Aqhof publication landscapelayout v1 3

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Scrapbook 2007 - 2013 1

Mission Statement Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame celebrates and honors the contribution of Arizonans to quiltmaking and educates the public about quiltmaking, its history, and artisans. 2

Founding AQHOF

Officially on October 16, 2007, at the Tucson Quilters Guild meeting, the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame was announced. Shown here are Barbara Polston, founder of the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame, Guild President, Beth Glass and Hall of Fame Board Member Jo Cady-Bull.


Introducing AQHOF At the January 2008, Tucson Quilter’s Guild Quilt Show, Jo Cady-Bull & Barbara Polston begin a new method of advertisement, a booth at local quilt shows. This was how the booths started...very low tech! There are several regional and numerous local organizations for those interested in learning about and sharing in quilting. Many of these offer the opportunity to exhibit and earn recognition for one’s work. However, there exists no truly state-wide organization celebrating the unique place that quilting holds in the lives of many of Arizona’s citizens. Through this realization, the concept of an Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame was born. In early 2007, founders took the first steps to create Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame, organizing as a non-profit entity. The Board of Directors, encompassing all areas of the state, represents almost 200 years of involvement in the local, regional and national quilting community, many in positions of leadership. The organization was granted 501(c)(3) charitable status by the Internal Revenue Service in September 2007. Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame completed its first nomination, selection and induction process in 2008, welcoming six inductees at a luncheon event in September. We also successfully launched the Hall of Fame Award Program, with nine Arizona-based quilt shows participating in that program. Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame was the recipient of several grants to support the development of its traveling exhibit. 4

Core Project The core project of the organization is the Hall of Fame itself. Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame is a virtual “museum” and is housed here. Each March 15 to May 15, the Hall of Fame invites nominations. (View nomination criteria) After a careful review of the nominations, the Board of Directors announces finalists each June. Friends of the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame are invited to vote to affirm each nominee’s inclusion in the Hall of Fame. Inductees are announced in early August in preparation for the annual induction event held each September. Inductees and their work are highlighted on the organization’s website in perpetuity. Each inductee receives a commemorative recognition indicating inclusion in the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame. In the event that the inductee is deceased, their surviving family members are asked to represent the honoree at the event and receive her/his posthumous recognition. 5

Hall of Fame Award Program To encourage excellence in quiltmaking, Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame partners with quilt guilds, chapters and groups around the state to recognize one outstanding quilt and its maker at a sponsored quilt show or exhibit. Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame provides a ribbon recognition and a current-year inclusion in Friends of the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame for the recipient of this recognition. Winning quilts and their makers are showcased on Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame website, in our newsletter, and at the induction event.


Future Growth & Expansion Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame expects to become a resource for information about quilting, quiltmakers, and the role that quilting has played, and continues to play, in the state. To achieve that long-term goal, the Hall of Fame will: 


Develop an educational program. Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame will sponsor an annual event that educates the public about quiltmaking, its history, and its artisans. This day-long event will be designed to appeal to both those knowledgeable about quilting as well as the general public. Achieve a permanent home. Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame envisions a permanent home wherein its collection will be available to the public for enjoyment and study. Achieving a permanent facility will enable the Hall of Fame to grow exponentially, both in its programs and as an attraction for visitors. 7

Save Our Stories (S.O.S) Quilters S.O.S - Save Our Stories strives to capture the stories of living quiltmakers in partnership with The Alliance for American Quilts. Volunteers interview quilters. Those interviews are captured on tape and transcribed. The interviews and transcriptions are housed not only with the Alliance, but are also archived with the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. Interviews are used for academic research, by guilds seeking more information about potential teachers, and more. You can be a part of saving these stories for future generations. Volunteer to be part of the project; we have a particular need for transcribers. Suggest a quilter you think should be interviewed, or let us capture your quiltmaking story. Contact us with your questions!


Many organizations have founders ‌ ours is Barbara Polston. It was her vision that gave the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame a beginning. Getting the Hall of Fame registered as a 501-3C with the IRS was one of her many accomplishments in getting the Hall of fame off the ground!! 9

Nancy Smith stands with her award-winning quilt.

By 2008, getting the word out to the quilters in the state was the next goal. So each board member contacted their local paper and gave them information about the Hall of Fame hoping for articles and many of the Board were successful as these articles attest. 10

February 6, 2008 Copper Country News article about Sally Hatfield and the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame.


The Herald in Sierra Vista featured an article about Board members Lois Bloom and Susan Lee.

Article continued on next page.


The Herald in Sierra Vista featured an article about Board members Lois Bloom and Susan Lee.


Payson Roundup Article of February 8, 2008 about Quilters Hall of Fame featuring Willene Smith from Strawberry, AZ.

With each additional article, not only were members of the Board spotlighted, but different goals and ambitions of the group were outlined. Here not only were the nominations mentioned but also the long-term goals of developing a traveling exhibit and a public education program as well. Finally, the goal of a permanent place is also mentioned, grand plans and goals for a fledgling organization. 14

Article featuring Lois Bloom and Susan Lee Board Members of the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame. This article disseminates much of the same information but also mentioned is the idea that groups and individuals can become “friends� of the Hall of Fame to begin the fund raising necessary to meet all of the long term goals of the organization. In addition, the virtual Hall of Fame with methods of contact, is mentioned to get the public involved.


February 15, 2008 Viva Newspaper in Avondale. Article about Karen Thew and the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame.


Feb. 21, 2008 article about Willene Smith in the Rim Country Gazette



Now the program to support local quilt shows and exhibits is mentioned for the first time in this article. Attention is not on a Board member, but the winner of the first ribbon with the urging to other groups and guilds to get their show listed on the Hall of Fame’s website as well as participation in the Award Program.



Terry Allen with her Hall of Fame award and her Winning entry in the Arizona Longarm Quilters President’s Challenge. Congratulations to Terry Allen, the first recipient of the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame Award! Terry’s quilt, Fill ‘er Up, was selected at the Arizona Longarm Quilters President’s Challenge Show. In selecting Terry’s quilt, show chair Barbara Harrell said, “I was really impressed with the design and execution of this quilt. I knew immediately that it deserved the Hall of Fame award for our President’s Challenge.” Terry received a ribbon award as well as inclusion in the 20

2008 21

JANUARY 2008 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing May Baker of Scottsdale, AZ. May’s first quiltmaking experience more than 35 years ago might have been her last. She purchased a cross-stitch kit for the quilt top, layered it with a sheet blanket for the middle and a sheet for backing fabric, and then attempted to hand quilt it with a large needle. Her unhappiness with the whole project caused her to abandon quiltmaking until the mid-70’s when it was becoming popular again. At that time May found a quilt group in Michigan, learned about needle sizes, and gradually fell in love with hand quilting. Her hard-won expertise is visible in her many beautiful pieces. During those years, May worked as an interior designer and ran her own business decorating builder’s models. She found that hand quilting in the evening was a great stress reliever. In 1987, May moved to Arizona and became active in Arizona Quilters Guild, serving for a time as membership chair, and the Cactus Patcher Chapter. She was very fortunate to be a part of the Arizona Quilt Project, documenting Arizona quilts. May believes that working with this fabulous group of ladies was a great learning experience. Now, in addition to her participation in the Arizona Historical Quilt Study Group, she is also active in Questers, an international antique club. She favors traditional quilt designs, but loves bright colors, “interesting” fabrics, and adding Celtic appliqué touches. Her accomplishments include winning quilts in the AQG and NQA shows. Two of her quilts were featured in the 1991 Great American Quilts book from Oxmoor House. Her most exciting successes include receiving two prizes in the 200th Anniversary celebration of the United States Coast Guard quilt contest – 1st for her wallhanging, Keep Watching, and 2nd for her bed quilt, Flags Flying – and the selection of her quilt, Arizona Swirl, as the front cover quilt for the 1997 AQS Quilt Art Engagement Calendar. Presently, May is busy completing a quilt for each of her six grown grandchildren. Her granddaughter was the recipient of a queen-size Log Cabin quilt for her wedding, and now May is finishing up quilts for the five grandsons. She is never without a quilt in the hoop as she hand quilts it or pieces ready for stitching at the sewing machine. 22

FEBRUARY 2008 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Jean Biddick of Tucson, AZ Two things should have given Jean an early hint that quilting was in her future. First, when she was four years old, her mother taught her to print her name and she promptly scratched it into the top of the sewing machine cabinet. Jean claimed the sewing machine early. That machine now lives at her house and her name is still faintly visible. Second, the first house Jean and her husband purchased was on Calico Street. What could be a better start for a quilter? By first grade, Jean knew she wanted to be a teacher. She taught junior high school math for many years. Another love was jigsaw puzzles, and fitting together small bits of fabric seemed to be an extension of that love. Combining her love of teaching and piecing came naturally. Jean started her first quilt (still unfinished) in junior high school. A dozen years later, she became more serious about quiltmaking and was introduced to machine piecing. Jean’s piecing skills improved and she began teaching machine piecing. She enjoys giving students the technical skills they need to turn their vision into quilts. Jean has been piecing traditional quilt patterns for more than 30 years and teaching machine piecing since 1984. Her quilts have received awards in national competitions and have been exhibited throughout the United States. She has been experimenting with traditional block designs and giving them a slightly different look for many years. She is also known for her intricately pieced mosaic tile designs. Her teaching experience and math background help her clarify the things that can improve accurate piecing.


MARCH 2008 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Lois Embree Arnold Lois is a third generation quilt artist and designer who makes both traditional and art quilts. She enjoys using a variety of techniques and sets up challenges for herself on each project. Her passion for the pursuit of perfection in patchwork has earned her the title of “Princess of Precision” among her quilt making friends. Encouraging students and sharing her knowledge of quilting, Lois conducts workshops with enthusiasm nationally and internationally. In the early 80’s Lois was the founding president of a guild that grew from five to one hundred members in two years. She has served on the board of her local chapter of the Arizona Quilter’s Guild as well as on the board of the National Quilting Association. Her quilts, wall quilts and quilted clothing have been exhibited in galleries, art museums and quilt shows from coast to coast. Lois has won awards in both regional and national shows. Her quilts have appeared in The American Quilter Magazine, Borders and Finishing Touches 2 by Bonnie K. Browning, and The visual Dance by Joen Wolfrom. Lois is the author of Pine Tree Quilts (AQS) and has appeared on Simply Quilts. She is currently working on another book.time as membership chair, and the Cactus Patcher Chapter. She was very fortunate to be a part of the Arizona Quilt Project, documenting Arizona quilts. May believes that working with this fabulous group of ladies was a great learning experience. Now, in addition to her participation in the Arizona Historical Quilt Study Group, she is also active in Questers, an international antique club. She favors traditional quilt designs, but loves bright colors, “interesting” fabrics, and adding Celtic appliqué touches. Her accomplishments include winning quilts in the AQG and NQA shows. Two of her quilts were featured in the 1991 Great American Quilts book from Oxmoor House. Her most exciting successes include receiving two prizes in the 200th Anniversary celebration of the United States Coast Guard quilt contest – 1st for her wallhanging, Keep Watching, and 2nd for her bed quilt, Flags Flying – and the selection of her quilt, Arizona Swirl, as the front cover quilt for the 1997 AQS Quilt Art Engagement Calendar. 24

APRIL 2008 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Alyce Leach of Payson Originally from San Diego, California, Alyce owned her own business. Hers was one of only a few womanowned cash register businesses in the nation. She and her husband moved to Payson in 1993, and Alyce started quilting in 1994. There are no other quilters in her family history that she knows of, but when a quilt store opened locally, she decided to give it a try to see if there was any interest on her part. Well, after one quilt class, she was hooked. Everyone in the family now has one of “Alyce’s quilts.” Alyce has tried most techniques, and her interests are varied. She was one of the founding members of the Shoofly Quilters in Payson, and stays active in a variety of positions. She also is a charter member of The Threadplayers, an art quilt group, which she currently serves as Chapter Chair. Her organizational skills were put to good use serving on the committee that put on the first and second Rim Country Quilt Roundup shows in Payson. Alyce was one of the Threadplayer members who made a panel for their “Rim Country Experience” which won Viewers Choice Best of Show at the inaugural Payson Rim Country Quilt Roundup, and was later featured in an article in “American Quilter” magazine. Enjoying sewing at an early age, Alyce decided the neighborhood kids should all learn the basic sewing skills. So, when she was 11 years old, she created and taught a beginning sewing class in her garage. Today, teaching is still a big part of Alyce’s love for quilting. She truly enjoys spreading the excitement and knowledge to others, and her classes are well received. She is requested often to teach various techniques. Referred to as “Patty Perfect” by some quilting friends, Alyce stresses the importance of accuracy in the basics during her traditional quilting classes. “If you cut accurately and sew with a good ¼ inch seam, your piecing will flow and the results will be spectacular.” Of course, all that goes out the window when it comes to art quilts. Then, the fun begins, and Alyce enjoys the freedom to create and try many new techniques. Winning many local awards was recently topped with a ribbon at the Arizona Quilters Guild show. Now the excitement is there to shoot for more! In addition to quilting, Alyce spends her time reading, volunteering to do tax preparation with the AARP Taxaide program, and boating on Lake Powell with her husband, Greg. 25

MAY 2008 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Margit Kagerer of Carefree A native of Germany, fiber artist Margit Kagerer was introduced to the world of quilting and fiber art when she relocated to the United States. Margit and her husband came to Massachusetts from Munich, Germany, in 1992, and she found herself with time on her hands and a desire to do something creative. She had been a math teacher to 11th and 12th graders, but was not eligible to continue this profession. Her interest in geometry naturally led her to admire the patterns found in traditional quilts. Right from the beginning she created her own contemporary designs with geometric patterns. She was also inspired by the colors of her surrounding environment, especially the vibrant foliage in New England. When the couple moved to Arizona, Margit was attracted by the brilliant colors and beauty of the desert. So she ''painted'' the dramatic Arizona scenery with fabric. Margit’s hobby of making quilts is more than just a pleasant pastime to her. It is a way of expressing herself, using her sewing skills, teaching other quilters, and as a result of all of these, winning awards for her original quilts. Inspiration can come from many sources, and she feels that working with the different fabrics gives her a creative freedom, allowing her to ''transfer what I see into a picture or abstract design." And her enjoyment doesn't stop with making quilts. She uses her teaching skills to give classes encouraging her students to explore innovative techniques and ideas. Margit also gets inspired when she meets with other artists, especially with members of the Mavericks. Margit has exhibited since 1995. In 2007 her quilt ‘Tonto Hills’ was accepted at Road to California and at the show in Houston. Another exciting event was the publication of her article ‘Quilts with a Message’ in the winter 2005 issue of American Quilter magazine. She wrote about three of her quilts with an environmental theme. A book with full-color reproductions of 70 of her quilts and fabric landscapes with short descriptions shows her progression as a contemporary fiber artist. Copies of the book “Margit’s Fiber Art” are available at In addition to quilting, Margit spends her time volunteering at the Desert Foothills Library in Cave Creek, listening to classical music, and hiking with her husband. 26

JUNE 2008 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Leigh Elking of Scottsdale Leigh was raised in northern Minnesota, but has lived in Arizona for more than forty years. She taught 5th and 6th grades in central Phoenix for 35 years and was nominated three times for Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers. As she grew up, she participated in 4-H competition to the state level, and she acquired degrees in art and home economics. This, along with her adult experience in showing horses, led her to start competition quilting as one facet of her retirement. She is fascinated by various types of fiber arts and the many techniques used to create them. She continues to study through on-line classes and e-groups. Current work includes art quilts, miniatures, journal quilts, thread play studies, and ecumenical works. Leigh says that she specializes in small quilts as she lives in a small house that has small walls, plus is in the autumn of life that will mean future down-sizing. Some of the high points in her quilting life include winning Exemplary Hand Quilting at the Arizona Quilters Guild 2002 show, Best Wall Hanging at the Minnesota 2006 Quilt Show, having her quilt on TV (“Good Morning, Arizona”) in 2004, surfing the web to find her journal quilt page on the IQA website in 2006 and exhibiting in the AQS-Paducah and IQA-Houston shows several times. Her work has been included in IQA’s traveling exhibits, as well as winning ribbons from national shows such as Road to California and Quilter’s Heritage. Leigh’s quilts have peen published in “Miniature Quilt Magazine,” “Quilter’s Newsletter,” “The Quilting Quarterly,” Ricky Tims’ Rhapsody Quilts, and in Creative Quilting: The Journal Quilt Project. When Leigh is not quilting, you’ll find her weaving overshot patterns on her four-harness loom, wood burning Celtic knot work designs, making stained glass flowers, sculpting, cycling, hiking, or taking photographs to help design new projects. There are never enough hours in the day to play at these creative endeavors and explore new ideas.


JULY 2008 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Norde Sebens of Sierra Vista Norde Sebens saw her first quilt in a magazine when she was still living in her native Germany, but it was many years and a long journey before she actually made her first quilt. Since she spoke German, French, and English, she was a natural for the job as a U.S. Army translator in Germany. It was there that she met her future husband, who brought her to the United States twenty-four years ago. Art and needlework have always been a part of Norde’s life. When her husband developed Multiple Sclerosis and was discharged from the Army after 18 years, Norde became his primary caregiver. They settled in Sierra Vista, Arizona, which was near VA facilities. For the next twenty years, Norde devoted her life to her husband’s care, only leaving her house for short periods of time. It was only natural that she would turn to her art and sewing to see her through this difficult time in her life. Twelve years ago, Norde saw a picture of a Baltimore Album quilt, which was hanging in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. She thought, “I can do that!” Since that day, Norde has been creating her own original appliqué designs. Norde hand quilts all of her quilts and also hand quilts for friends. One of the unique aspects of her quilts is the amount of embroidery she uses to embellish her appliqué designs. She uses either embroidery or inking on the blocks to bring out the fine details of the animals and flowers. Norde never enters a Sierra Vista Quilt Show without winning a ribbon, but she doesn’t enter shows for the prizes. Her goal is to showcase appliqué as an art. In March, the owner of The Desert Patch Quilt Shop in Sahuarita, Arizona, took one of Norde’s quilts to the Trends Quilt Contest in Portland, Oregon. The quilt returned home with the “People’s Choice Award.” She currently has a quilt entered in the National Quilt Association Quilt Show in Columbus, Ohio. Norde has been teaching appliqué at The Squirrel’s Nest in Sierra Vista for over six years and has been a driving force in the increased number of appliqué quilts in the Hummingbird Stitchers Quilt Show each February. She is starting to sell her original patterns under the name Blue and Silver Appliqué. 28

AUGUST 2008 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Terri Doyle of Gilbert Terri was introduced to quilting about seven years ago in 2001 and was hooked right away. It wasn’t long after she began quilting that she knew she wanted a longarm quilting machine. She bought her machine in 2003, and very soon thereafter started quilting for customers. About the same time, she was introduced to the Arizona Longarm Quilters Guild (AZLAQ). She served as the Membership Chair for two years. It has been a great experience meeting new longarm friends and learning from great mentors. AZLAQ brought in national longarm teachers, who quickly broadened her horizons for new and exciting techniques. She started traveling to different shows, both on a regional and national level. What began as an interest, accelerated to a strong desire and passion to constantly improve her piecing, design, and longarm quilting skills. She began taking more classes from many more wonderful teachers. In 2005, she received her first blue ribbon on a quilt from the Arizona Quilter’s Guild Quilt Show. From that point on, she was focused on improving her skills. Her interest lies in traditional/innovative quilts, and loves appliqué in all its forms. To date, she has won numerous awards from regional and national shows. Her most recent accomplishment was winning the award for the Best Machine Quilting from The National Quilting Association this past June. Her is also fortunate enough to have had her quilts published in On Track Magazine and Unlimited Possibilities Magazine, which included one of her quilts on its front cover. When she is not quilting, her husband and herself can usually be found riding quads at the Dunes in California. In the summer they like to take rides on different trails around the state. They love being in the outdoors.


SEPTEMBER 2008 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Karen G. Fisher of Tucson I came to quilting as an art form just a few years ago, but I had a lifetime of art-making and sewing as a background to build from. Like many women, I made a quilt for my granddaughter, fell in love with the medium, and let it grow from there. Before quilting, my main medium was ceramics, and I feel some of my quiltmaking style has grown out of my ceramics work in terms of building a surface with color, pattern, and texture. I also love to use commercial tone-on-tone fabrics for the visual sparkle they give a piece, and I always enjoy the hunt to find the groups of colors I want for a new quilt. Influences in my quiltmaking include my ceramics background and astronomy. A whole series of quilts I’ve made use a triaxial color blending arrangement (And Then There’s Red, Dancing in Miami, Late Bloomers: Flowers from Dresden, Twiga III) that is based on a glaze-blending chart. Night Quilting with Hertzsprung and Russell is based on a star classification chart. The quilt has just finished touring with IQA Special Exhibits. In both cases I enjoy taking something very structured and giving it a bit of a twist. A viewer doesn’t need to know ceramics or astronomy to enjoy my quilts’ visual impact. I’ve been really delighted with the awards my quilts have won in Tucson, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, Chicago, and Columbus, Ohio. My work has also been shown in Paducah, Kentucky, Houston, Cincinnati, Denver, California, the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum in Golden Colorado, and the Museum of the American Quilters Society. My work has been published in American Quilter Magazine and The Quilting Quarterly. As an active art quilter I am always adding to my skills—I’ve taken workshops with Carol Taylor, Katie Pasquini-Masopust, Mary Lou Weidman, and others. My formal art training includes a BFA in sculpture from the University of Arizona, plus a BFA in Art Education, and an Earth Science teaching endorsement. I’ve just returned to work full-time as a science and art teacher at a Tucson charter high school, and I’m hoping to include quilting in the art curriculum. I’ve been active with the Tucson Quilters Guild for the last six years, and I have completely enjoyed the friendship and inspiration I’ve received from this wonderful group of women (and men!). 30

OCTOBER 2008 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Loraine Sample of Queen Creek I came to quilting in the mid 80’s through a life-long love of sewing and some of my grandmother’s antique quilt tops. The quilt tops never became finished quilts because of their condition, but the quilt bug had bitten. After several years of making quilts and taking classes in the traditional format, I had the opportunity to see the 1991 Contemporary QuiltArt Association (CQA) exhibit at the Folk Life Festival in Seattle. Those were the kinds of quilts I wanted to make! I continued quilting with traditional patterns, but tried to finds ways to make them more my own. Some were successful; some were not. A few years later I met Gayle Bryan. She had moved to Bellevue, Washington from California and had joined our local guild. She was not a traditional quilter. I started taking classes from her and was introduced to other art quilters. Gayle was instrumental in my finding my own voice. She had by then found and become a member of CQA and encouraged several of us to join the group also. It took some time and a lot of courage to share any of my work with that group. They were the kind of artists I wanted to become. And I was (and still am) my own worst critic. While a member of CQA, many of my quilts were juried into shows in western Washington, Houston, Paducah and British Columbia. One of the art quilters in Gayle’s classes was Susan Jones, who later moved to Chandler, AZ. Susan introduced me to the Mavericks on one of my visits to the Valley. So in 2003, when I retired and made the move to Queen Creek, I had one friend and a means to meet other quilters. As a member also of Fiber Connections, I have the opportunity to meet other artists in the Valley and Tucson, who come together to share different types of fiber art. Since moving to the Valley, my quilts have been juried into shows in Chandler, Phoenix, Prescott, and California, and exhibited at other venues around the Valley. I am inspired by color and texture and what quilting does to the surface of the quilt. I take inspiration from nature and my garden as well. The art quilt provides an outlet for me to express personal emotions, revisit experiences and to just make something beautiful. I could not make my art without the continued interaction with other artists who inspire, offer constructive criticism and teach. Some of those artists have become very good friends and my world has grown because of them. (Well, yes, I could make art without those friends, but it wouldn’t be near as exciting or interesting.) So if you want to grow within your own work, find that group of like-minded quilters who can inspire you. 31

NOVEMBER 2008 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Gus Nelson of Goodyear, AZ Art has always been my inspiration – from my very young years when I had colored pencils and paper on which to draw. As I grew, the need to create expanded and I found myself at McGill University of Montreal, Canada as an art major. At that time, painting held my interest. When that waned, I was looking for a different road to take in the art world. I started out doing stained glass and truly enjoyed that, but…. Then one day at the California State Fair in Sacramento, I came across the quilt exhibit. Wow! What color; what design and texture! I knew right then I had to try this for myself. On returning to Arizona, I found my way to a local quilt shop. Instantly I became very excited with the fabric selection and signed up for my first quilt class. I made a Tam’s Patch, taught by Mary Blecha. She became my mentor and dear friend, and invited me to join the Out To Lunch Bunch - Mary’s quilt group that concentrates on charity quilts. I got my ¼ inch seam down pat with those baby quilts! I was encouraged to join the local quilt guild, Quilters Anonymous. With so many friendly people showing what they had done, I soon learned about the Q.U.I.L.T. teachers and signed up to take these classes, too; invaluable is all I can say. Ricky Tims, Libby Lehman and Sharon Schamber were thrilling teachers. My first quilt show was “the big one” – Houston. I saw so many spectacular quilts and vendors and I was able to attend a few classes. This is when I realized I needed to upgrade my machine. I wanted the ability to do free motion quilting along with the stipple basics. Although I enjoy making the tops, it is the quilting and embellishing that keeps the excitement level up for me. Machine embroidery also gives me another option for embellishment. I now live at PebbleCreek and belong to the Estrella Mountain Quilters. Again I met more wonderful people who make quilting that much more enjoyable. I was invited to co-chair the AQG Small Quilt Auction of 2006 and had a great time putting it together. When I am not quilting in my home or at Mary’s or our fiber arts center, I can be found attending quilt shows and classes in Arizona and places such as Road to California and Long Beach, CA or Paducah. I am currently vice president of the Estrella Mountain Quilters and will be the president for 2009. I can honestly say I have become a quilt addict; most of my waking time is building or designing my quilts, and if not actually working on one, thinking about it. There simply is not enough time in one day to create all that is in my head. I love it. 32

DECEMBER 2008 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Marla Hattabaugh of Scottsdale Quilting is one of my main obsessions/passions. It provides me with friends, laughing, visual stimulation, travel opportunities, as well as “alone time.“ Sometimes the challenge of getting the top to lay smooth regardless of how many seams come together is a great problem; other times, everything goes together so smoothly that the thirty years I've spent doing it seem warranted! My grandmother/mother were sewers, so it followed that I would be, also. Grandmother especially was very frugal due to raising two children as a single mother during the depression. She saved scraps as if they were made of gold. I always knew someday I'd make a quilt. My mother's patience in garment construction was a major factor in helping me to be able to piece intricate sections. I was born in Ohio and raised in Southern California where we moved when I was two years old. Quilts were not part of my growing up, but when my mother gave me a kit from a friend and my husband said I'd never finish it, the die was cast. Then I had to take a class from Laurene Sinema, where I mis-pieced the Ohio Star block and never did finish that pillow! She suggested I join Arizona Quilters Guild, so I did. It wasn't long before I was on the Board - as Membership Chairman, when we had 3x5 cards as our list! Eventually, I was President and then out.... A good run and some accomplishments that still make me proud. In l986, Willene Smith said she'd never talk to me again if I didn't enter the Great American Quilt Contest, honoring the restoration of the Statue of Liberty. To make a long story short, my piece won from the State of Arizona and I got to go to New York for the opening ceremony and festivities. I also met Nancy Crow at that time and decided to take a class with her at her farm near Columbus, Ohio. We hit it off pretty well and I've learned a lot from her. I started doing her quilting in l986. My name is mentioned in her books/lectures. Re: giraffes.... I love their skin texture and height. Being somewhat vertically challenged, I look up to them and admire their grace and the patterns on their bodies. At first, fabric with giraffes was added to the blocks I made. Soon Nancy told me that was trite. One day, I thought I'd make the whole quilt a giraffe!! So there! Now, there's a long series of giraffe quilts - usually quite abstract, some more successful than others. Around l989, I was asked to be a work scholarship student at Quilt/Surface Design Symposium in Columbus, Ohio. Wow! What an opportunity to meet quiltmakers from all over the country/world. I've been every year and helped with organizing and running the event. Don't ask me to do much in June because I'll be in Ohio! Teachers have provided me with surface design knowledge that helps make my fabric unique and unusual. My workroom and patio are set up for dyeing, screen printing, deconstructing, painting, and sewing. It is a pleasure to go in there and know I have everything I need to make a quilt from beginning to end. 33

2008 Quilters Hall of Fame Award Winners 34


Patty Goodsell’sMagical Medallions won multiple recognitions at the 2008 Tucson Quilters Guild Quilt Fiesta. Magical Medallions by Patty Goodsell.

