than 2-4 servings per week) Clam, Crab, Frog, Octopus Oils- Sesame, Agar, Kudzu, Salt Beverages- Chrysanthemum Tea, Dandelion root tea, Elderflower tea, Lime Flower tea
Herbal or Supplemental suggestions: Essential Amino Acids- Amino Acids are the building blocks of life. It is important to consume enough of them in their natural form so the body is able to perform all of its different functions as best as possible. Amino acids are found in all living things and are absorbed best by the body when consumed in the form or organic fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy. They can also be founds in pill form. Hawthorne Leaf & Flower- Has been proven to strengthen heart muscles when taken over a six week period. Hawthorne has also shown positive results in decreasing blood pressure, blood fat and cholesterol. 322 North Cleveland Street Oceanside CA 92054 www.apothequespa.com
Gynostemma or Jiaolan Tea- This herb has shown to have anti-inflammatory properties as well as being effective in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver. Inflammation is a naturally occurring process in the body that when is left untreated can cause such disorders as arthritis, cirrhosis, coronary artery disease and many more auto immune disorders. Garlic- Is a natural antibacterial, anti fungal and anti- inflammatory herb. Garlic has been shown to help lower high blood pressure and increase heart health by reducing the damage done by inflammation. Garlic can also increase your immune function and is great for treating the common cold or flu. Cistanche Powder, Zhi Shi or Citrus Auranti- Helps to increase energy, boost immune function, fight off colds and flus. It strengthens the digestive system and increases metabolic rate resulting in better digestion, balanced appetite and weight loss. Cistanche has also been shown to stimulate fat metabolism. This herb is also anti microbial and is good for cleansing the body. Spirulina- Has been shown to help prevent heart damage, lower cholesterol, treat anemia, and can help lower blood pressure. In Chinese medicine it is seen as a blood tonic and is used to treat low energy, poor memory and anemia Onion (in particular red onion)- The onion has an assortment of health benefits essential for all constitutions and should be consumed daily. Onions contain a specific flavanoid that helps to maintain digestive tract health. The level of allyl ropyl disulfide and chromium found in onions helps to lower blood sugar levels. They also contain a compound that inhibits the breakdown of bone cells. Onions have strong anti-inflammatory properties which help to treat the symptoms of many disorders like arthritis, cardiovascular disease and pain. Eucommia Bark (Du Zhong)- Has shown in studies to improve bone, ligament, tendon and kidney function. Eucommia can help with stiffness, arthritis, knee & hip problems, overall joint health and also has diuretic properties to help with swelling. The collagen contained in this herb helps the skin and connective tissue to retain its elasticity resulting in firmer skin and stronger joints. This herb is great for building essential energy or Jing and can help to increase and improve sexual function.
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Exercise Advice: Cardiovascular workout at least 20 minutes a day 3 times a week (ie running, cycling) Bekrams or Hot yoga Breathing exercises and Qi Gong
Treatments that would benefit you the most: Volcanic Ash body wrap Sport Massage Chamomile Rose soaking tub Foot massage Rose & Sugar scrub
MetalLike the element of metal those who are of this constitution have substance, structure and strength. You are meticulous, rational, independent and strong willed. Your representative organ and your strength should be your lungs and you should have a strong voice. The metal constitution is represented by the lungs, respiratory system and skin which are responsible for protecting our bodies from outside invasions. Your constitution thrives in the fall season (or is the sickest if out of balance). The metal constitution is in the harvest portion of the developmental cycle. This means that you love to reap the benefits of your labor. You are more than willing to do what it takes to get the job done and you truly enjoy treating yourself for all your hard work. The metal type has broad and square shoulders, a triangular white face and a strongly built body. They tend to walk slowly and deliberately. When you 322 North Cleveland Street Oceanside CA 92054 www.apothequespa.com
are out of balance you can be prone to such problems as chronic cough, infections, sinus problems, weakened immune function and the inability to defend yourself. The metal type “carries their stress� in the upper back and shoulders. You may tend to feel grief or sorrow as a first response to stressful situations as these are the associated emotions with your element.
General GuidelinesGet plenty of sleep (7-9 hours a night) Add more pungent and spicy food (hot chilies, garlic, onion, white pepper corn and ginger) to your regular diet. Set 20 minutes aside every other day to just relax or meditate quietly, this will help conserve lung energy. Ashtanga yoga would be most beneficial for your element.
