swelter magazine

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swelter desert daydreaming

lissie chase cohl

TOP 10

Movie Hippies

Faux FUR


April // 2011 // 08884


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petra van raaij ring of fire



1. to suffer from

2. to exude, as venom 3. a sweltering condition.



swel路ter [swel-ter] ENIZAGAM retlews

TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 Lissie: little lovin 8 Faux Fur 10 Buggy Baby 14 Spider Bites 16 Floral Arrangments 20 Top 10 Movie Hippies 22 Ring of Fire 24

Chase Cohl: wild child

26 Petra Van Raaij 30 Wind cries Mary 34 Making Headway 36 Tie the Knot swelter MAGAZINE


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Lissie, is an American folk rock artist and Paste Magazine’s #1 best new solo artist of 2010. Here Mark interviews her:

Mark: Hi Lissie! It is a real pleasure for me to finally meet the face behind the voice that has enchanted my winter evenings. Lissie: Why thank you it is my pleasure! Mark: First of all can you give us some background on yourself for our readers? Lissie: Sure, well I am Lissie, I grew up in Rock Island, Illinois. I have been singing my whole life. I started writing songs in high school and have just been doing it ever since to varying degrees. I now live in Ojai, California and that’s about it, really. Mark: I was going to try to inject a little humour in here, how many of the following facts I gathered up are true – was your grandfather a member of a barbershop quartet? Lissie: Yeah, he was part of the Vikings, they won an international contest back in the 60s or 70s. I mean I was born in the 80s but when I was growing up he was always in some kind of musical or theatrical production, so that is indeed true. Mark: So then I guess that you got your rebellious streak from your great-grandfather? Lissie: Yeah, well I don’t know a ton about him but he would like just jump trains and take off and no one would know where he had gone. I think he had a bit of madness in him but was real quiet too. He needed to go off and explore, so I guess some of my wanderlust comes from that side of my family. Everyone in my family is creative to some degree but I was the one who felt so strongly about it that I wanted to make it my livelihood. Mark: So you moved out to California and started the Beachwood Rockers Society, a kind of musical collective? Lissie: Yeah that’s right.

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Mark: So was it through that you got to meet Bill Reynolds from Band of Horses? Lissie: I moved to LA in 2004 and after a year or so had met this great group of friends who had moved up from North Carolina and they were in a band and collectively we began do do this Wednesday night thing. They all became close friends, well in time sort of like my family. So they were friends with Bill Reynolds and when he came to visit we got to know each other. I met him a few times before we really connected on a musical level and decided to do a few songs together on a casual level. So we recorded a few songs on Garageband at my apartment. So I met him in that casual environment. Mark: Did that then lead to him producing your debut E.P.? Lissie: Yeah, we did ‘Wedding Bells’ on Grageband in my office in literally one take. It was a complete experiment just for fun that turned out so cool, then every time he was in California we would record as much together as possible. Things kind of just moved along from that and we nailed down the songs for the E.P. but it still come about pretty organically, though. Some of the other recordings I have done don’t seem so free flowing. When I meet a producer and get set up to meet them, you know, it kind of feels more like work than what Bill and I were doing. I mean, it was work but seemed like a lot more fun than work despite the long hours involved. Mark: Now from that debut, ’Everywhere I Go’ and ‘Wedding Bells’ blew me away. Now you have moved on and got the major deal I am hoping it is going to be in a similar vein to Catching the Tiger? Lissie: It is pretty much but there is more variety. A couple of the tracks that will be singles probably have a little more sheen to them and are a little bit bigger sounding, but there are bits of the Bill Reynolds sound injected in there. ‘Little Lovin’ from the E.P. is on it and I believe ‘Everywhere I Go’ may now end up on the record. We did another song, ‘Bully’ and a couple of others which will keep the Bill vibe going alongside the Jaquire King produced stuff, which is a bit more mainstream sounding. Hopefully, people will see that there is enough variety on there for everyone to take something away from it.


