BIGC: Annual Report 2002

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Annual Report

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Big C Supercenter Public Company Lim ited

Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited A Central-Casino partnership

2 0 0 2 Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited

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Annual Report 2002

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7 th Floor Univest Building, 89/36 Rajdamri, Rd., Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok, 10330 Tel. 0-2655-0666 Fax. 0-2655-5801-2

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More Than Just Low Prices

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2 3

Message from Chairman of the Board

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Audit Committee and Audit Report



8 9 10

Board of Directorsû Report

8 9 10

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16 24 26 32

Honorary Chairman and Board of Directors

Executive Officers Education and Working Experience of Directors and Executive Officers General Information Shareholders and Subsidiaries Business in Big C Significant Change and Future Trend

2 3

17 25 27 33

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Big Cûs Branches and Head-to-Head Competitors


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40 44 48

Risk Factor

41 45 49

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56 80 92

Summary of Financial Data Analysis of Financial Position and Operating Result

57 Related Company Transactions 81 Financial Statements 128 Management

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


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Message form Chairman of the Board

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The past year 2002 is regarded as another year in which Big C had a satisfactorily successful operation result as can be seen from the companyûs sales rising from 32,637 million baht to 38,214 million baht in the year 2002 or rising as much as 17% and had a net profit of as much as 1,288 million baht. However, Big C still continued developing the strategy of creating the highest satisfaction for consumers by creating confidence, developing products and service continuously, as well as supporting and remunerating the society by being the first and only one retail businesses to return the taxes to the local community directly and supporting çone sub-district one producté through formal distribution in every branch of Big C all over the country. In addition to this, Big C also initiated the idea of promoting the education of Thai youths by establishing Big C Foundation in the past months of May, including having opened 4 more branches in 2002. As for the operation plan in 2003, Big C also emphasizes adding more new branches in order to supply customerûs demands thoroughly and cover more of the marketing share, particularly the areas with potentials for 4 more branches, the first of which will be opened in late March, i. e. Pattaya Branch 2, and other ones will be opened one after another, namely, Rajdamri Branch, Nakhon Sawan Branch and Saphan Khwai Branch respectively, which give Big C an increase of 36 branches by the end of the current year. Although in 2003 competition in the retail business still has an ever rising trend, nevertheless with the potentials of the joint management of the major shareholders, namely, Casino Group and Central Group, both of whom have long years of experience in retail business, as well as the sincerity to be committed to development and have the clear goal of Big Cûs growth coupled with the Thai society, I believe that this year Big C will still be able to win the hearts of consumers, who are an essential factor in competition, and able to achieve the target in every work plan. The shareholders can therefore rest assured that they will certainly receive an even higher return. (Mr. Suthichart Chirathivat) Chairman of the Board

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1. 𓬫—π™—¬ ®‘√“∏‘«—≤πå ª√–∏“π°‘µµ‘¡»—°¥‘Ï Mr. Vanchai Chirathivat Honorary Chairman 2. 𓬠ÿ∑∏‘™“µ‘ ®‘√“∏‘«—≤πå ª√–∏“π°√√¡°“√ Mr. Suthichart Chirathivat Chairman of the Board 3. 𓬧√‘ ‡µ’¬π ªî·Õ√å §Ÿ‡«√Õ å °√√¡°“√ Mr. Christian Pierre Couvreux Director 4. 𓬪î·Õ√å ∫√Ÿ‚π ™“√å≈ ∫Ÿ™Ÿ∑å °√√¡°“√ Mr. Pierre Bruno Charles Bouchut Director 5. π“¬‡Õ‡µ’¬π ªî·Õ√å ‡√¡Õßµå ‡øÕ√å√“ πÕ≈·≈√∑å °√√¡°“√ Mr. Etienne Pierre Raymond Ferrard Snollaerts Director 6. π“¬∑» ®‘√“∏‘«—≤πå °√√¡°“√ Mr. Tos Chirathivat Director 7. π“¬Õ—߇¥√ ‚§≈¥ ≈ÿ¬°å ·¡ä°´’‡Õ√å °√√¡°“√ Mr. Andre Claude Luc Mercier Director 8. 𓬇™√“√å¥ ‚√‡™à ‡¥√Õ·«≈ °√√¡°“√ Mr. Gerard Roger Drevelle Director 9. 𓬮ÕÀåπ ‡´’¬π ´Ÿ ≈‘π °√√¡°“√ Mr. John Sian Zu Lin Director 10. 𓬷¥‡π’¬≈ Õ“¡Õßµå ·ªß °√√¡°“√ Mr. Daniel Armand Pain Director 11. π“¬Õ’ø ·∫√å°π“√å ‡∫√∫ÁÕß °√√¡°“√ Mr. Yves Bernard Braibant Director 12. π“¬ππ∑æ≈ π‘Ë¡ ¡∫ÿ≠ °√√¡°“√Õ‘ √– Mr. Nontaphon Nimsomboon Independent Director 13. √». ¥√. ®’√‡¥™ ÕŸà «— ¥‘Ï °√√¡°“√Õ‘ √– Ass. Prof. Dr. Chiradet Ousawat Independent Director 14. ¥√. √Õßæ≈ ‡®√‘≠æ—π∏ÿå °√√¡°“√Õ‘ √– Dr. Rongphol Charoenphandhu Independent Director

Honorary Chairman and Board of Directors















.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002




≥–°√√¡°“√µ√«® Õ∫·≈–√“¬ß“π°“√µ√«® Õ∫ eport of the Audit Committee

π“¬ππ∑æ≈ π‘Ë¡ ¡∫ÿ≠ ª√–∏“π°√√¡°“√µ√«® Õ∫ Mr. Nontaphon Nimsomboon Chairman of Audit Committee


√». ¥√. ®’√‡¥™ ÕŸà «— ¥‘Ï °√√¡°“√µ√«® Õ∫ Ass. Prof. Dr. Chiradet Ousawat Member of Audit Committee

¥√. √Õßæ≈ ‡®√‘≠æ—π∏ÿå °√√¡°“√µ√«® Õ∫ Dr. Rongphol Charoenphandhu Member of Audit Committee

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To : The Shareholders of Big C Suppercenter Public Company Limited

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The Audit Committee (to be referred to as AC hereinafter) of Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited has been first nominated and appointed by a resolution of the meeting of the Companyûs Board of Directors on the 17th November 1999. The AC shall hold office on a 3-year term effective from the date of appointment. The first term of office ended on 16th November 2002. The AC is composed of 3 independent directors as follow : 1. Mr. Nontaphon Nimsomboon Chairman of the AC 2. Asst. Prof.Dr. Chiradet Ousawat Member of the AC 3. Dr. Rongphol Charoenphandhu Member of the AC

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In 2002 the AC held 4 meetings, it invites to the meetings the external auditor, the Vice President for Accounting and Finance, the Internal Auditor and other top executives as the AC deemed appropriate, including the Managing Director, the Legal Department Manager, the Information Department Manager whose responsibilities relate to the matters and issues discussed at each meeting to provide the Committee with needed information and comments. The significant matters evolved and became part of the agenda of the AC meetings held during the year are as follow : 1. Discussion on the findings resulting from the review and audit of the quarterly and year-end financial reports which were performed by the Companyûs external auditor before presenting them to the Board of Directors and subsequently to the Shareholdersû Meeting. The issues discussed include, among other things, the adequacy of informative disclosures, transactions with related parties, commitments and contingent liabilities, possible conflicts of interest as well as fair presentation of the financial reports in accordance with the applied generally accepted accounting standards, regulations and requirements of the relevant regulating authorities.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002





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Coordinate with and give recommendations to the companyûs external auditor to ensure that the scope of auditorûs work also cover reviewing whether there exist any extravagant, waste, weaknesses of internal controls. In cases where those weaknesses and irregularities are found, remedial actions would be recommended by AC for their proper implementation. The AC also discussed external auditorûs findings resulting from the review of the Companyûs management information system and endorsed the appropriate alternative of corrective measures for control improvements to the responsible staff for implementation. Comment, render opinions, give recommendations regarding planning as well as reviewing performance of the Internal Audit Office. Assist the internal auditor in conceptual and technical matters including the preparation of the annual internal audit plan, improvement of audit procedures and report writing with the purpose of lifting the level of usefulness of the internal auditing function to be an important management tool. In this regard, the AC is of the opinion that the Internal Audit Office should be given more independence to help make the Office more beneficial to the Company. Changes can not happen in a short period of time because of the fact that the Company is a big entity and therefore it is highly possible that it has to follow a system laid down by its parent company which holds major shares in the Company. Such a system is applicable to all of its parent companyûs subsidiaries locating in many countries world wide.

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Selecting Mr. Ruth Chaowanagawi or Mrs. Ratana Jala or Mrs. Saifon Inkaew of Ernst & Young Office Limited to be appointed the Companyûs external auditor and also proposing his / her professional fee. Bring the proposals to the consideration of the Companyûs Board of Directors and for further approval of the shareholdersû meeting. Giving opinions and advices to the Board of Directors and high-ranking executives in managerial and good corporate governance matters.

In addition, the Board of Directors at its meeting on the 14th February 2003 resolved unanimously to re-appoint the AC for another term of 3 years retroactively effective from the 17th November 2002 . The extended term will end on the 16th November 2005.

Mr. Nontaphon Nimsomboon Chairman of the Audit Committee Bangkok, 14thFebruary 2003

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002



Board of Directorsû Report

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The Board of Directors is responsible for the financial statements of the company and its subsidiaries, including any financial technology information shown in the Annual Report. The financial statement was prepared in accordance with the accounting standard as generally accepted in Thailand, in which is also complied with major international accounting standards. The company chooses the appropriate accounting policy and follows its performance regularly. Pre-cautionary measures are necessary for discretion and estimation for such arrangements, which include adquate disclosures and necessary information in notes for financial statements. The Board of Directors controls the efficiency of the internal audit control system in order to be reasonably confident that records of any accounting information are accurate, thorugh, complete and able to adequately maintain the companyûs assets. The outcome will show any weaknesses, as well as protect dishonest or inappropriate performances. As such, the Board of Directors of the company has appointed an Audit Committee consisting of the Independent Directors who are not Executives. The Audit Committees shall have the responsibilities relating to the quality of the Financial Statement and Internal Control System. The opinion of the Audit Committee with regards to this subject shall be stipulated in the report of the Audit Committee as shown in the Annual Report. It is the opinion of the Board of Directors that, in general, the Internal Control System of the company has achieved an appreciated level and reasonably ensured to the accounting system of the company and its subsidiaries as recorded on December 31, 2002.