Patty Goodsell must be in quilter’s heaven! Her gorgeous “Magical Medallions” received a first in category, Best of Show, Viewer’s Choice, and the Hall of Fame award at the recent Tucson Quilters Guild Quilt Fiesta show. The quilt was years in the making and is completely hand-appliqué and hand-quilted. The Hall of Fame award is show chair’s choice. Interestingly, the show co-chairs both chose Patty’s quilt independently and prior to the judging. Patty received both a Hall of Fame Award ribbon and inclusion in the Friends of the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame for her win. Congratulations, Patty! We hope we see “Magical Medallions” in national competition! 35


Center medallion of Petra Skiles “The Wedding Quilt” & t the Wedding Quilt and companion pieces.

Petra Skiles was named as the Hall of Fame Award Winner at the Hummingbird Stitchers’ Quilt Show. “The Wedding Quilt” was made for Petra’s son and his bride as a celebration of their wedding. The quilt combines a commercial pattern with original designs and is embellished with lace, ribbon and beading. The two smaller pieces compliment the larger quilt and represent family members. Congratulations, Petra on your recognition and inclusion in the Friends of the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame! 36


Nancy Smith of Globe, Arizona is thrilled with her recognition.

Nancy Smith, shown here with her award-winning quilt “Embroidered Hearts” is a life-long resident of Globe and one of the original members of Copper Country Quilters. According to Nancy, this quilt was on the “five-year plan.” It began as a gift to her daughter-in-law but ended up as a grandchild’s wedding gift. The blocks are embroidered and the quilt was completed with stunning hand quilting. “Now,” says Nancy, “I’ll have to make five more; one for each of the rest of the grandkids!” Congratulations, Nancy, on your Hall of Fame ribbon and inclusion in the Friends of the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame! 37


Gerry Gruzek’s Flora and Fauna

The Arizona Quilters Guild awarded the Hall of Fame recognition to Gerlinde Hruzek for her entirely hand-stitched crazy quilt, “Flora and Fauna.” In addition to the Hall of Fame recognition and inclusion in the Friends of the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame, Gerry also received a first in category, the Laurene Sinema Founders Award for Exemplary Workmanship and Viewers Choice! In presenting the award, show chair Judy Taylor stated, “Gerry’s quilt exemplifies everything that the Hall of Fame Award strives to support. The attention to detail is mind-boggling!” 38


Carol with Midsummer Flight March 2008

Carol Crosswhite was awarded the Hall of Fame recognition at the March 1, 2008 show. Her entry, “Midsummer Flight” also won the best large quilt award. Carol machine pieced, quilted and appliquéd her quilt. Variegated thread was used to add another dimension to the machine quilting. Her quilt was begun in a class teaching Jackie Robinson’s “Strip ‘n Slash” technique in Spring 2007. In addition to the Hall of Fame Award Ribbon, Carol receives inclusion in the Friends of the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame. “This award has given me an additional reason to strive for excellence,” stated Carol. “I feel greatly honored…thank you so much!” 39


Nancy Hoth her quilt Golden Memories

Diane Tricka shares in Nancy’s enjoyment in winning the Hall of Fame Award.

Nancy Hoth’s quilt, “Golden Memories,” received the Hall of Fame Award from Estrella Mountain Quilters. The quilt, completed from bocks given to Nancy after her year as guild president, also received the Viewer’s Choice award. Diane Tricka helped complete the quilt by adding her beautiful longarm quilting. “I am extremely honored,” Nancy said.



Joy Lawson shows off the Hall of Fame Award ribbon she received for her FISH GLITZ at the Threadplayers exhibit in Payson. Joy’s inspiration was a Cloth, Paper, Scissors experimentation class. The quilt features numerous techniques including painting, embossing and embellishment with shells from the Oregon coast and other items. The group asked NQA Judging Candidates Diane Pitchford and Judy Taylor to make the selection.



Kathy MacCleary is SCRAP HAPPY!

Kathy MacCleary received the Hall of Fame Award at the 12th Annual Strawberry Patchers Quilt Show. Her quilt, SCRAP HAPPY, is hand pieced and hand quilted and contains over 9,700 pieces! Kathy also received a First in the Medium Hand Quilted Category. Show co-chairs Maureen Pastika and Sandy Tower were pleased to honor Kathy’s quilt with this recognition. 42

Gila County Fair Hall of Fame - September 2008 Award Recipient – RUTH MEYER

Hall of Fame Award recipient Ruth Meyer peeks out from behind Charlotte’s Quilt!

Ruth Meyer received the Hall of Fame Award at September’s Gila County Fair. The quilt is based on a pattern from Me and My Sister Designs. Created from a Moda Jelly Roll, Ruth had left over fabric, so added prairie points. More leftovers found their way into yo-yos which then called for applique vines and leaves. “I’m thrilled to death that my quilt was chosen from among some absolutely beautiful fair quilt,” said Ruth. “I feel very humble.” 43

Coconino County Fair Hall of Fame - September 2008 Award Recipient – RUTH MEYER

Hall of Fame Award recipient Mary Dyer’s smile says it all!

Mary Dyer was named the Hall of Fame Award Winner at the Coconino County Fair, held in September. Mary’s quilt TURKEYS, PUMPKINS AND GEESE, is machine pieced and machine appliqued. She completed the top in a five day marathon to send it on to Simone Fam for quilting. It was all bound and ready to celebrate last Thanksgiving. “I was so surprised to see that the winning quilt was mine,” exclaimed Mary. “I’m pleased that this win extends my Friendship to the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame.” 44

Rim Country Quilt Roundup Hall of Fame - November 2008 Award Recipient – Patty McKinney


Patty McKinney of Payson was chosen as the Hall of Fame Award Winner at the Rim Country Roundup help in Payson. Her quilt, HEIRLOOM ROMANCE, is aptly named and features embroidered antique evening bags, a soft pastel palette, and crazy patch piecing. Kathy Hunt provided machine quilting. The award was presented as part of the show’s award ceremony on Saturday evening. 45

Arizona Longarm Quilters President’s Challenge Hall of Fame - November 2008 Award Recipient – Louise Mansolillo

Louise Mansolillo with VICTORIAN GARDEN.

Louise Mansolillo received the Hall of Fame Award at the Arizona Longarm Quilters President’s Challenge exhibit. Her entry, VICTORIAN GARDEN, is based on a pattern by Beth Merrill Kovich and Retta Warehime called “Snuggle Up.” Louise customized the pattern with 3-dimensional applique. The quilt features charming button embellishments and one of Louise’s favorite quilting patterns, curved crosshatch. The theme for the challenge was “Shades of Black and White.” VICTORIAN GARDEN was recognized by show chair, Barbara Harrell. 46

2008 Induction Event


2008 Induction Event


2007-2008 Board of Directors

Board members at the September 28, 2008 luncheon are from left to right: Willene Smith, Karen Threw, Cindy Phare, Sally Hatfield, Lynn Kough (Vice President), Barbara Polston (President), Jo Cady-Bull (Secretary), Sue Lee, Mary Perry )Treasurer, Diane Pitchford and Lois Bloom. 49


The Class of 2008 are as follows from left to right: Audrey Waite, Dee Lynn, Evelyn George, Eloise DeSpain, Gerry Sinema for Laurene Sinema and Kris & Ana Reid for Linda Sizemore Callahan. 50

CLASS OF 2008 INDUCTEE Linda Sizemore Callahan

Phoenix and Strawberry February 21, 1933 - February 9, 2008

Linda Sizemore Callahan “lived for quilting,” an activity she discovered during the 1970’s. She played a major role in the organization of the Arizona Quilters Guild, serving as their Treasurer in 1983-1984 and helping establish organizational by-laws. Additionally, she played an integral role in founding four chapters of Arizona Quilters Guild, Crazy Quilters (the first chapter), Night Owls, Busy Bees and Vulture Peak Patchers. Linda was a giving and gifted teacher. Always ready to help a student or friend work through a quilting problem, one of her most notable teaching accomplishments was to instruct quilting in Germany, although she spoke no German! Linda taught classes in appliqué, embroidery, piecing, hand quilting, and binding and finishing techniques. As a quiltmaker, Linda’s work was recognized for her fine workmanship. Her most notable recognition was the Grand Prize in The Better Homes and Gardens Quilt Festival, an international competition. Additional recognitions included a Grand Prize for an American Folk Art Album Quilt and the Grand Canyon Quilt Celebration Grand Prize. Linda began her career as a home economics teacher. Later, she took up tailoring and the creation of custom home decorating items. Although others considered her an artist, she defined herself as a “skilled technician with desire for excellence.” Linda exhibited a strong dedication to the task at hand, at one time hand quilting a bed size quilt in 30 days to meet a Guild deadline. In accepting his mother’s recognition, Kris Reid said, “My mother would have been so pleased to receive this honor. The joy she found in quilting and her friends were the most important things in her life.” 51

Linda Sizemore Callahan


CLASS OF 2008 INDUCTEE Eloise DeSpain Winslow

Eloise DeSpain is a key founder of the High Desert Piecemakers, an active and excited group of quilters in Winslow. Each year, the group sponsors a quilt show as part of the community’s “Standin’ on a Corner” festival, an event encompassing an antique auto show, street dances and parties bringing visitors from near and far to this small Northeastern Arizona town. The quilt show has become an integral part of the festival. Eloise teaches group and individual classes on the techniques and history of quilting. A third generation Arizonan, her quilts often reflect the history and colors of her home state. Eloise lives in a 500 square foot home. On her property sits a 1700 square foot studio designated to her quilting and teaching. The numbers reflect the priorities in her life! The unique experience she offers students was highlighted in The Quilt: A History and Celebration of an American Art Form, by Elsie Schebler Roberts. Eloise strives to preserve the traditional in quilting and is an avid hand-quilter. She is skilled in the restoration of historical and antique quilts. Many family heirlooms have been preserved through her efforts. Professionally, Eloise is a former Professor of Humanities. When not in her studio, you will find her tending to her extensive garden. She has enabled charitable organizations to raise thousands of dollars through donating raffle quilts and has been recognized for her volunteer efforts. Gifted with a wonderful sense of humor, Eloise is well-known for her distinctive footwear - Converse high tops in every color and pattern imaginable. In accepting her recognition, Eloise said, “You could knock me over with a feather! It is an honor to be here. In moments of quiet desperation, I know that if I can just make it to my quilt frame, I can make it through the day. ‘Desperation’ is then required to stay outside of the room with duct tape over its mouth!” 53

Eloise DeSpain


CLASS OF 2008 INDUCTEE Evelyn George Tucson

Evelyn George is described as a generous quiltmaker. She is actively involved in Quilt for a Cause, a nonprofit organization fighting gynecological and breast cancer. Evelyn orchestrates an annual quilt retreat for the organization, designing and teaching a mystery quilt. Notably, she manages the group’s annual quilt auction, hanging hundreds of quilts in 25 locations throughout Tucson. Auction activities have raised well over $125,000 to date. In addition, Evelyn takes an active role in ensuring the success of the Tucson Quilters Guild. She has co-chaired the Block of the Month committee since 2002. She designs each month’s block, many with a Tucson or Southwest theme. Evelyn also has taken responsibility for various aspects of the Guild’s annual quilt show. Evelyn is eager to teach others. She has taught or lectured in venues too numerous to list. She seeks to engage the coming generations in quilting, working in and with local pre-schools and grade schools. Evelyn’s designs have been shown in American Quilter and Quilters Newsletter magazines. One of her designs was included in the “Healing Hearts” quilt in the book AQS Presents United We Quilt & Anchor Project. She also made the quilt block that represented the state of Arizona in the quilt presented to President George and First Lady Laura Bush commemorating September 11th. In accepting her recognition, Evelyn said, “This is so special; I’m honored and humbled. I have so many ideas for quilts! I knew I’d never be able to make them all, so I got other people involved. I encourage quilters to use their skills to be involved in a worthy cause.”


Evelyn George


CLASS OF 2008 INDUCTEES Audrey Waite & Dee Lynn Phoenix Aug. 25, 1937 – Mar. 24, 2010


Dee Lynn and Audrey Waite first met as employees of the Quilted Apple quilt shop in Phoenix. Their friendship, coupled with a desire to provide Arizona quilters with the opportunity to study with nationally-recognized instructors, led to the creation of their business partnership. Dee and Audrey launched Quilt Camp in the Pines in 1994, and have never looked back. Each summer, hundreds of quilters descend on Northern Arizona University to attend Quilt Camp. Attendees come from not only Arizona, but from around the world to take classes with well-known teachers and enjoy the unique camp experience. Building on their success, Audrey and Dee launched Quilting in the Desert. Held annually each January in Phoenix, this event mirrors the camp experience in an urban setting. These events have served over 5,000 quilters in an atmosphere of warmth and fun. In 1997, the partners began offering scholarships so that Northern Arizona Native American women could attend Quilt Camp. A charity sew-in is sponsored each year. Attendees are invited to help create quilts for the chosen charity’s benefit. Groups benefitting have included Quilt Pink, Autism Awareness and Juvenile Diabetes. Dee and Audrey have branched out into sponsoring quilt-related travel, leading tours to well-known quilting destinations. A group regularly travels to Paducah, Kentucky for the AQS show. Cruises and travel to exotic destinations, all with a quilting theme, are also offered. Dee and Audrey are skilled teachers in their own right. Both offer classes and lectures. In accepting their recognitions, Dee said, “Isn’t this beautiful! Without you, we couldn’t do what we do.” Audrey continued, “This has become more than we ever envisioned. We’re humbled to be in the first class of inductees.” 57

Audrey Waite & Dee Lynn


CLASS OF 2008 INDUCTEE Laurene Sinema Phoenix June 22, 1929 - November 23, 2003

Laurene Sinema could truthfully be called Arizona’s “Mother of Quilting.” In 1978, Laurene opened Phoenix, Arizona’s first quilt shop, the Quilted Apple, with 13 bolts of fabric and a vision. Over the subsequent 25 years, thousands of quilters passed through her doors where they found, in Laurene, an excellent teacher; a teacher then always encouraged excellence in workmanship. At the same time, she founded the Arizona Quilters Guild with the desire to bring quilters from around the state together for education and recognition. This organization, now with over 50 chapters and a membership approaching 3,000, continues to thrive. Laurene continued her support of that organization throughout her lifetime. An important segment of her quilting life was serving as president of the Arizona Quilt Project. She led a group of volunteers in this six-year project that researched and documented Arizona quilts and their makers. Almost 3,000 quilts were documented in 28 quilt days held throughout the state over a two year period. The culmination of the project was a television special appearing on local PBS affiliates, several exhibitions, and a book, Grand Endeavors. Laurene published original quilt patterns and books, ultimately marketing over 60 patterns. She also designed three lines of reproduction fabrics. An exhibit of redwork quilts, sponsored by Laurene, Cindy Taylor Oates and Betty Alderman at Quilt Market, is credited with the revival of these embroidered quilts and wall hangings. In addition to showing her own work around the country, Laurene amassed a significant quilt collection also shared for exhibition around the country. A talented public speaker, once a month for ten years, she filled an antique trunk with quilts and traveled to various organizations to put on a program showing quilts and telling stories. Laurene served on the International Quilt Council, an advisory group to Karey Bresenhan, the director of International Quilt Market and Quilt Festival, for eight years. She mentored others in their desire to be successful shop owners, and was always generous with her advice gained through years of experience. Gerry Sinema, in accepting Laurene’s posthumous recognition, said, “Thank you so much for this fine honor you’ve given Laurene. I am so pleased that she is not forgotten. The Quilted Apple was a work of love. She loved every one of you - you were truly a part of our family.” 59

Laurene Sinema


2009 61

JANUARY 2009 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Helen Young Frost of Tucson I began quilting in the early 1970s when all cotton fabrics were few and far between and most were garish calicoes in red, blue, and yellow. Except for a couple of new quilt books, quilters had to rely on reprints from the 1930s for their patterns. Templates were made from graph paper glued to poster board. All pieces were cut with scissors. But oh how exciting! The Bicentennial was coming and women wanted to make quilts! Not long after I began quilting, I began teaching (I didn’t know much, but I knew more than the students) for adult education in Southern California. I taught a quilt-as-you-go sampler quilt with 12" blocks to several classes, each with about 45 students. My mother, Blanche Young, and I had developed some innovative strip-piecing methods for the Lone Star, Sunshine & Shadow, and Trip Around the World quilts. We published several books on these techniques in the late 70s and early 1980s. We soon were teaching all over the country at guilds and conferences. I was delighted to teach in Holland, enabling me to add the word “international” to my resumé. After moving to Arizona in 1988, I became involved with the Arizona Quilt Project and was the co-author, with Pam Knight Stevenson, of the resulting book, Grand Endeavors: Vintage Arizona Quilts and Their Makers. Researching the quilters’ stories was a crash course in Arizona history but very enjoyable. All these years later, I am still making Lone Star variations, still fascinated by the design potential. I’m also still in love with the Sunshine & Shadow pattern and its symmetry. In 2008, I coauthored a book with Catherine Skow, Radiant Sunshine & Shadow: 23 Quilts with NinePatch Sparkle (C&T Publishing). These quilts feature Nine-Patch blocks arranged into the Sunshine & Shadow design. They are very intricate-looking but very easy to make! Another long-time love is hand appliqué. My response to the tragic events of September 11, 2001 was to spend the next year designing and making a Revolutionary War alphabet quilt. Each person, event, or symbol depicted on my quilt, American Primer, reaffirms that the spirit of 1776 continues today. My next hand appliqué project is a quilt to celebrate Arizona’s upcoming 100th birthday. I make a lot of quilts to warm the body, as shown by the quilts on all the beds in my home, but I find the most joy in making quilts that warm the heart. 62

FEBRUARY 2009 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Linda Erickson of Sierra Vista Quilting was not a part of my upbringing because we had no quilters or even any quilts in the family. I learned to sew clothing in high school and then learned knitting, crocheting, and crewel embroidery in my early married years, usually because some friend was involved with that activity and was willing to help me learn. My husband and I moved to Albuquerque in 1977 when I got a job as a technical librarian at Sandia National Laboratories. Since I was busy with my career, handicrafts were relegated to available weekends or nights. About 20 years ago a good friend who was a quilter got me started looking at quilts. Around that time period, quilters were starting to venture out from traditional quilting using some of the new brighter cotton fabrics and non-traditional designs. Suddenly quilting looked a lot more interesting to me. Being a very pragmatic individual, I taught myself to piece and quilt using a self-instruction book purchased at WalMart. After trying hand piecing and hand quilting, I deciding that machine work was just the thing for me. I joined the New Mexico Quilters’ Association and was inspired by its speakers and instructors to try bigger and better things and was surprised to start winning ribbons at the annual NM State Fair and NMQA shows. I became heavily involved with the Albuquerque Biennial Fiber Arts Fiesta and continued to win awards. Jane Hall honored me when she included my “Trailing the Snail” quilt in her Foundation Borders book. The Electric Quilt Company’s EQ5/EQ6 programs became an integral part of my quilt design efforts, and I was excited when my “Remembering Rainbows” quilt was selected as a finalist in the “Do You EQ?” competition several years ago. Even bigger thrills included having this quilt juried into the Houston show and winning Best of Show last year at the HSQG show. About two years ago, my husband and I decided to sell our house and move someplace warmer and smaller. Our choice was Sierra Vista, where I immediately joined the Hummingbird Stitchers Quilt Guild. It is a warm and active group, and I have become heavily involved with the group’s charity efforts because they allow me to give back to the community and bring immediate joy to others’ lives. Arizona provides a lot of quilt shows, and our camping trips often include a stop for a quilt show or class where I can learn new skills and obtain new inspiration. I admit to being torn between being outdoors with the birds and nature or staying indoors to quilt and read. I’m still seeking the perfect way to do it all. 63

MARCH 2009 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Reni Dieball of Apache Junction I was born in Latvia and lived there until age 4 when my Mom and I moved to Germany. In 1951 we immigrated to the USA and settled in Stillwater, Oklahoma where I completed my junior year of high school and moved to Independence, Missouri. I worked in Kansas City for an insurance company, and in 1956 I got married and moved back to Oklahoma. My interests always included crafts of one kind or other – sewing, knitting, crocheting, embroidery and also pottery. I had my own potter’s wheel and kiln. Due to my husband's job we moved a lot – Oklahoma City, St. Louis, Denver, Phoenix and again to Denver, where we lived for 22 years and back to Phoenix in 1998. While we lived in Denver, I talked a friend into taking a quilting class and I was hooked good. All the other crafts fell by the wayside. During my Colorado stay, I did some piecing for Judy Martin's books Scrap Quilts, Shining Star Quilts and The Rainbow Collection. I also pieced and did appliqué tops for Quilter’s Newsletter Magazine. Some of my quilts were displayed at the Pioneer Museum in Colorado Springs during the annual "Quilts and Fine Woodworking" shows, also at the Denver Capitol Building and the Key Bank and in Paducah, where my quilt "Cinnebar" won Honorable Mention. I was a member of the Colorado Quilt Council and held several board positions over the years and also belonged to two small quilt groups. My passion is appliqué and after taking classes from Faye Anderson, Nancy Pearson and Patricia Campbell, I settled on Patricia's method because it suited me the best. Piecing is still something I do and thanks to my friend Diane Pitchford, who is also my favorite longarm quilter, I have won several ribbons, two of them First Place ribbons, due to her exquisite quilting. My husband was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrigs Disease), and in 1998 we settled in Apache Junction where I am a member of the Closet Quilters. His health has steadily declined and my quilting and my very supportive quilting friends keep me going.


APRIL 2009 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Nancy Arseneault of Tucson It turns out that I am a third generation quiltmaker although I wasn’t aware that my mother and grandmother made quilts until I taught myself and began making my own quilts. I have sewn my entire life – doll clothes as a child and my own clothes while in high school. During college, I worked at a fabric store and never brought home a paycheck. It seems my love affair with fabric continues to this day. Geometric patterns always appealed to me – kaleidoscopes, marching bands, doodling with colored pencils on graph paper. When I discovered Amish quilts in the early 1980’s, I quit all the garment sewing and other crafts. I was hooked on making quilts. My early quilts were Amish-inspired. I used solid fabrics and traditional patterns. I quilted by hand and loved it. I began to take lots of classes to develop my skills. I joined quilting groups everywhere that we moved (and we moved a lot). Gradually I used the sewing machine more and more. Today I do very little by hand – only sewing on sleeves or embellishments. I’ve made more quilts than I can remember over the years – probably 200+. Returning to Arizona in 2004, I joined the Tucson Quilters Guild and have been fortunate to develop a wonderful network of quilting friends. I have a very supportive husband who even buys me fabric! I‘m retired, and since my kids are grown and my dear grandchildren live out of state, I enjoy the luxury of being able to quilt every day. I don’t have a specialty…I love it all…but I am working on a continuing series of whimsical quilts based upon the Mexican celebration El Dia de los Muertos, The Day of the Dead. I entered my first quilt show in 2005 (Tucson Quilt Fiesta) and was thrilled to receive ribbons from the judges and the viewers. Now I make quilts for competitions, for sale and for community. I continue to study with fantastic teachers. The more I learn, the more I want to learn. Three years ago I began giving private quilting lessons. I really enjoy sharing my love of quilting in this way and I treasure all of the relationships that I’ve created through quiltmaking. .


MAY 2009 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Donna Sylvia of Sierra Vista Donna Sylvia was blessed to have a mother whose expertise in clothing construction exposed Donna to weekly trips to the fabric store. Unfortunately, her first experience with scissors was with her hair instead of fabric! From the encouragement of her family, she found her own way to be creative through designing, painting & eventually to quilting. Her designs are influenced by her childhood home of Ohio and her long-time residence in the high desert of southern Arizona. When her children were little and budget was limited, she painted on fabric and everything else - especially brown chicken eggs! Over the years, Donna transformed some of her painted designs to fusible machine appliqué. One of her favorite transformations is a Southwest Christmas collection called “The Journey.” This collection was dedicated to her father, because of his love of God and his cherished visits to the Southwest. Recently, she has designed jelly roll patterns as well as developing new techniques for circle patchwork. Donna spends most of her time designing patterns, making samples, and teaching circle patchwork classes at The Squirrel's Nest and throughout Arizona. Her newest design, “Mischief Maker Music Man,” features another Kokopelli design. Donna will travel to Idaho to teach later this year. Last year, she was invited by national distributor E.E. Schenck to teach basic circle patchwork at their trade show. This event was a kickoff for Donna’s line of patterns, which Schenck had just picked up to distribute nationally. At the trade show, Donna entered “Sunflower Square,” one of her jelly roll designs, in their quilt contest. She was very pleased when that quilt won the People's Choice Award for 2008.


