Ex. 01 | Specialisation of sensibilities
Knowing Architecture and Interior Sensibilities & Interior Specialisation Project Information
The Master buliding chosen to study is ‘Seed Cathedral’, UK Pavillion, Shanghai, 2010 by Thomas Heatherwick
Week 01-04 | Design Boot-Camp Process:
The structure and design is studied in detail and differentiated into ‘Architecture as Architecture’, ‘Interior design sensibility’ and ‘Interior design specialisation.
Architecture as Architecture consists of the architectural or structural shell, and is represented through plans and sectional elevations. Rendering medium- Mannual.
Interior Design Sensibility puts more focus into the interiors and dissolves the architectural shell. It is represented through isometric drawing.
Interior Design Specialisation looks into the detailed interior aspects and its unique features, taking in the true essence of the Interior space. It is represented through Exploded isometric drawing.
7 Design Boot-Camp
9 Design Boot-Camp Details
Week 01-04 | Design Boot-Camp
Ex. 02 | Design Optimization
Familiarising - “Know it more through - Optimization”
Project Information
The Master buliding chosen to study is Olivetti showroom, designed by Carlo Scarpa.
Design Process
A Masters building is chosen and is further studied. Taking the interior design specialization, the essence of the building and its interior is made into a Model representation.
Building chosen : Olivetti showroom by Carlo Scarpa. Materials ussed: Wood and Acrylic.
Module 01 | Hypothesis Development 11
Week 05-06| Module 01
Ex. 01 | Tectonics & Materiality
01 | Exploring concepts of Tectonic Materiality
Project Information
Different projects are analysed based on its spatial quality, properties and materiality. Comparing all the analysis, a hypothesis is generated.
Projects chosen:
1.Qatar Museum Gift Shop 2.Ukiyo Rits Carlton restautant 3.Mason Botique 4.Gong Restaurant 5.Indy old court house 6.Kashi arts Cafe 7.LocHal library 8.Shiro Restaurant 9.Cardboard Cafe
After comparetive study and analysis of all the projects, arguments are generated with the inferences created.
Module 01 | Hypothesis Development 13
Module 01 | Hypothesis Development 15
Module 01 | Hypothesis Development 17
Module 01 | Hypothesis Development 19
Annet Thomas PID22042 annet.pid22042@cept.ac.in
The BIG Re-think Tectonic Materiality of Interior Elements
Master of Interior Design Monsoon 2022 | Faculty of Architecture
CEPT University
ID 4030 | Level 4
The Perpetual Swirl Geodesic Passage The BIG Re-think Tectonic Materiality of Interior Elements Master Tutor : Prof. Kireet Patel Studio Tutors: Rishav Jain, Aparajita Basu TA: Jay Odharia, Jhanavi Parikh Master of Interior Design Monsoon 2022 | Faculty of Architecture CEPT University Annet Thomas PID22042 ID 4030 | Level 4 | PG Program ROLE 01 Historical Practices Through Project Representing An ‘Era’ 02 MODULE
MODULE 02 Role 01 | Historical Practices Through Project Representing An ‘Era’ 1. Site Attributes Analysis 2. Photomontages 3.Details 4. Progress 4 6-9 10 11-13
Site Selected: Faculty Of Architecture, CEPT University
Materials Used: Concrete, Brick and Wood
Site 1 attributes:
It is a double height space and thus can be utilised to create the sense of span and verticality. Space surrounding a central pillar and has a strong natural light source, focusing on boundaries of the space. It contains a mezzanine level at the stairs landing. Consists of a balcony on either sides, overlooking the space.
Site 2 attributes: The site consists of different levels as it is a stair area. Slit window providing natural light. Display area can be provided on either sides due to the space arrangement. Play of Materiality.
Site 3 attributes:
Narrower passage space of less height. Central aisle lighting provided. Slit on either sides for natural lighting. Staircase adds as an additional asset to the space.
Site 3
Site Attributes
Site 2 Site 1
Week 07-08
The Perpetual Swirl Geodesic Passage
Project Information
For Role 1, The site given is Faculty of Architecture, CEPT University. The design representation is in the form of Photomontages.
Module 02 | Role 01 Historical practices through a project representing an ‘era’ Process:
For Role 1, The site given is Faculty of Architecture, CEPT University.
3 spaces are selected and designed using Geodesical patterns with Wood and metal as materials. Hypothesis is applied through the bending of wood using methods such as steam process.
