Aquarian Voque 2012

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2012 ISSUE: Priceless. Please take one.

Rituals and Illuminations


2012 and

the Current Financial Crisis A Breakthrough in Reiki

The Astrology of 2012

PAST - IS PRESENT - FUTURE WHERE YOUR LIFE GOING? Professional Psychic Readings in Carytown Richmond Daily in store or by phone

(804) 353-5575

AQUARIAN BOOKSHOP 3519 Ellwood Avenue Richmond, VA, 23221

AQUARIAN VOGUE Rituals & Illuminations

Letter From Sunflower Priestess. Publisher Aquarian Media

The wonderful smell of frankincense. Lemurian quartz crystals under lit by spectacular marble base pedestals and the Chihuahua Senor Amor is greeting me at the door. My physical senses inform me that I have arrived at the Aquarian Bookshop. I am always amazed when I enter this environment because the care put into its arrangement oozes thickly from the walls, the Buddha statues and all the crystals from around the world. I am so happy to find this place in Richmond that is an oasis for a spiritual seeker like myself in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the city life. This oasis allows me to curl up in the launge area and browse in my favorite Louise Hay, Echart Tolle or many other metaphysical books. Sometimes when I am feeling especially sensous, I take a peek at the recipe for a love potion in one of the Magician books, and I then run up to the front to smell the oils of rose and vanilla that promise to beckon my lover. Oh my! I do love the magical feeling here.

Editing & Layout Viliam B. Covey Cover Photo Mark Byron Aquarian Bookshop 3519 Ellwood Avenue Richmond, VA, 23221 Advertise in the next issue:

Teach a class: (804) 353-5575


“I am not here for anything normal. Where has normal gotten you so far!” --Sunflower Priestess

The Aquarian Bookshop gives me access to top notch psychics and astrologers. Susan Hughes gets to tell me which planets are rising in my horoscope and Cameron Bost uses empathy to inform me intuitively about my path. I cannot wait to see which tarot card I might get for the day from Theresa Alford or Barbara Evans. The spirits guides are standing by to deliver messages through Sebastian Quijada. Laura Giles helps me go back and revisit my past lives. Most importantly the oasis supports my meditative lifestyle. I love listening to the guided meditations and fabulous sanskrit yoga chants that help me to calm my busy monkey mind. There are also free meditation classes provided by the Jerhoam Mystery School on Monday evenings facilitated by the English psychic Mo Bulifant. The oasis at the Aquarian gives me a chance to give back so I participate twice yearly in the psychic festivals that donate all proceeds to the Baby Girl project to build schools in Kenya. Oh my goodness -- The Baby Girl Project has built 21 schools to date in the eight years since it began. I know you would enjoy the festivals which are celebrated with themes such as Egyptian, Olympian or Wild, Wild West, which is coming up this year on June 16th, 2012. I love the costumes that I get to wear. An oasis is a place to get refreshed. I love the feeing that life can be a series of firsts. There is always something new to experience and to learn at the Aquarian. It is a place to meet old friends and eagerly await new friends that are walking in the door. Hope to see you here soon. My inner senses tell me we are going to love each other. Love Sunflower Priestess Director of Public Relations.

4 2012 and the CURRENT FINANCIAL CRISIS 6 The Aquarian Saved MY LIFE 8 The KARMA OF THE TRAMP - The Reward of the Artist 14 2012: Revelations Through PALMISTRY 18 A Breakthrough in REIKI 20 The ASTROLOGY of 2012 24 What Happens in JERHOAM’s CHANNELING AUDIENCE “ Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun.”

2012 and the Current

Financial Crisis. A Psychic’s View.

By Craig Tapscott

John J. Oliver

What Is It About? What Will Happen? What Can You Do?

Modern culture is now filled with the 2012 phenomena, from the news, to the History Channel, or to Hollywood blockbusters. Many people fear that life as we know it will end on December 21, 2012 — which will be the last day in the current Mayan Calendar. I asked professional psychic detective and astrologer John J. Oliver for his perspective on the doom and gloom. Craig Tapscott: What is the significance of the Mayan Calendar ending on December 21, 2012? John J. Oliver: There are several Mayan calendars. One of them points to December 21, 2012 as an ending date of a great cycle of approximately 26,000 years. The Mayans also believe that December 22, 2012 is the first day of the next great cycle. The new cycle will bring the development of human beings into God-Beings. CT: Does 2012 relate to the world economic situation? JO: We are seeing a collective effort to bring change to the current financial system. It is a system that is perceived as unfair economically to the majority. Big populations of citizens are under much pressure. This pressure is driving the conflict and social unrest we are seeing in the world. The upheaval mirrors perfectly what is going on with the 2012 fervor. Money is one way that we define ourselves in the physical world. It is natural for economics to adjust according to the new spiritual frequencies. There are dates and cycles leading into 2012 that I will lecture about throughout 2012. These are “power points.” CT: What do you feel will be the major changes happening at the end of 2012? JO: We will see a new age of consciousness dawning. It makes sense that this newly awakened consciousness needs new structure to express itself through. It means a total restructuring of life as we know it. We see this restructuring foreshadowed in what has been happening with large corporations, car manufacturers, and banks. We have the opportunity to make 2012 a springboard to advance humanity to a new level of consciousness awareness. 4

CT: Do you believe there is “no accident” that there have been massive riots and demonstrations worldwide over the past few years as we approach 2012? JO: There is no coincidence. The force of Divine Evolution is guiding the whole process. When you are “asleep” in an antiquated structure, you do not realize that you are in a prison. It is very easy for a “sleeping” public or an individual to accept structures and systems that are no longer working. The moment that a critical number of people start to awaken, a new world is born. CT: How do I prepare for the coming changes? JO: Include some form of spiritual practice in daily life. Become more educated about what you can do to awaken your own Light body. Begin to activate yourself as a spiritual being and relate to your reality from the perspective of Spirit living in a Light body. You will experience that the physical is the less “real” and less important aspect of your total being. When you emerge from this transformation, you will have a superior brain and an activated pineal gland, which is the spiritual center manifest in the physical body. CT: Can groups do anything to prepare for 2012? JO: Meditate and pray deeply together. Begin to really know yourself so you can heal. Connect to or create a spiritual community beyond your ego’s interest. Take interest in healing your local community and pray for the whole of humanity. Metaphysical principles are not just about influencing situations so that you can get a bigger house or earn more money. The Mayan tradition refers to this New Age of Aquarius as the Age of Ether or the humanity of Spirit. I know we are entering very exciting times in our history and that we have amazing emergences to look forward to in the coming years. Financial and economic healing is one aspect. John J. Oliver is a professional psychic detective and star of the hit Court TV series, Haunting Evidence. He also stars in FBI Psychic Investigator on Japan’s Nippon Network, with over 23 million viewers. John Oliver is a channel and oracle for Jerhoam - An Enlightened Master teacher who presents programs for awakening and enlightenmet.

