Focus on Soil

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Soil Basics Intro & Overview This first collection of links provides access to sites that offer broad and comprehensive background information about soil

-----------------------------------------Fundamental Concepts of Soil

Welcome to Claude the dirt clod's World! The Scoop on Soil site from NRCS & 

Soil-related POWERPOINT from NRCS(PPT) Preview POWERPOINT slides (pdf)

Fundamental Concepts HANDOUT (pdf)

The Scoop on Soil Biology: Key Educational Messages

Click-through their "Soil Biology Primer," via Table of Contents for detailed narrative with photos and diagrams. Free online access, Table of Contents

or purchase primer in print for $16.

The Soil Food Web The Food Web & Soil Health Soil Bacteria Soil Fungi Soil Protozoa Soil Nematodes Soil Arthropods Earthworms Further Reading &Acknowledgments CITATION: Tugel, A.J., A.M. Lewandowski, eds. (February 2001 -- last update). Soil Biology Primer [online].

Available: 05/24/2012.


This 125 page Student Guide to Soil Science (pdf) covers topics in simple to understand language and provides valuable field-related graphics. See also: Young Soil Scientist's Glossary.

NASA Soil Science Education

Web Site INDEX: Soil Science Education NASA 

Why Study Soil? NASA Web Site

The Pedosphere as a Hub explained

The Five Soil Forming Factors

Dig It! Secrets of the Soil Exhibit & Educational Resources from the Smithsonian

Secrets of the Soil Interactive media and educational materials from the original exhibit which appeared at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in 2009, and is now out on tour to 10 US cities. 

Begin with: curator-led movie.

See also: Dig It! exhibit map Another SAMPLE multimedia interactive:

(browse site for more)

Earth's Skin Types:The Twelve Basic Soil Orders

Related Educational resource sets available as DOWNLOADS 

FREE The Dig It ! Educator's GUIDE. Or teachers, librarians, and presenters can order the same GUIDE in high interest minimal cost sets.



Contents & Classifications

Soil formation, parent material, composition, and using profiles or surveys

-----------------------------------------Digging Deeper: "What is Soil?"

Note: While on individual topic pages, be sure to either scroll down or click on the sub-topic menu in the highlighted box in the upper right hand corner of that page.

Begin "What is Soil? TUTORIAL online 

Soil Horizons explained (pg 2)

Soil Taxonomy: Classifying Soils & Soil Orders (pg 4)

Soil Textures pictures and triangle (pg 8)

TEACHING POSTERS: The 12 Orders of Soil Taxonomy (clickable

poster also opens individual pdf of each classification to descriptions and photo) Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

Soil Orders with US MAP

Soil Survey Overview HANDOUT (pdf)

Soil Layers HORIZONS O, A, E, B, C (top to bottom)




Nature’s cycles & chemical processes. Interdependence of systems & cycles. Events that shape the Earth and shared energy

-----------------------------------------Cycles of Nature Related to Soil 

Cycles Pictured and Explained (Missouri Soil Tutorial) The Hydrologic Cycle The Carbon Cycle The Nutrient Cycle

Nature's Cycles in simple terms from the Real Trees 4 Kids curriculum available online. Includes printable TEACHER'S GUIDE.

Click-through Energy TUTORIALS from the Flying Turtle Web Site

The Flow of Energy Through Plants and Animals

Energy Changes Make Things Happen (ALL)

Conservation of Energy & laws of Thermodynamics Or, view the entire Flying Turtle SITE MAP

Cycles of Nature (Download the full PPT at

Clearly drawn and labeled instructional graphics KEY: soil components in green, the inputs to the soil in blue, and the losses from soil in red. 

Nitrogen Cycle

Phosphorous Cycle

Potassium Cycle

Sulfur Cycle


Little Cities in the


Focus on basic biology of life microbes, insects and animals living underground, essential minerals, nutrients, and

-----------------------------------------The Microbe Zoo

The Microbial Zoo, designed as an adventure park, takes a fun and quirky look at microbials. Be sure to visit Dirtland!.