JUNE 2009 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Linda Caringella of Lake Havasu Linda is a fairly new arrival to the quilting scene but has been actively creating beauty with stitching most of her life – first with her mother’s Featherweight Singer sewing machine and then moving on to cross-stitch, needlepoint, knitting, card, and papermaking. She became interested in quilting after retiring to Lake Havasu, meeting a couple of friends in a sewing class, who then challenged each other to enroll in a quilting class at Mohave Community College. In spite of being a newcomer, Linda was elected President of the Lake Havasu Stitchers from 20052007. In 2005, she won 1st Place in the Wearable Art Division of the Havasu Stitchers Bridge of Friendship Quilt Show for her jacket titled “Arizona Splendor.” Linda always has her drawers and shelves full of ongoing projects – not a believer in “finish one before beginning another.” She completes one design and then looks for a new, more challenging project. Her favorites are bargello inspired, and looking back, her work includes a lot more red than she would have thought. Next she would like to include portraits and truly wearable art. Linda enjoys giving her completed projects to family and friends, and in so doing has blessed many around her with priceless quilts, wall art and one-of-a-kind heirloom gifts. Linda has enjoyed numerous awards for her creative abilities, including “Best in Division” Winner in the Cake Division at the Orange County, California Fair for her famous cheesecake recipes, numerous blue ribbons for canning & preserving, and a 1st place for the restoration of an antique “mirror back” sofa. In addition, before relocating and retiring to Lake Havasu, Linda was known as “The Cookie Lady” by friends and business associates because Linda would drop by local customer accounts with a fresh plate of their favorite cookies, or give the delivery driver a special cheesecake to include with the customer’s order as a surprise for a birthday or just to say “thank you.” 67

JULY 2009 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Carol Collett of Scottsdale After a 24-year career in the U.S. Senate in Washington, D.C. Carol Collett retired to Scottsdale, AZ in 1996. She was Founder and Chairman of the annual U.S. Senate Arts and Crafts Fair on Capitol Hill in Washington, D. C. from 1992 to 1996. She quickly made friends in the Scottsdale/Phoenix quilting community and became a member of Paradise Valley Piecers and Sunrise Stitchers. Carol began her passion for sewing at age seven by making doll clothes on her mother's Singer. She has had a life-long passion for creating, primarily with fabric. She made her first quilt, a log cabin, in 1993 after taking a class at a Virginia quilt shop. After the first quilting class, Carol was hooked! She enjoys creating quilts that combine a variety of quilting techniques. She strives to create unique, one-of-a-kind fabric art. She is particularly drawn to all forms of mixed media collage. Carol's talents extend to garment construction and doll making. Her quilts have received awards in national competitions and have been exhibited throughout the U.S. One of Carol's most exciting quilting accomplishments was to be a finalist in the national 2006 $100,000. Quilting Challenge. Carol enjoys sharing her love of creative sewing, and since 1999 has taught at quilt shops throughout the Phoenix area as well as for the American Sewing Guild and Quilt Camp in the Desert. One of Carol's most popular classes, the Quilted Boutique Jacket has been taught to approximately 300 students over the past several years. A lover of the Victorian era, Carol is an avid collector of vintage fabrics and embellishments creating heirloom quilts and wearable art from her vast collection. Carol's quilt, Mom's Vintage Hankie Quilt, was featured in the July 2008 Edition of the American Quilter magazine. Another of her creations a handbag, It's All in the Label, was in the April 2009 edition of Haute Handbag magazine. Carol became a Gammill long-arm quilter in 2005 and is a member of the AZ Long Arm Quilters. She enjoys creating muslin quilting samples and donating these small quilted pieces to animal shelters in the valley. Her two teen-age grandchildren have been recipients of many of Carol's quilting creations. 68

AUGUST 2009 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Carol Hood of Prescott My earliest memory of quilting, as a young child, was sitting on the lawn on a hot summers day with my Grandmother Grace cutting patches for her quilt. She hand pieced but had the church ladies quilt them and continued to piece and sew into her later years. I have a newspaper picture of her and her quilting group in Florida. My mother didn't sew at all. In the 60's I started sewing clothes for my children and graduated to sewing more complicated garments when I was a member of Sweet Adelines. And when I discovered quilting, the garment sewing gradually stopped. Around the time of the bicentennial, two young women at our church took a quilting class and thought it would be a great idea to quilt tops for folks to establlish a fund for new choir robes. The mother of one of our members started us out on this endeavor. We were quite successful and had many interesting experiences with this venture! I don't remember exactly how I learned to hand quilt but spent several years doing it with this group until I decided that I'd better learn how to piece after I did everything wrong on my first quilt. So I was off to the Community Education class. Quilting in Michigan was not very organized in the early 80's but I did take several classes and attended a quilt seminar at Oakland University in Rochester where I found a small group of quilters in my area. At this time of scissor cutting and cardboard templates, I was doing everything by hand and hand work is still my favorite method of meditation. I don't machine quilt but now I do machine piece as well as hand piece. Most of my work is hand quilted and I have a passion for applique. When we retired to Arizona in 1987, I immediately joined Mountain Top Quilters and met another newcomer, Penny Bolerjack, who opened "Quilt Crossing" in Prescott and I worked in her shop and taught hand quilting and applique there for about ten years. Soon after we arrived in Prescott, I was invited to join a small group of hand quilters who were also excelled at applique. We made quilts for each other. I entered the quilt that we made for me, "Cherry Basket", in the 1994 AQS contest in Paducah, KY and won first place in the group category. Quilting has been my "bliss" for 30 years. I belong to Mountain Top Quilters, Arizona Quilt Study Group, American Quilt Study Group, American Quilters Society. I am an original member of the Heritage Quilt Study Group of Sharlot Hall Museum that was organized in 1992 to study quilts. Heritage Quilt Study Group makes quilts for the museum and an opportunity quilt once a year. We also hold quilt documentations for the community and the results are available from the archives of the Sharlot Hall Museum. If you visit, you will see quilts that we made on the beds in the Fremont House and the Governor's Mansion. I was also a guest co-curator for the Museum's fourteen month long quilt exhibit in 1995-1996. Being a traditional quilter with a love of reproduction fabric and quilt history, it has been a privilege to have won several state and local awards. My journey in quilting is continuing as I try to step out of my "box" to explore new ideas in our stitching and art world but my focus will still probably be on antique quilts and hand techniques. 69

SEPTEMBER 2009 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Barb Janson of Scottsdale Barb Janson started sewing as a young girl with guidance from her mother, a professional seamstress. Her fathers love of the great outdoors and his artistic instruction in perspective and composition encouraged Barb to study art. Barb earned a BFA at the University of Missouri studying art, art history and graphic design. She designed and marketed a collection of hand made cloth folk art dolls through a home based business called Coyote Country. Barb and her Mother Shirley made hundreds of Snowmen, Santas, Witches, Bunnies and Rag Dolls. In 1998 while working part time at the Quilted Apple Barb was reintroduced to traditional quilting and needle turn applique. At first she made patchwork quilts from fabric left from years of doll making. Then she began to think outside the box. A gift of some authentic African Fabrics and a love of ancient history together with her experience as a graphic designer led Barb to begin a series of art quilts entitled "Under African Skies". Two quilts from this series won ribbons at the 2006 AQG competition. The trunk show from this collection was recently on display at the Bernina Connection in Phoenix. According to Barb, Professional Quilter Sue Bunch provides much of the texture to her larger African pieces with her creative long arm quilting. Barb has loved Africa since childhood and hopes to one day travel to Tanzania with her husband Ric and see the Serengeti for themselves. She quotes the Puerto Rican poet, Irene Perez who said, "Africa is the root of all life". Barb has fallen in love with the art of landscape quilting. She has researched techniques already in use and developed others of her own. Her quilt "Memories of Tuscany" was made to commemorate her daughters wedding and earned a second place ribbon in the AQG show in 2008. Last Spring Barb's original design "Pond Symphony" took another second place at the AQG show. Pond Symphony was inspired by quiet moments at the shoreline of Big Island Lake in Marcell, Minnesota where Barb spent childhood summers. Barb loves to show her quilts and does so in Trunk Shows in Arizona and Colorado. She teaches landscape quilting classes encouraging students to "think like a painter". She does many hands on demonstrations so students can begin to master the variety of techniques she uses to create her wonderful quilts. Barb is a member of the Arizona Quilters Guild, Mavericks. She exhibits with this creative group when ever she can and sold one of her quilts at their annual show in Paradise Valley. Barb and her husband Ric have been married 35 years and just celebrated his retirement on a sailing cruise to Greece and Turkey. 70

OCTOBER 2009 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Hartley Bennett of Wickenburg Sewing had always been a functional interest for me during the years I was raising my three sons on a small ranch in California. Later when circumstances thrust me into the workforce, I had an eye-opening “Oh my goodness!” moment while traveling on business in central California. Straying into a quilt shop in search of fabric for a blouse, I encountered dramatic quilts hung on every wall and was amazed that that any mere mortal could create such marvels. I vowed to learn to quilt when I retired and jumped right in when that great day came in 2001. Through two wonderful quilting groups in Wickenburg, Arizona, and Bandon, Oregon, I learned the ropes, received encouragement and made lifelong friends. The Vulture Peak Patchers is now my only quilt group and their activities provide stimulation and support for all my quilting ventures plus the opportunity to become involved in their out reach projects to benefit the community. I am a caregiver for my 82 year old husband who suffers from severe vascular dementia and a series of strokes so the meditative quality of quilting allows me escape, control and the ability to start an artistic project and see it finished. In his honor I created a series of wall hangings using photographs of his pastel portraits that were given to each of my three sons and grandchildren so that they would always know what an exceptional artist their Dad/Grandpa was. When I began I wanted to do it all – all at once! This experimentation obsession is still a driving force in my selection of projects, and I am now shifting from large bed quilts into more nontraditional art quilts. My criterion for project selection is “will it be fun?” When I learned flower pounding in 2003, I found a skill that not only translated into designs that could be used in quilting but gave me something to share with others. Teaching informal classes throughout Arizona and California allowed me to inspire folks of all ages to “Go Forth and Pound!” My experimentation has also taken me into dyeing using natural plant materials, and is now branching out into the use of paint sticks and other fabric coloring media. Discovering e-bay during one of my husband’s long hospitalizations, I entered the magic world of antique quilt blocks and quickly accumulated a stash of treasures from the past. By holding and respecting a piece of work created by an unknown artisan and by using my imagination, I have tried to honor and preserve their efforts while building a picture in my mind of their personality and circumstances. I am never alone in my quilting room. My two corgis and one calico cat are passionate observers liking nothing better than to test each creation by lying in the middle of it to see if it “fits.” They are my muses and an important part of my life. A hobby of quilting includes so many things to look forward to. By now I have provided my great grand child, 6 grandchildren and many others with quilts and have immortalized my wonderful pets. What’s next? I have read of some new fabric painting techniques in the recent issue of Quilting Arts and will be trying 71

NOVEMBER 2009 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Lenna DeMarco of Sun City

plique quilts.

Lenna DeMarco recently retired after nearly 40 years as a professor of dance. Teaching and directing dance companies left her little time to make quilts, but plenty of time for collecting. It was teaching dance history that led to a deep interest in women's history which naturally took her to quilt history. Lena has an extensive collection of antique quilts dating from 1800 to 1970's. Although she loves quilts from all periods she has a special passion for early 19th century quilts, especially red and green applique. Along with quilting partner Anne Hodgkins, Lenna lectures on quilt history throughout the state and uses her collection to illustrate her lectures. "History of Red and Green" is a popular lecture presented by the pair making use of their extensive collection of red and green ap-

Although not an active quilt maker, Lenna does love to quilt vintage and antique tops. Additionally, she is a quilt restorer and has worked on quilts for private individuals and quilt dealers throughout the country. She is the founder and facilitator of the AZ Historical Quilt Study Group, a group of quilt enthusiasts, collectors, historians and quilt makers from around the state. She is also the AZ area representative and board member of the American Quilt Study Group, the leading scholarly quilt organization in the country. She is also the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame facilitator for Quilters Save Our Stories which records the history of living quilt makers for the Library of Congress. Lenna is also a board member for the Arizona Quilt Centennial Project, co-directing the Centennial quilt exhibit and past president of the Phoenix Area Quilter's Association. She is currently trying to finish up a quilt for her husband's 70th birthday which was last January.


DECEMBER 2009 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Wendy Wetzel of Flagstaff Wendy Wetzel started sewing when her legs were too short to reach the foot pedal. But after flunking Home Ec. in both the 7th and 8th grades (for not following the teacher's instructions!), she almost gave up sewing. In 1977 and after the birth of her son, she made her first quilt, a Marti Michel Log Cabin in poly/cotton 70's hues of avocado green and harvest gold, from a kit featured by Woman's Day Magazine ($29.99 and she still has the quilt). But it wasn't until 1996 when her employer offered a quilting class as a means to bond the women in the office, that she truly discovered quilting. She ultimately left the office, but kept on quilting. During the day Wendy is a nurse practitioner at Fronske Health Center, Northern Arizona University, where she cares for students and staff. But every chance she gets, she's quilting. An active member of the Coconino Quilter' Guild, she has served and president and secretary. "While I still love and appreciate traditional quilting, I'd rather make it up as I go along," she says. "Art quilting has opened incredible vistas of expression, color, form and technique." She is learning to dye fabric and just bought her first serger. "While I have an in home studio, fabric has migrated to every room of the house. Most of my friends wouldn't recognize the place if there wasn't a cutting mat on the kitchen counter, and the table stacked with fabric. Wendy also teaches quilting at Odegaard's Sewing Center of Flagstaff where she specializes in Free Motion Quilting, Binding Techniques, and project classes. She also is an accomplished knitter and is working on the "never ending sweater."


2009 Quilters Hall of Fame Award Winners 74



The Tucson Quilters Guild recognized Clara Pope’s BIRDS OF A FEATHER as their 2009 Hall of Fame Award recipient. The pattern, by Margaret Docherty, is an ambitious undertaking. Clara spent two years working on the project after a friend challenged her to attempt the pattern. In addition to appliqué, the quilt features ink embellishing, embroidery, tatting, braiding and weaving, and broderie perse. The quilt contains over 5,300 pieces of appliqué. Clara has enjoyed a long quilting career, showing and winning recognitions at the national level. She is thrilled to be the recipient of the Hall of Fame Award! 75

Hummingbird Stitchers February 2009 HALL OF FAME AWARD WINNER

RAINBOWS ALL AROUND by Doris Wells, honored at Hummingbird Stitchersâ quilt show, Sierra Vista.

Hummingbird Stitchers Quilt Guild, Sierra Vista, recognized Doris Wells as the Hall of Fame Award Winner for her RAINBOWS ALL AROUND at their recent show, Quilts Galore. The quilt was made from a Jacqueline de Jonge pattern. Doris calls this quilt the most “technically challenging” she has ever attempted. The quilt is machine pieced and hand appliquéd and both machine and hand quilted. It is embellished with approximately 800 Swarovski crystals in rainbow colors across the surface. For more images from Quilts76Galore in Sierra Vista.

Copper Country Quilters February 2009

Sally Hatfield was surprised by her Hall of Fame Award for STARS AND STRIPES

Copper Country Quilters, Globe, selected Sally Hatfield’s STARS AND STRIPES for the Hall of Fame Award at their Pieces of Friendship 19 quilt show held during the entire month of February. The quilt was pieced, appliquéd and quilted by Sally following a pattern by Nancy Martin. The yellow ribbon in the center of the feathered star reads, “Support Our Troops.” Sally’s quilt was selected for recognition by past recipients of the Hall of Fame Award, Nancy Smitch and Ruth Meyer, and announced at the group’s award reception. For more photos from Copper Country Quilters Pieces of Friendship 19. 77

Valley Quilters Guild March 2009

NAVAJO HOOP DANCER with maker Patsy Heacox

Patsy Heacox’s third portrait quilt, NAVAJO HOOP DANCER, was selected as the Hall of Fame Award winner at the Valley Quilters Guild show in Green Valley. The faces, hands and clothing pieces were inked on fabric with sepia-toned pigmented inks, raw edge appliqued and thread painted. Valley Quilters Guild asked the Hall of Fame to select the recipient of the award. Sue Lee, Sierra Vista, and Barbara Polston, Phoenix, made the selection. See additional images from the Valley Quilters’ Guild show, Splendor in the Desert. 78

Arizona Quilters Guild March 2009


Mary Dyer’s quilt, STARS ILLUMINATE THE NIGHT, was the Hall of Fame Award Winner at the Arizona Quilters Guild Quilt Show. The quilt began with brown and cheddar fabrics discovered on sale. The pattern is from the book, Twosey-Foursey Quilts. Sharon Brooks’ spectacular machine quilting takes the project over the top. Show Chair Barbara Harrell selected Mary’s quilt for the recognition. It is Mary’s second Hall of Fame Award win! 79

Queen Valley Scrap Rats Hall of Fame Winner - March 2009

Suzanne Christoff and ROSALIE

Queen Valley Scrap Rats named ROSALIE,made by Suzanne Christoff as their Hall of Fame Award Winner. ROSALIE was inspired by the music of Suzanne’s son-in-law, Alejandro Escovedo, and the story of his family. ROSALIE is an original design incorporating fused raw edge applique, hand-dyed background fabric, bamboo fabric, ultra suede, laces, faux snake skin, Swarovski crystals and dyed dryer sheets. The quilt was beautifully machine quilted by Cindy Osburn, also a member of Queen Valley Scrap Rats. Show co-chairs Carol Crosswhite (a 2008 Hall of Fame Award Winner) and Norma Kanzig selected ROSALIE, saying, “Suzanne’s vision and passion are communicated to the viewer and Cindy’s quilting 80 enhances it perfectly.”

Strawberry Patchers Quilt Show Hall of Fame Winner - June 2009

Bobbie Smith with her COLOR SPLASH

COLOR SPLASH, a multiple award winner!

Bobbie Smith’s quilt COLOR SPLASH was selected as the Hall of Fame Award winner at the Strawberry Patchers 13th Annual Quilt Show. The pattern for this king-size quilt comes from “Color Splash Trip Around the World Quilts.” At first, Bobbie was overwhelmed with the challenge of selecting fabrics. Once a couple of mediums were chosen, everything fell into place. She machine quilted this piece, beautifully, on her home sewing machine. 81

Thumb Butte Quilt Guild Hall of Fame Winner - June 2009

Mary Andra Holmes with WINTER MEMORIE

Mary Andra Holmes quilt, WINTER MEMORIES, was selected as the Hall of Fame winner for the Thumb Butte Quilt Guild’s recent show, Prescott’s Gone Quiltin’. The quilt, an original design, is hand appliqued and hand-quilted. It was selected as the recipient of the award through Viewer’s Choice voting. 82

Thumb Butte Quilt Guild Hall of Fame Winner - September 2009

SUMMER’S END at the Coconino County Fair

We begin a new year of Hall of Fame Award winners (2009-2010) with SUMMER’S END, selected as the Hall of Fame Award Winner at the Coconino County Fair, Flagstaff. A fitting quilt title for this time of year! The quilt was made by Cathie McAllister and machine quilted by Linda DeVries, both of Flagstaff. The quilt was selected for this recognition during the judging by the Fair’s quilt judge, Judy Taylor, and was selected for it’s overall excellent quality. 83


Jan Pederson, Globe, received the Hall of Fame Award at the Gila County Fair for her MEDALLION STARS. The quilt was a result of a class that Jan took with pattern designer Jacqueline DeJonge at Quilting in the Desert. Jan hand-quilted her entry, using some machine quilting for stabilization. It took Jan about three months, working an hour or two each day, to finish the quilt. She enjoyed the process so much, she’s now working on a larger Judy Neimeyer pattern using similar techniques. Congratulations, Jan! 84


High Desert Piecemakers named Karen Smith, Winslow, as the Hall of Fame Award recipient for her quilt ORIENTAL GARDEN. The quilt measures 96” x 112” and was machine quilted by Carol Patton. Karen began the quilt in a class with Carol. In addition to the Hall of Fame Award, ORIENTAL GARDEN received multiple recognitions at the show, including Best of Show, the Mayor of Winslow Award, and Most Wanted to Take Home. Congratulations, Karen, and welcome to the Friends of Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame! 85



COPPER GEOMETRY by Judy Taylor was selected as the Hall of Fame Award Winner by Arizona Longarm Quilters. The quilt was made from nine blocks which were discharged to create the copper coloration. Judy quilted it on her Gammil longarm machine with copper thread and embellished it with copper crystals. Exhibit chair Linda Ferguson said, “Our President’s challenge was ‘geometrics’ and Judy did a wonderful job fulfilling that challenge.” 86

Rim Country Quilt Roundup Hall of Fame Award - Barbara Polston

Rim Country Quilt Roundup Show Chair, Elaine Putnam, selected MOTHER-DAUGHTER REDWORK as the recipient of the Hall of Fame Award saying, “It reminds me of my grandmother’s work.” The traditional redwork quilt was a team creation by Bernice Abbott, Barbara Polston, and Diane Pitchford. Bernice embroidered the blocks by hand, Barbara accomplished the piecing, and Diane quilted it to perfection. In addition to the Hall of Fame award, presented at the event’s awards banquet, the quilt also received 2nd Place in category and 2nd Place in Viewer’s Choice voting. To see more photos from Rim Country Quilt Roundup, visit our scrapbook. 87

2009 Induction Event


2009 Induction Event


2009 Induction Event


2009 Induction Event


Board of Directors 2008—2009

From left to right: Diane Pitchford, Lois Bloom, Karen Threw, Judy Taylor, Willene Smith, Sue Lee, Sue Ann Vannoy, Sally Hatfield, Gail Van Horsen and Cindy Phare. 92

2009 Induction Event


2009 Induction Event


Pictured from left to right are: Doug Holley and Judy Pearson, children of diane Lyne Holley; Janet Carruth, Helen Young Frost, Bernadine Singer. Also inducted but not represented was Emma Andres. 94

CLASS OF 2009 INDUCTEE Emma Andres Prescott 1902 – 1988

A life-long resident of Prescott, Emma Andres was born in 1902. She worked in her family’s store on Prescott’s main street and discovered quilting in 1931 after ordering a kit through a magazine. This began a lifelong love of quilting and extensive correspondence that spanned the globe. All of Emma’s quilts are completely hand-made, including piecing, applique and quilting. Her red and white quilt depicting a woman at a spinning wheel received a merit award in the 1933 Sears, Roebuck & Company’s “Century of Progress” quilt contest. In 1940 her quilts “Out Where the West Begins” and “Arizona State Flag,” both original designs, won blue ribbons. She followed that with a win in 1941 with “The Tillman Quilt” depicting a bouquet of flowers. Emma conducted a vigorous correspondence with well-known quilters of her time, compiling all that information into scrapbooks. Those scrapbooks, many of which now reside in museums, are still consulted by researchers. Beginning in 1941, Emma organized annual quilt events held in different locations around Prescott. She showed her own quilts, those she purchased, and others on loan from her quilting friends from around the country. In her later years, she turned the family store into a “Happiness Museum” where she displayed her quilts and educated visitors about quiltmaking. As she neared the end of her life, her quilts moved to the Sharlot Hall Museum where she could be found discussing quilting with anyone willing to listen. In 1984, Emma was presented with the first, and only, Arizona Quilt Artisan Award. In remarks accepting Emma’s recognition, it was said that certain cultures believe each person dies three times. The first time is when the spirit leaves the body, the second is at the funeral, and the third is when people stop talking about the departed. Given this recognition, coming 21 years after her passing, Emma Andres is still alive in the hearts and minds of Arizona quilters. 95

CLASS OF 2009 INDUCTEE Janet Carruth Phoenix

Janet Carruth, along with her partner Laurene Sinema (Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame Class of 2008), opened the first quilt shop in Phoenix, The Quilted Apple, in 1978. “The Apple” as customers and friends soon came to all it, became the center of all quilting activities in the area. Classes were held and the shop was the first to bring teachers with a national reputation to Arizona. Janet was one of the co-founders of Arizona Quilters Guild, serving as the organization’s secretary for a number of years. AQG today is proud to have almost 3,000 members served by over 50 chapters in almost all corners of the state. Janet played a key role in the Arizona Quilt Documentation project. She served as that group’s treasurer and was the chair of the book committee. The work of that committee culminated in the publication of Grand Endeavors. Janet is an author of quilt-related books as well, with one of her most-well-known titles Hooked on Hankies. A meticulous researcher, Janet has written and presented several papers to the American Quilt Study Group, several of which were subsequently published in Uncoverings that group’s annual research journal. A giving and gifted teacher, Janet has taught quilting locally, regionally and nationally. She shares her passionate interest in wool textiles by teaching penny rugs and rug-hooking on the national level. These activities have led to teaching trips to England. During the activities leading up to her induction into Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame, in her typical fashion, she was most concerned about how Emma Andres, who she knew and nominated, would be recognized. Coming to the podium to accept her own recognition, Janet carried a handkerchief given to her by Laurene and wore a pin from Emma. We’re pleased that Janet is side-by-side with these friends in Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame!


CLASS OF 2009 INDUCTEE Helen Young Frost Tucson

Helen Young Frost already had a impressive quilt career when she moved to Tucson, Arizona. A prolific quilt book author and teacher, Helen wasted no time in connecting with the quilting community in Arizona. Helen immediately became involved in the Arizona Quilt Documentation Project. Along with Pam Knight Stevenson, she authored Grand Endeavors: Vintage Arizona Quilts and their Makers, which was the culmination of the documentation project. The book received an award for Literary Excellence by the Border Regional Library Association in 1994. Helen has continued to develop quilting techniques and share those through teaching and publishing. She has lectured and taught across America and throughout Europe. In 2001, along with her mother and often co-author, Blanche Young, Helen was named one of the “Women Who Challenged Quiltmaking.” Generous with her skills and patterns, Helen often assists nonprofit organization in fundraising. She has supported the Tucson Quilters Guild, Old Pueblo Archaeology Center, and Habitat for Humanity. Helen is a past-president of the International Quilt Association and served in that capacity from 1987 - 1989. She is also a technical editor for C&T Publications. In accepting her recognition, Helen addressed attendees with grace and humor. When she was planning her wedding, she asked her fiance if his family wasn’t pleased that a quilter would be joining their ranks. Apparently, he didn’t share that excitement, responding, “At my age, they’re just happy I’m getting married!” We’re pleased that Helen Frost has joined the ranks of Arizona quilters!


