Aquarian Vogue 2010

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Rituals & Illuminations


MY TOTEM MY FAMILIAR Communicating with Animals

HEALING & MANIFESTING WITH CRYSTALS How to use these “Fruits of the Earth”


Psychics Educate Children Interview with Cherokee Elder

Invoking the Ancient Gods

Aquarian Bookshop The Oldest Metaphysical Store in Richmond




3519 Ellwood Avenue







VA 23221

(804) 353-5575

AQUARIAN VOGUE Rituals & Illuminations

A letter from Sunflower Priestess Dear Friends:

PUBLISHER Aquarian Media

It has been my privilege to work with the Aquarian Bookshop over the last 6 years. While six years seems like a long time now, many of you go back further with the Aquarian. You remember the early days when a teenage John J. Oliver would teach psychic development classes and do psychic readings and demonstrations. Metaphysical bookshops inspire people in transformation and personal growth. Well, the bookshop has certainly evolved over the years. Do you remember the days when the shop was stuffed with books and tables with more books? The middle of the shop had a living room set up so that regular patrons could sit and “visit.” Those of you who have seen the bookshop lately realize that the transformation of the store has come largely from the vision of a core group of Jerhoam’s Mystery School students and the hands-on work of our visionary designer V.

EDITOR IN CHIEF William Covy LAYOUT William Covy

Spirituality is not just about accumulating knowledge and luxuriating in tid-bits of esoteric wisdom. One part of the Sunflower Priestess’s motto is to “Be of Service.” It is very fulfilling to work with the store in its effort to support “The Baby Girl Project,” which to this date has raised enough money through psychic festivals to build thirteen schools in Kenya, Africa. We are so fortunate to be born into the boon of abundant education therefore it is so gratifying to help children on the other side of the world to learn to read. I wish to give a special thanks to everyone who has made the festivals possible.

AQUARIAN BOOKSHOP 3519 Ellwood Avenue Richmond, VA, 23221 Advertise in the next issue:

Teach a class or a workshop:

(804) 353-5575

I hope that you look carefully in this issue of the Aquarian Vogue and learn something that you can share with others to make your own life better. The Aquarian plans to continue to host the Jerhoam’s Mystery School and it’s year long course studies in AfterDeath Environments. We also look forward to another visit from Mayan Elder Don Carlos Barrios who will share his profound shamanic knowledge with us or Max, the Ancient Crystal Skull who will amplify the incredible energies that are programmed within the crystal. Yes, we are looking forward to wonderful times ahead in an ongoing evolving Aquarian that promises many wonderful surprises in spirituality, transformation, and personal evolution. I love all of this stuff, but I also love to have fun with the people who visit the shop. I hope to see you there this year. Be sure to say, “Hi,” to the Sunflower Priestess.” With Love Sunflower Priestess


The Guru of Happiness and Laughter.









“Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun.”


Interview with John J. Olive


m e t o T y M ar i l i ming with a F y unicat Mm m Co als m i An

by Leona Delamor

Why is your Mystery School so interested in animals and animal spirits? Animals are fellow creatures that we have a spiritual responsibility to protect and take care of. People love their dog, or they love their cat or whatever pet they live with. We are able to look into his/her eyes and sense that there is an actual sentient being there. In Jerhoam’s Mystery School we extend this concern toward wildlife, cows, pigs and other animals.

What do you mean by animal spirits? I refer to animal spirits to remind everyone that all creatures have a soul. All creatures have feelings and play a very important part in our lives. I refer to them as “souls” just to remind people that they are evolving spiritually in the same way that we are.

What is a totem and do you work with totems in the school? Many of the students do work with totems. I personally work with totems. A totem is an energy field essentially. A totem is a symbol and the symbol is usually represented by an animal or maybe even a plant spirit. A totem is a way for us to work with particular energy fields, Native Americans refer to them as “medicines.” For example, if you want to invoke the energy of health and longevity, you may want to use the symbol of a tortoise because while it moves relatively slowly, it lives a very, very long time. A tortoise picture or charm or actually keeping a tortoise or turtle can serve to invoke those qualities from your life force.

Are you saying that the spirit of the animal is actively participating in whatever the work is that you are invoking it for? Yes and no. There are spirits that are very conscious and very deliberate in their work. They might take the form of an animal such as a tortoise, a horse, or a bird. When I look at a picture of a horse or I happen to encounter a horse in my travels, it reminds me of what that totem represents. For example, a horse might represent strength, speed, safe journeys or good fortune in some way. Seeing the totem evokes the qualities of that totem so that I can do inner work.