Jerhoam’s Mystery School seminars are regularly held in Richmond, NYC, Los Angeles, Denver and other cities or locations. For more information visit Come to one of John’s powerful seminars at the Aqurian Bookshop. Go to for the current schedule of classes and events. Watch the video about “The opportunity of 2012” with John J. Oliver on John with Mam’ Imox.

Wick Love Candle carving Service

Hand Crafted and Magicaly carved candles to manifest your deepest wishes. 5

The Aquarian Saved

My Life! From

By Rusty Hart Over the past two years I have become something of a “wise man” that doles out advice to the seekers who frequent the bookshop. I didn’t intend to assume this role, but I have a natural gift when it comes to relating wisdom through verbal communication (to which my Mercury at one degree of Aries will attest). Prior to my employment at the Aquarian Bookshop, I didn’t have a clue what my personal gifts were and how I was supposed to utilize them. In fact, before I came to the Aquarian I was a person that few of you would recognize today. I’ve gotten to know a lot of you quite well, and many of you also know me rather well. At least you thought you did. My personal history is a sorted one, but it led me to my salvation (unbeknownst to me) in May of 2009 when I began working at the Aquarian Bookshop. When I graduated high school in 2004 I was already abusing drugs and alcohol. I remember the week before my graduation I got a surprise visit from my ‘barely more than a deadbeat’ father. He took my girlfriend (now fiancé) and me out to lunch and at some point the subject of hard drugs came up and I adamantly expressed my vow of natural drugs only, things that grow in the ground, gifts from God for the initiate. Things changed. By the end of that summer I had sniffed my first line of heroin, all the while proclaiming that I was in control and I would never use needles. Wrong again. The next few years were a blur of trips to the city, bags of hypodermic needles and the inevitable thievery and deceit that comes with drug addiction. Things were bad. In 2006 I had my first overdose, followed by a short and uneventful trip to rehab.

Laura Giles Tarot and Past Life Regression Psychic Readings In store or By Phone. (804) 353-5575

addiction to


I moved to Richmond a few months later and while I didn’t use heroin for a year or so, I wasn’t sober. I began using crack and cocaine daily, eventually resorting to IV use of cocaine which lead to multiple overdoses/seizures and resulted in a dislocated shoulder that required surgery and two plastic screws to fix. After the surgery I began abusing pain medication and IV heroin shortly thereafter. My addiction was worse than it had ever been. I had a $200 a day habit and I didn’t have the money to cover it. I was stealing whatever I could from whomever I could, including my family, friends and complete strangers. Eventually my fiancé and family couldn’t watch me kill myself anymore and gave me an ultimatum, get into real treatment or get out of their lives. Shortly thereafter I started treatment at a Methadone clinic in Midlothian. Soon after that, I was lead to the Aquarian Bookshop. I had always been a seeker of wisdom, but I had never really immersed myself in the lifestyle. The Aquarian Bookshop changed all of that. Suddenly I was constantly surrounded by spiritual teachings and a path began to emerge before me. I had cut ties with all of my old friends and acquaintances, and had a new life ripe for the taking, if I was willing. Every day I met a new person or learned about a new crystal or found a book I had never heard of, and every day I delved deeper into the mysteries. I became an avid student and practitioner of astral projection and psychic development. Each day when I came home from work I sat down and meditated for hours instead of getting high. I was reborn, and I am now nearly four years sober. In the end, it wasn’t the books or the stones or any of the tangible items that we sell here that were my true salvation. No, it was actually you. That’s right, each one of you had a hand in saving my life and making clear the direction that life would take. I learned from all of you that I have a gift for the transmission of wisdom, I am a teacher and healer of the psyche. Nothing makes me happier than helping someone jump start their own journey into the mysteries and I may not have figured that out if it hadn’t been for the bookshop. I was given a choice and the support I needed to explore the depths of my being and heal the years of abuse to which I subjected myself. For this, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, for without the bookshop and the wonderful people that work and shop there, I would probably be dead. 6

JERHOAM’s MYSTERY SCHOOL For A higher Standard of Being! serving students of enlightenment.

Channeled teachings






Jerhaom Excerpt from a consultation - channeled by John J. Oliver

OF THE ARTIST. How to Use Energy for an Elegant Life. “ What would you need the energy for? Whenever you are doing any type of spiritual practice, it is very important to understand where it is you are using your energy. Whenever it is that you are upon any path where you hope for transformation, for change, then you must have some understanding of something that’s very fundamental. In the event that you are not aware of it, it requires much energy to transform, profound amounts of energy to transform. Consider it for example, in a biological process, for example in a gestation, profound amounts of energy are needed or in childhood profound amounts of fuel are needed to grow the child in order to carry through change. Even upon that very fundamental biological, physiological level. So when you are speaking about meditation, whenever it is you are attempting to transform human being into that which is more 8

aware-ized, into that which is more free, then you will require all the energy that you could possibly, possibly gather. So upon this day let us dialogue one of the most significant ways which many meditators waste profound, profound amounts of energy. Let us consider a very leaky faucet for a moment of time. A dripping faucet or a little trickle, a little stream, one hour will not seem like so much. But what happens when that little stream is left streaming for a year? Have you ever been in a house where the faucet has been dripping for several years, a very steady drip and you have not quite manifested the time to address that leaky faucet? If you could collect all of that water and subtract it from your utility bill you might be delightfully surprised. Of course the metaphor does not work in the same way if you have your own well, we hear you.

