Newsletter - EU Law and Publications
05/06/17, 09:45
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Publications Office Newsletter
N° 48 June 2017 ISSN 2315-0017
Spotlight on the deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union Economic and Monetary Union represents a major step in the integration of EU economies. Launched in 1992, it involves the coordination of economic and fiscal policies, a common monetary policy, and a common currency, the euro. However, it is widely believed that this integration has not advanced sufficiently. In this context, the European Commission has just published its Reflection paper on the deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union – the third of five reflection papers announced in the White paper on the future of Europe. The options proposed in the reflection paper are intended to help build a broad consensus on how to take on the challenges ahead and give a fresh impetus to this important debate. To provide more background information for this important discussion, the Publications Office presents a selection of titles on various aspects of the deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union.
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Economic and Monetary Union
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Newsletter - EU Law and Publications
05/06/17, 09:45
Economic and Monetary Union Legal and political texts This compilation brings together the core legal and political texts on the Economic and Monetary Union and the euro. The idea of this publication is to cover the key provisions governing the Economic and Monetary Union in a handy electronic format. To be user-friendly, the authors had to be selective and therefore a number of texts that are also relevant to the functioning of the Economic and Monetary Union could not be included. These are listed in the Annex, together with references to the Official Journal of the European Union.
Available in English, French and German PDF/PAPER
Revenue for EMU A contribution to the debate on fiscal union In the wake of the euro area crisis, debate on instruments to deepen economic integration among its members has intensified, among others putting forward a fiscal stabilisation capacity for EMU (Economic and Monetary Union) members. Contributions made so far to further this idea have mostly concentrated on the expenditure side and possible stabilisation properties. This analysis reviews the most important proposals and discusses design choices and institutional conditions to develop the revenue side of such a fiscal instrument.
Available in English PDF/PAPER
Monetary union and fiscal and macroeconomic governance Discussion paper The European debt and financial crisis triggered a debate on the components of the European Union and Economic and Monetary Union integration architecture which were lacking. This concerned, in first instance, a closer fiscal and macroeconomic policy integration. This paper analyses three questions related to the integration infrastructure: interrelation between monetary and fiscal integration, interrelation between monetary integration and closer coordination of macroeconomic policies, and fiscal discipline vs. fiscal solidarity.
Available in English
Also out this month PDF/PAPER
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Newsletter - EU Law and Publications
05/06/17, 09:45
Social mobility in the EU Report Across the EU, citizens and governments of Member States are becoming increasingly concerned that — for the first time in decades — younger generations will have fewer opportunities for upward social mobility than preceding generations. This concern is shared by those on low incomes and the middle classes. This report sheds new light on the debate on social mobility in EU Member States and provides new evidence on patterns of intergenerational social mobility.
Available in English PDF
Labour market performance of refugees in the EU Working paper This paper analyses the individual driving factors of refugees’ and family migrants’ labour market performance. The analysis concludes that labour market access barriers reduce migrants’ performance in the labour market. In addition, insufficient language skills are shown to have a large negative effect on the employment rate of refugees and family migrants even after controlling for personal characteristics such as education.
Available in English PDF/PAPER
The outermost regions European lands in the world Archipelagos off the coast of Africa, isolated islands in the Indian Ocean, strings of islands in the Caribbean basin as well as Amazonian lands, Madeira, the Azores, the Canaries, Mayotte, Réunion, Saint Martin, Guadeloupe, Martinique and French Guiana are all European lands in the world. Each and every one of them contributes to the greatness and cohesion of the European Union. This publication presents the EU’s outermost regions and explains how the EU helps them overcome obstacles to developing their own potential.
Available in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese
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