Attention mobile app businesses the black (golden) friday is here

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Attention Mobile App Businesses: The Black (Golden) Friday​ ​is​ ​Here

You need to gear up your acquisition campaigns before any of your competitors does. Since this is the most-awaited festive season over the years, acquiring new customers will be easier. And if you start putting your efforts now, you can create a before-the-event hype, putting your business on the top of your customer’s choices.

If you are targeting the Black Friday, you can initially start your acquisition campaign with paid Facebook and Instagram ads. Make sure to use minimalism in design and​ ​creativity​ ​and​ ​a​ ​shocking​ ​factor​ ​in​ ​your​ ​content. This span of four days turns out to be very special every year,​ ​for​ ​both​ ​customers​ ​and​ ​businesses.

Starting off from Thanksgiving day to the Cyber Monday, this is the time of the year when your customers will expect​ ​huge​ ​discounts​ ​and​ ​deals​ ​from​ ​you.

Marketers and top ​mobile app development companies in USA already expect total mobile sales to cross the mark of $100 billion. They anticipate the sales to go 70% more​ ​than​ ​that​ ​of​ ​2015’s.

From the customers who love hitting the doors of online stores to soothe their shopping needs to the ones who find online shopping a rather convenient & variety-rich option, you should target everyone with your mobile app campaigns.

Remember, while these four days are a golden opportunity for every marketer, your prime focus shouldn’t only revolve around your existing customers. A good chunk of your marketing campaigns should direct at acquiring new customers, create and maintain a relationship with them, and​ ​finally​ ​turn​ ​them​ ​into​ ​regulars​ ​over​ ​the​ ​time.

1. Start with a New User Acquisition Campaign Before Your​ ​Competitors Ever heard the idiom “early bird always gets the worm”? Exactly the same applies to your mobile app marketing campaign. While the Black Friday is just 30 days away, every app market will soon launch a strategy to hit the interest​ ​of​ ​customers.

2.​ ​Email​ ​Marketing Once you have initially taken care of reaching out to new customers, you focus should shift to the ones you have on your hand. Customers who have already registered themselves in your email list, are your perfect bet for this. As the big Friday come close, stuff your emails with more discounts​ ​and​ ​make​ ​them​ ​more​ ​frequent​ ​than​ ​ever.

3.​ ​App​ ​Store​ ​Optimization No doubt, among millions of apps in app store, it is quite difficult to show up in the front of a search result. However, you can still advance with a proper SEO technique from optimizing your app’s name, icon, keywords, description, screenshots, and videos, to getting more and more positive​ ​reviews​ ​and​ ​ratings.

Many ​mobile app development services in USA have already accentuated the need of employing a perfect ASO strategy. It will let the play store get an idea of what your app​ ​is​ ​all​ ​about.

Positive reviews and rating add to your rankings as well. The higher your rating is, the upper you will appear in a search​ ​result.









Experience Push notifications are usually the most sought-after marketing means to maintain the customer engagement. However, they won’t work unless you offer your customers a​ ​pleasant​ ​onboarding​ ​as​ ​well​ ​as​ ​an​ ​in-app​ ​experience.

If your customers didn’t enjoy moving around your mobile application, they simply will not like to purchase anything from​ ​it.

5.​ ​Easy​ ​Checkout The festive season is never without competition for retailers. Every one of your competitors will generally come up with similar offers and discounts. However, among all this hassle offering your users with a seamless, quick checkout will help you reduce your abandoned cart rates.

If you users have any promo codes, applying them during the checkout should be automatic or extremely easy. Various mobile wallets should be integrated there for a user to choose from. Allowing your users to buy with a guest​ ​account​ ​is​ ​a​ ​great​ ​go​ ​as​ ​well.

6. Using Your App to Drive Customer Traffic to Your Physical​ ​Stores If your business has a physical presence as well, you can drive your customers with the festive adrenaline rush to them​ ​through​ ​using​ ​techniques​ ​like​ ​geofencing.

Some people still love to do all their festive shopping from stores. You can offer a special discount or festive freebies for​ ​them​ ​in​ ​case​ ​they​ ​buy​ ​from​ ​there.

7. Remember, Black Friday is Not just a One-Day Event If you are investing all those precious bucks in advertising and marketing and hoping to get an unrivaled revenue on Black​ ​Friday​ ​alone,​ ​then​ ​you​ ​are​ ​doing​ ​a​ ​big​ ​mistake.

2017 festive celebration will start from Thanksgiving day to Cyber Monday and Christmas to New Year’s Eve. Hence, make sure to plan a 2-months long marketing campaign for your mobile app to take the maximum revenue out of each​ ​day.

The festive season doesn’t come 10 times a year! Hence, it depends on you how you turn this short time span in the favor of your business. Today’s time is of smartphones. And, if a similar business can win customers then you can too. It all depends on how well you understand your audience.

Resources>>​ -mobile-app-businesses-the-black-golden-friday-is-here/

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