Health & Wellness - March 2023

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March Special Section


A wakeup call to learn your risk for diabetes

March 28th is an important day on the calendar. The fourth Tuesday in March is the American Diabetes Association Alert Day, a “wakeup call” to take time, learn your risk factors and determine if you or your loved ones are at risk for Type 2 diabetes.

Over 34 million Americans have diabetes, which happens when blood glucose levels, or blood sugar, is too high. Even more surprising is that 1 in 7 – or over 7 million adults - don’t know they have it. As we age, the risk of developing diabetes increases. Type 1 diabetes most often occurs in children and young adults. Type 2 diabetes is the most common kind for middle aged and older adults. Over time it can lead to heart disease, stroke, kidney problems, eyesight and nerve damage. Millions of additional Americans also have prediabetes, which means their glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to reach diabetic levels.

Learning your risk factors can start with taking the simple Diabetes Risk test on the American Diabetes Association website. Chances of getting it are higher if you are overweight, inactive or have a family history. Talk to your doctor to find if simple blood tests that can help diagnose diabetes, like an A1C test that can be given at any time of day and shows your average glucose level for the past three months, are a good idea for you. Become familiar with the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes, that include

increased hunger or thirst, feeling tired, losing weight without trying, going to the bathroom more frequently, blurred vision and skin infections or slow healing bruising. Your older loved one may also have signs of depression or cognitive issues.

The good news is that many Type 2 diabetes cases are preventable with healthy lifestyle changes. Develop a plan to review with your health care provider that addresses the following steps. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle, with a plan for walking or other forms of daily exercise. Manage your weight with healthy food choices, like eliminating sugar and refined carbohydrates. Stop smoking. Stay hydrated, water is a wonderful choice. Make sure you regularly take any prescribed medications for blood pressure or cholesterol, and track your numbers.

At Home Helpers we know a skilled and well matched Caregiver can help make each day the best it can be for your older loved one, whether it’s making sure a safe walk is a part of their day, following a healthy diet with nutritious meals, monitoring vital signs or creating bonds to battle social isolation. Our heart centered Caregivers can assist with all personal care, help around the house, or provide specialized care for Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Parkinson’s, etc.

We’re here to help – from six hours a day, several days a week to 24/7 and live-in care. For a free consultation contact Home Helpers of Alpharetta and North Atlanta Suburbs at (770) 681-0323.

2 | March 2023 | HEALTH & WELLNESS • Sponsored Section
Brought to You by - Home Helpers of Alpharetta and North Atlanta Suburbs

Medical ethics and dermatology

Ethical questions arise in all fields of medicine, and dermatology is no different. One of the more remarkable cases that I encountered during training was that of a woman who became pregnant while taking a medication known to cause birth defects. Despite explicit and severe warnings, she insisted that she be allowed to keep taking the medicine throughout her pregnancy. When her dermatologist refused to prescribe the medicine, the patient convinced the hospital’s ethics board to recommend that her obstetrician continue prescribing the medication during pregnancy. The woman received her prescriptions at the board’s recommendation, and the baby was tragically but not unpredictably born with birth defects.

Although I wholeheartedly disagree with the ethics board’s recommendation, I can see how ethical principles are sometimes difficult to apply in practice. The four guiding principles of medical ethics are often taught to be “autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice.” Loosely translated, these principles mean: respect someone’s right to choose; do good; do no harm, and act in a fair or equitable way.

The above example is extreme. The ethics board made a mistake and prioritized “autonomy” above all other considerations (including “do no harm”). But many less dramatic ethical considerations occur almost every day in practice. When treating patients, I find that the common sense strategies of putting the patient first and asking what I would want for a family member go a long way towards making sound ethical decisions.

In Mohs surgery, a tissue removal technique for curing skin cancers, shades of grey are often encountered. Cancer is not always black and white. Sometimes, invasive cancer has been eliminated, but the edges have “in situ” cancer – cancer

confined to the top layers of the skin, or the edges exhibit “actinic keratoses,” best understood as “pre-cancers.” Severely sun-damaged individuals sometimes have cheeks or scalps that are covered with precancers and “in situ” cancers. Continuing to cut in such cases is sometimes not in the patient’s best interest. Instead, once the invasive cancer is removed, I frequently discuss switching strategies with my patients. We often treat the area around an invasive cancer with an anti-cancer cream post-operatively instead of dogmatically continuing to cut and missing the forest for the trees.

