Collection development policy for glenwood elementary school

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Collection Development Policy Collection Development Policy for Glenwood Elementary School

Collection Development Policy for Glenwood Elementary School April Hilland Teacher-Librarian, Glenwood Elementary School


Collection Development Policy


Introduction This policy was created to inform practice in Glenwood School Library regarding resource and material selection, de-selection, and challenged materials. The goal of this document is to ensure that decisions and actions made support the school, district, and school library’s objectives and to maintain a high level of programming and services for the school community. It was created for usability and quick reference. However, since a full library analysis is still needed, this policy is still considered to be in draft form with the final copy needing input and approval from the staff and administration of Glenwood Elementary School. Many resources were referred to and adapted to create this document. Headings and format were adapted from Sea to Sky School District #48 Library Handbook (School District 48, n.d.) and School Goals and Collection Outline (Martineau, 2008) as well as Guidelines for Collection Development: Conspectus Model (IFLA Acquisition and Collection Development Standing Committee, 2001).

Collection Development Policy


Community Overview Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows is located an hour’s drive East of Vancouver, BC. It’s known for its many horse and hiking trails and access to public campgrounds and parks. Many of the families living in Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows live and play in the community but commute to Vancouver or nearby Surrey to work. Despite being home to over 90,000 residents, a strong commercial industry has never taken hold. It is home to 31 schools serving just over 15,000 students and employing 1700 teachers, principals, and support staff. School Community Overview Glenwood Elementary is a neighborhood school that serves the surrounding area in West Maple Ridge. The current enrollment is 172 students. Many of the families that Glenwood serves are low to middle income, blended or single parent households. Over 15% of the student population is provincially coded as special needs learners with many of the students on district waiting lists to get tested for coding. Glenwood participates in a free fruit and veggie program as well as a breakfast club that helps meets the needs of many of the families. Glenwood also has the largest percentage of students in the district that participate in Reading Racers, a remedial summer reading program for struggling readers. The school goals reflect the needs of the students with the primary focus being helping students achieve “fully meeting” on many of the provinces learning outcomes, especially with literacy and social responsibility. The school currently houses eight classrooms (all split grades), two full time support teachers a .80 principal and a .162 Teacher-Librarian. Library Overview Glenwood Elementary Library has almost 16,000 materials available for loan in the collection. According to (Asselin, Branch, Odberg,2003), our collection size is exemplary for our school size. In fact, we have three times the amount of materials suggested for a school our size and due to our impending school amalgamation, I am anticipating to increase our collection by at least one third. However, I am reminded of what Lucius Annaeus Seneca once said, “It does not matter how many books you may have, but whether they are good or not”(n.d). Before a comprehensive future plan for the collection development can be developed, an in-depth analysis of the actual collections of both schools needs to take place. A proposal for this action will be put forth to the principal, district librarian, and to the school board for approval at the end of this year. Currently, Glenwood Library has access to Ebscohost, World Book, World Book Kids, NoveList, Searchasaurus, and Encyclopedia of British Columbia as non-print, online resources. Future plans for creating a balanced collection includes focusing on acquiring additional non-print resources that support differentiated instruction such as Ebooks, audiobooks, large print materials, and up to date electronic reference materials.

Collection Development Policy


School Mission Statement “Glenwood Elementary is a Neighbourhood School. As such, our goal is to provide a positive and supportive environment in which all students have equal opportunity to achieve their intellectual, physical, social and emotional potential. We are committed to preparing children to be flexible and creative, lifelong learners who can become productive members of society.” (Glenwood Elementary School, 2009) Library Mission Statement The mission of Glenwood Elementary Library is to be an integral part of the school’s learning and teaching community. The library program should act as a catalyst for inquiry-based instruction and authentic learning experiences by providing staff with opportunities for collaborative inquiry and professional development. The library will support students in becoming discriminating and ethical users of information and technology, providing universal access to information sources both onsite and remotely that support opportunities for curriculum-based projects and personal interests. Glenwood Library strives to create a safe, comfortable and inspiring environment to foster a love of reading and learning.

Collection Development Policy


District Mission Statement Our mission is to fully support all individuals in their personal development as successful learners and respectful contributors to society. Responsibility to All Learners We value learning opportunities for all learners associated with the school district. Although students are our primary focus, we believe that all associated with the district have the capacity and commitment to learn. Uniqueness of Each Individual We value the uniqueness of each learner and respect all learning styles and diverse needs. We foster a variety of instructional methods to ensure these styles and needs are being met and to build individual capacity so all learners can realize their potential. Diverse Learning Opportunities We value a wide range of diverse learning opportunities to support each learner and the development of well-rounded individuals. We value choices for learners, equity of access to all programs and a holistic approach in order to integrate learning. We encourage learning opportunities beyond the classroom. High-Expectations and Success We value the individual’s ability to set high expectations and to describe personal success. Expectations are based on honest information and self-assessment. Personal success follows goal setting and a clear sense of priorities. We are accountable to the individual and the community for achieving success for all learners. (Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows School District, 2009)

