CSA L1Core 01
Health, Safety and Welfare in Construction and Associated Industries Learner Workbook This Learner Workbook contains questions based on the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for CSA L1Core01. This workbook is for training purposes only, and is not an assesment.
Trainer Marking Guidance | Cskills Awards Level 1 Health, Safety and Welfare in Construction and Associated Industries
CSA L1Core 01
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
CSA L1Core 01 – Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
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Contents 1. Unit CSA L1Core01
Learning Outcomes Covered 1. Know the health and safety regulations, roles and responsibilities
2. Know the accident and emergency procedures and how to report them
3. Know how to identify hazards on construction sites
4. Know about health and hygiene in a construction environment
5. Know how to handle and store materials and equipment safely
6. Know about basic working platforms and access equipment
7. Know how to work safely around electricity in a construction environment
8. Know how to use personal protective equipment (PPE) correctly
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CSA L1Core 01
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
9. Know the fire and emergency procedures
10. Know about signs and safety notices
2. Feedback Form
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CSA L1Core 01
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
CSA L1Core 01
Know the health and safety regulations, roles and responsibilities 1.1
List EIGHT key pieces of Health and Safety Legislation/Regulations.
List the SIX main responsibilities that employers have under HASAWA:
Fill in the remaining FOUR key Employee responsibilities under HASAWA: (Example: They must follow organisational procedures)
List the THREE roles and responsibilities of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
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CSA L1Core 01 1.5
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
From the following list, identify the SIX main sources of health and safety information:
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) website Site Notice Board CITB publications British Standards Institute (BSI) Asking colleagues Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.
List FOUR circumstances or occurrences that would need to be reported to the HSE under RIDDOR.
Why is there a requirement for enforcing strict guidance in Health and Safety?
Give examples of why site safety inductions and toolbox talks are carried out.
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CSA L1Core 01
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
List examples of how your behaviour and actions could affect others.
From the list, choose the NINE correct statements relating to the employees responsibilities under current legislation and official guidance whilst working at height:
Employees must not undertake working at height unless they are trained and competent. Employees must obey all instructions, take notice of all signage. Employees must conform at all times to the risk assessment and safe system of work/method statement, including wearing the designated PPE. Employees must compile a risk assessment. Employees must not interfere with any safety barriers, edge protection, guard rails and toe-boards, covers, nets or all similar precautions. Employees must keep working areas and walkways clear, tidy and safe. Employees must complete an inspection report prior to working at height. Employees must, where working under the control of another person, report to that person any activity or defect relating to work at height which they know is likely to endanger themselves or others. Employees must use work equipment in accordance with training and instructions. Employees must ensure that persons are not working or passing underneath you or if this is not possible ensure that all precautions have been taken to prevent materials, tools etc., from falling on them. Employees must not interfere with or misuse scaffold.
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CSA L1Core 01
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
CSA L1Core 01
Know the accident and emergency procedures and how to report them 2.1
List the major types of emergencies that could occur in the workplace.
What is the name of the legislation used for the reporting of accidents?
In the table below identify the classification according to RIDDOR of the conditions listed. Is the condition an injury (some of which could unfortunately lead to fatalities), an occupational disease or a dangerous occurrence in the workplace. INJURY
Fall from height Broken arm Vibration white finger Unlabelled bottles Sun stroke Skin cancer Sprained ankle Learner Workbook | Cskills Awards Level 1 Health, safety and welfare in construction & associated industries v.1 05/16
CSA L1Core 01
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
Dermatitis Asbestosis Tetanus Trench collapse Mesothelioma Electrocution Hand-arm vibration syndrome Faulty wiring in storage area Small fire in storage area Respiratory collapse due to crushing Burns Dislocated finger Leptospirosis (Weil’s) Legionella
Choose from the list below the FOUR main types of records used in the event of an accident or emergency.
Accident reporting documentation First aid records (accident book) Text messages Organisational records and documentation Relevant legislation Telephone records
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CSA L1Core 01
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
Why is it important to report accidents and near misses?
State the differences between major and minor injuries and the meaning of a near miss. A major injury is:
A minor injury is:
A near miss is:
List the key accident trends within the United Kingdom construction industry. (Hint: You should be able to find these trends from a web-search of): • Health and Safety Executive (HSE) • Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA).
State the effects that common types of accidents and injuries could have on the employer.
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CSA L1Core 01
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
List the authorised personnel who could be involved in dealing with accident and emergency situations.
Identify which of the following are not required for a basic first aid kit. Base this on a kit conforming to BS58599, higher risk (e.g. construction), and say 5-25 employees - (a medium size kit). First aid guidance leaflet - 1 Contents list - 1 Nitrile disposable gloves (pair) - 9 Tweezers - 1 Aspirin - 4 Resuscitation face shield (with one way valve) - 1 Water resistant plasters (provide blue plasters for food handlers) - 60 Medium sterile dressing (12cm x 12cm) - 6 Large sterile dressing (18cm x 18cm) - 2 Eye pad sterile dressing - 3 Barrier cream - 1 Finger sterile dressing - 3 Burns dressing (10cm x 10cm) - 2 Triangular bandage - 3 Conforming bandage (7.5cm wide) - 2 Alcohol free moist cleansing wipes - 30 Safety pins - 12 Adhesive tape (2.5cm wide) - 1 Foil blanket - 2 Scissors (suitable for cutting clothing inc. leather) - 1 Tourniquet - 2
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CSA L1Core 01 2.11
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
Which of the following actions should be taken on discovering an accident?