Mark: Life seems to have gone a little crazy here in the UK for you, the buzz spreads a little bit quicker as we are a small island. How do you feel about the Stevie Nicks comparisons? Lissie: You know it a real compliment, I never intended to sound like anyone of course, but then I get the flip side with people accusing me of ripping off Fleetwood Mac on Twitter. I was like don’t be a jerk! Mark: The only one of your tracks that really has that vibe is ‘In Sleep’. If you take something like ‘Wedding Bells’, that kind of reminds me a little of another great up-and-coming artist Caitlin Rose. Lissie: Yeah, I think I have heard some of her stuff. You know it’s all going to sound a little like something but hopefully as I move along people will say that sounds like Lissie. Mark: So the ‘Bad Romance’ cover went crazy like 200k in hits in one day on YouTube. It was an interesting choice of a cover. How did it come about? Lissie: Yeah, It was kinda the label’s idea to do some covers. Metallica’s ‘Nothing Else Matters’ was one that we do live, so we thought if we are going to do that one song why not do another. The label’s idea was to do something that people know but that you like. I am a huge Lady Gaga fan – not that I see our musical careers going in anyway the same direction. I remember back in November when I heard ‘Bad Romance’ that I could not stop singing it . I felt like I had a somewhat similar range to her so it felt comfortable doing it. We decided right on the morning we recorded it so we had like a print out of the chords and did it in three takes! When it went up it was crazy, I didn’t really pay attention to it at first because I don’t like to look at too much stuff because I don’t want to see anything negative about me as at the end of the day it does hurt my feelings. I know I shouldn’t care but that’s in my nature. Mark: Well it gets personal, I hate that negativity, to me if you don’t like it just don’t bother with it. There is too much of that stuff going on, often by bloggers just to raise the profile of said site. Lissie: Yea I guess, I mean if you put yourself out there you are going to get some criticism. I didn’t know a ton of what was going on and then I had some friends and family going OMG, in two hours like 40k in hits! Mark: I know it hit our radar really quickly as these things do, and Sean had it on the site before your PR had even had time to service it. That’s the web you know, these virals just take off! Lissie: I think it’s great that people want to see my version. I do think a lot of it is people just googling Lady Gaga though. I didn’t think of that at the time but looking back I guess that was the case. As much as I like to think my cover was awesome!


Mark: Well people do seem to think that. Lissie: Well I thought it was okay at the time but people do seem to love it so hey, what can I say? Mark: You have a pretty hectic schedule coming up. Are we going to see you back in the UK after the two festivals in the summer? I know you are lined up for Summer Sundae and the Cambridge Folk Festival. Lissie: Looks like I am going to pretty much be over here from May onwards for the festivals and some coheadlining tours, though I am not sure who with yet, exactly. It’s all in the air but basically I am going to be over here until late September/October. Then I might go back to the States for a bit to promote the album over there, but I will be here a lot through the summer into the fall. Then on and off for the next couple of years and into the future, I really like it over here. I actually just met an English guy a couple of weeks ago and we have been getting along well. Then the sun came out so that has been making it feel a little bit more home-y for me. I could see myself spending more time over here but with some time off.


Lissie at home in Memphis.

Mark: To see the country? Lissie: Yeah, I mean when we are driving along I kinda look out the car window but not too much because I get car sick, which is annoying. I’m like ‘I wanna see stuff!’ but I can’t, I’ll get car sick. It’s a shame because touring you don’t get to see a ton even though you are all over the country.

“don’t be a jerk!” ENIZAGAM retlews

“jump trains and take off” Lissie’s makeshift bedroom at the recording studio.


Mark: Finally, what artists have inspired you to make your music? Lissie: You know more than anything it’s been growing up, the feelings that I have & relationships. Observing people and the world around me, things that are going on. I mean, all the songs are very literal – they are true, they are me and they are not made up. They are an explanation of a feeling I had. I think my life and experiences are what inspire me to make music the most. I think singing and the vibrations and humming in my chest when I was young was something that was soothing to me and made me feel better if I was anxious or sad. I found solace in singing. So I think that singing inspired me to find a way to explain the world around me. I loved musicals when I was young and I love folk music like Woody Guthrie but I have gone through phases of liking a whole heap of genres. You know, actually some TV gets my brain going. I have been watching Mad Men, and it got me thinking the about the dynamic of a woman’s role being so secondary to that of men at the time. That has kind of got me thinking, you know, is that what it was really like? Then I started thinking about the differences between men and women and I just keep connecting the dots of an idea.

