Maintenance Technology February 2011

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FEBRUARY 2011 • VOL 24, NO 2 •




Trust, But Verify Don’t put yourself on shaky ground when it comes to your plant’s ordinary and high-speed machinery assets and the processes they support. — FOTOLIA.COM

Ralph T. Buscarello, Update International


A Data-Driven Path To PM Optimization Krzysztof (Kris) Goly, CMRP, Siemens Industry, Inc.



■ Big Money Talks William C. Livoti

■ Energy Recovery System Cuts School’s Cooling Costs 70% Jane Alexander, Editor, with Jim Connell, Airxchange, Inc.


Equipment Health Update: A Better Way To Do More With Less It’s no secret: In tough times, those who succeed typically must find ways to do more with less, including in the area of machinery improvement.

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Detailed work-order analysis can reduce inspection frequency and improve your PM effectiveness.

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February 2011 • Volume 24, No. 2 arthur l. rice

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Maintenance Technology® (ISSN 0899-5729) is published monthly by Applied Technology Publications, Inc., 1300 S. Grove Avenue, Barrington, IL 60010. Periodicals postage paid at Barrington, Illinois and additional offices. Arthur L. Rice, III, President. Circulation records are maintained at Maintenance Technology®, Creative Data, 440 Quadrangle Drive, Suite E, Bolingbrook, IL 60440. Maintenance Technology® copyright 2011 by Applied Technology Publications, Inc. Annual subscription rates for nonqualified people: North America, $140; all others, $280 (air). No subscription agency is authorized by us to solicit or take orders for subscriptions. Postmaster: Please send address changes to Maintenance Technology®, Creative Data, 440 Quadrangle Drive, Suite E, Bolingbrook, IL 60440. Please indicate position, title, company name, company address. For other circulation information call (630) 739-0900. Canadian Publications agreement No. 40886011. Canada Post returns: IMEX, Station A, P.O. Box 54, Windsor, ON N9A 6J5, or email: cpcreturns@ Submissions Policy: Maintenance Technology® gladly welcomes submissions. By sending us your submission, unless otherwise negotiated in writing with our editor(s), you grant Applied Technology Publications, Inc. permission, by an irrevocable license, to edit, reproduce, distribute, publish, and adapt your submission in any medium, including via Internet, on multiple occasions. You are, of course, free to publish your submission yourself or to allow others to republish your submission. Submissions will not be returned. “Maintenance Technology®” is a registered trademark of Applied Technology Publications, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.

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Jane Alexander, Editor-In-Chief

Show And Tell: Tracking Tools And More


hey certainly rolled out the red carpet in Dallas recently. You thought I meant Super Bowl XLV? Hardly. Professional football is not the only bunch that knows how to throw a great shindig. I was referring to the Snap-on Industrial Media Tour held last month in conjunction with one of the company’s information-packed distributor events. Snap-on being Snap-on, red carpet wasn’t the only thing being rolled out (or about) for lucky editors who came to town. We were there to get a first-hand introduction to this iconic company’s new Level 5™ ATC Tool Control System. What a groundbreaker! If you’re involved in aerospace or power-gen operations where Foreign Object Detection (FOD) and Foreign Material Exclusion (FME) are, respectively, of the utmost concern, or any other type of industry where (check all that apply) reliability, availability, efficiency, productivity, safety, security, etc., are crucial, you should get acquainted with this system yourself. Using advanced digital imaging technology and proprietary software, it automatically tracks tool inventory by user, records which tools are removed and replaced and when the transactions occurred—no pesky or potentially dangerous RFID tags, sensors or bar codes required. Each drawer of the very-secure-access unit is organized based on a user-supplied tool list, with each item assigned its own space in the custom, laser-cut foam drawer liner. Those details are then programmed into the system’s scanning hardware fitted to the top of the box. As a drawer is opened and closed, it’s digitally scanned and the image instantly compared with the baseline image of the drawer contents. Any tool that’s been removed or returned is identified, and the computer audibly announces the fact. Errors, too, are clearly enunciated and displayed. Quite clearly. The system’s computer also tracks each removed and replaced tool by part number and user, and creates a powerful database of all tools going in and out, along with digital images of drawer contents at given points. This, in turn, provides an audit trail of the last 15,000 transactions. Not only can managers obtain data for all activities, they can access actual pictures of drawer contents for verification. Translation: There’s no need for physical inspections. According to Snap-on, the Level 5 ATC works at the speed of work (the speed you work). Other automated tool systems evidently require extra steps to scan or log activity. Not this one: It does everything seamlessly, with no wasted time and no dependence on other steps to ensure accuracy. System boxes come network-ready (through Ethernet or wireless connection), meaning managers can view and review all activity—including numbers of tools issued, active users and histories—from each box on a network via a central computer. E-mail and text-message system alerts can be customized for lost or broken tools or calibration requirements. Custom reports can be created on a tool’s frequency of use, inspection and calibration dates and more. Imagine the KPIs you can develop based on the types of technologies and capabilities incorporated into this bona fide capacity assurance solution—and how those innovations can help your organization maximize effective wrench time as it, like Snap-on, rolls into the future…I can. MT


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Bob Williamson, Contributing Editor

Growing Your Own: Part II In “Growing Your Own: Part I,” we explored proven ways to begin growing your own maintenance technicians: defining entry-level requirements; seeking candidates; interviewing and checking references; and looking for demonstrated ability. With regard to that “demonstrated ability” detail, I outlined a straightforward process your operations can use to verify that a candidate actually has the skills and knowledge with a “potential to succeed” as a maintenance technician in your maintenance job roles. In “Growing Your Own: Part II,” we take the next steps: how to set up your own basic maintenance-skills training program using in-house talents. Here, we’ll address where to start; planning and preparing for training and conducting on-job training. The era of maintenance-skills shortages has been growing for more than two decades. It’s because of the “perfect storm” conditions we discussed in previous columns: aging Baby Boomers; fewer young people entering careers in industrial maintenance; the precipitous decline of vocational-technical education in our schools; and an over-emphasis on a “college education” by our society, our politicians and our schools. Couple these conditions with the myth that manufacturing is on the way out in America and you have the “perfect storm.” Riding this one out will take foresight, planning, out-of-the-box thinking and leadership. Starting with the basics Once the candidates for the “maintenance technician in training” have been selected and brought on board, the training process should begin with a basic orientation to your “world of maintenance.” If the candidates have been selected from the ranks of production workers, they already know their way around the plant, company policies and procedures. However, their knowledge of maintenance may be based on assumptions, rumors or just pure myths about plant maintenance. Think of this introductory training phase as Basic Training Boot Camp—“everything you wanted to know about maintenance but were afraid to ask.” First, develop a plan, since, like all good maintenance work, there should be a plan. List basic maintenance orientation and training activities and organize a process to assure things happen the way you expect. 8|


Without a plan, the new maintenance technician in training can turn into a decent helper—but one with very little knowledge. Training/learning by simply following someone around doesn’t work either. (Unfortunately, this type of “training by osmosis” or “shadow training” is quite common.) Here are types of orientation activities/topics to include in your Training Plan for the basics: n Describe how the training process will work, including topics, sequence, timeframes, etc. n Meet the crew: maintenance staff and technicians. n Assign the new technician to a senior “maintenance coach.” n Review plant or facility safe work requirements. n Conduct plant equipment orientation: names of departments, processes, lines, equipment, etc. n Meet the operations leadership and teams. n Review maintenance policy and procedures. n Describe how maintenance requests get processed through completion. n Tour plant maintenance shops and stores. n Present a week in the life of a maintenance tech. Organize the topics/activities in a logical learning sequence—from the essential basic skills and knowledge to the more advanced. Use this Training Plan to organize yourself; manage the training process; and serve as a guide for the maintenance trainee and their mentors, coaches and trainers along the way. Second, define the desired results from the topics listed for the Basic Training Boot Camp. What do you expect the maintenance technician trainee to be able to do upon completion of each segment of the training? Here’s one example: FEBRUARY 2011


Think of the introductory training phase as Basic Training Boot Camp: ‘everything you wanted to know about maintenance but were afraid to ask.’ “Upon completion of the training, the trainee will be able to identify and explain all major departments, processes, lines, equipment locations, functions and safety” Preparing for training It is critically important to prepare yourself and others to facilitate an efficient and effective Basic Training Boot Camp. This step assures that the people, materials and schedules are prepared in advance. Here are four activities to prepare for instruction—preparing yourself as the “instructor” or “on-job coach.” Prepare yourself to instruct… n Make a timetable for training. ◆ Who to train on which task by what date n Break down the task. ◆ Important steps ◆ Key points and their reasons ◆ Safety (always a key point) n Get everything ready. ◆ The right equipment, materials and supplies n Arrange the work area. Let’s see how this really works. We’ll select one of the orientation activity topics from our Training Plan (pg. 8). Write this down and keep it in a training file labeled with the activity topic. Example Topic: “Plant Equipment Orientation” (departments, processes, lines, equipment)… n Timetable ◆ Task: “Identify and explain all of the major departments, processes, lines, equipment locations, functions and safety.” ◆ 8 hours, Friday, 1st shift, training room, plant tour ◆ Larry Smith, maintenance tech trainee ◆ Joe Riley, maintenance on-job coach n Break down the task ◆ Safety gear (shoes, glasses, ear plugs) ◆ Maintenance work requires that we KNOW this plant and all equipment in it. FEBRUARY 2011