(Mr. Suthichart Chirathivat) (Mr. Yves Bernard Braibant) Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer & President

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𓬪√–æ—π∏å ‡Õ’Ë¬¡√ÿàß‚√®πå Mr. Praphan Eamrungroj

√Õߪ√–∏“πÕ“«ÿ‚ ΩÉ“¬æ—≤π“∏ÿ√°‘®·≈–Õ —ßÀ“√‘¡∑√—æ¬å Senior Vice President, Properties


π“¬Õ≈—𠇵‡øπ ‡π‡¡π∑å´‘§ Mr. Alan Stephen Nementzik

√Õߪ√–∏“πºŸâ∫√‘À“√ΩÉ“¬ªØ‘∫—µ‘°“√ Executive Vice President, Operations


π“¬Õ’ø ·∫√å°π“√å ‡∫√∫ÁÕß Mr. Yves Bernard Braibant

ª√–∏“π‡®â“Àπâ“∑’Ë∫√‘À“√·≈–°√√¡°“√ºŸâ®—¥°“√„À≠à Chief Executive Officer & President


π“ß “«√”¿“ §”ÀÕ¡√◊Ëπ Miss Rumpa Kumhomreun

√Õߪ√–∏“πΩÉ“¬∫—≠™’·≈–°“√‡ß‘π CFO & Vice President, Accounting & Finance


𓬂∏¡— ·¡ —π π‘≈‡´àπ Mr. Thomas Mason Nielsen

√Õߪ√–∏“πÕ“«ÿ‚ ΩÉ“¬∑√—欓°√¡πÿ…¬å Senior Vice President, Human Resources


π“¬¡‘·™≈ ¥ÿ¬‚° Mr. Michel Ducos

√Õߪ√–∏“πΩÉ“¬ Supply Chain Management Vice President, Supply Chain Management


π“ß “«®√‘¬“ ®‘√“∏‘«—≤πå Miss Jariya Chirathivat

√Õߪ√–∏“πΩÉ“¬°“√µ≈“¥·≈–°“√ ◊ËÕ “√ Vice President, Marketing & Communications


π“¬‡Õ¡“πŸ‡Õ≈ °Ÿ‚√π Mr. Emmanuel Couronne

√Õߪ√–∏“πΩÉ“¬®—¥´◊ÈÕÕ“À“√·≈–æ—≤π“º≈‘µ¿—≥±å Vice President, Food Merchandise & Private Label


π“ß√—µπ“ Õπÿπµ°“√ÿ≥ Ms. Ratana Anoontakaroon

√Õߪ√–∏“πΩÉ“¬®—¥´◊ÈÕ ‘π§â“∑—Ë«‰ª Vice President, General Merchandise

10. 𓬪√–‡«∑¬å ª√ÿß·µàß°‘® Mr. Prawet Prungtangkij

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∫√‘À“√√–¥—∫ Ÿß xecutive Officers

√Õߪ√–∏“πΩÉ“¬®—¥°“√√–∫∫¢âÕ¡Ÿ≈ Vice President, MIS

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002



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Mr. Vanchai Chirathivat Honorary Chairman Education : Honorary Doctorate Degree (Philosophy), Ramkamhaeng University Experience : - Chairman of Centeral Group of Companies - Chairman of Central Plaza Hotel Public Co., Ltd. Commander : Third Class Commander of The Most Exalted Order of White Elephant (Kingdom of Thailand)

𓬠ÿ∑∏‘™“µ‘ ®‘√“∏‘«—≤πå ª√–∏“π°√√¡°“√ §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : ª√‘≠≠“µ√’ “¢“∫—≠™’ (‡°’¬√µ‘π‘¬¡¥’‡¥àπ) St.Josephûs College, Philadephia, U.S.A. ª√– ∫°“√≥å : - ª√–∏“π∫√‘À“√∏ÿ√°‘®§â“ª≈’° ∫√‘…—∑ „π‡§√◊Õ‡´Áπ∑√—≈ - ª√–∏“π°√√¡°“√∫√‘ À “√·≈– °√√¡°“√ºŸâ ®— ¥ °“√„À≠à ∫√‘ …— ∑ ‡´Áπ∑√—≈√’‡∑≈ §Õ√åªÕ‡√™—Ëπ ®”°—¥ - ª√–∏“π ¡“§¡ºŸâ§â“ª≈’° - ª√–∏“π§≥–°√√¡°“√∏ÿ√°‘®§â“ª≈’° ÀÕ°“√§â“‰∑¬ - ∑’˪√÷°…“ ¿“ÀÕ°“√§â“·Ààߪ√–‡∑» ‰∑¬ ª√–«—µ‘ : - ‡À√’¬≠∑Õß çTobacco or Healthé °“√√—∫√“ß«—≈¥’‡¥àπ ¢ÕßÕߧ尓√Õπ“¡—¬‚≈° „π∞“π– Õß§å ° √∑’Ë ∑”°“√√≥√ß§å ‡ æ◊Ë Õ °“√ ‰¡à Ÿ∫∫ÿÀ√’Ë¥’‡¥àπ - √“ß«—≈π—°∏ÿ√°‘®§â“ª≈’°¥’‡¥àππ“π“™“µ‘ ª√–®”ªï 1997 ¢Õß Àæ—π∏姓⠪≈’° ·Ààß™“µ‘ À√—∞Õ‡¡√‘°“

Mr. Suthichart Chirathivat Chairman of the Board Education : B.S. (Accounting), St.Josephûs College, Philadephia, U.S.A. Experience : - President of Retail Business of Central Retail Corporation Limited - President and Chief Executive Officer of Central Retail Corporation - President of Thai Retailers Association - Chairman of Committee on Retail Business of Thai Chamber of Commerce - Advisor of Board of Trade of Thailand Achievement : - Gold Medal çTobacco or Healthé from World Health Organizaion of Outstanding achievement award : anti-smoking campaign - International Retailer of the Year Award (1997) of The National Retail Federation of U.S.A.

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𓬧√‘ ‡µ’¬π ªî·Õ√å §Ÿ‡«√Õ å °√√¡°“√ §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : Masters Degree (Economics) and MBA, (HEC, Leading French Business School) ª√– ∫°“√≥å : Chairman of the Management Board, Casino Group

Mr. Christian Pierre Couvreux Director Education : Masters Degree (Economics) and MBA, (HEC, Leading French Business School) Experience : Chairman of the Management Board, Casino Group

𓬪î·Õ√å ∫√Ÿ‚π ™“√å≈ ∫Ÿ™Ÿ∑å °√√¡°“√ §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : - Graduated from Hautes Etudes Commercial (Financial-Banking), Paris - Masters Degree in Applied Economy (Paris IX-Dauphine) ª√– ∫°“√≥å : Member of the Management Board and Managing Director, Casino Group

Mr. Pierre Bruno Charles Bouchut Director Education : - Graduated from Hautes Etudes Commercial (Financial-Banking), Paris - Masters Degree in Applied Economy (Paris IX-Dauphine) Experience : Member of the Management Board and Managing Director, Casino Group

π“¬‡Õ‡µ’¬π ªî·Õ√å ‡√¡Õßµå ‡øÕ√å√“ πÕ≈·≈√∑å °√√¡°“√ §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : MBA Dallas (International Management), U.S.A. ª√– ∫°“√≥å : Executive Committee Member, Casino Group

Mr. Etienne Pierre Raymond Ferrard Snollaerts Director Education : MBA Dallas (International Management), U.S.A. Experience : Executive Committee Member, Casino Group

π“¬∑» ®‘√“∏‘«—≤πå °√√¡°“√ §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : MBA (Finance), Columbia University, U.S.A. ª√– ∫°“√≥å : °√√¡°“√∫√‘ À “√·≈–√Õß°√√¡°“√ ºŸâ®—¥°“√„À≠à “¬ªØ‘∫—µ‘°“√ ∫√‘…—∑ ‡´Áπ∑√—≈ √’‡∑≈ §Õ√åªÕ‡√™—Ëπ ®”°—¥

Mr. Tos Chirathivat Director Education : MBA (Finance), Columbia University, U.S.A. Experience : Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of Central Retail Corporation Limited

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002



≥«ÿ≤‘∑“ß°“√»÷°…“·≈–ª√– ∫°“√≥å¢Õß°√√¡°“√·≈–ºŸâ∫√‘À“√√–¥—∫ Ÿß ducation and Working Experience of Directors and Executive Officers



π“¬Õ—߇¥√ ‚§≈¥ ≈ÿ¬°å ·¡ä°´’‡Õ√å °√√¡°“√ §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : - Degree from ESSEC Business School, Paris, France - Chartered Auditor and Accountant. ª√– ∫°“√≥å : Executive Committee Member, Casino Group

Mr. Andre Claude Luc Mercier Director Education : - Degree from ESSEC Business School, Paris, France - Chartered Auditor and Accountant. Experience : Executive Committee Member, Casino Group

𓬇™√“√å¥ ‚√‡™à ‡¥√Õ·«≈ °√√¡°“√ §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : Degree from Assas Law School, Paris ª√– ∫°“√≥å : Managing Director, Siam Gulf Development and Trading Co., Ltd.

Mr. Gerard Roger Drevelle Director Education : Degree from Assas Law School, Paris Experience : Managing Director, Siam Gulf Development and Trading Co., Ltd.

𓬮ÕÀåπ ‡´’¬π ´Ÿ ≈‘π °√√¡°“√ §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : M.S.M. Degree (Finance and International Business), Sloan School of Management ª√– ∫°“√≥å : - Executive Director, AIGIC (Thailand) Co., Ltd. - Executive Director, AIG Investment Corporation (Asia) Ltd.

Mr. John Sian Zu Lin Director Education : M.S.M. Degree (Finance and International Business), Sloan School of Management. Experience : - Executive Director, AIGIC (Thailand) Co., Ltd. - Executive Director, AIG Investment Corporation (Asia) Ltd.

𓬷¥‡π’¬≈ Õ“¡Õßµå ·ªß °√√¡°“√ §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : Engineer Degree of Saint Etienne, France. ª√– ∫°“√≥å : Executive Committee Member, Casino Group

Mr. Daniel Armand Pain Director Education : Engineer Degree of Saint Etienne, France Experience : Executive Committee Member, Casino Group

√“¬ß“πª√–®”ªï ∫√‘…—∑ ∫‘Í°´’ ´Ÿª‡ªÕ√凴Áπ‡µÕ√å ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π) 2545 ....................................................................................................................................


≥«ÿ≤‘∑“ß°“√»÷°…“·≈–ª√– ∫°“√≥å¢Õß°√√¡°“√·≈–ºŸâ∫√‘À“√√–¥—∫ Ÿß ducation and Working Experience of Directors and Executive Officers


π“¬Õ’ø ·∫√å°π“√å ‡∫√∫ÁÕß - °√√¡°“√ - ª√–∏“π‡®â“Àπâ“∑’Ë∫√‘À“√·≈–°√√¡°“√ºŸâ®—¥°“√„À≠à §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : Business School, Lyon France ª√– ∫°“√≥å : Chief Executive Officer, Libertad, Argentina

Mr. Yves Bernard Braibant - Director - Chief Executive Officer & President Education : Business School, Lyon France Experience : Chief Executive Officer, Libertad, Argentina

π“¬ππ∑æ≈ π‘Ë¡ ¡∫ÿ≠ - °√√¡°“√Õ‘ √– - ª√–∏“π°√√¡°“√µ√«® Õ∫ §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : - MBA (Accounting), University of lowa, U.S.A. - ∫—≠™’¥ÿ…Æ’∫—≥±‘µ°‘µµ‘¡»—°¥‘Ï ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬∏√√¡»“ µ√å ª√– ∫°“√≥å : - ºŸâ Õ”π«¬°“√ ”π— ° ß“πµ√«®‡ß‘ π ·ºàπ¥‘π - 𓬰 ¡“§¡π— ° ∫— ≠ ™’ · ≈–ºŸâ Õ∫ ∫—≠™’√—∫Õπÿ≠“µ·Ààߪ√–‡∑»‰∑¬

Mr. Nontaphon Nimsomboon - Independent Director - Chairman of Audit Committee Education : - MBA (Accounting), University of lowa, U.S.A. - Honorary Doctorate Degree (Accounting), Thammasat University Experience : - Auditor General - President of the Institute of the Certified Accountants and Auditor of Thailand

√.». ¥√. ®’√‡¥™ ÕŸà «— ¥‘Ï - °√√¡°“√Õ‘ √– - °√√¡°“√µ√«® Õ∫ §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : Ph.D Decision Sciences (Production and Operation Management), University of Oregon, U.S.A. ª√– ∫°“√≥å : - §≥–∫¥’ §≥–∫√‘À“√∏ÿ√°‘® ∂“∫—π ∫—≥±‘µæ—≤π∫√‘À“√»“ µ√å (NIDA) - ª√–∏“π°√√¡°“√∫√‘À“√ ∫√‘…—∑ ‰∑¬º≈‘µ¿—≥±å¬∫‘ ´—¡Ë ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π)

Ass.Prof. Dr. Chiradet Ousawat - Independent Director - Member of Audit Committee Education : Ph.D Decision Sciences (Production and Operation Management), University of Oregon, U.S.A. Experience : - Dean of Business Administration Faculty, NIDA - Chairman of the Executive Board of Thai Gypsum Public Co., Ltd.