Send a text message to supervisor Area made safe Call for help (first aider) Call emergency services Photograph the incident Follow company procedures.
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CSA L1Core 01
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
CSA L1Core 01
Know how to identify hazards on construction sites 3.1
List FIVE methods of good housekeeping.
Why is good housekeeping important?
What is the purpose of risk assessments and method statements?
Choose from the following list which EIGHT are major types of hazards in the workplace: Fires Broken equipment Tripping Chemical spills Falls from height No welfare facilities Burns Electrical Exposure to hazardous substances Plant and vehicles
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CSA L1Core 01 3.4
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
Why is it important to report hazards?
Identify which of the following methods are appropriate methods to report hazards? Hazard and accident book/near miss register Updating social media Follow site/company/organisational procedures Writing on the site notice board Inform your supervisor.
State why hazards can be created by changing circumstances in the workplace.
How should the following materials be stored? Combustibles (wood, paper, plastics, polystyrene, clothing, furniture, rubbish etc.)
Chemicals (e.g. fuels, paints, VOC’s, plastics, preservatives, adhesives)
Why is it important to store combustibles and chemicals correctly?
Learner Workbook | Cskills Awards Level 1 Health, safety and welfare in construction & associated industries v.1 05/16
CSA L1Core 01
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
CSA L1Core 01
Know about health and hygiene in a construction environment 4.1
Choose from the following list FIVE requirements for welfare facilities in a construction environment:
Toilets Wi-Fi access Washing facilities (should include hot (warm) and cold running water, soap and/or skin cleansers, towels or means of drying) Changing or drying room (secure for workers belongings) Air conditioning Canteen or break room (heated) suitable for heating/consuming food/drink Provision of clean drinking water.
List TWO health effects of noise and FOUR appropriate precautions that can be taken. Health effects:
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CSA L1Core 01 4.3
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
List the various substances hazardous to health and precautions that need to be in place: Substances
State the importance of personal hygiene.
List possible consequences of health risks in the workplace.
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CSA L1Core 01
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
CSA L1Core 01
Know how to handle and store materials and equipment safely 5.1
What procedures would be required to ensure for safe lifting in accordance with guidance and legislation?
Why is it important to use site safety equipment when handling and storing materials and equipment?
List the key legislation relating to the safe handling of materials and equipment.
State the importance of correct storage of construction materials.
List the reasons why it is important to have waste control procedures in the workplace.
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CSA L1Core 01
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
CSA L1Core 01
Know about basic working platforms and access equipment 6.1
List THREE types of working platforms and access equipment.
What must be taken into account before working platforms and access equipment are used?
What safe methods would you associate with the use of access equipment? Example: a risk assessment has been undertaken
List methods of good practice when using working platforms and access equipment by listing factors to be taken into account.
Identify the dangers of working at height when using basic working platforms and access equipment:
Learner Workbook | Cskills Awards Level 1 Health, safety and welfare in construction & associated industries v.1 05/16
CSA L1Core 01
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
CSA L1Core 01
Know how to work safely around electricity in a construction environment 7.1
List the precautions to be taken to avoid risks to yourself and others when working with electricity.
List the dangers and effects of those dangers associated with the use of electricity. Dangers
List FOUR voltages that could be used in the workplace.
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CSA L1Core 01 7.4
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
Safety standards and regulations demand standard colours are allocated to wiring cables. The colour of the cable denotes whether that wire is LIVE, NEUTRAL or is the EARTH. In the table below are colours of wires that may be found in the workplace today. Complete the meaning of each colour. Colour
Brown Red Blue Black Yellow and Green
What are the requirements for working safely with equipment of differing electrical voltages?
How should electrical equipment be stored and why is it important to store electrical equipment correctly? How
Learner Workbook | Cskills Awards Level 1 Health, safety and welfare in construction & associated industries v.1 05/16
CSA L1Core 01
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
CSA L1Core 01
Know how to use personal protective equipment (PPE) correctly 8.1
List TEN types of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).
List THREE pieces of legislation which govern Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Why it is important to store and maintain personal protective equipment (PPE) correctly?
List the possible consequences of NOT using the correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
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CSA L1Core 01
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
CSA L1Core 01
Know the fire and emergency procedures 9.1
List the THREE elements essential to creating a fire.
List TWO ways in which a fire could spread and list THREE methods of fire prevention. Spread
Methods of Fire Prevention
Choose from the following list which SIX actions should be taken on discovering a fire: Raising the alarm Alerting others Updating social media Clearing exits Collect your belongings Leaving the building via escape routes Assembling at the correct assembly point Return to help colleagues Follow organisation procedures.
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CSA L1Core 01
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
State the correct fire evacuation procedures.
Complete the table to show the different types of fire extinguishers and their correct uses.
Water Foam Carbon Dioxide Dry Powder Wet Chemical
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CSA L1Core 01
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
CSA L1Core 01
Know about signs and safety notices 10.1
List the categories of signs and safety notices used in the workplace.
The key differences between the categories of signs and safety notices used in the workplace are: • • •
Specific colour Purpose Shape.
Complete the table below: Category
Learner Workbook | Cskills Awards Level 1 Health, safety and welfare in construction & associated industries v.1 05/16
CSA L1Core 01
Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries
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