EIM Newsletter
June 2016 Contents Welcome ............................. 1
EU issues ............................. 1
Industry issues ..................... 4
EIM activities ........................ 5
PRIME meeting .................... 6
Events .................................. 7
News A-Z ............................ 8
Quarterly highlight ................ 8 © Photo EIM : EIM Board speaking at HLIM 2016, Westwood, UK
WELCOME by Monika.heiming@eimrail.org
EIM is pleased to present to you its revised newsletter. It will appear quarterly and contain articles, interviews and information on issues of relevance for EIM members. The newsletter is a collaborative information tool. Hence, your input and comments are highly welcome. The newsletter complements the weekly CEO news as well as other information tools of EIM.
EU ISSUES EC/Glyphosate by ana.malheiro@eimrail.org
Negotiations between the European Commission and Member States on the renewal of the authorization to use the weed killer glyphosate continue after several failed attempts by the Commission to have the authorization approved by Member States (via the so called “PAFF Committee”, the Plants Animals Food and Feed Committee). Pressure grows on the Commission as the current authorization expires June 30. Glyphosate is used in the railway sector, among others, to secure the proper maintenance of weed along rail tracks; however, to date, there are no viable alternatives to the use of this substance. The railway sector could therefore be negatively affected by a decision not to renew the authorization to use glyphosate. 2016-06-EIM Newsletter
EIM and CER have developed a common position on this issue. Overall, the railway sector supports the objective of reducing the usage of herbicides including glyphosate, as it corresponds to our overall environmental responsibility. However, we believe that a full prohibition of any kind of usage of herbicides along any kind of railway infrastructure could negatively affect the safety of the railway system. Besides, the use of glyphosate represents less than 0.5% of the EU market. We believe, therefore, that a ban on the use of the glyphosate by the railway sector is unnecessary and disproportional. After previous attempts to extend the approval for 15 years have failed, on 6 June, the EU’s Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis, proposed Member States a limited extension (12-18 months) of the current authorisation for glyphosate, until the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) gives a scientific assessment of the substance. However, at the last meeting of the PAFF Committee, on June 6, the Commission failed to gain the required
qualified majority that would have enabled the authorization to be renewed. Twenty countries were in favour of the temporary renewal but they only accounted for 52.9% of the EU’s population. Twenty member states voted in favour of the extension while seven abstained (Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Austria, Portugal and Luxembourg). Only Malta voted against. Following the PAFF meeting, the Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis met with the College of Commissioners to discuss next steps. An Appeals Committee meeting is set to take place on 24th June, followed by a meeting of the College at the end of the month. Sources:
Directive 2009/128/EC – the sustainable use of pesticides http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legalcontent/EN/ALL/?uri=CELEX:02009L012820091125 Regulation EC 1107/2009 – placing on the market of PPPs http://eurlex.europa.eu/legalcontent/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32009R1107 Glyphosate info: http://www.glyphosate.eu/
EU/Rail Freight Corridors (RFC) by tommaso.spanevello@eimrail.org
RFCs are one of the main issues on the EU agenda in 2016 and 2017. EC DG MOVE intends to potentially review part of RFC regulation EU/913/2010 starting in 2017. For that purpose, the EC has launched an open public consultation amongst all stakeholders on key issues (functioning and governance structure, cooperation between RFC and TEN-T, geographical scope, punctuality and priority, traffic management and coordination of
maintenance, small-scale investments, last miles, performance, language harmonisation, etc.). The deadline for submitting by all stakeholders: 21st August 2016. In parallel, the NL EU Presidency intends to have member states to sign a ministerial declaration on RFCs at a business conference on 21st June within the framework of the TEN-T days. The negotiations related to this declaration are still ongoing, due to diverging views amongst the MSs (noise harmonisation, role of the advisory groups and mandatory cooperation of MSs, ERA to ensure the implementation of the 4th RP).
