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Installing and configuring Dynamo
1. Content............................................................................................................................................................. 1 2. Downloading and installing Dynamo................................................................................................................. 1 3. Installing Campaign Monitor for Dynamo......................................................................................................... 3 4. Configuring Campaign Monitor for Dynamo..................................................................................................... 4 5. Bookmarks........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Downloading and installing Dynamo
Move the mouse to link Downloads
Click on link Dynamo
Click on link Download & Install
Click on the button InstallOrRunButton
Click on the button &Continue >
Click on the button Add new
Click on the input field
Enter the text appl-crm2011.
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Installing and configuring Dynamo Click on the button &Next >
Enter the text crmadmin.
Click on the input field
Enter the text F1nland!.
Click on the input field
Enter the text APPLIATIONS.
Click on the button &Next >
Click on the button Open
Click on the list element Dev1
Click on the button &Next >
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Installing and configuring Dynamo Click on the button &Next >
Click on the button &Finish
Click on the list element Dev1 on appl-crm2011
Click on the button Login
Installing Campaign Monitor for Dynamo
Click on the button Start
Select menu All Programs
Select the folder Applications
Select menu Dynamo Client
Click on the list element Dev1 on appl-crm2011
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Installing and configuring Dynamo Click on the button Login
Click on the button Install
Click on the button I Accept the End User License Agreement
Click on the button &Continue >
Configuring Campaign Monitor for Dynamo
Click on the button Start
Select menu All Programs
Select the folder Applications
Select the folder Dynamo
Select menu Dynamo Client
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Installing and configuring Dynamo Click on the list element Dev1 on appl-crm2011
Click on the button Login
Click on the button Configure
Click on the input field
Enter the text Applications A/S.
Click on the input field URL
Press CTRL+v.
Click on the input field
Enter the text
Click on the input field
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Installing and configuring Dynamo Enter the text applmax.
Click on the input field User Name
Enter the text nytk0de0rdIgen.
Click on the link Save New Configuration
Click on the button OK
Click on the button No
C:\Users\mra\Documents\CL Recordings\Dynamo\Dynamo\Installing and configuring Dynamo\Installing and configuring Dynamo 11/20/2012
ClickLearn Book
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Installing and configuring Dynamo
Content................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Downloading and installing Dynamo..................................................................................................................... 1 Installing Campaign Monitor for Dynamo............................................................................................................. 3 Configuring Campaign Monitor for Dynamo......................................................................................................... 4 Bookmarks............................................................................................................................................................ 7
C:\Users\mra\Documents\CL Recordings\Dynamo\Dynamo\Installing and configuring Dynamo\Installing and configuring Dynamo 11/20/2012