Psychic Entertainment Services

How does the average person begin to work with totems and how do you know what your totem is? Working with a totem is very simple. You can make a list of your favorite animals. If you are naturally attracted to a particular animal then perhaps the symbolic messages of that animal spirit are good “medicines” for you. Another way to work with a totem is to go on a vision quest. You may take a meditative walk in the forest. Along the way watch your surroundings. If you encounter a deer, or a bird, or a fox, or an owl, use that encounter as a sign that an “animal spirit” has shown itself to you. Each animal spirit has a message from the universe. The messages are in a perfect synchronicity. Nature and universe will show which energies you need to work with. You receive clear guidance if you listen.

Do you have a personal totem that you work with? Yes, I do. I have several Totems. Many of you know that I have recently made a conscious choice to use the Chihuahua as my totem spirit and my familiar. I have chosen Chihuahua as a magical practice. The lore of the Chihuahua with the Toltec’s, Mayans, and especially the Aztecs is profound. The Aztecs used the Chihuahua dogs in their death practice ceremonies to help the dead to cross over. In fact Aztec warriors would walk with Chihuahuas, carrying them into the battle understanding that if one died while in the presence of a Chihuahua, the Chihuahua “spirit” would help the soul to cross over into the Light. I feel that the Chihuahua is a perfect totem for someone that is a psychic/ medium/oracle. They possess the power to help the soul make the transition to the other-side. Continued on page 18

Palm, Tarot & Astrology Our professional psychics at your event to perform a positive and fun readings. Give your friends a party they will never forget: Birthdays, Halloween, Office Party, Graduation or Picnics... call us @ (804) 353-5575

One Book you must read in this



Available at the Aquarian with 25% discount. 5

The Appalachian Cherokee Grandmother


Are you a Psychic?

Yes, I usually do a psychic interpretation and then use cards to clarify. Everybody has a certain way to read and interpret cards. They are not necessary for me. I have a way of helping people. They can be so upset when they call me and when we are done they are laughing. It is a way of helping them see the other side of the coin.

What sensations do you get when you do a reading? I just let go, I feel like the Great Spirit comes thru me. I have a lot of talent for picking up what people need in their bodies, what’s wrong with them, like a medicine woman.

When did you first discover you were Psychic?

I’ve known things since I was 5 years old. I would tell my mother things would happen and two days later she’d say “How did you know that?” In my teenage years I would read at parties, then people began asking me questions all the time. Later I started doing readings at bookstores as well as individual consultations because I could go into trance and become an entity.

So would you say you are channeling?

Yes, I channel a Native American entity named Wakatita. He told me the reason he can come thru me is because I was willing and I talk to the Native American people, because I champion the Indian. I always tried to bring the Native American out of hiding. My great great grandmother was Native American and I’m very proud of the fact that I could talk to the Native American people and champion them. I really think they got a dirty deal. Wakatita was good at speaking to young people. They are so easily inspired. He would talk to them and instigate good feelings about the Native American who was put down and maligned.

You are called the Grandmother of the Appalachian Cherokee Nation. How did that come about?

These people that I champion are the ones that escaped and lived in the Appalachian mountains because they could live off the land and survive. Because of the work I do and maybe because I’m 89 years old, they made me the Honorary Grandmother of the tribe. I go down and deliver clothes and bring them whatever they need. Right now I’ve got 50 bags full of clothes and boxes of toys we’re going to deliver this month. I have a lot of friends who help me, especially my daughter. Last year 45 families got clothes. I started doing this when I was a young girl in the country. Some might say I’m a collector, I always have stuff to give away.

At 89 how are you feeling?

I still feel like a young person. I cover up my seriousness by laughing and joking. I care about everybody and try to do what I can to help everybody. I love kids. When I see a little child, my heart dances. I love my cats and the work I do with the Native American people. I think you have to have a reason to live, to live longer. When you’re helping other people you’re not worrying about your problems. Mary is available for private consultations at the Aquarian Bookshop. Call us and reserve your space early. (804) 353-5575


Where is your life going? Career Love Relationship Health Money Family




n w o t Cary

Daily in store or by phone. 804-353-5575 Walk-Ins Welcome. 3519 Ellwood Avenue, Richmond, VA, 23221

Through time and space ...a Great Teacher has come to us.