This ministerial declaration shall be complemented by a sectoral declaration. On 10th June, the MSs agreed on a joint statement which can be obtained from EIM (tommaso.spanevello@eimrail.org) Sources:
Ministerial Declaration : http://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/docum ent/ST-9890-2016-INIT/en/pdf Regulation EU/913/2010 : http://ec.europa.eu/transport/modes/rail/inf rastructures/rail_freight_oriented_network_ en.htm EC consultation : http://ec.europa.eu/transport/modes/rail/co nsultations/2016-european-rail-networkfor-competitive-freight_en.htm
EU/TEN-T Days by monika.heiming@eimrail.org
The TEN-T days are organised by the EC and the NL EU Presidency from 20th to 23rd June 2016 in Rotterdam (NL). On 21st June, a Business Conference on RFCs will take place, where the following topics will be addressed: 08.00 Ministerial meeting (with NL State Secretary Infrastructure and Environment), Distribution Hall; with breakfast 09.30 Opening speech by Sharon Dijksma, Dutch State Secretary of Infrastructure and Environment, Hangar B 09.45 Speech by Henrik Hololei, Director-General, DG MOVE, European Commission 10.00 Speech by Wouter van Dijk, Director logistics, Port of Rotterdam 10.10 Introduction of sector statement, Libor Lochman, Executive Director, CER 10.20 ‘Trends with Rail Freight Corridors’, Monika Heiming, Executive Director, EIM 10.30 Key messages of sector statement: panel discussion (moderator Chris Irwin) - Shippers: Jean-Christophe Hermand, Logistics Department Manager - Refining & Base Chemicals Europe, Total & Chair of the ESC RTC - Railway undertakings: Geert Pauwels, CEO, B-Logistics - Corridor managers: Oliver Sellnick, Vice President EU corridors, DB Netz - Infrastructure managers: Bjorn Kristiansen, Traffic and Marketing Director, JBV - European Rail Freight Association: Julia Lamb, Secretary General
11.15 Coffee break 11.45 3 thematic workshops, Thee rooms 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 - (1) Adequate capacity allocation - (2) The logistic supply chain and enhancing operational efficiency - (3) Noise
13.15 Lunch 14.15 Plenary session: feedback of workshops by reporters, Hangar B 14.45 Plenary debate on follow up of ministerial declaration and of sector statement on future strategy for rail freight -
Shippers: Paul de Jong, Logistics Transformation and Innovation Director, Unilever Terminals : Olof Kjellstrom, Corporate Strategist, Jernhusen AB Railway undertakings: Michail Stahlhut, CEO, SBB Cargo International Wagon keepers: Heiko Fischer, CEO, VTG Group Corridor managers: Christiane Warnecke, Managing Director, EEIG Corridor Rhine-Alpine Infrastructure managers: Pier Eringa, CEO, ProRail Regulatory Bodies: Radosław Pacewicz, head of the Polish regulatory body UTK, chair IRG Rail Carlo Borghini, Executive Director Shift to Rail JU on innovation - Josef Doppelbauer, Executive Director, European Railway Agency
16.00 Tea/coffee/network break 16.30 Closing speech by Sian Prout, Head of Unit Single European Rail Area, DG MOVE, European Commission 16.45 Closing speech by Mark Frequin, Director- General Mobility, Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment 17.00 Closure of conference
The programme of the TEN-T days can be consulted here: https://www.tentdays.eu/2016/. Information on the venue can be consulted here: http://www.vannellefabriek.com/en-us/
2016-06-EIM Newsletter
EU/ERTMS by henri.vanhouten@prorail.nl
ERA and the sector are working on a 3rd Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Due to diverging views amongst the sector, the signing of the MoU on ERTMS foreseen on 22nd June 2016 at the TEN-T days in Rotterdam (NL) had to be postponed to September at the Innotrans fair in Berlin (DE).
Controlled evolution of ERTMS No publication of engineering rules No double equipment of infrastructure with the national legacy system and ERTMS Infrastructure shall only support TSI compliant ERTMS trains and not ERTMS trains which have deviations from the ERTMS standard
Furthermore, the governance of the MoU is currently unclear. The sector organisations are expected to sign the MoU but the steering is done via the ERTMS Stakeholders Platform. A concertation meeting of all stakeholders and ERA will take place on 22nd June 2016.
Especially the double equipment raises numerous concerns of EIM’s ERTMS experts, because: - Costs for deployment and maintenance will raise - Risk of compatibility issues will increase - Problems with the transition between the systems will occur - Infrastructure availability will not increase - No incentives for RUs to shift to ERTMS
Rail noise is the most sensitive environmental problem for the railway sector. In December 2015, the Commission concluded in its Staff Working Document (SWD) that there is a need to address rail noise and that measures currently taken at national/local level are not sufficient to reduce it. Based on the input by ERA which is expected by the end of 2016, in 2017 the Commission will put forward a proposal aimed at applying the existing rail noise limit values set out in technical specifications for interoperability (TSI) to all existing rail freight wagons.