Producers, Consumers & Decomposers 

Backyard Biology: Composting

Worm Facts page & "Did you know all this about worms?" (PDF)

Composting Videos

Missouri Department of Natural Resources 

Breaking It Down: Compost Connection VIDEO and TEACHER GUIDE (.pdf) grades 4-8

Life Underground ! Needs an INSERT ABOUT HERE



Conservation & Stewardship

Wind & water erosion, pests, drought, pollution and other human impacts

-----------------------------------------Our Dynamic Planet & Processes that Shape the Earth 

Intro to Erosion: Click-through with pictures

Weathering: Mechanical, Chemical & Biotic Weathering

Erosion by Water Click-through with pictures

Glencoe/ BrainPop Flash Movies: Weathering, Glaciers, Fossils

Human Impacts to Soil 

Soil pollution background info

EPA Pesticides, Chemicals & Toxins Many Links

"Sprawl Hurts Us All," campaign from Sierra Club

Teaching Geomorphology in the 21st Century

Teaching With Google EARTH-- List of Links DLESE Digital Library for Earth Systems Education NASA's Earth Observatory Real-time snapshots by satellite from around the world. Media SAMPLES of Visual & Audio Animations (Flash/Java) 

Mineral Weathering

Life of a Glacier Simulation ARKive "the ultimate multimedia guide to the world's endangered species. Includes endangered species videos, photos, facts & education resources." TEACHING ACTIVITIES by age MODELS for studying soil, technology & tools, lab activities, inquiry, simulations, galleries, and moreworksheets & more



as a Human Endeavor

-----------------------------------------Scientific Inquiry-- Simple Steps

Pictured Science Investigation Map

Elementary Globe

Featured Activities:

Implementation Guide & Featured Overview of Modules Primary students grades K-4 hands-on study of Earth System Science (ESS) 

GLOBE Storybook: "The Scoop on Soil"

Soil Module from Elementary GLOBE

GLOBE Storybook: "

Earth Module from Elementary GLOBE

Download All 6 Reading Books

What is Earth System Science?

ESS explained by Center for Educational Technologies (CFET) Classrooms of the Future (CTF) at Wheeling Jesuit University. SAMPLE CFET/ CTF Online Learning Creations: 

Earth Systems Card Sorting:


soil images: pedone

Soil Horizons (java/Flash)

NRCS Soil Profiles Gallery

soil Texture Triangle (See also: TEACHER GUIDE)

Soil Models: Professional Soil Monoliths and "How to Make a Soil Monolith," for classrooms (includes photos)

Soil PH 

Interactive PH scale activities Miami Science Museum

Understanding Soils & pH HANDOUT

Testing Soil PH: online LAB ASSIGNMENT & Worksheet

Biology in a Bottle

Making MODELS to study processes using a soda bottle: 

Background on Decomposition

Kimchee Fermentation

Tools page & Instructions Step-by-Step

Simple Math Calculations for Soil & Water

Pictures, graphs, models and drawings demonstrate how to measure surface area of farm crops, flow rate of water, and many more soil and water related concepts. 

Chapter 1: Basic Terms & Calculations

Chapter 2: Soil & Water

Studying on Ancient Soil 

Paleontology Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

Archeology for Kids with Dr. Dirt

National Park Service: Archeology for Kids Program Basics of Studying Life on Earth Across Time Explorations Through Time interactive modules explore history of life on Earth focused on science processes. Each module contains suggested lesson plans and an extensive teacher’s guide.


Soil Just for Kids -----------------------------------------Environmental Education for Kids http://www.

Tons of ready-to-use TEACHER PAGES at the EEK tab: 

Storytelling Nature's Recyclers CUTOUTS

Print the Nature's Recycler's coloring book to learn how "nature's own cleanup crew and recycling staff... take dead materials and turn them back into rich soil."

Read about vermiculture and composting with worms

Just for Kids: Soil Biological Communities

Introducing Soil Grades 1-4 Includes: fungi, bacteria, protozoa, nematodes, arthropods and more!

Adopt a Soil Critter

Food Web Explained with clickable pictures

Make your Own Earthworm Farm

Dig It Up-- Roman Town Interactive BBC Primary History GAME 

Dig It Up: Romans with Dr. Amy Chan

Science4Kids Web Sites--


1. Biology4Kids 2. Chemistry4Kids  PH Scale: Acid, Neutral, Base  Environmental Chemistry

3. Geography4Kids + Earth Science  Bio-Geo-Chemical Cycles TUTORIAL and QUIZ

I Dig Dirt!

Soil ACTIVITY BOOKLET about components of a healthy watershed: what is needed, how plants grow, and ways to manage soil erosion. Great visual vocabulary support. (Preview is recommended for age/grade/audience to fit your groups.)

Soil is Alive!

Soil ACTIVITY BOOKLET explores Soil Horizons, Soil Profiles, Parent Materials, Bugs in the Soil System and more. Biological contents of healthy soilformation.

Professional Resource Library

MUST HAVE THIS!  Kid’s Books “Read to Lead” Booklist

 Curriculum Resources Food, Land and People

 Professional Research/Reference Books Food, Land and People

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