APPSTAR REVIEW: A RELIABLE AND LOYAL SOURCE OF TRANSACTION Now a day’s society, time and people of the society have changed lot in comparison to the earlier times. This is just not only because of the changing time and people but also because of the up gradation of new and advanced technologies and machinery in the society. Everything is now facing an up gradation, nothing is same like as it was before. Especially when it comes to machinery our society has advanced a lot, there are several machineries which are invented and created that performs all type of activities which were unthinkable a few years before suddenly just changed. THE ADVANTAGEOUS AND BENEFICIAL CONTRIBUTIONS IN THE MARKET When discussing about the change and up gradation of technology it’s just very necessary to mention that hoe these up gradation has changed or affected the other activities or professional sectors as well. The sector that got most affected obviously in good sense is the economical sector. Economical sector in the sense means the money market which can also be mentioned as the transaction processing, and the platform that changed or made this transaction process much better is another biggest contribution if this up gradation which is known as the Appstar Review this is the most advantageous and beneficial platform. THE LEADER OF THE TRANSACTION SERVICES IN THE MARKET Now let’s elucidate what is exactly this Appstar Review is? The foundation of this organization is in 2002. This is one of the best and is also very loyal and trustable platform or organization which provided transaction processing to several services which includes EBT, credit, check, debit and also gift cards to medium sized and also to small sized retail shops. It not only provides services to these previous places mentioned but also to internet, and home merchants. This platform has introduced electronic payment industry to common people and also enlightened about the procedures and how it works. This company platform or organization is the leader in the electronic payment market; it has provided services to almost all the places of the world. It also has another status that is this organization held position at a very good member in the Better Business Bureau. This platform has totally changed everything.