¥√. √Õßæ≈ ‡®√‘≠æ—π∏ÿå - °√√¡°“√Õ‘ √– - °√√¡°“√µ√«® Õ∫ §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : Doctor of Philosophy (Law), Monash University, Australia ª√– ∫°“√≥å : √Õߪ≈—¥ ”π—°π“¬°√—∞¡πµ√’

Dr. Rongphol Charoenphandhu - Independent Director - Member of Audit Committee Education : Doctor of Philosophy (Law), Monash University, Australia Experience : Deputy Permanent Secretary

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002



≥«ÿ≤‘∑“ß°“√»÷°…“·≈–ª√– ∫°“√≥å¢Õß°√√¡°“√·≈–ºŸâ∫√‘À“√√–¥—∫ Ÿß ducation and Working Experience of Directors and Executive Officers



π“¬Õ≈—𠇵‡øπ ‡π‡¡π∑å´‘§ √Õߪ√–∏“πºŸâ∫√‘À“√ΩÉ“¬ªØ‘∫—µ‘°“√ §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : Undergraduate Studies ª√– ∫°“√≥å : - Chief Executive Officer, Giant TMC Limited, Malaysia - Managing Director, EAC Consumer Products (Singapore) Pte Ltd - Managing Director, EAC Korea Ltd - Operations Director, South Africa Retailer

Mr. Alan Stephen Nementzik Executive Vice President, Store Operations Education : Undergraduate Studies Experience : - Chief Executive Officer, Giant TMC Limited, Malaysia - Managing Director, EAC Consumer Products (Singapore) Pte Ltd - Managing Director, EAC Korea Ltd - Operations Director, South Africa Retailer

π“ß “«√”¿“ §”ÀÕ¡√◊Ëπ - √Õߪ√–∏“πΩÉ“¬∫—≠™’·≈–°“√‡ß‘π - ‡≈¢“πÿ°“√∫√‘…—∑ §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : - ª√‘≠≠“‚∑ (∫√‘À“√∏ÿ√°‘®) ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬∏√√¡»“ µ√å - ºŸ â Õ∫∫—≠™’√∫— Õπÿ≠“µ (ª√–‡∑»‰∑¬) ª√– ∫°“√≥å : - ºŸÕâ ”π«¬°“√ΩÉ“¬∫—≠™’ ∫√‘…∑— ´’‡°∑ ‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’ (ª√–‡∑»‰∑¬) ®”°—¥ - ºŸ®â ¥— °“√ΩÉ“¬∫—≠™’ ∫√‘…∑— ‡π™—πË ·π≈ µ“√å∑ ·Õπ¥å ‡§¡‘‡§‘≈ (ª√–‡∑»‰∑¬) ®”°—¥

Miss. Rumpa Kumhomreun - CFO and Vice President, Accounting and Finance - Secretary of the Company Education : - MBA, Thammasat University - Certified Public Accountant (Thailand) Experience : - Accounting Director, Segate Technology (Thailand) Ltd - Accounting Manager, National Starch & Chemical (Thailand) Ltd.

𓬪√–æ—π∏å ‡Õ’Ë¬¡√ÿàß‚√®πå √Õߪ√–∏“πÕ“«ÿ‚ ΩÉ“¬æ—≤π“∏ÿ√°‘®·≈–Õ —ßÀ“√‘¡∑√—æ¬å §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : - ª√‘≠≠“‚∑ (∫√‘À“√∏ÿ√°‘®) ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬∏√√¡»“ µ√å - ª√‘≠≠“‚∑ («‘»«°√√¡»“ µ√å) AIT ª√– ∫°“√≥å : - Vice President, GE-Goldman AMC - Executive Director, First Pacific Land

Mr. Praphan Eamrungroj Senior Vice President, Properties Education : - MBA, Thammasat University - Master Degree (Engineering) AIT Experience : - Vice President, GE-Goldman AMC - Executive Director, First Pacific Land

𓬂∏¡— ·¡ —π π‘≈‡´àπ √Õߪ√–∏“πÕ“«ÿ‚ ΩÉ“¬∑√—欓°√¡πÿ…¬å §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : MA DEGREE (Administration and Organizational Behavior), George Williams College, U.S.A. ª√– ∫°“√≥å : Vice President, International Human Resource, Kmart Corporation U.S.A.

Mr. Thomas Mason Nielsen Senior Vice President, Human Resources Education : MA DEGREE (Administration and Organizational Behavior), George Williams College, U.S.A. Experience : Vice President, International Human Resource, Kmart Corporation U.S.A.

√“¬ß“πª√–®”ªï ∫√‘…—∑ ∫‘Í°´’ ´Ÿª‡ªÕ√凴Áπ‡µÕ√å ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π) 2545 ....................................................................................................................................


≥«ÿ≤‘∑“ß°“√»÷°…“·≈–ª√– ∫°“√≥å¢Õß°√√¡°“√·≈–ºŸâ∫√‘À“√√–¥—∫ Ÿß ducation and Working Experience of Directors and Executive Officers


π“¬‡Õ¡“πŸ‡Õ≈ °Ÿ‚√π √Õߪ√–∏“πΩÉ“¬®—¥´◊ÈÕÕ“À“√·≈–æ—≤π“º≈‘µ¿—≥±å §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : MBA, European Business Institute, Paris ª√– ∫°“√≥å : Managing Director, Snair & Socemas Reunies (France)

Mr. Emmanuel Couronne Vice President, Food Merchandise & Private Label Education : MBA, European Business Institute, Paris Experience : Managing Director, Snair & Socemas Reunies (France)

π“ß “«®√‘¬“ ®‘√“∏‘«—≤πå √Õߪ√–∏“πΩÉ“¬°“√µ≈“¥·≈–°“√ ◊ËÕ “√ §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : MBA (Marketing), Clark University, U.S.A. ª√– ∫°“√≥å : ºŸ®â ¥— °“√ΩÉ“¬®—¥´◊ÕÈ ‡´Áπ∑√—≈´Ÿ‡ªÕ√å¡“√凰Áµ

Miss. Jariya Chirathivat Vice President, Marketing and Communications Education : MBA (Marketing), Clark University, U.S.A. Experience : Marchandising Manager, Central Supermarket

π“¬¡‘·™≈ ¥ÿ¬‚° √Õߪ√–∏“πΩÉ“¬ Supply Chain Management §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : Bachelor of Accounting and Management ª√– ∫°“√≥å : Casino AIX (Response of Exploitation)

Mr. Michel Ducos Vice President, Supply Chain Management Education : Bachelor of Accounting and Management Experience : Casino AIX (Response of Exploitation)

𓬪√–‡«∑¬å ª√ÿß·µàß°‘® √Õߪ√–∏“πΩÉ“¬®—¥°“√√–∫∫¢âÕ¡Ÿ≈ §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : «‘∑¬“»“ µ√å§Õ¡æ‘«‡µÕ√å ª√– ∫°“√≥å : ºŸ®â ¥— °“√Õ“«ÿ‚ Ωà“¬∫√‘°“√ “√ π‡∑» ∫√‘…—∑ ¬“¡·¡Á§‚§√ ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π)

Mr. Prawet Prungtangkij Vice President, MIS Education : Computer Science Experience : Senior Manager, Information System Division, Siam Makro Public Co., Ltd.

π“ß√—µπ“ Õπÿπµ°“√ÿ≥ √Õߪ√–∏“πΩÉ“¬®—¥´◊ÈÕ ‘π§â“∑—Ë«‰ª §ÿ≥«ÿ≤∑‘ “ß°“√»÷°…“ : MBA (∫√‘À“√∏ÿ√°‘®) ∂“∫—π∫—≥±‘µ æ—≤π∫√‘À“√»“ µ√å (NIDA) ª√– ∫°“√≥å : √ÕߺŸâ®—¥°“√∑—Ë«‰ª ΩÉ“¬øŸÖ¥‡´Õ√å«‘ ∫√‘…—∑ ´’ æ’ ‡´‡«àπÕ’‡≈ø‡«àπ ®”°—¥

Ms. Ratana Anoontakaroon Vice President, General Merchandice Education : Master Degree of Business Administration (General Management), (NIDA) Experience : Deputy General Manager, Food Service Division, C.P. Seven Eleven Co., Ltd.

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20 ‡¡.¬. 33 ○

25 æ.¬. 36 ○

17 æ.§. 37 ○

1 ¡’.§. 38 ○

10 ∏.§. 38

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General Information Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited operated in Thailand by doing business in the form of çHypermarketé or çSupercenteré which is a modern retail business under the name of Big C Supercenter. At present Big C and its subsidiaries are managed under the name of Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd. and have stores that have been opened totaling 33 branches, dividing into 18 branches in metropolitan Bangkok and the provincial branches numbering 15 branches. The company has registered capital of 8,250 million baht, with paid-up shares of 7,996 million baht. All shares are ordinary type with the par value set at 10 baht. The major shareholders are Geant International B.V. and Saowanee Holdings Co., Ltd., which are companies in the Casino Group. They are famous retailers at the international level based in France, and having investment in retail business in countries around the world. Location of the headquarters Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd. Univest Building, 7th Floor, No. 89/36 Ratchadamri Road, Lumpini sub-district, Pathumwan district, Bangkok 10330 Telephone 02-655-0666, Fax 02-655-5801, Company registration: PCL 137 Locations of the branches of Big C Supercenter PLC No.

Name and Address of the Branches

1 ○

3 ○

4 ○

5 ○


Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Chaeng Wattana branch, 96 Village 1 15 January 1993 Chaeng Wattana Road, Thung Song Hong sub-district, Lak Si district, Bangkok Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Wong Sawang branch 20 April 1990 888 Pibul Songkram Road, Bang Sue sub-district, Bang Sue district, Bangkok 10800 Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Rat Burana branch 25 November 1993 19 Village 9, Rat Burana Road, Bang Prakok Sub-district, Rat Burana district, Bangkok 10140 Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd. Pattaya branch 17 May 1994 78/12 Village 9 Pattaya 2 Road, Nong Prue sub-district, Bang Lamung district, Chon Buri province Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Nakhon Pathom branch 1 March 1995 754 Petchakasem Road, Huay Jorake sub-district, Muang Nakhon Pathom district, Nakhon Pathom province Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Ratchdamri branch 10 December 1995 89/36 Bangkok Bazaar Shopping Center, Ratchadamri Road, Lumpini sub-district, Pathumwan district, Bangkok 10330

2 ○

Date of Opening

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002



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«—π∑’ˇªî¥¥”‡π‘π°“√ 1 °.æ. 39

14 æ.§. 37 ○

19 ∏.§. 39 ○

26 ¡’.§. 40 ○

10 ‡¡.¬. 40 ○

15 °.§. 40 ○

12 °.¬. 40 ○

31 µ.§. 40 ○

20 æ.¬. 40 ○

26 ¡.§. 41 ○

19 µ.§. 43 ○

22 µ.§. 43 ○

31 µ.§. 43

√“¬ß“πª√–®”ªï ∫√‘…—∑ ∫‘Í°´’ ´Ÿª‡ªÕ√凴Áπ‡µÕ√å ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π) 2545 ....................................................................................................................................