CLASS OF 2009 INDUCTEE Diane Lynne Holley Chino Valley 1937 - 2004

Diane Lynne Holley was a native Arizonan, born in Jerome and living most of her life in the Prescott/Chino Valley area. A prolific quilter, during her quilt career she made more than 100 quilts, most in the bright, clear colors she favored. She amassed a collection of 75 ribbon recognitions, including Best of Show in the Yavapai County Fair. Diane was a, first and foremost, a teacher of quilting in both formal and informal settings. It was not unusual for her to, while shopping, call the ladies present around and instruct on a fine point of quiltmaking...all with good humor! Relationships formed through quilting were very important to Diane. She was a co-founder of the Chino Valley Quilt Guild, the Young and Restless Friendship Group, and Holley’s Follies. She regularly served as a judge for the Cottonwood Quilt Show and curated numerous exhibits for the Prescott and Chino Valley Libraries and Adult Centers. Although she passed away in 2004, her influence is still felt in the local quilting community. Designs she created prior to her passing were selected by Thumb Butte Quilt Guild for their show pins in 2005 and 2007. Hardly a local guild meeting goes by without someone suggesting that, “We ask Diane” only to remember she’s no longer with us. In accepting her recognition, her son, Doug Holley, and daughter, Judy Pearson, tearfully told attendees how much quilting meant to their mother. Most of all, they said, quilting brought Diane many good friends, who all miss her every day.


CLASS OF 2009 INDUCTEE Bernadine "Bernie" Singer Crown King

Bernadine Singer founded a quilting group in the small mountain community of Crown King 20 years ago. It’s still going strong and Bernie, as she prefers to be called, is still leading the group. The group is multi-generational and embraces young and old alike. Bernie has been the resident quilt teacher to almost everyone in Crown King. While she has taught every quilting technique imaginable, she encourages members to make personal choices and express their own creativity. Bernie has been instrumental in bringing quilting to the next generation of quiltmakers. She developed a quilting program for the community’s children, teaching quilting to everyone in the community’s one room schoolhouse. Recognizing that quilters are broadened by experiencing quilt shows and shops, Bernie arranges for “field trips” to encourage quilters to expand their knowledge. During the winter months when the snow is heavy on the ground, it’s not easy to get out of Crown King. Bernie has been known to rent a snow plow to clear the roads, saying, “There’s a quilt show we need to go see!” Bernie restores vintage quilt tops and blocks, and shares her knowledge and experience freely. She readily opens her home to show her quilts and antique collectibles and has set-up numerous displays for the Crown King Historical Society. When a wild forest fire raged through the community, with moments to evacuate, Bernie quickly tucked her quilts in large plastic tubs and hauled them to an abandoned mine shaft on her property. She was willing to lose everything, expect her quilts! Thankfully, her home and quilts survived the fire. As a thank you, she created a raffle quilt for the fire department. The winner gratefully returned the quilt to Bernie after the drawing.


2010 100

FEBRUARY 2010 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Patty Goodsell of Arivaca Patty Goodsell picked up her first needle and thread at the age of 7 when her grandmother gave her an antique toffee tin (still used), filled with embroidery threads, and taught her the first embroidery stitches. Patty always had some form of stitching in her hands, and after her grandmother passed away, she learned to quilt to honor this grandmother. This started the journey in quilting that she has enjoyed for more than 35 years. Patty began quilting in Flagstaff, learning from Catherine Gill, an African-American quilter well-known in town. She and friends organized Flagstaff’s first quilt group, High Country Quilters, and met in the members’ homes, and were charter members of the Arizona Quilters Guild. For the first 30 years, Patty’s quilts were machine -pieced using traditional patterns. Cutting and piecing was tedious, but the serenity and rhythm of the hand quilting on a frame her father made was the most enjoyable part. After moving to Tucson to pursue a Master’s degree in Library Science, and working as a librarian, Patty found less time to quilt but still made 1-2 quilts a year. Upon retirement, she wanted to challenge herself and learn to hand appliqué. Her first quilt (“Nature’s Garden”) was appliquéd with freezer paper inside and won a 1st place at the Tucson Quilt Fiesta Show. Finding this method too time-consuming in preparation, Patty took a needleturn appliqué class from Karen Kay Buckley at Quilt Camp in the Pines. Karen’s pattern, “Magical Medallions,” helped Patty win 5 ribbons at the 2008 Tucson Quilt Fiesta Show, including Best of Show, Viewers’ Choice, and the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame Award. It went on to be juried into the 2008 Houston International Show and appears in the 2010 AQS Quilt Art Engagement Calendar. Patty considers herself a traditional quilter, always preferring hand appliqué and hand quilting over other methods. She feels she is preserving an American art and tradition, and that handwork is a form of meditation. “When the day is stressful, as soon as I sit and appliqué, all becomes right with the world.” She belongs to the Tucson Quilters Guild, Valley Quilters Guild in Green Valley, The Baltimore Appliqué Society, The Appliqué Society, NQA, AQS, and Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame. Patty now has many hand appliquéd quilts to be proud of and enjoys making floral-themed quilts. Some are waiting their turn to be hand quilted (Baltimore Album, Fiesta Vases, and Hawaiian Breadfruit). Living now in rural Arivaca, in far southern Arizona, Patty’s quilts will be featured in a one-woman show on January 30, 2010 at the annual Arivaca Home Tour, when they will be hung at the newly restored one-room schoolhouse, one of the oldest in the state. 101

MARCH 2010 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Penny Allen of Tucson My name is Penny Allen and I live in Tucson, AZ. As a child I remember playing on the floor under the quilt frame with my Grandma and the church ladies quilting and visiting away. My maiden name was Catterson, so we called her Grandma Cat. Grandma’s quilts were totally utilitarian, made from scraps. She could take nothing and make something out of it. In the early 90’s when my own children were young, I wanted to make them quilts for their beds and I was instantly hooked on the medium. What excites me about quilting is seeing good workmanship. I love the fact that if I live to be 100 I will never master all the techniques to quilting. Tucson is a wonderful place to live for a quilter. I belong to the Tucson Quilters Guild, Arizona Quilters Guild and the Arizona Longarm Quilters Guild. It is so awesome to be able to attend lectures and classes with nationally known teachers. I also teach at the local Quilt Shops. My love for good workmanship pushed me to begin entering quilt shows as a learning tool. I am not a competitive person but I wanted to see what the judges would say about my quilts. I’ve won numerous ribbons and awards at the Tucson Quilters Guild show, Arizona Quilters Guild show in Phoenix, and HMQS in Salt Lake City, UT. I always feel honored to read the judges comments and see that they spent enough time with my quilt to see an error I knew was there. I am always learning and growing as a quilter and striving for perfection. In 2004 I realized that I was the most excited when a quilt was ready to be quilted. When I would pick out a pattern, I was already thinking about how I could quilt that particular pattern. I love being a professional longarm quilter. Grandma Cats Machine Quilting is the name of my business because every day I walk out into my studio and think of Grandma and say “Wow, Grandma would not believe all that I have!”


APRIL 2010 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Joan Carrell of Dewey Arizona My name is Joan Carrell and I live in Dewey AZ. Quilting was not part of my family backgroud as I grew up without grandparents and my mother did not engage in much sewing or needlework activity. I learned to sew clothes in Junior High Home Ec class and made most of my own clothes. I also taught myself knitting, crewel and counted thread embroidery. My husband and I moved to Alaska in 1979. My husband was in the military and we were assigned to Ft Richardson, outside of Anchorage. When his enlistment was up we decided that we loved Alaska enough to stay and moved to Wasilla which was a great place to raise our 2 sons. The boys really liked the whole hunting and fishing experience and I learned the importance of having indoor activities to keep me busy during the long, dark, cold winter days. But it wasn't until 2002 that a friend convinced me to take my first quilting class. Quilting is very popular in Alaska and the local shops offered a wide variety of classes which I enjoyed taking. While living in Alaska, I worked for the Federal Government in Anchorage for 25 years. When I was offered an early retirement my husband and I jumped at the chance to leave the ice and snow and move to Arizona. My love of quilting led me to join two Prescott guilds, Mountain Top Quilters and Thumb Butte Quilters. I enjoy the many projects that we do for local charities, especially providing quilts twice a year for the children adopted through the CASA program in Yavapai County. I was proud to serve as president of Mountain Top Quilters from 2008-2009. I teach classes in two local shops, Quilt N Sew Connection in Prescott Valley and Quilters Quarters in Cottonwood. The most popular class is machine applique using fusible web, but we also have a lot of fun with the one block wonder, bag of the month ( known as the Bag Ladies class) , the magic fan class and stained glass quilts. It gives me great pride to see a student's completed quilt at a guild show and tell, a local quilt show or at the county fair with a blue ribbon. Teaching classes also pushes me to learn new techniques that I might not otherwise have considered. I find that in teaching, I learn just as much as my students. I try to find time for my other hobbies of knitting and counted cross stitch ( I have almost as much yarn as fabric!) but my biggest love is quilting. My most challenging decision is always which project I will start next. When people ask what aspect of quilting I like best, such as piecing, applique, redwork, machine quilting, my response is "I love it all!"


MAY 2010 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Joanne Ellsworth of Coupeville, Washington Joanne is one of the many Winter Visitors that bring their energy and talent to Arizona for a few months each year. While growing up in Whittier, CA, I was exposed to sewing at every turn. Grandma quilted and made clothes for me, Mother sewed for herself and me as well as making slip covers and other household projects. Is it any wonder that I majored in Home Ec. at USCB. Quilting was waiting in the wings and I jumped in completely in June of 1985 when I retired and joined the quilt guild "Quilters on the Rock" of Whidby Island, WA. My first quilt was a twenty block "thing" with each square being a less of some type. Fortunately the fabrics all went together because the blocks were all different. What a mess!. One good thing did come from this experience. I found that applique and hand quilting were to be my greatest passion. I plodded along for a few years and then took classes from Elly Sienkiewicz when she came to Whidby Island to do a three day workshop in 1991. I learned easy and successful techniques to quilt the Baltimore way. It was a turning point for me. In the last few years I have started doing outline embroidery around some of my applique. It highlights the piece and hides my little "goofs" and I have plenty of those. I have discovered that I'm never to old to learn and have been experimenting with new ways to mark quilts for placement of applique. I do a lot of grid basting and am currently mastering the use of a plastic template over-lay. Hand quilting became easier after taking a workshop from Nancy Lee Chong. She teaches Hawaiian quilting. You can't help but perfect your quilting stitch while doing all of that echo quilting around the Hawaiian designs. My current project is all applique. "Ladies of the Sea" designed by Susan Garman is 87" X 87". It has sixteen squares of different tall masted sailing ships from history. I also has Mariners compass and masses of flowers in the border. It should keep me off the streets for quite awhile.


JUNE 2010 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Ken Casey of Ahwatukee I am a native of Phoenix and have been quilting for over 20 years now. My nanny taught me to sew when I was about ten (I'm sure it was to have something else to keep me busy...). I made clothing for my stuffed rabbit and moved on to making articles of clothing for myself and others. I even entered a few clothing construction contests in high school and worked in the fabric department at Diamond's Department Store. Remember that Phoenicians??? I started off doing stained glass as a young adult. After complaining to my sister Joyce Heuett, a member of Foothills Quilters, of having to create in a hot garage in the Phoenix heat, she suggested giving quilting a try. We went up to her cabin for an intense lesson. That quilt had it all! AppliquÊ, sashing, machine quilting, the works! I went home, finished up a few projects, had a garage sale and sold everything stained glass. I have never looked back. It was a natural transition for me. It was life changing. I will never be able to thank her enough for pointing me toward quilting. As time went on I took more classes from Valley teachers and kept learning and experimenting, making quilts for gifts, charities, and a few for myself. I began to go to sewing days/nights and met other quilters. I finally got enough nerve to go to Quilt Camp in the Pines and had a blast, taking classes from some internationally known teachers and further developing my skills. Ricky Timms was an instructor there one year and asked me to submit a piece for a biennial juried men's show at the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum in Golden, Colorado. It was accepted and I was thrilled! The piece is called Cosmic Twister. Through the years I have been fortunate enough to have had three additional pieces accepted for the show, Serpentine Jewels, Komang's Catch, and most recently Amber Dance. Almost 6 years ago, I founded the Prickly Piecers, a chapter of the Arizona Quilter's Guild in Ahwatukee. I had been looking for a group that met when I could attend with no success. My partner suggested I start my own group, and the Prickly Piecers were born. I have served as chairperson twice and am currently serving as programs coordinator. We currently have thirty-nine members and have made many quilts for AZ Blankets for Kids, the Arizona Juvenile Arthritis Foundation, servicemen and women serving in the war, and others. Quilting is a constantly changing and challenging art form for me. When people ask me "What kind of quilts do you make?" I say I LOVE playing with color and using unexpected combinations. I like to challenge myself to try new techniques as often as I can. I am a quilt book and gizmo junkie and could easily open a lending library. We won't even go into the stash‌ Through quilting I have made hundreds of new friends and have had an incredible experience so far. I live in Ahwatukee with my partner of 11 years Ron; and our dog Sophie. I am a recently retired elementary school teacher. I have been working part time teaching and helping other quilters 105 at Zoe's Trunk in Chandler, AZ for almost six years.

JULY 2010 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Leslie Peacock of Payson Leslie Peacock is an award winning wearable artist and teacher. Originally from California, Leslie moved to Payson in 2005 with her husband, Steve. Prior to moving to Arizona, Leslie owned and operated a china painting studio in California, as well as working full time in the field of law enforcement. When Leslie retired 10 years ago, a friend suggested they take a quilt class together to have something "to do in retirement". After one class, Leslie decided that she preferred to "wear her quilts". Leslie has sewn garments for over 40 years, learning to sew at her mother's side when she was a child. By designing and making the majority of her clothing all through high school, college and then in the work force, the transition to wearable artist just came naturally for her. She has created a line of patterns called, I'm Wearing My Quilt漏. These patterns utilize quilting techniques to teach quilters to make garments. leslie soon discovered when she began teaching that many quilters want to make garments, but had never sewn anything but quilts. So using her sewing skills she has created a unique way of teaching wearables. Leslie has won awards at the Pacific International Quilt Festival; Glendale Quilt Show in Glendale, California; the MQXQuilt Show; Road to California; Northern Gila County Fair; Strawberry Patcher's Quilt Show; Quilt and Stitch Expo; and the Rim Country Quilt Round-Up. Many of her garments have won Best of Show awards in local and national quilt shows. Her garments consistently travel with the Hoffman Challenge Show and her garments have路 been shown on the runways of the RAGS Show in Washington State and at the Fine Line Creative Arts Center in St. Charles, Illinois. Her garments have also appeared in Belle Armoire magazine. leslie continues to take classes to keep up with the ever growing field of wearables. She taken classes with Stephanie Kimura, louisa Smith, Judy Murrah; Rachel Clark; Sharon Schamber; Ellen Anne Eddy; and Anita luvern Mayerto namea few. leslie belongs to the International Quilt Association; the American Quilter's Society; Arizona Quilters Guild; Strawberry Patchers Chapter of the Arizona Quilters Guild; the Wearable Art Connection; the Surface Design Association; and the Frill Seekers Fiber Art Group. leslie has taught classes in both Arizona and California and willingly shares information to further this art form. She has also ser ved as a committee member on the RimCountry Quilt Round-Up. 106

AUGUST 2010 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Nora Mohr of Nutrioso Nora has many interests in the quilting field and it all started when she walked into the Quilted Apple in Phoenix in the 1980's. The variety of colors is what grabbed her attention and she is still expanding her interest in quilting and quilts. You will notice that Nora's quilts include quilts from her collection as well as her own work. The Chintz quilt, Tile quilt, Scherenschnitte quilt and the tobacco silk pillow toppers are all part of her collection. Nora took a progression of quilt classes at the Quilted Apple and discovered that Hand applique provided her with quiet bliss. This led to an in depth study of Baltimore Album quilts. Nora says " One of the highlights of my life was seeing the album quilts at the Lovely Lane Museum and the Winterthur Museums. She went there with a group from the Professional Association of Appraisers of Quilted Textiles of which she is a member. Nora began appraising in 2003 and became certified by the American Quilting Society in 2006. All of this exposure over time to Laurene Sinima's Baltimore Masters, the Baltimore Applique Society, the AQS show in Paducah, Kentucky, and the American Quilt Study Group caused her to begin her collection of antique quilts. Along with, quilting, appraising and collecting Nora became the owner of a beautiful deep burgundy Statler/Gammill Classic in December of 2006. She moved her long arm business into the nearest town, Springerville, Arizona. Nora added some fabric, books and notions and called it White Mountain Quilt Studio. It was 1,100 square feet and opened for retail business in June of 2008. The store has just recently expanded to 3,000 square feet selling Bernina sewing machines, vacuum cleaners and repair service for all brands and classes and a web site at . White Mountain Quilt Studio was voted "2010 Rookie Business of the Year" by the local Chamber of Commerce. Nora says "Quilting and sewing is a great world, I have lots of wonderful friends and I get to see lots of wonderful things! And surprise, surprise, my husband Paul, a retired mechanical engineer, has become a machine embroidery enthusiast and our in store Bernina tech. You can contact Nora Mohr at White Mountain Quilt Studio, 223 S. Mountain Ave. Springerviille AZ 85938. Phone 928.333.1333 107

SEPTEMBER 2010 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Betty Hahn of Sun City I remember threading needles under my Grandmother’s quilting frame while she and her friends were quilting one of their quilts. I remember their old lady shoes! She taught me how to crochet and quilt while I was visiting when I was about 9. Many years later, in 1974, I joined an appliqué class with 4 friends and have now spent many years making quilts. I was a hand quilter and thought all methods machine were “less than”! How wrong I was. I now enjoy every art quilting technique that comes along, hand OR machine. My work now includes painting and lots of surface techniques. And I love machine quilting! I’ve been fortunate to have won some awards and been juried into both art and quilt shows. Making art and teaching are my two favorite activities. I grew up in Iowa and graduated with a degree in Fine Art from the State University of Iowa. I married and raised a son and daughter who have given me 12 beautiful grandchildren. I’ve spent the last 35 years painting canvases and working with an interior designer painting on nearly every kind of surface in many beautiful homes. I worked as a faux finisher, muralist, and tried my hand at interior design. I discovered making art was much more fun than dealing with late product and angry customers! I now teach art quilting around the state and locally in Sun City. I love sharing new techniques with my students and they make me grow as an artist and a person. I started a blog about a year ago and I’m looking forward to getting more serious about it. As I create more art I will be sharing it on my blog. You can find me at


OCTOBER 2010 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Debbie Stanton of Pine Have you ever seen the beautiful appliqué quilts that are made in Hawaii? Then you know why I became a quilter. That was 25 years ago, when we lived in the Islands, and I've been a quilter ever since. Of course, I learned how to do everything by hand; hand appliqué and hand quilting; that was how they did it in the Islands. My very first piece was an original interpretation of a local artist's painting of the road up to Haleakala. It has no batting and is not even quilted. Years passed making kid's quilts and lap quilts and wallhangings. There is even a San Diego guild's Opportunity Quilt in The National Quilt Museum which has a few of my own quilt stitches in it. After we arrived in Arizona ten years ago, I started teaching at the local quilt store in Payson. I had to give that up 6 years ago, when a secondhand Gammill came to inhabit my living room. In those 6 years, I have quilted over 650 quilts for hire. At this spring's AQG Show, eight quilts were submitted by customers of mine, and 5 of them came home with ribbons. I asked my good friend, Monika Hancock, to piece “She's a 30's Star” for me, so that I could spend the extra time to add trapunto to the quilting. This piece has earned 6 awards, including a First at the AQG Show, a Second at Home Machine Quilting Show and a Second at American Quilter's Society Nashville Show, all in 2007. It now happily resides on the guest room bed. Two of my quilts grace the Sanctuary of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Payson. These quilts feature appliquéd hands traced from the hands of members of the congregation, reaching for God and Jesus Christ. God is shown as the shadow of a hand reaching for the congregation, and Jesus is represented by a Mariner's Compass. I have been a member of the Strawberry Patchers for ten years, and served as Chair in 2003. “When we walk to the edge of all the light we have and take that step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for us to stand on, or we will be taught to fly.” Anonymous


NOVEMBER 2010 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Gail Fisher of Sierra Vista I am an artist, a painter and even though I consider quilting an artform, it is my "hobby". I can do whatever I feel like doing. It does not have to sell, compete, or satisfy anyone but myself. The paintings of mine that I like the most are the paintings that have quilts included in some way. My goal is to find a unique way to combine painting and quilting. Having said that, here is a brief bio. I have been doing artwork since before 1957 at Brentwood High School. In 1980, I was teaching and designing decorative painting, which I still do, and am a member of the Society of Decorative Painters. In 1996 I was selected to be in "Art in the Park" in sierra Vista, Arizona and have participated every year since. I was very happy to be the recipient of the 2003 Mayor's Art Award in the category of Artist. My artistic interpretation is through a variety of media, although my main works are acrylic paintings in Folk and Americana styles. My Mother was and is my inspiration, a hand-quilter to the end! In the late 1970's we went to a national quilt show held in Fort Wayne, IN. She enjoyed it, but I was thoroughly HOOKED. "Quilter's Newsletter Magazine" started coming very soon after that. Mostly I just looked at the pictures. I had not belonged to a quilt guild until moving to Sierra Vista in 1994. Then it took me a few years to "get around to it!". Being a member of Hummingbird Stitchers Quilt Guild is fantastic. I feel in awe at every show and tell. Most of my projects are small. That way I do manage to finish them. Giving them as gifts also gives me a deadline. Having more time to devote to quilting would be great, then then, maybe it would not be so enjoyatle. Now it is something to look forward to as a treat. My painting bio ends with this statement, and it certainly applies to quilting. . . "There is so much to learn that it will never be 'easy'. The process is often frustrating, but seldom boring."


DECEMBER 2010 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Betty Foley of Prescott I was raised in Tucson where I started sewing at the age of five. My mother made clothes and my grandmother made quilt tops by hand but never quilted them. I made doll clothes and designed fashions for paper dolls for five years. At the age of ten I began making my own clothes. After graduation from the University of Arizona I went to California to teach elementary school. I continued to make clothes for myself, my mother, my sister, and for my daughter. My last 20 years of teaching were at an intermediate school where I taught 8th grade math. Two non-sewing teacher friends talked me into going to a quilt guild meeting. I went the one time and never did return but was never the less bitten by the bug. I taught myself to quilt in the early 90’s from a Pam Bono book. My quilting lasted less than a year because of my heavy work schedule. I retired from teaching in 2001 and moved to Prescott. In the spring of 2008 a friend invited me to a quilt guild meeting. I was again smitten and began quilting in the summer of 2008. I am now a true quilter: every spare inch of space in my house is filled with fabric and I have replaced cooking, cleaning and yard work for quilting.


2010 Quilters Hall of Fame Award Winners 112

THE GARDEN PARTY by Mae Adkins received the Hall of Fame Award at Tucson Quilters Guild Quilt Fiesta (January 2010)! In selecting the quilt for the honor, Mary Meserve and Mary Bazzano, show chairs, noted its lovely use of color, wonderful workmanship and interesting exploration of new techniques. In her explanation, Mae says it was the most expensive quilt she ever made because she bought the embroidery machine! The quiilt is from a pattern by Smith Street Designs and uses Sharon Schamber’s corded binding technique. 113

Cynthia Lynn’s OH MY! MORE STARS IN THE GARDEN received the Hall of Fame Award at “Stars in the Garden” the quilt show of Vulture Peak Patchers. The quilt, measuring 85” x 85” features applique, embroidery and beading and was several years in the making. Show co-chair Kathleen Van Winkle had selected a “short list” of potential winners, but asked Barbara Polston, Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame President, to make the final selection. “The design is visually stunning,” said Barbara, “and perfectly reflects the show theme.” For more images from the show, please visit our scrapbook. 114


Diana Enderle reacts to her Hall of Fame Award Win.

The Christmas Quilt

Diana Enderle’s THE CHRISTMAS QUILT was selected by Copper Country Quilters as their 2010 Hall of Fame Award Winner. Past Hall of Fame Award Winners Sally Hatfield and Jan Pederson had the honor of making the selection. The beautiful hand embroidered details, buttonhole appliqué, subtle and effective embellishments and perfectly chosen fabrics and colors for the holiday theme convinced Sally and Jan that it was the perfect choice for the award. Quilting was accomplished by Ralph from Desert Jane’s Quilting, Vail, Arizona. 115

Morning in St. Mark's Square by Patsy Kittredge.

Patsy Kittredge’s pictorial quilt, “Morning in St. Mark’s Square” was selected as the Hall of Fame Award Winner by Glen Taylor, Chair of Arizona Quilters Guild show Sol y Sombra. The quilt honors a delightful morning Patsy spent with her two daughters, and a bunch of pigeons, in St. Mark’s Square in Venice, Italy. She combined several of her photos to create the quilt and says the hardest part was the “pigeon perspective!” 116

Cindy Osburn is overjoyed with her Hall of Fame Award.

Cindy Osburn was selected as the Hall of Fame Award Winner at the Queen Valley Scrap Rats show with her quilt “Hems and Haws.” The quilt is a Pat McMahon pattern Cindy started in a class with its designer. The quilt was made with the Kansas Troubles fabric line, which began to fly out of the quilt show where Cindy works once she hung this up in the shop! Cindy machine quilted “Hems and Haws” and it was noted that her piecing and quilting are exquisite. 117

Laura Keillor with her quilt, In the Garden.

Hummingbird Stitchers show chair, Wendy Seals, selected Laura Keiller’s “In the Garden” as the Hall of Fame Award Winner. This quilt was started about 30 years ago; Laura remembers her baby sleeping as she worked on certain blocks. She recently finished it with hand quilting. Each of the garden motifs are meticulously hand embroidered. “In the Garden” is only the second quilt that Laura’s completed, both hand quilted. 118

Bettie Setz and Hall of Fame Board Member Gail Van Horsen with The Peace Quilt.•

Bettie Setz was inspired to make “The Peace Quilt” after reading the description of the connection between making origami cranes and the hope for peace. Using her collection of over 100 Asian fabrics, Bettee created her own hope for peace. Bettie received the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame Award at the recent Mountain Top Quilters Show in Prescott. Congratulations, Bettie!