So use another metaphor, the electricity. A tiny energy leak over a long period of time is a profound amount of energy wasted. We have dialogued commitment. Upon this day let us dialogue what we shall term to be “The Karma of The Tramp.” We are not referring to sexual practices exactly, not that type of tramp. But “The Karma of the Tramp or The Reward of the Artist.” That is our dialogue, the reward of the art form versus the karma of the tramp. Let us understand what is meant of the karma of the tramp. What is an act of trampdom? Allowing a faucet to leak in a house unchecked is an act of a tramp. Entering a restaurant, eating, and making such a profound mess, and leaving no compensation for those who are to clean the mess, that’s karma of the tramp. Living in a very dirty house, that’s karma of the tramp. And your mind will begin to try to decide, well for example, you are well acquainted with the debate, “Well, I like my messy room, it does not bother me.” That’s a little arguing point. So here is how to determine in general how it is that you are creating the karma of the tramp, as opposed to having a cluttered decorating style. It is a style to have cluttered decorating. It is a style to have many objects you don’t even know are under the bed any more. It is a style to be afraid to clean a closet. You do not know what’s in there either. You simply do not wish to know.

else.” Well you are a little further ahead, correct? But if you must look at the kitchen in disarray for days and days, then you have expended energy. You have created disorientation to your natural sense of beauty and balance. You disorientate yourself, so that consumes energy. That is not a feeding energy. That is a draining energy. It is one of the most subtle but most easily neglected practices of a meditator, because the energy that is wasted seems to be such a small amount that it is overlooked. But taken together for a long time it starts to drain you. Now what does that do? It creates what is popularly called a loose end. That’s Karma. And if you have a loose end you will have to address it later. If that is in your field, then you’re going to attract loose ends. That same resonation will come into your reality and in order to make a transformation you require all the help you can get, every last drop. Another example of the karma of the tramp - if you’re always losing things, you cannot find that particular dish, that key, that book. It does not seem like very much time is wasted in looking for it, not much time at all, maybe only a second, maybe 5 minutes, but it creates an interruption in the flow.

A space either invites energy to be given to you or a space can suck the energy right out of you.

But here is your general formula. Consider it energy. That’s number one. Number two, consider that any act upon your part that requires you or another to expend more unnecessary energy because you have been there? Then you’ve created the karma of the tramp. If you enter any space, a house you’re invited to and you rather trash the living room. Have you ever trashed anyone’s living room before? Not in this lifetime? But you understand the point? And if that act requires that someone else must expend energy to a greater degree than they are receiving energy, then you have created the karma of the tramp. If you leave your own kitchen in a dismal state then you might consider, “Well it is my kitchen and it is not hurting anyone

If someone was yodeling, and from time to time there was a little skip and it was very cute, it was very appropriate, it was artistic in that moment of time. But imagine how tired all of you would get of a little interruption like that in every piece of music you buy. How tired would you get of that? You buy the piece of music, so what, it only skips once or twice. What difference does it make? Well that’s what you say every time you loose your keys on a daily basis. Because of the karma of the tramp that has such disorganization in the mind and of the space, the keys are eaten by the room. The hungry room eats the keys. That is expensive because that is your 5 minutes where you would not have been late and then one karma falls into another, now you’ve broken a commitment by being late and then you are under stress, all because of that that seems insignificant.

Meditation Mondays Jerhoam’s Waltz Music to celebrate the Ascended Masters. Available at the Aquarian.

Maureen Bulifant, the English Psychic and long time student of Jerhoam, is the facilitator of this practical group meditation circle. The class involves chanting, breathing techniques, meditation and listenig to one of Jerhoam’s teachings. @ the Aquarian Bookshop. 7-8PM, FREE.

It is the same as purchasing a piece of music with a skip in have created a structure there that will require someone else to it or two skips in it. Most of it’s all right, but that one skip, expend energy. So you must weigh that very, very carefully. you’ll get your money back. You’ll go right to the store and Remember it this way. When anyone visits you or you visit say, “This one skips” and they will not argue with you. They will agree with you. So you must agree with yourself anyone, you’re not generally left the way they found you. that such practical loose ends also waste your energy. Of Very rarely, well sometimes perhaps there is a brief energy excourse do not become obsessed if you loose your keys here change but rarely are you left as you’re found, rarely do you and there over the course of a lifetime. So be it. We’re refer- leave as you find. You have either risen or you have uplifted ring to the very consistent practice of using up unnecessary the space or you have fallen or you have soiled the space. Is the energy and then afterwards convincing yourself, “That’s no space happier, more content because you have been there? Or big deal. It could be worse.” Well, everything always could. is it less so because you have walked there? Remember that, everything could always be worse. But Now imagine for years walkthat’s not the path you are on. You are on the path to expand it into The universe has very big ears. The universe ing through and having a series art. So that is the opposite. That loves to hear that which is consistent in its of hit and runs. That is an energetic hit and run. Have you is the consciousness you’re atflow because nothing destroys meditation ever been to a public restroom, tempting to create. That is called faster than one form of violence, vandalism, any of you? Do you enjoy it? the reward of art, the reward of the injury or another. Well, you could enjoy it if all artist, your natural sense to admire of the meditators in public beauty and balance. restrooms would leave it in a greater state than it is found. That is a very good example Here’s something very important. Spaces that you visit, and those types of entities will come into a public restroom and spaces that you live in do not tend to be neutral nor do you leave it in a state of disarray or contribute to the already existtend to be very neutral in coming there. A space either invites ing disarray have hit and run. Hit and run means an attempt energy to be given to you or a space can suck the energy right to escape the responsibility of that unconsciousness. So you out of you. And it may be only sucking it a little at a time might consider it unconscious vandalism and there are varying like a mosquito, but would you let a mosquito bite you if you knew the mosquito was coming? Especially not now, cor- degrees of vandalism. rect? When you visit any space you have either given energy Continued on page 12. to that space in a greater amount than you have taken or you

Jerhoam’s Mystery School presents



Starting in August 2012. Richmond, VA. Another year of Alpha Pegasa studies with Jerhoam will begin in August 2012. All students of wisdom who are seriously interested in personal transformation are invited to participate. A detailed brochure available at the Aquarian. For questions email us

A certificate course in

SHAMANIC MAYAN HEALING AND CRYSTAL THERAPY September 21-23, 2012 with Mayan Priest Don Carlos Barrios and Amazonian Shaman Adriana.

But might we suggest that unconscious vandalism against your own property or the property of others, or the space of others is a little tiny stroke of vandalism that instead of getting out all of your urge to vandalize onto one object, well consider this metaphor. If you are to vandalize a wall with graffiti, instead of standing there for hours and really vandalizing that one wall, many that are unconscious simply walk around life haphazardly spraying and you spread it out and because you spread it out you think nobody notices. Or if you can sneak out no one will know it was you. After all there must be cleaning help somewhere that will take care of it. Someone will come along and fix it. But now you have created a situation for which another expends energy, and slavery is not working in most parts of the world. Well, that is up for debate as well. But when it is that you have cleaning assistance you really compensate the cleaning assistance. You give more energy than you are receiving and if any of you that have cleaning assistance wonder why you cannot keep cleaning help or a maid than you might think about why not. Because even professional cleaners prefer to work in clean houses. Did you know that? They do. If you are really mucky they’ll take one look and they won’t even clean it for you. They’ll recommend demolition teams instead. “Look in the yellow pages.” Or if the cleaning help is leaving you notes like, “You don’t need a maid, you need a junk dealer. Call someone in right away.”You enslave others unknowingly if you commit unconscious vandalism.