Name and Address of the Branches

Date of Opening


Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Bang Phli branch 89 Village 9, Thepharak Road, km 13, Bang Phli yai sub-district, Bang Phli district, Samut Prakan province Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Rangsit branch 161 Village 2, Pracha Thipat sub-district, Thanburi district, Prathum Thani province Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Korat branch 118 Mitrapap - Nong Khai Road, Nai Muang sub-district, Muang district, Nakhon Ratchasima province Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Surat Thani branch 130 Village 1, Liang Muang Road, Bang Kung sub-district, Muang district, Surat Thani province Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Ratana Thibet branch 6 Village 6, Sao Thong Hin sub-district, Bang Yai district, Nonthaburi province Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Rayong branch 15/11 Bang Na-Trat Road, Choeng Nern sub-district, Muang district, Rayong province Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Thon Buri-Paktho branch 56 Village 6, Sameh Dam sub-district, Bang Khun Tien district, Bangkok Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Lampang branch 65 Highway Lampang - Ngaw Road, Sob Tui sub-district, Muang Lampang district, Lampang province Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Lop Buri branch 2 Village 1, Tha Sala sub-district, Muang Lop Buri district, Lop Buri province Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Petchaburi branch 130 Village 1, Ton Mamuang sub-district, Muang Petchaburi district, Phetchaburi province Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Hat Yai branch 111/19 Village 4, Klong Hae sub-district, Hat Yai district, Song Khla province 90110 Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Hua Mark branch 2001 Ramkhamhaeng Road, Hua Mark sub-district, Bang Kapi district, Bangkok 10240 Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Samut Prakan branch 498/1 Sukhumvit Road, Pak Nam sub-district, Muang Samut Prakan district, Samut Prakan province 10270

1 February 1996

8 ○

9 ○

10 ○

11 ○

12 ○

13 ○

14 ○

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14 May 1994 ○

19 December 1996 ○

26 March 1997 ○

10 April 1997 ○

15 July 1997 ○

12 September 1997 ○

31 October 1997 ○

20 November 1997 ○

26 January 1998 ○

19 October 2000 ○

22 October 2000 ○

31 October 2000

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002



≈”¥—∫ ™◊ËÕ-∑’ËÕ¬Ÿà “¢“¢Õß∫√‘…—∑ 20 ∫√‘…—∑ ∫‘Í°´’ ´Ÿ‡ªÕ√凴Áπ‡µÕ√å ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π) ( “¢“Õÿ∫≈√“™∏“π’) 92 ´. ∏√√¡«‘∂’ 4 ∂.∏√√¡«‘∂’ µ.„π‡¡◊Õß Õ.‡¡◊ÕßÕÿ∫≈√“™∏“π’ ®.Õÿ∫≈√“™∏“π’ 34000 21 ∫√‘…—∑ ∫‘Í°´’ ´Ÿ‡ªÕ√凴Áπ‡µÕ√å ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π) ( “¢“¥Õπ‡¡◊Õß) 1 ´.æÀ≈‚¬∏‘π 50 ∂.æÀ≈‚¬∏‘π ·¢«ßÕπÿ “«√’¬å ‡¢µ∫“߇¢π °∑¡. 10220 22 ∫√‘…—∑ ∫‘Í°´’ ´Ÿ‡ªÕ√凴Áπ‡µÕ√å ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π) ( “¢“·ø™—Ëπ‰Õ´å·≈π¥å) 5/8 ¡. 7 ∂.√“¡Õ‘π∑√“ ·¢«ß§—π𓬓« ‡¢µ§—π𓬓« °∑¡. 10230 23 ∫√‘…—∑ ∫‘Í°´’ ´Ÿ‡ªÕ√凴Áπ‡µÕ√å ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π) ( “¢“ ÿ¢ «— ¥‘Ï) 94 À¡Ÿà∑’Ë 18 µ.∫“ßæ÷Ëß Õ.æ√–ª√–·¥ß ®. ¡ÿ∑√ª√“°“√ 10130 24 ∫√‘…—∑ ∫‘Í°´’ ´Ÿ‡ªÕ√凴Áπ‡µÕ√å ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π) ( “¢“¿Ÿ‡°Áµ) 72 ¡. 5 µ.«‘™‘µ Õ.‡¡◊Õß¿Ÿ‡°Áµ ®.¿Ÿ‡°Áµ 83000 25 ∫√‘…—∑ ∫‘Í°´’ ´Ÿ‡ªÕ√凴Áπ‡µÕ√å ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π) ( “¢“∫“ßπ“ “¢“∑’Ë 25) 111 ∂.∫“ßπ“-µ√“¥ ·¢«ß∫“ßπ“ ‡¢µ∫“ßπ“ °∑¡. 26 ∫√‘…—∑ ∫‘Í°´’ ´Ÿ‡ªÕ√凴Áπ‡µÕ√å ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π) ( “¢“≈“¥æ√â“«) 2539 ∂.≈“¥æ√â“« ·¢«ß«—ß∑ÕßÀ≈“ß ‡¢µ«—ß∑ÕßÀ≈“ß °∑¡. 10310 27 ∫√‘…—∑ ∫‘Í°´’ ´Ÿ‡ªÕ√凴Áπ‡µÕ√å ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π) ( “¢“¥“«§–πÕß) 1050 ∂. ¡‡¥Á®æ√–‡®â“µ“° ‘π ·¢«ß∫ÿ§§‚≈ ‡¢µ∏π∫ÿ√’ °∑¡. 10600 28 ∫√‘…—∑ ∫‘Í°´’ ´Ÿ‡ªÕ√凴Áπ‡µÕ√å ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π) ( “¢“µ‘«“ππ∑å) 9/9 ¡. 5 µ.µ≈“¥¢«—≠ Õ.‡¡◊Õßππ∑∫ÿ√’ ®.ππ∑∫ÿ√’ 11000

«—π∑’ˇªî¥¥”‡π‘π°“√ 26 ‡¡.¬. 44

28 ¡‘.¬. 44 ○

5 °.§. 44 ○

9 æ.¬. 44 ○

29 æ.¬. 44 ○

6 °.æ. 45 ○

26 ¡‘.¬. 45 ○

6 °.¬. 45 ○

1 æ.¬. 45

√“¬ß“πª√–®”ªï ∫√‘…—∑ ∫‘Í°´’ ´Ÿª‡ªÕ√凴Áπ‡µÕ√å ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π) 2545 ....................................................................................................................................


Name and Address of the Branches

Date of Opening


Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Ubon Ratchathani branch 92 Soi Thamwithi 4, Thamwithi Road, Nai Muang sub-district, Muang Ubon Ratchathani district, Ubon Ratchathani province 34000 Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Don Muang branch 1 Soi Phaholyothin 50, Phaholyothin Road, Anusawari sub-district, Bang Khen district, Bangkok 10220 Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Fashion Island branch 5/8 Village 7, Ram Intra Road, Kanna Yao sub-district, Kanna Yao district, Bangkok 10230 Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Suksawat branch 94 Village 18, Bang Phung sub-district, Phra Pradaeng district, Samut Prakan province 10130 Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Phuket branch 72 Village 5, Wichit sub-district, Muang Phuket district, Phuket province 83000 Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Bang Na, 25th branch 111 Bang Na-Trat Road, Bang Na sub-district, Bang Na district, Bangkok Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Lat Phrao branch 2539 Lat Phrao Road, Wang Thong Lang sub-district, Wang Thong Lang district, Bangkok 10310 Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Dao Kanong branch 1050 Somdet Phra Chao Taksin Road, Bukkhalo sub-district, Thon Buri district, Bangkok 10600 Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd., Tiwanon branch 9/9 Village 5, Talat Kwan sub-district, Muang Nonthaburi district, Nonthaburi province 11000

26 April 2001

21 ○

22 ○

23 ○

24 ○

25 ○

26 ○

27 ○


28 June 2001 ○

5 July 2001 ○

9 November 2001 ○

29 November 2001 ○

6 February 2002 ○

26 June 2002 ○

6 September 2002 ○

1 November 2002

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


πÕ°®“°π’Ȭ—ß¡’Àâ“ß∫‘Í°´’∑’Ë∫√‘À“√ß“π‚¥¬∫√‘…—∑¬àÕ¬¢Õß∫√‘…—∑ ∫‘Í°´’œ ¥—ßµàÕ‰ªπ’ȧ◊Õ

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«—π∑’ˇªî¥¥”‡π‘π°“√ 15 µ.§. 39

11 ∏.§. 39 ○

3 ‡¡.¬. 40 ○

24 °.¬. 40 ○

6 °.§. 44

π“¬∑–‡∫’¬πÀ≈—°∑√—æ¬å ∫√‘…—∑ »Ÿπ¬å√—∫Ω“°À≈—°∑√—æ¬å (ª√–‡∑»‰∑¬) ®”°—¥ Õ“§“√µ≈“¥À≈—°∑√—æ¬å·Ààߪ√–‡∑»‰∑¬ ™—Èπ 4, 6, 7 ‡≈¢∑’Ë 62 ∂ππ√—™¥“¿‘‡…° ·¢«ß§≈Õ߇µ¬ ‡¢µ§≈Õ߇µ¬ °√ÿ߇∑æ 10110 ‚∑√»—æ∑å 02-2292800 ‚∑√ “√ 02-3591262 ºŸ â Õ∫∫—≠™’ ∫√‘…—∑ ”π—°ß“π ‡Õ‘π å∑ ·Õπ¥å ¬—ß ®”°—¥ Õ“§“√‡≈§√—™¥“ ™—Èπ 33 ‡≈¢∑’Ë 193/136-137 ∂ππ√—™¥“¿‘‡…° ·¢«ß§≈Õ߇µ¬ ‡¢µ§≈Õ߇µ¬ °√ÿ߇∑æ 10110 ‚∑√»—æ∑å 02-2640777 ‚∑√ “√ 02-6619190 ∑’˪√÷°…“°ÆÀ¡“¬ ∫√‘…—∑ ≈‘È߇≈‡∑Õ√å (ª√–‡∑»‰∑¬) ®”°—¥ Õ“§“√·§ªªîµÕ≈ ∑“«‡«Õ√å ÕÕ≈´’´—Ëπ å ‡æ≈ ™—Èπ 20 ‡≈¢∑’Ë 87/1 ∂ππ«‘∑¬ÿ °√ÿ߇∑æ 10330 ‚∑√»—æ∑å 02-3058000 ‚∑√ “√ 02-3058010 ∫‘Í°´’ ‡«Á∫‰´µå : §“ ‘‚𠇫Á∫‰´µå : ‡´Áπ∑√—≈ ‡«Á∫‰´µå :


√“¬ß“πª√–®”ªï ∫√‘…—∑ ∫‘Í°´’ ´Ÿª‡ªÕ√凴Áπ‡µÕ√å ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π) 2545 ....................................................................................................................................

Furthermore, the Big C Stores which are managed by the subsidiary companies of Big C Co., Ltd. are as follows : No.

Name and Address of the Branches

1 ○

3 ○

4 ○


Udon Big C Co., Ltd. 15 October 1996 415 Village 3, Mak Khaeng sub-district, Muang Udon Thani district, Udon Thani province 41000 Big C Fairy Co., Ltd. 11 December 1996 290/1 Village 17, Nai Muang sub-district, Muang district, Khon Kaen province 40000 Phitsanulok Big C Co., Ltd. 3 April 1997 939 Phichai Songkram Road, Nai Muang sub-district, Muang Phitsanulok district, Phitsanulok province Chiang Rai Big C Co., Ltd. 24 September 1997 184 Village 25, Rob Wiang sub-district, Muang district, Chiang Rai province Chiang Mai Big C Co., Ltd. 6 July 2001 208 Village 3, Tha Sala sub-district, Muang Chiang Mai district, Chiang Mai province.

2 ○

Date of Opening

Security Registrar Security Depository (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Stock Exchange of Thailand Building, 4, 6 and 7th floors, No. 62 Ratchada Phisek Road, Klong Toei sub-district, Klong Toei district, Bangkok 10110 Tel. 02-229-2800, Fax 02-359-1262 Auditor Earnst & Young Office Co., Ltd. Lake Ratchada Building, 33rd floor, No. 193/136-137 Ratchada Phisek Road, Klong Toei sub-district, Klong Toei district, Bangkok 10110 Tel. 02-264-0777, Fax 02-661-9190 Law office Linklaters (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Capital Tower Building, All Seasons Place, 20th floor, No. 87/1 Witthayu Road, Bangkok 10330 Tel. 02-305-8000, Fax 02-305-8010 Big C Website : Casino Website : Central Website :

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002



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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


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Shareholders and Subsidiaries Top ten shareholders as at 27 December 2002 are as follows :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Number of % Holding Shares Holding Geant International B.V........................................................................ 287,820,000 35.99 Saowanee Holdings Co.,Ltd............................................................... 218,280,000 27.30 Thailand Securities Depository Co.,Ltd. For Thai Citizen .............. 98,413,401 12.31 Thailand Securities Depository Co.,Ltd. For Non Thai Citizen .... 94,811,901 11.86 Mr. Tos Chirathivat ................................................................................ 24,077,469 3.01 Mr. Suthisak Chirathivat ....................................................................... 22,368,648 2.80 Mr. Pichai Chirathivat........................................................................... 22,368,648 2.80 Ms. Narttaya Chirathivat..................................................................... 14,379,241 1.80 Ms. Arunee Chan.................................................................................. 8,500,000 1.06 Ms. Suthichai Chirathivat..................................................................... 5,974,400 0.75 ubsidiaries

