Green apparel units: B’desh emerges No. 1 As per media reports, 10 more garment factories recently received the Platinum-rated LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) from United States Green Building Council (USGBC) to take the total to 24, the highest in the world. Of the 24 Platinum-rated LEED factories in Bangladesh, six are reportedly amongst the top 10 in the world.
Overall, the total number of LEED-certified garment factories in Bangladesh is 90, including the 24 Platinum-rated buildings, according to the USGBC. It may be mentioned here that around 15 more buildings are all set to get LEED certification as they are nearing their completion while more than 250 garment factories have applied for the LEED certification. Apart from the Platinum, the USGBC also issues (rates) Gold and Silver ratings and green certification to garment factories.
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