'A Trip to England' by Arlene Logan

The Threadplayers of Payson, because their work is so different, felt it would be challenging to choose a Hall of Fame Award winner. Therefore, the group decided the Hall of Fame Award would go to their Viewers’ Choice. The top vote -getter was Arlene Logan’s “A Trip to England.” The quilt combines photo transfer and machine embroidery. Said Arlene, “I’m glad to know that so many people like what I do just for fun!” 120

I'm Out of My Bloomin' Box by Monika Hancock, Pine, Arizona

The Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame Award at the 14th Annual Strawberry Patchers Quilt Show was awarded to Monika Hancock of Pine for her quilt OUT OF MY BLOOMIN’ MIND. After careful consideration, the Committee selected Monika’s quilt because of the stunning choice of colors and their arrangement. The center starburst affect added an eye-catching special appeal one could not ignore. Monika, a seasoned quilter well known for her faultless piecing ability, indicated this is the first Bloomin’ Nine Patch quilt she made. Now on her third quilt using this pattern, she is addicted to the Bloomin’ Nine Patch design. Way to go, Monika! 121

"Affairs of the Heart" by Harriet Trzeciak

Harriet Trzeciak was named the winner of the Hall of Fame Award at the Coconino County Fair with her “Affairs of the Heart” from the book by the same name. The quilt was a challenge between five friends. They shared fabric for the piecing, but each maker handled the border differently. This is only the third quilt Harriet has appliquéd and the only large project she has ever done. The appliqué and quilting are all done by hand over 18 months, taking breaks to allow sore thumbs to heal! 122

“Misty Mountain Pond” by Copper Country Quilters

Copper Country Quilters were named the recipient of the Hall of Fame Award at the Gila County Fair. This is the first time that an entire group has received the Hall of Fame Award. Just about every member of Copper Country Quilters participated in making “Misty Mountain Pond,” a Judy Niemeyer pattern. The quilt was longarm machine quilted by Karen Nanos of Helotes, Texas. “Misty Mountain Pond” is the opportunity quilt for the chapter. While they know they must relinquish the quilt to its lucky winner, the ribbon will stay with Copper Country Quilters! 123


SUMMER’S END at the Coconino County Fair

We begin a new year of Hall of Fame Award winners with SUMMER’S END, selected as the Hall of Fame Award Winner at the Coconino County Fair, Flagstaff. A fitting quilt title for this time of year! The quilt was made by Cathie McAllister and machine quilted by Linda DeVries, both of Flagstaff. The quilt was selected for this recognition during the judging by the Fair’s quilt judge, Judy Taylor, and was selected for it’s overall excellent quality. In addition to receiving the Hall of Fame Award ribbon, Cathie will be included in the Friends of Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame for our current friendship year and be invited to exhibit SUMMER’S END at the 2010 Hall of Fame Induction Event. 124

Arlene Logan with REACH FOR THE SUN at Rim Country Quilt Roundup in November 2010

Arlene Logan received the Hall of Fame Award at Rim Country Quilt Roundup for her quilt REACH FOR THE SUN. This charming sunflower, executed in thread painting, was noted for its realism. This is the second Hall of Fame Award win for Arlene. Congratulations! 125

2010 Induction Event


Board of Directors 2010-2011

Top: Elaine Putnam, Cathy Dargel, Diane Pitchford, Colleen Babcock, Sue Ann Vannoy, Willene Smith, ???, Gail Van Horsen Bottom: Judy Taylor, Barbara Polston, Lynne Hawke, Mary Perry 127

CLASS OF 2010 INDUCTEES Carolyn O'Bagy Davis Elizabeth (Betty) Merkel Darlene Reid Sharon Schamber


CLASS OF 2010 INDUCTEE Carolyn O'Bagy Davis Tucson

Carolyn O’Bagy-Davis doesn’t consider herself much of a quiltmaker. That designation, she says, is for others in her family. However, that doesn’t mean that Carolyn’s life is any less influenced by quilting. She was the Founding President of Tucson Quilters Guild, helping create that organization in 1976. Indeed, much of her personal and professional life has centered around quilting activities. Carolyn almost single-handedly moved the art and craft of quiltmaking from women’s work of little value, into the realm of archeology, anthropology and valued in academia. Most known for her work with the Hopi tribe, Carolyn discovered a quilting tradition. A tradition so strong that major life transitions; birth, marriage, and death; were commemorated with the making of quilts. Her research culminated in a major exhibit, Quilting from the Hopi Mesas; a book, Hopi Quiltmaking: Stitched Traditions from an Ancient Community; and a PBS documentary film, Hopi Quilts. Carolyn served as curator and consultant to many other quilt exhibitions, including Native Quilters of the Southwest (2004); Portraits of Cloth: Tohono O’Odham Quilts of Goldie Richmond (1999); and Quilted all Day: The Prairie Journals of Ida Chambers Melugin (1997.) Research on Goldie Richmond led to one of her quilts being selected for publication in The Twentieth Century’s Best American Quilts. Carolyn has had articles published in Uncoverings, the Journal of the American Quilt Study Group and Quilters Newsletter Magazine. She has appeared on Simply Quilts with Alex Anderson (HGTV) and American Quilter (Lifetime.) Carolyn’s research has led her throughout the American Southwest and to interesting experiences. In accepting her recognition, which carried the first “Friends of Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame Favorite” designation, she talked about calling upon her inner courage to drive in a snowstorm, thinking these were the normal conditions of the area, only to find upon reaching her destination that it was a blizzard and the roads were “closed.” She laughed at the memory of being passionately kissed by an almost 90-year-old man that the conclusion of their interview. We suspect that Carolyn’s personal story is as interesting as those of the women she has researched and written about throughout her career.


CLASS OF 2010 INDUCTEE Elizabeth (Betty) Merkel Sierra Vista June 23, 1931 - April 6, 2012

Elizabeth Merkel, known as Betty to her friends and neighbors, taught Sierra Vista how to quilt. She played a signifiant role in founding Hummingbird Stitchers Quilt Guild in 1978. The Guild remains a vital, active group, now over 30 years old. Betty owned and operated a quilt shop, The Quilter’s Outpost, from 1981 until 2003. The shop shifted from her home to various storefronts in the community, but was considered the local source for quilters. It was often the only quilt shop in the area as well. Through the shop and her home, Betty taught all manner of classes in quilting. She worked diligently at learning all the latest tools and techniques and generously passed on her learning to her customers and friends. For her quilts, Betty was honored as the 1995 Winter Arts Festival Artist of the Year by the Sierra Vista Arts and Humanities Commission. As part of this recognition, a one-woman show was staged. She donated one of her quilts to the Buena Vista High School Library where it still hangs with a commemorative plaque. In accepting her recognition, Betty reflected on how quilting had changed, especially with the invention of the rotary cutter and mat. Before that, quilters made templates from cardboard, traced the shapes on to fabric, and cut each with scissors. Always on the lookout for an inexpensive source for cardboard, “Quilters, said Betty, “ate a lot of cereal!” Health issues forces Betty to stop teaching in 2001, but she hasn’t stopped quilting. In 2005, she formed an informal group with friends where she is working to complete the unfinished projects of a lifetime of quilting...and starting new ones as well!


CLASS OF 2010 INDUCTEE Darlene Reid Gilbert

For Darlene Reid, quilting started out as a hobby. It’s become a way of life and an activity that continues to play a significant role. In 1982, Darlene was a founding member of Nimble Thimbles, an East Valley Chapter of Arizona Quilters Guild. When a cross-Valley move occurred, Darlene helped found Coyote Quilters in 1994 and helped lead that group to chapter status with Arizona Quilters Guild. Returning to the East Valley in 1999, Darlene, once again, looked for quilting groups to affiliate with. She found the Gilbert Historical Museum and became involved in the Gilbert Millennium Quilt Project. She’s been an active member of the Museum’s hand-quilting group since 2001 and has presented quilt-related “Youth Talks” at local elementary school as an Ambassador of the Museum. Darlene has developed expertise in the history and making of Crazy Quilts. She teaches classes in making these quilts through Arizona Quilters Guild Traveling Teacher Program. She has received several recognitions for her quilts. One of her highest honors was having her quilt Lest They Be Forgotten juried into the Sacred Threads Show in Columbus, Ohio in 2003. Darlene is a trained interviewer for the Quilters S.O.S. - Save Our Stories Project through Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame and the Alliance for the American Quilt. She is also a member of the newly formed Arizona Historical Quilts Study Group. In accepting her recognition, Darlene thanked her family for being supportive of her quilting activities and for forgiving a house that sometimes needs to be cleaned or a dinner that is late to the table. Every quilter, and the families that love them, can relate!


CLASS OF 2010 INDUCTEE Sharon Schamber Payson There don’t seem to be enough superlatives in the English language to adequately describe Sharon Schamber’s quilts or her accomplishments in quilt competitions. Sharon was the winner of the $100,000 Quilt Challenge in 2007 with her Scarlet Serenade. She is the only quiltmaker, thus far, to receive Best in Show for two consecutive years at the American Quilter’s Society Show and Contest, Paducah, Kentucky. Her winning quilts are now in the collection of The National Quilt Museum in Paducah. Her quilt Spirit of Mother Earth received Master Quilt designation from the National Quilting Association in 2008, a recognition that Sharon calls her most prestigious. In addition to the many recognitions she’s received, Sharon shares her techniques through an active teaching schedule and through DVDs, books, and other quilting products that she has developed and markets. Her teaching has taken her around the world. She calls herself a teacher first and then an artist. Sharon’s husband, Gene Schamber, was on hand to accept Sharon’s recognition when she was inducted into Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame. Although she wanted to be there personally, she had a previous engagement doing what she loves to do, Alaska! Gene thanked everyone for honoring Sharon with induction into Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame and expressed her appreciation. Now, if we could only find the words to describe Sharon and her work!


2011 133

JANUARY 2011 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Shelly Voight of Wickenburg In 2004 I was a senior in high school when my mom, Marilyn Williams, started her quilt shop, M’s Quilting Inspirations, in Wickenburg. I can’t tell you how many times she asked me to quilt with her and I repeated “Never.” Now, in 2010, I have made approximately 30 quilts & wall hangings. I have also started my own business name; designing patterns and providing services. I began working for my mom in February of 2009. I had lost my previous job, was recently married and expecting my first child, when she gave me my opportunity. My first day of work she had me piece together a Shelley Swanland quilt. I had never pieced anything in my life before this. I got a 5 minute ‘Here’s the basics’ and then my mom had to leave for a quilt show. I didn’t know how to read a pattern so I looked at the picture and put it together. Needless to say, my first quilt finished with a success and my addiction began. My next projects consisted of Debi Hubbs appliqué patterns, Buggy Barn Quilts and making sample quilts for all the new collections that came in. We received a panel in September of 2010 that I was making a sample of. I looked and looked and couldn’t find ‘the’ pattern that really flashed the collection, so I decided to make one of my own. With this, my first pattern design was born. I named it Versatile, because it can be used for any event or occasion and is an easy pattern to follow. It became very popular and is now being used for our Beginners Class. Seeing the positive result from Versatile, I had the confidence to try again. I designed a quilt for a wilderness collection and called it Paws in the Wild. When I decided to design patterns I chose to go by the name SavVy Designs. Not a week later, I had a gal come in with an old baby blanket that belonged to her 5 year old daughter. It was starting to fall apart and she wanted it repaired. I didn’t have the heart to say “No” so I accepted the challenge. When she picked the baby blanket up she was so excited and her daughter loved it. I was filled with so much happiness to know that I helped a little girl hold onto something she loved, for many more years. I knew that this was something I was meant to do. I haven’t experienced this feeling often, so I knew I had to take advantage of it. This began the second part of my business; Services. I now do Bindings, Quilting, Repairs, Custom work, and Private Lessons. The satisfaction of helping people fills me with such joy that I am ready to expand my business to anyone I can reach.. October of 2010 I started to take classes in Art Quilting. My first class was to do an art piece inspired by a photo. My daughter, who was born October 13, 2009, was my inspiration. I had so much fun making that piece that I am continuing classes. I hope to move farther into the Art aspect of quilting and add another branch to my business adventure. I truly owe my new found love and career to my mom. She gave me the opportunity and tools to find out what and who I wanted to be. When my daughter was born I started bringing her to work with me. She is the shops mascot and my inspiration to do my best. My husband supports my ambitions and gives me great advice to keep going in the right direction. I wouldn’t be able to do what I’ve done and continue doing it, without their love and support. This is an abbreviation of my story, but the main lesson learned is… “Never Say Never.” 134

MARCH 2011 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Pat Bliss of Glendale Growing up in Michigan quilts were always a part of my life. My mother, grandmother and several aunts were quilters. I began sewing clothing during my college years by carefully following pattern instructions and continued garment construction while raising five children and having a career as a registered nurse. I was not at all interested in making quilts until the mid 1990’s when my daughter, Therese, encouraged me to start making quilts out of the bags and boxes of accumulated material scraps. I was totally fascinated with the color wash quilts so my first project was a color wash yo-yo quilt. My 85 year old mother helped make the yo-yos. I then progressed to piecing and hand applique trying the newer or non-traditional designs. In 1999 I entered a quilt in the AQG show and won a 1st place ribbon and became totally hooked on quilting. I’ve won several more ribbons since then. A couple quilts are pictured in teachers books. My quilting life was forever changed in 2000 after taking Nancy Crow’s Improvisations class. I learned I didn’t have to use a ruler, could sew curves together, didn’t always have to be concerned about points and also saw the beautiful hand dyed fabrics some of my classmates were using. That started the process of experimenting with different methods of fabric dying and then on to discharging and painting and printing on fabric. I have since taken several more classes with a variety of excellent teachers at QITP and QITD. Most importantly I learned to quilt with my Bernina. I’ve made quilts and wall hangings specifically designed for each of my eight grandchildren, other family members and about forty charity quilts for the Aid to Adoption of Special Kids (AASK) program which is the charity project for Phoenix Area Quilters Assn. My daughter and I are members of the very talented art quilt group, the Mavericks. I also am a member of a small neighborhood group called the Sunburst Quilters. We sew, bounce ideas off each other, get advice and support and go out to lunch. I have really enjoyed my retirement. Have learned a mountain of new things, met and made many new friends and had the special opportunity of working closely with my daughter and the other members of the committee on the official Arizona Centennial Quilt.


APRIL 2011 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Lynn Miller of Gilbert From my earliest memories sewing of some kind has been in my soul and spirit. I often wonder where it came from. I am an only daughter of an only daughter, with grandparents long gone by the time I was born in 1950. My mother was the typical housewife of the late 40’s and 50’s. My only exposure to sewing from her was sewing on a button, if anything more was needed it was done by a seamstress in our little hometown in Missouri. I was always digging for scraps of fabric from the “rag bag” to make doll clothes for my Barbie, all by hand. At thirteen my mother bought me a sewing machine for my birthday. I took sewing classes in junior high and high school. I enjoyed making clothes for myself, decorating for my home and making clothes and costumes for my children. In 1987 I remember going to an antique store and seeing some wonderful antique quilts. Of course they were not something I could afford. I decided I should learn to make quilts. Living in Tucson, Arizona at the time and not knowing anyone who was a quilter, I looked in the yellow pages under “Quilt Store” and listed was one store, the Quilt Basket on Grant Road. I called on the phone to inquire if they had classes. I signed up over the phone for a six week class on beginning quilt making. At the first class, taught by Pat Smith one of the shop owners, I was immediately hooked. Pat was a purest and taught everything by hand, I feel very lucky to have had her as my first quilt teacher. I like all parts of the quilting experience, from designing to sewing on the binding and everything in between. I have to say Laurene Sinema, Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame 2008, was a big influence on my quilt making and my antique quilt collecting. She taught me to appliqué which is my favorite type of quilt to make. In 1994 I joined and became very active in the Tucson Quilt Guild. I was on the board for several years. Wearing many different hats, from treasurer, quilt show hanging chair, and quilt show vendor chair. For many years I was very active in the Tucson Appliqué Society. We were always making a quilt to be donated for charity. In 1999 I started to collect antique quilts especially crib quilts made from kits produced from the 30’s to the 60’s. I now have a large collection of crib quilts. I have started to do research on the different manufactures and designers of my antique kit quilts. I love to talk about and show my collection. 136

MAY 2011 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Susie Weaver I grew up watching my mother sew and developed an early love for the craft. During my school years I made most of my own clothes and was responsible for almost all of Mom’s wardrobe as well. For many years I sewed clothing professionally. In 1978 (through Tucson Parks and Rec. – 8 weeks for $10.00 total) I took my first quilting class to learn enough to help my mother baste a top she had made as a child, but at the time I had ‘other’ priorities. I lost much of the 70’s and all of the 80’s to alcohol abuse but finally found my way out of that life in 1990. Quilting again entered my world, but only minimally at first, as a diversion to keep me busy. In 1994, after moving from Colorado back to Tucson, quilting became the focus of my new life. I joined the Tucson Quilt Guild in March after attending their January show. I was so in awe of these women and their accomplishments, but thought I could never do things like that. I began taking classes and eventually took a position at Precious Hands Needleworks where the direction of my life’s journey changed. That’s where I saw my first Bargello quilt and I guess you could say I was ‘hooked’ - - and still am! I started teaching in 1996 and still thoroughly enjoy that activity. To this day one of my greatest joys is seeing the many successes of my students. The teaching has also made it possible for me to travel to new places – northern Arizona (Cottonwood), Indiana, Alaska and Wisconsin. For the most part I teach stress-reducing, skill-building technique classes where I can share lots of ‘things’ with anyone who is brave enough to take my classes. The quilt world has given me so much over these years - - constant challenges, endless possibilities to explore, techniques to master and share with others, support for my accomplishments (big and little), amazing friendships - and one moment of exhilaration like no other in my life when I won best of show in January 2004 (that’s when I figured out that I could do those things I was so in awe of ten years earlier!). Through all these experiences I have been blessed with such amazing support from my wonderful family and from so many great quilting friends. Who knows where we will go from here! 137

JUNE 2011 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Cecilia Clemens of Glendale I began my sewing addiction at the age of six when I sewed dolls clothes on a child’s sewing machine. Many years later I became interested in sewing clothes after taking a mandatory home economics class in high school. After marriage, my sewing came to a halt for several years due to not having my own sewing machine. Years later, I received a Kenmore sewing machine as a Christmas gift and after the birth of my children, one girl and five boys; I did sew some of their clothes. I later became interested in tailoring and took numerous tailoring classes, and began sewing my husband’s suits, dress pants and sport jackets. I also sewed garments for wealthy clients who purchased fabrics in Europe. While my children were growing up, I began sewing craft items and quilt tops for a local business. Another person would then quilt the quilt tops and they would be sold throughout the state of Oregon. After doing this for several years, I decided to branch out on my own. I began a business called “Little Bit of Country” and began selling my creations to several stores in Portland. I created designs for kitchens and bathroom projects, selling approximately 400 potholders a month to a kitchen shop, along with other kitchen items. I also sold baby quilts, elephant mobiles, bibs, etc. to baby boutiques. During the latter part of 1960, while living in Oregon, I became interested in quilting through my mother-in-law. My first quilt was a hand quilted Rose design on plain fabric. I have taken only two quilting classes; one to learn a specific quilt pattern and the other to learn how to machine quilt. Otherwise, I have been selftaught. After moving to Arizona, I began employment with the City of Glendale. During lunch hours, I worked on various projects that could be done by hand, and other employees asked if I would teach them. Eventually, the city gave us a meeting room for city employees only so I could teach them quilting. For approximately nine years I have been teaching past and present employees, and volunteers, my love of quilting. I moved to Arizona City in 2005 and now drive to Glendale one Saturday a month to continue teaching my love for quilts and getting together with friends and former co-workers. In addition to creating quilts, the quilting group has given back to the community by donating quilts to various organizations, including hats for women cancer patients and bibs for valley nursing homes. I do not enter my quilts in contests or county/state fairs; I make them for my pleasure and to give to family members. Through the years I have accumulated a large amount of fabric scraps. At the present time I am designing and creating scrap quilts. One of my dreams has been to create quilt patterns and sell them through quilt shops or to quilt magazines. I have joined a quilting group in Pearl City, Hawaii, and whenever I am in Hawaii I enjoy sharing our mainland ideas with their island ideas. 138

JULY 2011 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Ann L. Petersen of Surprise I have been fortunate to be around quilters and quilting my whole life. Both of my grandmothers passed lovely quilts to me, though it was my father’s mother who loved to quilt her whole life and made spectacular pieced work. I probably most closely follow in her footsteps. She unfortunately died shortly after I got married and I never had the chance to learn from her. My mother’s mother was also an excellent seamstress and she and my mom both taught me how to sew at a young age – clothing and home dec items mostly. I took my first quilting class in the early 1970s, but much preferred garment sewing and quick crafts until my son was born. Then I made many baby quilts, mostly appliquéd, for friends and family. I even started a business designing and sewing baby items for new mothers to help pay my crafting bills. As more and more strip piecing methods became the rage in the early 1990s, I found myself drawn back to the geometric rhythms of my grandmother’s quilts and I began to play with the “newer” methods. In 1997 I noticed a sign at my local quilt store, looking for new employees. I quickly applied and started to work there in August. I am extremely fortunate that not only was the store, Great American Quilt Factory, a local quilt store, it was also home to Possibilities, the book and pattern publishing company. I began to teach classes and became a designer for Possibilities, sewing many of the quilts published in their books over the years until their closing earlier this year. This lovely job, more than anything else I have done, made me the quilter I am today. Constant practice, especially with techniques that I had little interest in at the time, improved my skills like little else could. I would sew at work for 6 – 8 hours a day, and then come home eager to make my own designs. I now seldom make purchased patterns and if I do, I find myself changing them to follow my own sensibilities and style. I began machine quilting with in-the-ditch quilting for all my quilts until the mid-1990s. Then I began to experiment with free motion quilting. It has been a very long journey to master this skill, but I now happily quilt all my quilts on my home machine and have no desire to own a longarm or send my quilts to other quilters. I feel quilting is the final dimension to a quilt, adding a sculptural quality that has quickly become one of my favorite parts of making a quilt. Since my husband’s retirement last year, we have lived during the winter months in Surprise, where we have a house in Sun City Grand. My son, daughter-inlaw, and baby grandson live in Phoenix, and I really look forward to our time together. I joined the Arizona Quilter’s Guild in 2010 and belong to the Cactus Needles Quilters of the Grand Stitchers. There are so many wonderful quilters, stores and shows in Arizona and I feel quite at home as a quilter. I began entering quilts in local shows in 2002, and much to my amazement, started winning right away. I strive hard to improve with each quilt I make and truly enjoy making quilts mostly for show at this point in my life. I love to design intricately pieced quilts, play with color and luminosity, and quilt them on my home machine. I have won a 1st Place at the Houston International Quilt Festival in 2007, and another at the National Quilting Association in 2009, as well as having a quilt on the cover of Quilter’s Newsletter Magazine in April 2007. I continue to enter shows and occasionally win something just for the challenge and being part of these wonderful shows. 139

AUGUST 2011 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Natalie Furrey of Tucson I have been fortunate to be around quilters and quilting my whole life. Both of my grandmothers passed lovely quilts to me, though it was my father’s mother who loved to quilt her whole life and made spectacular pieced work. I probably most closely follow in her footsteps. She unfortunately died shortly after I got married and I never had the chance to learn from her. My mother’s mother was also an excellent seamstress and she and my mom both taught me how to sew at a young age – clothing and home dec items mostly. I took my first quilting class in the early 1970s, but much preferred garment sewing and quick crafts until my son was born. Then I made many baby quilts, mostly appliquéd, for friends and family. I even started a business designing and sewing baby items for new mothers to help pay my crafting bills. As more and more strip piecing methods became the rage in the early 1990s, I found myself drawn back to the geometric rhythms of my grandmother’s quilts and I began to play with the “newer” methods. In 1997 I noticed a sign at my local quilt store, looking for new employees. I quickly applied and started to work there in August. I am extremely fortunate that not only was the store, Great American Quilt Factory, a local quilt store, it was also home to Possibilities, the book and pattern publishing company. I began to teach classes and became a designer for Possibilities, sewing many of the quilts published in their books over the years until their closing earlier this year. This lovely job, more than anything else I have done, made me the quilter I am today. Constant practice, especially with techniques that I had little interest in at the time, improved my skills like little else could. I would sew at work for 6 – 8 hours a day, and then come home eager to make my own designs. I now seldom make purchased patterns and if I do, I find myself changing them to follow my own sensibilities and style. I began machine quilting with in-the-ditch quilting for all my quilts until the mid-1990s. Then I began to experiment with free motion quilting. It has been a very long journey to master this skill, but I now happily quilt all my quilts on my home machine and have no desire to own a longarm or send my quilts to other quilters. I feel quilting is the final dimension to a quilt, adding a sculptural quality that has quickly become one of my favorite parts of making a quilt. Since my husband’s retirement last year, we have lived during the winter months in Surprise, where we have a house in Sun City Grand. My son, daughter-in-law, and baby grandson live in Phoenix, and I really look forward to our time together. I joined the Arizona Quilter’s Guild in 2010 and belong to the Cactus Needles Quilters of the Grand Stitchers. There are so many wonderful quilters, stores and shows in Arizona and I feel quite at home as a quilter. I began entering quilts in local shows in 2002, and much to my amazement, started winning right away. I strive hard to improve with each quilt I make and truly enjoy making quilts mostly for show at this point in my life. I love to design intricately pieced quilts, play with color and luminosity, and quilt them on my home machine. I have won a 1st Place at the Houston International Quilt Festival in 2007, and another at the National Quilting Association in 2009, as well as having a quilt on the cover of Quilter’s Newsletter Magazine in April 2007. I continue to enter shows and occasionally win something just for the challenge and being part of these wonderful shows. 140

SEPTEMBER 2011 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Diane Tricka of Buckeye My name is Diane Tricka. I am a longarm quilter, and I live with my wonderful husband Gary in a rural area between Goodyear and Buckeye, Arizona. Unlike many quilters, I don’t come from a long line of quilters. So my childhood memories aren’t of quilting. Instead, they’re of my mom and grandmas each lovingly teaching me their own favorite fiber arts; knitting, crochet and counted cross stitch. Cross stitch was my favorite, and remained my creative passion - until I needed bi-focals. I also have no sewing background. In fact, after suffering through the mandatory semester of 7th grade sewing, I was asked by the teacher not to take the optional 8th grade sewing class. So, you may ask – How in the world does someone with no quilting background or sewing skills & who can’t even run a sewing machine get involved in quilting and become a professional longarmer? Well, It goes like this – I retired early (age 42) from being a programmer. Prior to retiring, I started a list of the things I would like to do in the next phase of my life. Having always been intrigued by the geometry of quilts, learning to quilt topped the list. Eventually, I enrolled in a 6 week beginning class (with a very patient teacher). During that time, someone mentioned she was ‘taking her quilt to the quilter’. Thinking that all quilts were hand quilted, imagine my shock to learn that something called a ‘longarm machine’ existed! I rushed out to buy a quilting magazine just so I could find out what one looked like. Soon, I had one on order. Along with longarming, I truly enjoy all other aspects of quilting – especially hand appliqué and hand quilting. I’m finally taking time to work on some of my own projects, and hope to have a few finished soon. Through quilting, I’ve met so many talented and amazing people who are extremely generous in sharing their quilting knowledge. One of my favorite parts of longarming is sharing whatever skills I’ve acquired with new quilters. To watch an intimidated new quilter gain the confidence to allow their own creativity shine makes my heart soar! I would like to be able to devote more time to work with new longarmers. Alas, like most quilters, I find there’s not enough hours in the day to do all the quilting I want to….wish I could get by on just a couple hours sleep!


