Manufacturing companies face countless challenges every day: hard-to-meet customer requirements, price pressure from competition, strict regulations, rising commodity prices, and the demand for faster production. Your business must meet these expectations to remain profitable and future-ready.
However, these challenges also present hidden opportunities—opportunities to become and remain more successful than your competitors. To achieve this, you must continuously improve your business’s core elements, with your production being the area where you can make the most significant impact. Achieving manufacturing excellence will enable you to maintain maximum production efficiency in the future as well.
Aptean MES Objective Edition streamlines your production processes, from processing raw materials and components to producing the final products.
Manufacturing excellence with a scalable MES architecture
Based on the ISA95 standard, Aptean MES consists of various functional modules that can be implemented in a scalable manner. The basic modules offer everything you need to manage your production operations:
» Product Definition
» Resource Management
» Scheduling and Execution
» Data Collection and Analysis
Additionally, you have the option to integrate extra modules to meet specific requirements and needs:
» Material Management
» Quality Management
» Planning and Labor Management
» Energy Management
Efficiency & Consistency Throughout the Entire Production Process
Aptean MES Objective Edition optimizes your work environment in several ways: each operator has a specific log-in based on their rights and skills. This setup also allows for the recording of time spent on a production order. Operators receive electronic instructions to ensure tasks are performed correctly.
Our software ensures that relevant information is provided to the right operator at the right time. Data registered automatically or manually is collected in real-time in a central database, avoiding the accumulation of isolated, insignificant information. The system displays the production status at any time and uses that information to create an optimal schedule and efficiency rating. The SPC alarm and reporting functions give you better control over your production processes. You can also access quality details during production, follow up on specifications, and provide operators with instructions to improve quality.
The MES software guarantees full traceability of your material flows and consumption—from receiving raw materials through production, storage, and final product delivery. Integration with Objective WMS (Warehouse Management System) gives you full control over managing both your inventory and warehouse. The energy management feature provides an accurate calculation of your energy expenses.
With Aptean MES you’ll be able to monitor your production line performance, machine status, and operator activities in real-time. Thanks to various reporting and analysis options, you can benchmark your performance against reference figures at any time.