So before you leave any space and of course today most of you will be a little paranoid before you leave here today. Before you leave any space pause for a moment of time and ask, has my presence uplifted this space, in that you shall too be up lifted. Those of you who practice unconscious vandalism and incur the karma of the tramp rather than the rewards of the artist, beauty and order, would find a radical quick change in about 14 days if you could go from this point to this point, 14 days without letting that recording, that music of art consciousness, art form consciousness, not allowing it to skip, not once. Because even if it skips once, know you, all of you have these little discs now, these little CDs and you have perhaps one of them in your collection that skips and you rather avoid it. You just put it aside. You’ll replace it one day but you usually desire to hear something that is not going to skip. Of course vandalism by your understanding is a deliberate act to stand before an object or property and deface it or destroy it therefore for the fun of it, creating what is termed vandalism. But might we suggest that unconscious vandalism against your own property or the property of others, or the space of others is a little tiny stroke of vandalism that instead of getting out all of your urge to vandalize onto one object, well consider this metaphor. Continued p16.

“To the energy that we will need. So be it”

VIPASSANA 10 Day Meditative Retreat with jerhoam

July July 9-18, 9-18, 2012 2012 Sierra Sierra Madre, Madre, Califonia Califonia

Go Deeper in Meditation Then You’ve Ever Gone Before

(347) 882-0325

In the spirit of


PSYCHIC FESTIVAL june 16, 2012




FULL DAY OF READINGS! The largest of it’s kind in Richmond. Over 50 readers and healers. PSYCHIC * TAROT *CLAIRVOYANT ASTROLOGY * PALM Readings. MASSAGE * ENERGY HEALING PAST LIFE REGRESSION & REIKI 100% Benefit to our School Building Project in Kenya with The Baby Girl Project and Free The Children. 13

2012: Revelations Through Palmistry When it comes to 2012 one thing everyone seems to agree on – our world is changing. Some say the earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and volcano eruptions happening all over the world supports the theory this change means total destruction. I believe that the earth is making adjustments to support a new consciousness and understanding for humanity. Each of us may experience 2012 differently depending on our attitudes and perceptions. What personal changes might you expect as an individual? The answer may be as close as your hand. People have been fascinated with their hands since before they began to walk upright. Some of the earliest cave art includes hand prints. Every hand is different as it is an extension of our minds and palmistry is one of the oldest esoteric sciences. Aristotle wrote a book on palmistry for Alexander the Great. The information is still valid today. Since Aristotle others have taken on the study of palmistry with numerous books on the subject. But what does this mean for you? There are four major lines on the palm of your hand – life, head, heart and destiny. In the same order you can also say physical, mental, emotional and purpose. Over the years these lines can change. The life line begins at your wrist and curves up and around your thumb. The length of the line has nothing to do with how long you will live but it does reveal your well-being, health and stamina. Little circles and crosses indicate periods of difficulty. In other words, challenges to be faced and learned from. It is your journey through this lifetime.

Barbara Evans Tarot Intuitive and Palmistry Psychic Readings In store or By Phone. (804) 353-5575

The head line generally runs through the center of your palm starting on the thumb side of your hand and ending on the pinky side. This line indicates your intellect, how you use your brain, and your attitudes and perspectives. Again little circles and crosses indicate challenges to be met and learned from. The heart line runs across your palm starting on the hand’s pinky finger side and is just below the fingers. Little circles and crosses indicate challenges in expressing various emotions. The destiny line runs up the center of your palm starting at your wrist and ending below the middle finger. If you look at your palm and your destiny line is faint or non-existent – don’t panic as this does not mean you have no purpose. Sometimes it does not develop until we are in our twenties or thirties which is when most of us are deciding who we really are. Very artistic people may never have a clearly defined destiny line. Their art is their purpose for existence. So what can your palm tell you about 2012 and the effects it will have on you? There are three things to look for in each of the four major lines – a fork, a split or parallel line, or no change at all. You may see any of these on one or more of the major lines. A fork on your palm is just like a fork in the road. You can’t go both ways so you have an opportunity to make a choice of directions for your life either physically, mentally (attitude and perspectives), or emotionally. You can even alter your destiny by making a conscious change in your life. The earth changes may have a physical affect on you which may or may not affect your mental outlook. How you respond emotionally may or may not provide additional challenges. A split or parallel line looks like this: A palm line starts and then ends after a short distance while a second line has started shortly before the first line ends and runs parallel to and close to the first line for a short length before continuing on. This indicates a major change in a person’s life. Think of a brain surgeon who suddenly decides to become a lawyer. But the switch does not occur over night and you let go of one direction while doing what is needed to completely embrace a new life course. Perhaps the lines on your palm show little or no variation from their start to their end. This can simply mean that the earth changes and consciousness shifting will not have a major impact on your life as you live it now. Enjoy! Visit to find out about next Palmistry class with Barbara at the Aqurian. 14

HEALERS CONGRESS Spiritual Education for Healers! DENVER, CO in 2012 February 18-19 May 19-20 September 8-9 November 10-11

Aquarian Magic Oils and Blends

“ Your body is a healing temple. When you become an alchemical healer using energy, reiki, qi gong, or counseling arts you understand this concept. You are a Being alive beyond your physical form. An earthly healer considers that healing is something done to the body. An alchemical healer knows that the body itself is the healer.� --Jerhoam

Over 50 different scents.

The Witch is BACK! MARCH 30-31 & April 1st 2012 Class schedule:

Matthew Sawicki

MARCH 30: TAROT MAGIC: Learn to use the ancient and universal symbols of the tarot cards. MARCH 31: Apothecary class:Hoodoo and Rootwork- some tricks of the trade APRIL !: The Wheel of the Year: living magically in tune with the seasons. ( All 3 classes start at 7-9PM)

Psychic readings with Matthew available during the day. Call (804) 353-5575.