Dietary Recommendations: The following list of foods have shown to be beneficial to your element and associated organs. The goal is to work as many of these foods into your regular diet as possible. This information is merely a guideline and one should be sure to eat a varied balanced diet with foods from all the food groups. Vegetables- Alfalfa Sprouts, Artichoke, Asparagus, Avocado, Cabbage, Carrots, Kelp, Kale Mungbean Sprout, Nori, Plantain, Potato, Pumpkin, Radish, Seaweed, Squash, String Bean, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Water Chestnut, Yam, Fruit- Pear, Apple, Apricot, Avocado, Banana, Lemon/ Lime, Mango, Mulberry, Papaya, Persimmon, Pineapple, Pomegranate, Watermelon, Beans- Adzuki, Black Bean, Kidney Bean, Lima Bean, Mung Bean, Soybean (black), Tofu Nuts & Seeds- Coconut Milk, Flax Seed, Pine Kernel, Sesame (black & white), Walnut Fish- (no more than 2-4 servings a week)Clam, Crab, Cuttlefish, Octopus, Oyster Meat- (no more than 1-3 serving a week) Beef, Duck, Goose, Kidney (pork), Pigeon, Pork, Rabbit 322 North Cleveland Street Oceanside CA 92054 www.apothequespa.com
Dairy- Eggs (especially whites) Common Supplements- Ginseng , Royal Jelly, Bai He (lilly bulb tea) Herbs & Spices- Marjoram, Nettle
Grains- Barley, Spelt
Herbal or Supplemental suggestions: Bai He or Lilly Bulb tea- Great for nourishing and soothing the lungs. Garlic- Is a natural antibacterial, anti fungal and anti- inflammatory herb. Garlic has been shown to help lower high blood pressure and increase heart health by reducing the damage done by inflammation. Garlic can also increase your immune function and is great for treating the common cold or flu. Cistanche Powder, Zhi Shi or Citrus Auranti- Helps to increase energy, boost immune function, fight off colds and flus. It strengthens the digestive system and increases metabolic rate resulting in better digestion, balanced appetite and weight loss. Cistanche has also been shown to stimulate fat metabolism. This herb is also anti microbial and is good for cleansing the body. Gynostemma or Jiaolan Tea- This herb has shown to have anti-inflammatory properties as well as being effective in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver. Inflammation is a naturally occurring process in the body that when is left untreated can cause such disorders as arthritis, cirrhosis, coronary artery disease and many more auto immune disorders. Spirulina- Has been shown to help prevent heart damage, lower cholesterol, treat anemia, and can help lower blood pressure. In Chinese medicine it is seen as a blood tonic and is used to treat low energy, poor memory and anemia. Ginger- A spicy aromatic herb that not only provides great flavor to food but has a profound medicinal effect on the body. Ginger has a long history of treating many ailments but with a particular emphasis on digestive problems. Ginger is great for soothing the spleen and stomach therefore it treats such disorders as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, upset stomach and pain. Ginger should be used multiple times throughout the week in regular meals but consider an additional supplement or ginger root tea if you should be experiencing any stomach ailments.
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Onion (in particular red onion)- The onion has an assortment of health benefits essential for all constitutions and should be consumed daily. Onions contain a specific flavanoid that helps to maintain digestive tract health. The level of allyl ropyl disulfide and chromium found in onions helps to lower blood sugar levels. They also contain a compound that inhibits the breakdown of bone cells. Onions have strong anti-inflammatory properties which help to treat the symptoms of many disorders like arthritis, cardiovascular disease and pain. Eucommia Bark (Du Zhong)- Has shown in studies to improve bone, ligament, tendon and kidney function. Eucommia can help with stiffness, arthritis, knee & hip problems, overall joint health and also has diuretic properties to help with swelling. The collagen contained in this herb helps the skin and connective tissue to retain its elasticity resulting in firmer skin and stronger joints. This herb is great for building essential energy or Jing and can help to increase and improve sexual function.