Mark: I think it’s good to have a break as well. I know sometimes I kinda fry my brain with just too much music till your head screams no more. Lissie: Yeah, I mean sometimes music is the obvious medium but I also like getting out in California, going for a hike you know that’s more inspirational to me than reading about some rock star. I don’t really know about that stuff or care much about it. There are lots of artists who I love, say like Stevie Nicks, but I kinda feel that if I focus too much on her or anyone else then I feel a little inadequate. I just have to focus on me being me and doing what I can do. Mark: Well you are making a pretty good job of it so far and it has been a real pleasure to meet you! Thanks for giving us an insight to the lady behind the music! Lissie: It’s my pleasure!

Promo shot for her album Catching a Tiger.

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On Alessandra: Burberry Homme white faux-fur vest.


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This seasons statement piece.


s we have noticed, faux fur is hot this season thanks to several of the runway diva creators conveying back the luxury of fur, without the nastiness. A white faux fur vest is an impeccable addition to your winter wardrobe, adding sense of glossy country style. This white vest is a winter stand out. A big motive why faux fur is prevalent year after year is for the reason that it is totally tangible and luxurious. Not only will you be exceptionally warm and cozy when you wear your vest, but then again you will also complement some cool texture to your outfit. This faux fur comes in weaves wherever from soft and silky to shaggy. Exclusively textured clothing pieces are repeatedly brilliant focal points for otherwise plain outfits and just think about the addition of patent, feathers, or studs.

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Along with white, black faux fur vest are equally common and easy to find, particularly on online stores or specialty retailers that concentrate in faux fur fashion. Therefore the question is not about where to buy but, is faux fur here to stay or is it a fleeting fashion? Even though it is true that runway tendencies die away fast once the new lines hit the market, on the other handsome stakes are employed on faux fur as being a more popular item than real fur in the 1950s. The advantage of wearing faux fur is that there is no guilt, so a person who loves animals will have no problem dressing in comfortable fur so long as it is fake. Furthermore, faux fur is a lot less expensive than real fur making it accessible to more people than ever before. Thirdly, simply looks awesome, particularly if you are fortunate to find an impeccably fitting faux fur vest with a hood or faux fur coat.



Desert Dune Buggy tours in Dubai.


dune buggy is a recreational vehicle with large wheels, and wide tires, designed for use on sand dunes or beaches. The design is usually a modified vehicle and engine mounted on an open chassis. The modifications usually attempt to increase the power to weight ratio by either lightening the vehicle or increasing engine power or both. Dune buggies designed specifically for operation on open sand are called sandrails. A similar, more recent generation of off-road vehicle, often similar in appearance to a sandrail but designed for different use, is the “off-road go kart�. The difference may be little more than fitting all-terrain tires instead of sand tires.

Dune buggies are usually created using one of two to three different methods. The first involves alteration of an existing vehicle, most notably the original Volkswagen Beetle. The Bug’s (or Volkswagen Type 1) automobile platform is preferred for a variety of reasons. Most significant is the position of the rear mounted Volkswagen engine, which with removal of bodywork transfers a high proportion of the weight to the rear driven wheels for extra traction. The engine is air cooled, simplifying engine modification, and the absence of a radiator eliminates a source of failure.

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BUGGY BABY Imagine blasting over a California sand dune, an engine roaring behind you.

The low price; robustness of the front suspension; and the sizable quantity of spare parts from other VW Beetles and Type 2 (Microbus) are a further advantage. Chevrolet Corvair engines are also a popular way to upgrade to 6 cylinders and sometimes vehicles are fitted with turbochargers to provide as much as 180 horsepower (130 kW). For example, one such conversion was a 1970 Manx 2 on a 1961 VW chassis. It was fitted with a 180 hp (130 kW) turbocharged Corvair engine, with reverse rotation, mated to a VW transaxle.

