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Romance, Black experience in America among topics for February book events

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By KATHY DES JARDINS CIOFFI newsroom@appenmedia.com

It may be the shortest month, but February is long on local literary events. From romancethemed presentations to more sobering explorations on the Black experience in America, authors will be sharing new releases and a broad range of messages with readers in and around North Fulton County throughout the month.


Book lovers yearning for light-hearted yarns shouldn’t miss A Novel Idea’s Dunwoody event Feb. 21. Celebrating a month of romance, A Novel Idea will present a pair of authors, Marilyn Baron and Kim Conrey, with much to say about the saucy subject.

Baron, who has won numerous writing awards in a variety of genres, including romance, will release her 29th work of

Literary Events Around North Atlanta

Saturday, Feb. 4: Dr. Sree Meleth: Meleth, a public health researcher and transformational life coach, will discuss and sign her book, “More than Peace, Power & Presence through Meditation.” Free. 11 a.m.-noon mini meditation workshop. Poe & Company Bookstore, 1890 Heritage Walk, Suite P101, Milton. 770-797-5566. Poeandcompanybookstore.com.

Saturday, Feb. 11: George Weinstein: Weinstein, author of seven books – ranging from historical fiction to thrillers – as well as the executive director of the Atlanta Writers Club and Atlanta Writers Conference director, will talk about his most recent release, “Return to Hardscrabble Road.” Conversation, signing. Free. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Posman Books, 4105 Avalon Blvd., Alpharetta, 470-509-5727. posmanbooks.com

Tuesday, Feb. 21: Marilyn Baron and Kim Conrey: A Novel Idea revels in a month of romance with two authors intimately acquainted with the subject. Baron, who writes in a variety of genres, including romance, will release her 29th work of fiction, “The Case of the Forgotten Fragonard,” in March, which she will discuss with local novelist Kathy Des Jardins. Conrey is the debut author of the sci-fi romance “Stealing Ares,” published not long after she and husband, author George Weinstein, were married. Conrey and Weinstein will reflect on life for a pair of writers finding love and literary success together. Signing. Free. Vintage Pizzeria Dunwoody, 5510 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, 470-359-5982. anovelidea.us.

Feb. 24-26: Georgia Writers Museum Writers Retreat: Numerous authors from the Appen Media reading area, including George Weinstein, Kim Conrey, Beverly Armento and Milton Davis, will be leading writing workshops and panel discussions at the second annual Writers Retreat hosted by the Georgia Writers Museum. Talks include paths to fiction in March. “The Case of the Forgotten Fragonard” is Book 3 of her Massimo Domingo Mystery series, which she will discuss with local novelist Kathy Des Jardins. publication, writing short stories vs. novels, memoir writing, working with an editor, writing nonfiction, writing children’s books, and more. Several pricing options are available. Georgia Writers Museum, 109 South Jefferson Ave., Eatonton. 706-991-5119. georgiawritersmuseum.org/2023-writers-retreat

Conrey is the debut author of the sci-fi romance “Stealing Ares,” which she completed as a newlywed. Conrey and her husband of 19 months, author George Weinstein, will chat about romance – in books and in real life.

As for weightier themes, novelist Daniel Black will be discussing his debut essay collection, “Black on Black: On Our Resilience and Brilliance in America,” in Roswell Feb. 25 for the Atlanta Authors Series. Black, an acclaimed author and professor of African American studies at Clark Atlanta University, is the winner of the Distinguished Writer Award from the Middle-Atlantic Writer’s Association and has been nominated for the Townsend Prize for Fiction, the Ernest J. Gaines Award, the Ferro-Grumley Literary Prize, the Lambda Literary Award, and the Georgia Author of the Year Award. Issues covered in his collection, published Jan. 31, include police brutality, the AIDS crisis and the role of historically Black colleges or universities.

Saturday, Feb. 25: Sarah K. Lanier: Lanier will be reading her children’s book, “My Glasses Story: How I Learned to See Myself Clearly,” which she also illustrated. Signing. Free. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Poe & Company Bookstore, 1890 Heritage Walk, Suite P101, Milton. 770-797-5566.

Saturday, Feb. 25: Daniel Black: The Atlanta Authors Series, sponsored by the Friends of the Roswell Library and the Friends of the East Roswell Library, will host Black discussing his new book, “Black on Black: On Our Resilience and Brilliance in America.” Black is a professor of English and African American studies at Clark Atlanta University and author of seven novels, including “Don’t Cry For Me.” “Black on Black” is his first work of nonfiction. Bookmiser, the event’s bookseller, will have copies to purchase. Conversation, signing. Free. 2-3:30 p.m. Roswell Public Library, 115 Norcross St., Roswell. 404-6129700. forl.net/atlanta-authors

Tuesday, Feb. 28: Anju Gattani: Johns Creek Books and Gifts will host “A Celebration of Diversity,” featuring Gattani, author of “Dynasties,” the first book in her newly released “Winds of Fire” series. Talk, signing, refreshments and a henna artist on site. Free. Johns Creek Books and Gifts, 6000 Medlock Bridge Parkway, Suite B500, Johns Creek. 770-696-9999. Johnscreekbooks.com

To submit an author event for the upcoming month, email Kathy Des Jardins Cioffi at kathydesjardins3@ gmail.com by the 15th.

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