Tectonic materiality is brought about using the combination of wood and metal in the geodesical pattern elements, where the wood acts as the major element , while the metal acts as the joinery element.
The design is represented in the form of 3 photomontages.
Role 01 | Historical practices through a project representing an ‘era’
5 Module
02 |
The double height has been utilised. Dream Machines places on curved pedestals to envoke curiosity as the view will not be complete unless stranding directly in front of it. Seating Pro vided in the center for Observing the ma
7 Photomontage 1
Levels generated in th design. A display placed at each space such that it can be viewd while acending or descending the staircase.
8 Photomontage 2
A space within space created to balance out the narrowness of the site. The Machines Kept directly under slit windowa and has been given framed View areas.
9 Module 02 | Role 01 | Historical practices through a project representing an ‘era’ Photomontage 3
Criteria for selection of ‘Material’
Material selected based on the larger concern and in similarity to the Davinci dream machines
Criteria for use of ‘Material’
Wood used based on its properties of Hardness, Elasticity and Tensile Strength. Metal used for joinery and aesthetics.
What ‘Material’
Wood Metal as joinery
has been used?
Where the ‘Material’ has been used?
Used as a common material for all design elements.
How ‘Material’ has been used?
As geodesic pattern/ form, connected by the use of metal joinery.
10 Details
11 Module 02 | Role 01 | Historical practices through
Photomontage 1
representing an ‘era’
12 Photomontage 2
Process: Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4
13 Module 02 | Role 01 | Historical practices through a project representing an ‘era’ Photomontage 3
Process: Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4
Annet Thomas PID22042 annet.pid22042@cept.ac.in
The BIG Re-think Tectonic Materiality of Interior Elements
Master of Interior Design Monsoon 2022 | Faculty of Architecture
CEPT University
ID 4030 | Level 4
A Perpetual Swirl Framing Spaces The BIG Re-think Tectonic Materiality of Interior Elements Master Tutor : Prof. Kireet Patel Studio Tutors: Rishav Jain, Aparajita Basu TA: Jay Odharia, Jhanavi Parikh Master of Interior Design Monsoon 2022 | Faculty of Architecture CEPT University Annet Thomas PID22042 ID 4030 | Level 4 | PG Program 02 MODULE Current modern practices through a project representing a ‘Standardization’ ROLE 02 ORGANIZING ‘MATERIALITY’
02 |
modern practices through a project
1. Site Attributes Analysis 2. Design Interventions( Structural) 3. Plans 4.Sections 5.Details 4 4 6-8 9 10-13
representing a ‘Standardization’
The Site selected: The lotus Tower Architect : Sanjay Puri Architects
Site Attributes:
-Continues glass facade around the building.
- The structural core located in the center with usable space around it.
-2 Balcony area that can be incorporated in the design. -Structural support along the sides.
Site attributes
Design intervention ( Structural):
-Seggregated such that entry and exit is clearly demar kated.
-A partition wall provided so as to create a continues movement n the space and ensures that all the displayed machines are visited by the user.
-Double height spaces provided at the entry and exit areas to break the monotonous low ceiling height and create a sense of openess.
Design intervention ( Structural)
Week 09-11
Module 02 | Role 02 | Organizing ‘Materiality’
The Perpetual Swirl Framing Spaces
Project Information
The site chosen is the Lotus tower by Sanjay Purri Architects.
Current modern practices through a project representing a ‘Standardization’ Process:
The site is analysed and Design Interventions are made accordingly, considering the site attributes.
- Elements are designed using geodesical patterns such that it produces a continues play of light and shadow throughout the day.
-Major design materrial used is metal , while the base of the pedestal and the ceiling element connecting the pedestal to the ceiling is made of flitched beams for additional support, making wood as the minor material in the design.
The frames are used as elements connecting different levels in the design.
5 Module 02 | Role 02 | Organizing ‘Materiality’
Caption for the Image
The elements designed such that it creates different experinces are different spaces.
The space accomodates 12 dream machines of Davinci. Balconies combined to the double height spaces.
7 Module 02 | Role 02 | Organizing ‘Materiality’
Two areas are provided seen be low such that the p[erson on top floor can view the acgivities at the lower entry and exit areas. Additional function of Gift shop and reading area provided at the top floor.
9 Module 02 | Role 02 | Organizing ‘Materiality’
11 Module 02 | Role 02 | Organizing ‘Materiality’ DETAIL A DETAIL
Criteria for selection of ‘Material’
Material selected based on the larger concern and in similarity to the Da Vinci dream machines
Criteria for use of ‘Material’
Metal based on the properties of malleability and ductility.