A Channeled Master for Students of Enlightenment Jerhoam’s Mystery School is a university of the soul: Why were you born? Did you live other lives? How do you fulfill your DESTINY? How do you heal? Where do you go when you die? Jerhoam is a rich source of insight, knowledge, wisdom, and love. He radiates the very best of humanity and brings us “reminder notices” of our own power, Light, and inner strength. He encourages us to awaken our laughter and share our joy. He is a guide whose message is simple yet powerful: heal your fear and embrace your Higher Calling in this lifetime.


“We do not seek enlightenment. We train for enlightenment.” --Jerhoam “A Mystery School is a place to develop yourself and to know yourself very deeply.” --John J. Oliver Jerhoam’s Oracle Contact us for information about classes and programs or to receive a free introductory CD: (347) 882 0325

Channeled Teachings of Jerhoam WHAT MAKES THE CRYSTALS AND STONES SO SPECIAL? Crystals and stones are fruits of the Earth, so to speak. It is important to understand that every object produced of Earth is a symbol. We can relate to crystals and stones from this understanding, as carriers of a higher intention for knowledge and directional energy. Each particular crystal or stone, furthermore, bears a unique purpose, a special and specific intention - and attraction - to its energy.

Healing and Manifesting with Crystals and Stones. in meditation are largely dormant in such entities. Likewise, crystals and stones work primarily at these higher levels of human vibration, to which many humans are insensate, all by intention, or consciously directed energy. The power of the intention - of which the crystal is the symbol and channel - generates, amplifies, or projects a particular thought matrix within an entity’s energy field, or consciousness. So be it.


One can only know which crystal is best through a special study of stones and crystals. One can also undertake an initiation into the meaning of a particular crystal or stone with which you intend to build a deep working relationship, rather than having casually bought it to wear as an accessory. Take the time to select it, or know that it will come to you at the appropriate time. Then, invest the time to cleanse it, pray with it, meditate with it, work with it, and finally take an initiation with it, that is to have a “magic talk” with the object, wherein you open your channel and that of the crysHOW DO THEY WORK? tal simultaneously to the Source, allow your own energy to Crystals and stones work according to intention. There is a communicate with its energy as the Light of the Source flows long-standing discussion regardthroughout both channels. The power of the intention - of which the This facilitates cooperation ing this, but consider the following. crystal is the symbol and channel - gener- with the object. A crystal has attained significance over ages of time and has an assoates, amplifies, or projects a particular ciated data bank that goes with it. Energetic cooperation is the thought matrix within an entity’s energy While the physical body may not key. If you hold an intention field, or consciousness. sense the effects of the stones or of significance with a cryscrystals nearby, other higher bodies - or body levels - of your tal or stone, then your energy begins to cooperate with it. being are registering the influence and are definitely being When using stones and crystals, consider all this and work affected and altered, whether or not you are tuned into the with much creativity, much sacred imagination, much inspiprocess. ration, and even, for some entities in some moments, revelation. So be it. When some entities may sit in meditation, only to declare, “I am getting nothing out of this. Is there a point? What is this supposed to be about, anyway?” This is because the subtle bodies most effected by the subtle energies released Why, we may ask in example, are so many people attracted to diamonds? Diamonds have an extremely profound vibration. Yes, a diamond is precious. Our contemporary cultural metaphor of diamond as significator of a rarest value - and, thus, rarest power - is a notable one. Yet, a diamond has other and greater energetic properties and significances beyond economic and status symbols; such is true for all crystals and stones. So be it.

Crystal Enlightenment Classes available at the Aquarian 9

HOW DID ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS USE CRYSTAL TECHNOLOGY? Many indigenous people today use crystals and stones of their own regions in magical, or shamanistic practices. The most ancient ones use crystals and stones thusly, and have deep traditions. These are vestiges of ancient civilizations that elevated the use of them to great power. These ancient civilizations specifically used the crystals as great generators in such ways as cannot be described in your current scientific language, except to say what the technology could produce. If crystals are somehow (and the “somehow” lies in the technology devised) made to cooperate with the Earth’s energy lines and electromagnetism, they can do remarkable things. Crystals can create fields upon which there is sound vibration that could lift up a massive block of stone. Remember the Great Pyramid? Crystals could be used to create energy fields in the air that are like contemporary highways, whereby an entity in physical body can travel, as in the legendary tales of flying carpets. In the highest of ancient civilizations - whose existence modern archeology has yet to discover, let alone confirm - crystals in the practitioner’s hand functioned as devices of telepathy, so to speak. Here, crystals cooperated with the mineral crystals in the circuitry of the user’s own brain. In such a way, the crystal was a device similar to your telephone, conducting (from the brain) the thought content of your mind, accessing the energy lines of the atmosphere, and signaling them to the intended recipient’s crystal/brain set-up. The general concepts of these are all energetic and related to sound in spiritual practice. The subject is wonderfully vast and profound. It is very exciting for entities interested in the subject to pursue it. So be it.