◆ Start in shipping and follow the process flow

backward: department names, process descriptions, equipment names, functions & safety. ◆ Powerhouse: equipment names, functions & safety ◆ Roof units: equipment names, functions & safety ◆ Cooling towers: equipment names, functions & safety ◆ Sub-station: equipment names, functions & safety n Get everything ready ◆ Plant floor plan, equipment arrangement drawings ◆ Major equipment list by area and department ◆ Should we label the equipment names and asset numbers? ◆ Safety gear ◆ Schedule Larry Smith, trainee, and Joe Riley, coach for the tour n Arrange the work area ◆ Advise area management and supervision of Friday’s orientation tour. ◆ Lay out drawings and major equipment list in the training room. Conducting on-job training Continuing with a four-step approach, we’ll follow an easy-to-use method for the actual on-job instruction of the trainee. This Four-Step Method of Job Instruction is a proven approach for almost all the skills and knowledge to be taught AND learned on the job. These four steps and their activities are as follows: n STEP 1. Prepare the trainee ◆ Put trainee at ease. ◆ State the task to be learned. ◆ Find out what the trainee already knows. ◆ Get trainee interested in learning the task. ◆ Put trainee in the correct position. n STEP 2. Present the operation ◆ Tell, show and illustrate—one important step at a time. ◆ Stress each key point and its reason. ◆ Instruct clearly, completely, patiently—giving no more than the trainee can master at one time. | 9


The proven Four-Step Method of Instruction dates back to World War II, when the U.S. Government had to train countless new factory workers to support the war effort. n STEP 3. Application: Try out performance ◆ Have the trainee do task—coach corrects errors. ◆ Have the trainee do the task—coach explains key points and reasons. ◆ Make sure the trainee understands. ◆ Continue until you know that the trainee knows. n STEP 4. Follow-up & evaluation ◆ Put the trainee on his/her own. ◆ Identify who to go to for help. ◆ Check frequently. ◆ Encourage questions. ◆ Taper off coaching. Let’s see how this works with the topic of “Plant Equipment Orientation” using the Four-Step Method of Instruction. Write this down and have it with you throughout the training and coaching. Keep it in the file labeled with the training topic. n STEP 1. Prepare the trainee ◆ Introduce yourself as the on-job coach, noting experience and how important it is to know one’s way around the plant and all its equipment. ◆ State the task to be learned and outcomes: “Upon completion of training, the trainee will be able to identify and explain all major departments, processes, lines, equipment locations, functions and safety.” ◆ Find out what the trainee already knows. ◆ “Imagine when you get a maintenance request or an emergency call, how would you know where to go?” ◆ “Before the plant tour, let’s start by looking over these plant drawings and equipment lists.” n STEP 2. Present the operation ◆ Don the required safety gear (shoes, glasses, ear plugs). Explain why it is important. ◆ “Maintenance work requires that we KNOW this plant and all of the equipment in it.” ◆ Start the tour in shipping and follow the process flow backward. Key points: department names, process descriptions, equipment names, functions & safety. ◆ Powerhouse: equipment names, functions & safety ◆ Roof units: equipment names, functions & safety ◆ Cooling towers: equipment names, functions & safety ◆ Sub-station: equipment names, functions & safety 10 |


n STEP 3. Application: Try out performance ◆ After each department, ask the trainee to explain what he/she knows about the area. ◆ Using equipment arrangement drawings, have the trainee explain what he/she learned. ◆ Have the trainee point out the equipment in the area and explain its function(s) & safety. ◆ Don’t leave the area until the trainee can identify the equipment and show it on the plant floor layout or drawings. n STEP 4. Follow-up & evaluation ◆ After the orientation tour, meet back in the training room to recap the tour. ◆ Discuss any trainee questions and/or comments. ◆ Ask the trainee to look at the plant layout and explain the department, process, equipment, functions, & safety in that area. ◆ Encourage the trainee and on-job coach to re-visit areas in question during the next week. ◆ Review the trainee’s knowledge on a 30-minute tour each day during the following week. ◆ Measure knowledge against the task outcome statement (see second bullet, STEP 1, this page). In summary In this installment of our “Growing Your Own” series, we’ve focused on the basics of what every maintenance technician trainee needs to know, but may have been afraid to ask. After all, this IS “basic.” The knowledge of the basics, though, is the foundation of efficient and effective training and learning. Of the approaches discussed here, the Four-Step Method of Instruction dates back to World War II. That was when the U.S. Government had to train millions of workers to build equipment and armaments in support of the war effort— the labor pool from which it drew included countless housewives who had never before worked in factories. Next month, in “Growing Your Own Part III,” we’ll outline approaches for training in more technical skills and knowledge for maintenance technicians. Remember: We must begin training our maintenance technicians of the future to assure our competitive levels of equipment performance and reliability. MT FEBRUARY 2011

International Maintenance Excellence Conference October 5 to 7

The Experts are in Toronto this Fall The 2011 International Maintenance Excellence Conference IMEC October 5 to 7 in Toronto, Canada Expand your knowledge in unexpected ways by joining maintenance and asset-management professionals from around the world at the seventh-annual International Maintenance Excellence Conference. IMEC’s two days of keynote presentations and one day of in-depth workshops are presented with academic and industrial perspectives that deliver well-rounded interpretations of modern issues. Hosted by Dr. Andrew Jardine of the University of Toronto’s Centre for Maintenance Optimization & Reliability Engineering and co-produced with Maintenance Technology magazine, IMEC 2011 takes place at the University’s convenient, full-service conference venue located in the heart of beautiful downtown Toronto. Don’t miss this unique, multi-dimensional learning opportunity for maintenance professionals everywhere! Learn more about IMEC at or contact Bill Kiesel at / 847-382-8100, ext. 116

IMEC is organized by:

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FOR ON THE FLOOR An outlet for the views of today’s capacity assurance professionals Rick Carter, Executive Editor

Serving Industry’s Need To Know Of the many shortages our Panelists have learned to cope with in today’s manufacturing environment, sources of job-related information is not one of them. Thanks largely to the Internet and its varied outlets, industrial information is plentiful, growing in volume and becoming ever-easier to access. When asked how and where they find information that helps them do their jobs better, virtually all Panelists say they turn to the Internet in one or several of its many iterations; few say they use no electronic sources whatsoever. Despite the Internet’s overwhelming coverage and acceptance, Panelists also say print sources—magazines and books—continue to play a key role in meeting their information needs. Here’s how our group navigates today’s rising tide of information: Pushing all the buttons Everything electronic is in the mix for Panelists— Webinars, Websites, blogs, podcasts, even tweets. Most often, though, it’s Websites. Favorites include focused sites hosted by manufacturers, industry publications and associations, broadappeal sites like LinkedIn, YouTube, eBay and, of course, the Google and Yahoo search engines. Interestingly, social media outlets—the interactive Internet applications that include blogs, microblogs (Twitter) and networking sites such as Facebook—have not yet become a significant part of job-related information searches for most Panelists. Driving overall usage, they say, is typically their immediate need for searchable, reliable and, often, detailed information. “I probably use the Yahoo search engine most frequently,” says a reliability/maintenance engineer for a heavy manufacturer in the South. “I need it for parts information and to locate suppliers. It is very handy. I also use company Websites.” This Panelist declines to rank his sources in terms of effectiveness, noting that their usefulness “depends on what I am after.” He doesn’t use social media because he finds

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“no use for these networks as they relate to my job.” Similarly, another Panelist does not allow his crew access to social media “because it tends to distract employees away from procedures and tools already in place.” This perspective would be lost on a maintenance-engineering specialist in Canada who characterizes himself as having grown up in the digital age. For him, the Internet is king and he acknowledges turning to it for everything maintenance-related. “In the few places I’ve worked,” he observes, “the type of information that most maintenance people hold valuable—parts catalogs, installation and maintenance manuals— seems to be scarce. Sales reps will occasionally visit and deliver this type of print material,” he adds, “but that has become less frequent as the way business is conducted has changed.” To obtain this type of information, this Panelist prefers Websites that provide the data in a browsing format as opposed to just downloading a PDF of the catalog. Highly valuable, he notes, are “companies that can provide CAD models of their products on the Website, free for downloading.” For a chemical-industry vice president in the Midwest, Webinars “seem to give the best bang for information needed. They provide company information,” he says, “along with competitive data for review.” Panelists also find online discussions helpful: “I use LinkedIn to stay connected with colleagues,” says a maintenance manager in the Midwest. “I follow certain discussion groups to see what topics are out there for new things and problems others may be having. I also visit magazine sites along with,,, and vendor sites.” He has also begun adding reference apps to his iPhone. Recent additions include “the Yaskawa Savings Predictor for calculating energy savings from using variable frequency drives and a new one from Martin Sprocket & Gear.”



Despite the Internet’s widespread reach, on-the-job access to it isn’t a given for our Panelists. They say printed magazines and books still play a key role in meeting their information needs. This Panelist agrees with others that the “most and least valuable information source really depends on the task I am trying to complete at the time.” For staying up on general-item topics, he points to discussion-group alerts from LinkedIn as being helpful. According to him, the government sites he visits “are least valuable for day-to-day updates, but good for dealing with specifics.” A training coordinator in the Midwest cites industry-magazine Websites as the most worthy information sources. “These are the mainstay of my bookmarks in Google and Yahoo,” he says. “Much of what I do is researching current ‘hot’ trends, and a monthly type of magazine works best to keep me updated.” This Panelist’s other Web sources include reliability forums and both trade-show and CMMS-industry sites. Print is on the job Like virtually all Panelists, the Midwest training coordinator above still receives Maintenance Technology and other maintenance magazines in print form, along with some facility and building-management. “I keep them in my training room with pages bookmarked for reference and ready reading when students attend my class.” Similarly, the reliability/maintenance engineer for the heavy manufacturer in the South says he “frequently refers to magazine articles on maintenance strategies. We are in the midst of a PMO initiative here,” he adds, “and I use this information to ensure we stay on the right path. We use books for strategy and planning advice as well.” Another turns to magazines to “get the latest information on tools and technologies,” while the owner of a maintenance-engineering service says he keeps “past copies of various maintenance magazines on top of my desk for articles and vendor information. I used one just today,” he notes, “to look up an article for a report I needed to do.”


