The Commons Spring 2013

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THE COMMONS connect.collaborate Spring 2013


APPRECIATE Dear Friends: As most everyone is aware, this June 30, Dr. Mary Reichel will step down as Dean of Libraries here at Appalachian State and will assume a new role in Academic Affairs. I congratulate her on 21 years of service in this vital leadership role, and I thank her for the many contributions she has made to our campus. During her tenure, Dean Reichel’s positive impact at Appalachian includes: • Establishing the first fundraising board for the library: the Library Advisory Board. She has been an excellent development ambassador, working with donors and engaging supporters in community outreach, including author events and the Belk Distinguished Lecture program. • Successfully acquiring an NEH Challenge Grant of $400,000 and helping raise the $1.2 million required to receive the grant funding. is grant benefitted the W.L. Eury Appalachian Collection in the library, the Center for Appalachian Studies, and the Department of English for the Hughlene Bostian Frank Visiting Writers Series. • Playing a crucial role in the planning, promotion, implementation, and managing of the Belk Library and Information Commons, a $40 million project which  resulted in the 165,000-square-foot structure which has welcomed more than  a million visitors since its opening. • Working with Bill and Maureen Rhinehart to create the beautiful Rhinehart Rare Books and Special Collections Room which houses their extensive British history collection. ere are several other illustrations from which I could draw, and they all exemplify Dean Reichel’s commitment to the faculty, staff, and students at Appalachian. She has spent her career teaching students to be information literate and assisting faculty in their teaching and research needs. I applaud Dean Reichel for her service and leadership and value her friendship. Please join me in wishing her well as she begins this new chapter in her life.  Sincerely,

Kenneth E. Peacock Chancellor


DONOR STORy JOHN HIGBy (Editor’s Note: Dr. John Higby, retired English professor at Appalachian and longtime member of the Library Advisory Board, was a loyal library supporter, and his story emphasizes the impact that consistent giving has on the library. Dr. Higby died in December 2012.) Dr. John Higby was involved with the library on an informal basis for many  years while serving on the English faculty, and when the Library Advisory Board was established in 1995, he was one of the first library advocates who was asked to serve. He was an active member of the board until he became ill in early 2012.  During the past few years, he dedicated himself to annotating the Bill and  Maureen Rhinehart Rare Book Collection which focuses on British history, one of Higby’s major interests. e result was the publication of two excellent annotated bibliographies. In addition, he was always willing and excited to talk to visitors to the room and hosted weekly public tours in summer 2011. Because of his dedication to the collection and the library, his office in Special Collections was named for him and his wife, Connie, in May 2012. Beginning in the early 1990s, Higby made frequent visits to the office of the  library’s development director to present a check. He was always very modest and did not seek recognition – he just wanted to support the library as he was able to do so. Areas of the library he supported during those years included the rare books fund, the Bill and Maureen Rhinehart Book Endowment, Emma Moore Student Scholarship Endowment, and the Friends of the Library. ese gis remained  consistent over  all the years he was associated with the  library, and they John Higby demonstrating rare books, circa 1992 were very much appreciated. Over the course of 20 years, he made more than 300 gis. His method of philanthropy clearly demonstrates the impact that  consistent giving can have on an organization as it has on the library. Library faculty and staff heartily salute Dr. John Higby and his  loyal support of the library. We miss his presence as the annotator of the Rhinehart Collection and as a valuable member of the Library  Advisory Board, and we will always remember him as one of the  library’s most faithful and generous supporters.  Dr. Higby in July 2011 introducing visiting teachers from China to rare books in the Rhinehart Room. 3

GLOBAL LEARNING: A WORLD OF OPPORT Children’s Literature on Immigration Helps Teachers In schools throughout the world, a Muslim child from Pakistan may sit next  to a Latino child from Guatemala and behind a Chinese child from Beijing.  Immigrant children bring their languages and cultural identities to their new schools where they may experience cultural discontinuity. As the immigrant  population of North Carolina increases, more and more teachers face the  challenge of teaching children from multiple cultural backgrounds.  Margaret Gregor, Instructional Materials Center librarian, and Connie Green, professor of reading education, have worked together for several years teaching a graduate course, Advanced Study of Children’s Literature, for teachers. When planning the course they asked themselves how children’s literature could be used to help teachers gain a greater understanding of their students and families who had recently immigrated.  Margaret Gregor