The importance of addressing noise reduction will also be mentioned in the Declaration on Rail Freight Corridors (so-called Ministerial Declaration) which will be co-signed by the industry and Member States at the occasion of the Business Conference on Rail Freight Corridors taking place during the Ten-T Days in Rotterdam. Ahead of the event, several Member States but also MEPs express their concerns about the impact of the measures on the competitiveness of the rail sector vs other transport modes. The EC is proposing to address these concerns via financial support (CEF) to compensate the costs to retrofit
wagons with silent brakes. The next call for proposal is scheduled for autumn 2016 with a budget of EUR 20 million.
EU/Court of Justice (CJEU)
transport services Germany has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Recast Directive (Directive 2012/34/EU).
passenger transport services are shown separately in the relevant accounts.
ERA is now proposing to establish 12 key principles in order to allow the stakeholders to find a common understanding. Key principles relevant for infrastructure managers:
MoU signed in 2012: http://www.era.europa.eu/DocumentRegister/Pages/Memorandum-ofUnderstanding-concerning-ERTMS.aspx ERTMS MoUs: http://ec.europa.eu/transport/modes/rail/ ertms/generalinformation/the_three_ertms_memorand a_of_understanding_en.htm ERTMS explained: http://www.ertms.net/
EU/Noise by ana.malheiro@eimrail.org
by ana.malheiro@eimrail.org
Court of Justice: The Advocate General of the CJEU is of the opinion that Deutsche Bahn has failed to separate financial flows between railway undertakings and rail infrastructure managers. On 26 May 2016, Advocate-General Manuel Campos Sánchez- Bordona of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) provided his opinion in the case Commission v Germany (C-482/14). The Commission claimed that by allowing public funds paid for the management of railway infrastructure to be transferred to 2016-06-EIM Newsletter
The EC claimed in particular, that: 1) Germany allows the Deutsche Bahn group, by means of profit transfer agreements, to use railway infrastructure managers’ revenues in the form of infrastructure charges and public funds for purposes other than the management of infrastructure; 2) The infrastructure managers’ accounting system does not allow the prohibition on transferring public funds to transport services to be monitored; 3) Germany does not ensure that public funds paid for the provision of public
On 14 June, EIM attended an event promoted by CER on strategies to tackle rail freight noise. The event was supported by the Netherlands EU Presidency and gathered representatives from the industry, the European Commission and the European Parliament. Source:
EC railway noise: http://ec.europa.eu/transport/modes/rail/ environment_en.htm
In the opinion of the Advocate-General, Deutsche Bahn will have to apply stricter accountancy rules to avoid crosssubsidisation between infrastructure and transport services. The final judgment is due in late 2016. Source:
http://curia.europa.eu/juris/documents.jsf?pro=&lgrec=en&nat=or&oqp= &lg=&dates=&language=en&jur=C%2CT%2CF&cit=none%252CC%252 CCJ%252CR%252C2008E%252C%252C%252C%252C%252C%252C %252C%252C%252C%252Ctrue%252Cfalse%252Cfalse&td=%24mod e%3DfromTo%24from%3D2016.05.01%24to%3D2016.06.30%3B%3B %3BPUB3%3B%3B%3BORDALL&pcs=Oor&avg=&page=1&mat=or&pa rties=Germany&jge=&for=&cid=536904
ERA/4Th Railway Package by monika.heiming@eimrail.org
The entry into force of the technical pillar of the 4th RP on 15th June 2016 will confer an enlarged mandate to the European Railway Agency (ERA). The transition phase is illustrated below.
In concrete terms, the enlarged mandate of ERA will consist in: -
ERA to act as One-Stop-Shop for single safety certification (SSC) and vehicle authorisation (VA); ERA to act as System Authority for ERTMS (assessments of track-side ERTMS tendering documents) and
Telematic Applications (TAF and TAP); ERA to act as an Appeal Body (safety certification and vehicle authorisation); ERA to become a common information exchange / early warning platform (ERTMS; NSAs/ERA decisions) The transition procedures and milestones of ERA (state of play, procedures, NSA monitoring, etc.) will be addressed by ERA at the 39th Administrative Board on 23rd June 2016 in Valenciennes (FR). EIM will be represented by monika.heiming@eimrail.org.