Connections to come While the Internet has become integral for most business operations everywhere, not all Panelists can access it on the job. A PM leader for a heavy manufacturer in the Midwest, for example, says he does “not have access to electronic media sources at work on the floor, and I doubt we’ll get it.” His company does provide access for engineers who work off the floor. Nonetheless, this Panelist says if he needs to search online for job-related information, he must do it at home. “That’s where I look for anything that will make my job—or anyone’s job—easier,” he says, listing magazine Websites and the University of Tennessee’s manufacturingthemed Web pages as favorites. “In my personal opinion,” this Panelist adds, “if there is information out there that someone is sharing and it can be helpful, then bring it on! It would be an advantage if everyone would be more open-minded. Take off the blinders,” he says, “and see all that is out there.” Though he may not be fully part of it, all signs indicate that this is, in fact, very much the trend. MT

Join the MT Reader Panel! The Maintenance Technology Reader Panel is comprised of working maintenance practitioners who have volunteered to answer bimonthly questions prepared by our editorial staff. Panelist identities are purposely not revealed, and their responses are not necessarily projectable. The Panel welcomes new members: Have your comments and observations included in this column by joining the Reader Panel at com. Click on “Reader Panel” under the “MT Resources” header, and follow the instructions. If accepted, you will automatically be entered into a drawing for a cash prize after one year of active participation.



A precision approach to true machinery improvement

Trust, But Verify There’s plenty of “green” on the line when it comes to a plant’s rotating equipment and the processes it supports. Based on several real-world situations, this perspective by one of the most respected names in the vibration analysis field explains why your site could be on shaky ground if you wait until your ordinary and high-speed machines have been installed and commissioned to confirm they were built and supplied to run as smoothly as they should. Ralph T. Buscarello Update International


lthough he may not have actually coined it, the late Ronald Reagan is remembered for employing the phrase “Trust, but verify,” when discussing U.S. relations with the Soviet Union. In geopolitical terms, these three little words summed up a simple, yet powerful strategy aimed at easing nuclear tensions between our two countries— one that ultimately helped bring about the end of the Cold War. With all due respect to President Reagan and others who have used this line over the years, the “trust-but-verify” theory also has implications for the area of equipment health. We can adopt it to promote another powerful strategy: a “precision” approach to true machinery improvement.

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I’ve worked in vibration-related analysis and improvement for over 50 years. Some of my first experiences in this field involved precision balancing of hot-rod and racecar engines. I soon learned from the vehicles’ mechanics that they would never consider the standard dynamic balance tolerances published in the early 1950s to be what they needed. They would purchase new factory-balanced crankshafts, connecting rods, flywheels, clutches, etc., then, without even checking their balance tolerances, immediately have them precision-balanced. For a “factory-balanced” crankshaft, further balancing to a considerably closer precision balance would take approximately 30 minutes; flywheels and clutches would each require only 15 minutes. The point is that back in the 1950s, the ISO dynamic balance tolerances were typically only as close as those found on the products coming out of the OEMs plants from which many ISO standard-writing committee members were drawn. The published standards were used for industrial rotors, including gas and steam turbines, all types of pumps, drive motors, fans, blowers, etc. that moved through the marketplace—yet they weren’t up to the standards of the hot-rod and racecar mechanics of the day. Over the course of my career, I have always encouraged end-users to do their own precision balancing of newly purchased rotating machinery. Doing so can result in considerably longer bearing and seal life and the associated financial benefits: lower maintenance costs and increased production time. Many end-users have heard and taken this message to heart.

though, was certainly worth it when bearing and seal life would more than double. Getting everyone on the same page wasn’t that easy. The chief engineer at the oil refinery discovered that simply specifying a closer tolerance—and being willing to pay extra for it—usually didn’t work. Therefore, he required all major machinery purchase orders to include the precision balancing tolerances and, at least for the operation’s larger high-speed equipment, the statement that “balancing must be witnessed” by a representative from the refinery’s vibration team. In other words, the refinery was requiring verification of the trust it was putting in the OEM.

A little history from the field A major oil refinery embarked upon a machinery-improvement program by specifying true precision dynamic balance tolerances on all critical machinery that it purchased. At the time, the ISO tolerances called for balance that would allow a rotor’s shaft centerline to “orbit” at a diameter that was slightly greater than over six times larger than the orbit specified by the very special precision ISO tolerances. A manager of the vibration teams at the refinery, however, was influenced by the extremely close tolerances required for rotors used in nuclear submarines. The resulting small centerline orbit would allow submarine rotors to last several hundred percent longer between “overhaul” periods. That very close tolerance was to become the tolerance specified by the American Petroleum Institute (API)— where ounce–inches tolerances were just a little bit closer than that for nuclear submarines. Balancing to the ISO tolerance would usually require about an extra hour at the original rotor manufacturer’s plant. To go to the API tolerance typically would take another half-hour, at most. (For a relatively inexperienced balancing machine operator it might take about one hour more.) This additional investment in time,

The policy must have worked. The chief engineer subsequently found that witnessing the balance to assure compliance resulted in corporate savings of over three million dollars annually. He explained his successful trust-but-verify procedure this way:


With all due respect to the late Ronald Reagan and others who have used the line over the years, ‘trust, but verify’ can be adopted to promote a powerful approach to the issue of rotating-equipment health.

n The OEM almost always failed to convey information on the refinery’s required tolerances to its balancing-machine operators, who then usually responded to the verifying engineer with the words, “Oh, no! I’ve been balancing for over 10 years and no one ever complained.” n The verifying engineer would not only show the balancing operator the requirement for precision on the purchase order, but also help the operator to achieve the new tolerances in the shortest, most practical time. n Witnessing balancing procedures was followed by also witnessing the rotating machine’s final assembly. (Horror stories as to what this revealed would be too much for this article. Remember, the end result was worth over three million dollars per year!) MT-ONLINE.COM | 15


Really meaning it Fast-forward several years. The woman in charge of machinery improvement at the refinery adopted the same trust-but-verify principles for the site’s machineryimprovement procedures. They were to be followed not only in balancing so-called ordinary pumps, fans, blowers, motors, etc., but also in the installation of such machinery, which was to be inspected by someone on the vibration team before startup. The verifying team member would be looking for precision tolerances for shaft coupling alignment, which also has bearing on the elimination of “soft foot,” pipe strain, etc. This procedure was printed in the plant’s instructions for both in-house mechanical technicians and contractors. Each step required the mechanic/craftsperson to call for an inspection before going on to the next step. When I learned of this approach, I assumed that the vibration team was spending an inordinate amount of time on “inspections.” I was wrong. As the young woman later recounted, “It [the trust-but-verify approach] requires inspections for the first three or four times a mechanic/craftsperson works on our machinery, but after that, they realize I really mean it. Future phone calls are simply, ‘You have my acceptance for your work.’” Then she added, “They wouldn’t dare call for inspection unless they themselves had made sure that all would pass. But to keep them alert, I would actually send someone to inspect on the average of one in about 20 calls, just to keep them knowing that I really mean it!” Easier methods that have worked At a large pulp mill in Canada, an enthusiastic mechanic was finally put in charge of the vibration-improvement procedures. He had originated the procedures for the mill, whereby an installation mechanic would check his/her own work by borrowing the area’s vibration instruments, including FFTs. When a mechanic/ technician was finished, he/she would call the mechanic in charge for his final acceptance. Eventually, each mechanic in the department would try to outperform the others in getting a final FFT spectrum that revealed an extremely smoothrunning machine. But there’s more to this story… On an earlier visit to this mill, I had noted the procedures used by the previously mentioned refinery regarding purchasing and verifying the smoothness of newly purchased machinery—before it was shipped. As this pulp mill was in a very remote area of Alberta, it seemed impractical to have someone travel to all supplier plants to verify the new precision tolerances that were required.

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The mechanic took me to a small room where an old, obsolete planer mill had been adjusted for mounting electric motors for vibration testing— including the largest units in the mill. Several test instruments were properly positioned, and the walls were adorned with FFT copies of machines that had failed their tests. The main large-motor support machine, however, was covered with dust and grit, so I commented that the place didn’t look as if it got much use. The mechanic’s answer: “This little room with the inspection setups has saved us several million dollars per year, even though testing is rarely done.” The mystery was cleared as the man continued: “When suppliers of new or rebuilt motors ask for our business, I show them this room with all the inspection instruments. I point to the walls with examples of FFTs that show failed inspections and recall how the failed machinery was shipped back to the suppliers, at their expense. When new suppliers of pumps, motors, turbines, etc., accept our terms for inspection and compliance, as written in our purchasing contracts, their representatives go on a plant tour that includes this special room. The reps always report back to their companies that ‘They [this mill] really mean it [here]. True precision must be accomplished before shipping to them [us].’”

Trust-but-verify principles were later adopted for use in the refinery’s machinery-improvement program procedures. The woman in charge of the program ‘really meant it.’