Gregor and Green designed a project that asked teachers to read children’s literature about the  immigrant experience and to write an immigration story, suggesting that the teachers research their family history and use it as a basis for these stories. Class members read widely from fiction,  nonfiction, and picture books about the immigrant experience, and Green led discussions about the content and value of this literature. Using library databases and other tools, Gregor taught the class how to research their family histories. Based on this research the teachers wrote original immigration stories to be shared with their own students.  “We found that these activities increased the teachers’ understanding of students from other  cultures and the issues immigrant children face in American schools and communities,” Green said. e impact of this assignment has been powerful, with many graduate students expressing a deeper understanding of the children they teach and of the immigrant experience.” A teacher’s reflection below exemplifies the increased sensitivity some teachers developed toward children and families:  “Reading La Linea (Jaramillo, 2006) as part of our class assignments had the greatest impact on me, as I was learning about my family’s story at the same time. Reading what those young teens went through on their quest to make it to the States was amazing. I had never heard a story like that so vividly portrayed, and it really made me consider what my own family experienced.” Green and Gregor wrote an article about this project that was published in Childhood Education in the fall of 2011 and as a result, others professors in the Reich College of Education began using this project with their students. “Our hope is that teacher educators who read this article will try similar approaches with teachers in other areas of the country,” said Gregor. “We are continuing to implement the project in our Advanced Study of Children’s Literature classes to expand teachers’ understanding of the immigrant experience.”  4

e illustrations above are from student Connie Lynn Sentelle’s project. She worked with Leslie Barenette, the director of elementary education for the Catawba County Schools in Newton, NC who put Connie in contact with Mary Wiley, art teacher at Lyle Creek Elementary School. Mary and her sixth grade art classes created masterpieces to bring Connie’s immigration story to life.

RTUNITIES FOR APPALACHIAN STUDENTS Muslim Journeys e National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) in collaboration with the American Library Association (ALA) awarded Allan Scherlen,  collection management librarian for the social sciences, and Dr. Kim Hall, philosophy and religion  professor and chair of the Appalachian State  University Humanities Council, the Bridging Cultures Bookshelf Muslim Journeys Grant.  is grant provides the library with books, videos, and a one-year  subscription to the Oxford Islamic Studies database (valued at approximately $2,500) to enhance the library’s capacity to engage audiences in reflection on and conversation about Muslim cultures and to address the public’s need and desire for quality resources about Muslim beliefs and culture.  e library will work with the ASU  Humanities Council in further collaboration with the Watauga Public Library, the ASU Lifelong Learning Institute, and the Muslim Students Association to host a series of talks, forums, film showings, and book discussions to be held during 2013.  Lena Aloumari, president of the Muslim  Student Association, said, “When Allan Scherlen approached me looking to  collaborate with the Muslim Student  Association as a part of this grant, we  couldn’t pass up this amazing opportunity. e Muslim Student Association’s Eid Al-Adha celebration in Fall 2012 Since this is only our third year as a club on campus, we are always looking for additional ways to get involved on and off campus...we are focused on spreading diversity through mutual understanding and acceptance.”

American Dervish e Muslim Journeys grant also ties in well with the Summer Reading book chosen for the incoming freshman class, American Dervish by Akay Akhtar. Akhtar’s novel tells the story of Hayat Shah, a young Pakistani-American from the Midwest who falls in love for the first time with Mina, a lifelong friend of his mother.  Written from the perspective of Shah, this work will be of interest to new freshmen, while  offering numerous perspectives for  classroom discussion. Global studies  will find ample material for examinations of cultural identity and assimilation. Women’s studies will surely wrestle with Mina’s almost mystical embrace of the idea of submission in Islam and the  violence that she endures at the hands  of her fundamentalist husbands.  Author Akay Akhtar will be the  Convocation speaker on September 10.

