
3 minute read
Emmylou Harris
from Kutucnu_01221
by aquiaqui33
“I’m mainly an interpreter”: Harris in London, 1975
Tribute: Klara and Johanna Söderberg, aka First Aid Kit
How difficult was it to harmonise with Bob Dylan on the Desire sessions? John Kajander, via email
There was no rehearsal; I’d never even heard the songs before. I was sitting next to him with a lyric sheet and he’d break into the song. One eye would be watching him and the other was reading these lyrics that I’ve never seen before. I think ignorance is part of it! It served me well, because otherwise I would’ve been overwhelmed. I also thought I’d be able to go back and f x anything if I’d sung a bad note. But I foundoutlaterthatwasnotpossible.With Dylan,it’sliveofthefoor.Ilearntalot fromthatsession:theemotionandthe momentismoreimportantthangetting thingsexactlyright.DidBobsayanything tome?No,itwasallbusiness!Hehad anotherbunchofmusicianswaitinginthe otherroom–we’dgoout,he’dbringthem inandhe’ddoanothersong.Hedidinvite metojointheRollingThunderRevue,but atthatpointIwassointenselyinvolved withmyowntouringwithTheHotBand.I wascommittedtocarryingonwithGram’s vision;thatwasevenmoreimportantto methanbeingontheroadwithBobDylan.
Whatisitaboutsingingduetsthat appealstoyou? KarenBletchley,Suffolk
IfeellikeIfoundmyvoicesingingduets withGram.Youregogoesoutthedoor andyou’rejustfollowingthatlead vocal,fndingthatothermelody.It’sthe soundoftwoorthreevoiceswhenyou’re harmonisingtogether,you’recreating somethingthatdidn’texistbefore. Collaborationissomuchofapartof musicforme.Ienjoythecompanyofother musiciansandsongwritersandsingers.
Was it important for you to show what you could do as a songwriter on [2000’s] Red Dirt Girl? Chantelle Smith, Newcastle
I still feel I’m mainly an interpreter. But af er Wrecking Ball, Daniel [Lanois, producer] said to me, “You need to write for your next record.” And then Guy Clark said, “You need to writeyournextrecordandI don’tcareifittakesyoufve years!”Ifguredifthosetwo peoplearetellingmeIneed towritemynextrecord,I shouldpayattention.It’snot likeI’dneverwritten–Ihaddone [1985’sTheBalladOf]SallyRose andafewothersongs,soIthought, ‘AtleastIcouldtry.’Iwantedto carryonwiththesoniclandscape thatDanhadputmeinforWrecking Ball,buttomakeitdiferentI neededtoputonmywritinghat.I lockedmyselfaway,Iletmyband go,Ididn’tdoanygigs,Iputmyself intothatspaceandIgotquitedeep intoit.Myfrstsongwasprobably “ThePearl”andonceIgotthat…
With Daniel Lanois What do you think of First Aid Kit’s song “Emmylou”? Phil Harding, Barry
I loved it. Everybody told me I had to hear this song, but for some reason I didn’t seek it out. Then I was on tour in Australia and it came on in a store in Adelaide. I remember stopping and saying, “Boy, that’s really beautiful.” And then I heard these beautiful voices singing my name and I went, “Oh my god, that’s the song everybody’s been talking about!” It was nice to hear it in that way, without expectation – it was one of those little gif s from the universe. I love those girls.
How do you feel about the Country Music Awards choosing not to honour John Prine last year? Graham Cooper, Worthing
John Prine is in a class by himself, right? So if they don’t think of him as country, I don’t think we should slam them. John Prine doesn’t need an award from the Country Music Association, he will live forever. And let’s face it, there are a lot of people who get awards that we will soon forget! He’s part of the great soundtrack of American music, the quintessential American songwriter.
His songs tell the sweet and the dark of the human condition and we’re just lucky to have lived in the same time as John Prine.
Are there any musicians you’ve always wished you could collaborate with? Arafin, via Twitter
Well, I’ve sung with just about everybody! There are a couple, but unfortunately they’ve passed away: Leonard Cohen and Merle Haggard. There’s never been anyone quite like Cohen – his poetry cuts deep into our psyche and I would love to have sung on some of those songs with him. And of course Merle Haggard is country music to me. If you tried to introduce someone from Mars to country music, you’d play them one of Merle’s records. I just love his voice and his songs.
When will we hear new music from you? Dave Chatham, via email
It’s nice to be wanted, so I appreciate the question. But I’m not sure that I have anything to say that compels me to go into a studio and make a record. I’m still going to perform live. But the more songs you record, the harder it is to put a set together! You never know, I might light a f re under myself,butrightnowI’mcontent.