The second method involves construction of a vehicle frame from formed and welded steel tubing. The advantage of this method is that the fabricator can change fundamental parts of the vehicle (usually the suspension and addition of a built-in roll cage). Buggies of this type are called sandrails because of the rail frame. Sandrails, as with the VW Bug, often have the engine located behind the driver. Sizes can vary from a smallengine one-seat size to four-seat vehicles with eight or more cylinders. Sandrails can have panels or custom-shaped body coverings over frame, though many are left bare. Another type represents a mix of the above two design philosophies, typically constructed from a converted vehicle that has sustained damage from age, hard use, or accidents. This type of creation is called The Boston-Murphy style.

1969 - Buggy Boom of ‘69. Dune Buggy popularity at it’s peak.

1965 - The “Sportster” created a new market for buggies selling over 6,000 models.

1964 - He built the first of 12 called the “Sportster”. 1958 - Pete Beirning made the first ever buggy out of a VW bug model.

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1980 - Dune buggies are seen in their first ever feature film.

dune buggy history

2000 - Dune buggy popularity still on the decline. 2011 - Dubai is the top dune buggy safari location beating out 6 others.


dune buggies 100%



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Initially dune buggies were designed for navigating desert or beaches (hence the word “dune”). However, dune buggies have become more diversified in terms of the terrain they can handle and are being built for more generic off road tasks, such as CORR / SCORE indoor track racing. Some are even built for and used as onroad vehicles. Typically the function is determined before the buggy is created in order to maximize the comfort or abilities of the vehicle. Although dune buggies can be bought (as a kit), many drivers make their own. This is done by separately buying chassis, engine, tires, steering wheel, and axles. Some builders make their own chassis, which creates a special, customized vehicle. A 1961 or later Volkswagen sedan is the preferred donor to create a Dune Buggy. The VW Type 2, Type 3 and Type 4 do not make good donor cars, however the engine, transaxle, wheels, and instruments can be used from these models. Other parts that can be salvaged from a donor VW for use in a Dune Buggy include the front axle and suspension, frame, pedal assembly, shock absorbers, seats, battery, fuel tank (1961 or later), steering column, brakes, instruments and switches, windshield wiper, horn and emergency flasher unit.

Desert Dune Buggy tours in Dubai.

“large wheels & wide tires”

sobriety intoxication


dontbuggy drink &

time swelter MAGAZINE



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Desert Tarantulas are a common sight in the Southwestern states.



Once a creepy crawley, now a desert pet.


arantulas comprise a group of hairy and often very large arachnids belonging to the family Theraphosidae, of which approximately 900 species have been identified. Some members of the same Suborder may also be called “tarantulas” in the common parlance. This article will restrict itself to describing members of Theraphosidae. Some genera of tarantulas hunt prey primarily in trees; others hunt on or near the ground. All tarantulas can produce silk—while arboreal species will typically reside in a silken “tube tent”, terrestrial species will line their burrows with silk to stabilize the burrow wall and facilitate climbing up and down. Tarantulas mainly eat insects and other arthropods, using ambush as their primary method of prey capture. The biggest tarantulas can kill animals as large as lizards, mice, and birds. Tarantulas are found in tropical and desert regions around the world. Most tarantulas are harmless to humans, and some species are popular in the exotic pet trade. All tarantulas are venomous, but only some species have venom that, while not known to have ever produced human fatalities, can produce extreme discomfort over a period of several days. Like all arthropods, the tarantula is an invertebrate that relies on an exoskeleton for muscular support. A tarantula’s body consists of two main parts, the prosoma (cephalothorax) and the opisthosoma (abdomen). The prosoma and opisthosoma are connected by the pedicle, or what is often called the pregenital somite. This waist-like connecting piece is actually part of the prosoma and allows the opisthosoma to move in a wide range of motion relative to the prosoma.