Global Learning: A World of Opportunities for Appalachian Students e library will support and contribute to the University’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) presented to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges in partial fulfillment of requirements for reaffirmation of institutional accreditation 5

STUDENT LEARNING Students Discover Treasures e University Library is proud of its numerous special collections that attract students from a wide range of disciplines. Following are several descriptions of how the library’s special collections have been used in a variety of interesting ways by students and faculty.

Le to right: Bénédicte Grailles, Elizabeth (Beth) Cramer, John Boyd, Valerie Neveu, and Patrice Marcilloux at ALMA (Archives, Livres, Manuscrits et Autres Supports de l’Information) on the campus of the Universite d’Angers, Belle Beille

International Engagement During a fall semester off campus scholarly assignment, l’Université d’Angers hosted two Appalachian librarians, John Boyd and Beth Cramer. While in Angers, the couple worked on scholarship, guest lectured at the university, and volunteered to work with various groups and  individuals to improve their English skills. Angers is a city in western France about two hours by train from Paris with a population  of 150,000.  In October, Boyd and Cramer were invited to make a presentation at an annual forum  organized by the Archives, Livres, Manuscrits,  et Autres Supports de l’Information (ALMA) to discuss Belk Library’s policies, procedures, and attitudes about donations and gis, for both archival materials and books (see In preparing for the presentation, the couple interviewed seven of their Belk Library colleagues, giving a shared response from Appalachian library faculty and staff. e strong partnership between  Appalachian State University and the University of Angers continues with the recent announcement that the two universities will work together as Team Réciprocité in the Solar Decathlon  Europe in 2014. 6

Last summer, the grandmother of graduate student Marc Bentley came for a visit and while she was here, they perused the Appalachian Collection for materials on his home county – Pike County, Kentucky. “One of the books we found was on the history of law enforcement in Pike County; there we discovered that one of our ancestors was the first sheriff of the county,” he says. Graduate  Student David Funderburk has worked in Special Collections since June 2011. “Last fall, I surveyed the history of cartographic represen- David Funderburk studies a map from the Appalachian Collection that dates back to 1640. tations of the Appalachian region,” he says. “In the closed stacks of the Appalachian Collection, I found a map of the region between southern Virginia and eastern Florida that was published  by Dutch cartographer Willem Janzoon Blaeu in 1640. It is a privilege to have access to  primary sources such as this.” History instructor Catherine Turner says, “Students are usually unaware of the wealth of resources that are available to them at the University Library. Databases there provide better quality and greater quantity than that which is available through a general web search. During my class’s library session, librarian Betsy Williams demonstrates how to  access these sources and students flip through 19th century newspapers, photos, diaries, letters, and journals. Students enjoy peering into this treasure chest; reading the words  and viewing images more than a century old, all at the touch of a finger.”

REGIONAL HISTORy Grant Brings Treasures to Light! e library’s special collections team will be able to process a backlog of materials for the W.L. Eury Appalachian Collection as a result of a grant received from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC). As the backlog is eliminated, access to various collections will be possible and descriptions of selected processed  collections will be enhanced. you can watch the unfolding of the project on the Backlog Blog e funds are being used primarily to support the hiring of library specialist Trevor McKenzie who will work on the project during the duration of the grant. McKenzie served as editorial assistant for the Appalachian Journal for two years and worked as a student  assistant in special collections in summer 2011. He holds a bachelor’s degree in applied  and public history, along with a master’s in Appalachian Studies from Appalachian.

e Moses Cone Estate Collection e Moses Cone Estate Collection located  in the archives contains correspondence and  a ledger regarding the operations of the estate from 1905 until 1945. e correspondences  between Bertha Cone (the estate’s head aer Moses’ death in 1908) and A.C. Moody, the  estate’s manager,  reveal much  about the daily operations of  the property.