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After a few returns (at the rebuilder’s expense), the mill did not receive another motor that wasn’t equal to or closer than the required specification. Another mill took a somewhat different trust-but-verify procedural approach. It told its major motor suppliers that each rebuilt unit destined for the site should carry a tag with a simple sketch of the motor’s final test data before it was shipped. The tag would also have a place for the person performing the test to sign his/her name. Prior to this, the accepted vibration tolerance had been 0.1 in/sec. The new “precision tolerance” was arbitrarily reduced by half. Any reading greater than 0.05 in/sec would require the motor to be returned to the rebuilder— at the rebuilder’s expense. The delivered motors were then sent to the mill’s electrical department for testing, whereupon they would be mounted on rubber mats on the concrete floor so they wouldn’t “walk” along the surface. The new procedure required the supplier to also indicate the key length dimensions used in the balancing operations. (Often the proper key would be included with the motor.) This enabled those who finally installed the machines to use the proper key length that would ensure preservation of the proper precision balance. The final results: In the first month or two of this new procedure, three to four motors had to be returned—as the results measured at the mill’s test stand did not meet specifications. After these returns, however—at the rebuilder’s expense—the mill did not receive another motor that wasn’t equal to or closer than the specified 0.05 in/sec. This clearly illustrates the strength of “trusting, but verifying.” Conclusion If your operations have followed the procedures published in my article entitled “Determining the Actual Financial Costs of Machinery Vibration Levels” (pgs. 14-20, Maintenance Technology, April 2010), you would see the immediate financial results. I see no reason why a plant would not be willing to (with a few months of experience) pay for an even slightly closer 0.03 in/sec. But, that’s another story… MT Ralph Buscarello is CEO of Update International, based in Denver, CO. The company is a global provider of machinery-improvement training and technologies that enable industrial and utility customers to improve operating life and productivity while substantially lowering costs. E-mail: For more info, enter 01 at

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A Data-Driven Path To PM Optimization Detailed work-order analysis can reduce inspection frequency and improve PM effectiveness. Krzysztof (Kris) Goly, CMRP Siemens Industry, Inc.


our mandate is to optimize your preventive maintenance (PM) program. But where to start? How effective is your existing PM program? What does “optimization” really mean and how can it be done in a cost-effective way? What tools are available? Should you consider Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM)? How effective is Weibull analysis? What other methodologies might work? Where do you get your data? This article explains a data-driven, statistically sound process that can be used in real-life situations for optimizing the frequency and scope of inspections/PMs. Statistical jargon has been translated into terms that can be easily understood by maintenance personnel—which, in turn, will help lead to easy implementation of the described processes.




Table I. Sample Spreadsheet of Pareto Analysis Results

The optimization process In the course of their duties, maintenance and reliability personnel need to cost-effectively improve plant performance and equipment reliability while they also eliminate waste. Many methodologies can be used. RCM, with its derivatives, is probably the most prevalent. But because RCM is a resource-intensive process, many industries and plants stay away from it or apply it on an ad-hoc basis. What many maintenance managers may not realize is that they have a simple, effective process based on inspection frequency at their disposal. The only requirement is for the organization to have a working CMMS/EAM system in place with equipment and work-order history. The inspectionfrequency (or intervals) optimization is a structured, multistep process with simple, well-defined tasks in every stage. These steps are: ■ CMMS/EAM analysis: 1. Work orders listing 2. Sorting work orders 3. Pareto analysis of work orders ■ Modified MTBF determination ■ Calculation of optimum inspection intervals ■ Inspection scope review ■ Cost/benefit determination CMMS/EAM analysis The goal of the CMMS/EAM analysis is to concentrate on the most costly inspections first, as these will bring most benefit to the plant. Start the process by exporting inspection work orders from the CMMS/EAM system into an Excel spreadsheet. Important fields to include are: equipment name, area, inspection name, inspection and frequency. Next, modify and sort the table. Modification includes adding a column showing the total number of hours per year required to execute a particular inspection. This allows for sorting of the entire table by effort required, essentially by performing a Pareto analysis. 20 |


Although the next step depends on plant procedures, it makes sense here to follow the 80/20 principle and concentrate on the top 20% of the most costly (most hours required) inspections. Table 1 shows results of such an analysis. Determining modified MTBF To calculate inspection intervals, two parameters are required: ■ MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) ■ Required equipment reliability It is now useful to introduce a new term: “modified MTBF.” The addition of “modified” distinguishes this type of MTBF from its commonly accepted definition calculated for equipment. For our purposes, MTBF will be defined as a mean time between corrective actions performed on the inspected equipment over the time of analysis. Corrective actions will include: ■ Work orders (WO)—planned work resulting from a work request or inspection. ■ Corrective work orders (CWO)—work performed that was not planned the day before. Both WO and CWO represent breakdowns or failures. ■ Delays (DWO)—events, usually serious, stopping system. We will calculate the MTBF using the following formula: MTBF = (En)(Ta) Nb where: MTBF = modified Mean Time Between Failures (days) En = number of pieces of equipment in analyzed inspection Ta = period analyzed (days) Nb = number of corrective actions per period analyzed FEBRUARY 2011


Nb is calculated by adding all WO, CWO and DWO for equipment under analysis for the analyzed period. A CMMS will be the source of this information. Table II (created for illustrative purposes only), demonstrates this process: Table II. Work-Order Data


Number Inspections



































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Based on an inspection of 30 unique pieces of equipment, and given the data in Table I, MTBF would be calculated as: MTBF = (30)(365)(4) 801 where: 30 = number of pieces of equipment inspected during inspection 365 = number of days in a year 4 = number of years analyzed 801 = number of corrective actions performed during period analyzed Hence: MTBF = 54.7 days Calculation of optimum frequency interval As noted, to calculate the optimum inspection interval, the previously calculated MTBF and the required equipment reliability level are needed. The formula for the failure-finding interval (FFI) is as follows: FFI = 2(100-A)(MTBF) 100 where: FFI = failure-finding interval in days A = required system availability level in % MTBF = system Mean Time Between Failures as calculated above Another way to find the optimum inspection interval is to use Table III— which shows the relationship between desired system availability, system MTBF and FFI. In training personnel and applying this process in real life, the table may prove more convenient than the mathematical formula used to create it. This data has the potential to demonstrate to management that to achieve higher levels of system availability, either MTBF needs to be increased or FFI decreased. FEBRUARY 2011

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Table III. Relationship Between Desired System Availability, MTBF and Failure-Finding Intervals (FFI)

Inspection scope review Now that we’ve calculated the optimum interval for inspection, it’s important to concentrate on the scope of the inspection. The following questions should be asked:

This example can be expanded by attaching dollar values to the time component. If the inspector’s hourly rate is $40, savings in the above example would be as follows: 274.5 hrs/year x $40/hr = $10,980/year

■ Is the inspection description detailed enough? ■ Do we say what to inspect? ■ Do we say what to look for? ■ Do we describe typical malfunctions? ■ What indicators are recorded? ■ Are the indicators relevant to the process? ■ Are the indicators utilized in any way? ■ What can be removed/changed in the inspection scope? The goal is to ensure that the right equipment is inspected in the right way—and that only relevant information is recorded. It cannot be assumed that inspectors know what and how to inspect. Equally important is the consistency of the inspections, hence the detailed checklists. This way, inspection effectiveness and efficiency can be assured.

This value may appear small, but it reflects the analysis of only a small area. There is also the possible added benefit of applying freed-up resources to perform other tasks. Granted, there could be cases when actual inspection frequency increases (which would increase cost). But by performing the optimization exercise, it’s possible to prove to management why the inspections are important and why a particular frequency is needed. And everything is based on data—not a “gut feel” or preference for a long-followed procedure. Thus, maintenance personnel can gain credibility in the eyes of management and talk the same language: business language.

Cost/benefit determination The inspection-frequency optimization process leads to optimized cost of performing inspections. The benefit can be calculated in the form of saved time and reduced cost. The first step is to calculate time benefit. This can be easily calculated by comparing yearly labor requirements for the original inspection and the modified/optimized one.

Conclusion Assigning and optimizing inspection intervals (whether for visual inspections or condition-monitoring routes) need not be difficult. By employing simple, innovative techniques, the task can be performed by most maintenance personnel. Furthermore, these techniques will allow for quick adjustments should business requirements change. All of this can be accomplished without expensive and difficult-to-use software. The end result will be business-based, optimized inspections and conditionmonitoring routes. MT

Example: Old inspection: 365 times p/yr x 1.5 hrs/inspection = 547.5 hrs/yr Optimized inspection: 182 times/ p/yr x 1.5 hrs/inspection = 273 hrs/year Benefit: 547.5 – 273 = 274.5 hrs/year

As principal consultant for Siemens Industry, Inc., Kris Goly is responsible for the development and implementation of businessbased asset-management and improvement programs across a range of industries. He has 30 years of experience in this field and is a Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP). E-mail: kris.goly@

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What’s New in 2011: Pending Regulation


s we enter a new year, let’s first reflect on the past. What actions (changes) have we as a country undertaken to improve our environment, economy and overall quality of life? If that sounds like a trick question, it is. It’s also intended to be thought-provoking. Legislation to address environmental issues has the potential to significantly impact our economy and—consequently—the quality of our lives. Unfortunately, some proposed legislation could play a role in stalling what most of us would characterize as a painfully slow economic recovery. A number of power companies say new rules won’t stop them from expanding over the next few years. Others are replacing coal-fired plants with cleaner natural-gas plants to avoid pending legislation that could force coal plants to install Carbon Capture and Sequestration technology at significant cost. Let’s understand what’s on the table. As noted by Power-Gen Worldwide (www.power, the North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC) has analyzed the potential impact of four rules under development by the EPA. They are the Clean Water Act — Section 316 (b), involving cooling-water intake structures; Title I of the Clean Air Act — National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for the electric power industry, also known as the Maximum Achievable Control Technology Standard; the Clean Air Transport Rule; and Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Disposal Regulations. The proposed regs specifically involve: ■ Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide caps ■ Reconsideration of the ambient ozone standard ■ Limitation of power-plant mercury emissions ■ A rule to tighten controls on power-plant coolingwater intakes ■ Another rule for managing coal ash