HOW CAN WE USE THEM TO ENLIGHTEN OURSELVES? Enlightenment means freedom and that you are at peace. May we suggest, on this note, undertaking an ironic practice. Many entities, having become in their own minds so lofty and pure in their meditation and spiritual practice, will declare stones and crystals to be crutches, external devices merely amplifying the energy the user already generates, and they assert of greater importance that truth exists already within, with or without them.

to attract a boyfriend or to increase your wealth or to attract anything from the external world that you expect will bring you happiness, consider rather using stones for your inner practice first? Any stone can be used to increase peace and peaceful function. Peace comes from letting go of the desired object. Thus, when the stone brings you what you want, you may find a temporary peace, until you imagine a lack of another kind, which leads to the desire of another object, and then you are in turmoil again. So it matters not what the stone can bring you, but what you will bring yourself through the stone. And so consider first implementing all stones to create peace. Pick your stone, and it will bring you peace if you dedicate your intention to it. So be it.


If the stone, regardless of its species - even if it’s a lump dug out of your backyard - is used consciously in a meditation practice, it becomes a sacred object of power. It facilitates the meditation in diminishing your stress. The released stress will allow increased healing. Study, meditate, and practice with various stones and crystals to learn their qualities. As you advance, you see the open possibilities of crystal and stone usage. For example, you will see how purple and blue specimens awaken the higher centers of consciousness as they correspond to those same colors of the higher chakras.

“They are beautiful indeed. They are works of art, molded with particular consciousness by the Creator.” --Jerhoam

Jerhoam’s Crystal Meditations on CD


All this is true. But, if this were the final truth, then why bother standing in the sun to receive its light? The sun is a bearer of light like a quartz crystal, only that much greater. Or why bother drinking water? Such is an even deeper penetration of your being from an external substance for one’s proper functioning than in meditating with a crystal. The way to use the crystals and stones for enlightenment is to focus upon them with mental power to make them magical devices to enhance inner qualities. Thus, without understanding a stone’s properties, should you attempt to use it


Coming this Summer

Feel free to use them to the full extent of their power as you learn. Meditation and the reduction of stress is vastly underestimated as a practice. Currently reducing personal stress levels in the field of the greater social consciousness at large by ten, twenty, or thirty percent will translate into increased wealth. Why? De-stressed, you will cease to reach for (and purchase) comfort food. You will cease from having to see the doctor quite so frequently. You will cease from needing to subject your happiness to so many external and limited manipulations, because you are at peace. That is the foundation practice within our school. So be it.

WHY DO SOME STONES REQUIRE CLEANING? HOW IS IT DONE? All stones that are actively used for inner practices require cleaning. Dusting and sometimes oiling them to remove physical debris are both good. However, let’s focus more appropriately on clearing the debris of subtler and less material vibrations. If the stone can withstand the extreme conditions, a very effective method of cleaning is to pass it through fire very quickly. With any kind of safely controlled open fire, such as a fireplace, and a pair of tongs, grasping the crystal or stone with the tongs and speaking a pre-chosen prayer or mantra, pass the crystal through the flame with a smooth, swift action. Fire is very purifying. Cleansing really means one thing, which is to move out of a space or object that which is not desired. When you dust a room, the dust is not destroyed, but sent elsewhere. The concept is simple. The whole purpose behind cleaning the room or the crystal is that it may work more efficiently. In the case of a crystal, the undesirable matter is old or negative energy clinging from previous use. Left in the crystal, it clogs or warps its action. The practice of cleaning in itself is cleaning of the mind. And when the mind is clean and clear, less stress clogs or warps its action, and you cooperate more fully with the stone. So be it.