Personalized medicine is often medicine at its best. One recent patient presented to me for a second opinion regarding a melanoma on his eyelid. The first surgeon the patient saw recommended complete removal of the lower eyelid and a 3 month reconstruction process during which the patient would not be able to see from that eye. The patient and I discussed that the large margin the first surgeon recommended is the standard of care. However, the patient stated that at his age he did not want to undergo an extensive surgery. He understood the risks and chose a smaller margin. He understands that the “middle ground” option that he wanted is not in line with the official guidelines for treating cancers like his, but the smaller surgery that he chose is the option that is right for him. The standard of care is a guideline. The patient comes first.

As interesting as philosophical principles like autonomy and nonmaleficence are, I have found that the most useful principles are variations of the Golden Rule. Treat patients like you would want your family or loved ones treated. And put the patient first.

If you or a loved one has a skin cancer or other skin care needs, please consider Premier Dermatology and Mohs Surgery of Atlanta. It is our privilege to take care of you.

HEALTH & WELLNESS • Sponsored Section | March 2023 | 3
Brought to You by - Brent Taylor, MD, Premiere Dermatology and Mohs Surgery of Atlanta PEXELS

Colorectal cancer: moving beyond awareness

Brought to you by - Dr. Jay Singh, medical director of surgical services at Wellstar

Since 2000, when then-President Bill Clinton designated March as Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, the mission to decrease the worldwide incidence of the third most common cause of cancer and the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths has largely been successful if we simply measure “awareness.”

Unfortunately, as we have seen decreasing incidences in colorectal cancer related to screening, particularly colonoscopies, in older individuals, we

have seen a disproportionate increase of cancers at younger ages. As a result, the current recommendation for screening has gone down from 50 years of age now to 45, as of 2021.

Awareness begins with education of not only the signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer but the fact that real prevention occurs before any symptoms can be seen. Awareness begins with understanding one’s own risks, including family history and personal behaviors that would immediately put someone at higher risk for developing colorectal cancer. We know that people with a first-degree relative who has had colorectal cancer are at twice the average risk of developing colorectal cancer and should generally get screened earlier. We know that people who smoke, consume alcohol or are obese are more likely to be diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Adopting healthy behaviors, including quitting the use of tobacco products, reducing

alcohol consumption and eating meals that include fruits, vegetables and whole grains, can also reduce the risk.

Recognizing the impact that this disease has on individuals, families and society, Wellstar has invested in educational programs designed to get the word out, preventive programs that recognize that any test for colorectal cancer is better than no test and treatment programs that involve the comprehensive, multispecialty care of the disease process from diagnosis to treatment.

Wellstar has had an intensive focus on increasing access to screening by the creation and growth of a gastrointestinal service line spanning all our campuses and outpatient centers. This has been in coordination with growth of colorectal surgical services at Wellstar North Fulton Medical Center and the expansion of our minimally invasive and robotics programs

throughout the system.

We are proud to have Atlanta’s first program recognized by the National Accreditation Program for Rectal Cancer (NAPRC), a quality program of the American College of Surgeons, at Wellstar Kennestone Regional Medical Center and hope to soon have that same accreditation at Wellstar North Fulton and Cobb medical centers. This accreditation demonstrates Wellstar’s commitment to providing personalized, high-quality cancer care close to home for patients in Georgia. Imagine, after being diagnosed with a potentially devastating illness, you could meet your whole treatment team and have a plan developed in one visit. This is all part of our mission at Wellstar to enhance the health and well-being of every person we serve.

Learn more about colorectal cancer screening at

4 | March 2023 | HEALTH & WELLNESS • Sponsored Section


From diagnosis to treatment and survivorship, Wellstar is ensuring the community in this area has access to expert, compassionate cancer care.

The new Wellstar North Fulton Cancer Center brings more than 12,000 additional square feet on the medical center campus dedicated exclusively to groundbreaking cancer treatments right here in the North Fulton area. Services include:

• CyberKnife radiation technology

• Physician expertise in many specialties

• Surgery, medical and radiation oncology

Find care at every step of your cancer journey here in North Fulton.

Wellstar North Fulton Cancer Center

4500 Hospital BLVD | ROSWELL (770) 410-4530

HEALTH & WELLNESS • Sponsored Section | March 2023 | 5


Pain Relieving Laser Therapy

Brought to you by - Johns Creek Physical Therapy

Having treated hundreds of patients over the past 6 years with Pain Relieving Laser Therapy, it’s not hard for me to appreciate how well it works. But if you’ve never tried it, trust me when I tell you…. you’re missing out!