Among the collections to be processed are the papers of Kelly Bennett, who was  instrumental in the development of national parks; the papers of social activist and  documentarian John Gaventa; Appalachian photographer Jack Jeffers’ collection of prints and digital images; and the papers and musical scores of composer Tui St. George Tucker.

e recently processed Appalachian Oral History Project Records (AC.111) offer a wealth of primary source material for researchers focused on any period of Appalachian regional history. e collection includes nearly 500 interviews by Appalachian State students and faculty, predominantly with elderly western North Carolina residents in the 1970s. Photographs from AC.111: Appalachian Oral History Project Records

Moses and Ceasar Cone, circa 1880 7

AN INTERVIEW WITH MARy REICHEL, D Farewell to the Dean During Mary Reichel’s 21 years as head of the University Library, she took the library to new heights, both physically and scholarly, as she worked to obtain a new building while significantly enhancing collections and services. Mary will step down as Dean of Libraries June 30 to take a new assignment in Academic Affairs. She came to  Appalachian from the University of Arizona in 1992 as University Librarian, a title that was changed to Dean in fall 2012 because of the library’s outstanding contributions to the intellectual life of the campus. Mary is well known for her boundless energy and enthusiasm for her work, her colleagues, and library supporters but she has a special place in her heart for the students. “Appalachian students are great,” she said. “ey are hardworking and fun, and I especially enjoy the many student assistants we have in the library.” She also worked with Student Government Association presidents and invited them to participate in library events whenever possible. “Our library personnel, faculty, and staff, are fabulous, really great,” she said, “and I worked with terrific administrators.” She served with three chancellors and noted that the library benefitted from “excellent leadership” from all. She is grateful to John omas for hiring her, adding that he is “one of the administrators I admired the most.”

Breaking ground for Belk Library and Information Commons were, le to right, Vice Chancellor Jane Helm, UNC President Molly Broad, Chancellor Frank Borkowski, Faculty Senate Chair Paul Gates, ASU Foundation Board Chair Robert Fox, and Associate Vice Chancellor Clinton Parker.

“Frank Borkowski worked hard to obtain a new building for us, which has had a major impact on the ability of the library’s faculty and staff to provide the outstanding resources that we offer,” she said, “and Ken Peacock is the most enthusiastic chancellor in the system and works very well with the system administration which is crucial for Appalachian’s success.” Mary has worked with a number of leaders in Academic  Affairs and she noted that “Academic Affairs has been and is extremely supportive  of the Library – one of the best supported libraries in the UNC system.”

Mary admits that her most unexpected joy has been working with donors. She was involved with the Friends of the Library at Arizona “but never had the privilege of developing close relationships with library supporters,” she said. “Establishing the Library Advisory Board with Patty Wheeler was a great experience. I learned so much and have enjoyed all of the members who served through the years. rough their generosity in time and resources, they have brought excellence to the library.” Mary especially appreciates the dedication of all the chairs of the Library  Advisory Board: Bill Rhinehart, Margaret “Pinky” Hayden, Randy Stevens, Pat Phillips, John Idol, and Craig Popelars.






Mary Reichel is appointed  University Librarian.

Library Advisory Board established with eight members.

Appalachian Office of University Archives and Records Management becomes part of the library.

Ground breaking for the new  Library and Information Commons is held April 9.

DEAN OF LIBRARIES Mary talked about a number of favorite fundraising projects over the years. Naming the new building, spaces, and rooms in the beautiful Carol Grotnes Belk Library and Information Commons was embraced enthusiastically by donors. “I still get such pleasure from going into each named space and thinking about the donors who made this building possible,” she said. Another favorite was the collaborative National Endowment for Humanities Challenge Grant for Appalachian Studies during which a total of $1.8 million was raised and more than 14 collection endowments were named.  “e Richard T. Barker Friends of the University Library has always  supported outreach to the campus and community,” she said, “but the recent estate gi from Nancy McCrocklin has really enhanced the library’s ability  Dedication Ceremony 2005, le to right, Velma Burnley, Ken Peacock, Rosanne Peacock, Ike Belk, Carol Grotnes Belk, Reba Moretz, Mary Reichel, to work with schools and K-12 students to promote reading and children’s  Gretchen Bataille literature. Appalachian’s library is unique among the UNC system in having three named Distinguished Professorships.” Two were funded by Irwin and Carol Belk and the third by Nancy McCrocklin. Another wonderful project has been the student scholarship program where student employees in the library receive scholarships to help them finance their education. “e most rewarding occasion we have in the library is the scholarship luncheon that brings donors and recipients together,” she said. “is gives the students the opportunity to convey their appreciation, and the donors are able to see how important their support is to our students.”

e Bill and Maureen Rhinehart Rare Books and Special Collections Room is sometimes called the “crown jewel” of Belk Library. e Rhineharts are longtime library supporters and Bill was the first chair of the Library Advisory Board.