Subsidiaries which were directly held by the Company and indirect subsidiaries which were held by the Company没s subsidiaries are as follows : Business % Holding Paid-Up Capital (Million) 1. Pitsanulok Big C Co.,Ltd. ............................. Retail 92 1,050 2. Udon Big C Co.,Ltd...................................... Retail 100 738 3. Big C Fairy Limited. ...................................... Retail 95 440 4. Chiangmai Big C (2001) Co.,Ltd.............. Retail 100 300 5. Chiengrai Big C Co.,Ltd.............................. Retail 90 180 6. Central Superstore Limited........................... Real Estate 100 1,220 7. Inthanon Land Co.,Ltd................................... Real Estate 100 841 8. Surat Big C Limited....................................... Real Estate 100 140 9. Central Pattaya Co.,Ltd. ............................... Real Estate 100 80 10. Theparak Big C Limited ............................... Real Estate 100 57 11. Phraram II Big C Co.,Ltd. ............................ Real Estate 100 5 12. Flexpay Co.,Ltd. ............................................. Credit Card 51 100 13. Big C Distribution Co.,Ltd. ........................... Product Distribution 100 1 14. Southeast Asia Pacific Trading Co.,Ltd. .... Dormant 100 10 15. Asia Asset Co.,Ltd. ........................................ Dormant 16. Siam Retail Co.,Ltd........................................ Dormant 17. Ubon Big C Co.,Ltd...................................... Dormant .................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002







´Ÿ‡ªÕ√凴Áπ‡µÕ√å (Supercenter) ‡ªìπæ◊πÈ ∑’ Ë «à π„À≠à„πÀâ“ß∫‘°Í ´’∑®’Ë ¥— ®”Àπà“¬ ‘π§â“Õÿª‚¿§·≈–∫√‘‚¿§∑’¡Ë §’ ≥ ÿ ¿“æ·≈–√“§“ª√–À¬—¥∑ÿ°«—π µ≈Õ¥®πÕ”π«¬§«“¡ –¥«°·≈–„Àâ∫√‘°“√·°à≈Ÿ°§â“Õ¬à“ߪ√–∑—∫„®·≈–§√∫«ß®√ Àâ“ß∫‘Í°´’‡ªìπ√â“π¢π“¥„À≠à ”À√—∫∑ÿ°§π„π§√Õ∫§√—« ¡’∑’ˮե√∂°«â“ߢ«“ß –¥«° ∫“¬ ¡’ ‘π§â“„Àâ ‡≈◊Õ°´◊ÈÕ¡“°°«à“ 100,000 √“¬°“√ À¡«¥À¡Ÿà ‘π§â“¿“¬„πÀâ“ß∫‘Í°´’·∫àßÕÕ°‡ªìπ 5 ª√–‡¿∑¥—ßπ’È ● Õ“À“√ ¥ : ·ºπ°´Ÿª‡ªÕ√å¡“√凰Áµ ®”Àπà“¬ ‡π◊ÈÕ —µ«å Õ“À“√∑–‡≈ º—° ¥ ∑—Èß·∫∫æ√âÕ¡ª√ÿß·≈– æ√âÕ¡∑“𠇧√◊ËÕß„™âª√–®”«—π Õ“À“√·™à·¢Áß ‡∫‡°Õ√’Ë·≈–‡§√◊ËÕ߇∑»µà“ßÊ ● Õ“À“√·Àâß : ·ºπ°´Ÿª‡ªÕ√å¡“√凰Áµ ®”Àπà“¬ Õ“À“√æ√âÕ¡ª√ÿß ‡§√◊ÕË ßª√ÿß√ ‡§√◊ÕË ß¥◊¡Ë ¢π¡¢∫‡§’¬È « ÿ√“ ¢Õß„™â à«πµ—« º≈‘µ¿—≥±å∑”§«“¡ –Õ“¥ Õ“À“√·≈–Õÿª°√≥å‡≈’È¬ß —µ«å ● ‡ ◊Èպ⓷≈–‡§√◊ËÕßµ°·µàß : ®”Àπà“¬ ‡ ◊Èպⓠ‡§√◊ËÕß ”Փߧå ● ‡§√◊ËÕß„™â ‰øøÑ“ : ®”Àπà“¬ ‡§√◊ËÕß„™â ‰øøÑ“∑ÿ°™π‘¥ ‡∑ª ´’¥’ ‡§√◊ËÕߪ√–¥—∫¬πµå·≈–Õÿª°√≥å´àÕ¡·´¡ ·≈–∫”√ÿß√—°…“∫â“π ● Õÿª°√≥å·≈–¢Õß„™â¿“¬„π∫â“π : ®”Àπà“¬ ‡øÕ√å𑇮Õ√å ‡§√◊ËÕߧ√—« ‡§√◊ËÕß„™âæ≈“ µ‘° Õÿª°√≥尒Ó ‡§√◊ËÕßπÕπ·≈–¢Õ߇≈àπµà“ßÊ µ“√“ß —¥ à«π°“√¢“¬ ”À√—∫ªï 2545 % Õ“À“√ ¥ 8.8 Õ“À“√·Àâß 47.3 ‡ ◊Èպ⓷≈–‡§√◊ËÕßµ°·µàß 13.4 ‡§√◊ÕË ß„™â ‰øøÑ“ 17.6 Õÿª°√≥å·≈–¢Õß„™â¿“¬„π∫â“π 12.8 √«¡ 100.0


∑“«π凴Áπ‡µÕ√å (Town Center) ‡ªìπ°“√„À⇙à“æ◊Èπ∑’Ë∑—Èß¿“¬„π·≈–¿“¬πÕ°Õ“§“√¢ÕßÀâ“ß∫‘Í°´’·°àºŸâª√–°Õ∫°“√‡æ◊ËÕ‡¢â“¡“∑”∏ÿ√°‘®„π Àâ“ß∫‘Í°´’ ∑—Èßπ’ȵâÕ߇ªìπ ‘π§â“·≈–∫√‘°“√∑’Ë·µ°µà“ß®“° ‘π§â“„πÀâ“ß∫‘Í°´’ ‡æ◊ËÕ„Àâ≈Ÿ°§â“∑’ˇ¢â“¡“„™â∫√‘°“√„π Àâ“߉¥â‡≈◊Õ°´◊ÈÕ ‘π§â“·≈–∫√‘°“√∑’˧√∫§√—π·≈–§√∫«ß®√ ºŸâª√–°Õ∫°“√∑’ˇ¢â“¡“‡™à“æ◊Èπ∑’Ë„πÀâ“ß∫‘Í°´’ à«π „À≠àª√–°Õ∫¥â«¬ : ● √â“πÕ“À“√, International Fast Food, √â“π§â“‡©æ“–Õ¬à“ß, ‚√ß¿“æ¬πµ√å ● ªíö¡πÈ”¡—π, √â“π∫√‘°“√µ°·µàßÀ√◊Õ‡ª≈’ˬπÕ–‰À≈à√∂¬πµå, »Ÿπ¬å®”Àπà“¬æ—π∏ÿ剡⠗µ«å‡≈’Ȭ߷≈– ‘π§â“ ·≈–º≈‘µ¿—≥±å∑“ß°“√‡°…µ√

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Business in Big C Supercenter and Town Center 1.

Supercenter The majority of areas in Big C sell food and consumer goods with exceptional quality and everyday low prices, including providing convenience and service to customers in an integrated retail environment.. Big C is a large store for everyone in the family, having large parking lots and over 100,000 consumer goods to choose from while shopping. Big C merchandise is divided into five types as follows: ● Fresh food: The supermarket section sells meat, seafood, fresh vegetables and fruit, ready to eat foods, dairy and frozen foods, bakery and spices. ● Dry food: The supermarket section sells foods ready to be cooked, seasoning, beverages, snacks, liquors, personal care goods, cleaning products, foods and pet equipment. ● Clothing and accessories: These departments sell menûs, womenûs, childrenûs and infantûs clothing and shoes and cosmetics. ● Electrical appliances: These departments sell all kinds of electrical appliances, tapes, CDs, auto decorations and equipment for repair and maintenance of the home. ● Home décor and equipment: These departments sell furniture, kitchenware, plastics, appliances, sporting equipment, bedding and toys. Sale Mix for Year 2002 Fresh food Dry food Clothing and accessories Electrical appliances Home décor and equipment Total


% 8.8 47.3 13.4 17.6 12.8 100.0

Town Center The Town Center provide leased space in the areas inside and outside of the Big C building to operators to do business within Big C. Nonetheless, the goods and services provided within the Town Center must be different from the goods sold in Big C so the customers that come to use the services of the Big C Supercenter complex can choose to buy and use the services in an integrated type of retail environment. Most of the operators that lease areas in the Big C consist of: ● Restaurants, international fast food franchisees, specialized stores and cinemas. ● Patrol (gas) stations, auto decoration or spare part replacement stores; plant sales stores, pet stores and agricultural goods and product stores.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


µ“√“ß —¥ à«π√“¬‰¥â ”À√—∫ªï 2545 ´Ÿ‡ªÕ√凴Áπ‡µÕ√å ∑“«π凴Áπ‡µÕ√å √«¡

(Àπ૬ : ≈â“π∫“∑) √“¬‰¥â % 38,214 96.7 1,310 3.3 39,524 100.0

°“√µ≈“¥·≈–¿“«–°“√·¢àߢ—π 1.

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Table of Income Ratios for Year 2002 Supercenters Town Centers Total

(Unit: Million baht) Income* % 38,214 96.7 1,310 3.3 39,524 100.0

Marketing and Competition Situation 1.

Competition strategies The customers that are the target group of Big C are medium to low income earners, which comprise most of the population of the country. Therefore, the goods Big C offers to the customers have good quality and everyday low prices to give maximum price appeal to the consumers. The customers need not compare with other competitors. Moreover, Big C also has other services to respond to the demand of the customers, and to be consistent with the competing situation. Thus, it provides ● Free delivery service for purchased goods of large size ● Policy to insure low prices and quality merchandise ● Counter service for payment of utility bills. ● Provide e-Sales service ( by Big C to choose goods. The companyûs primary channel of advertisement and public relations utilizes the method of sending brochures, which advertise the featured goods and their prices to the targeted customers living around each Big C store. In addition, the company also advertises through the media, e.g. newspaper, radio, TV and billboards, etc.


Competition situation The major competitors of Big C are Tesco-Lotus and Carrefour and may include Macro indirectly. In 2002 the competition was more fierce than before especially in the Bangkok metropolitan area. During 2002 the retail operators expanded more branches that can be seen in the comparison table of the number of competitors at the end of 2002. It can be seen that Big C had a total number of 33 branches with four newly opened branches in 2002. Tesco-Lotus had a total number of 43 branches with 10 new branches opened during 2002 and Carrefour had a total number of 17 branches with two branches newly opened.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


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Table of Major Hypermarket No. of Branches - Year-end 2002 Competitors Bangkok Province Total Big C 17 16 33 Tesco-Lotus 20 23 43 Carrefour 16 1 17 Total 53 40 93 It can be seen that the Company remains committed to its没 policy to expand the business base. It is to maintain the market share by adding more branches and uses the everyday low-price strategy. This resulted in management keeping the cost to the lowest level with good management to compete with other large competitors.

Supply of products and goods distribution center Most of the goods of the Company are locally produced products. The Company has a total number of 3,000 trade partners that are both large and small. Supplying goods in each category can be made by the producers introducing new goods or by hiring the manufacturers to produce the goods in the format specified by the Company, e.g. clothing. There are two methods of ordering goods currently used by the Company; ordering goods from the manufacturer who directly delivers to the branches, and ordering through the Goods Distribution Center of the Company. The Proportion of two methods of ordering are as follows : Type of Goods

Fresh Food Dry Food General Merchandise

Direct Ordering Ordering Through Total Ordering the Goods Distribution 56.5% 43.5% 100% 23.7% 76.3% 100% 99.3% 0.7% 100%

The Goods Distribution Center distributes fresh food and dry food to Big C branches from the distribution center located in Bang Yai district, Nonthaburi province. Since it is the policy of the Company to put its没 emphasis on doing its没 main business of retailing only, it has signed a contract to receive help on administration and management of the Goods Distribution Center with Davids Distribution (Thailand) Limited The service fees are paid based on the percentage of total purchases from the branches. Nevertheless, the Goods Distribution Center can collect income from the manufacturers to compensate for the cost and expense of transporting their products to Big C branches. Furthermore, the Company also has the Goods Distribution Center for distributing general merchandise at Samphran district in Nakhon Pathom province. .................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002



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Significant Changes and Future Trends. 1.