Collection Development Policy


Acquisition Policy Budget The budget for the school library is based on a per-student allotment. Each school is provided with $10.25 per student, per year for the acquisition and maintenance of the library collection. Ordering Materials for the Library Collection The librarian is responsible for ordering and/or purchasing materials from vendors of his/her choosing provided that the materials are being ordered from vendors that provide the best prices and quality. Invoices are then copied, one copy to the school secretary and one kept for librarian’s records. Vendors that have been used in the past are: Can Lit for Kids Black Bond Books (Maple Ridge Location) provides 15% discount. Scholastic Canada United Library Service Vancouver Kids Books Each of these vendors supply quality materials at reasonable prices and offer discounts and sales throughout the year. Material Selection The Teacher-Librarian is responsible for selecting and purchasing resources for the school library, however staff and students are encouraged to submit material requests and every endeavor will be made to purchase requested materials if they meet the material selection criteria. Valenza (2009) states, “the future of the school library as a relevant and viable institution is largely dependent on us and how quickly we respond to change.� (para. 2) It is the Teacher-Librarian who is responsible for ensuring that the resources in the library not only meet curriculum, staff, and student needs, but also reflect the changing landscape of information mediums. Material Selection Criteria Adapted from (ALA Council, 1998) - Is the resource educationally significant? Does it support the curriculum as set out by the BC IRPs? - Has the resource received favourable recommendations from a credible source? - Does the resource reflect current and valid factual information? - Does the resource contribute to a fair representation of a breadth of viewpoints on issues? - Is the resource appealing to potential and existing library users? Does the resource reflect a high quality of format, aesthetics, and literary style? - Will the resource serve user needs for an extended amount of time (3-5 years)? - Is the material appropriate for the school community? Is the resource appropriate for the ability level, learning styles, and social and emotional development of the library users?

Collection Development Policy


Future Collection Development Plan It is Glenwood Library’s goal to provide for the students and staff at Glenwood Elementary resources that: - are in a variety of formats to meet the needs of a diverse learning population: - print (magazines, books) - electronic (ebooks, online database subscriptions) - non-print (DVDs, MP3s, CDs, Audiobooks, streaming video) - promote personal growth and critical thinking - promote professional “best practices” - offer a variety of opinions and perspectives - have enduring literary value (award winners) - represent Canadian’s contributions to literature - provide a balanced collection - support and enrich curriculum goals Upon an informal analysis, it is suggested that the following resources be priority purchases in the next two years: - updated encyclopedias (both print and digital) - fiction audiobooks to supplement literature circle collection - subscription to at least one local and one provincial newspaper - begin creating a collection of ebooks - continue to expand the graphic novel section - continue to source and purchase quality non-fiction resources (both print and electronic) that support the curriculum The recommendations are based on Asselin, Branch and Odberg’s (2003) suggested standards for school library collections which states that “the collection is to reflect an appropriate balance of print, non-print, and electronic and digital resources” (p. 24) The future collection development plan also reflects Berger’s (2007) action plan to prepare students for the twenty-first century. Berger (2007) states that librarians must, “ensure equity to all students by providing access to instruction and digital literacy tools.” (p. 125)

Donation Policy Donation of materials to the library shall be accepted and selected based on the material selection criteria. Books that have been donated that do not meet the selection criteria will be passed along.

Collection Development Policy


Weeding Policy The purpose of weeding a school library’s collection is to ensure that the resources are up to date and relevant to the patron’s interests and to the curriculum and to make room for newer resources. Weeding should be done on an ongoing basis. It should be well thought out and systematic. Adapted from California Department of Education (n.d.) A simple way to judge if a book still belongs in the library collection is to apply the MUSTY criteria: M

Misleading Can occur more rapidly in technology than mythology. Look for: - “dated” popular fiction - Obsolete information - Books containing racial, cultural or sexual stereotyping


Ugly Refers to the physical condition of the book. - Antiquated appearance - Worn-out, frayed, dirty - Unable to mend


Superceded There may be newer copies available. - Duplicated copies - Almanacs, yearbooks, encyclopedias superseded by newer editions


Trivial Look for appropriateness for the collection. Check for poor writing, inaccurate information, an inappropriate interest or reading level for students


Your collection has no use for the book. It is irrelevant to your curriculum.

