Why Shouldn't You Put Off Building an App for Your Online Magazine Anymore?

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Why Shouldn't You Put Off Building an App for Your Online Magazine Anymore? Success in the world of online businesses doesn’t just emanate from nowhere. To beat the massive online competition to draw, adhering to all the emerging trends, applying an effective marketing strategy, and making frequent and snappy analysis are strongly required.

Online magazines are among some of the most-successful internet businesses, having abundant traffic thanks to their content richness. Paper based magazines are not only expensive but are becoming things of past. Surveys conducted by the top Android app development companies in USA suggest that today’s population wants all the

latest updates, happenings, entertainment, and videos at their fingertips. And paper magazines simply don’t meet these furious expectations, adding to the success of its online counterparts. Some big names in the panorama of press industry like New York Times, Time, and Forbes, all have made for building a website and app for their websites. It is notable that an average user spends 85% of his total smartphone time on applications, leaving just 15% for the rest of the activities including browsing and calling. A big chunk of overall revenue of all the major press houses is now coming from applications.

So far you might have perceived the significance of having an Android app for your online magazine business. Influencing and garnering audience through the application can give a head on to your business and turn the tides in your favor.

However, before you approach an Android app development service in USA to get your app built, you might not want to miss

the essential features your app must have in order to keep your customers entertained and make money along the way:

1. Engaging User Interface

The first thing your users would notice while opening your app very first time is the richness of its visual elements. Is it interesting? Is it intriguing enough to prompt them to dig deeper? Make your UI simple yet striking. It's certainly a challenge to imbue something like that but it's not impossible.

2. Ads but No Ads

The ultimate goal of any business is to generate constant and increasing profit. Ads will be the major and prominent source of revenue. But they are annoying and undoubtedly turn off your customer's mood. Hence, you would need to sponsor those ads in text and video form between the segments of your news.

3. Quality of the Content

Even the advertisers and sponsors will leave you if the content of your magazine is dull. Hence, leave no stone unturned to boost the quality and relativity of your content. If you don’t have a mobile app for your online magazine now, its time to get a move on and utilize it as another revenueg e n e r a t i n g t

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