Several years ago, John Deere ran a promotion on their zero turn lawn mowers. They used a fun tag line, “It’s not how fast you mow, it’s how well you mow FAST!” I wish I could come up with

a similar tag line for Pain Relieving Laser Therapy because it can deliver pain relief in just a few minutes. It’s not uncommon for patients to have their pain be reduced by 50% on the first treatment.

How does it work? Pain Relieving Laser Therapy uses light energy to promote healing and reduce pain. Laser Therapy is FDA cleared to treat pain, inflammation, arthritis, and muscle spasms and is a great alternative to medications and injections.

The most common thing we hear after some -

one tries it for the first time is “WOW!” I’m sure if you are just reading this article, you are probably thinking, “yeah, RIGHT??!! Nothing works that fast!” But don’t take my word for it, call our office today and schedule your FREE TRIAL. The only thing you have to lose is your pain!

Johns Creek Physical Therapy

4060 Johns Creek Parkway, Suite H Suwanee, GA 30024 770-622-5344

6 | March 2023 | HEALTH & WELLNESS • Sponsored Section
HEALTH & WELLNESS • Sponsored Section | March 2023 | 7

The intersection of faith communities and mental health

Many people with mental health conditions, including suicide risk, often turn first to their faith community for help. On Thursday, March 30th the North Fulton Mental Health Collaborate will lead a panel discussion surrounding mental health and the important role of our faith communities.

Spirituality and Mental Health

Many turn to their faith community for support in dealing with mental health problems. Supportive relationships, such as family, long-term friendships and meaningful connections through faith can be important to building resilience and well-being. Faith communities can also play a key role in educating their members about mental health problems.

Culture and Mental Health

Culture can provide a lens for how people think about mental health and how people and mental health professionals interact with one another. Racial and ethnic minorities bear a greater burden

from unmet mental health needs due to the stigma surrounding mental health in their culture. There is also a racial/ethnic inequity within the mental health workforce. Just this month, Rep. Michelle Au, D-Johns Creek, was able to get a lastminute amendment to H.B. 520 that would require a workforce study commission to examine cultural competence and language to better understand how the state can meet the mental health needs of Georgia’s diverse population.

How can faith communities address these issues and minister to those in need?

Educate your communities and congregations. Promote awareness by educating the members of your communities and congregations about mental health issues through educational forums and other opportunities.

• Invite local mental health experts—including those who have experienced mental illness—to speak with your congregation or at community gatherings.

• Share facts and common myths about mental health.

• Organize additional meetings, dinners, or other gatherings for members of your congregation or community to have conversations about mental health.

Identify opportunities to support people with mental illnesses. Religious organizations can play an important role in supporting individuals living with mental illnesses and encouraging them to seek help.

• Consider offering your organization’s meeting spaces for community conversations and support groups focused on addressing mental health issues.

• Provide space for peer-led groups that give people the chance to tell their stories in their own time and way.

• Support community programs (for example: peer mentoring programs or opportunities for volunteering) that encourage social participation and inclusion for all people.

Connect individuals and families to help. Strengthen the connections within your community to mental health services and support and enhance linkages between mental health, substance abuse, disability, and other social services.

• Learn the basic signs of mental illnesses and other facts about mental health to encourage those in need to seek help.

• Remind others that people can and do recover from mental health challenges and that help is available and effective.

• Train key community members (such as adults who

work with the children, youth, older adults, veterans, and LGBTQIA) to identify the signs of depression and suicide and refer people to resources.

• Develop relationships with local mental health service providers and other family and youth organizations to help direct individuals and families in need to available services and support in the community. other social services.

• Promote acceptance of those with mental health issues. The voices of leaders and members of faith-based organizations can greatly influence attitudes about mental health conditions and those who experience them.

• Talk about your own mental health openly.

• Be an example of taking good care of your mental health by making mental wellness a priority in your personal life.

• Be inclusive. Mental health affects all of us.

• Foster opportunities to build connections with individuals and families dealing with mental health challenges through trust and acceptance.

• Foster safe and supportive environments for people to openly talk about mental health, stress, trauma, and related issues.

Join us on Thursday, March 30th from 10:00-11:30am at Alpharetta FUMC, 69 North Main St., Alpharetta to be a part of this important discuss. Learn more about the event and our panelist on our website at

Information from mentalhealth. gov/talk

8 | March 2023 | HEALTH & WELLNESS • Sponsored Section
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It’s time for spring cleaning

reshaped painlessly. You can make your smile healthy and vibrant again and create the smile of your dreams.