NERC’s analysis* points to a number of possible repercussions, should these new rules take effect: ■ We could lose up to 19% of our fossil-fired steam capacity by 2018. ■ Planning of reserve margins could be affected. ■ Reserves could fall below reserve margins in about half of NERC regions (U.S., Canada and part of Mexico) by 2015. ■ Plant retirements could exceed 50GW on a fleet capacity of 340GW (15%). ■ 100GW (existing plants) would require “large investment” to meet emission rules. ■ Retirements could cut demand for steam coal by 15-31%. ■ Natural-gas demand could grow 8-16% as some coal plants are replaced. ■ Coal plants could close due to “economics.” (Coal prices are a premium to natural gas by themselves. Now add the cost of environmental controls.) I believe in protecting our environment, cutting energy consumption and reducing greenhouse gases—who doesn’t? That said, we need to approach these issues with a great deal of common sense. Pending regulations could be tantamount to cutting off our collective noses to spite our faces. MT *To read the referenced 2010 NERC analysis “Potential Resource Adequacy Impacts of U.S. Environmental Regulations,” go to Scenario_Final.pdf

Bill Livoti is a fluid power and power industry engineer with Baldor Electric Company. Telephone: (864) 281-2118; e-mail: For more info, enter 260 at




Energy Recovery System Cuts School’s Cooling Costs 70%

An energy-saving enthalpy wheel reduces the temperature of incoming air. A state-of-the-art HVAC system installed at the Turtle River Montessori School in Jupiter, FL, saves money and energy while continuously replacing indoor air with fresh outside air.


evelopers of the Turtle River Montessori School in Jupiter, FL, wanted students to have the best possible indoor air quality. They also wanted to provide it in the most energy-efficient manner. When they sought solutions to make the new school’s HVAC system green, they approached Charles Eno, sales engineer for Miami-based Florida Air Conditioning Distributors. Eno suggested a high-efficiency air-to-air Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV) system to reduce outside air (OA) load — the required rate of heat removal from outside air. Jane Alexander, Editor with Jim Connell Airxchange, Inc.


VOLUME 6 / NO. 1


The Airxchange ERV enthalpy wheel installed in the school’s rooftop HVAC unit dramatically reduces the cost of conditioning outdoor air by recycling energy from exhaust air as it leaves the building, significantly reducing the OA (and total) load on the HVAC system.

The energy recovery wheel Eno’s recommended system contained an energy recovery wheel, also known as a heat wheel or enthalpy wheel. The wheel is an air-to-air heat exchanger. Composed of a rotating cylinder filled with an air-permeable media, it rotates between the supply air stream and the exhaust air stream, recycling energy from the exhaust stream into the incoming air. This reduces the OA load on the HVAC system. The key to its effectiveness is the difference in temperature between the two air streams. The wheel can be a practical way to reduce HVAC costs while complying with code-mandated outside air requirements. Because ERV wheels can reduce the load on the HVAC system by as much as 80%, continuous savings are possible. It also allows for the downsizing of HVAC equipment, reducing first cost and providing an immediate return on investment. Florida Air Conditioning Distributors says it prefers ERV wheels manufactured by Rockland, MA-based Airxchange, Inc., because of the wheels’ history of reliable service, AHRI-certified performance and ease of maintenance. In addition, Eno knew that, with a standard 5-year warranty, Airxchange ERV wheels would outlast the competition’s aluminum energy-exchange devices in the salt air of Florida’s east coast. VOLUME 6 / NO. 1

A smaller HVAC system Eno was able to demonstrate that by lowering the system’s OA load, the ERV system he recommended would allow the architect to reduce the size of the school’s packaged HVAC unit by half. The design was modified accordingly, and the ERV system was paired with a high-efficiency unitary air-conditioning unit on a single plenum curb to minimize internal duct connections and to simplify installation on the roof of the school. The Airxchange energy recovery wheel was mounted horizontally, keeping the height of the packaged HVAC system to a minimum and preserving the building’s architectural profile. With the ERV wheel in this configuration, it is easy for maintenance personnel to check its operation and change filters. Airxchange wheels include lightweight segments shaped like pie slices that can be easily removed for cleaning on or off the site. In less than 30 minutes, one person can replace all segments with new or previously cleaned spares and return the wheel to service. Savings The ERV system installed at the Turtle River Montessori School saved approximately $25,000 in construction costs. And since the school’s fall 2009 opening, the system has delivered savings at the rate of approximately $6000 per year, compared with the utility costs the school would have had with a conventional HVAC system. UTILITIES MANAGER | 25


Turtle River Montessori School HVAC Stats Location: Jupiter, FL Completion date: 2009 Building size: 21,000 sq. ft. Building occupancy: 175 people Building design load: 45 tons, satisfied by 4 VRF systems (three 12.5-ton systems and one 8-ton system) Outside air flow at design: 7500 CFM Outside air load on a “design day”: 424,430 BTUH (35.4 tons) Outside air load using energy recovery ventilation: 132,000 BTUH (11 tons) Total recovered energy: 24.4 tons

Energy-efficiency ratio of the HVAC rooftop unit: 10 EER Recovery efficiency ratio (RER) of the energy recovery wheel: 90 Combined efficiency factor (CEF): 17.8 Improvement over an HVAC system that would cool outside air with no energy recovery: 70% Estimated first-cost savings due to unit downsizing: $25,000 Estimated ongoing savings: Approximately $12,000 per year ($6000 from the downsized HVAC unit and $6000 from energy-recovery ventilation) *Source: Florida Air Conditioning Distributors, 2009

The downsizing of the overall HVAC system essentially paid for the ERV system. In addition, thanks to ERV, the school saves approximately $500 every month on its utility bill. Humidity is well controlled by the school’s HVAC system despite the high intake of outside air, and indoor comfort levels are excellent. The system manages all of the outside air ventilation for the whole building,

Because the Airxchange energy recovery ventilation wheel reduces the outside air load on the HVAC system at the school, mechanical consultants recommended a rooftop unit about half the size of the one that would have been required without ERV.

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conditioning it and feeding it into the returns of all the air handlers. The air handlers are part of a building-wide variable refrigerant flow (VRF) system that modulates the refrigerant flowing through the coil. This maintains desired humidity without overcooling the building and prevents the coil from icing up. The success of the HVAC system at the Turtle River Montessori School has led its developers to specify this same type of ERV design on several other projects. According to Eno, each will feature an Airxchange energy recovery wheel. UM Jim Connell is vice president sales at Airxchange, Rockland, MA. For more info, enter 261 at

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VOLUME 6 / NO. 1

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Magnetic Bearing Technology Helps Drive Efficient Blowers


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ynchrony has entered into a new partnership capitalizing on its magnetic-bearing technology with Gardner Denver, manufacturer of Hoffman® and Lamson® brand blowers. Under terms of the multiyear agreement, Gardner Denver will integrate Synchrony technology into its new Hoffman Revolution™ line of high-speed aeration blowers for waterand wastewater-treatment applications. The partnership takes into account Synchrony’s achievements in the area of magnetic bearings, including improving reliability, reducing friction and vibration, advancing health monitoring and diagnostics and eliminating environmental disadvantages associated with lubricants. Incorporating a highspeed permanent magnet motor controlled by a variable-speed drive, Synchrony’s technology is an integral part of the Hoffman Revolution. Carrying a “Powered by Synchrony” label, these blowers offer flows from 2500–11,000 CFM and pressures from 3–15 psig, while generating up to 45% energy savings from a footprint 50% smaller than a conventional multi-stage centrifugal unit.



They’ll be showcased regularly in our pages over the course of the year. Watch for them. These sections are designed to put a big spotlight on all types of products to help you do your jobs better. Lots better.


aldor’s new synchronous belt-drive system utilizes Dodge® HTR and HTRC Tracker™ belts with a Reinforced Parabolic Profile (RPP) design that allows the belt teeth to sit deeper in the sprocket than standard units. Combining these belts with Dodge Taper-Lock sprockets yields the most power-dense rubber synchronous drive system in industry. By maximizing performance of both belt and sprocket, the system delivers 5% more energy efficiency than properly maintained V-belt systems. Advanced fiberglass cord gives the neoprene rubber belts superior tension stability and prevents moisture absorption. No belt shrinkage or stretch means no re-tensioning is needed. The belts’ construction also helps reduce installation tension. Compared to a QD-style product, the Dodge Taper-Lock sprocket design requires less shaft length, offers more bore sizes per bushing size and delivers more torque. It also minimizes overhung load by positioning the belt’s centerline closer to the motor, reducer and bearings. A new anti-corrosion coating offers superior rust prevention.


