800-961-1963-Disable Safari Suggestions and Use Private Browsing with Safari for OS X EI Capitan & iOS 1. How to Use Pinned Tabs in Safari for OS X El Capitan? The latest edition of Safari on OS X EI Capitan or newer includes some cool features to allow the users to get a better browsing experience, along with maximum Safari browser safety to their browsing behavior. Among newly-added features, pinned tab is the perhaps the most interesting one that can now help the users to get their preferred websites ready always whenever they launch the web browser. It now eliminates one more layer from your internet browsing as you don’t need to type the URL in the address bar every time. As the feature is new in the Mac environment, so is for you as well – you should contact an Apple Safari customer support service provider and access a reliable tech help from the experts. Largely similar to bookmarks bar, the Pinned Tab functions in the same way how you have been using Safari bookmarks, but with more conveniently. Simply click the pinned area and you will get all those pinned websites before you. But it is not as simple as it sounds. Before you start tweaking the settings, keep in mind, your possible impractical steps may bring some additional issues to your Safari browser. You would better go for a reliable support for Apple Safari. Read more at https://onlinehelpapple.shutterfly.com/
2. How to Use Private Browsing with Safari for iOS 9, iOS 8, & iOS 7? Safari has always been a key area for the browser developers at Apple to introduce new updates and security patches for Safari. Over the last few years, we have seen a number updates for Safari, which surely advanced the technical inheritance in the browser. Improved Private Browsing in another update for Safari in iOS 8 or newer, allowing the users to keep their internet browsing history concealed from others.
It is a way that a user can hide his activities or the websites that he has visited or visits frequently. Apple support team at Apple development center understands the feasible risks that may possibly cause unwanted issue if browsing history or information is open to all. Here is a set of technical procedures that can be used to turn the private browsing in your Safari on so as to keep it concealed from others. Though the process doesn’t comprise of in-depth technical procedures, yet you should stay armed with a real time technical support for Safari iOS 9, iOS 8 & iOS 7 – whichever you use. How to enable private browsing in Safari on iOS 8 or newer:
Launch Safari web browser Click the tab icon that is displayed in the bottom right corner Up next, select the Private button seen in the bottom left corner Click Done to confirm the changes you have made Close all tabs and check if the private browsing is working on the Safari
Read more at https://tackk.com/e1ezxh
3. How to Disable Safari Suggestions in iOS With an objective to provide maximum convenience to the Mac users, Apple tries its best to bring in new features and update – suggestions in iOS while trying URLs is one among them. When you will start tying something in the search bar on Safari, it will come up with a list of suggestions related to the searches you want to look for. Sometimes, such suggestions appear to be helpful in some ways, but scores of Mac users find it irritating to some extent. To get rid of the Safari suggestions, they rush to Apple Safari support center for an instant solution. Safari suggestions can be related to the following items: App Store apps Weather forecasts
News feeds from online publications Wikipedia contents Points of interest and locations close by Suggestions from your search engine Movie show times Stock prices
iOS offers an easy option to get the suggestions either turned on or turned off depending on your requirements. But it requires you to apply the methods very carefully as an incorrect step can result in another issue. It would be better to access an online support for Apple Safari offered from a legitimate and reliable source. Read more at http://apple-support.applehelp.support/disabling-safarisuggestions-in-ios/