Collection Development Policy

Schedule for Weeding Books Weeding books is an ongoing process. Each year, one section of the library should be weeded, ensuring that the collection stays current and appropriate. Beginning in 2010/2011 school year, the weeding should follow this rotation: Year One: Home Reading Books Year Two: Reference and Periodicals Year Three: Picture Books Year Four: Non-fiction books * Year Five: Fiction and Fiction Series Year Six: Teaching Resources and Multi-media. *When weeding the non-fiction section, there are suggested copyright markers to consider. Please note, these are only suggested. Dewey Classifications Adapted from California Department of Education (n.d.) 000 2-10 years 100 10 years 200 2-10 years 300 5-10 years 400 10 years 500 5-10 years 600 5-10 years 700 5-15 years 800 Flexible 900 15 years Biographies Flexible Fiction 10 years Encyclopedia 5-7 years Reference evaluate on an individual basis Periodicals 5 years Almanacs 3 years in reference, 3 additional years in circulation


Collection Development Policy


Procedure for Discarding Books Weeding can be quite a controversial issue in elementary schools. To ensure that due process is followed, the following procedure is recommended before discarding books. 1. Delete books from collection and cross out school identification and barcode. 2. Place the books in the staff room for 3-5 days to allow teachers to take any books that they deem useful. 3. Offer to the students, parents and community in the lobby of the school. 4. Remove hard covers and recycle the body of each book. **Note Ridge Meadows Recycling center takes hard cover books with covers still intact if dropped off at the recycling depot** Material Challenge Policy All efforts have been made to select appropriate materials that meet the goals of the library, school, and district. Resources have been selected based on recommendations, favorable reviews, and curriculum needs. In the case that a difference of opinion arises, the following policy should be followed to ensure that patron concerns are addressed. Once a material challenge form (Appendix B) has been filled out and signed by the patron making the challenge, the librarian must acknowledge the receipt of the complaint and inform the patron of the procedure to investigate the claim in writing, as well as supply the patron with the library’s policy on intellectual freedom. Next, the librarian needs to meet with the principal to investigate the complaint. If a resolution cannot be found, a committee must be formed to investigate further. It is recommended that the committee be comprised of the librarian, principal, PAC representative, district librarian, and a primary and intermediate teacher. “Members of the committee weigh several factors when reconsidering challenged materials: they read, listen to, or view the material in its entirety; they also look at the material in relationship to the Library’s “Collection Development Policy” and to the rest of the collection; in addition, they look at what literary critics and reviewers think of the material.” (Manitowoc Public Library, n.d.) Once a decision has been made, the committee must inform the patron in written form of the decision. If the patron is not satisfied with the outcome, they will be directed to contact the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows School Board for further action.

Collection Development Policy


Intellectual freedom Glenwood Library follows principles set out by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as the Canadian Library Association’s statement on intellectual freedom when circulating materials. Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) state, “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” (General Assembly of the United Nations, Article 19, 1948) Canadian Library Association Position Statement on Intellectual Freedom (1985) states, “All persons in Canada have the fundamental right, as embodied in the nation's Bill of Rights and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, to have access to all expressions of knowledge, creativity and intellectual activity, and to express their thoughts publicly. This right to intellectual freedom, under the law, is essential to the health and development of Canadian society. Libraries have a basic responsibility for the development and maintenance of intellectual freedom. It is the responsibility of libraries to guarantee and facilitate access to all expressions of knowledge and intellectual activity, including those which some elements of society may consider to be unconventional, unpopular or unacceptable. To this end, libraries shall acquire and make available the widest variety of materials. It is the responsibility of libraries to guarantee the right of free expression by making available all the library's public facilities and services to all individuals and groups who need them. Libraries should resist all efforts to limit the exercise of these responsibilities while recognizing the right of criticism by individuals and groups. Both employees and employers in libraries have a duty, in addition to their institutional responsibilities, to uphold these principles.”

Collection Development Policy


Challenged Material Form Adapted from Manitowac Library (n.d) Name of claimant: ______________________________________________ I am: ___ a parent or guardian



___staff member

Phone number: ____________ Address: ________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________ Title of material: _____________________________________ Author: __________________________________________ Publisher: ___________________________________________ 1.

How was this material brought to your attention?

2. Have you read or listened to the material in its entirety? If not, what parts?

3. What parts of the material do you find objectionable? Please cite pages or selections.

4. Are you aware of what literary critics and reviewers say about this book?

5. What is the proposed action that you wish the library to take in regards to this material?

6. If this item were to be removed from the school library. What similar material would you recommend to replace it?

Collection Development Policy


References American Library Association (1998), Workbook for selection policy writing, Retrieved from ntentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=11173 Berger, P, (2007). Literacy and learning in a digital world. in Hughes-Hassell, S. & Harada, V. (Eds.). School reform and the library media specialist. Westport, CT: Libraries unlimited. California Department of Education (n.d.) Weeding the school library,: The counterpart to selection, Retrieved from Canadian Library Association, 1985, Canadian Library Association position statement on intellectual freedom, Retrieved from ntentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=3047 General Assembly of the United Nations, 1948, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Retrieved from Manitowoc Public Library, n.d., Challenged materials policy, Retrieved from Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows School District, 2009, Values and mission statement, Retrieved from: Valenza, J, &. Johnson. (2009). Things that keep us up at night. School Library Journal Retrieved from

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