OCTOBER 2011 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Lois Podolny of Tucson Whether it was knitting, needlepointing, building doll houses, gardening, cooking or baking, I have always enjoyed doing things with my hands. However, 27 years ago, when I was introduced to quilting, I found the primary path I wanted to travel. My first quilt was a double wedding ring I made for my daughter. It had handmade cardboard templates, fabric cut by hand, sewn by hand and was hand quilted. I had bought enough fabric for that one quilt. When it was finished I bought fabric for my next. I was off on my adventure. I was living in Cincinnati, Ohio. I joined the guild and met some amazing women. They invited me to join their mini art quilt group. They introduced me to the concept of a “STASH”. When I asked one of the woman, a terrific art quilter, why she never made anything by hand, she said, “Lois, I’m not going to live long enough to make the quilts I want to make by machine, much less by hand”. That conversation changed my life. One of those women was the program chairman for the Cincinnati Quilt Guild. She brought many nationally recognized teachers to Cincinnati. She also encouraged me to join her at Asilomar for a 5 day class with Paula Nadelstern. By then I was hooked. I have made my share of traditional quilts, wearable art and cloth dolls but it is the art quilt that tugs at my heart strings. We had moved to Park City, Utah. Although the skiing was great, there were only 22 quilters in the guild. After living there for 7 years, I wanted to move to a city where I would find a quilting community that would inspire me to be the best quilter that I could be. By moving to Tucson my fondest dreams have come true. I have made some very special friends. Their passion, constructive critiques, bodies of work and treasured friendship inspire me every day. I know I will never make all of the quilts I want to make but I am giving it my very best effort. My mother, a non-quilter, once asked me when would I have enough quilts. My answer was, “Never”.


NOVEMBER 2011 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Gayle Strack of Eloy Born in Saskatchewan, Canada, quilts were a daily necessity especially in the winter where it could reach -40 degrees in the winter. Most of our quilts were made from either whole pieces of cloth or pieces of old clothing that was pieced together. Batting was usually hand-carded wool and most of them were tied..I loved those quilts and remember the smell of the wool. My basic sewing and embroidery skills were learned from my mother and grandmother and through 4-H. Living on a farm, there were always clothes to mend and socks to darn. I still use the embroidery hoop I started with over 60 years ago. In 1994, my oldest daughter introduced me to quilting and since then it has truly become my passion. My husband calls quilting a cult because once you get started you are hooked and there is no end. I retired in 1997 and was then able to devote more time to the craft that I had come to love. I've taken many classes over the years and always enjoy learning something new. With three children, seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren there are lots of opportunities to make quilts. Besides making quilts, I enjoy visiting antique stores and have purchased both old quilts and hand-pieced quilt tops which I enjoy finishing by hand quilting them. I have only sold one quilt but get more enjoyment giving them to friends who need some love and comfort. One of my most exciting moments was when Jean Biddick asked me to make a quilt I had designed in one of her classes for her book "Blended Backgrounds" The quilt in the following pictures called "Fire Storm" is the result of that request.


DECEMBER 2011 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Joyce Cook of Cottonwood Born in Flagstaff 75 years ago. Graduate of NAU BA and MA in education. School Teacher for 30 years both in Flagstaff and Cottonwood, AZ First quilt was a result of a 1976 class project by my fourth graders. We were honoring our nation’s birthday and in my naiveté I thought a quilt would be appropriate. The students brought scraps from home….bags and bags of scraps! Each student hand sewed a nine patch quilt of 5” squares and then we all backed and stuffed our quilt’ pillows for Mother’s Day. Well, all those left-over scraps became a quilt top on my home sewing machine- which I backed with orange polyester and then tied. UGLY! The class held a raffle and the lucky winner presented that quilt right back to me! Oh boy, you gotta’ love it! I still have it and it’s become a treasure. After retiring and my time was on my own schedule, I became enthralled with the miracle of turning scraps of material into works of beauty. Since retirement I’ve made many quilts of all types, but my one constant seems to be a more traditional quilt. There’s a sense of comfort to me each time all those gorgeous colors come together in perfect (almost!) blocks. I now have an HQ Avante Longarm quilting machine which I love, and each quilt becomes an opportunity to enhance all that piecing; the best of all in the quilt world. I have the honor of teaching at our local Cottonwood quilt store, Quilters Quarters, owned by Mary Beth Grosetta. I suppose because of my years of teaching special students, I am patient with beginning quilters and the entire class is thrilled each time we master a new a new skill, starting with that all important one quarter inch seam! Being a part of the community of quilters has given me so much pleasure and satisfaction. Everyone should be so lucky!


2011 Quilters Hall of Fame Award Winners 145

Tucson Quilt Fiesta Hall of Fame Award-January 2011

Nancy Arseneault with AN UNEXPECTED PLEASURE

Nancy Arseneault’s lovely quilt, AN UNEXPECTED PLEASURE, was selected as the Hall of Fame Award-winning quilt at the recent Tucson Quilters Guild show, Quilt Fiesta! Nancy’s considerable skills are certainly in evidence in this meticulously-done piece. Said Nancy, “I’m delighted!” Congratulations!


Piece Makers Hall of Fame Award Winner - February 2011


Piece Makers Quilt Club, Tucson Estates, awarded Snookie Spagnoli the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame Award at their second quilt show help February 12, 2011. Snookie has worked on her quilt for four years, hand-embroidering and hand -quilting it. The whole club pressured her into getting the quilt done in time for the quilt show. She finished with a week to spare. The award was selected through Viewers’ Choice. Congratulations, Snookie! 147

AQG Quilt Show Award Winner - March 2011

LONG GROVE by Georgia Thorne.

Georgia Thorne received the Hall of Fame Award at the Arizona Quilters Guild show for her LONG GROVE. Georgia’s quilt is heavily embellished and includes dimensional pieces. “I had seen this quilt before,” said show chair Judy Taylor. “The memory of it stayed with me and I was thrilled to be able to select it for this recognition.”! 148

AQG Quilt Show Award Winner - March 2011

BLUE HAWAII by Pat Uittenbogaard

Pat Uittenbogaard’s BLUE HAWAII received the Hall of Fame award from Queen Valley Scrap Rats. Pat, who has been quilting for 40 years, purchased the fabric on vacation in Hawaii. The machine-pieced, hand-quilted queen sized quilt took a year to complete. She wanted a quilt to remind her of her trip, selecting fabrics more often used in clothing. “A quilt is a better souvenir,” said Pat. 149

Queen Valley Scrap Rats Hall of Fame Award Winner


Jan Powell earned the Hall of Fame Award at the Happy Trails Quilt Club 2011 show, Let Freedom Ring. The quilt, entitled AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL, was a 1981 Piecemaker Calendar pattern. The quilt is hand appliquéd and pieced and both hand and machine quilted. Ten years in the making, Jan was encouraged to finish it for the show. Co-chairs Eula Coil and Terry Mann selected this winner for its “skillful completion of all aspects of the challenging, complex design.” 150

Copper Country Hall of Fame Award Winner

Charm McKusick’s three-quilt entry wins Hall of Fame Award

Copper Country Quilters, Globe, selected a combination of three quilts for the Hall of Fame Award at their recent quilt show. All three were selected for their exemplary attention to detail in appliquĂŠ and hand quilting. The oriental-themed quilts were made by Charm McKusick, a long-time Globe resident. Congratulations, Charm! 151

Strawberry Patchers Hall of Fame Award Winner - June 2011

Dixie O’Hara with her winning MY SECRET FLOWER GARDEN

Strawberry Patchers, at their recent quilt show in Pine, selected MY SECRET FLOWER GARDEN by Dixie O’Hara as the recipient of the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame Award. The entry, an original design, was recognized for its beautiful hand appliqué and hand-quilting. Congratulations, Dixie! 152

Hummingbird Stitchers Hall of Fame Award Winner


MARGARITA LIME, made by Neva Chun, is pieced and hand-quilted and the Hall of Fame Award Winner from Hummingbird Stitchers (Sierra Vista) Show. Said Neva, “This quilt was begun as a gift for my daughter, who had just begun chemotherapy. The quilting of the stars was based on Judy Martin’s pattern. I changed the border to add a feather lei and ocean waves pattern for a Hawaiian connection. My daughter has completed treatment, is fine, and enjoying a finished quilt!” 153

Green Valley Quilt Guild Hall of Fame Award Winner


Phyllis Mielonen was the winner of the Hall of Fame Award at the Green Valley Quilt Guild Show in Green Valley. Phyllis’ quilt, WINDOWS OF THE SOUTHWEST, was inspired by Southern Arizona and represents her vision of how life was lived by Native Americans and their belief in the spirit world. Many of the appliquÊ patterns are from a series by Arlene Walsh. The quilt also includes machine embroidery, beading, cording, polymer clay, tree branches, copper tooling and different fibers. 154

Red Rock Quilters Hall of Fame Award Winner

MY ONE AND ONLY LONE STAR by Terri Gasperone

Red Rock Quilters (Sedona) presented Terri Gasperone with the Hall of Fame Award for her MY ONE AND ONLY LONE STAR. Quilting was done by Linda De Vries. Said the three-person selection panel, “The quilt is rich in color and texture and gives off the added twist of resembling a kaleidoscope of color and movement. Additionally, the workmanship is superb.” 155

Thumb Butte Quilt Guild Hall of Fame Award Winner


Maggie Keller received the Hall of Fame Award from Thumb Butte Quilt Guild (Prescott) for her BALTIMORE BABE HANGS UP HER HOBO SHOES. There must be a story that goes along with that title! 156

PAQA Quilt Show Hall of Fame Award Winner


Nancy Laswick with HAWAIIAN SHIRTS, the Hall of Fame Winner at the PAQA (Phoenix Area Quilters Association) show. The quilt was quilted by Carolyn Helvie.Dixie O’Hara with her winning MY SECRET FLOWER GARDEN 157

Coconino County Fair Hall of Fame Award Winner

Pictured is the quilt "Over the River" This quilt by Ginny Kreman won the Hall of Fame Award Ribbon at the Coconino County Fair.


Rim Country Quilt Roundup Hall of Fame Award Winner - November 2011

Pictured is Ingeborg Hill and her quilt "Everblooming Heritage" She is the Hall of Fame Award Winner at Rim Country Round Up. The quilt took Ingeborg ten years to complete.


High Desert Piecemakers Hall of Fame Award Winner - December 2011

Marsha Childers with WRITER'S BLOCK, the Hall of Fame Winner at the 2011 High Desert Piecemakers Quilt Show, Winslow, AZ. The quilt was machine quilted by Carol Ann Patton.


2011 Induction Event


2011 Induction Event


2011 Induction Event


2011 Induction Event


2011 Induction Event


CLASS OF 2011 INDUCTEES Lynn Kough Carol Hood George Butler Nancy Landon


CLASS OF 2011 INDUCTEE George Butler Chandler, AZ. April 13, 1923 - May 16, 2012

George Butler, a retired entomologist, took up quilting in his retirement at age 77. George has made his mark on the quilting world through his dedication to creating quilts for charitable causes. Most of George’s quilts are made from found or recycled materials, many purchased on regular visits to thrift stores. He uses emergency blankets as his batting because of their heft and durability. Supporting various charitable causes over his ten-year quilting career, cut short due to illness, George personally made and donated over 2,000 quilts. George and the family stopped counting at that number! Not satisfied with just his personal efforts, George strongly encouraged his home group, Nimble Thimbles, a Chapter of Arizona Quilters Guild, to engage in making charity quilts too. His encouragement and example led to over 200 quilts donated to various charitable groups each year for seven years. George has educated the public about quilting through talks about his work at a variety of community groups. He was featured, along with his daughter, quiltmaker Wendy Butler Berns, in Quilter’s Newsletter magazine in 2004. Although now sidelined by illness, George still regularly attends Guild meetings, encouraging the efforts of others Two of George’s grandsons, and his wife, Judith Slentz, assisted George in accepting his induction recognition. In her remarks, Judith said, “George insists that his quilts must be servicable and be able to withstand being ‘peed’ on.” Those in attendance laughed heartily! Sponsored by: Quilt ‘N Sew Connection, Prescott Valley 167

CLASS OF 2011 INDUCTEE Carol Hood Prescott, AZ.

Carol Hood is the 2011 Friends Favorite Inductee, meaning she received the highest percentage of “yes” votes from Friends of Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame. Carol was instrumental in organizing the Heritage Quilt Study Group at Sharlot Hall Museum, Prescott, in 1992. Carol continues her involvement with this group, especially in organizing and participating in annual quilt documentation days. They have documented over 700 pre1940s quilts through this project. As part of educating the public, Carol presents lectures and trunk shows on antique quilts around the state. Carol has received numerous recognitions for her quilts in local, state, and national quilt shows. She received a first place recognition in the Group Quilt category at the American Quilter’s Society Show and Contest, Paducah, Kentucky, the highest recognition she’s received. Her quilt “Cherry Basket” was published as a pattern in American Quilter Magazine in 1994. It was also selected for publication in America’s Best Quilting Projects published by Rodale Press in 1996 Carol has served in multiple leadership positions with Mountain Top Quilters, Prescott, including Block of the Month Chair, Treasurer, and Vice President. When the play The Quilters was being staged at the Prescott Fine Arts Stage, Carol helped with the construction of a 9 foot by 12 foot quilt, showcased in that production In accepting her recognition, Carol thanked her family for supporting her quilting activities, sometimes at the expense of a clean house or a timely dinner. She also expressed appreciation to Friends of Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame for their votes making her the Friends’ Favorite inductee. Sponsored by: Rim Country Quilt Roundup, Payson 168

CLASS OF 2011 INDUCTEE Lynn Kough Chandler, AZ.

When Lynn G. Kough moved to Arizona with her family in 1996, she was already well-known in the quilting world as a respected author, teacher, and lecturer. As an Arizonan, she only increased her involvement in the quilting community. Lynn is a tireless volunteer who does not seem to have the word “no” in her vocabulary. She served on the Board of Directors of the National Quilting Association from 2003 - 2007, including as its President from 2004 - 2006. She served on the Board of Directors for Arizona Quilters Guild from 2008 - 2010, including being its President from 2009 - 2010. Additionally, she was a Founding Board Member of Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame from 2007 - 2009. Extremely knowledgeable about quilt show management, Lynn served as the Annual Quilt Show Director for the National Quilting Association from 2002 - 2004, also acting as that show’s Vendor Coordinator from 2002 - 2009. She also chaired the Arizona Quilters Guild Show from 2000 - 2003. Lynn serves the quilting community as a professional quilt judge, judging quilts locally, regionally and nationally. She has published articles and patterns in American Quilter and The Quilting Quarterly magazines. She continues to teach classes locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally on a variety of quilting techniques and skills. In accepting her induction into Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame, Lynn suggested that she was born under a “lucky star.” She believes herself lucky to have found and married her soulmate, Alan; to have been blessed with two wonderful daughters, Anne and Kathryn; to have had the opportunity to travel for and discover lifelong friends through quilting. Arizona and the Arizona quilt community is lucky to have Lynn, her volunteer efforts, and her many talents which enhance quilting in our state

Sponsored by: Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame Executive Committee 169

CLASS OF 2011 INDUCTEE Nancy Landon Tucson, AZ.

Nancy Landon has owned and operated Cactus Quilt Shop in Tucson since 1997. Her shop entices and empowers the beginner while satisfying the needs of the advanced quilter. It was noted that Nancy has assembled a team of top-notch, award-winning quilters offering classes through her shop. She lectures, offers trunk shows on vintage and antique quilts, provides expert advice on the care and restoration of vintage quilts, and regularly hosts appraisal days at the shop. Under the trade name Cactus Cat Patterns, Nancy designs and publishes quilting patterns. Her original designs are southwest-inspired or adaptations of vintage patterns. To commemorate Arizona’s Statehood Centennial, Nancy developed “The Goldie Richmond Project,” a reproduction quilt based on Goldie’s work, as a block of the month class. The class offering enjoys the participation of 60 Southern Arizona quilters. Nancy is an award-winning quiltmaker. She has received numerous ribbon recognitions for her quilts. Her involvement in the quilting community extends to quilt-related organizations. Nancy has twice served as President of Tucson Quilters’ Guild, first in 1996-1997 and again in 2006-2007. She served as President of the Arizona Quilt Shop Association from 2001 - 2005 and as President of the Southern Arizona Quilt Shop Association beginning in 2005 and continuing to the current year. In her acceptance remarks, Nancy thanked her husband and Cactus Quilt Shop staff for their support of her work and efforts. Sponsored by: HJ Trophies & Awards, Phoenix 170

2011 Shop of the Year

Quilters Market in Tucson, Arizona received the first Quilt Shop of the Year Award. 171

2012 172

JANUARY 2012 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Patty McKinney of Payson You might ask how someone with no quilting background or sewing skills became a commissioned quilter. Easy! Living in Alaska in the early 1990’s, I took my first quilting class that was taught by Brenda Henning, Debbie Caffery and Trish Stewart. This beginning class session involved six weeks and covered all the basics and numerous quilting methods. The teachers were great with encouraging words and from there my quilting addiction emerged. While in Alaska I pieced several quilts and entered them in the Alaska State Fair winning several ribbons which encouraged me to grow and perfect my quilting talents. At the time I worked at Nordstrom’s and many of my co-workers heard of my hobby then commissioned me to make quilts for them. As word spread I was ask to piece several quilts for different events. One of my small quilts was used as a fund raiser for a small private school and was auctioned for a whopping $9,700. A thrilling experience! In 2005 after almost 30 years in Alaska, my family, husband Andy and two sons, moved to Payson, AZ. After arriving one of my first quests was to find a local quilt shop. Quilting Sisters, owned by Cheryl and Richard Dolby, is located in Payson; not only did I find it, now I teach all levels of quilting classes and I am also the shop manager. My greatest satisfaction of being in the quilt shop is helping other quilters audition fabric for a magnificent look and watching students grow through great classes. I find that my hobby of making quilts is more than just a pastime; it is a way of expressing myself. My favorite quilts are hand appliquéd with a vintage or nostalgia look. I have a passion for hand turning appliqué pieces for a beautiful one of a kind quilt. But in contrast, Buggy Barn and scrappy quilts are a much loved style of mine also. I was thoroughly honored and privileged to receive the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame Recognition at the 2007 Rim Country Quilt Roundup in Payson. I have also received several ribbons from the Rim Country Quilt Roundup and given lectures the past several years. I love teaching, influencing and being part of the growing community of quilters and am honored to be the January Arizona Hall of


JANUARY 2012 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Patty McKinney of Payson You might ask how someone with no quilting background or sewing skills became a commissioned quilter. Easy! Living in Alaska in the early 1990’s, I took my first quilting class that was taught by Brenda Henning, Debbie Caffery and Trish Stewart. This beginning class session involved six weeks and covered all the basics and numerous quilting methods. The teachers were great with encouraging words and from there my quilting addiction emerged. While in Alaska I pieced several quilts and entered them in the Alaska State Fair winning several ribbons which encouraged me to grow and perfect my quilting talents. At the time I worked at Nordstrom’s and many of my co-workers heard of my hobby then commissioned me to make quilts for them. As word spread I was ask to piece several quilts for different events. One of my small quilts was used as a fund raiser for a small private school and was auctioned for a whopping $9,700. A thrilling experience! In 2005 after almost 30 years in Alaska, my family, husband Andy and two sons, moved to Payson, AZ. After arriving one of my first quests was to find a local quilt shop. Quilting Sisters, owned by Cheryl and Richard Dolby, is located in Payson; not only did I find it, now I teach all levels of quilting classes and I am also the shop manager. My greatest satisfaction of being in the quilt shop is helping other quilters audition fabric for a magnificent look and watching students grow through great classes. I find that my hobby of making quilts is more than just a pastime; it is a way of expressing myself. My favorite quilts are hand appliquéd with a vintage or nostalgia look. I have a passion for hand turning appliqué pieces for a beautiful one of a kind quilt. But in contrast, Buggy Barn and scrappy quilts are a much loved style of mine also. I was thoroughly honored and privileged to receive the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame Recognition at the 2007 Rim Country Quilt Roundup in Payson. I have also received several ribbons from the Rim Country Quilt Roundup and given lectures the past several years. I love teaching, influencing and being part of the growing community of quilters and am honored to be the January Arizona Hall of Fame Featured Quiltmaker. 174

FEBRUARY 2012 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Patricia Heacox of Green Valley Patsy Heacox grew up in Minnesota in a “Can Do” family – if you wanted to have or do something – you learned how to do it yourself. Her first exposure to any art training was in the 6th grade drawing grass and sunlight shining on an apple – what a world it opened! From a farming family of three daughters, sewing was, of course, both a pleasure and a necessity. Drawing and painting were also outlets in her early adult life. Then came Architectural Drafting classes Exploring her artistic side hovered just below the surface as there were children to raise and a career on which to focus. After many years of working for an architect and private universities in Illinois, she and her husband, Chuck, retired to Green Valley in 1996 Shortly thereafter Patsy started working in the Sewing B group at church. Now a member of both the Valley Quilt Guild in Green Valley, and the Tucson Quilt Guild, she enjoys meeting and learning from other quilters. First quilting in traditional styles, she is currently concentrating her work in portrait quilts. These are “painted” (ink) on fabric, bonded, thread painted and quilted. Patsy enjoys teaching Portrait Quilting - how to use the inks, patterns, appropriate fabrics, and tips she’s developed. She hopes to teach her Portrait Quilting class at the Quilters’s Desert Patch in Sahuarita soon. Another focus area is quilting historical images. Patsy says that her interest in History leads her to try to “tell the true story” of whomever catches her attention. At Houston (’11) there was such positive response from viewers for “Battle of Greasy Grass”- some even tearful - and wonderful conversations. So much information and emotions went into this quilt - a true labor of love. E-mails from contacts made in Houston have been an added pleasure. Usually, the quilt she’s currently working on - or just finished, is her “favorite.” However, “Battle of Greasy Grass” will always have a special place in her heart as she was so invested with the people and their story - that it continues to live in her mind and heart. Patsy is an avid reader and a Master Gardener in the Pima County/UA program. These interests fill most of her “leisure time” and keep her from becoming a “couch potato.” The only potatoes…are the sweet potatoes she and Chuck grow in their veggie garden. (purple ones!) 175

MARCH 2012 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Alex Gray of Tucson Dubbed the “Hot Rod Quilter” by his friend Andy Field, freelance writer and producer for AARP/PBS, Alex has taken pride in his nickname. He is humbled and pleased that he has made his family proud of him especially his grandma. Alex never had the opportunity to meet his grandpa Louie who passed away several years before Alex was born, however, he is very fortunate to have such a special relationship with his grandma Phyllis Spalla. If not for their special bond Alex would probably never have discovered or nurtured his love and talent for quilting. On the days when Alex would stay with his grandma she soon realized that he had a tremendous interest in what she was doing, be it sitting at her sewing machine or doing hand work in her chair. She recognized his interest and introduced him to his first sewing lesson at the age of 8. Alex finished his first quilt “Puppy Paws” and had it proudly displayed at the 2010 Tucson Quilt Fiesta in the Kids Row. When Alex turned 10 he became a member of the Tucson Quilters Guild and entered his 1st quilt for judging in the big show. He made a special quilt appropriately named “Grand Canyon Quilt”. He sold raffle tickets for $1.00 each to raise money to go on his 4th grade class trip to the Canyon. He raised $475.00, enough to send himself and several others on the trip. He was especially pleased when the winning ticket belonged to his favorite quilt teacher Ms. Susan. He is also very proud of a baby quilt he made for one of his favorite teachers, Ms. Fata and treasures her special thank you note in his scrapbook. Alex continues to take classes during the summer with his favorite teachers, Ms. Susan and Ms. Kitty at the Quilters Market in Tucson, but because his school schedule is so demanding he is only able to take classes during his summer break. Alex is now 12 years old and in the 6th grade at the Academy of Tucson Middle School in Tucson. He is an honor roll student (since 1st grade), an accomplished athlete and a champion race car driver, hence “Hot Rod Quilter”. Yes, along with his quilting Alex has been following in his dads footsteps as a champion Jr. Dragster car racer at the local race track Southwest International Raceway (SIR) in Tucson. In 2010 Alex earned the title of the 8-12 year old Jr. Dragster Track Champion. He has since moved up to the 12-17 year old group and continues to race on weekends in town and traveling as far as California, New Mexico and Texas. He hopes to earn another championship or have as much fun as possible trying! He is currently working on his machine appliqué skills and is anxious to learn paper piecing. He is planning his next quilt and hopes to have something great to place in the 2013 Tucson Quilt Fiesta where he is determined to get a winning ribbon! 176

APRIL 2012 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Ann Novak of Chino Valley Teacher, quilter and author, Ann Clare Novak, celebrated the U.S. Bicentennial by creating her first fullsized quilt. From 1987-1990 Ann was a member of an Arizona-wide project called Quilt-Ed. She helped create materials which facilitated the combination of classroom quilting with language arts, math and history. The teaching manuals were written for non-quilters in an easy to understand step-by-step format. Her quilts have appeared in various national quilt magazines. Her work has been juried into such prestigious shows as the American Quilter’s Society Show in Puducah, KY and the American/International Quilt Association Show in Houston, Texas. She is included in the 1996 book, Who’s Who in American Quilting. Ann’s greatest national honor was being invited to include her “Mimbres Showcase” quilt in the Last Quarter, Twentieth Century exhibit curated by Nancy Halpern and Eliza Greenhoe-Bergh. The exhibition was shown at the 1999 Vermont Quilt Festival and again in 2000, at the New England Quilt Museum in Lowell, MA. At the 1991 Arizona State Fair Ann’s log cabin quilt titled “Orange and Spice” received the Blue Ribbon Quilt Award given by Better Homes and Gardens Magazine for the best pieced quilt. At the 2004 Yavapai County Fair Ann’s quilt titled “Celebration” won First Place in her division, Best of Class, Best of Show and the Superintendent’s Award of a silver platter. During 2008-2009 Ann created a heart Block of the Month pattern for her Mountain Top Quilt group in Prescott, AZ. The hearts were meant to be used as signed friendship blocks. Some members created comfort quilts for relatives with breast cancer. Because of the excitement it generated, she is now considering publishing a pattern showing how to creatively embellish the Heart Friendship blocks. To mark the Arizona Statehood Centennial, the Arizona Historical Society is featuring a quilt exhibition called 100 Years 100 Quilts which opened on February 18, 2012. Ann’s quilt titled, “Greetings from Arizona, A to Z” was chosen to appear on the official invitation for the exhibition. A photo of the quilt also appears on notes cards sold by the museum.