As Mary prepares to leave her position as dean, she is excited about a  new chapter in her life as  she assumes a new role in  Academic Affairs. “I will be working in a different way with students, faculty and staff, and I look forward to learning new things about higher education,” she said with a smile. “It’s been a  wonderful 21-year journey at Student scholarship recipients have the opportunity to thank Appalachian and I am eager their benefactors during an annual luncheon that brings to begin this new venture.”  students and donors together.





Belk Library and Information  Commons is dedicated   September 15.

National Endowment for the  Humanities Endowment goal reached.

Mary Reichel announces that she  will step aside from her post  June 30, 2013.

Title of University Librarian  changed to Dean; Mary Reichel  assumes new title.


STUDENT LEARNING Expressive Arts erapy Uses Library Resources Jena Leake, Ph.D., is the program coordinator for expressive arts therapy, which is part of the Clinical Mental  Health Program in the Department of Human Development and Psychological Counseling. Jena has worked with  librarian Amanda Bird and says, “She is amazing! Not only is she knowledgeable, she is enthusiastic about my  students and their research interests.” Leake says, “Students who use library resources typically produce research and writing that is more in-depth  and creative than work that solely relies on web resources. My expressive arts therapy students oen find resources  in the library that are new and current, which makes them excited about learning more about their chosen profession.  Simultaneously, they also connect to foundational texts and writing within the expressive arts therapy and counseling  fields, which deepens their understanding of expressive arts therapy. Tapping into these library resources inspires  them to read more and to explore the intersections between literature in the field and their own emerging expressive arts therapy practice.”

Amanda Bird, information literacy librarian

Leake adds that the expressive arts therapy students are integrating library resources into their studies and professional development. e Orchesis Honor Society used the Digital Media Lab to format Headwaters Appalachian Journal of Expressive Arts erapy, Vol. 8, 2012. Editor Erin Rice received support from library staff as she learned to use the InDesign Program. e result is a beautiful  journal of artwork and writing by students and faculty. e class on current issues in expressive arts therapy recently completed arts-based research projects. Arts-based research is a newly expanding genre of research in the social sciences, humanities, and creative arts therapy fields. Students exploring arts-based  research in this class integrated personal art-making, as a form  of research, with library research. ese projects led to evocative  papers and presentations, which included poetry, art installations, performance art, musical scores, and dances. Students found creative ways to interweave library resources with the personal resources they found in their studio art-making practices. rough examining literature related to their projects, they discovered how to bring theory into practice, while contributing unique  research that expanded their understanding of arts-based research and expressive arts therapy. Orchesis Induction Ceremony, Fall Semester 2012 by Beck Long, first year clinical mental health counseling graduate student 10

STUDENT LEARNING From Student Callie Whitney:

READ Posters

Recently, I have been involved in a  presentation called “Re-Imaging the  World through Breaths of Change,” for  the session on expressive arts in the winds of change at the 10th conference of the  International Expressive Arts erapy  Association (IEATA) on March 14-17.  I used the study room space for our  group meetings, the writing center to look over any written material, and media lab for any printing and formatting we will be using for this presentation.

Since 2009, the library has created a series  of posters featuring library student employees. ese posters decorate the building and focus  on the American Library Association’s theme  of celebrating reading.

Students Callie Whitney, He Xiao, Jessica Scales Photo by Ashley Snedeger

I am constantly asking questions and usually someone can point me in the right  direction or I can automatically get answers through the Library Chat.

From Student Melanie Sasser: Freshman Melanie Sasser is planning on majoring in graphic arts and minoring in technical photography. “e digital media studio is amazing; it is how I do all my work. It is the only place on campus that I can go to edit my pictures with the all the best programs.”