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Depending on the species, the body length of tarantulas ranges from 2.5 to 10 centimetres (1 to 4 in), with 8–30-centimetre (3–12 in) leg spans. Leg span is determined by measuring from the tip of the back leg to the tip of the front leg on the opposite side. The largest species of tarantula can weigh over 85 grams (3 oz). The largest of all, the Goliath Birdeater (Theraphosa blondi) from Venezuela and Brazil, has been reported to have a weight of 150 grams (5.3 oz) and a leg-span of up to 30 centimetres (12 in), males being the longer and females greater in girth. T. apophysis (the Pinkfoot Goliath) was described 187 years after the Goliath Birdeater; therefore its characteristics are not as well attested.T. blondi is generally thought to be the heaviest tarantula, and T. apophysis to have the greatest leg span. Two other species, Lasiodora parahybana (the Brazilian Salmon Birdeater) and L. klugi, rival the size of the two Goliath spiders. The majority of North American tarantulas are brown. Elsewhere have been found species colored cobalt blue (Haplopelma lividum), black with white stripes (Aphonopelma seemanni), yellow leg markings (Eupalaestrus campestratus), metallic blue legs with vibrant orange abdomen and greenbottle blue (Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens). Their natural habitats include savanna, grasslands such as the pampas, rainforests, deserts, scrubland, mountains, and cloud forests. They are generally divided into terrestrial types that frequently make burrows and arboreal types that build tented shelters well off the ground. Tarantulas are becoming increasingly popular as pets and are readily available in captivity.


Chase Cohl at home.



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CHASE COHL Catching up with the wonderful designer of Little Doe is Love.

RH: What made you choose the name “Littledoe”? Why? CC: I grew up spending my summers in this massive national park in Ontario called Algonquin Park. It is the most beautiful and serene place in the universe, Littledoe is the name of a lake in the park.

RH: Do you have any style advice? CC: Clothing can be a pretty magic representation of character, if you let it. Never be afraid to wear color! I’d get off on seeing someone in a mismatched rainbow getup any day of the week, black is such a bore!!!

RH: If you could have anyone wear your designs, who would it be? CC:Robin Pecknold, Ben Bridwell & Chris Robinson. Aside from the fact that they are all wonderful musicians, I just love a good beard.

RH: Who are your style icons? CC: Ladies of the Canyon past, Joni & the GTOs in particular, they were a sparkling dream, fashion wise. Also Mormon women, I live in prairie dresses and lace up boots

RH: What do you value most in your friends? CC: Humor. I giggle from sunrise to sunset when I am with my best friends. To be able to share an artistic relationship with someone, where you exchange, respect and support each other’s craft is pretty magic.

RH: What are your closet staples? CC: Vintage Dresses! I’ve got tons of tattered white lace victorian gowns, I wear them till they dissolve. Also, I collect antique moccasins. I live in quite a small house, so I’ve gone off the deep end and filled my dish cupboards top to bottom with shoes.

RH: What is your greatest extravagance? CC: I have the itchiest feet around so I am very lucky that I can afford to travel and bop around when I like.

RH: Do you have any favorite places to go shopping? CC: Oooh I mostly wait around for the vintage shows. California vintage is truly unbeatable.

RH: What is your idea of a perfect day? CC: Rain, tea, fire, tunes, blankets, wine, a warm body, and maybe some Scrabble…

RH: Do you ever look back on outfits that you wore and think, “what was I thinking??” Is there any outfit in particular that comes to mind? CC: When I was a little one I used to troll around in these lime green neon spandex shorts, those were horrendous, very early 90s. Also anyone who ever wore a t-shirt with some stupid tag line written on it deserves a serious talking to (myself included once upon a time).

RH: Lastly, what is a talent that you would most like to have? CC: I’d like to be able to visualize music better, to play any instrument that comes across my path. And, while I’m not sure whether this would be classified as a talent or a superpower, I’d like to be able to talk to animals. RH: How would you describe your style? CC: Gypsy Grandmother. I don’t believe that young girls need to show skin in order to display beauty or sex appeal. To me, everything is better left to the imagination.

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RH: You have an incredible sense of interior design. Can you tell me how you go about picking things for your home? CC: I like the idea of bringing the outdoors indoors, so my house is drowning in taxidermy rodents and such. Also, I love the juxtaposition of mixing ratty things with really rich over the top fabrics like old burnout velvets and laces, and comfort is most important. I couldn’t live in a display set, everything in my home is meant to be played with.


“bringing the outdoors, in” Little Doe is Love crystal neckpieces.