(Karma of the Tramp....continued from page 12) If you are to vandalize a wall with graffiti, instead of standing there for hours and really vandalizing that one wall, many that are unconscious simply walk around life haphazardly spraying and you spread it out and because you spread it out you think nobody notices. Or if you can sneak out no one will know it was you. After all there must be cleaning help somewhere that will take care of it. Someone will come along and fix it. But now you have created a situation for which another expends energy, and slavery is not working in most parts of the world. Well, that is up for debate as well. But when it is that you have cleaning assistance you really compensate the cleaning assistance. You give more energy than you are receiving and if any of you that have cleaning assistance wonder why you cannot keep cleaning help or a maid than you might think about why not. Because even professional cleaners prefer to work in clean houses. Did you know that? They do. If you are really mucky they’ll take one look and they won’t even clean it for you. They’ll recommend demolition teams instead. “Look in the yellow pages.” Or if the cleaning help is leaving you notes like, “You don’t need a maid, you need a junk dealer. Call someone in right away.” Those of you who have been with the Tibetan monks and have witnessed their creations, the sand mandala, many days pass with beauteous art forms are created. How long does it take for it to disappear? Quickly. Those little Tibetan monks are funny that way. They get a kick out of it. Recently we’ve had a little gathering of some Tibetan monks and they really do. We made them confess. Well, there were a couple there that were a little rigid who would not confess. They thought it was a very sacred occasion, they did. But really those few of them admitted that they really like that somehow. Because for those who have not yet arrived at a profound sense of freedom, liberation, humility, because there can be the appearance of humility and there can be humility, really get a kick out of showing others how impermanent things are. Now contemplate that. For days and days we’re going to work and look at these people. They’re coming in here, they’re watching this beauteous creation and we’re going to show them in our spirituality how it is that we understand impermanence. Whoooo - magnificent destruction. Continued on p17.

Sebastian Quijada Psychic and Medium (English and Spanish) Psychic Readings In store or By Phone. (804) 353-5575

Goddess Emerging Sacred Stone Grid Layout

What you will need:

Board: A purple board representing the 7th chakra and connection to Spirit is perfect for this layout. Center position: Pick a Goddess statue, or whatever object you are drawn to that represents you as Goddess. Clear Quartz will enhance the energies of the other stones and help cleanse and purify. Moonstone helps with intuition and inspiration. It brings good fortune and passionate love into your life. Chrysocolla: to clear your mind during hard times. Resonating with the heart chakra it transforms pain, grief and negative emotions into love. Aquamarine: This crystal guides you to be in touch with your spiritual self. Meditate with it to bring peace and harmony. Rose Quartz: Let yourself feel worthy of love and be in touch with universal love with this pink quartz crystal. 6 of each stones needed to create this powerful crystal grid. Visit us at the Aquarian Bookshop and let’s put the stones to manifest for you. ACTIVATION: I activate this grid to find Goddess energy inside me. To heal old wounds that keep me from being true to myself and to clear my mind and heart so that I can be in touch with my spiritual self. Other grids with instructions available: - Welcome Money - Grief Recovery - Protection - Open Third Eye - Emotional Healing and many more. 16

(Karma of the Tramp...contined from p16.) That is most appropriate because that is an art form and it does transfer energy to others. So it is a very, very wise practice. That is an example of art form. The rewards of the artist. The meditative work that it requires to create that. The meditative work that it would require for you to enter your living space and say, “Hah.” Do people come in your house and say Hah or do they rather walk around looking for a place where they might sit down? There is a chair around here somewhere, just move something out of the way. Of course if it’s bad enough people will talk and that in itself can be a service. You can think of it as a great service because at least then they’ll be gossiping about your house rather than in destructive gossip about each other. So therefore you have created a very great spiritual service. You have defused the karmic implications of gossip. As a meditation to reinforce this teaching, this evening and the mornings walk the grounds here. If there is anything superfluous clean it up. Make it greater because you have been here. We do not suggest you trim trees or disturb fixtures, just dust and clean the obvious that might require it and walk about the place. It’s fairly orderly here and of course we realize that your rooms where you’re staying are in perfect order. Take a little tour of your home to see the state of art it is in. Take that and multiply it times a month, a year. That’s how you get the way you get, in thoughts, emotions, things said and unsaid. All of it counts. So if you catch yourself saying, “Well, it’s alright, I’ll do it tomorrow.” How many times do you say that? One day you will not have a tomorrow on this dimension. And imagine, just imagine that your house and the effort that it will take someone else to come in and put it into order, might become a reflection of what you’re doing in the bardo (the space between lifetimes.) So after about a week and there’s been some excavation, well he must be making progress now and then maybe after it is all cleaned out, alright her bardo experience must be finished now. Ot does not work exactly like that but everything is related, everything is connected. If you leave art you go to art. That’s a very important aphorism for this teaching. If you leave art you go to art. If you leave disorder you go to disorder. Why? Some will contemplate, who are not really aware of how karma works who might listen to this teaching, might say, “Well, why is that fair?” Isn’t God fair especially when someone’s dying?

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Jerhoam’s Mystery School presents a Master class THE ASSEMBLY OF

THE GREAT LAW OF ATTRACtION. On-going series in Los Angeles, CA. God should just forget about all of that.” Well, it’s your energy. It’s what you created out of that experience. Leave disorder go to disorder. Leave art go to art. Leave completion go to completion. Leave love go to love. Remember when you go there out of your bodies and swim in the ocean of death, if there’s blood in the water you’ll attract sharks. That is a truth. But they are “sharks” of your own making. They are of your own coils, your own chakras, your own memories. So in this way you might consider that what you leave behind is your bardo. Contemplate that. That is one perspective, one point of view for understanding it. What you leave behind is your bardo.

So is your space to be artistic? Trampish? Is your space to be art? Is your space to be high art? 17

A Breakthrough in


By Nancy Cullen Graves, Reiki Master Teacher

How to Be a Master Healer: A Language and Practice for the Master Within. Reiki is commonly used as a term to describe a form of energy healing that uses symbols to invoke an energy program that can be transferred to another for the intention of healing. It is based on metaphysical principles and symbolism. Generally, what metaphysicians know is that our reality is energy based. We categorize energy into two forms of energy that we commonly deal with. Firstly, we have an Ki Prana, or un-programmed energy, Ki or Prana, which is similar to a blank disc – completely available for use. Secondly, we have a programmed energy – energy with a purpose. This is energy that has been programmed by intention: that is conscious or unconscious. The Reiki practitioners are trained to build up the Ki within their body; program the energy with the attuned intention which is activated by the symbols; and transfer the programmed energy to a client. The transference of energy will then impact the client’s body either by receiving more energy or releasing stuck energy, based on the client’s situation. Either way, both movements of energy are “healing.” It provides an opportunity for the body: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, to recalibrate to its natural and healthy state. As I describe the process you can see how simple it can be, yet how complex it seems. A Reiki practitioner studies the aspects of energy work, becomes attuned to the energy of the symbol, and practices utilizing the energy through a laying-on-of-hands technique.