Publication of the Technical Pillar of the 4th Railway Package: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legalcontent/EN/TXT/?uri=OJ:L:2016:138:TOC
© Chart: ERA
Industry issues Industry/RFID by ville.saarinen@eimrail.org
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an automatic identification method relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using radio waves. RFID can facilitate the delivering of new services and applications when linked to databases and communication. Standardisation of the usage of the RFID in railway applications is moving forward under the CEN TC225 under the chairmanship of EIM / FTA.
The objective is to include ERA into the process and utilize their existing registers as much as possible for the sector´s business needs. IMs are in many cases already today providing the tools for the
2016-06-EIM Newsletter
© Photo FTA: RFID presentation of seppo.makitupa@fta.fi
RUs to conduct needs based maintenance instead of time based maintenance thus brining significant cost
savings. EIM pushes standardized rolling stock identification forward in this field. Source: RFID activities of CEN TC225: https://standards.cen.eu/dyn/www/f?p=204:7:0:FSP_ORG_ID:620 6&cs=1E12277AECC001196A7556B8DBCDF0A1C
EIM activities EIM/Statutory Events by monika.heiming@eimrail.org; ana.malheiro@eimrail.org
The next GA and CEOs Club Meeting will take place on 16th November 2016 in Brussels (BE).
On 2nd June 2016, EIM organised its General Assembly Meeting and its CEOs Club.
Topics tackled: -
Election of Lena Erixon, DG of Trafikverket (SE) as Vice-Chair of EIM Approval of membership application of HS2 Approval of EIM’s annual report 2015 4th Railway Package Shift2Rail
© Photo EIM: EIM’s 2015 Annual Report – hard copies available from sandrine.roussel@eimrail.org
demonstration of its aerial operations team of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (‘drones’) to improve delivery of infrastructure projects.
HLIM 2016 by monika.heiming@eimrail.org
On 2nd June 2016, the annual HighLevel Infrastructure Meeting took place in Westwood (UK), organised by EIM in cooperation with Network Rail (UK) and FTA (FI). The even involves the members of EIM, the IM members of CER as well as representatives of UIC and RNE. This year’s event addressed the issue of digitalisation and transport planning.
EIM press release: http://www.eimrail.org/publications/pressrelease/eim-welcomes-a-new-vicepresident-and-welcomes-high-speed-2as-a-new-member EIM Annual Report 2015: http://www.eimrail.org/publications/annua l-reports-list
© Photo EIM: HLIM 2016, Westwood, UK
At the HLIM 2016 dinner, Executive Director Dr Josef Doppelbauer addressed the enlarged mandate of ERA (European Railway Agency) as well as the ERTMS migration strategy.
© Photo Network Rail: UAV demonstration, Westwood, UK
The HLIM 2017 event will be organised by CER and its Hungarian members from 12th to 13th June 2017 in Sopron (HU). Photos:
© Photo EIM: HLIM 2016 dinner, Westwood, UK © Photo EIM: EIM Board speaking at HLIM 2016, Westwood, UK
2016-06-EIM Newsletter
Within the framework of the HLIM event, Network Rail organised a
HLIM 2016: http://www.eimrail.org/publications/event s/hlim-workshop-2016-westwood-uk HLIM dinner 2016: http://www.eimrail.org/publications/event s/hlim-dinner-2016-westwood-uk NR technical demonstration: http://www.eimrail.org/publications/event s/technical-demonstration-westwood-uk
Digitalisation (digital subgroup, FTA’s digital approach)
by paul.mazataud@reseau.sncf.fr
The 8th Plenary Meeting of the joint IM / EC platform took place on 3rd June 2016. The meeting was chaired by EC DG MOVE head of unit Sian Prout as well as the reelected industry chair Alain Quinet (SNCF Réseau).
transposition and standardisation -
RU Dialogue activities (including implementation
directive) -
PRIME website.
PRIME will become mandatory following the adoption of the governance proposal of the 4th RP. The next PRIME plenary meeting will take place on 17th Nov 2016 in Brussels (BE).