Opening new branches In order to expand market share especially within the areas with high potential and in order to meet the demand of the increased customers, Big C expanded the total number of branches by four during 2002 as follows: Branch Date of Opening 1. Bang Na branch 6 February 2002 2. Lat Phrao branch 26 June 2002 3. Dao Kanong branch 6 September 2002 4. Tiwanon branch 1 November 2002 During 2003 the Company trend of store expansion will continue with the planned opening of four more branches including: South Pattaya branch, Ratchadamri (new) branch, Nakhon Sawan branch and the Saphan Kwai branch. Since the Company plans to close the operations at Ratchadamri (old) branch and move to the Ratchadamri (new) branch, therefore the net expansion for 2003 is three branches.


Distribution of the leader prices Since 2002 Big C has introduced house-brands under the symbol of çLeader Priceé to the market, which are contracted goods for sale in Big C stores. It received the international trademark from J-Max according to the contract of selling the Leader Price goods, which covers food and consumer goods. These manufacturers have been chosen from the Thai small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) that produce goods meeting the standards and quality, with their quality being close to the leading brands. Leader Price products can be sold to the consumers at prices which are 15-20% lower than the branded products due to the absence of advertising and distribution costs. The introduction of the çLeader Priceé brand to the market, other than helping the Thai consumers to buy cheaper goods also advocated 150 Thai producers as well. Distribution of the Leader Price goods is regarded as an important strategy of the Company, because it increases the capability on its competition especially on price strategy. Moreover, in 2002 the Company also made a trial run on opening Leader Price branches, which are small stores with an area of about 600-800 square meters and located in residential areas. Each store will sell all Leader Price products currently available. By the end of 2002 there were four çLeader Priceé branches that had opened on a trial basis during the year as follows: 1. Wong Wien Yai branch. 2. Sena Nikhom branch. 3. Pracha Songkroh branch 4. Sukhumvit branch

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


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Since the form of public relations of the Leader Price goods is on a mouth-to mouth basis, so the business growth takes time for the consumers to respond. Therefore, the Company has no immediate plans to expand the Leader Price stores again in 2003. 3.

Moving of the Goods Distribution Center Since the Goods Distribution Center formerly located in Bang Yai district, Nonthaburi province, occupies a small area insufficient for the growth of Big C in the future, the Company has signed a contract to rent a new warehouse of Davids Distribution (Thailand) Limited. It is situated in Wang Noi district in Ayutthaya province, and it is contracted for five years with 25,000 square meters of useable space. It has the potential to support the branch expansion of Big C in the future very well. The Company has moved from the old warehouse to the new distribution center in early 2003 with installation of computerization, which is the same system used in management of the merchandise of Big C branches. Therefore, it makes the merchandise management of Big C throughout the country more efficient.


Joint investment with foreign companies to provide credit card service. In December 2001 the Company invested jointly with two foreign companies, Cofinoga and Banque Casino, to establish Flaxpay Co., Ltd. to provide credit card and hire purchase service with registered capital of 100 million baht. The Company held 51% share and Cetelem (Thailand) Ltd. being responsible for managing the business. After that in 2002 the affiliate opened the credit card service in the form of çBig C Cardé and the çBig C hire purchaseé to provide convenience and thus opening more opportunity for customers to spend even more. Later in the fourth quarter of 2002 Flaxpay signed the contract to transfer the credit card business and the hire purchase system to Cetelem (Thailand) Ltd with the remuneration from such transfer amounting to 55 million baht. The transferee Company started the business on the credit card and hire purchase system from 1 January 2003 onwards.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002




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Important changes inside the affiliates. 1. On 1 January and 1 September 2002 the Company purchased the business of Surat Big C Ltd. and Big C Distribution Ltd. by purchasing the inventories and other movable assets amounting to 1,262 million baht and 425 million baht respectively. 2. On 15 January 2002 the Company purchased ordinary shares in Udon Big C from the former shareholders of 8,750,000 shares at the price about 24 million baht causing the ratio of shareholding in this affiliate to increase from 35% to 100%. During 2002 Udon Big C Ltd. increased the capital by issuing the preferred shares for 600 million baht, and the Company purchased the preferred shares entirely on 1 September 2002. 3. During 2001 the Company invested additionally and restructured the shareholding in Chiang Mai Big C, which consisted of five affiliates resulting in the Company to hold shares in each affiliate equal to 100%. At present there are two companies still in operation, Chiang Mai Big C (2001) and Inthanon Land. While the three other affiliates consisted of Southeast Asia Pacific Trading Ltd., Asia Asset Ltd. and Siam Retail Ltd. the extraordinary meetings of the shareholders of each company resolved to dissolve them since 16 August 2001 onwards. 4. On 10 July 2002 the Company sold the ordinary shares totaling 1,189,992 shares and the preferred shares totaling 3,000,000 shares, each share valued at 60 baht in Big C Fairy to Thepharak Big C for 251.4 million baht. 5. On 13 February 2002 Flaxpay Ltd, which the Company still held 51% shares increased the capital by issuing ordinary shares amounted to 98 million baht and allocated the increased shares to the present shareholders. At the end of 2002 Flexpay Ltd. signed the contract to transfer the credit card business to another company, which formerly managed the credit card service for Flaxpay Ltd. The remuneration from the transfer was about 55 million baht with an obligation to pay the fees as specified in the contract. The transferee Company shall start the credit card business and hire purchase service from 1 January 2003 onwards.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


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Big Cûs Branches and Head - to - Head Competitors Degree of Competition

Bangkok & Vicinity Zone of 18 Branches 1. Wongsawang 2. Changwattana 3. Ratburana 4. Rangsit 5. Rajdamri 6. Bangplee 7. Nakornpathom 8. Rattanathibet 9. Rama 2 10. Hua-Mak 11. Samutprakarn 12. Donmuang 13. Fashion Island 14. Suksawat 15. Bangna 16. Ladphrao 17. Daokanong 18. Tiwanon Up Country Zone of 15 Branches 19. Pattaya 20. Udonthani 21. Khonkaen 22. Nakornratchasima 23. Surat thani 24. Pitsanuloke 25. Rayong 26. Chiangrai 27. Lampang 28. Lopburi 29. Petchburi 30. Hat Yai 31. Ubonrajthani 32. Chiangmai 33. Phuket

Head-to-Head Competitors Tesco Lotus Carrefour Makro

High High High High High Moderate Moderate Moderate High No Competitor High High High High High High High High ○

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High High High High Moderate High High No Competitor No Competitor No Competitor No Competitor High High High High ○

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.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002



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Risk Factor Risk from competition in retail business In order to provide substantial service to all target customers, the Company expands new branches continually. During the year 2002, the Company opens 4 new branches and also plans to open another 4 branches in the year 2003. In opening new branches, the strategy applied in competing with other operators will be adjusted based on each different branch location. However, the general strategy applied to all branches is to create competitive advantage in cost management such as lowest investment and operating cost to allow higher flexibility in term of prices to compete with existing operators in that location. The past performance of the 4 new branches, which started operation in the year 2002, has reached its target. The earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) of the 4 new branches all resulted in profits. Regarding the strategy to maintain market share of existing branches, the Company develops and renovates the interior of the building to create a better image aside from the strategy to compete in price and service. Although new operators start the same business in a nearby location, the Company is able to maintain market share without being seriously affected. As with new branches, the EBITDA of all existing branches all resulted in profits.

Risk from uncertainty of the Government没s Policy The Company has continually acknowledged the news regarding the battle between large retail business operators and small retail business operators. However, the Company has not received any negative effect. The Company has clear policy to maintain the image of Thai company as in the past. The Company is also willing to pay taxes to local areas where branches are located. Beside, the opening of new branches has brought job opportunities to at least 350 persons per branch. The strategy applied by the Company to protect from risk of uncertainty of the Government没s policy such as City Plan Law and others is to be most careful during the negotiation to buy or lease land for the new branches to be certain that there is no risk confronted if there are changes in the City Plan Law and others. Moreover, the Company still follows up on such changes closely, especially the City Planning Law, which the changes of such laws are under implementation of the government sector. Nevertheless, as a corporate operator in Thailand we have to comply with the changes strictly when the law takes effect.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


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Risk from current asset and current liability management As of the end of year 2002, the Company had current assets of 6,695 million baht and current liabilities of 11,971 million baht. Thus, the working capital ratio equals 0.6 times. Even though the Company possesses higher current liabilities than current assets, the liquidity of the Company is not affected since the majority part of current liabilities is trade account payable, which is common among retail businesses. The Company没s average days sale outstanding is 44 days whereas the Company没s average payables payment period is 82 days. Beside, the current liabilities are comprised of short-term loans from financial institution of 1,409 million baht, which is in the common level of working capital management.

Risk from a dependent of management system from the major shareholder The Company has entered into a management contract with the Casino France SAS Company, which is a subsidiary of the Casino Guichard-Perrachon S.A. Company for support of system and management such as purchasing, information technology, and finance. This type of support has increased dependence in term of management. However, the Company reduces the risk by hiring experts in each area to learn from the Casino France SAS Company in order to become more self-dependent in the future.

Risk from dependent upon lease of properties from the major shareholder The Company has entered into a long-term leasing contract of properties with the major shareholders such as companies under the Chirathivat Holding Company for land space of 7 of Big C没s branches. However, these contracts were signed in the past and are all long-term contracts that both parties must conform to details stated in the contracts. The remaining time period left for all 7 branches is more than 5 years. All these leasing contracts have already specified the eligibility regarding the extension of each contract没s time period in order to allow flexibility to both parties in the future.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002



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2545 % 1,145 5 4,429 17 1,122 4 6,696 26 18,162 69 495 2 828 3 26,181 100

2544 % 961 4 3,986 18 809 4 5,756 26 15,585 70 520 2 395 2 22,256 100

2543 % 757 4 801 4 2,766 16 444 3 4,768 27 12,182 70 103 1 289 2 17,342 100

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2545 % 1,409 6 8,705 33 1,857 7 11,971 46 2,775 10 699 3 15,445 59 10,736 41 26,181 100

2544 % 2,178 10 6,894 31 1,542 7 10,614 48 1,593 7 595 3 12,802 58 9,454 42 22,256 100

2543 % 1,691 10 5,352 31 1,569 9 8,612 50 532 3 9,144 53 8,198 47 17,342 100

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Summary of Financial Data CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (Unit : Million Baht) Asset Cash on hand and in bank Short term investment Inventory Other current asset Total current asset Property, plant and equipment Goodwill Other asset Total Asset

2545 % 1,145 5 4,429 17 1,122 4 6,696 26 18,162 69 495 2 828 3 26,181 100

2544 % 961 4 3,986 18 809 4 5,756 26 15,585 70 520 2 395 2 22,256 100

2543 % 757 4 801 4 2,766 16 444 3 4,768 27 12,182 70 103 1 289 2 17,342 100

(Unit : Million Baht) Liability and Shareholders没 Equity Short term borrowings Accounts payable Other current liability Total current liability Long term loan from related company Other liability Total liability Shareholders没 equity Total Liability and Shareholder没s Equity

2545 % 1,409 6 8,705 33 1,857 7 11,971 46 2,775 10 699 3 15,445 59 10,736 41 26,181 100

2544 % 2,178 10 6,894 31 1,542 7 10,614 48 1,593 7 595 3 12,802 58 9,454 42 22,256 100

2543 % 1,691 10 5,352 31 1,569 9 8,612 50 532 3 9,144 53 8,198 47 17,342 100

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


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2545 38,214 34,274 3,940 3,857 6,168 1,629 144 1,485 238 1,247 41 1,288

2544 32,637 29,029 3,608 2,708 4,987 1,329 87 1,242 232 1,010 (7) 1,003

2543 25,591 22,680 2,911 1,816 3,608 1,119 63 48 1,008 95 913 (140) 773

2545 44 82 0.6 10.3 3.1 12.8 5.3 0.4 1.6 13.4

2544 42 76 0.5 11.1 2.8 11.4 5.1 0.4 1.3 11.8

2543 40 75 0.6 11.4 2.8 10.0 5.0 0.2 1.0 10.5

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CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT (Unit : Million Baht) Net sale Cost of sale Gross profit Rental and service income and other income Selling and administration expense Operating income Exceptional loss Interest expense Net income before tax Income tax Net income before minority interest Minority interest Net Income

2545 38,214 34,274 3,940 3,857 6,168 1,629 144 1,485 238 1,247 41 1,288

2544 32,637 29,029 3,608 2,708 4,987 1,329 87 1,242 232 1,010 (7) 1,003

2543 25,591 22,680 2,911 1,816 3,608 1,119 63 48 1,008 95 913 (140) 773

2545 44 82 0.6 10.3 3.1 12.8 5.3 0.4 1.6 13.4

2544 42 76 0.5 11.1 2.8 11.4 5.1 0.4 1.3 11.8

2543 40 75 0.6 11.4 2.8 10.0 5.0 0.2 1.0 10.5

FINANCIAL RATIO Average inventory days Average accounts payable days Working capital ratio Gross profit rate Net profit margin Return on equity Return on asset Debt-to-equity ratio Earning per share Net book value per share

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002




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2545 1,183 2,674 3,857

2544 909 1,799 2,708

‡æ‘Ë¡¢÷Èπ 30% 49 % 42 %

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Analysis of Financial Position and Operating Result Results of the company and its subsidiary in 2002 showed a net profit of 1,288 million baht compared with the previous year. This resulted in a gain of 285 million bath or 28% higher than the previous year and this resulted in a net profit per share gain from 1.3 baht/share in 2001 to 1.6 baht/share in 2002. The factors encouraging the better result during 2002 are discussed below: 1.