Exercise Advice: Think building lung energy or qi. When you exercise you want to be breathing hard so a moderate cardiovascular workout would be beneficial to you. A 20 minute run three times a week is recommended. A more vigorous or ashtanga style yoga would be best for your constitution. Treatments that would benefit you the most: Oxygenated facial cleanser Crystal Scrub Pear scrub Jasmine ginger bath
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EarthEarth constitution people tend to have a strong foundation. They are grounded and are concerned with providing food, clothing, shelter and nourishment to themselves and those around them. This constitution is said to be stable, basic, centered and have deep-roots. They are calm and generous and they are normally not ambitious. The earth element is located in the transformation portion of the developmental chart. This means that you are good at dealing with change and can often be the calm presence in a stressful situation. Earth constitutions tend to have a darkish complexion, a large or stout body with a proportionally large head and belly. They have strong thighs and wide jaws. They walk without lifting their feet very high and their strength is in their muscles. The representative organs for this constitution are the spleen and the stomach which are chiefly responsible for overall digestion. The emotion associated with earth is worry and you may have a tendency to over worry about others and situations out of your control. When the earth constitution is out of balance one can expect such problems as low energy, poor circulation, food allergies, weak muscles, digestive disturbances and difficulties with weight control. General GuidelinesNeed lots of fresh air, moderate exercise and relaxation Avoid microwave cooking, cold foods and liquids, and processed foods Use foods that release energy slowly (ie. whole grains and vegetables) Eat fresh organic foods especially when in season Avoid extreme cold and hot foods Dietary Recommendations: The following list of foods have shown to be beneficial to your element and associated organs. The goal is to work as many of these foods into your regular diet as possible. This information is merely a guideline and one should be sure to eat a balanced diet with a variety of foods from all the food groups. Grains- Corn, Job’s tears, Oats, Rice, Sweet Rice, Wheat Bran, Barley, millet Vegetables- Aloe, Carrots, Potatoes, Shiitake Mushrooms, Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkin, Yam 322 North Cleveland Street Oceanside CA 92054 www.apothequespa.com
Fruit- Cherry, Coconut, Strawberry, Fig, Grape, Logan Beans- Tofu, garbanzo Nuts- Walnuts Fish- (no more than 2-4 serving a week) White Fish Meat- (no more than 1-3 serving a week) Beef, Chicken, Goose, Ham, Chicken, Mutton, Pheasant, Rabbit, Lamb Herbs & Spices- Bay, Liquorice, Oil- Molases
Herbal or Supplemental suggestions: Essential Amino Acids- Amino Acids are the building blocks of life. It is important to consume enough of them in their natural form so the body is able to perform all of its different functions as best as possible. Amino acids are found in all living things and are absorbed best by the body when consumed in the form or organic fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy. They can also be founds in pill form. Daily multi vitamin Ginseng Tea or tincture- Ginseng can help to boost energy and strengthen digestion. Garlic- Is a natural antibacterial, anti fungal and anti- inflammatory herb. Garlic has been shown to help lower high blood pressure and increase heart health by reducing the damage done by inflammation. Garlic can also increase your immune function and is great for treating the common cold or flu. Cistanche Powder, Zhi Shi or Citrus Auranti- Helps to increase energy, boost immune function, fight off colds and flus. It strengthens the digestive system and increases metabolic rate resulting in better digestion, balanced appetite and weight loss. Cistanche has also been shown to stimulate fat metabolism. This herb is also anti microbial and is good for cleansing the body.
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Spirulina- Has been shown to help prevent heart damage, lower cholesterol, treat anemia, and can help lower blood pressure. In Chinese medicine it is seen as a blood tonic and is used to treat low energy, poor memory and anemia. Ginger- A spicy aromatic herb that not only provides great flavor to food but has a profound medicinal effect on the body. Ginger has a long history of treating many ailments but with a particular emphasis on digestive problems. Ginger is great for soothing the spleen and stomach therefore it treats such disorders as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, upset stomach and pain. Ginger should be used multiple times throughout the week in regular meals but consider an additional supplement or ginger root tea if you should be experiencing any stomach ailments. Onion (in particular red onion)- The onion has an assortment of health benefits essential for all constitutions and should be consumed daily. Onions contain a specific flavanoid that helps to maintain digestive tract health. The level of allyl ropyl disulfide and chromium found in onions helps to lower blood sugar levels. They also contain a compound that inhibits the breakdown of bone cells. Onions have strong anti-inflammatory properties which help to treat the symptoms of many disorders like arthritis, cardiovascular disease and pain. Eucommia Bark (Du Zhong)- Has shown in studies to improve bone, ligament, tendon and kidney function. Eucommia can help with stiffness, arthritis, knee & hip problems, overall joint health and also has diuretic properties to help with swelling. The collagen contained in this herb helps the skin and connective tissue to retain its elasticity resulting in firmer skin and stronger joints. This herb is great for building essential energy or Jing and can help to increase and improve sexual function. Exercise Advice: You would benefit most from a low impact form of exercise that also incorporated stretching like Yoga or Pilates. Water aerobics or swimming would be a good option for you as well. Treatments that would benefit you the most: Desert Mud Wrap Fu Ling & Huang Qi (Pioria & Astragali) Wrap/ Mask- helps to drain dampness and strengthen Qi Papaya &/or Oatmeal Scrub
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WaterThe water constitution is considered to be the most basic of all elements. Water is naturally serene and submissive; although, in excess, water can be as violent and inundating as a flood. They are sympathetic and can be slightly lazy. They are good negotiators and loyal to their work colleagues. They are aware, sensitive and sometimes psychic. Their strong point (or weakness if out of balance) is their bones. Water types love movement and their spine can be longer than normal. Water types have a round face and body with soft-white skin. The representative organ is the kidneys and bladder. The ears are a representative for the water type and they may be predominating on the face and/or you may experience ringing in the ears when out of balance. The associated emotion is fear which you may experience as a first reaction to stressful situations. Excessive fear can damage the kidney and adrenal glands (located directly above the kidneys). The energy of water is expressed in the flow of blood and lymph fluid in the body. When there is an imbalance one can expect to see problems such as swelling and edema, especially in the lower extremities. Also you can expect problems with urinary tract irritation, impotence, low back ache and weak knees. A deficiency in the water element could lead to a lack of the ability to change, submit, or compromise. General GuidelinesGet plenty of sleep and relaxation or meditation Massage your kidneys with your hands regularly and keep your lower back covered as much as possible Dietary Recommendations: The following list of foods have shown to be beneficial to your element and associated organs. The goal is to work as many of these foods into your regular diet as possible. This information is merely a guideline and one should be sure to eat a varied balanced diet with foods from all the food groups.