MAY 2012 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Bev Lawrence of Cottonwood Teacher, quilter and author, Ann Clare Novak, celebrated the U.S. Bicentennial by creating her first fullsized quilt. From 1987-1990 Ann was a member of an Arizona-wide project called Quilt-Ed. She helped create materials which facilitated the combination of classroom quilting with language arts, math and history. The teaching manuals were written for non-quilters in an easy to understand step-by-step format. Her quilts have appeared in various national quilt magazines. Her work has been juried into such prestigious shows as the American Quilter’s Society Show in Puducah, KY and the American/International Quilt Association Show in Houston, Texas. She is included in the 1996 book, Who’s Who in American Quilting. Ann’s greatest national honor was being invited to include her “Mimbres Showcase” quilt in the Last Quarter, Twentieth Century exhibit curated by Nancy Halpern and Eliza Greenhoe-Bergh. The exhibition was shown at the 1999 Vermont Quilt Festival and again in 2000, at the New England Quilt Museum in Lowell, MA. At the 1991 Arizona State Fair Ann’s log cabin quilt titled “Orange and Spice” received the Blue Ribbon Quilt Award given by Better Homes and Gardens Magazine for the best pieced quilt. At the 2004 Yavapai County Fair Ann’s quilt titled “Celebration” won First Place in her division, Best of Class, Best of Show and the Superintendent’s Award of a silver platter. During 2008-2009 Ann created a heart Block of the Month pattern for her Mountain Top Quilt group in Prescott, AZ. The hearts were meant to be used as signed friendship blocks. Some members created comfort quilts for relatives with breast cancer. Because of the excitement it generated, she is now considering publishing a pattern showing how to creatively embellish the Heart Friendship blocks. To mark the Arizona Statehood Centennial, the Arizona Historical Society is featuring a quilt exhibition called 100 Years 100 Quilts which opened on February 18, 2012. Ann’s quilt titled, “Greetings from Arizona, A to Z” was chosen to appear on the official invitation for the exhibition. A photo of the quilt also appears on notes cards sold by the museum.


JUNE 2012 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Dorothy (Dotty) Smalley of Yuma As an elementary school student, I remember the ladies in church gathered around a quilt frame. They seemed to be having so much fun that I wanted to join in. According to them, I was too young and inexperienced, but my desire to quilt remained. In junior high I took clothing classes and sewed most of my own garments in high school and college. When my youngest daughter was 18 months old, I took the plunge and started to make her a cathedral window quilt using her baby dress fabrics. It was supposed to be twin size, but when it was 15” by 22”, I decided I didn’t really have time for hand piecing, so I put large borders on it and still have it as a keepsake quilt. Since that first effort, I have taken many classes and tried many techniques, most of which I love. Actually, variety is one of the things I like best about quilt making. Now that I am retired from teaching computer classes at Arizona Western College for 24 years, I have devoted most of my time to quilt making. I belong to three different groups and sometimes people ask me if I sleep. The answer is “yes”, but I dream of new quilts to make. Presently, I have about 25 quilts in various stages of progress - some of them are just ideas, some patterns I have designed in the Electric Quilt and Quilt Pro programs, some are collections of fabric with a pattern, one became a top this afternoon, others just need sleeves or labels. To celebrate Arizona’s Centennial, my friend Eileen Gidman and I collaborated on a wall hanging. She painted the center Panel with fiber reactive dyes and I embellished it with thread painting, quilting, and machine embroidery. Its title “Ditat Deus” is Arizona’s state motto which means “God Enriches.” It won a Silver Dollar Award in the theme category at our local quilt show in 2012. At the 2011 quilt show my “Three Fancy Fishies” (inspired by Susan Carlson) also won a Silver Dollar Award and first place in the Home Décor division. I firmly believe in giving back to my community and find much satisfaction in doing this through making quilts and other articles for a variety of charities including Amberly’s Place, the Humane Society of Yuma, Meals on Wheels, and the American Cancer Society at Yuma Regional Medical Center. I also like computers (I was a computer programmer in the 60’s) and use them to design quilts, size quilting patterns, and print photos and picture elements. In addition, I am newsletter editor for the Desert Lily Quilters and Chapter Chair of Roadrunner Quilters of Yuma. I have also demonstrated and taught classes for DLQ and RQY. I love helping others discover the joys of quilt making. After my early experience, I think it is especially important to encourage all quilt makers whether they are young or old, “newbies” or experienced. For me, quilt making mends my soul and179brings my heart joy.

JULY 2012 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Ann Marie Stegan of Safford Sewing as well as other needlecrafts have always been a part of my life, though I don't know why since my mother never sewed anything. She did, however, encourage and support me in my efforts whether it was to buy fabric, or enter a dress or project in the county fair. It was my grandmother who first taught me to sew on a treadle sewing machine and show me some of the finer points of sewing clothing. I think I was in third grade. When I was ten I received my first electric sewing machine, an inheritance from my Godmother who had been a very accomplished seamstress. The marathon had begun. I have never been without a sewing machine and sewing supplies since. There was once a quilt on my bed made of squares in what is known as straight furrows. I loved that quilt because of all the different prints and colors. I think they must have been scraps from housedresses and aprons. Some squares were faded and worn. I believe it might have been made by my Godmother. The quilt intrigued me and I studied it. I liked the way the squares formed those diagonal lines and how the stitching was done so straight and perfect by machine. I knew I wanted to make one myself someday. I don't know what ever happened to that quilt, but I can still see it just as it once was, and when I think about how I came to quilt making I can't help thinking of that quilt. My first introduction to actual quilt making was during my first year of teaching on the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation in northeastern Utah in 1967. There was a scarcity of places to live at that time, so I lived with an LDS family. Leah, the mother, would take me with her to Relief Society when the ladies would quilt. I loved it. We hand quilted around the big frame. I didn't make a quilt of my own until the early 70's when I tried to make one of polyester knit, and quilt it on my sewing machine. It just didn't work out very well. Real quilt making did not come into my life until 1993 when I took my first class while living and working on Kwajalein, Marshall Islands. I was hooked and have never looked back. From the first class all I wanted to do was work on my quilt. Once I started making quilts I lost my interest and desire to make clothing. Quilting has become such a passion to me that I can hardly do anything else. I love every aspect of making quilts. I would say that unsewing is not even as unpleasant as it once was. I love starting new projects, as you could tell from seeing all the UFO's in my closets. I have been teaching quilt making at Eastern Arizona College since 2006 when I retired from teaching elementary school. I would have to say, that even though it gives me great pleasure to finish a quilt of my own, it gives me more pleasure to see my students complete pro jects that I have inspired and helped them through, especially those who have never sewn or made a quilt before. Quilting brings me so much joy and gives me so much pleasure, I feel very privileged to be able to share this with others though teaching. I also feel it a great honor to be the July featured quiltmaker for the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame. 180

AUGUST 2012 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Dorothy Lee of Tucson My love for all things needlework came from watching my mother sew and knit throughout my childhood years. Although my mother was an uneducated Chinese immigrant who came to the United States as a war bride after WWII, she was a terrific seamstress and knitted complicated sweaters. Growing up in small resort/farming community, Santa Cruz, California, I had to rely on sewing my own clothing. I was always engaged with the needlework craze of the moment: embroidery, knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, and finally, quilting. In the early 1990’s, I took my first quilting class (A Double Wedding Ring) at The Quilt Basket, Tucson. At the time, I needed something to focus on besides the stress of work. After the first class, I was hooked on quilting. All the quilts that I make go towards fundraisers and gifts for family and friends. For me, making a quilt is like putting together a puzzle. The more fabrics the better; thus my love for scrappy quilts made from loads of bright colors and novelty prints or asian themed fabrics. My favorite part in the quilt making process is selecting the fabrics and piecing together the quilt top. I rely on my friends, Barb Angerhofer of Legacy Machine Quilting and Saw-Peng Laracuente, for completing my quilts with their wonderful machine quilting. After 27 years as a librarian with the Tucson Public Library, I retired in 2001 to read, garden, travel, and quilt. Upon joining the Tucson Quilters Guild in 2002, I volunteered to co-chair the Vendor’s Committee which I ended up doing for 5 years. I also lead the Pacific Rim Quilting Bee where members share a common interest in creatively using asian themed fabrics. We make quilts as donations to various community organizations. As a Board Member of Quilt for a Cause, Inc. since it’s inception in 2001, I take pride in being a part of this dedicated group. They, along with the quilting community, have devoted time and energy into raising funds for research, education, treatment, and to raise awareness about breast and gynecological cancers. Besides being the web coordinator, I make quilt samples for the patterns that have been designed exclusively for Quilt for a Cause. I try to put an asian twist to the sample quilts. I’d like to thank all that have supported me in my quilting adventure, mentoring me as I move forth…….Evelyn George always being there to help with math configurations, Joelee Furrier’s Mystery Classes at Bella Quiltworks to get me out of my comfort zone, and the many quilt teachers from whom I’ve taken classes. And of course, all my quilting friends. Found in a fortune cookie: “A bed without a quilt is like a sky without stars”


OCTOBER 2012 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Mary Veneecke of Tucson It was 2002 when my sister Nanci roped me into a round robin quilting project with Seminole patterns. That project is still in pieces, but I caught the quilting bug and opened a longarm machine quilting service (El Sol Quilting Studio) two years later. My work comes out of the quilting tradition. I quickly gravitated, however, to what are called art quilt, studio quilts, textile art and fiber art. I look for ways to produce my own work while quilting for others. Time constraints give me the impetus to explore non-traditional methods of surface design: painting, discharging, decorative stitching, embellishing, printing, and image transfer. Such mixed media is outside the traditional quilting toolbox and can be faster than handstitching miles of perfect appliqué, for instance. Most of my work is layered and stitched, which is the technical definition of quilting. But we are talking form, and not function here. My quilting stitches always add a critical design element to a piece; they are integral to my work. Homage is probably my best known work. It is inspired by the 1880s Vine Quilt by Susan McCord. I started the project with the question: If she were alive today, how would Susan go about making her masterpiece? If she had a longarm, I concluded, she could have quilted the elegant design instead of appliquéing it. And that’s what I did. Homage won the 2010 Longarm Quilting Award for a wall size quilt at the American Quilters Society show in Padaucah.

Life is chaotic, dangerous, and surprising. Buildings should reflect that. --Frank Gehry Much of my current work (particularly the Samaras and Circlesss series) explores the tension between the human need to make order out of chaos-and the ultimate futility of that endeavor. I explore the subject of Art as metaphor in works like The Fabric of Our Community and Fragment. I draw great inspiration from imagery in different media and reinterpreting it in fabric with contemporary techniques. Works like Channeling Gehry I, America Surrounded, Homage, and My Mother is a Fish fit this category.

One of my goals as an artist is to meet the challenge that a friend once put to me: Show me something I haven't seen before. So when someone tells me that about my work, I can smile and know that I have accomplished what I set out to do. 182

NOVEMBER 2012 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Susan Tesch Franklin of Oro Valley Sewing has been a love since early childhood. My mother, Evelyn Tesch, taught me to sew. She aided me with doll clothes, she instructed me on embroidery, and she taught me to use my grandmother’s 1919 Singer treadle machine. I can’t remember life without a needle and thread, whether for stitching by hand or by machine. Throughout my childhood and into my middle adult years, I sewed many things. I began with doll clothes and branched into dresses and a tailored suit, then a formal for my Senior Prom. Years later, married with children, I sewed for the family; play clothes to snowsuits, lingerie to ties. Handwork, such as embroidery, crewel, and counted cross stitch, especially the latter, also was part of my life. Then, in the mid 1980s, in the midst of marriage, raising children, and pursuing advanced degrees, I discovered quilting. It changed my life. I made my first quilt over a five year period. I started with a class, but guess what? Instructions ended way before I learned how to do most of the sampler blocks, much less finishing, layering, and quilting it. I hand pieced and hand quilted that first effort. The pieces for that quilt were cut using templates and a scissors. My husband, Greg, and I used the quilt on our bed for years. It’s now retired, but Greg claims it’s still his favorite. Fast forward to the early 1990s. You guessed it; life had interfered with quilting, but it again resumed a prominent place in my life. I took a machine piecing class from Nancy Landon at Cactus Quilts. I learned to use the rotary cutter. This quilt, like my first, was a sampler. It, too, took five years to complete. I hand quilted it and was delighted when I received my first ribbon for it at Quilt Fiesta. Of course, like many quilters, multiple projects occupied my time. My husband muses that it’s difficult to understand how I can keep track of so many. I’ve also rekindled an early love, embroidery, and have done many redwork embroidery blocks, using vintage patterns. I discovered a new passion, Baltimore Album appliqué, when I took a class from Marylou McDonald at Bella Quiltworks. I’ve since taken many workshops with Marylou at Cactus Quilts and anticipate the next. I enjoy the challenge of tiny stitches and intricate patterns. Someday, my completed blocks will be a finished quilt! My love of vintage patterns and reproduction quilts is unending. I enjoy both making quilts and collecting old quilts. I take pleasure in chairing the Bed Turning exhibit for the Tucson Quilt Guilds’ Quilt Fiesta. Also, it was exciting to celebrate the past in a different way when I made a redwork quilt currently part of the exhibit 100 years 100 quilts at the Arizona History Museum. Quilting organizations that claim my attention and involvement include the American Quilt Study Group, the Arizona Quilt Study Group, the Arizona Quilters’ Hall of Fame, the Baltimore Appliqué Society, and the Tucson Quilters’ Guild to name a few. They each offer unique opportunities. Finally, I’d like to share a quote from Thomas Jefferson that I first saw commemorated on a quilt belonging to Marylou McDonald. It provides a powerful message about the importance of a needle and thread. It sums up what quilting means to me. “Every experience deeply felt in life needs to be passed along. Whether it be through words and music, chiseled in stone, painted with a brush, or sewn with a needle. It is a way of reaching for immortality”.


DECEMBER 2012 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Kathryn Beebe of Gold Canyon Making quilts for gifts and competition is a passion and a joy I inherited from my mother and maternal grandmother. Beginning with red work at age four, my mother taught me to embroider, knit, crochet, tat, and sew. My maternal grandmother, a tailor, suit maker, quilter, and painter worked and guided us on many projects. All these decades later, I use many of the techniques and styles they taught me. Their love of art was their legacy to me and our home is an array of many of my mother’s and grandmother’s artful quilts, embroidery, and paintings. Throughout my high school years I made many of my own clothes. College and a professional career took me away from sewing until the mid-1980. To refresh my skills, I took a hand quilting class. This class rekindled my interest, but my rusty skills would need more polishing. I felt amusingly out of touch learning to use a rotary cutter, as I had learned to cut and piece with scissors. However, after completing a pillow and a woolen comforter with a split rail pieced top, I was back in “the joy of quilting.” Quilting is therapeutic to a hectic work life and the next twenty years was a flow of gifts for family and friends. This was also a time of quilt classes, experimental designs, and endless hunts through fabric stores. During this time I upgraded from the White and Sears models I learned to sew on to the Janome 9000 and 6600 models. Trained and equipped, I was creating many and varied gifts but never contemplated a quilt for competition. When I retired in 2002, my husband Bill showed me an article about the Lewis and Clark - American Quilter’s Society Bicentennial Quilt Contest. My husband is passionate about history and nearly pleaded for his very own Lewis and Clark quilt. The deadline for the contest was May 2002. Beginning in mid-January, I worked 24/7 to meet the deadline for the AQS Nashville exhibition. The design for “Beyond the Horizon” was a combination of my own historically researched patterns and standard blocks representing the states Lewis and Clark traveled through. The quilt was hand appliqued, machined pieced, and machine quilted. I was amazed when it was juried into the show and selected for exhibition at the AQS National Museum in Paducah, Kentucky. The AQS National Museum is a wonderful destination and is a must see for all quilters. The Lewis and Clark quilt started my adventure in hand applique. The next milestone in my quilting adventure and education came when I took a class from Suzanne Marshall at the 2002 exhibition in Indianapolis, Indiana. I learned so much from her and I love her needle turn technique. Suzanne helped make hand applique my favorite technique. Continuing to learn and grow as a quilter, in 2005, I attended the Elly Sienkiewicz Applique Academy at Williamsburg, Virginia. A wonderful experience, I grew in hand applique and Baltimore quilt design. Fresh from my education, my next quilt project was a Baltimore style, hand appliqued and hand quilted entry for the 2006 International Quilter’s Society exhibition in Houston, Texas. This submission, “Kwilter’s Garden” was a traditional Baltimore pattern utilizing non-traditional color combinations. Quilters love colors and I believe you can choose and experiment as you wish. I was amazed again to be juried into the IQS exhibition. While I did not win this international competition, I was overjoyed to have my quilt displayed in such esteemed company. My next big sojourn was at my husband’s urging. Because of its historical significance, he thought the Arizona Centennial Quilt Fabric Challenge was a worthy project. The required fabric, a colorful collage representing the historiography and landscape of Arizona provided both challenges and opportunities. This was a great project and I was delighted to win First Place and Best of Show at the local level and ultimately First Place State-Wide. In November, I had another hand appliqued quilt “And Some Red” juried into the 2012 IQS Houston, Texas exhibition. I continue to make quilts for gifts. I have started to design my own patterns employing imaginary creatures. I also experiment with vivid and varied color combinations. While I often thank my mother and grandmother for their legacy to me, and my husband for his support, I also thank the Arizona Quilter’s Hall of Fame for their recognition. I am honored to be part of this wonderful program and look forward to meeting more members at the next event.


2012 Quilters Hall of Fame Award Winners 185

Tucson Quilt Fiesta Show Hall of Fame Award Winner - January 2012

Lois Podolny with her winning MY ROAD TO BALTIMORE

Hall of Fame Award winning quilt "My Road to Baltimore" was made by Lois Podolny at the Tucson Quilt Fiesta. 186

Gila County Fair Hall of Fame Award Winner - January 2012

Jan Pederson with her winning quilt STAR ALL AROUND

The Hall of Fame Award at the Gila County Fair was won by Jan Pederson for her quilt "Stars All Around�. 187

Wickenburg Quilt Show Hall of Fame Award Winner - February 2012

Linda Crawford of Congress won the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame Award at the Wickenburg Quilt Show. Her quilt is titled "Berry Picking Party". 188

PAQA Hall of Fame Award Winner - February 2012

Nancy Hood with her winning quilt ARIZONA SUNSET

Nancy Hood is the Hall of Fame Award Winner for the Phoenix Area Quilters Association (PAQA) Show. Her quilt is titled 'Arizona Sunset" 189

Hall of Fame Award Winner - March 2012

THUNDER MOUNTAIN MAJESTY Thunder Mountain Majesty�, 104 x 104, pieced by Sue Ann Vannoy, Huachuca City, AZ and custom quilted by Sue Williams, Queen Creek, AZ, was chosen to receive this award by popular vote acknowledging Sue Ann’s generosity to other quilters and her teaching abilities as well as her willingness to help quilters in time of need. She personally delivered over 1000 yards of donated fabric, 5 donated sewing machines, boxes of notions, 3 quilting frames as well as collected money and gift card donations for the Double Adobe (AZ) quilters when their trailer with all their machines and fabrics, etc burned to the ground in 2010.


Scrap Rats Hall of Fame Award Winner - March 2012

Norma Kanzig with her RACHAEL’S GUIDING STAR

Norma Kanzig's striking quilt, "Rachael's Guiding Star" was chosen as the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame Award winner at the Scrap Rats 10th Anniversary Quilt Show in Queen Valley on March 3, 2012. 191

Sierra Vista Quilt Show Hall of Fame Award Winner - March 2012


Winner of the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame Award at the Sierra Vista Quilt show is "Arizona Abundance" made by JoAnn Oostan. 192

Happy Trails Quilt Show Hall of Fame Award Winner - March 2012


Happy Trails Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame Award Winner is Marilyn Clyne. The quilt is named "Blue Snow" Machine pieced, hand appliqued and hand quilted all by Marilyn. The pattern is Oak & Laurel by Leisure Arts. 193

Copper Country Hall of Fame Award Winner - March 2012


Copper Country Quilters, Hall of Fame Award winner is Audrey Longhurst with her quilt "Starfire" 194

Arizona Quilters Guild Hall of Fame Award Winner - March 2012


The quilt is called "Perseverance" by Sue Maitre, member at large and quilted by Carol Meka. 195

Mountain Top Quilters Hall of Fame Award Winner - April 2012


Julie Dodds and her quilt "The World is not Just Black and White" was the winner of the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame Award winner at the Mountain Top Quilt Show in Prescott. 196

Art & Quilt Gallery Hall of Fame Award Winner - May 2012

26 Sandy McGinnis of Benson, AZ.

Sandy McGinnis is pictured with her Hall of Fame Award Winning Quilt. She won the award at the Art and Quilting Gallery Annual Quilt Show in Benson, AZ. 197

Strawberry Patchers Hall of Fame Award Winner - June 2012

26 Brenda Dickinson

Brenda Dickinson 198

Quilt Roundup Hall of Fame Award Winner - November 2012


Hall of Fame Award Winning Quilt at the Rim Country Quilt Roundup in Payson was "Appalachian Spring - To God Be the Glory". This beautiful log cabin quilt was made by Lavinia Milligan Sala of Peoria, AZ.


2012 Induction Event


2012 Induction Event


2012 Induction Event


2012 Induction Event

Carol Zupancic, Jeannie Coleman, Karen Lalo Tootsie, Willene Smith, Wanda Seale and Diane Pitchford 203

2012 Induction Event 2011-2012 BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Top: Elaine Putnam, Mary Meserve, Colleen Babcock, Gail VanHorsen Bottom: Cathy Dargel, Beverly Shinkle, Lenna DeMarco, Ellen Bell 204

CLASS OF 2012 INDUCTEES Jeannie Coleman & Carol Zupancic Diane Pitchford Wanda Seale Willene Smith Karen Lalo Tootsie


CLASS OF 2012 INDUCTEES Jeannie Coleman & Carol Zupancic Tucson, AZ.

Jeannie Coleman (on right) and Carol Zupancic were inducted into the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame as a team because of their work with “Quilt for a Cause”. Jeannie and Carol co-founded “Quilt for a Cause”, a nonprofit organization with the goal of raising money to help women with breast and gynecological cancers. They have been responsible for spearheading this organization that has raised more than $500,000 since QFAC’s inception in 2001. These two have inspired the community of quilters in Tucson, Arizona and other states to donate their quilts and countless hours of their time to help in the mission of providing money for “research, education of medical professionals and to support clinical organizations that raise awareness, offer detection, and provide treatment to all women.” Letters of support for Jeannie and Carol Zupanic came from many women and organizations in the Tucson area. Each letter made clear that the love and respect for this team has only grown as their hard work and enthusiasm has continued to grow these past ten year. Jeannie has gained recognition as the face of QFAC through her many appearances in support and Carol is viewed as a tireless fundraiser who puts the word fun in fundraising. Both Carol and Jeannie are active in the Tucson Quilters Guild where they have held office, taught classes and worked on guild and quilt show committees. They are talented quilters in their own right. Jeannie has won awards for her wearable art creations at Paducah in 1997 and at the Pacific International Quilt Festival in 1998. Sponsored by Evelyn and Wally George, Tucson.


CLASS OF 2012 INDUCTEE Diane Pitchford Gilbert, AZ. Diane has been active in many aspects of the Arizona quilting community. She has received significant recognition for her quiltmaking winning her first ribbon in 1994 at the Arizona Quilters Guild Show. Since then she has won a total of sixteen awards ranging from honorable Mention to Best of Show. She won Best of Show in 2000 at the AQG Show for her mixed technique Wall Quilt. She has quilts juried into the American Quilting Society Show in Paducah, KY where she has won a first place award in the group category. The invitational show "Quilts from the Grand Canyon State 197902004: A 25 year Retrospective" included three of Diane's quilts. Diane has been a regular contributor to the AQG newsletter The Patchwork Chatter and was published in The Quilting Quarterly,the Journal of the National Quilting Association, Winter 2012 with her article "Remaking Mom's Only Quilt." In 2008 Diane was featured in American Quilter Magazine in an article entitled "21st Century Feedsacks." Diane has been active in roles of leadership in several quilting organizations in the State of Arizona. She is active in the Nimble Thimbles a chapter of AQG and served in many elected and appointed positions in the Arizona Quilters Guild including: President-Elect, President, Quilt Auction Chair and Judging Coordinator for the annual quilt show. Diane also teaches quilting classes and lectures both locally and regionally. Her classes include "Amish Quilts and Quilters" and "Introduction to Quilting." Her classes range from "Hand and Machine Binding" to pattern drafting. Her favorite class to teach is hand quilting. She has served as a quilt judge both locally and regionally since 2002. Judging the State Fair seven times in the past ten years. She has also judged in California and Washington State. Diane reached a milestone in her judging career when she became a National Quilting Association Certified Judge in 2011. Diane was also one of the founding board members of the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame. She has given of her knowledge and talents to many people in many different ways. 207

CLASS OF 2012 INDUCTEE Wanda Seale Phoenix, AZ.

Wanda is a resident of Phoenix and a lifelong Arizonan. She has been busy since 2009 with her work as co-chair of the Arizona Centennial Quilt Project. Wanda envisioned a quilt for the Arizona Centennial that developed into the Centennial Commemorative Quilt. It was her vision. She helped with the design of the Commemorative quilt and spearheaded the group that assembled it. Wanda was able to go to Washington D.C. and see it hanging in the Rotunda of the Senate Office Building. Over the past five years, Wanda designed and directed the creation of two quilts auctioned to benefit “Quilt for a Cause” a nonprofit group who raises money for breast and gynecological cancer research, education and treatment. Wanda is a member of the Arizona Quilters Guild where she is active in the Delightful Quilters, Mavericks and the Night Owls. She has been active in these groups serving on boards and teaching as well as working to benefit their charitable causes.. In September of 2011, Wanda and her ACQP co-chair Carole Cohen received the “friend of the Year” award from the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame. Wanda has made many award winning quilts and wearables and has a wonderful artistic approach to quiltmaking. Her “Canyon Jewell” was awarded First Place in Wearable Art in the 2012 AQG Show and “Desert Sunset” took first place in the same category in the 2011 AQG Show. “Desert Sunset” was also awarded First Place for best use of embellishment at the Mid Atlantic Quilt Festival in February 2012. Sponsored by Colleen and Joe Babcock 208

CLASS OF 2012 INDUCTEE Willene Smith Strawberry, AZ.

Willene is a resident of Strawberry and a lifelong Arizonan. She has been active in the Arizona Quilters Guild since its inception in the late 1970’s and involved with the early editions of the Patchwork Chatter, the newsletter of the Arizona Quilters Guild. She served as hospitality chair in 1984 and then was elected President of AQG in 1986. Willene organized and chaired two chapters of AQG, the Strawberry Patchers in 1994 and the Department of Public Safety (DPS) Quilt Angels in 2007. Willene became a Board Member of the founding board of the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame in 2007. She provided invaluable knowledge of Arizona quilting, past and present and assisted in the induction of the classes of 2008 and 2009. She is probably best known for her contributions to community service projects. She is tireless when it comes to helping others. She turned a 1990 AQG Community Service Project into a group that has delivered more than 7,200 quilts to Department of Public Safety Officers for them to keep in their vehicles and distribute to accident victims or children that are removed from dangerous situations. In 2007 Willene received the Medal of Valor from the Department of Public Safety for her devotion to the DPS Quilt Project. This commendation is usually reserved for officers for efforts above and beyond the call of duty and is rarely awarded to civilians. It is important to note that while Willene has made so many contributions to quilting in Arizona, she and her husband Walt have also spent many years in service to their communities – first in Phoenix and then in Pine/Strawberry. It is more proof that volunteerism and responsibility are deeply rooted in the person that Willene is. Sponsored by Rim Country Quilt Roundup 209

CLASS OF 2012 INDUCTEE Karen Lalo Tootsie Keams Canyon, AZ.