MARK yOUR CALENDAR Bathanti to Deliver Annual Distinguished Belk Lecture Joseph Bathanti July 11, 3:30 pm, Belk Library, Room 114 Joseph Bathanti, North Carolina’s Poet Laureate and a creative writing professor at Appalachian, will deliver the 2013 Belk  Distinguished Lecture. Bathanti was installed in September 2012 during a ceremony at the State Capitol in Raleigh.  A native of Pittsburgh, Pa., he came to the state in 1976 as a member of Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA). He was part of the N.C. Visiting Artist Program for four years and wrote a book about the program, ey Changed the State: e Legacy of North Carolina’s Visiting Artists 1971-1995 when the program celebrated its 25th anniversary.  Bathanti has published numerous books of poetry, two novels, and a book of short stories. He has received a number of prestigious awards including the 2012 Ragan-Rubin award, presented to an outstanding North Carolina writer; the 2006 Novello Literary Award; and the 2002 Sherwood Anderson Award.  “His award-winning body of work is a powerful mix of  old forms and new forms which has gained national and  international recognition, and which adds up to a rich  interpretation of modern American life,” said Randall Kenan, associate professor of English at UNC-Chapel Hill and chair of the poet laureate selection committee. Kenan was the 2011 Belk Distinguished Lecturer at Appalachian. “e North Carolina Poet Laureate is one of the state’s longest running and most important ways that we celebrate  and share our state literary heritage with citizens,” said Wayne  Martin, executive director of the N.C. Arts Council. “Joseph’s work is accessible because he writes about topics that touch all of us: family, home and personal experiences.” 12

Summer Author Series Elizabeth Hudson, editor of Our State magazine, and North Carolina novelist Jill McCorkle will participate in the library’s Summer Author Series this year.

Elizabeth Hudson June 6, 3:30 pm, Belk Library, Room 421 A lifelong resident of North Carolina, Hudson began her publishing career at Our State in 1997, answering telephones in the circulation department. She held various  positions in the editorial department before being named editor in 2009.  Under her leadership, the publication won a Gold Eddie for “Best Full Issue” from FOLIO, the magazine industry’s leading publication. She studied English and environmental studies at UNC Greensboro.

Jill McCorkle August 15, 3:30 pm, Belk Library, Room 421 A Lumberton native, McCorkle earned degrees at UNC-Chapel Hill and Hollins University. At UNC, she studied with Lee Smith, Louis Rubin, and Max Steele. Other books she has written include Going Away Shoes, Creatures of Habit, Carolina Moon, and Crash Diets. McCorkle has published five novels and three collections of short stories, and has the distinction of having her first two novels published on the same day in 1984. e New York Times Book Review said, “One suspects the author of e Cheer Leader is a born novelist; with July 7th, she is also a full grown one.” Her latest novel, Life aer Life, was published in March.

STUDENT LEARNING Research Skills for Masters Students e library and the English department have collaborated closely and extensively for nearly 20 years on developing library research skills for new masters students. e current format of the collaboration – a library research unit within the required course, English 5000 (Bibliography and  Research) – began in 1995.  Seeing that one class period was not sufficient to deepen  students’ expertise in navigating the library’s electronic databases, in 1995, Dr. John Higby invited librarian Glenn Ellen Starr Stilling to play a larger role in the course. Stilling designed  a unit with four assignments which she grades. e class  sessions and assignments  comprised 20-25 percent  of the course grade.  Since then, Stilling has taught the unit nearly every time English 5000 has been offered, working with different course instructors and  adapting it as needed. is model produces a complex, adaptable, and sustained  understanding of library research skills for a discipline. It has been deeply gratifying for Stilling to see students apply what they have learned in this unit. One student contacted Stilling four years aer finishing English 5000 to tell her that the assignment helped her with her doctoral exam and dissertation in English at the University of  Arizona.

Archivist Greta Browning with Into the Wild class

Into the Wild Professor Kurt Steinbaugh teaches a very popular first year seminar course called Into  the Wild. e class examines what motivates  individuals to take risks and to seek out wild places. Steinbaugh brings his class to special  collections to see the Ralph Fickel papers.  Fickel was a local climber who died in a  climbing accident three years ago, and his  papers include many area “first ascents.” is hands-on experience helps students become aware that Belk Library has unique items that are not available anywhere else in the world.

Another student, now teaching in a community college, designed a library unit for a research course he teaches, based on the skills and assignments from English 5000. Over the years, many students have contacted Stilling for assistance with high level research.