Wear a

MAX the Ancient Crystal


September 17, 18 & 19 2010

at the Aquarian

Max is a wonder of the world estimated to be thousands of years old and considered by many to be one of the rarpiece of art. est artifacts ever found on this planet. He was discovered in Guatemala and was used by Mayan priests for healing, rituals and JEWELRY WRAPPING prayers. It is said that he possesses extraorwith stones and crystals. dinary powers and contains historical and sientific information. To this day Max is used as a tool for awakening consciousness and accelerating healing and growth on all levels.

Rusty Hart Aquarian Bookshop (804) 353-5575

Experience Max’s powers firsthand. Pre-register for private session with Max. (804) 353-5575 11


John J. Oliver Staff Psychics


n w o t y r Ca

Susan Hughes

Susan is an Astrologer, Tarot Reader and Lecturer in the Metaphysical Field. She is certified in Reiki, Touch for Health and Intuitive Therapies that uncover and replace negative belief systems. Susan has a Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling and a Bachelor’s Degree in Contemporary Culture and Behavior. She uses Astrological counseling, Tarot, Numerology, Psychometry, Self-Hypnosis, Energy Work and Kinesiology in her healing practice.

Ginger Vere

Ginger is an eclectic talent who addresses health issues through intuitive energy/aura readings, Reiki and healing artwork. She provides spiritual consultations utilizing trance mediumship, tarot and prayer. Ginger also uses her unique abilities to do energy readings on houses and sites. She has conducted interactive seminars across the United States and has provided private spiritual consultations in Switzerland, France, Italy and Scandinavia.

Ralph Sites

At an early age, Ralph was blessed with the gift of healing. He has been helping people around the City of Richmond for over ten years. He specializes in Crystal Healing, Tarot, Palmistry, Numerology and Runes Interpretations. Ralph is also certified as a Sekhem-Seichim and Usi Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master. His motto is “Leave your mind and thoughts in my hands.”

Barbara Evans

Barbara, a native of Richmond, has been an Intuitive since childhood. She is a Tarot Counselor and has studied Metaphysics here and abroad for 20 years. As an energy worker, certified by the Edgar Cayce Institute, she draws upon her guidance to bring about physical and emotional healing by helping others see solutions through intuition, palmistry and numerology.

Sebastian Quijada

Sebastian , a native of Venezuela, has been a Spiritual Counselor for over 30 years. His abilities came about when he was a child and then as a teenager, when he enjoyed “readings” for his friends and family. He is a Medium and an expert in picture readings through which he helps people to identify angels, spirit guides, and other presences in their new and old photographs.

3519 Ellwood Avenue


VA, 23221

(804) 353-5575

HOW MAY WE ADVANCE THE DEVELOPMENT OF CRYSTAL TECHNOLOGY? Practice. Practice and wait. The technology will be enhanced more and more profoundly. You will see absolutely new extremes in your technological advancement as you carry forward the plan of the Masters and the Light. A multiplicity of more banal consumer developments and all the latest devices involved will appear from the host of corporations in the field, as well as inventions of more profound significance as the implementation of crystal technology is re-elevated to a new old art form. In general, expect to consider this new wave like visiting a gallery. The artist-inventor will put forth what he or she will, but, regardless of that personal interest, the art form is art, and it will help many in its pleasing effects. So be it. It the work of art is beautiful, who has a true argument against it, however avant-garde and alien? No criticism against the art work of crystals and stones is any more valid than that against painting or sculpture. It is a unique art form destined to evolve and take us to new places. Science will evolve and incorporate the crystals in methods and applications that are currently unimagined. All this simply will come with time unless you intend to become a scientist yourself and resolve to study the Universe’s entire breadth and depth of crystal knowledge. This, however, seems very unlikely, given that it would be quite a bore to most of you and requiring a huge amount of time, to the exclusion of everything else you love. You would long for other activities. Therefore, advance the subject by putting forward what is known of crystal technology towards the greater possibilities of what is possible, and you will help to create something wonderful and new. It will happen. Just watch. In the meantime, do not worry about evolving the science of crystals for meditation. Be content with evolving crystal art, and enjoy. So be it.