Sales income: The total sales of the company and its subsidiary during 2002 were 38,214 million bath, which was 5,577 million baht over 2001, or 17% greater. The reasons for the increase resulted from the opening of four branches in 2002; Bangna, Ladprao, Daokanong, and Tiwanon, as well as the modernizing of several previously opened branches to provide the Big C customer with an improved shopping environment. The expanded economic purchasing power of Big C customers, along with the general switch in retail shopping habits away from the traditional shop to the supercenter to avail themselves of lower prices and high quality merchandise, expanded marketing and promotional campaigns, all contributed to increased sales for the year.


Rental, service and other incomes: - Rental and Service income - Other income Total

2002 1,183 2,674 3,857

2001 909 1,799 2,708

Increase 30% 49% 42%

Rental and service income was 274 million baht over the previous year due to the expansion of branches and more diversification and variety of leased shops to better satisfy the shopping needs of the Big C customer. Other income increased by 875 million bath over the previous year due to expanded promotions, fees from first entrance, greater percentage from food coupon sales and income from delivery compensation. The said increasing incomes also resulted from the support of the contract parties due to the increased purchasing orders from Big C and its subsidiaries. 3.

Primary profit: Primary profit during 2002 was 3,940 million bath, an increase of 332 million baht or 9% over 2001. The increased profit was due to our competitive pricing policy which drew strong satisfaction from our customers, which they accepted well.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002



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Cost of sale and administration: The CS & A is 6,168 million baht, increasing 1,181 million bath over 2001. The increase is due to the increased number of branches as well as the increase in expenses to generate the sales target; for example, advertising and sale promotion, credit cards and hire purchase service expenses.


Interest payment: Interest payments in 2002 were 144 million baht, an increase of 57 million baht over year 2001 since the company borrowed more for expansion of branches during 2002.


Juristic person income tax: Annual income tax of juristic person company and its subsidiaries has been calculated after adding back provision and expenses that are not allowed being the expenses for tax calculation. The company and its subsidiaries had net profit before tax in 2002 and 2001 of 1,485 million baht and 1,242 million baht respectively, juristic person income tax in 2002 and 2001 of 238 million baht and 232 million baht respectively. It shows that the tax decreased from 18.7% in 2001 to 16.0% in 2002 resulting from the loss on exchange rate for medium term borrowing of 70 million Euro. According to the Revenue code, even the Company has entered into cross currency swap contracts of the above borrowing, the Company has to realize a gain or loss on the exchange rates by comparing the average exchange rates computed by The Bank of Thailand at the year-end date to the spot exchange rate of each borrowing. However this loss on exchange transactions has no impact to the Company没s financial statement of 2002 due to the Company has hedged them through the cross currency swap contracts.

Analyses of financial status 1.

Current asset: Current assets increased 940 million baht due to cash on hand and deposits in banks increasing by 184 million baht, inventory increasing by 443 million baht due to the purchase of inventory for new stores and accrued income increasing by 216 million baht due to rental, service and other incomes increased in 2002 as stated earlier.


Land, building and equipment: Land, building and equipment increased by 2,577 million baht due to an addition of 3,789 million baht investment in fixed assets and a reduction of 1,215 million baht in depreciation and amortization for the year.


Goodwill: Goodwill decreased due to 25 million baht amortized during the year.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002



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Other assets: Other assets increased by 433 million baht due to a value added tax receivable increased by 471 million baht. 5.

Current liability: Current liability increased by 1,357 million baht mainly due to a decrease in short term loans of 769 million baht, trade account payables increased by 1,811 million baht and others, for example other current liabilities, accrued expenses and construction payable, increased by 315 million baht. Trade account payables and other current liabilities increased mainly due to the expansion in the number of branches. However the increase of current liabilities will have no affect to the liquidity of the company and its subsidiaries since the current ratio at the end of 2002 is only 0.6, which is close to the previous year of 0.5. 6.

Long term loans from the related company: This is the loan of 70 million Euros granted from Casino Group of Companies for an investment in new branches under the terms of 3 years with a 6-month interest rate Euribor plus 1% and 1.5% annually. The company entered a cross-currency swap agreement with a branch bank office to hedge the said loans to the currency exchange risk that may occur. 7.

Shareholders没 equity: Shareholders没 equity increased 1,282 million baht due to 1,288 million baht net profit in 2002.

Cash flow The company and its subsidiaries had an increase of cash flow generating from activities by 3,453 million baht. During the year new investment was made of 3,741 million baht and cash flow from financing activity increased by 472 million bath, so that resulted in an increase of cash by 184 million baht. The difference between 1,283 million baht net profit and cash flow from activity of 3,453 million baht was mainly from depreciation and amortization expenses of 1,215 million baht, changes in working capital e.g. inventory showed an increase of 484 million bath, and trade account payables increased by 1,811 million baht. Upon an investment activity, the company has invested in fixed asset particularly in the new branches of 2002 and 2003, totally 3,789 million baht. To support such investment the company has borrowed from the Casino Group of Companies in an amount of 1,182 million baht (30 million Euros) which was shown as an increase of cash flow from financing activity.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


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Financial ratio 1.

Working capital ratio: At the end of 2002, the company had a working capital ratio (current asset which is over current liabilities) of 0.6 times which was close to the previous yearûs 0.5 times. This is the nature of the retailing business whereby the current asset and current liability are inventory and trade account payables with average trading terms of 44 days and 82 days respectively.


Total liability to shareholdersû equity: At the end of 2002, the company had capital structure comprising of total liability of 15,445 million baht and shareholdersû equity of 10,736 million baht, with the ratio of total liability to shareholdersû equity at 1.4 times. The main liability of the company, however, is in the form of trade account payables. Thus, considering only the interest bearing debt of those short and long- term loans totally 4,184 million baht, the ratio of debt to the shareholdersû equity was only 0.4 times and was at the same rate as the previous year.


Financial ratio relevance to net profit: Due to the continuous growth of the companiesû net profit since 2000, the financial ratio that related to net profit; such as, net profit, return on equity, return on asset, net earning per share, book value per share, has grown continuously as the same.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002




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5. 6.


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Management The powers of the Companyûs Board of Directors 1. 2. 3.



To supervise and perform the duties as stated by the laws, the objectives, and the code of conduct of the company including the resolution of the shareholdersû meeting, To appoint the list of the companyûs authorized directors, To select one of the directors as Chairman of the Board to perform the duties as both chairman of the Board of Director meetings and the shareholder meetings. The Chairman of the Board shall remain in his office as long as he remains a director of the Company. In any meeting, if the Chairman of the Board is absent or is unable to attend the meeting, if the Vice Chairman of the Board has been appointed, the Vice Chairman of the Board will be the Chairman for that meeting. If the Vice Chairman of the Board has not been appointed or has been appointed but is unable to attend the meeting, select one of the directors or shareholders (whichever) as Chairman of the Board for that meeting; To assign one or more of the directors or other persons to perform any one task on behalf of the directors under the supervision of the directors or to delegate the authority to that person to perform any task under the directorûs decision and within a certain time limit under the directorûs decision. The directors may stop, withdraw or change the authority given in any specific case; To appoint the policy and direction for operation of the Company and to supervise the management to strictly perform as stated in the policy as it may add the maximum economic value to the economy and the maximum benefits for the shareholders.

The duties of the Companyû Board of Directors 1. 2. 3.


5. 6.

To perform the duties and operate the business with honesty and ethics: To be responsible to the shareholders by operating the business to maximize the benefits of the shareholders and disclose all relevant information to investors in a complete and standardized form and having an intention to operate the business continuously; In the case of vacancy in the position of directors, aside from retirement, select a person with complete qualification and possess no forbidden characteristics specified by the Company as a director to attend the next Board of Directorûs meeting. There is an exemption in case that the remaining term of office of the resigned director is less than 2 months, the newly selected person may resume his office just for the remaining time period; The directors are not allowed to operate business, invest in any business as partnership, or as an unlimited partner in a limited partnership in which the business is in the same line as the Company except the person has informed the shareholdersû meeting prior to the appointment as the Companyûs director; To arrange an annual ordinary shareholdersû meeting within 4 months since the end of the Companyûs fiscal year; The directors of the Company must arrange a meeting at least every 3 months at a location of the Companyûs office, branches, or nearby provinces.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


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The powers and duties of the Audit Committee 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

To re-examine that the financial statements are presented correctly and fairly stated To re-examine that the Companyûs internal control and internal audit system are appropriate and efficient; To re-examine that the Companyûs operation complies with the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Stock Exchange of Thailand, and other related regulation; To review, select and propose for the appointment and the remuneration of the Companyûs auditor; To ascertain that the information of the Company is disclosed correctly and completely in case of related transactions of any particulars or may result in any transactions with conflicts of interest; To prepare the report regarding the supervision of the Company and disclose in the Companyûs annual report and must be signed by the Chairman of the Audit Committee; To perform any other tasks as assigned by the Companyûs Board of Directors, which must be approved by the Audit Committee.

The Powers and Duties of the executive directors The executive directors under the supervision of Chief Executive Officer and the President are responsible for supervising the operation of the Company to be in accordance with the specified objectives and strategies under the frame of the related regulations and under the scope of power assigned or to be assigned by the Board of Directors. The executive directors will rank the highest regarding the supervision of the daily operation excluding the related transactions and/or transactions relating to selling and buying of the Companyûs assets under the regulations of the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The primary duties of the Chief Executive Officer and the President are as follow: 1. To propose the Companyûs strategic plans to the directors for approval and to implement the approved plan; 2. To manage the Companyûs business to meet with the strategic plan approved by the Board; 3. To represent the Company regarding outside matters.

The Appointment of the Board of Directors 1. 2. 3.

The shareholdersû meeting under the following criteria must elect the Board of Directors: The director is elected by using a majority vote. Each shareholder possesses one vote per one share. Each shareholder shall vote for any proposed person with all shares under his possession. Dividing voting rights to more than one proposed person is not allowed. The proposed persons who receive the highest vote with the sequence-down rank for the number of vacancy offices available in that election. If the next elected person receives the same number of votes but exceeding the limits of the number of vacant directors, the chairman of the meeting will allow issuing one more vote as the casting vote.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


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The independent directors of the Company must conform to the criteria of Articles 15 (1), (C), (D) and (E) of the Securities and Exchange Commission Notification No. Kor Jor. 12/ 2543, subject: Application for permission and granting of permission to offer for sale new shares issued, dated March 22, 2000. At every annual ordinary meeting, one-third of the directors shall resign. If the number of directors cannot divide exactly into 3 parts, they shall retire by the number closest to one-third. For the directors having to retire from the office after the first year and the second year of the registration of the Company, lots shall be drawn to finalize as to who will retire. For the further years, the directors who have remained in his office for the longest period shall retire. The Shareholdersรป meeting may vote for any director to early retire from his office with votes not less than one half of the number of the shareholders presented in that meeting and having the right to vote.

