Kids Emotional Intelligence Teaching my children about emotional intelligence
Hi, My name is George, and I have 2 lovely kids who keep me on my toes and also give back to me in a huge way. Many other parents are curious as to how I raise my kids to be so free, caring, and happy (most of the time), and as much as it is about my influence, I do believe there is some underlying mystery out in the universe, that is not to be solved, but to be understood. The biggest gift I have given my children is to teach them about emotional intelligence (E.I.). It's more than just being positive, it's about them understanding their feelings, and hot to control them. And what their feelings are for. All feelings are there to teach us something. I've put together some great resources that I use, and you can to. If I have left any out then please feel free to contact me directly and I can add them in.
With love,
Felix has Feelings App You will have fun with Felix who is learning about different emotions
Kids' Emotional Intelligence Developing children’s emotional intelligence (E.I.) has proven effective in achieving all of the outcomes above. Follow the blogs and read the books to learn specific strategies for how to help children develop emotional intelligence!
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