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Volume 1 Number 2




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Equipment Health Update: A Better Way To Do More With Less Problem In challenging economic times, those who succeed have to find ways to do more with less. With respect to rotating assets, endusers are often faced with an inevitable “pay a little now or a lot more later” scenario. How a company manages its rotating equipment assets is what actually determines the cost of operating a particular piece of machinery. The lowest cost with the highest ROI requires addressing certain key elements that directly relate to mechanical breakdown and reliability performance. And, similar to human health care, the lowest costs and highest ROI can only be obtained through prevention. The most destructive force to machinery is vibration: the physical force that constantly wears down component parts like bearings. Therefore, the single most important thing an operation can do to deal with such problems—and ensure solid reliability and maximum life—is to prevent destructive vibration forces from even occurring. Everybody will tell you they want smooth-running machines. What does it take to make this happen? To manage rotating assets most efficiently and create the highest ROI, machinery must be kept in “precision” running order at all times. The main culprits in vibration relate to imbalance, misalignment and the compounding effects of resonance. Addressing these key items upfront (prior to the commissioning of a machine) is the only way to prevent future problems. This requires the correct hardware, software and proper training of people who work on the machinery. The good news is that this precision approach doesn’t demand vast knowledge—nor expensive, complex instruments. It just requires an operation to add a few extra steps to a process that it is typically already being done and being more perceptive, careful and complete going forward. Solution Simply put, the implementation of Update International’s Machinery Improvement Program (MIP) can help solve your vibration problems. It’s designed to incorporate all elements needed to ensure lowest operating cost with highest ROI. Recognizing that machinery improvement is a continual process, our MIP program empowers those who directly impact results with the tools, support and commitment necessary to make it happen. Why isn’t current practice good enough? Moreover, why is “precision” setup necessary?

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It’s important to understand that asset life, like bearing life, does not increase in a linear fashion with lower vibration. Instead, it will reflect more of an exponential curve, only starting to rapidly rise at precision tolerance levels. This is because when parts experience physical orbits close to their original design parameters, everything works better. The lubrication film is not distorted; the loads are more evenly applied, etc. When machines run in the “precision zone,” their historic life can often be more than doubled.

Addressing the main culprits in vibration prior to commissioning a machine is the only way to prevent future vibration problems. Return On Investment How much does it cost to shut down a motor pump assembly and replace bearings and seals? Estimates vary from industry to industry, but we all know it can amount to thousands of dollars when labor, parts, downtime and lost production are all factored in. It’s easy to see why eliminating these costs fewer times over the life of an asset results can result in a significant savings. The real money (or ROI), however, often relates back to increased production: the reason for the assets existence in the first place. Doing the job right from the outset clearly saves the most money over the life of the asset. Achieving precision-running machines through Update International’s Machinery Improvement Program is an especially cost-effective way to do that. This program is an ongoing, long-term process that will pay substantial dividends over the life of your rotating assets. To learn more about our proven Machinery Improvement Program (MIP), visit; call: 303.986.6761; e-mail: Update International, Inc. Denver, CO

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Looking at trends in products and services in the area of...

LUBRICATION ...What’s up?


n an age where no potential economy can be overlooked, lubricants and lube-related products are increasingly seen as another key path to reliability. The days of randomly applying oil, grease and fluids to machinery are giving way to a better understanding among maintenance and operations personnel of what lubricants really do—including the role they play in production efficiency. The lubrication category includes four main sectors: oils and greases for equipment operation; penetrants, coolants and other fluids; analysis services; and filtration products*. Significant category developments include growth in the use of synthetic lubricants (made of compounds created from non-mineral sources) and its sub-sector of biodegradables (often formulated with natural oils such as vegetable and canola) that break down when released into the environment. More expensive than petroleum-based lubricants, synthetics typically have better low- and high-temperature viscosity performance and better resistance to thermal breakdown, promote longer machine life and use less energy. Applicable for most industrial uses, they are a good fit for the environmentally sensitive demands of pharmaceutical, food and beverage. Greater emphasis on oil analysis—the process by which in-use oil is routinely sampled and analyzed for contamination and other efficiency-robbing factors— is yet another major category development. Requests for oil-analysis training (as well as lubrication certification) are up, according to industry experts, and many laboratories have expanded their services to address a wider range of oilrelated issues. Also, many lubricant companies have begun to emphasize holistic lubrication-management solutions over quantity and price, particularly among smaller suppliers. No lubrication review is complete without noting the status of future sources. While growth in synthetics and biodegradables is expected to thrive—along with research into sustainable crude-oil alternatives—petroleum stock remains at the core of most large-scale lubrication efforts. Despite widespread concern that world supplies are dwindling, major petroleum producers continue to invest heavily in technologies to find and tap new sources of oil (with seismic mapping, directional drilling and expanded offshore drilling), while they also explore unconventional sources like heavy oil and oil sands. These efforts are expected to continue well into the future. Rick Carter, Executive Editor

*Definition determined by Maintenance Technology editorial staff. 32 |


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POWERFUL STATIC ELIMINATORS EXAIR’S Super Ion Air Knife™ removes static electricity from webs, sheet stock and plastic surfaces where dust, tearing, jamming or hazardous shocks are a problem. The balanced laminar airflow of the Super Ion Air Knife effectively eliminates static at distances up to 20 feet away. Production speeds, product quality and surface cleanliness can improve dramatically. Other styles include Ion Air Cannon, Ion Air Gun, Ion Air Jet, Ionizing Bars and Ionizing Point. Applications include web cleaning, prepaint blowoff, bag opening and neutralizing plastic parts. EXAIR CORPORATION 11510 Goldcoast Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45249-1621 Phone 513 671-3322 Toll Free 800 903-9247 Fax 513 671-3363 E-mail: Internet: For more info, enter 79 at


TECHNOLOGY SHOWCASE HYBRID BREATHERS Des-Case‘s Hydroguard™ hybrid breather is ideal for use in high-humidity conditions where the ingress of moisture can lead to the failure of lubricants and equipment. Lubricants are virtually isolated from surrounding contaminants. The system can “breathe,” yet withstand driving rain or direct washdown spray. A diaphragm allows air in the casing to expand and contract due to temperature variations in steady-state operations. Enclosed filter media protects down to 3µ. A desiccant stack prohibits moisture entry. Des-Case Corp. Goodlettsville, TN Ph: 615.672.8800 For more info, enter 77 at

For more info, enter 78 at


What’s Up With March’s Technology Showcase? We Look At

MARTS Exhibitors Calling All Advertisers! Want to see your products and/or services featured here? Please contact your ad rep: OH, KY, TN JOHN DAVIS 440-463-0907; Fax 440-891-1254 AL, SoCA,** DC, DE, FL, GA, MD, MS, NC, NJ, PA, SC, VA, WV JIM HANLEY 610-793-3093; Fax 610-793-3094 AR, AZ, CA,* CO, KS, NV, NM, OK, UT JERRY PRESTON 480-396-9585 CT, ME, MA, NH, NY, RI, VT, ON, QC VINCENT LeGENDRE 508-428-3331; Fax 508-428-2545

Krytox® Fluorinated Greases and Oils are: Chemically Inert. Insoluble in common solvents. Thermally stable. Temperature range (-103°F to 800°F). Nonflammable. Nontoxic. Oxygen Compatible – safe for oxygen service. Low Vapor Pressure. Low Outgassing. No Migration – no silicones or hydrocarbons. Krytox® offers Extreme Pressure, Anticorrosion and Antiwear properties. Mil-spec, Aerospace and Food Grades (H1 and H2) available! Useful in Vacuum Systems. For technical information, call 203.743.4447 / 800.992.2424 (8 AM – 4 PM ET)

Miller-Stephenson Chemical Company, Inc. California – Illinois – Connecticut – Canada Email: For more info, enter 72 at For more info, enter 80 at


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* CA (from LA – North) **SoCA (from Orange County – South) MT-ONLINE.COM | 33


Risk Control Hierarchy

STOP! accessing panels needlessly

Be on the outside looking in...

Phil Allen, President, Grace Engineered Products


isk, which is defined as exposure to a hazard, is a concept with two distinct characteristics. One is the probability of exposure (i.e., walking on a busy freeway with cars whizzing by you). The second is injury from that exposure (i.e., being hit by one of those cars). Thus, if risk is the susceptibility to hazards, then safety must be the reduction and management of risk. In the automation world, we work on that “busy freeway” day after day— and one of those whizzing cars is electricity. The Risk Control Hierarchy (RCH) in the ANSI-Z10 standard provides electrical-safety professionals with an excellent roadmap for setting the right safety objectives that result in the reduction of electrical risks. Combining our understanding of electricity with our principles of safety is the key to improving electrical safety. As shown below, the RCH aids in prioritizing safety initiatives by helping us rank risk-reduction measures from most effective to least effective:

Least Effective


Risks Closer Current Focus (NFPA 70E)

The Combo Unit: Thru-Panel Voltage Detection Visit Us At:

For a Video Demo and Data Sheet!


Most Effective

Risks Remote Future Focus

Personal Protection: Wrapping Up Risks

Engineering Controls: Reinventing Risks

Administration: Regulating Risks Awareness: Revealing Risks

Substitution: Replacing Risks Elimination: Removing Risks

The first three items—Personal Protection, Administrative Controls and Awareness—concentrate on protecting the worker from the threat. With these current methods, there is still a risk for injury and equipment damage, yet it is far better than nothing. The next three items—Engineering Controls, Substitution and Elimination—focus on preventing the worker from being exposed to the threat altogether. These are the most effective risk-reduction measures because they are ultimately about transitioning from the status quo of protecting oneself and equipment from a potential explosion to operating in the near absence of that risk. There’s no example in our industry that more fully encapsulates the essence of the RCH than the concept of Thru-Door Electrical Safety. Eliminating the risks associated with PLC programming and voltage detection by simply making it thru-door is a shining illustration of turning a least-effective method (which involves opening the panel door) into a most-effective method (keeping the panel door closed). That conversion brings with it an array of benefits— not just to the worker, but to the company as well. A 40-year-old industrial electrician once volunteered that he liked anything that kept him from getting shocked. Reducing and managing risk by utilizing the RCH affords us the opportunity to eliminate that type of risk, promote productivity and increase revenues. MT (Download a white paper on this topic at, or e-mail the author directly:

The Thru-Door Electrical Safety People!