I don’t know about you, but I can feel it. I can see everything starting to bloom. Everything is getting greener. These last two weeks the weather has warmed up. I can finally start to spend more time outside. Spring is coming! It’s time to get ready. It’s time to get in shape! I can’t wait to walk and run and spend more time outside. It’s time for Spring Cleaning! Do you need a spring dental cleaning or maybe a Smile Tune-up?

This year, let’s eat healthy, exercise, and address our health proactively and preventively. This includes a visit to the dentist to address those problems that you know are getting worse and to prevent future problems.

• Restoring Your Smile –Repairing your teeth allows you to keep your teeth for a lifetime and look and feel your best.

• Cosmetic Dentistry – It’s more than just Whiter Teeth. Uneven and chipped teeth can be

• Dental Implants – Replacing missing teeth allows you to eat your favorite healthy foods again, smile without fear, and provides support to your face to avoid looking older.

• Invisalign – The metal-free way to straighten your teeth, improve our bite, and have an attractive smile that everyone notices.

• Preventive Tooth Cleaning – Routine cleanings prevent problems and keep your teeth healthy, white, and attractive.

• Don’t Forget that these things can be accomplished comfortably while you rest… with Sedation Dentistry!

A healthy mouth is part of a healthy body. Our wish for you is that you look and feel your best in 2023!

“Preventive Dentistry can add 10 years to human life.” -Dr. Charles Mayo of the Mayo Clinic

Dr. Bradley Hepler, Dr. Jeffrey Priluck and the experienced team at the Atlanta Center for Dental Health provide the most modern advances in cosmetic dentistry. Experience immediate results with procedures to greatly enhance your smile and your health. If you would

like a complimentary consultation to discover your options, please call us at 770-992-2236. Dr. Hepler and Dr. Priluck are highly trained and certified to provide you with the latest and best techniques to allow you to achieve your cosmetic and restorative goals.

HEALTH & WELLNESS • Sponsored Section | March 2023 | 9 TRUSTED, COMFORTABLE DENTAL CARE THANKS FOR VOTING US BEST OF NORTH ATLANTA • General and Cosmetic Dentistry • Crowns and Implants • Root Canals and Tooth-Colored Fillings • Invisalign • Whitening • Sedation Dentistry • Smile Enhancements with Botox and Dermal Fillers 2022 Best Dentist Dr. Bradley Hepler 11190 Haynes Bridge Rd., Alpharetta (770) 992-2236 • Most Insurance Plans Accepted Financing Options Available Best Dentistry
Brought to you by – Dr. Bradley Hepler and Dr. Jeffrey Priluck, The Atlanta Center for Dental Health

A quick guide to Semaglutide: The once-weekly weight loss injection

Brought to you by - Hydralive Therapy Milton

Lose weight with just one weekly shot? Qualifying individuals can take advantage of the latest non-surgical medical weight loss option, Semaglutide injections, right here at Hydralive Therapy Milton.

Who qualifies for the program?

Semaglutide can be prescribed for adults who have obesity, with a body mass index (BMI) of greater than 30; or overweight, with a BMI greater than 27 accompanied by at least one weightrelated medical problem such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes or high cholesterol.

Semaglutide is not recommended for those with a personal or family history of certain endocrine or thyroid tumors, including medullary thyroid cancer.

How is the treatment administered?

Semaglutide is self-administered as a subcutaneous injection (shot) once weekly. This medication is generally welltolerated, and it can be taken long-term.

How does it work?

Semaglutide mimics a hormone produced in the small intestine that

increases the sensitivity to the insulin your body produces, decreasing the amount of hunger hormone your body makes. It also acts on the “rewardcenters” in your brain to suppress appetite. Reduced hunger in combination with lifestyle modifications including healthier food choices, healthier meal intervals, and increased exercise have been proven to result in weight loss–even in individuals who have previously struggled to lose weight.

How much weight can I expect to lose on Semaglutide?

Studies have shown the average person lost around 10-20% of their bodyweight with the use of Semaglutide. For example, a patient weighing 250 lbs may expect to lose around 25-50 lbs.

Getting Started

At Hydralive Therapy Milton, we take a holistic approach to wellness. We understand Semaglutide can be extremely beneficial across a wide spectrum of people with obesity, but we also believe it is important to use this medication in conjunction with lifestyle changes.