Jerhoam’s Mystery School For Higher Standard of Being Channeled Teachings

Join us for an Enchanted Evening with Jerhoam Wednesdays 6-8pm

April 14 June 9 August 25 December 29




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But may we also remind you that you never needed anything else outside of what already is, either. There is no use served by placing crystals and stones into any special category of need. If you prefer to admire their beauty and enjoy their form, do so in balance and in context with the service of your work; make the aesthetic function to channel light, and be conscious of this harmony. If your participation with crystals and stones in the Great Work deepens your spiritual practice, cultivating the inner virtues and inner powers, then inspires you to share the same with others through your service, then so be it. But if they become in any way a distraction from the work, bury them somewhere and dig them up later when you are ready to handle the balance. So be it. --Jerhoam


Remember that it is a truth that the power is within you, and that you never have required a crystal or stone to know God, to know peace, or to create wealth.

forever Aquarian Bookshop (804) 353 5575 13



“I am about Self, the reunion with your Self and

le Shaman with A tapping into the path of higher consciousness. a m e n F c ien Each time an individual comes into contact nd a t C with me, some shift in their consciousness e l r a occurs. That shift is generally around tal

Sk u

their ability to feel more connected to the self. I am here to gently awaken the sleeping giant of Spirituality that lays buried deep within humankind. I accomplish this with my unique gift of touching each individual in my own way.”

M ll in

ayan Fire C erem o ny

Other spiritual leaders have been touched profoundly by Max. The Peace Elder Mary Thunder from Texas writes about Max on her website, “I have seen many Miracles and many Healings and many wondrous things from Max. I bless the day I met Jo Ann and Max.”

The famed television psychic detective of TruTV’s Haunting Evidence, John J. Oliver, reports that being with Max is like an “electric charge for the third eye.” Oliver has spent private time with both Max and Don Carlos Barrios. By Nina Grobalsky


he Mayan Elders hold the destiny of being the Shamans that are here to activate the High spiritual technology that is dormant waiting to be unleashed in the Ancient Crystal Skulls. One of the most famous of these skulls is named Max. One of the most famous of the Mayan Elders is named Don Carlos Barrios of Guatemala who performs a traditional sacred Mayan Fire Ceremony with Max present annually, sponsored by the Aquarian Bookshop. He is the author of the Harper Collins book, Book of Destiny: Unlocking the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecy of 2012. Jo Ann Parks is a delightful Texan lady who is the current “guardian” of Max. Jo Ann was given Max by a Tibetan Lama. She travels around the world to make Max available to spiritual seekers of all traditions. Many people have claimed incredible spiritual phenomena and awakening while being in Max’s presence. Jo Ann herself receives telepathic messages from Max from time to time. One of Max’s messages through Jo Ann states his purpose;


Don Carlos says that Max has the potential to awaken spiritual and psychic abilities in those who have the destiny to “see.” Don Carlos also reports that in the hands of a Mayan Shaman Max’s true technology can be utilized. “Each of the authentic Ancient Skulls has its own very specific and very unique technologies programmed within the crystal. In the Traditional Mayan Fire Ceremony with Max we will activate a specific energy for each of the people present.” Max is an incredible spiritual artifact that legend says dates to Atlantis, and Don Carlos represents an ancient legacy of Shamanism. Don Carlos Barrios is a historian, an anthropologist, a researcher and an author. Born in Guatemala, his home is in Huehuetenango which is also the dwelling place of the Maya Mam tribe known as the “keepers of time.” After studying with traditional Elders for 25 years, he became a Mayan Ajq’ij, a ceremonial priest, Shaman, and spiritual guide. He has studied the Mayan calendar with many teachers and hundreds of traditional Mayan Elders.

Humanity urgently needs spiritual tools like Max and spiritual leaders like Don Carlos considering the prophesized year of 2012 looming. 2012 is claimed to be the “big” year of spiritual transformation, and some people feel it may be the Apocalypse. Many esoteric sources interpret the completion of the thirteenth B’ak’tun cycle in the Long Count of the Mayan calendar which occurs on December 21, 2012 by the most widely held correlation to mean there will be a major change in the world as we know it. Don Carlos has explained that the Mayan Elders are preparing for a sacred gathering that is to happen around a yet undisclosed lake here in the United States in which Elders from Native traditions from around the world will be attending. Joining the Elders will be 52 of the Ancient Crystal Skulls. As of last month Don Carlos reports that the whereabouts of 28 of the skulls is currently known and that Teachings say that there are 520 of the Ancient Skulls preserved for our time waiting to be found. The legend says that by joining these 52 skulls together humanity will have the technological knowledge of the Atlantean civilization revealed. This revelation will help the Earth in its evolutionary change as we go beyond 2012. In the meanwhile, over 200 participants have been initiated in the past 3 Fire Ceremonies with Don Carlos and Max. This year again, Jo Ann Parks will be traveling to Virginia from Texas with Max; and Don Carlos Barrios will be journeying from Guatemala. Don Carlos will perform the Sacred Fire Ceremony bringing each participant forward to have a mystical energy of his/her choosing activated within each person with Max’s help. John J Oliver will participate and serve as an interpreter during the ceremony.

