Aptean PLM Lascom Edition: CPG Sustainable Product Lifecycle

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PLM Lascom Edition
Sustainable Product
Footprint Reduction from Formulation to Packaging

What is the Key Concept?

Planet Earth has physical imitations and shall be considered as a functional system. If Mankind aims for sustainable growth, in such an ecosystem, some redlines should not be crossed.

Harsh conditions and unpredictable consequences could be avoided preventing brutal change conditions in our Earth’s ecosystem.

Is it to Late?

For dark orange criteria, it is to late indeed. Numerous species are gone forever. But other topics could be reverted, and carbon footprint is not the only one to consider!

Equally important is the water availability, the soil preservation and total resources consumption.

Earths Global Limitations Concept

Rockström & al. 2009 publication

of Eco-design ISO14062 into a PLM good practice implies ingredient, materials, processes and services screening versus eco-requirements. Green design, in that way looks very similar with regulatory compliance. But pure eco-compliance is obviously unachievable. Screening though will single out potential quick wins and leverages to better reduce, recycle, or re-use.”
Cost Feasability Customer Expecations Cost Feasability Customer Expecations Product Design Eco Design
Jean C. Calmejane, PLM Sales Director at Aptean

› Only 2.5% of the world’s total water volume is fresh water. Of that 2.5%, 70% is frozen.

› The depletion of our water resources is more serious than the current oil depletion. There are substitues for oil, but nothing can replace our drinking water. › 70% of the available fresh water that remains is used in agriculture, 20% in industries and only 10% is being used for human consumption.

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5 Key Measurable Criteria to Trace 1.WaterTotal
Evaluated in: › m3/kg In Recipe / Formula: The formulation tool will compute water contribution from: › Each Raw Material versus the quantities › Processes manufacturing practices instructions In Packaging Bill of Material › Based on components material quantities
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Key Measurable Criteria to Trace
EnergyTotalConsumption Definition: › Oil reserves are a non-renewable resource › Oil accounts for 40% of all energy we use › EIA’s International Energy Outlook 2013 shows that we have enough Oil to last for 25 years. Efforts are underway to develop cheaper more sustainable energy such as solar power, wind power and other forms of renewable energy that can replace oil and fossil fuel. Evaluated in: › MJ equivilant / kg In Recipe / Formula: The formulation tool will compute water contribution from: › Each Raw Material versus the quantities › Processes manufacturing practices instructions In Packaging Bill of Material › Based on components material quantities

5 Key Measurable Criteria to Trace



The term fine particles, or participate matter 2.5 (PM2.5), refers to tiny particles or droplets in the air that are two and one-half microns or less in width. PM2.5 (particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter) can penetrate deeply into the lung, irritate and corrode the alveolar wall and consequently impair lung function.

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in: › g
equivalent / kg In Recipe / Formula: The formulation tool will compute water contribution from: › Each Raw Material versus the quantities › Processes manufacturing practices instructions In Packaging Bill of Material › Based on components material quantities

5 Key Measurable Criteria to Trace


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Eutrophication or hypertrophication,
nitrate or
or sewage
Evaluatedin: › g N equivalent / kg In Recipe / Formula: The formulation tool will compute water contribution from: › Each Raw Material versus the quantities › Processes manufacturing practices instructions In Packaging Bill of Material › Based on components material quantities
is when a body of water becomes overly enriched with minerals and nutrients which induce excessive growth of algae. This process may result in oxygen depletion of the water body. One example is an “algal bloom” or great increase of phytoplankton in a water body as a response to increased levels of nutrients. Eutrophication is often induced by the discharge of
into an aquatic system.
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Key Measurable Criteria to Trace 5.CarbonFootprint Definition:
can be emitted
transportation and
services. Evaluatedin: › g CO2 equivalent / kg In Recipe / Formula: The formulation tool will compute water contribution from: › Each Raw Material versus the quantities › Processes manufacturing practices instructions In Packaging Bill of Material › Based on components material quantities
footprint is historically defined as the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by an individual, event, organization, or product, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent. Greenhouse gases, including the carbon-containg gases carbon dioxide and methane,
through the burning of fossil fuels, land clearance and the production and consumption of food, manufactured goods, materials, wood, roads, builidings,

Ingredient Patterns for Sustainability

Order of Magnitude

Let’s be pragmatic, the total sustainability is a lure. The priority shall be to focus on quick win leverages and on the most pro eminent figures we can tackle

Partners to provide valuable generic Ingredients value

Criteria to score the product sustainability can be match versus typical patterns. Real values can be refined along the way, but typical records are valuable to create better products easily. Our partner is dedicated to feed manufacturers and brand owners with best practices and dataset.

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Aptean PLM Lascom
This whole milk raw material specificaitons embeds figures to be compiled by formulation tool
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Ingredient Patterns for Sustainability

Aptean PLM Lascom Edition expression engine to compute BOM’s and formulae
Once product specification component have acceptable values for impacting factors on sustainability scoring, it is extremely easy to consolidate the data from components (Packaging item, manufacturing processes and ingredients) to end Products and annual volumes.
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The formulation tool aggregates ingredients and packaging contribution for the key factors

PLM Benefits

Welcome Another Value Proposal

ECO-Facts Checkings, will be instrumented by design. Screening and score carding will align your product year after year on best-in-class green practices. Besides, you’ll build robust confidence in your governance with factual metrics and continuous achievements.

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Single Version of the Truth
Compliance Screening
a Global
Your Brand and Strengthen Consumer’s Trust
Business Processes Time to Market Align your resources on efficient business process and measure efficiency for continuous improvement Product
Centralize, re-use, and share all the people knowhow and product records to boost product development agility Automate
Scale Unleash your global coverage, killing fastidious paperwork to check regulatory compliance, to ease labeling process and automate authority’s transmittal Promote
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To learn more about Aptean and the markets we serve, visit www.aptean.com.

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