When you are ready to get started, a medical consult is performed with our

physician assistant or nurse practitioner. They will review your present health situation and determine your eligibility for Semaglutide. From there, they will prescribe Semaglutide and coach you

along your weight loss journey. Semaglutide could be your path to long-term weight management. Call us at (470) 359-4815 to schedule a consultation today!

10 | March 2023 | HEALTH & WELLNESS • Sponsored Section

Can stress cause cancer?

Brought to you byJonathan Stegall, MD

Did you know that negative emotions such as stress increase cancer risk substantially? A study published several years ago found that women who experienced a significant, negative life event had an increased risk of developing breast cancer. The breast

cancer risk was even greater in women who experienced a severely striking life event. Other studies have shown similar findings regarding stress and cancer risk.

We know that stress sets off a cascade of events inside the body involving various hormones and neurotransmitters which affect the health of the body’s cells. Our current understanding is that significant stress, especially over the long term, causes significant damage and dysfunction in the body which can result in cancer. It

turns out that the mind isn’t a separate entity from the body, but rather, in close communication with the body at all times, with tremendous power over how the body functions!

The good news is that there are many strategies we can adopt in order to reduce our stress and anxiety. I highly recommend a regular daily practice of prayer and meditation. Exercise, being outside in nature, breathing techniques, and engaging in healthy relationships with others are also proven stress-lowering strategies.

HEALTH & WELLNESS • Sponsored Section | March 2023 | 11 Specialist in Integrative Oncology Cancer Treatments Including: Chemotherapy Nutrition Immunotherapy Supplementation Jonathan Stegall, MD 3333 Old Milton Pkwy. Suite 560 • Alpharetta, GA 30022 (770) 551-2730 Oncology Best Of North Atlanta 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Presented By WINNER Holistic/ Alternative Medicine Best Of North Atlanta 2016 Presented By WINNER Nutritionist Best Of North Atlanta 2016 Presented By WINNER

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At Roswell Dental Care, we take pride in our ability to educate our patients about their oral health. One question we frequently hear from our patients, “Why do I get so many cavities? I brush my teeth every day!” We understand the frustration that comes from putting the work in to maintain your teeth and still ending up with cavities, we are here to help break those reasons down for you.

1. How deep your grooves are: How your teeth are shaped, including the grooves of your teeth, are inherited. These grooves are too small for your toothbrush bristles to get in and clean properly. Some teeth have deeper grooves, which increases the risk of biting surface cavities. We can prevent these types by placing sealants (plastic) over the grooves of the teeth.

2. Your oral bacteria: Did you know, you inherit the genetic layout of your oral bacteria from your mom? The types of oral bacteria can impact your oral health, including your likelihood of cavities and developing periodontal disease. Staying on a cleaning schedule with your dental hygienist will help reduce the number of bacteria you have in your mouth.

3. Your frequency of sugar intake: Your habits also play a significant role in your oral health. Your frequency of sugar intake has a direct tie into the frequency of the occurrence of cavities. The more times you consume sugar, the more opportunities for cavities to take hold.

4. Your flossing habits: Flossing removes plaque and bacteria from the sides of your teeth, so not flossing on a consistent basis increases your risk of developing cavities between your teeth.

5. Your medications: When you eat or drink anything other than water, the pH of your mouth becomes acidic. Saliva’s job is to neutralize the acidic environment. Some medications cause xerostomia (or dry mouth). If your saliva is reduced or becomes thicker, your teeth have an increased risk of developing decay, especially along the gumline. Products containing xylitol are “mouth wetters,” and xylitol prevents bacteria from adhering to tooth structure, helping to prevent the effects of a dry mouth.

The above reasons are just a few of the many complex factors that go into why cavities develop. As dental professionals, we strive to keep our patients educated in their oral hygiene. Good or bad oral hygiene plays a role in overall health, and we are here to get your oral health in excellent condition so that your overall health can be too. Drs. Hood and Remaley at Roswell Dental Care understand and customize treatment for each person. We assure you will feel confident in the solution you choose before beginning any treatment. For enhanced comfort, we offer FREE nitrous oxide. You can rest assured that your experience will be positive, relaxing, and rewarding on many levels. Give our office a call at 770.998.6736, or visit us at www., to begin your journey to happy and pain-free oral healthcare!