RH: What is your most treasured possession? CC: I don’t really keep photographs and I have the worst memory in the universe, but possession-wise there would have to be two. First are my mom’s old hand-painted canvas boots from the 70s, second is my dads ponytail that he cut off when he was in his late 20s and mailed to my grandmother, I still have it wrapped in a rubber band. RH: You seem very inspired by the 1960/70 hippie era. What is it about this time that you love so much? CC: To me, that era was an aesthetically perfect time. I think that at that time, particularly in California, there was so much beautiful music being created, the youth were a very inspired generation, and fashion, lifestyle, everything was just a reflection of that. RH: Who are your greatest influences and why? CC: My family. My pops is totally unafraid to speak is mind, my mama gives the most unconditional good lovin’ I’ve ever come across and my brothers exist without any care as to the judgement of others. I try to soak up those qualities from them as often as I can.

11 RH: What are your favorite bands/artists? Why? CC: The boys that I had Weepaw with and a few other friends from Canada have a new band called the Treasures. Their tunes, harmonies are completely magnetic, I can’t turn em off! Other than that I mostly listen to my standards, Judee Sill, Karen Dalton, Joni Mitchell, I’m big on female singer songwriters. Oh, and this singer chick called Lissie, her songs have a really old soul vibe. RH: If you could see someone in concert that you’ve never seen before, who would it be? CC: Well, most of my favorite singers who I haven’t seen are long buried, but if we’re speaking of living singers, I’m dying to see Fleet Foxes. RH: What made you start Littledoe? CC: Boredom mostly. I was looking for something to do with my hands, and I completely fell into making these pieces as a hobby, and now I’m so glad I followed it through as a business, theres nothing better than being able to pay my rent & grocery doing something that I enjoy, that leaves me time and inspiration for my music.

RH: Can you tell me a bit about your band WEEPAW? CC: We’ve actually split, but we are all still writing tunes, together and separately. I’ve been writing a ton of new material on my own, and have taken the Weepaw songs with me, so I’m working on putting a record together by the end of the year. I’ve spent some time recently in the South, Tennessee and Alabama writing, trying to spread some of my organic folksiness onto those pop country kids down there!


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Little Doe is Love WInter 2010 headpiece.


Little Doe is Love Summer 2011 headpieces.


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Little Doe is Love Summer 2011 Lingerie.



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FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS The new trending lingerie for your body type.


inding the right lingerie for your body type depends on the areas which you wish to hide and the areas which you wish to accentuate. There are four different types of female body shape. The so-called banana shape is the term used for slim women who usually have small breasts and a thin waistline. The second shape is called the apple which applies to women who have wider shoulders in comparison to their waistline and hips. These women often have larger breasts. The pear shape applies to women who have wide hips. The hourglass figure is associated with voluptuous women who have wide hips and large breasts.

Generally women who have the banana shape are advised to choose items which highlight their long lines. This is usually best with a chemise or camisole which is not too loose fitting. This makes the body appear slim, but doesn’t show off the lack of shape.

Women who have large breasts should be concerned with finding a bra which provides suitable support. It is advisable to choose the correct fitting bra to avoid problems with posture. Women who have smaller sized breasts should find lingerie which has nicer details in other areas. For example a nice high sitting pair of panties will naturally direct the eye away from the breasts.

Pear body types will suit a teddy which flies out from under the breasts. This helps to conceal wide hips and gives the appearance of a slimmer body. Women with this body type who do not wish to bring attention to their breasts can consider a loose fitting camisole. Also wearing panties with nice a design can bring the eyes away from the hip area.

Finding the right lingerie for your body type will very much depend on personal taste and which parts of your body you are most happy with. Women with a stomach that they are not proud of could try wearing a loose fitting teddy which conceals the abdomen. Women who are not proud of their hips and legs should purchase lingerie that has features which bring the eyes higher up the body. This could be with an attractive bra or camisole.

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Women who have the apple shape of body should avoid loose fitting items. Wide shoulders do not look good with fabrics hanging down over the waistline. A good fitting bustiers or corset can be very flattering for women with this body shape.

Women who have the hourglass physique are advised to consider wearing hot pants or a short baby doll. These help to balance the legs with the larger shapes and accentuate attractive curves. A chemise which ends above the knee is also a good option for those with an hourglass body.


The main cast of Almost Famous.



