Children have a right to be informed about and participate in decisions about their health and treatments. The Radiography team at the Great North Children's Hospital identified a need to make their MRI scan information for children more accessible, with a focus on the process of having a scan rather than the technology involved. Here is the comic that evolved from that collaboration.
Project team:
Claire Watson – Radiographer, Great North Children’s Hospital
Julie Anderson – Research and Innovations Manager, Great North Children’s Hospital
Lydia Wysocki – Education, Communication and Language Sciences, Newcastle University; Applied Comics Etc
Janice McLaughlin – Sociology, Newcastle University
Heather Wilson – Comic Developer, HeatherWilson Illustrations
The GNCH Young Person's Advisory Group gave feedback at the very early stages of our project, and again when we presented a poster at YPAG's conference. Read a PDF of our poster here.
The next stage of this project will involve feedback from young patient