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Vegetables- Alfalfa Sprouts, Artichoke, Asparagus, Kelp, Mung bean Sprout, Nori, Plantain, Potato, Seaweed, String Bean, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Water Chestnut, Yam, Fruit- Apple, Apricot, Avocado, Banana, Grape, Mango, Mulberry, Pear, Persimmon, Pineapple, Pomegranate, Raspberry, Beans- Adzuki, Black Bean, Kidney Bean, Lima Bean, Mung Bean, Soybean (black), Tofu Nuts & Seeds- Coconut Milk, Pine Kernel, Sesame (black & white), Walnut Fish- (no more than 2-4 servings per week) Abalone, Clam, Crab, Cuttlefish, Octopus, Oyster, Shark Meat- (no more than 1-3 servings per week) Beef, Duck, Goose, Kidney (pork), Pigeon, Pork, Rabbit Dairy- Cheese, Egg, Milk Herbs & Spices- Marjoram, Nettle
Grains- Barley, Spelt, Wild Rice
Herbal or Supplemental suggestions: Cistanche Powder, Zhi Shi or Citrus Auranti- Helps to increase energy, boost immune function, fight off colds and flus. It strengthens the digestive system and increases metabolic rate resulting in better digestion, balanced appetite and weight loss. Cistanche has also been shown to stimulate fat metabolism. This herb is also anti microbial and is good for cleansing the body. Gynostemma or Jiaolan Tea- This herb has shown to have anti-inflammatory properties as well as being effective in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver. Inflammation is a naturally occurring process in the body that when is left untreated can cause such disorders as arthritis, cirrhosis, coronary artery disease and many more auto immune disorders. Cranberry Extract- 3-4 times a year you should take cranberry extract as directed for a week in order to cleanse your kidneys and keep them working at optimal function.
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Horsetail root- Not only is this herb high in flavanoids (powerful antioxidants that repair damaged cells in the body) it has shown positive results for the treatment of kidney stones and urinary tract infections. Onion (in particular red onion)- The onion has an assortment of health benefits essential for all constitutions and should be consumed daily. Onions contain a specific flavanoid that helps to maintain digestive tract health. The level of allyl ropyl disulfide and chromium found in onions helps to lower blood sugar levels. They also contain a compound that inhibits the breakdown of bone cells. Onions have strong anti-inflammatory properties which help to treat the symptoms of many disorders like arthritis, cardiovascular disease and pain. Eucommia Bark (Du Zhong)- Has shown in studies to improve bone, ligament, tendon and kidney function. Eucommia can help with stiffness, arthritis, knee & hip problems, overall joint health and also has diuretic properties to help with swelling. The collagen contained in this herb helps the skin and connective tissue to retain its elasticity resulting in firmer skin and stronger joints. This herb is great for building essential energy or Jing and can help to increase and improve sexual function.
Exercise Advice: Low impact exercise is a great choice for you. Of course swimming would be the most preferred for you constitution but restorative yoga or Pilates would also be a good choice. Treatments that would benefit you the most: Fu Ling & Huang Qi (Pioria & Astragali) Wrap/ Mask- helps to drain dampness and strengthen Qi Hydrotherapy Watsu Lily- sugar scrub Sea mud mask
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