Cam Bost Empath and Tarot Intuitive Psychic Readings In store or By Phone. (804) 353-5575

Do you know that the average person is programming energy approximately on the average of 60,000 intentions per second? Do you realize that intention arises from emotion and that emotion acts like a magnifier and accelerant for manifesting? That means that any unresolved emotion associated with an intention is archived in the body and continues to program energy on an unconscious level. It becomes dense in the body and has the possibility of creating disorder and disease. The question for an energy healer is, “How do I fine tune my practice to have a greater impact for my client?” It begins with preparing the body and mind, to become fine-tuned instruments. Nutrition, meditation and movement are general categories to address where Ki can be cultivated. Life brings forth life. Sattvic foods (foods that are pure, clean and wholesome) provide life giving chemistry to the body. If food is consumed that is not Sattvic, it may leave an energetic residue within the body’s energy field and create distraction within the mind.

Many people operate based on habits established by the past or anticipated future. Meditation holds the value of slowing down the thoughts within the conscious mind so that higher consciousness can emerge. When the higher consciousness emerges, the heart intention to serve as a healer encounters fewer obstacles and can energetically work with greater precision. Meditation is also a valuable practice for watching the thought patterns of the egoic and unconsciously driven mind. Many people operate based on habit established by the past or anticipated future. This is because the egoic mind wants control by creating a sense of comfort with the familiar. This area of study is a life-long practice and the value of this practice is that once awareness is brought to the pattern, the higher consciousness arrives. 18

It arrives in the moment, not the past or anticipated future. This moment of consciousness breaks the pattern of unconsiousness, yielding an opportunity for profound healing. Movement of the body creates energy flow. For the practitioner it is beneficial to channel large amounts of energy. This requires daily practice and maintenance. Sacred forms of movement like yoga, Taekwon do, cardio, and Qi Gong are helpful. Did you know that in ancient times, yoga and martial arts were combined as a movement art for purpose of keeping the nadis (the light body) clean and building the kumbaca, which is a pocket of reserve life force stored within the body’s energy field? Jerhoam, a channeled master teacher, as part of the Healers’ Congress and Reiki training, is beginning to release information and techniques that have long been forgotten and are very valuable today for not only fine tuning the instrument of a healer, but also offering healing techniques that utilize the cultivated Ki to impact the client’s energy field, thereby yielding a profound opportunity for healing. The new healing techniques that Jerhoam is bringing forth are wonderfully simple to use, yet some are gracefully devious to the egoic unconscious mind. Jerhoam, a Master of the Super-consciousness, provides techniques such as the Rose Clinic, the Giggle Jar and the Elemental Mudras to befuddle the egoic mind, allowing for the healing energy to sneak by addressing a deeper issue. Jerhoam’s classes include other techniques such as Energetic Polyp Removal and Auric Polishing by using the Great Fields for trans-dimensional healing and the introduction of a new Reiki symbol, “The Bodies.” Through my exposure to these teachings and

energetic transmissions, I have been able to explain what has been happening in my healing sessions that I did not have the words for; I have been able to utilize very effective self-care practices within my busy schedule; and I have been able to share this wisdom and impactful techniques with my clients so that they may take their healing into their own hands. For this, I am profoundly grateful . “The energy within you is so powerful, much more than you realize… What would you do if every action / intention were duplicated by 3 billion people?” – “Know Thyself.” -- Jerhoam Healers’ Congress – 5/16/10 If you would like to learn more about the teachings shared through the Healers’ Congress purchase the “Journal of Healing Techniques.” The profits from this publication help to fund the fight against child trafficking and exploitation. Read more at:

Would you like to try Reiki? FREE Mini Reiki sessions at the Aquarian one Saturday in the month with J.R. Adams, Reiki Master and Teacher. Do you desire Reiki now? Contact: for a private session in Richmond.

Jerhoam’s Healer’s Congress

JOURNAL OF HEALING TECHNIQUES This manual of Healing Techniques is a compilation of more than 30 techniques, and includes basic principles and responsibilities of healers as given by the enlightened master and teacher, Jerhoam, during his Healers’ Congress sessions in Denver, CO. Proceeds from the sales benefit Joyful Orange Productions. Available at the Aqurian Bookshop or through 19

The Astrology of 2012 by Susan Hughes, MS

A Revolution in Consciousness

These are interesting times indeed and a fascinating time to have incarnated on this planet! We are in the midst of an evolutionary leap in consciousness that is shaking the very core of our foundation. The earth is going through a metamorphosis and as she evolves, we do as well. On Thanksgiving of 2008, the planets that bring the greatest transformation; Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and the asteroid Chiron were passing through the last three signs of the zodiac; Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. These three signs represent the collective consciousness. The focus of these signs is not on the individual but on humanitarian and existential concerns. The energies of the collective consciousness have moved up to transcend egoic gratification into universal humanitarian consciousness. As the earth has shifted in her awareness with these planets of high vibrational energies moving through these humanitarian signs, the individual and the collective consciousness has also been shifting and the veil between dimensions has began to lift.

Susan Hughes Astrologer and Intuitive Consultant Psychic Readings In store or By Phone. (804) 353-5575

This lifting of the veil allows some to see into other worlds and other dimensions. On a mundane level it is reflected in our technology. Space and time have collapsed. We no longer have to wait to receive a letter in the mail or even check our emails. We can get the information instantly on our cell phones and the internet is available to us as we walk down the street. Social Media has become quite a phenomenon and we can know what anyone in the world is doing at any given time. We can receive a text on our cell phones from across the world and we can see the joy and misery of many on our televisions in our living rooms. We have witnessed devastating earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and volcanoes from all corners of the earth. And most importantly, we can feel the emotions of everyone’s experience in these tragic circumstances. This can cause chaos in our nervous system. During this time we have seen much unfold in the world economy. Many have lost jobs or homes. We watched stock markets and the housing market fall and the economy coming to the edge of collapse. And we still don’t know what we are facing economically, personally or as a society. In March, 2011, Uranus entered Aries, the sign of the pioneer and the sign of the common people. This is the one outer planet to venture out of the last three signs of the zodiac into the sign of initiation. This is extremely significant. A new era has begun. The most important astrological aspect happening during these coming times are seven exact PlutoUranus squares in the signs of Aries and Capricorn beginning in June, 2012 and ending in March, 2015. This is very significant and extremely rare to occur seven times. We have been feeling the intensity of these energies 20