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top 10



To people like, say, your mom, Woodstock symbolizes an idealized time of peace, love and the VW bug where your older sister was conceived. To non-Boomers like us, it reminds us of hippies. Hundreds of thousands of dirty, macrame weaving hippies.Or, to be more specific, the hippies we remember seeing in the movies. (We don’t like to get too close to the real deal; patchouli gives us hives.) Here are 10 of the movie world’s most memorable long-hairs. Dig!

My Girl (1991) Groovy Chick: Shelly Devoto (Jamie-Lee Curtis) Causes: Putting makeup on dead people, teaching young girls about their menstrual cycles

Forrest Gump (1994) Groovy Chick: Jenny Curran (Robin Wright Penn) Causes: Anti-Vietnam War, nudism

The Producers (1968) Far-Out Dude: Lorenzo “L.S.D.” St. Dubois (Dick Shawn) Causes: Love power, slapstick

Away We Go (2009) Groovy Chick: “LN” (Maggie Gyllenhaal) Causes: Ditching sofas for beds, abhorring strollers, breastfeeding any children available

The Wackness (2008) Groovy Chick: Union (Mary Kate Olsen) Causes: Taking magic mushrooms in Central Park, making out with old dudes

Hair (1979) Far-Out Dude: Berger (Treat Williams) Causes: Drugs, free love, long hair

Almost Famous (2000) Groovy Chick: Penny Lane (Kate Hudson) Causes: Free love (offer only applicable to Rolling Stone-certified rock gods).

Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) Far-Out Dude: Jesus H. Christ Causes: Christianity (obvs.), rock opera

Dazed and Confused (1993) Far-Out Dude: Ron Slater (Rory Cochrane) Causes: Marijuana, extolling the sex appeal of cartoon characters

The Big Lebowski (1998) Far-Out Dude: The Dude (Jeff Bridges) Causes: Pacifism, rug compensation

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Vintage rings collected from the blog Wild Child Diaries.



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Hierarchy is key to this seasons statement accessory.


vidently fashion ringshave always been a part of high fashion, but they are also a great options for everyday wear. Unlike small rings, most fashion rings are meant to stand out and draw attention, a great way to add fashion style to your everyday wardrobe. Not all fashion rings are the huge right hand rings or cocktail rings that are typically associated with fashion jewelry. There are actually several very elegant and sophisticated types of fashion rings seen on the runway at most major fashion shows and events. Since fashion rings are larger, it is important to find the right shape and fit for your hand. Wearing larger rings can cause some rubbing on the fingers, but by choosing the right fashion rings you can avoid this problem all together. In general try on the rings and move your hand about, even the slightest rubbing or pinching means you need to try another style. Also keep in mind that fashion rings, with their unique styles and designs, may not work well on the hand together. Alternating between wider and larger rings and smaller rings will provide both comfort as well as a balanced overall appearance.

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A good option is to choose large central fashion rings for each hand, then surround them with smaller, complimentary rings if you are wearing multiple rings. Often a large ruby ring or a diamond ring is the focus, and then other rings are added to enhance the appearance. Keep colors coordinated, although with diamonds you can match any other gemstone colors. Fashion rings aren’t just for an evening out on the town and they can be worn with professional business suits, leisure outfits and even for a day shopping and running errands. Matching your fashion ring with the outfit will be the key to keep it looking matched and coordinated. Fanciful fashion rings are very much in style for women of all ages. These large style rings may have freeform shapes or they may also be shaped like specific objects, animals or even symbols. These fun rings are a great addition for right hand rings. Having a few different fashion rings to choose from to match your mood and your clothing is a great option. If you can’t afford authentic gems in the fashion rings, look for good quality faux gems, they are often just as pretty as the real thing and will allow you to stay in your budget.


Editorial work featured in Elle Germany.



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PETRA VAN RAAIJ Making a statement in fashion editorials.


etra van Raaij is a Hamburg based fashion photographer, originally from the Netherlands. She first discovered her passion for photography while studying fashion design, at the School of Arts in Maastricht. After that, Petra enrolled as a successful free-lance make-up artist, working all over the world.

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It was Petra’s visit to Cape Town, in the spring of 1995, that would inspire her to turn to photography. Her images show a great sensitivity and have a feminine, sensual feel. Petra now shoots internationally and specializes in beauty and lingerie. Preferring to shoot on location with natural light, she lives 4 month’s a year in Cape Town.