Karen is Hopi and a lifelong resident of Arizona. She began her love of quilting by taking home blocks her grandmother had made and making them into a quilt. She did everything in the completion of her grandmother’s quilt by hand and discovered that “sewing is so relaxing.” This loved the experience and continued sewing and making quilts. Only a few years after her first quilt making experience she began teaching others to quilt. She first taught her mother and family members and at the invitation of her daughter-in-law began teaching on Second Mesa. This group soon expanded until they moved from homes to the community center to accommodate all who wanted to learn. There was also an interest in quilting on the nearby Navajo reservation and for three years Karen worked to establish a quilting group at White Cone, a Navajo community. In 1995 she met Carolyn O’Bagy Davis who was at Hopi doing research on a book and their friendship developed. They discovered that quilting was a common language and Carolyn began to arrange for teachers to come to the reservation and teach. Karen made all of the arrangements and publicized on the reservations for these workshops. Opportunities began to open for Karen to lecture and teach quilting from the Hopi perspective to the outside world. She gave her first lecture and Hopi quilts and quiltmakers in 1995 at the Museum of Northern Arizona during their exhibit of Hope quilts. From that start in 1995, she has spoken and been featured in quilt venues throughout the State of Arizona and as far away as Washington D.C. for a conference of international quilters. Through the years, Karen has developed her own quilt style. She now paints designs on fabric which she incorporates into her quilts. Many of Karen’s quilts now feature traditional pottery designs. Sponsored by Cathy and Dennis Dargel 210

2012 Shop of the Year

Quilters Desert Patch in Sahuarita, Arizona received the 2012 Quilt Shop of the Year Award. 211

2013 212

JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Dawna May Batson of Yuma, AZ. I was so honored when I was contacted to be a featured Quilter of Arizona. I told my husband that I didn't feel qualified. I feel that I am a quilt artist but I do not do complicated piecing. Someone once told me she was a "topper". She liked to piece quilts but left the quilting to other more qualified. I guess that made me feel very good that I am the qualified person to quilt others quilts. That people put their beautiful work at my hands to enhance honors me. I started sewing when I was eight years old with the 4-H. I credit my mom for helping me but she says it wasn't her. My maternal Grandmother also taught me many different crafts. After learning the basics with the 4-H I learned much more through the Home Economics classes in high school. I also took an industrial sewing class in TX. That teacher said she would never give and "A" because there was always a mistake somewhere. That made me strive to perfection. I made most of my clothing in high school. However I lost the sewing bug and my mom's sewing machine when I left home at 18 after marrying. In 86 my husband Mike and I moved to Yuma, Az. For our first anniversary my hubby got me my first sewing machine. I did little sewing for myself, finding readymade clothes were less expensive than making my own. Still having my machine, in 1998 I was wondering around Yuma trying to figure what to get my Mother in law for Christmas and saw a quilt in a shop window and thought, "I can make that and she would love it.". I went in and the rest is history. I found my passion. My first quilt was a "Ragged Heart" wall hanging. In 99 my son Noble and I made a Levi quilt out of our old Levi's. It was a great project to do with my son. My youngest son still sleeps with it today. From that quilt I shortly started managing the shop. I quickly embraced everything quilting. I loved picking colors, I loved piecing, I loved teaching. Teaching just made me learn fast and more. The quilt shop closed within a few months, however, I was lucky to have a Longarm quilter here in Yuma that need help and asked me to come by and see what she could teach me. I was interested in learning the Longarm but nervous doing it on quilts not my own. I started quilting on my own quilts and learned a lot about tension and thread choices. After doing five quilts my mentor talked me into "doing her a favor" by quilting a friend of ours quilt, it went on from there. I continued working for her building up my confidence. In 2001 Mike said if I would come back home he would buy me a longarm so I can work at home. Since I was taking my three year old, Joseph, with me to the shop I thought this would make things much easier. I got my longarm in April of 2001 and have been quilting ever since. I learn more and more each year and with every quilt I do. I love piecing quilts but my greatest love is quilting. I am honored by the trust my customers have in me. I love enhancing their projects and putting a piece of me into each and every item. I am often asked if I regret starting a business out of my hobby. I have to say even after over 10 years I still love each and every day. I get to see beautiful things every day. My only regret is that I no longer get to do much piecing myself. However, when I do get to piece my tops it makes me love it even more.Fame Featured Quiltmaker.


MARCH 2013 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Phyllis L. Barton of Lake Havasu City, AZ Let me introduce myself. I am a retired Home Economics teacher who taught 3 years in Kansas and 23 years in Fairfax County, Virginia. I received my home economics degree from Kansas State University and a master’s degree from Virginia Tech. I was very active in the home economics education associations and served as the national president of the Vocational Home Economics Teachers Association. What a great experience it was to meet the top members in your field. I also served on a number of boards such as the Coed-Scholastic Magazine and the Favorite Recipes Press. When I said I was retiring from teaching, my friend at a neighboring high school said you must learn to quilt; all retirees must know how to quilt and so we took a 15-week course at a quilt shop in 1984. It was a sampler quilt and we used paper templates and it was quilt-as-you- go. I finally did finish it in the late 1990’s or 2000. I learned a lot but what an education I received when I joined the Havasu Stitchers in 1992 and learned the “new” way of doing things with rotary cutters and cutting mats. We were lucky to have great local, state and national teachers that came to Lake Havasu City. I soaked it all up like a sponge. I always said I had sewn just about everything including men’s clothes, and lingerie, even panty hose but quilting is a different story. I have served as president of Havasu Stitchers and also held several offices as well and now am teaching quilting at Mohave Community College and have a great bunch of students which I flunk all the time so they have to come back for more classes. My quilting style is very eclectic; I like to try new patterns and techniques and am not very good at repeating the same quilt over and over again. It has to be something new and different. I always dreaded the “a” word, appliqué. I had never done much in the way of hand piecing and hand quilting and now I find that these are the things I enjoy the most. I also found that I enjoy making Scrap Quilts. One project was to make a millennium quilt with 2000 pieces. I used the tumbling block pattern and my collection of charm squares not repeating any fabric. I hand-pieced and hand-quilted it. To get the feel of the antique quilts in olden days, I even quilted two hours by candlelight. I won’t be doing that again. It does give me time to enjoy the process and reflect on the many good things quilting does for you and the neat people you get to meet. I have also through the years enjoyed doing all forms of crafts, but especially enjoyed knitting, crocheting, needlepoint and cross-stitch. I have also studied quilts and learning to analyze the work and style of quilting, I am not a certified appraiser but I can write letters for insurance companies, etc. I continue to study old quilts and learn as much as I can about the old patterns and how they are constructed and quilted. This is something you are always learning. I enjoyed telling the stories about the quilts and their makers when we do the Bed Turning Exhibit at our quilt show held in November during the odd years. We moved to Lake Havasu City in 1984 from Northern Virginia after retiring from teaching and the federal government. We had a local business (Mechatronics) for 6 years on McCulloch Blvd selling and repairing office machines; retired again and now I have time to quilt, quilt, quilt. I have many projects to be completed and many more ideas of quilts I would like to make. I have two great-granddaughters who love the quilts “Oma” makes for them. 214

APRIL 2013 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Kathy MacCleary of Payson, AZ. I am so honored to be included in the list of featured artists. For a plain farm girl from Michigan, this is a much unexpected and a real thrill. When I look back at my life, it seems to be divided into 3 phases and careers. I was a young wife and mother and hairdresser. Remember the big hairdos of the 60's and 70's? Now that was art! In my 30's I became a single mother of 3 boys, moved to Arizona, and went back to school to fulfill my dream of becoming an architectural designer and draftsman. For the next 30 yrs. I enjoyed working with people to design their dream homes. I established my own home business, so I could be more available to my boys and later on to care for my parents. Through my whole life there was one constant. I loved to sew. I was blessed with creativity and imagination. When I wasn't drawing I was sewing, usually by hand. When it came time to think about retirement the choice was easy. I loved the Payson area and the active quilting groups in the Rim Country. I decided in the 3rd phase of my life I would be quilting full time. I moved to Payson in 2005 and joined the Strawberry Patchers, a chapter of the Arizona Quilters Guild. The Rim Country is home to a large amount of wonderful and talented quilters and fiber artists. I have made so many close friends. We work together every year to produce 2 well known quilt shows, The Patchers' show in June, and the Rim Country Quilt Round Up in October, also the Threadplayers' fiber art show semi-annually, the next one to be in May 2014. I am a scrap quilter and fiber artist. Several of my early traditional hand pieced and hand quilted works are on display now through May in the Gilbert Historical Museum in Gilbert, Az. Also on display are some of my more recent art quilts. I hope to see you there or at our shows here in our beautiful Rim Country.


MAY 2013 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Linda Visnaw, Lake Havasu, AZ. Linda Visnaw is a Quilting Educator and Fiber Artist who lives in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. With a teaching degree and over 50 years of sewing experience, Linda’s enthusiasm is contagious as she works to inspire confidence in her students unlocking their creativity in a gentle and encouraging manner. With her background in education, she has designed a series of step-by-step lessons that guide quilters through the entry-level techniques of designing quilting motifs, free-motion quilting, and coloring with Tsukineko Inks. Linda’s desire to share her expertise is not limited to teaching local classes. She has been invited to teach on the Hopi Reservation. She says, “Although the Hopi have been quilting since the early 1900s they are now eager to broaden their skills and use more of their own art in the quilting process of their quilts. I feel honored to work with them.” Linda has written articles for SewNews; appeared on America Sews, America Quilts Creatively, and Quilt It on She has taught throughout the United States; including at the Houston Quilt Market, Road to California Quilt Show, the American Sewing Expo, Novi, MI, Sewing and Stitchery Expo, Puyallup, WA, and the Vermont Quilt Show. Linda is also a Sulky Thread Artist whose quilts have appeared in their magazine ads and has toured the country with their consumer show booths. One of Linda’s Thread Sketches Patterns, “Daisy Chain”, is featured in the Fun with Sulky Blendables Thread Book - #900-B21. She is also certified in Golden Threads; Quilting from the Heartland techniques; and has designed for Cactus Punch, Inspira, and Golden Threads. Linda has produced four of her own embroidery design CDs: Thread Sketches - a series of whole cloth quilt patterns. Her newest releases are: a quilt pattern, Desert Etchings; an embroidery collection: Desert Etchings Embroidery Collection; and free-motion support materials: including two workbooks: Doodling - All Over Quilt Design and Doodling - Border Design; and two Doodling Design easy reference laminated cards. As a member of the Havasu Stitchers, Linda is part of the team that spearheads a weeklong educational quilting event called “Quilting at the Lake” in January each year in Lake Havasu City. Being part of the guild helps her grow personally and professionally as she takes new classes and exhibits her quilts in the biannual quilt show. Linda enjoys longarm quilting for herself and others. In 2012, a member’s quilt that Linda quilted came in second in the 2012 National Veterans Creative Arts Festival. Linda spends her non-quilting time soaking up the desert sun with her husband Paul, dog Duke, and tuxedo cat Sylvester. Visit Linda’s website at: 216

JUNE 2013 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Sue Waite of Tucson, AZ. Sewing has been part of my life since I was about 6 years old. gathered skirt still comes to mind over the years.

Then I made doll clothes and a small purple

While raising my son after I became a widow I started to work part-time at Stretch and Sew. Helped with the decorating and designing new ideas for the T-shirt and other patterns. Working full time in Research at the U of A, my sewing activities slowed down for awhile. After a few years a couple of us took a beginning quilt class. We had a lot of fun and my first quilt was born, hand pieced but not hand quilted. I did have the quilt top machine quilted after I began working part-time at Precious Hands. Making quilt tops and Wearable Art pieces led me to begin teaching Wearable Art and quilting classes. After retiring from the U of A, I continued teaching the wearable art and quilting classes at Cathey's Sew and Vac. Although I enjoyed teaching the classes I realized that all my spare time was put into designing new classes so I began taking classes for me. It was amazing how much time I had to put into all these new projects. Now I make at least 15 to 25 quilt tops a year. I make a quilt and the leftovers turn into another quilt top or table runner. A friend of mine told me about a Fiber Art Class at the Drawing Studio so I joined her. The freedom to make new designs with "cut and sew" and no pattern was a wonderful challenge for a persnickety person like myself. Some of the pieces have been mounted and framed and others are ready to be quilted and thread painted when inspiration spurs me on. Belonging to the Tucson Quilt Guild has given me the opportunity to take workshops from well known Quilters and/or Quilt Artists. Participating and helping with the quilts in the Judging for the Quilt Show has given me more insight for straight borders, filled bindings, and the stop and go quilting issues in each quilt. Now that I do Art quilts I have become very aware of quilting and design ideas that can create problems. One of the reasons that I take classes is to use up "some" of the fabric that I keep on buying. Love color and like to see how it moves in the various quilts that I make.


JULY 2013 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Phyllis Mielonen of Sahuarita, AZ. I started quilting in August of 1999, a story of quilting by accident. As a young girl I was interested in dolls and movie stars. My Mother did not sew so I started making my own doll clothes. I joined 4H and learned how to sew and also raised two kids (goats) for my project. As the years went by I did a lot of sewing for myself and family. Many years later in the late 80’s I started oil painting. My specialty was landscapes and some still life. One day one of the girls asked me if I would like to go to a doll show [like our quilt show] and of course I said yes. There we met Arlene Martinez of Battleground, WA, who taught porcelain doll making. You can guess what happened, I got hooked. Doll history is so fascinating. I started making modern dolls and then antique reproductions. Along with dolls I decided I wanted to make Victorian lampshades, since I was really into that era. Since you could not find many places that carried that kind of shade and they were terribly expensive, I decided to make them myself. I took a class on making Victorian lampshades and made quite a few…still have one or two to finish. They are still a big part of my décor, combining antiques and southwest. In 1998, when we moved to Santa Maria, CA, I found a doll club. No one was making dolls so we collected dolls instead. In the mean time I still worked on my lampshades. Then one day I decided to explore fabric shops for my special fabrics needed for the shades. There were none in Santa Maria so I went further north to Nipomo were I found a fabric shop, not what I needed, but a quilt shop. I was fascinated by all the quilts, I met the owner and we talked and talked and before I left agreed to come back that evening for the Quilt Guild meeting. Of course I signed up for the beginner’s class in quilting and joined the Quilt Guild that evening. Thus the starting date of August 1999. I then joined the Santa Maria Quilt Guild and I was the historian for 2 years. Such a wonderful accident wouldn’t you say? In 2003 my husband was transferred to Tucson and he found a home for us in Sahuarita. I joined the Tucson Quilt Guild in 2004, where I heard about Quilters Desert Patch. I stopped in on my way home and met one of the girls from TQG who lived in Green Valley. She invited me to come to North of the Border Bee…what a great bunch of girls. Since then I have joined to two more guilds, Valley Quilt Guild and Fiber Arts Guild and several Bee’s. I started out as a traditional quilter and gradually turned toward art quilts. I met Maryellen Searcy. We were program co-chairs in 2006 for VQG. In 2007 we had our first biannual Quilt Show. I was Awards chairman in 2009 thru 2013. Meeting Maryellen has led me into art quilts. After taking my first beading class from her, she has been most influential in turning me toward a variety of techniques in art quilts. Everyone is so supportive and encouraging. Now I can say that my quilting is a combination of traditional, appliqué, art and several other medias such as machine embroidery, polymer clay, beading, and fabric painting. I started entering my quilts in TQG Show and always had them judged. It was very interesting to read the comments. You may not always agree with the judge’s comments, but it gives you an idea of what others think of your efforts. Having been awarded many ribbons, it is a wonderful feeling to know that other quilters and non quilters enjoy your quilts. I was so honored that Windows of the Southwest was chosen for the Hall of Fame Award. Windows of the Southwest was also awarded second place at Road to California and a first place at Valley Quilters Show.


AUGUST 2013 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Sue Maitre of Cave Creek, AZ. I often think I was born with the quilting gene. I remember going to my Grandma’s quilting circle and setting under the frame watching the ladies stitch. I was born and raised in Flint, MI. My Mom was a garment sewer who never showed any interest in quilting. When I was young, I spent many Saturday nights in the Sears fabric department with Grandma and Mom, trying to pick out fabric. Grandma made aprons and used the scraps for quilts. I am lucky enough to be the only one in the family who showed any interest in her quilts, so I am the lucky one to have them today. The only sewing I did was what I had to do in home economics class. My husband and I married and had our two boys. I remember making Barbie clothes for the neighborhood girls, since there weren’t really too many things to make for the boys. Once the boys were in school I decided it was time to do some Mom things. The classes began. Macramé, cross stitch, needlepoint, and on and on. Nothing really fit. One day I went shopping with a friend. We drove to a big pink house! The name on the door was Quilts, Kits and Kaboodles. The angels started singing. As I was peeking in at a class, the teacher asked if I would like to come in and see what they were doing. Well…….before I left I had signed up for a hand piecing, hand quilting class. The project for the class was a Clam Shell block. The teacher informed us that she was on the committee for a local quilt show, and thought we should enter our blocks. I did, and won first place. The addiction had begun. I figured if I could make a block, I could make a Grandmother’s Flower Garden. Thinking back, that wasn’t real smart. I still remember searching out the fabric, and sewing and sewing and sewing. I finished binding it last year. The next project was a Lone Star. That was finished and used. The boys grew, went to college, and I continued to quilt. No more hand piecing. I decided it was time to turn the old Viking in and buy my first Bernina. By now I had gone to work and we had moved due to a job transfer for my husband. I met a new group of friends who were interested in quilting. Someone came up with the idea of taking a class being offered at 6:00 a.m. Saturday mornings. Since we were all working girls, we decided it would be a great idea. Which it was. I still remember the fun! It was at this time, that I started to work at a wonderful quilt shop in Sterling Heights, MI. This continued until my husband decided it was time to retire. The plan was to spend summers in MI and rent a place in AZ for the winter. The plan went into effect and I worked and taught part time at the shop in the summer, and spent the winters taking classes and volunteering at the quilt show in AZ in the winter. I have never liked the A word. I have taken numerous classes from all the top “A” teachers, but never could grasp what all the fuss about. I am lucky enough to have a great group of friends who like to travel to different quilt venues. It seems as though I always searched out Pearl Periera. She has a method of applique that I kept thinking maybe I could do. When I found her 219 I would stand and listen to 6 to 8 of her demos. When I left I would go buy

SEPTEMBER 2013 FEATURED QUILTMAKER Introducing Carolyn Edwards of Prescott, AZ. It's a treat to be asked to be September's featured quilt maker by Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame. Thank you for all you do to recognize Arizona's quilters! I have made, collected, and loved quilts for 37 years! I began quilting in 1976 when a friend suggested we take some 'old-timey' classes in celebration of the Bi-Centennial. The quilt-making class 'stuck'--I was bitten by that cute little quilt bug! That first class was the typical “Beginning Quilt Making Sampler Class”. A friendship group formed as a result of that class, and it's still going strong back in Des Moines, Iowa. I left Iowa in 1993, and quilting was my link to new friends in Arizona! Praise the Lord for my quilting friends! I can say with delight that, in addition to being a Friend of the AZ Quilters Hall of Fame, I am a member of Thumb Butte Quilters and Mountain Top Quilters Guilds of Prescott, AZ; the Arizona Quilters Guild; the Des Moines Area Quilters Guild, The Appliqué Society; the American Quilter's Society, the American Quilt Study Group, and the Baltimore Album Society. In addition, I have regular 'play dates' each month with six friendship groups! Being this month's featured quilt maker gives me the chance to share a quilt series recently completed! Towards the end of the year 2000, I had the idea to plan to complete a quilt on January 1, 2001 (that would be 01-01-01), and to plan to complete a quilt every consecutive date year in a series for the twelve years possible, ending on 12-12-12. Could I do it? I asked my quilting friends in Iowa and in Prescott, Arizona, to join me in the series. Nobody wanted to play...but I was able to do it on my own! And what an amazing adventure it was! I learned that I celebrate all aspects of quilting—all quilts as well as quilt history! I learned that I am a “social quilter”--all quilts in the series involved more than just me! And as I neared the end of the series, my friends were cheering me towards the finish line! I hope you enjoy my quilt series.


2013 Quilters Hall of Fame Award Winners 221

Tucson Quilt Fiesta Hall of Fame Award Winner - January 2013

26 Randon Kimonos

Phyllis Spalla (on the right) winner of the Hall of Fame award at the Tucson Quilt Fiesta, January 2013 for her quilt "Randon Kimonos". Pictured with Quilt Show Chairs Jean Biddick and Kathy Zimmer.


Coconino County Fair Hall of Fame Award Winner - August 2013


Congratulations to Wendy Garrison and her quilt Arizona Sunset for her Hall of Fame Award received at the Coconino County Fair. in Arizona Quilters in the News. 223

Arizona Quilters Guild Hall of Fame Award Winner - March 2013

Congratulations to Leslie Milde for her "Rusty Blues New York Beauty" winner of the Hall of Fame Award in Mesa at the Arizona Quilters Guild Show "Trends and Traditions", March 2013; Jessica (Jones) Gamez was the quilter. This was Leslie's first New York beauty and she paper pieced it using batiks and embellished it with crystals and thread.


Copper Country Quilters Hall of Fame Award Winner - March 2013

Magic Begins

Congratulations Marge Imperatrice of the Copper Country Quilters of Globe, AZ. Marge's quilt "Magic Begins" won the Hall of Fame Award. This beautiful quilt was hand pieced, hand appliqued and hand quilted by Marge 225

Queen Valley Scrap Rats Hall of Fame Award Winner - March 2013

Starlight Trails

Norma Kanzig of the Queen Valley Scrap Rats was awarded the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame ribbon for the second year in a row! Her entry, Starlight Trails, was chosen at the 11th Annual Queen Valley Scrap Rats Quilt Show on March 2, 2013. 226

Coolidge Quilt Show Hall of Fame Award Winner - March 2013

Double Irish Chain

We would also like to congratulate Betty Pare Santa the Hall of Fame winner at the 2013 Coolidge Quilt Show for her beautiful quilt Double Irish Chain with whole quilt back. 227

Valley Quilters Guild Hall of Fame Award Winner - March 2013

Scarlet Serenade

Congratulations to Mary Hubbard who won the Hall of Fame Award at the Valley Quilters Guild quilt show Splendor in the Desert in March. Mary's quilt Scarlet Serenade is hand appliqued and hand quilted.


Happy Trails Quilt Show Hall of Fame Award Winner

Grandmother’s Garden

Congratulations to Sally Shumway for her quilt "Grandmother's Garden� which won the Hall of Fame award at the Happy Trails Quilt Show. 229

Strawberry Patchers Quilt Show Hall of Fame Award Winner - June 2013

Gail VanHorsen awarding Maureen Pastika AQHOF Award for her quilt “PATCH�

Gail congratulates Maureen Pastika on winning the Hall of Fame award at the Strawberry Patchers Quilt Show in Pine, June 2013. The quilt "Patch" is an original design drawn by Maureen's husband based upon a picture of Patch who passed away last year. 230

Strawberry Patchers Quilt Show Hall of Fame Award Winner - June 2013

Lorraine Owen with her quilt “Sharing Christmas With Friends�

Congratulations to Hall of Fame Award Winner Lorraine Owen and her quilt "Sharing Christmas with Friends" from the Thumb Butte Guild Quilt Show in Prescott, June 2013. 231

Thumb Butte Quilt Show Hall of Fame Award Winner - June 2013

Lorraine Owen with her quilt “Sharing Christmas With Friends�

Congratulations to Hall of Fame Award Winner Lorraine Owen and her quilt "Sharing Christmas with Friends" from the Thumb Butte Guild Quilt Show in Prescott, June 2013. 232

Pine Needlers Quilt Show Hall of Fame Award Winner - August 2013

Ardath Pearson

Ardath Pearson is the winner of the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame Award at the 2013 Pine Needlers Quilt Show in Heber/Overgaard on August 31st. Ardath's quilt was hand quilted white on white. Congratulations! 233

CLASS OF 2013 INDUCTEES Sally Hatfield Nancy Horn Barbara Polston Susie Weaver


2013 Induction Event


2013 Hall of Fame Inductee Sally Hatfield Globe, AZ.

Sally Hatfield began her love affair with quiltmaking in 1974. During the past 30+ years, she has developed judging, teaching and lecturing skills while attending nearly seventy related classes and workshops. She exhibits her work and has received numerous awards in local, national and international competitions. She continues to strive toward that elusive Best of Show award! Earning her judge’s certification through The National Quilting Association Inc. in June 1996 has been a highlight in Sally’s quilting career. As a certified judge, she is proud to honor the art of quiltmaking by motivating show participants through ethical and impartial judging. Sally’s quilting activities include memberships in several quilt related organizations including The National Quilting Association, the International Quilt Association, and the American Quilters Society as well as regional and local organizations. She served eight years on the Board of Directors of the National Quilting Association and participated in the judging and production of its annual show every June since 1994. She currently serves as treasurer of her local guild, the Copper Country Quilters. Most recently, Sally was honored to receive an invitation to join the Board of Directors of the newly formed Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame where she is serving as the Friend’s Liaison to individual and organizational Friends of the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame. Sally, a mid-westerner by birth, but a south-westerner at heart, currently resides in Globe, Arizona with her husband Paul and two very spoiled, but loveable, cats. 236

2013 Hall of Fame Inductee Barbara Polston Phoenix AZ.

Barbara Polston is a writer by vocation and a quilter by avocation. Barbara is the Editor of The Quilting Quarterly, the journal of The National Quilting Association, and a columnist for The Country Register family of newspapers. Barbara has also been a Contributing Editor for American Quilter, the magazine of the American Quilter’s Society. Barbara is the Founder of Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame and served as that organization’s first President. She was honored as the Organizational Friend of the Year in 2012. Barbara also has served on the Boards of Directors of the Association of Pacific West Quilters, The National Quilting Association, and the Arizona Quilters Guild. When not quilting, Barbara consults with nonprofit organizations to help them raise money to create positive change in the world.


2013 Hall of Fame Inductee Nancy Horn


2013 Hall of Fame Inductee Susie Weaver


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