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September 22

since a cardinal grand cross on June 26, 2010 which involved seven planets and a lunar eclipse. But when these aspects become exact is when the crisis intensifies. To understand the nature of these energies, let’s take a look at how they operate. Uranus wants freedom and desires innovation, independence, revolution, liberation and rebellion. It bucks the system. It has moved into Aries which is the sign of the pioneer, the common people, war and leadership. Pluto wants transformation, power and will destroy so that something new can rise. It rules death, re-birth, evolution, lawlessness, the underworld and everything that is secret or hidden. It is in Capricorn which rules business, governments, corporations, the economy and debt. Wikileaks emerged to expose the secrets and corruption in business and government. The Arab Spring spread to revolts and protests in Europe and eventually to the Occupy Wall Street movement in the United States in September which has now moved across the world. The pioneers, the common people, have declared war on the corporations and the governments. In order to create massive change and become free from the illusion of powerlessness, the common people have risen. The new media fuels this revolution. The internet, the social media and

Aquarian Astrology Services Customized Charts, reports and private sessions.

technology connects us to a global community to create an international uprising and bring about social change, independence and economic reform. The people are stepping forward to take responsibility for creating a sustainable future. These are the energies of Uranus in Aries. The corporations and the governments are in the process of being exposed in their corruption, lies, deception and misuse of power. Much has been revealed and will continue to be revealed in regards to greed, oppression, misuse of funds and hidden manipulation in these factions. These are the energies of Pluto in Capricorn. When these two energies form an intense and stressful ninety degree square, they usher in radical transformation; a revolutionary awakening of consciousness. We will see dysfunctional systems die and radically new systems rise. Uranus and Pluto are the planets that desire radical change and the economy is standing at the threshold of a historical shift. They bring about destruction so that a new energy can be birthed. Through the chaos comes liberation and an evolutionary leap to higher awareness. Through individual and global catharsis a new world can emerge. What is very important is that the individual is rising to cooperate with the community in order to bring about positive change. We are moving from a “me” consciousness to a “we” consciousness. In times of crisis, we reach out to each other, our hearts open we feel a part of the whole rather than remaining isolated in our egoic identification and desires. “we” consciousness. In times of crisis, we reach out to each other, our hearts open we feel a part of the whole rather than remaining isolated in our egoic identification and desires. And what is even more fascinating is the perseverance of the symbols of the signs of Aries and Capricorn; the ram and the goat. Neither of these animals gives up which means this revolution won’t stop until it achieves its goals. The Aries ram keeps pushing, charging and fighting. But in an evolved state of consciousness, the ram becomes the heroic warrior that can lead others to a higher ideal through collective action. The Capricorn goat will not stop climbing until it arrives at the mountain top. And once it reaches that peak, it becomes triumphant and transforms into the unicorn which is a symbol of the mystical union with Divine Will. It has moved out of the negative aspects of greed and materialism into the wise elder who embodies responsibility, integrity, vision and spiritual aspiration.

Ultimately, we are each to become the Wise Elder as promised by the “stars” as we move into this New Age of Higher Consciousness. Astrological Consultations with Susan Hughes at the Aquarian Bookshoop. Call to make an appoitment:(804) 353-5575. 22

Senor Amor WICK LOVE CANDLE “Money Mist” Recipe

Use orange color candle for Abundance and opening more possibilities to bring in money through lots of different avenues, not just through work. For this candle, use Frankincense to clear the candle glass from any unwanted and negative energies; rub on Bergamont essential oil to attract wealth and highlight the candle with Gold, Green, and Silver glitter. Drop honey and copper inside the jar as an offering that will bring your ether desires to the physical plane. HAPPY CARVING! Ay Chihuahua! With all the monies you will be making please do not forget your four-legged friends that need your help. Please DONATE to your local animal shelter.

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PSYCHIC PROTECTION OIL BLEND 3 parts of basil Oil 2 parts of geranium Oil 1 part of pine Oil one half ounce of base oil of jojoba or fractionated coconut oil (it is scentless) Mix together in a small bottle. Use to anoint your candles or amulets for psychic protection. For use especially during the waning moon.


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Theresa Alford Tarot Intuitive & Clairvoyant Psychic Readings In store or By Phone. (804) 353-5575



ENTITY ENTERS The students gather in a circle to meditate in silence. The oracle goes into a trance. The Entity enters the Oracle’s body ready to communicate. What a privilege it is to be among the conscious few. A new journey begins. DIALOGUE HAPPENS The themes of the dialogues are varied for example... A Soul’s Journey, Past Lives, Relationships, Liberation at the Moment of Death, Good Karma, Last Incarnation, Soul Mates, Magical Steps Of Manifesting, Becoming A Master, Bardo Theater, and hundreds more. The dialogues take place around the world: New York City, Los Angeles, Denver, Richmond, Charlottesville, Afton , Catalina, California , New Mexico, Paris France, Hydra Greece, England or Hawaii. Wisdom Happens .Travel happens. Adventure happens BREATH TECHNIQUE HAPPENS Being taught to breathe properly was one of the first things to happen to me with Jerhoam. Until that point I did not know there were correct ways to breathe. My breathing was very shallow. One of Jerhoam’s techniques is very invigorating and nourishing to the physical body. A small group spent Sunday afternoon with the entity perfecting this breath technique. A couple of hours into the practice I ran out to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror, I was amazed at my reflection. I looked so vibrant. By the end of the session every cell in my body felt truly alive. I was full of energy and vigor. I could feel my body vibrating. Various other breath techniques also help to encourage correct breathing. Revitalization happens. MEDITATION HAPPENS Probably the biggest lack in people today is a calm mind. The students practice the art of meditation to calm and still the mind to a point where we can step back and create a space to soothe mental chaos. There are several techniques practiced including Zen meditation, guided visualization, laughing meditation and Vipassana which is an advanced 24

breath/body observation. Each serves to master the mind and to unclutter the thoughts. With dedicated practice the determined meditator can let go of unproductive thought process immediately. We choose more uplifting positive thoughts which nourish the physical body and create a more peaceful existence. It can take a while to get there and sometimes sitting still in itself can be a challenge until the body learns to relax. With consistent practice deeper levels of consciousness are attained. Balance Happens. Bliss happens. KUNDALINI SACRED MOVEMENT HAPPENS Kundalini is the latent spiritual energy sitting at the base of the spine. When it begins to rise, one feels a heat in the body that is sometimes referred to as burning away the “monkey mind.” The exercises are very challenging and very effective in powering up the muscles and pumping life-force through and around the body. This gives the practitioners an opportunity to raise their vibration by observing what is happening within rather than focusing on negative emotions such as fear, anger or jealousy. Some students practice yoga, Taekwon Do, Tai Chi, Kung Fu and run marathons. A toned and fit body happens. Vibrancy happens. Expansion happens. DANCE HAPPENS A dynamic part of our process is dance. Dancing is a fun aerobic way to tone and strengthen the body. It also gives the audience the opportunity to let go inhibitions and encourages bonding with newcomers. Super flow of energy that has been stirred by the high vibration present transmutes in the ecstasy of movement. Jerhoam teaches specific

transmitting negative energy (in a bad mood), the energy is amplified by the expanded presence. Some are determined to stay in a bad mood. It is not a good idea. Jerhoam remains blissful and compassionate. It is a gift. Intention for growth happens.