CONNECT More than 50 library supporters have served on the Library  Advisory Board since it was established in the mid-1990s and all  of them have praised Mary for her outstanding leadership and  dedication to the University Library. Following are statements  from three former board chairs who worked closely with Mary  during these years. “When you think of Mary as a leader, what image comes to your mind? Do you smile? I bet you do. Mary is  a happy leader, appreciative of where she is at the moment. I served on the Library Advisory Board for more than 12 years, when the new library was being lobbied, planned, built, and furnished. It was a busy time that demanded positive and strong leadership, and Mary met the challenge. Her style is to build consensus – she is a good listener and easily gives credit to others. She never openly displays frustration, but is patient and kind as she moves an issue forward. Her accomplishments are many and she will be greatly missed. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to serve on the Advisory Board under her leadership.” Margaret (Pinky) Hayden Former Library Advisory Board Chair  “While I was serving as the chair of the Library Advisory Board in the mid-1990s, a major goal was to build a much-needed new library. Mary worked day aer day, week aer week on planning for the new facility, and as you look around the building, you realize how much hard work went in to the project. you can almost visualize Dean Mary Reichel looking down from the cupola as she surveys a structure that was a collaboration of many ideas. Great work, Mary! We’ll always remember your valuable role in the Belk Library Dream!” Bill Rhinehart First Library Advisory Board Chair “Mary combines the traits of a top sergeant and a  commanding general: hardworking and tireless in the trenches, a brilliant statistician in the strategy room.” John L. Idol Jr. Former Library Advisory Board Chair

John Idol, 1958, courtesy of University Archives


Senator Broyhill and his wife Louise

When I returned to North Carolina aer 24 years of service  in the U.S. Congress, I offered my official papers that had been generated over those years to Belk Library at Appalachian State, and I will always be grateful that the library agreed to accept them. e university library staff did an excellent job of culling and  cataloging the papers that are now stored in the Appalachian Collection and available to political science students and researchers.  From time to time, when I have had the need to locate a  specific document or research a particular subject, the staff has been most helpful in finding the correct papers. e collection and retention of historical papers, books, and documents that will be available to students and historians for future generations is a wonderful program offered by the library.  For the past 21 years, the university librarian (now dean) has been Dr. Mary Reichel and it has been a real pleasure working with her. e university is much in her debt for her years of  distinguished service. During her tenure at Appalachian, the  library has been greatly expanded with the new building and she has led this transition in a masterful way. She will be sorely missed and I want to join her many friends and supporters in wishing her well in her future endeavors. Senator James T. Broyhill Winston-Salem, NC Member of Congress 1963-1987

THANK yOU WE APPRECIATE yOUR SUPPORT Appalachian students know that Belk Library is the place to go for the resources they need as they prepare for their classes and eventual careers, and people like you make this possible. your decision to support the library allows a thriving community to flourish by funding important additions to the collections as well as projects that honor faculty, offer special opportunities for students, and reach out to the community. ank you for giving to the library at the heart of the university you love.

Students in HIS 5581Society and Records get a lesson in paper conservation from guest lecturer Pam Mitchem who is special collections’ preservation archivist. Associate Professor and University Archivist Norma Riddle, teaches this introductory archival course for the public history graduate program.

ank You For Your Continued Generosity Gi Amount: ❑ $35        ❑ $1,000 ❑ $50        ❑ $2,500 ❑ $100      ❑ $5,000 ❑ $150      ❑ $10,000 ❑ $250      ❑ Other ❑ $500

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Attn: Lynn Patterson ASU Box 32026 Boone, NC 28608-2026 Phone: 828-262-2087 • Fax: 828-262-3001


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BELK LIBRARY AND INFORMATION COMMONS 218 College Street • ASU Box 32026 • Boone, NC 28608-2026 Phone: 828-262-2186 • Fax: 828-262-3001 •

• Editors: Patty Wheeler, Megan Johnson • Editorial Board: Lynn Patterson, Mary Reichel, Patty Wheeler • Writers: Patty Wheeler, Megan Johnson, Margaret Gregor • Cover Image: Garner Dewey ♼ PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER

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