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Get a great PCP!
Going to a physician specialist, like a Cardiologist, might be the final solution; but when a new health concern pops up, consider going to your Primary Care Physician first. To some this might sound like “old school” thinking, but there is a great amount of logic, and savings, to taking this approach. Let me explain.
Too many of my clients have told me that instead of going for an annual physical with their PCP, they ONLY go to their specialists for annual checkups. While seeing your specialists on an annual basis is a good thing to do, the Cardiologist or Gastroenterologist is not typically looking at the body as a whole. I believe most doctors would agree that this is one reason the Primary Care Physician and the Specialist co-exist. One looks at a “specialized” area of the body, while the other is broadly monitoring the “whole” system.
If you are someone who sees your PCP at least once or twice a year, the doctor might very well catch issues earlier than you are able to detect them yourself. Your PCP could possibly be your lifesaver if visited regularly! There are so many services and tests that the Primary Care Physicians can do to check your body’s status. It makes sense to make an appointment sooner than later.
Over the past decade, Medicare and most Medicare Advantage plans have figured out that prevention, by using PCPs, has not only saved money, but has saved lives. It’s hard to make cost an issue, because most preventive services with Medicare are covered at 100%. They want you to go! Many Medicare Advantage plans have a $0 copay for PCP visits, so what’s stopping you from scheduling that appointment? If the reason is that you don’t have the right Primary Care Physician, change it!
Give us a call (770) 913-6464, and we can help provide a list of PCPs in your area based on your Physician Network. You can also reach out to us on our “contact SeniorSource” section of our website at www. SeniorSourceMedicare.com.