For more info, enter 02 at

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Sponsored Information

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When VFDs Can’t Detect A Ground Fault


You may be putting your personnel and motors at risk.

riven by concerns over arc-flash hazards, more plants are converting to high-resistance ground (HRG) electrical systems. Unfortunately, many maintenance managers don’t realize that that the ground-fault protection built into their variable frequency drives (VFDs) won’t work with a high-resistance grounded system. They assume their personnel and motors are protected, when in truth they may be placing both at risk. HRG limits ground-fault current and prevents a phase-toground condition from escalating to an arcing fault. Many VFDs are designed for use with solidly grounded systems—where large ground-fault currents are possible. Typically, a VFD’s on-board ground-fault protection is set to trip at a high value, such as 50% of full load. In an HRG system, however, the ground-fault current will never reach the 50% set point. Consequently, a ground fault may go undetected and cause costly damage to the drive and motor. Littelfuse engineers noticed this problem after investigating a situation at a refinery that had suffered damage to a low-voltage motor. Their research revealed that 29 of 30 popular-brand VFDs appeared to have ground-fault protection incompatible with HGR systems. For the refinery, the solution was to install PGR-5701 Ground-Fault Relays from Littelfuse. The PGR-5701 is a microprocessor-based ground-fault relay compatible with solidly and resistance-grounded systems. It can detect a ground fault across the commonly used variable-frequency range of a VFD, and can—thanks to advanced digital filtering technology—work reliably in the presence of considerable harmonic noise. The output FEBRUARY 2011

contacts can be connected to an alarm system, such as a PLC, can be connected to stop the VFD or trip an upstream circuit-interrupting device. Properly located, the relay can detect a ground fault in the VFD and downstream (load side) of the VFD.

Research at one refinery revealed 29 of 30 popular-brand VFDs appeared have ground-fault protection incompatible with HGR systems. Beyond detecting fault current, the relay can reveal leakage currents as they develop. Motor insulation can be damaged due to moisture, vibration, chemicals and dust. A sensitive ground-fault relay with advanced filtering will detect insulation breakdown at an early stage without nuisance tripping. In fact, the PGR-5701 relay acts as a preventive-maintenance device, alerting operators to a problem before equipment is severely damaged. This could save thousands of dollars in downtime, replacement parts and liability lawsuits. Littelfuse Chicago, IL For more info, enter 30 at MT-ONLINE.COM | 35


Chem-Resistant Bearings

Conductivity Sensor For Harsh Environments



he iglide® C210 bearing from igus® delivers superior resistance to a range of acids, solvents and hydrogen peroxide, and can handle continuous temperatures of 212 F. As with all iglide products, the bearing’s tribo-polymer is lubrication-free and corrosion-resistant, which helps this product withstand aggressive chemicals in food and packaging applications.

igus, Inc. East Providence, RI

lectro-Chemical Devices’ says its Model CSX2 twoelectrode conductivity sensor delivers reliability and long service life in harsh environments. Measuring electrolytic conductivity at a range of 1.0-50,000 µS, it’s designed for service up to 392 F (200 C) at pressures of 250 psig. At temps below 212 F (100 C), it’s rated up to 400 psig. Leak paths are double-sealed with EPR O-rings. Electro-Chemical Devices, Inc. Irvine, CA

For more info, enter 31 at

For more info, enter 32 at

Laser Alignment Simplified


ccording to Mr. Shims, its Belt/Sheave Laser Alignment Tool helps reduce equipment wear and downtime. Requiring one operator (and no training), it facilitates accurate parallel and angular alignment by way of wedge prisms that position the laser line parallel to the machine back, making that line resistant to moving. . Mr. Shims Villa Park, IL

For more info, enter 33 at

7-Step Best Practice Lubrication Program Professional Self-Directed Implementation ToolKit

Tap into your Liquid Gold for less than $20 per day!* Looking to increase asset utilization and maintainability, reduce contamination, downtime, energy consumption and/or your carbon footprint? You’re ready for a 7-Step Best Practice lubrication Program! For more information on this “expert in a box” approach, contact ENGTECH Industries

at 519.469.9173 or email * Amortized over one year For more info, enter 82 at

74 at For more info, enter 77


For more info, enter 83 at FEBRUARY 2011


High-Temp Coating For Tank Linings


or-Cote® HT FF from Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine Coatings is suited for high-temperature immersion and atmospheric applications. Intended for tank linings and piping under insulation, this epoxy novolac amine is designed for service with gasoline, fuel oil, diesel fuel, crude oil, ethanol and other hydrocarbons. A high-solids (90%), chemically resistant lining, the selfpriming product provides high build and edge retention in a single coat. Sherwin-Williams Cleveland, OH For more info, enter 34 at

Thermographic Organizer, Analyzer, Reporter


ompatible with most of today’s infrared cameras, IRT Cronista software from IRcameras organizes and analyzes thermographic data and quickly generates Microsoft Word reports. Powerful temperature-measurement tools provide in-depth information with multi points, multi-profile lines, area analyses, hot-spot detection, isotherms, trends and more. Users can easily link infrared images, visual images and voice and text (FMInotes (both automatically and manually), then access them through the software’s database. Simple, customizable report templates and detailed help files are included.

Feature-Rich Pump VSD


luid Metering’s C100A variable speed controller provides a control interface suited for the company’s variable speed pump offerings. Its many capabilities include manual speed adjustment using a front-panel-mounted rotary dial and an electronic speed control via a 4-20 mA signal from an external source such as a sensor or flow meter. Fluid Metering, Inc. Syosset, NY For more info, enter 37 at

For your industrial motor information. .com

IRcameras, Inc. Walpole, MA For more info, enter 35 at

Non-Metallic Modular Storage


idwest Plastic Fabricators’ rigidly constructed, corrosion-resistant modular PVC and polycarbonate cabinets come in sizes up to 72”. Wall- or floormounted, they feature single or double doors with stainlesssteel lift-off hinges and quarter-turn locking; viewing windows sized to user specs; and removable center posts.

Midwest Plastic Fabricators Aurora, OH For more info, enter 36 at FEBRUARY 2011

For more info, enter 84 at MT-ONLINE.COM | 37

INFORMATION HIGHWAY For rate information on advertising in the Information Highway Section Contact your Sales Rep or JERRY PRESTON at: Phone: (480) 396-9585 / E-mail: Web Spotlight: LITTELFUSE

PIP is a consortium of process plant owners and engineering construction contractors harmonizing member’s internal standards for design, procurement, construction, and maintenance into industry-wide Practices. PIP has published over 450 Practices. A current listing of published Practices is available on the PIP website at: For more info, enter 86 at

JUST LAUNCHED!!!! Littelfuse POWR-GARD® Products has unveiled a new Protection Relay Website with expanded technical information. The new site helps advanced users research protection relay solutions while meeting the needs of users who require basic product information. The most requested product manuals, data sheets and simplified circuit diagrams are now accessible directly from the home page. A “Tutorials and Demos” section provides an interactive view of the features of various products. A new “Information Center” includes topics such as how to convert to a resistance grounded system, common motor protection problems, ground fault protection and electrical systems.

For more info, enter 85 at

LUDECA, INC. - Preventive, Predictive and Corrective Maintenance Solutions including laser shaft alignment, pulley alignment, bore alignment, straightness and flatness measurement, monitoring of thermal growth, online condition monitoring, vibration analysis and balancing equipment as well as software, services and training. For more info, enter 87 at


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Customized, Targeted Lists For Your Marketing Needs Contact: Ellen Sandkam 847-382-8100 x110 800-223-3423 x110 1300 S. Grove Ave., Suite 105, Barrington, IL 60010

For rate information on advertising in the Classified Section Contact your Sales Rep or JERRY PRESTON at: Phone: (480) 396-9585 e-mail:






February 2011 Volume 24, No. 2 •


RS #


Ansell Healthcare Products 62 ........................ 1 Baldor Electric ............................................. 72 ......................27 ComRent® International, ......................................... 68 ......................17 Des-Case ............................. 61 ....................IFC Des-Case 78 ......................33 Engtech Industries Inc. 82 ......................36 Exair Corporation 65 ........................ 5 Exair Corporation 79 ......................32 ................... 66 ........................ 7 .......................... 64 ........................ 4 Grace Engineered Products, 81 ......................34 Inpro/ 89 .....................BC IMEC .................................................... 67 ......................11 Littelfuse 85 ......................38 Ludeca ............................................. 76, 87 ..........32, 38 MARTS- Applied Technologies 63, 88 ......... 2, IBC Miller-Stephenson Chemical Co. ........................ 80 ......................33 Motion ....................... 84 ......................37 National Technology Transfer, .............................................. 77 ......................33 Process Industry 71, 86 ..........26, 38 Strategic Work Systems, ..................................... 83 ......................36 Update International 280 ....................31 VibrAlign, Inc. 69 ......................18

Access and enter the reader service number of the product in which you are interested, or you can search even deeper and link directly to the advertiser’s Website. Submissions Policy: M T gladly welcomes submissions. By sending us your submission, unless otherwise negotiated in writing with our editor(s), you grant Applied Technology Publications, Inc., permission, by an irrevocable license, to edit, reproduce, distribute, publish, and adapt your submission in any medium, including via Internet, on multiple occasions. You are, of course, free to publish your submission yourself or to allow others to republish your submission. Submissions will not be returned. Reproduction of Materials: Materials produced by Maintenance Technology may not be reproduced in any form for any purpose without permission. For Reprints: Contact the publisher, Bill Kiesel - (847) 382-8100 ext. 116. M A I N T E N A N C E




Oops… Due to a production error, Fig. 1 on pg. 39 of the December 2010 Maintenance Technology article “Making A Business Case For Pump Improvements” included the statement: “Best Practice = -10% to +15% of BEP.” It should have stated: “Best Practice = -10% to +5% of BEP.” In addition, Fig. 1 lacked the copyright information crediting Barringer & Associates, Inc. The corrected version is now online at MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY/JANUARY 2007 The authors and Maintenance Technology regret any confusion these production errors may have caused.




