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Administrative Assistant for Youth and Children
Protestant church in downtown Alpharetta seeks a parttime (15-18 hours per week) Administrative Assistant for Youth & Children’s Ministries. In addition to normal administrative duties the candidate will assist with scheduling, social media, securing supplies, maintaining attendance records, planning events and mission trips.
Qualified candidates are a person of outstanding character who is friendly, organized, able to prioritize, exhibits an understanding of the importance of confidentiality, and is willing and able to work in an environment that is welcoming and inclusive of all people.
A degree from an accredited college or university is preferred. Computer competence within Office 365, editing, and writing skills are required. Experience with REALM is a plus.
Successful completion of a criminal records and child abuse background check is required.
Send resumes to alpharettajobopening@gmail.com.
Deadline to place a classified ad is Thursdays by 5 pm
Contact Ray Appen via Text (770-527-4042) or email me at RayAppen@Gmail.com – or just call me but best to text and I will return your call.
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