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Removal: Newspaper Delivery Route Openings with Appen Media Group
We are looking for one person or couple interested in delivering weekly newspapers in South Forsyth, Alpharetta and the Johns Creek areas.
Requirements: Must have a perfect driving record and background check, reliable transportation, honest, hard-working and positive attitude.
For more information or to apply, email heidi@appenmedia.com and include a paragraph or two about who you are and any relevant background/experience. In the subject line of the email please put “Delivery Route Application.”
Continued from Page 14 denials the department issues are those in which the applicant does not agree to replant trees according to code requirements.
“I think that we have a really good tree ordinance that requires a certain amount of trees off of a piece of property, so that can be a combination of tree saves as well as replant,” Community Development Director Kathi Cook said.
The department also has a requirement to save trees of quality and specimen trees, which qualify for preservation due to size, type, location, condition or historical significance, Cook said.
Community feedback
Alpharetta resident Michael Buchanan, who moved to the city in 1995, said he has witnessed many changes as the area developed and the population grew.
“When I first moved up here in ’95, then, you got off at Haynes Bridge, and it was a big lot of trees that went forever,” Buchanan said. “This was up here with horse farms and two-lane roads, and so there was a lot of grain.”
Buchanan and his girlfriend Deborah Eves, co-owners of Alpharetta Bee Company, said they are passionate about nature and trees in the city. While change is inevitable as development persists, they said they think Alpharetta is in a good place with tree preservation.
Buchanan, Eves and some of their neighbors spearheaded the Alpharetta Conservancy, an informal group seeking preservation of trees that maintain the character of their neighborhood.
Eves said she and her neighbors love to walk, and in early 2022, they noticed that some of the old oak trees on Canton Street and Shady Grove Lane were being removed.
That spring, the couple began attending meetings to ask the City Council to save the trees. Eves said Shostak and Cook joined them on walks through their neighborhood.
Then, at the Jan. 3 meeting, councilmembers passed an amendment to the Unified Development Code that protects specimen trees and trees of quality on Mayfield Road, Milton Avenue and Academy, Canton, Church, Cumming, Marietta and Roswell streets if the trees are located on building setbacks.
“They live in their neighborhoods, but they didn’t really live in our neighborhood,” Buchanan said. “And so, every day we had to get up and see it, and we had to see it face-toface, these changes.”
Eves and Buchanan said they welcome progress in the city, and they recognize that the need for tree removal as the area expands is complicated.
“I would offer that anyone who’s lived in Alpharetta for a long time is probably a little bit overwhelmed with the pace of growth,” Eves said. “I don’t think too many people can deny that the city has made a sincere effort to promote green spaces.”
Their mission to preserve their neighborhood did not stop there. Eves and Buchanan advocated for the City Council to approve further amendments to the Unified Development Code, which passed at the March 6 meeting, allowing neighborhoods that do not have homeowners associations to adopt standards to prevent incompatible development.
Buchanan said he hopes the city will emphasize the balance between tree preservation and removal moving forward, and he and Eves intend on meeting with the Natural Resources Commission and continuing their efforts.
Ahead of the curve
David Long, specialist with the Northwest Georgia Forestry Commission Urban and Community Forestry division, said Alpharetta’s tree ordinance is more comprehensive than many in the state, and some municipalities do not have ordinances that are specific to trees.
“There’s always room for growth, but the fact that [Alpharetta has] three arborists on staff is pretty remarkable,” Long said. The Alpharetta ordinance, he said, also addresses soil disturbance, which is groundbreaking because most local tree ordinances only focus on what is above ground.
Long said some smaller municipalities implement tree boards that make decisions a few times a year, or these cities will include a clause about trees in development ordinances. He said Alpharetta has clear definitions of prohibited and recommended practices; public trees; and tree care, removal and maintenance.
“One of the biggest environmental threats to Georgia is sedimentation to streams, and it’s trying to balance all the development we’re experiencing with all the soil disturbance that causes, and it’s something that, in my personal opinion, is underaddressed,” Long said. “So it’s kind of nice to see a city that takes that into account with their planning.” the girls lacrosse team in CrossFit in its off seasons.

New Show, Same Ride.

Milton is a 6A school playing 7A, Sylvestri said.
But Milton has claimed a total of 20 state championships with eight runner-up finishes across multiple sports, including football, baseball and basketball, while Sylvestri has led athletics. Sylvestri also emphasized the ties he has with teams that don’t do well.
School spirit moves through his family, too. Sylvestri’s wife, and his best friend for more than 30 years, works in the football office at Milton High School. His other two children work at Milton as well.
“I think people forget about that part of it,” he said. “Failure is the foundation to success, right?”
‘The grind’
With an Italian background, Sylvestri is tan, weathered from days on the field, and stocky. He sports a collection of tattoos on both arms, including one of two hands alluding to “The Creation of Adam.” A tattoo on his left hand says, “One love,” paired with Rastafarian colors.
When he retires in June, Sylvestri said he’s going to continue traveling to Jamaica and spend more time with family. Some are up North, and he has grandkids around the country he’ll get to visit. His daughter Danielle lives in Virginia, and his son Nick lives in Utah.
But he’s not going to stop working. He serves as the associate pastor at a local church, a role he had when he lived in South Florida. He also plans to start up a podcast called “Behind the Bench,” where the first guest will be James Hines, the executive director of the Georgia High School Association.
“I’m not going to sit down at 60 and just sit by a palm tree,” Sylvestri said.
Sylvestri said slowing down “the grind” is going to be a shock, considering his work routine. As athletic director, he carries a host of administrative tasks related to buses, clubs, custodians, facilities and parking at the school.
He also stays involved with coaching. Sylvestri put one hat down in 2016 when he stopped coaching football but soon picked up another, training
Sylvestri’s son Vincent, affectionately “Vinny,” is the running back coach, and his daughter Dominique is a community-based instruction (CBI) teacher, working with students who have special needs. She also used to coach junior varsity soccer at Milton.
A time in uniform
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Sylvestri moved to Milton from South Florida, where he worked as a police officer. After the night shift, he’d take a nap then go off to coach football at inner city schools. He first started coaching in 1983.
“My wife, God bless her…” Sylvestri said. “She put up with a lot.”
On the force, he learned to be a “chameleon,” jumping from call to call, which served him in athletics leadership.
“When you’re dealing with parents or you’re dealing with students … you’re dealing with different personalities, different cultures,” he said. “If you’re set in your ways, you’re not going to get very far. It’s a relational job.”
Sylvestri said he tries to “chill in life” because of what he had seen in his 20 years in police work.
“I have a lot of stuff locked up in a closet in my head, to keep there forever if I can,” he said.
When he retires, Sylvestri said he’s going to miss impacting the lives of Milton’s kids. He’s always had an open-door policy for anyone that needs to talk. Sylvestri believes part of God’s plan for him is being there for people.