Issues tackled: -
As of June 2016, PRIME counts 26 members. PRIME was set up in autumn 2013 within the framework of the TEN-T days by a handful of IMs and the EC to address issues in a collaborative manner.
Feedback from PRIME subgroups
implementing acts, regulatory bodies dialogue, security)
© Photo EIM: PRIME co-chairs S. Prout (2nd from the left) and A. Quinet (3rd from the left) addressing the PRIME audience
by lynn.chamberlain-clark@networkrail.co.uk; garry.white@reseau.sncf.fr
Deadline for application: 17th June 2016. In 2014, IMs addressed the issue of safety culture in Stockholm (SE). As a
PRIME website: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/multisite/pr imeinfrastructure/en
Further information can be obtained from the PRIME subgroup chair and project coordinator:
Lynn Chamberlain-Clark lynn.chamberlain-clark@networkrail.co.uk.
So far, 12 IMs will participate in the call: 1.
Adif, Spain
CFR, Romania
set up by PRIME, triggering EC DG
HZ, Croatia
MOVE to provide EU funding to
Infrabel, Belgium
“enhance the cooperation between
Irish Rail, Ireland
Railway Infrastructure Managers for
Network Rail, UK
better safety management” via a
OEBB, Austria
twinning programme.
PLK, Poland
ProRail, Netherlands
RFI, Italy
SNCF Réseau, France
Trafikverket, Sweden
result, a safety culture subgroup was
Management staff of IMs with safety responsibility shall share knowledge and best practice to support new approaches
PRIME subgroup on safety culture: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/multisite/primeinfras tructure/en/content/subgroups-3
PRIME safety culture presentation: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/multisite/primeinfras tructure/sites/primeinfrastructure/files/events/anne x_5_safety_culture.pdf
CEDR/EIM by monika.heiming@eimrail.org
On 21st June, EIM and its road partner CEDR (European Conference of Directors of Road) will organise a joint breakfast event on the “modern infrastructure manager”.
During the event, a multimodal hub for
Meeting venue: ProRail, Central Post,
passengers and a multimodal hub for
Delftseplein 27j, Rotterdam (NL).
freight will be presented. The event will be moderated by Hans Ring, Trafikverket (SE) with concluding
Registration to be sent monika.heiming@eimrail.org
remarks of the respective chairs of EIM and CEDR, i.e. Antti Vehviläinen (FI) and Andrzej Maciejewski (PL).
2016-06-EIM Newsletter
Events June - September by sandrine.roussel@eimrail.org
EIM events are marked in orange. EU events are marked in blue. DATE
Safety Culture Twinning project – deadline for submission
– 16
EP Transport & Tourism Committee meeting
EP, Brussels (BE)
– 23
TEN-T days
TEN-T venue, Rotterdam (NL)
European Council Environment Committee meeting
Luxembourg (FR)
EP Environment Committee meeting
EP, Brussels (BE)
15 20
– 22
EIM Technical Steering Group (TSG)
EIM, Brussels (BE)
EIM / CEDR breakfast on the “modern infrastructure manager”
ProRail, Rotterdam (NL)
22ND – 23RD
EP Plenary meeting
EP, Strasbourg (FR)
Transport configuration of the H2020 Committee
EC, Brussels (BE)
23RD – 24TH
European Council meeting
Brussels (BE)
ERTMS stakeholders platform
TEN-T venue, Rotterdam (NL)
International Conference on Networking for Urban Vitality
Amsterdam (NL)
ERA Administrative Board
ERA, Valenciennes (FR)
– 29
ERA 4 Railway Package Celebration Event
ERA, Valenciennes (FR)
RISC (EC/Member States) meeting
EC, Brussels (BE)
ERA Workshop on One-Stop-Shop
ERA, Valenciennes (FR)
EP Plenary meeting
EP, Strasbourg (FR)
Group of Representative Bodies (GRB) plenary meeting
CER, Brussels (BE)
– 12
EP Transport & Tourism Committee meeting
EP, Brussels (BE)
– 12
EP Environment Committee meeting
EP, Brussels (BE)
EIM, Brussels (BE)
11 11
– 20
ERA workshop on 4 RP implementation (one-stop-shop, vehicle auth.)