Don Carlos begins the ceremony by honoring the directions and creating a mandala made from various colored candles that are laid out in the fire pit. Once the fire is in full force, Don Carlos starts invoking each of the 20 energies for each of the twenty days of the Mayan Calendar day count. Some of these energies represent spiritual and mystical powers. Some represent the forest and elements of nature or heaven and earth. Participants make candle offerings during the ceremony by throwing them to the fire as a symbolic act of their acceptance of these spiritual gifts. “After the fire ceremony I felt better and more expanded than I had in weeks, “reported a lady named Dena of Richmond. She added, “I feel like a real healing took place.” Usually before a special ceremony people either fast or eat very lightly so that they can really embody the Initiation. Central Virginia seems to have special spiritual energy and special spiritual people. I am not surprised somehow that the Mayan Elders are being called to this area to give us in the spiritual community a “boost” and to help us in our ongoing transformation as individuals so that we can be better prepared for whatever changes we are about to encounter. The Aquarian Bookshop is proud to host once again Max and Don Carlos in September 2010. For dates and other information go to: or call the Aquarian @ (804) 353-5575.

MONY E R E C FIRE MAYAN , 2010 8 1 r e b Septem

3519 Ellwood Avenue

Richmon, VA


THE BOOK OF DESTINY: Unlocking the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecy of 2012 by Don Carlos Barrios Available at the Aquarian

(804) 353-5575


by Susan Hughes



Riding on rocky roads that barely existed. I

n the beautiful expansive land at the edge of the Maasai Mara in Kenya, I observed the beauty of the tall, noble Masai draped in red and tending their cattle. I watched the Kipsigis women in their colorful

sarongs leading donkeys with part of the day’s water supply for their families loaded on their sides. The land was dry, parched and cracking and the cattle and goats were obviously starving. The four wheel drive vehicle that was transporting us across this land was creating a whirlwind of dust while people stopped, smiled and waved because an automobile carrying strange looking foreigners was something of a novelty in this area.

As we stepped out of the vehicles, there was an ocean of small children dressed in blue running toward us, a sea of tiny hands reaching out to grasp ours. The welcome was overwhelming. The songs and dances they performed for us were alive with energy and grace. I spent the next fifteen days building a library at Motony Primary school and teaching the fifth grade class at Emorojoi Primary School in the afternoon.

Sitting in a lovely, tiny valley was the “I was amazed that In the small classroom I first school; four the word “lack” did watched as the students stone buildings not appear to be a were huddled together that appeared sitting four to a desk part of their to be invoking while trying to undervocabulary.” the four direcstand my version of Engtions. I had oflish. Their patience was ten dreamed of this moadmirable and their joy and enthusiment, to finally see one of asm for learning was astounding. Their the schools that The Baby connection to the outside world was Girl Project, together with extremely limited; no electricity, raFree the Children, had dio, phones, internet or TV. They were built and the children for amazed when I showed them photowhom we were providing graphs of my home in Virginia, my faman education. ily, my car, my kitchen, and snow.

I was not prepared for what happened next....

With a great amount of support from the Aquarian Bookshop and Jerhoam’s Mystery School, at the date of this article, we have raised over $260,000 and provided an education for thousands of children in this rural area in Kenya. The focus is on girls because of the repression of the feminine on this planet. Boys do attend our schools but the opportunity for girls to be educated in this area was very limited.

The lack consciousness does not exist like it does in our western world. They are happy with a little and we seem to never be able to get enough even though we have so much. Unlike the west, the sense of community and cooperation with each other is amazing. I have learned that the true key to healing yourself is in service.

