Employing gamification & storytelling in your iphone app for uplifted user engagement

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Employing Gamification​ ​& Storytelling​ ​in​ ​Your iPhone​ ​APP​ ​for Uplifted​ ​User Engagement

If you are one of those Hollywood fans, you know that despite all the high-end sci-fi details, it is actually the storyline that actually makes a movie interesting. The same goes for the iPhone



of the most

successful apps are the best story tellers as

well. For instance, Clash of Clans comes up with engaging​ ​stories​ ​every​ ​now​ ​and​ ​then.

2016 was a golden year for ​iPhone app development companies in the USA with especially the ones developing quality games. The overall game revenue in the last year was $40.6 billion and is expected to feel an uptick of 14%​ ​in​ ​the​ ​upcoming​ ​years.

Storytelling and gamification can be employed in almost all genres of iPhone apps including





development, games, and scheduler apps. If you can somehow blend the core features of your app with stories or gamification, your users




not throw your

application​ ​into​ ​the​ ​pit​ ​of​ ​abandonment.

When it comes to generating revenue through an iPhone app, keeping the user engagement and satisfaction quotient on the preeminent must be on the top of your priority list. For instance, how about letting users collect points and achievements by performing certain tasks

and get a special discount in a grocery store or a free 30 mins play in a game zone? Gamification is all about adding a fun element to​ ​the​ ​core​ ​functionalities​ ​of​ ​your​ ​iPhone​ ​app.

To help you learn about gamification & storytelling in detail, we have created this exclusive list of iPhone applications that have beautifully​ ​incorporated​ ​this​ ​features:

2.​ ​ChoreMonster

Parents of preschoolers know that it takes a lifetime to teach their kids to do daily chores such as brushing their teeth, water the plants, stay away from screened devices, study, and devote​ ​some​ ​time​ ​to​ ​outside​ ​sport.

ChoreMonster comes as a savior for those parents as it provides an interactive app interface to kids showing the points they have earned by completing a certain daily chore. Those points can be redeemed later for gifts or a​ ​eat​ ​out,​ ​anything​ ​the​ ​parents​ ​prefer.

2.​ ​Zombie​ ​Run This app has gained the attention of a slew of iPhone app development services around the world. By the name, it may sound like a game where your game avi will run for an endless time.

However, in actual, it's a fitness app that requires you to collect survival gears and items. And, in order to lead your survivor's group into a post apocalypse world to survival, you need

to save your stuff from zombies and how? By running​ ​around​ ​in​ ​the​ ​real​ ​world!

Like all these applications, you may mull over a creative






gamification and storytelling into your iPhone app. Resource>>​https://medium.com/@apphonch ozitservices/employing-gamification-storytelli ng-in-your-iphone-app-for-uplifted-user-engag ement-25b2b83782a0

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