4 minute read
Milton, Alpharetta address plans for Mayfield Farm
By AMBER PERRY amber@appenmedia.com
MILTON, Ga. — Three land lots off Mayfield Road, a 12-acre former homestead, could be the subject of a “Grow-A-Row” program.
As part of Milton’s goal to hone agritourism, the project would increase food security for local families and expand production at the 2.5-acre Old Rucker
White Columns residents at odds with HOA rules on golf cart use
By AMBER PERRY amber@appenmedia.com
MILTON, Ga. — Residents of White Columns in Milton are complaining their homeowners association is using a city ordinance loophole to allow all personal transportation vehicles on their streets. At stake here is whether golf carts on streets, which the HOA covenant bans, are permitted within White Columns. Golf carts and personal transportation vehicles (PTVs) have carried separate definitions for more than 10 years, when Georgia passed legislation to address access to public roadways and paths.
Cities like Roswell generally make no distinction between golf carts and any other motorized, four-wheel vehicle that travels at low speed. Neither does Milton City Attorney Ken Jarrard, who says golf carts are a colloquial term for a PTVs.
Still, the White Columns Community Association, insists that golf carts are different and by covenant, are not permitted on streets within their community.
Farm, a joint program between the cities of Milton and Alpharetta.
The Old Rucker Farm produces 4,000 pounds of food each year, said Anita Jupin, Milton economic engagement manager. From that harvest, she said 2,100 pounds of food were donated to the North Fulton Community Charities food pantry last year.
Jupin presented the program for Mayfield Farm at the Milton City Council meeting March 6. A central aspect of “Grow-A-Row” is to engage residents on multiple food system issues, she said.

The Mayfield property was acquired in 2017 under an agreement with Alpharetta, splitting the cost of purchase. During that time, the cities identified a need for a future intergovernmental agreement that outlines daily and long-term decisions,
White Columns takes a strict tack on the definition of golf carts and PTVs. State law defines a golf cart as a vehicle used exclusively in an area that includes a golf course.
Other HOA-led communities in the state could face the same issue of addressing golf carts on their streets.
In 2020, the Milton City Council adopted an ordinance that allows
See PLANS, Page 6 See ORDINANCE, Page 13
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Alpharetta, GA 30009
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Woman reports theft of bridle, two saddles
MILTON, Ga. — Milton Police arrived at Fortitude Farm off Wood Road Feb. 28, where a woman reported a bridle and two saddles stolen from the property.
The woman said she last saw the items Feb. 26 and discovered the theft the following day. She said the barn was unlocked overnight, and there were no security cameras. The woman told police the bridle belonged to her and described it as brown with a hump in the middle. She said she was not sure what the make was, and she did not think it had any other identifying information.
The other two items were owned by others. One saddle was Voltaire Palm Beach dark brown saddle in size 17.4, 2AA. The other was a brown Voltaire saddle, with no other detail provided.

The woman told police that she had recently dismissed an employee following an argument, but she let him stay on two more weeks.
Police heard officers get dispatched to a call involving the same man, the police report said. One officer informed police the man said he had just left a pawn shop in Alpharetta after pawning some items.
Man reports imposter issued loan in his name
MILTON, Ga. — A man on Birmingham Walk received a letter March 2, showing a $9,500 loan withdrawn using his name.
The following day, the man’s son told police he went to talk to the bank about the loan. The teller said that a savings account, debit card and two loans were taken out using his father’s information in the amount of $9,500 on Feb. 17 and $13,000 on Feb. 23. He did a free credit check online, the police report said, which showed the two fraudulent loans.
The teller said the suspect had his father’s exact information on his driver’s license, except the expiration date on his license was off by one year. The teller said the address, date of birth and name were the same.
The teller provided a phone number and email address for the person, the police report said.
Police advised the victim to contact the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office because that is where the loan originated.
Victim files fraud report on phony $150,000 loan
MILTON, Ga. — A man informed Milton Police March 3 that a fraudulent loan taken out three years ago has come back to bite him.
The man said he received a letter in August 2020 stating that he was delinquent on his payments for a business loan totaling $150,000.
The police report said the man noticed that the loan was obtained in the name of a business he does not own, and he contacted financial representatives to straighten out the matter.
The man said he thought the issue was settled until he was contacted by a representative of a an organization stating that the man would need to file a police report in reference to his identity being used fraudulently to obtain the loan.