Wood used along with metal form the platform and ceiling element, based on its strength and the design.
What ‘Material’ has been used?
Metal used as the major element, while wood used as the minor element.
Where the ‘Material’ has been used?
Metal is used for the frames while wood is used in between metal for platform and ceiling elements.
How ‘Material’ has been used?
Metal based on its properties of malleability and ductility has been made into frames. Thin strips of wood given in between for aesthetic and design purposes.
13 Module 02 | Role 02 | Organizing ‘Materiality’ Details
Annet Thomas PID22042 annet.pid22042@cept.ac.in
The BIG Re-think Tectonic Materiality of Interior Elements
Master of Interior Design Monsoon 2022 | Faculty of Architecture
CEPT University
ID 4030 | Level 4
The Perpetual Swirl The defining flow The BIG Re-think Tectonic Materiality of Interior Elements Master Tutor : Prof. Kireet Patel Studio Tutors: Rishav Jain, Aparajita Basu TA: Jay Odharia, Jhanavi Parikh Master of Interior Design Monsoon 2022 | Faculty of Architecture CEPT University Annet Thomas PID22042 ID 4030 | Level 4 | PG Program Collaborative practices through a project representing an ‘identity’ ROLE 03 MATERIALISING THE INTERIOR SPECIALISATION 02 MODULE
MODULE 02 Role 03 | MATERIALISING THE INTERIOR SPECIALISATION Collaborative practices through a project representing an
1.Model 2. Conceptual Sketch 3. Views 4.Detail 5.Foreword 4 5-7 8-13 14 15
Week 12-16
Module 02 | Role 03 | Materialising the Interior Specialisation
The Perpetual Swirl The Defining flow Project Information
The project is siteless. The interior design specialisation
Collaborative practices through a project representing an ‘identity’ Process:
It is a siteless design, hence the elements are designed such that it defines the space.
Each element performs varying functions , being in a continues loop.
The major element used is wood. Wood is bent using suitable methods.
For larger bent wood carrying load, waffle structure is provided for support.
3 views are designed as xray, Black and whir and renderd aso as to show different aspects of design.
5 Module 02 | Role 03 | Materialising the
Conceptual Skech
Conceptual Skech
Conceptual Skech
7 Module 02 | Role 03 | Materialising the Interior Specialisation
Caption for the Image
View ( XRay)
Caption for the Image
View ( Render)
View ( B & W)
Criteria for selection of ‘Material’
Material selected based on the larger concern and in similarity to the Davinci dream machines
Criteria for use of ‘Material’
Bending of wood is done based on its properties of Hardness, Elasticity and Tensile Strength. Metal used for joinery and support.
What ‘Material’ has been used?
Wood Metal as support
Where the ‘Material’ has been used?
Used as a common material for all design elements.
How ‘Material’ has been used?
Soft wood is used in bent form.
14 Detail
Incoherence or more precisely randomness is the underlying structure of all architectural or designing careers. This book talks on how the design project is done as an extension of the argument regarding modification of properties of materials through production technique to make flexible forms, which was generated through repetitive considerations and revisions. In terms of design, Leonardo Davinci Museum, exhibiting his dream machines works on the principle “Less is more” with its minimal elements, yet creating a multi-functional and high experiential quality space.
The author tells how it is built with a focus on the materials used, such that it has a long life and minimises the material and labour resources over the period. Bend wood is the major material used and different functions are provided through variation of shapes and sizes by utilising the properties of wood such as its hardness, elasticity and tensile strength. Metal acts as the second element used, utilising the properties of malleability and ductility.
“The unbuilt is the fantasy that underlies everything.”
Vision is the starting point for a designer. If you cannot envision what you want, you are no good as a designer. To be a visionary means not only that, it means to be able to see what others cannot, a potential hidden away in the folds of time perhaps or never utilized. Space is raw food for a designer, he can cook it any way he wants.
The book shows how the design ideology in this project to expose the possibilities in design, limit material wastage, and enhance the user experience of the space while making the elements multifunctional has been executed in design.
The vision of the designer to make something out of the ordinary is well detailed out in the book as you read through. Takes the reader to experience the design as a user.
15 Module 02 | Role 03 | Materialising the Interior Specialisation
Annet Thomas PID 22042 annet.pid22042@cept.ac.in
The BIG Re-think Tectonic Materiality of Interior Elements
Master of Interior Design Monsoon 2022 | Faculty of Architecture CEPT University
ID 4030 | Level 4