Suite SOLUTIONS 105, Your1300 Source S. For Grove CAPACITYAve., ASSURANCE Barrington, IL 60010 1300 South847-382-8100 Grove Avenue, Suite 105 Barrington, IL 60010 FAX 847-304-8603 PH 847-382-8100

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OH, KY, TN 135 N. Rocky River Road MADDING Berea, OH 44017 Vice President 440-463-0907; Fax 440-891-1254 JOHN DAVIS BILL KIESEL Vice President, Publisher

AL, SoCA,** DC, DE, FL, GA, MD, MS, NC, NJ, PA, SC, VA, WV Business Staff 1750 Holmes Drive West Chester, PA 19382 TERRIFax WYMORE 610-793-3093; 610-793-3094 Director of Creative Services/Production JIM HANLEY ELLEN SANDKAM Direct Mail AR, AZ, CA,* CO, KS, NV, NM, OK, UT 3629 N.Sonoran Heights Mesa, AZ 85207 Sales Staff 480-396-9585 JERRY PRESTON AL, AR, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, LA, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, ND, NE, OK, SC, SD, TX, WI, Ontario Canada 1300 South Grove Avenue, Suite 105 Barrington, CT, ME, MA, NH, NY,IL RI,60010 VT, ON, QC 847-382-8100; Fax 847-304-8603 P.O. Box 1059 BILL KIESEL Osterville, MA 02655 bkiesel@atpnetwork .com 508-428-3331; Fax 508-428-2545 KY, OH, TN VINCENT LeGENDRE 135 N. Rocky River Road Berea, OH 44017 440-463-0907; Fax 440-891-1254 JOHN DAVIS IL, IN, KS, LA, MI, MN, MO, OR, TX, WA,WI, BC 1300AZ, South Avenue, Suite 105 AK, CA,Grove CO, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA,WY, British IL Columbia Barrington, 60010 Canada 1300 South Grove Avenue, Suite 105 847-382-8100 x108; Fax 847-304-8603 Barrington, IL 60010 TOM MADDING 847-382-8100; Fax 847-304-8603 TOM MADDING

CT, DC, IA,DE, MT,MA, NE,MD, ND,ME, SD, NH, WY,NJ, NY, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV, Quebec Canada, AB, MB, SK Space Age, 225 Fuller Street 1300 South Grove Avenue, Suite 105 Brookline, MA 02446 617-232-2000; FaxIL617-232-2951 Barrington, 60010 VINCE CAVASENO 847-382-8100 x106; Fax 847-304-8603 ARTHUR L. RICE Classified Advertising/Electronic Sales: 1300 South Grove Avenue, Suite 105 Barrington, IL 60010 847-382-8100;ADVERTISING Fax 847-304-8603 CLASSIFIED TRACY RYLE 3629 N.Sonoran Heights Mesa, AZ 85207 480-396-9585 JERRY PRESTON


* CA (from LA – North) **SoCA (from Orange County – South) MT-ONLINE.COM | 39

viewpoint Dale R. Blann, P.E., Principal/CEO, Marshall Institute Inc.

The Cost Of Cost-Cutting: You Can’t Afford It!


ur economy seems to be slowly climbing out of the recession. Like you, we’re keeping our fingers crossed, hoping there is not a “double dip” in store for us. If your company has used slash-and-burn, lean-and-mean cost-cutting tactics to make it through these past two or three years, I’m pretty sure maintenance had to slash budgets, hold back spending, defer projects and focus on short-term accountable activities. When cost-cutting is the goal, the temptation is to make maintenance a target. After all, maintenance is an expense, a necessary evil at best, but definitely an expense to be minimized. Right? Wrong. There’s nothing inherently wrong with cost-cutting—it can work well in the short run and almost always works when applied to pure waste. There’s plenty of waste in maintenance and we should be getting rid of it. But cutting costs in maintenance by doing less maintenance can be dangerous. Perhaps you have heard the expression “You can’t cut your way to prosperity.” This admonition also holds true for maintenance. Repeated studies have shown, and experience has demonstrated, cost-cutting initiatives in maintenance not only do not work (because somehow we don’t cut waste, we cut activities), they often drive costs in exactly the wrong way (up) in very short order, because not doing maintenance turns out to be expensive, too. Cutting maintenance activities and expecting expenses to go down is like cutting back production and expecting more product out the back door. That’s because maintenance is not (strictly) a cost. When done right, maintenance is a contributor of capacity, thru-put, safety/environmental integrity, quality and scheduling agility—all things manufacturing plants need more of, not less. Maintenance may be on the expense side of the ledger, but it can’t be treated like office supplies.

In asset-intensive industries, physical assets make a major contribution to the value chain by which a company successfully provides the marketplace with products and services at prices customers are willing to pay. To me, this makes asset management a strategic function, worthy of at least as much attention as financial or human resources (both of which have C-level attention). If you don’t agree, which consequence of not properly managing physical assets do you not understand?

■ Lost production ■ Lowered quality of product ■ Loss of customer loyalty ■ Lower revenues ■ Lower margins ■ Lower ROI; reduced ROCE Treating asset management (aka “maintenance”) as an expense to be minimized—rather than as a contributor to be optimized—is a serious (maybe fatal) mistake for asset-intensive companies. Physical Asset Management is a core competency in manufacturing; getting it right means it cannot be ignored, trivialized or outsourced. Strategy or not, recovery or not, you are now faced with doing more with less—it’s called productivity improvement. Productivity is the ratio of outputs divided by inputs. Productivity improvement is achieved by improving that ratio, an elusive objective in the best of times, doubly challenging in lean times. To be sustainable in the long run, maintenance will lower operating costs through changing the ratio of outputs and inputs by adding value, not simply “cutting the costs” by doing less maintenance. MT Marshall Institute is a Raleigh, NC-based management consulting firm that’s been providing maintenance and reliability training and consulting services to industries of all types, worldwide for more than 25 years. E-mail:

The opinions expressed in this Viewpoint section are those of the author, and don’t necessarily reflect those of the staff and management of Maintenance Technology magazine.


FEBRuary 2011

Get Ready!

Get Set!

Get Going!

Put MARTS 2011 On Your Calendar Now!

Education, Networking, Solutions To Your Problems!

APRIL 26-29, 2011

Know any good books? CALL FOR ENTRIES:

We thank all attendees, presenters and exhibitors for helping us make MARTS 2010 a rousing success. MARTS 2011 promises to be even bigger and better! Check regularly on for event news and scheduling updates.

Reliability Keeps Giving Voice To Autism As in 2010, MARTS 2011 will kick off with another “Reliability Gives Voice to Autism” (RGVA) charity event. This gala evening of fun, food and entertainment at MARTS 2010 was this year’s #1 industrial contributor to the Autism Society of Illinois. Stay tuned for details on how you and your company can be part of this great cause. “I am forever grateful for the efforts made by the organizers and volunteers of RGVA on behalf of the Autism Society - Illinois. With the success of the inaugural event, I am looking forward to the 2011 Reliability Gives Voice to Autism with exuberant anticipation.” … Michael Gallivan, President, Board of Directors, Autism Society - Illinois

We’re grateful, too… Applied Technology Publications is delighted that others across the reliability community have chosen to join us in the battle to raise awareness and funding for autism. To all of you, thank you for your contributions and good luck in your fight. For more information, contact Bill Kiesel at


Reliability Gives Voice to Autism

Book Awards

Calling all authors and publishers of reliability, maintenance and autism-related books! Submit your entries for the first Reliability Gives Voice to Autism (RGVA) Book Awards. Honoring the best titles in each category, these awards are co-sponsored by Applied Technology Publications and SUCCESS by DESIGN, with proceeds going to the Autism Society of Illinois.

The RGVA Book Awards competition is open to all writers and publishers who produce books written in English that are intended for the reliability, maintenance and autism genres. Independent spirit and expertise comes from publishers of all sizes and budgets, and books will be judged with that in mind. Awards will be presented during the Reliability Gives Voice To Autism dinner on April 27, 2011, at MARTS (Maintenance & Reliability Technology Summit),

The Capacity Assurance Conference!

at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Rosemont (Chicago, Illinois).

APRIL 26-29, 2011

For complete rules and guidelines on submitting reliability, maintenance or autism-related books for judging (including entry-fee info), visit:

Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Rosemont (Chicago), IL

For more info, enter 88 at

#1 in Bearing Isolators

YOUR SAME-DAY SHIPMENT SPECIALISTS When your equipment is down, you need a partner that ships a solution to you same-day…not some day. At Inpro/Seal, we recognize the high cost of downtime facing our customers; that’s why we’ve designed our operations to support quick–turnaround of our custom–engineered bearing protection products. With manufacturing locations in North America and the United Kingdom, we’re able to offer industry–leading products with unparalleled response time and service to customers around the globe. The right technology…right when you need it.

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