That pure joy can be acquired by removing yourself from your own desires and allowing yourself to be a vehicle for the service of others. That is often called “pure desire” by the great masBecause of the drought, the children’s The girls’ duties are to carry water to their ters. In that pure desire often personal only meal for the day was often the families, and often that job would take desires are met without realizing it unbowl of corn that was provided by the the whole day. Because we have built til you reflect on what has happened. school. There were signs of malnutriclean water projects at the schools which Thanks to everyone who has particition in many of the children. I often obcollect and conserve rain water, the girls pated in this project. I would especially served swollen bellies and vacant, wacan get most of the wa- like to thank the readers, healers and tery eyes. Despite “What intrigued me the ter from the school rath- volunteers at our festivals, the Aquarthese conditions, not once did I see most about the people er than collecting drink- ian Bookshop and everyone who has anyone groveling for in Kenya is that they had ing water from the same contributed in whatever way possible. river where they bathe, food or complainnothing but they were wash dishes and laundry We will continue with this project being about what they happy. ” and water their cattle. It cause there are so many children in lacked. I was amazed then enables the girls to have time to at- this world that desire and deserve an that the word lack did not appear to be education. tend school. a part of their vocabulary. Even though they had little, they would not hesitate Because this project has to share their food with you. been operating strictly on a volunteer basis, we have The Baby Girl Project was founded in been able to send 100% of February, 2004 with the purpose tothe proceeds from our psyempower young girls in developing chic festivals, donations and nations. We are partnered and act as other fund raising activities a fundraiser for Free The Children, an to Free The Children. At this international organization helping children through education. Since that time, we have taken no administrative or operating fees. It’s time, we have built thirteen schools, a simple operation but it has provided clean water systems, unibeen working and the rewards forms, school supplies, books and have been immense. teacher’s salaries for these children.

All proceeds benefit the school builiding project in Kenya with the Baby Girl Project and Free the Children.

This TSh Profits irt is available be and Jo nefit the Ba at the Aquar yful Or by Girl ian. ange Projec t

T-shirt design by Mark Pergola

Psychic Festivals June 5, 2010 November 6, 2010

What intrigued me the most about the people in Kenya is that they had nothing but they were happy. They live of harmony with nature.


Continued from page 5 Many people know that you are a vegetarian. Why are you a vegetarian? The subject of being a vegetarian is big. I am vegetarian because of the animals. When my mother use to take me grocery shopping. (In the meat section) I could psychically see and hear cows screaming for help. This is what led me to become a vegetarian. Later on I educated myself about the environmental trauma that is caused by deforestation so that meat can be produced. I am also aware of the health problems that are caused by the over consumption of meat and dairy.

Spanish mosaic, hand painted totem animals available at the Aquarian.

How does communicating with animals work? In order to communicate with an animal, you must become extremely present. You are not going to have a verbal conversation the way you would when meeting a friend for lunch. You must observe the animal. You must take deep breaths to see the messages you are receiving in your mind. An animal is not going to converse with you in English but you might receive the messages through your own psychic “translation” in a way you can understand. When you look into a dog’s, or cat’s, or a cow’s eye, you find a state similar to a meditative clear mind. Animals are in that state more naturally than human beings. It is relaxing to pet a cat or to have a dog sit next to you. We begin to resonate with them and begin to relax.


10 Day Meditative Retreat with Jerhoam

Go Dee per in Meditat You’ve ion Then Ever Go ne Befo re July 4 - 14, 2010 Sierra Madre, California


Viliam (347) 882-0325


Healers’ Congress Spiritual Education for Healers

Meet Jerhoam and learn powerful techniques for healing the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. These programs are intended both for the professional healer and the spiritual practitioner.

Rose Clinic


“Your body is a healing temple. When you become an alchemical healer using energy, reiki, qi gong, or counseling arts you understand this concept. You are a Being alive beyond your physical form. An earthly healer considers that healing is something done to the body. An alchemical healer knows that the body itself is the healer.” --Jerhoam

Denver, CO MAY 15-16 SEPTEMBER 11-12 NOVEMBER 13-14

2010 Susan @(720) 261-1680


SUMMER PSYCHIC CAMP July 9 - 12, 2010 Los Angeles, CA

Commonwealth Wisdom School presents

4 Day Intensive with John J. Oliver The star of TruTV’s “Haunting Evidence” and Japan’s “FBI Psychic Investigator.”

Contact: or (347) 882-0325 Clairvoyant Training Includes:

* Deep Trance States * Alchemical Realization of the Body Temple * Transformational Movement Rites * Anchoring Rituals * Spiritual Contact

Awaken the Psychic Powers Within You John Oliver, one of the World’s Premier Psychic Detectives will teach you step-by step of how to develop and harness the intuitive powers of your mind, body and spirit.

Aquarian Bookshop 3519 Ellwood Avenue Richmond, VA, 23221 (804) 353-5575

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