Editorial work featured in Tatler.



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Editorial work featured in Tatler.


Editorial work featured in Tatler.



Natalia wears: Givenchy Couture dress, Alexander McQueen earrings, Scarf by Alexandra Antaglia, Sandals by Haute Macabre.


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It’s all about draping and texture this season.


Laviissa wears: Vera Wang dress, Little Doe is Love earrings.

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Summer wears: Dior Homme dress, Hermes Bangles, and umbrella by Betsey Johnson.



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Summer wears: Dior Homme dress, Hermes Bangles, shoes by Christian Louboutin.

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Ribbon Bralet, Three-finger ring, T-Bloom Tank, Konai Slip dress, Religion Lace Camisole, Free People Sandals, Rock & Republic headband.


Bryce Jumper Dress, Beaded Back Religion Tank, Cuckoo Bootie, Octopus Shawl, Urban Outfitters Jewelry, True Religion Headband.


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Headbands gallivating patterns and prints.

Lazerade Dom Sandal, Derbby Hipster Undies, Cowl Pencil Dress One Shouldered Kimono Playsuit, Anthropologie Jewelry, Vintage Headband.

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Black Notch Tea Dress Chandelier Slip Dress, Layered Scoop Neck, Boho Stone Ring Luvly Pump, Sameraa Pump Skull Wash Ring, Pucci Headband.



Petra Van Raaij photo for Elle Australia.



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Tie-dye is a process of resist dyeing textiles or clothing which is made from knit or woven fabric, usually cotton; typically using bright colors. It is a modern version of traditional dyeing methods used in many cultures throughout the world. “Tie-dye” can also describe the resulting pattern or an item which features this pattern. Tie-dyeing became fashionable in the West in the late 1960s and early 1970s as part of hippie style.

STEP 1 To begin, lay a white tee flat on a protective surface, like newspaper. No carpet stains allowed! (It’s even better if you do your tie-dyeing outside on a nice day!) For a spiral shape, pinch your shirt at the center and twist all the way around. Or, for a totally crazy style, tie the shirt into random bunches.

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STEP 2 Fasten four rubber bands across the diameter in a star shape. Don’t worry if it’s not perfect; you just need the shirt to be wrapped tightly!


Petra Van Raaij photo for Elle Australia.



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STEP 3 Next, fill large buckets with hot water (be careful not to burn yourself!), then add the dye (can be purchased at any art supply store) and mix. Now, soak the entire tee in one color, or split up the shirt by dipping certain sections in different shades (we used purple, blue, and wine). Soak the tied garment about 5-15 minutes. Squeeze out the garment so it is damp but not dripping. You can reuse solution until gone.

STEP 4 Apply dye with squeeze bottles, paint brushes, sponges, etc., as many colors as you want.

STEP 5 Put tied fabric in a plastic bag (you want to keep it damp). Let it cure for at least 4 hours but preferably 24 hours for the brightest colors. In temperatures below 70Âş F, it takes longer.

STEP 6 Remove the rubber bands to reveal your tie-dye masterpiece! VoilĂ ! Your shirt is finished. Leave it to dry overnight, then, before wearing, wash without detergent (by itself ) to keep your skin from turning as psychedelic as your tee! Happy trendsetting!

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With the help of an irreverent young sidekick, a bank robber gets his old gang back together to organize a daring new heist.


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Acknowledgements Photo Credits.

1. weheartit.com 2. lissie..com 3. blogs.mirror.co.uk 4. thecoverlovers.blogspot.com 5. fusion45.com 6. petravanraaij.com 7. dubaidunebuggy.com 8. dubaidunebuggy.com 9. insectidentification.org 10. runwayhippie.com 11. littledoeislove.com 12. littledoeislove.com 13. littledoeislove.com 14. littledoesislove.com 15. imdb.com 16. thewildchilddiaries.blogspot.com 17-24 petravanraaij.com 25. hipasiwannabe.com 26. hipasiwannabe.com 27. petravanraaij.com 28. petravanraaij.com 29. weheartit.com 30. weheartit.com


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