12 | March 2023 | HEALTH & WELLNESS • Sponsored Section Excellence in Dentistry 1570 Old Alabama Rd • Ste 102 • Roswell, GA 30076 470.288.1152 • Dedicated to providing exceptional dentistry and creating beautiful, healthy smiles for over 31 years. • Crowns and Bridges in a few days • Porcelain Veneers • Tooth Colored Composite Fillings • Teeth Whitening- no sensitivity • Oral Cancer Screenings on all patients • Teeth Cleanings, Digital X-Rays and Comprehensive Oral Exams on all new patients • Cosmetic Smile Makeovers and Full Mouth Reconstruction (Complimentary Consultation) • Occlusal Guards and Bite Adjustments • Snore Guards and Sleep Apnea Analysis • Digital X-Rays (90% less radiation) and Intra-Oral Photos • Digitally Scanned Dental ImpressionsNo more gooey impressions! • Electronic Records • Accept and File all Major Insurances • Implants • Root Canals • Extractions • Spa-like Relaxing Atmosphere Our services include: Same day appointments available! FREE Digital X-Rays $100 Value New patients only. • Custom Baked Cookies Daily • FREE Nitrous Oxide and Oral Conscious Sedation • Facial Aesthetic Enhancements including BOTOX and Dermal Fillers Dr. David Remaley Dr. Destinee Hood
Best for 8 Years in a Row! Best Of North Atlanta 2015 Presented By Best Of North Atlanta 2016 Presented By WINNER Best Of North Atlanta 2017 Presented By WINNER Best Of North Atlanta 2018 Presented By WINNER Best Of North Atlanta 2019 Presented By Best Of North Atlanta 2020 Presented By WINNER Best Of North Atlanta 2021 Presented By WINNER Best Of North Atlanta 2022 Presented By WINNER
Brought to You by - Dr. Destinee Hood, Roswell Dental Care
Why do I get so many

Newspaper Delivery Route Openings with Appen Media Group

We are looking for one person or couple interested in delivering weekly newspapers in South Forsyth, Alpharetta and the Johns Creek areas.

Requirements: Must have a perfect driving record and background check, reliable transportation, honest, hard-working and positive attitude.

For more information or to apply, email and include a paragraph or two about who you are and any relevant background/experience. In the subject line of the email please put “Delivery Route Application.”


Worry less. Hire right.

date when you’re going to sign your documents? When will you know the date when you will receive your documents?

Hiring an attorney can be a stressful and scary experience. You want to protect your loved ones and you don’t know how the attorney creates their pricing or if you’re getting enough value for the money or if the attorney has enough experience to actually do what you need them to do.

What do you need to look for when hiring an attorney – especially for estate or eldercare planning?

1. Is Estate Planning and Eldercare or Elder Law all that they do? This is called specializing and it means that the attorney will be studying only those areas of law and should be more knowledgeable about them.

2. Does the attorney have staff? Attorneys that have no staff or only one person working for them may not return calls promptly.

3. Ask the attorney what their process is for returning calls and responding to email.

4. Do they have a process for handling their cases? When will you know the

5. Has the attorney followed their own advice? Ask if they have an estate plan for their own family.

6. What about their business? Do they have a backup plan for their law firm in case something happens to them?

7. Is the attorney easy to talk to and compassionate? Does he or she listen to you (without seeming to be focused on what they want to say)?

At Wilson Legal, we’ve been focused on Estate Planning and Eldercare or Elder Law since 2008 taking double the required hours of continuing education most years. Our clients find the first conversation to be easier than they expected, and they leave knowing exactly when they will come back to sign documents and receive delivery of their plan because we book dates in advance and often at the first appointment. We have a team of seven (7) people all helping to make sure each step in the process is smooth and that calls are answered and return calls are scheduled. Worry less. Choose Wilson Legal and hire right for estate planning and eldercare services. Call 770-205-7861 to schedule an initial consultation or visit our website at www.wilson-legal. com to find out more.

14 | March 2023 | HEALTH & WELLNESS • Sponsored Section
Brought to You byMichelle Wilson, Wilson Legal, PC

The Georgia Politics Podcast focuses on all things under the gold dome. Show host Preston Thompson covers the most noteworthy updates to the legislative session of Georgia’s House of Representatives and State Senate.

HEALTH & WELLNESS • Sponsored Section | March 2023 | 15 Available for free wherever you listen to podcasts.
for Everyone!
There’s a Podcast
In his long-awaited return to the airwaves, Caddy partners with his new co-host –and wife! - Donna, to bring his loyal listeners everything they’ve come to expect and love from Cadillac Jack.
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