ERA, Valenciennes (FR)
PRM (persons with reduced mobility) WG
EIM, Brussels (BE)
Safety WG
EIM, Brussels (BE)
Group of Representative Bodies (GRB) core meeting
CER, Brussels (BE)
14TH – 15TH
Policy Management Committee (PMC) meeting
Banedanmark, Copenhagen (DK)
20TH – 21ST
Security WG
EIM, Brussels (BE)
EIM, Brussels (BE)
Train Detection Compatibility (TDC) WG
EIM, Brussels (BE)
ERA workshop on 4th RP implementation (one-stop-shop, safety cert.)
ERA, Valenciennes (FR)
EIM Technical Steering Group (TSG)
EIM, Brussels (BE)
Infrastructure WG
EIM, Brussels (BE)
Forum Civitas 2016 conference http://civitas.eu/content/civitas-forum-conference-2016
Gdynia (PL)
21ST – 22ND TH
– 29
– 30
2016-06-EIM Newsletter
News A-Z by monika.heiming@eimrail.org
EC DG MOVE (Directorate B) - New Director. EC DG MOVE’s Herald Ruijters former Head of Unit of DG MOVE’s TENT unit, was nominated Director ad interim to replace former O. Onidi (Directorate B – European mobility network) who joined EC DG HOME on 1st June. Formal appointments are expected by September 2016. https://be.linkedin.com/in/herald-ruijters38862279
EC Shift2Rail – MAAP. The S2R Governing Board has launched a consultation with the ‘User Requirements / Implementation and Deployment WG’ to review S2R’s Multi Annual Action Plan (MAAP). EIM is represented by ville.saarinen@eimrail.org and monika.heiming@eimrail.org in the WG. ERA – Name and Logo. The European Railway Agency (ERA) will change its logo and name on 23rd June 2016 to become the ‘European Union Agency for Railways’ (EUAR), in short “The Agency”. Email addresses are expected to remain unchanged. ERSAT – ERTMS / Galileo. The EU has co-funded a satellite system, combining ERTMS/ETCS with Galileo. The test site is located in Sardinia (IT). The project
shall be finalized in January 2017 with the first test results being positive. A cost/benefit analysis will be conducted after the technical test phase being finished by the University of Bocconi (IT) on behalf of the EC. ETCR (European Training Centre for Railways) – ERA (European Railway Agency) summer training course. The joint annual seminar on the EU Transport Policy and Railway Affairs will take place from 27th June till 8th July 2016. EIM will present the role and the importance of rail infrastructure management. The programme can be consulted here: http://etcr.eu/ETCR_Draft%20programm e_2016.pdf Noise. The EU intention to produce TSIs to reduce railway noise is increasingly challenged by Member States, MEPs but also individual RUs due to financial concerns. The EC will address the topic at the upcoming TEN-T days in Rotterdam (NL).
in view of the EC RFC consultation. The objective is also to potentially include other railway actors. EIM has been approached by several railway operators in the same sense. Road package. The EC has postponed the publication of its road package, foreseen by the end of 2016. In addition, the package will be ‘dismantled’ and tackle specific issues in individual legislative proposals from 2017 onwards. TEN-T days. The annual event of the EC is encountering an increasing interest amongst the wider transport sector. As of early June, over 2.700 participants and 75 exhibitors registered. EIM – Head of Technical Team. EIM is looking for a new Head of its Technical Team to replace outgoing Ville Saarinen of FTA. Further information can be obtained from monika.heiming@eimrail.org and ville.saarinen@eimrail.org
PRM (Persons with reduced mobility). EC DG MOVE has set up a ‘PRM TSI Advisory Body’. EIM is represented by PKP PLK and FTA. Rail Freight Corridors (RFC). CER and EIM will attempt to develop a joint position
Quarterly highlight
© Photo: Network Rail. EU and HLIM delegation photographed by an UAV (‘drone’) on 3rd June 2016 in Westwood, UK
Disclaimer: This internal Newsletter is produced quarterly by the EIM team. It contains guest contributions from representatives of EIM members. Comments, queries and contributions can be send to monika.heiming@eimrail.org. EIM aisbl; Square de Meeûs 1, B-1000 Brussels, T.: 0032., info@eimrail.org
2016-06-EIM Newsletter