conscious dances like statue and siod dance. Bonding happens. Friendship happens. SINGING HAPPENS Oh, the joy of song! This is one of the most challenging aspects of the teachings. Jerhoam says that singing is a most natural part of being human. Why are we so terrified at being asked to sing in front of others? Being boxed in by our inhibitions is stifling to the soul. We are greatly encouraged to express our joy in song. How magnificent it is to lift your soul and the souls of others by singing. So many sweet and lovely voices have been enjoyed. Many come out of the ‘fear of singing box’ into free expression. Jerhoam also teaches sound toning and sacred chants. The end of the year concert happens. Comedic antics happen. LAUGHTER HAPPENS The laughter meditation is deliberate laughter. This process squeezes the solar plexus to release trapped, stagnant energy. Dynamic laughter is a very powerful and simple technique. It can transmute fear. The audience practices deliberate laughter. One day when we were in Catalina for a program, Jerhoam recommended that I go parasailing .I was mortified, but I knew from experiencing previous teachings that there was the possibility for unfoldment. At the very least I may be able to ‘open a box’. I was in the boat waiting to sail up into the sky above. While I waited, I decided to do the deliberate laughter exercise. So as profound as possible I began to laugh outrageously. When the time came for me to sail up in-to the sky, my fear was gone. Courage happens. Coming out of the box happens. TRANSMISSION OF ENERGY HAPPENS As soon as I am in Jerhoam’s presence, I feel the Shakti (energy) flowing through my body. This is the reason why sages advise students or disciples to sit in enlightened energy as much as possible. While in the presence of High Energy there is an energy transmission. This energy is wonderful and assists to expand the consciousness of the audience. This is not the only transmission occurring, however. One’s own energy is transmitting. If one has had a bad day and is in a bad mood, it would be wise to deliberately get happy, or to get into a more positive personal energy. When 25

UNDERSTANDING HAPPENS Our education with Jerhoam involves every aspect of being a whole human being. We learn to release ourselves from the confines of social consciousness - to get out of the box. There are many boxes within our box. We study the “mirror” reflected in our daily lives. We become aware of the social consciousness – our agendas, our fears and our selfmotivations. We practice watching our thoughts to reveal the semi-conscious whispers. We break our boundaries to expand self-awareness for our highest good. Along the way we study many intellectual and philosophical subjects like sacred geometry, quantum physics and Shakespeare. We read many books to reinforce our learning. We study the science of the brain and learn quantum healing techniques. Some compose poetry and write books and articles. We learn to have confidence in ourselves and we support ourselves to loving body, mind and spirit. Learning about Oneself is an extraordinary journey. Rejuvenating the brain happens. Growing new synapses happens. Knowledge happens. SERVICE HAPPENS We serve the world. Currently the students are engaged in service to help children in Africa. We hold two major psychic festivals each year to raise money for our school building projects in Kenya. Twenty one schools have been built to this day. We go to nursing homes and entertain the elderly by song, dance, laughter and comedy. We offer complimentary classes on numerous subjects at the Aquarian Bookshop. We cheer the public with cone parades and much more. Compassion happens. Life happens.

“We do not seek enlightenment. We train for enlightenment!” -- Jerhoam Mo Bulifant Tarot Intuitive Consultant Psychic Readings In store or By Phone. (804) 353-5575




Camille Vegas

Enchanted candles are just that! Magickal tools to assist in your manifestations that you so desire. Working off the Law Of Attraction Principle; what you put out there is what you bring in; Carving your intentions into candle is a powerful way to send off your requests to the astral realm so that they can begin manifesting on this physical plain. If you have a thought, you can candle it! The quickest way to travel is by candle light...happy carving!

Go to and find out about our next Candle Carving Class with Camille. In-store custom made candles available.

Testimonials : “I came into the shop broken, desperate, and skeptical. I had no money and had an upcoming court case (domestic violence) ; Camille made me a candle to help with my financial situation. Within days opportunities and money started randomly coming in out of nowhere. Friends asking me to do their hair, watch the kids, etc. She gave me advice on how to dress a court case candle and about putting a firm intent into what I want to happen. To make a long story short, the case was settled in the best outcome I could have hoped for. Those candles truly work! Thanks!”- Tiffany, “My first candle I didn’t quite believe in, I was actually a little embarrassed with others asked about it in my house. Obviously, I didn’t stick up for it so it didn’t work. My second candle I believed in, honored, and showed much respect to; learning from my first attempt. Within 4 days of lighting it, the apartment and opportunity I had been hoping for for months just fell into my lap. I’m definitely a BELIEVER! Love WickLove”- Becky C. “ I bought a Spruce Up Relationship Candle from Camille at the Aquarian Bookshop. My partner and I were having a hard time connecting with our own personal desires. The day after lighting my candle, my partner ( who was acting little selfish) surprised me with breakfast in bed. This was the kick off to the rest of the week the following days our candle was burning we had the most amazing conversations, moments of bliss, rekindled what we were losing touch with. Thank You!”

Join us for our annual AQUARIAN CONE PARADE

For peace and prosperity! January 1st., 2013

“Since I purchased a “Camille Candle” all sorts of things in my life have cleared away. For instance, one bill I was 3 weeks behind and making a payment of the past due was definitely not going to happen. I called to try to make the past due amount and they told me if I paid 1/3rd of it I would be caught up and also gave me one week free! Amazing! Results may vary for each individual according to his/her intention, spiritual development and/or personal karma.



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MAX the Ancient Crystal Skull

BER M E T P SE 012 2 , 3 2 21- 1/2h private sessions with MAX. Call (804) 353-5575. Bring your special crystals to imprint with MAX.

Max is a wonder of the world estimated to be thousands of years old and considered by many to be one of the rarest artifacts ever found on this planet. Max was discovered in Guatemala and was used by Mayan priests for healing, rituals and prayers. To this day Max is used as a tool for awakening consciousness and accelerating healing and growth on all levels.

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