The Managementรป s Remuneration In the year 2002, the remuneration for the Board of Directorsรป meeting allowance for 13 directors amounted to 2,130,000 baht. The 11 executive officers receive salary, bonus, and other benefits from the Company in the year 2002 for the amount for 78,150,000 baht. On April 18, 2000, the annual ordinary shareholdersรป meeting for the year 2000 has passed on the resolution on the project to offer warrants to buy the common shares to the directors and employees of the Company and the subsidiaries for 20,000,000 units with no price. The life of the project is 5 years. The details of allocation are as follows: A. The 13 directors may receive a total allotment of warrants of less than 6,500,000 units B. The 4 executive officers which are the directors in the subsidiary company may receive a total allotment of warrants of less than 2,000,000 units C. The Companyรปs executives other the above A. and B. may receive allotment of warrants but must be less than 5% of the total number of warrant units of the whole project. On November 1, 2000, the Company has allocated the issued warrants to prepare for the Exercise of the first warrant of 3,025,000 units allocated to the directors and employees. One unit of warrant is eligible to buy 1 common share at 14.80 baht per share. The life of the warrant is 5 years starting November 1, 2000 to October 31, 2005. The warrants are exercisable after two years from the date of issuance since October 31, 2002 and can be exercised on the last working day of each quarter. The Company has issued 2,925,000 warrants where by 727,000 warrants has been exercised in 2002.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002





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Code of Business Conduct 1.

The Corporate Governance Policy The Board of Directors, determined to ensure that the company is operated under the governing legal requirements and business ethics, has established the Corporate Governance Policy which is currently under preparation. The company is committed to conduct its business following the established policy with focus on the transparency of its operation, as well as internal and external audit which will in return result in long-term benefits of the companyûs shareholders with profitable return of investment.


The Shareholdersû Rights Two Shareholder Meetings were held last year, which consisted of the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting, No. 1/2545 held on 22nd January, 2002 at the Sofitel Central Plaza Hotel, Bangkok. The purpose of this meeting was to obtain approval in conjunction to the companyûs transaction regarding a loan borrowing agreement from Casino Guichard - Perrachon. Another Annual Ordinary Shareholders Meeting was held on 23rd April 2002 at the same venue. The invitation letters and the meeting agenda were arranged and sent to the shareholders 20 days in advance of the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting while the same were sent 12 days in advance of the Annual Ordinary Shareholders Meeting. The said documents comprised of the Boardûs resolutions for the subjects that were brought up for discussion during the Shareholder Meetings. The meetings were appropriately conducted by complying to the rules and regulations of the Stock Exchange of Thailand regarding procedures, proxy, and voting rights, etc. These meetings were properly minuted for the purpose of further auditing.


Rights of The Beneficial Groups The company places significant importance on each of the following beneficial groups: ● Staff : Be fair and just to staff, as well as provide appropriate compensations of not lower than the market rate within the retail industry. ● Suppliers/Vendors : Comply to purchase and service agreements which were made based on fair trading terms and conditions providing both with mutually acceptable benefits. ● Creditors : Strictly adhere to the terms and conditions of loan borrowing agreements. ● Customers : Be attentive and responsible to customersû needs; particularly in maintaining consistent standard procurement and manufacturing of quality products. Keep customersû data confidential and ensure that concerned staff handle customersû complaints by providing corrective action to reasonable complaints immediately.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


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Competitors : Perform within the proper framework for a fair trade amongst competitors, while avoiding any misconduct or abuse of code of ethics. Community : Be responsible to the society and environment from the construction plans and layout of stores which have been designed to facilitate the community whereby certain areas have been designated for community centers. Moreover, funds from the establishment of the Big C Foundation are utilized to support community infrastructure which will eventually be paid back to society at large.

The company maintains its policy to comply with the rules, regulations or any legal matter in order to protect the interests of all parties. 4.

The Shareholders Meeting The Chairman and the Managing Director attended the Shareholders Meeting of 2002 of which he also acted as Chairperson. All significant matters raised by the shareholders regarding the companies business operations were recorded in the minutes of the meeting.


Leadership and Vision The Board of Directors participated in the approval of the companyûs vision, which at this stage are in the form of business plans and strategies, goals and objectives, as well as budgeting which the Board have ensured will be implemented by a professional management team with efficiency and effectiveness while heightening value added for the company, and ultimately gaining more value for the shareholders.


Conflict of Interests In order to prevent any conflict of interest, the Board of Directors will place stronger focus on the transactions that may possibly occur, by establishing a Policy and Procedure on the approval of related transactions in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, and on the prevention of usage of internal information for personal benefits of executives and/or involved persons. ● Connected Transactions Utmost effort to seek out connected transactions with potential conflict of interest between juristic company and persons involved were made by the Board of Directors. Each transaction has carefully been taken into consideration, while also ensuring that it complied to the rules and regulations of the Stock Exchange of Thailand in the determination of prices and conditions which were conducted with the same standard as that of external vendors (Armûs Length Basis). In addition, the disclosure of transaction values, contractual parties, reasons/necessities were sufficiently shown in the Company Annual Report and Form 56-1.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002



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The Supervision of Internal Information The Board of Directors and Executive Committee members are required to report the companyûs stock trading transactions to The Security Exchange of Commission (Section 59) of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Act B.E. 1992.


Code of Conduct The company has enforced a Code of Conduct for which managerial staff level and above are required to sign acknowledgement annually in applying the code to their job assignments and responsibilities of the incumbent, whose performance are accountable towards all the beneficial groups, as well as the public and society. The company provides communications on a regular basis in closely monitoring management staff performance while the penalization for offenders has also been determined.


Balance of Power of Non-Executive Directors There are 13 authoritative Directors as follows: ● Executive Director (1) ● Directors representing the group of major shareholders (10) (the representatives of group A (7), group B (2), and group C (1), where :

A = Directors who represent the group of major shareholders holding more than 60% of company stock B = Representatives of major shareholders holding more than 10% of company stock C = Representative of major shareholders holding less than 10% of company stock. The Audit Committee (3) who are externally independent.

The Audit Committee (3) account for 23% of the total number of Directors whose qualifications are entirely appropriate to the position according to the criteria set by the Stock Exchange of Thailand. 9.

Equalization of Managing Power ● The Chairman will represent the major shareholders holding 14% of the total number of company stock. ● The Chairman is not the same person who holds the position of Managing Director, however, both are representatives of different groups of major shareholders. The Board of Directorsû structure comprise of 23% Independent Directors in order that the equalization of power and examination of management can be properly incurred.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


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67,500,000 ∫“∑

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10. Remuneration for Directors and Executives The company has clarified the neutral policy for the remuneration of Directors which is based on that of the industry level which is sufficiently attractive and in maintaining qualified Directors. This was approved in the Shareholdersû Meeting.

Total remuneration in 2002 was paid to Directors and Executive per the following : Money consideration 1. Directors

Meeting allowance

2001 2002 Number Total amount Number Total amount of Person of Person 12 3,095,000 baht 11 2,130,000 baht

2. Executive director and executives who are not Directors

Salaries, bonus and other remuneration ●

2001 2002 Number Total amount Number Total amount of Person of Person 11 67,500,000. baht 11 78,150,000. baht

Other Forms of Remuneration Directors - stock option awards Executive Directors and Executives who are non-Directors - stock option awards

11. Board of Directorsû Meeting Normal practice dictates that the company will notify the Board of Directors the schedule of the Boardûs meetings for the following year in advance in order to facilitate all Directors, in particular Directors who have domiciles overseas. A special meeting may additionally be held due to the necessity of the companyûs business. Moreover, a consideration and acknowledgement of Business Review and Performance is always fixed in the agendas for the Boardûs meeting. The companyûs secretary sends invitation letters together with the agendas, including any corporate documents for a meeting to all Directors 7 days in advance. This allows the Directors adequate time to consider matters prior to the meetings. Each meeting ordinarily lasts approximately 2 hours. In the year 2002, the Board of Directors held 4 General Meetings and 5 Special Meetings, totaling 9 meetings. The following is a summary of the Board of Directorsû Meeting attendance.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

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Name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Mr. Suthichart Chirathivat Mr. Nontaphon Nimsomboon Ass. Prof. Dr. Chiradet Ousawat Dr. Rongphol Charoenphandhu Mr. Yves Bernard Braibant Mr. Tos Chirathivat Mr. Gerard Roger Dravelle Mr. Pierre Bruno Charles Bouchut Mr. Andre Claude Luc Mercier Mr. John Sian Zu Lin Mr. Christian Pierre Couvreux Mr. Etienne Pierre Raymond Ferrard Snollaerts Mr. Daniel Armand Pain


Attendance/Number of meetings (times) General Special Total Meeting Meeting 3/4 5/5 8/9 4/4 5/5 9/9 3/4 5/5 8/9 4/4 5/5 9/9 4/4 5/5 9/9 4/4 4/5 8/9 4/4 5/5 9/9 2/4 2/9 4/4 4/9 1/4 5/5 2/9 1/4 1-9 -

As such, the minutes of all the meetings were made in writing and certified by the Board of Directors and are retained. The minutes are available for auditing by the Board of Directors and any concerned person at any time. 12. Sub-Committee The Board of Directors has appointed a Sub-Committee to assist on control of the companyûs operation as follows: 12.1 The Audit Committee was appointed by the Boardûs resolution on November 17, 1999 consisting of 3 independent committee members as follows: ● Mr. Nontaphon Nimsomboon Chairman of the Audit Committee ● Dr. Chiradet Ousawat Member of the Audit Committee ● Dr. Rongphol Charoenphandhu Member of the Audit Committee The Audit Committee has a 3-year term of holding position in office and the term expired on November 16, 2002. The Board of Directors has already resolved the re-appointment of those Audit Committees in the Board of Directorsû meeting held on February 14, 2003, by which the term of holding position in office is continuously extended from November 17, 2002 and will be ended on November 16, 2005.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


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The Audit Committee also meets on a regular basis. In the year 2002, 4 meetings took place, after which the Audit Committee would accordingly make reports to the Board of Directors of the subjects determined as the powers and duties of the Audit Committee are as follows: ● To re-examine that the financial statements are presented correctly and fairly stated; ● To re-examine that the companyûs internal control and internal audit system are appropriate and efficient; ● To re-examine that the cmpanyûs operation complies with the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Stock Exchange of Thailand, and other related regulations; ● To review, select and propose for the appointment and remuneration of the companyûs audit; ● To ascertain that the information of the company is disclosed correctly and completely in case of related transactions of any particulars or may result in any transactions with conflicts of interest; ● To prepare reports regarding the supervision of the company and subsequently disclose in the Company Annual Report which must be signed by the Chairman of the Audit Committee; ● To perform any other tasks as assigned by the companyûs Board of Directors which must be approved by the Audit Committee. 12.2 The Stock Option Awards Committee was appointed by the resolution of the Board of Directorsû Meeting on March 14, 2000 consisting of 3 committee members as follows: ● Mr. Suthichart Chirathivat ● Mr. Andre Claude Luc Mercier ● Mr. Etienne Pierre Raymond Ferrard Snollaerts The Stock Option Awards Committeeûs duties are to determine names of the Directors and employees eligible for stock option awards, number of stock option awards and number of times for such awards throughout the stock option plan, thereafter, present to the Board of Directors for consideration and approval.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


13. √–∫∫°“√§«∫§ÿ¡·≈–°“√µ√«® Õ∫¿“¬„π ● °“√§«∫§ÿ¡·≈–°“√µ√«® Õ∫¿“¬„π ∫√‘…—∑œ ‰¥â „À⧫“¡ ”§—≠µàÕ√–∫∫°“√§«∫§ÿ¡¿“¬„π ∑—Èß„π¥â“π°“√∫√‘À“√ ·≈–¥â“π°“√ ªØ‘∫—µ‘ß“π ‡æ◊ËÕº≈ß“π¥â“πµà“ßÊ ∑’Ë¡’ª√– ‘∑∏‘¿“æ ∫√‘…—∑‰¥â°”Àπ¥¿“√–Àπâ“∑’Ë Õ”π“®°“√¥”‡π‘π °“√¢ÕߺŸâªØ‘∫—µ‘ß“π ºŸâ∫√‘À“√ ‰«â‡ªìπ≈“¬≈—°…≥åÕ—°…√Õ¬à“ß™—¥‡®π ¡’°“√§«∫§ÿ¡¥Ÿ·≈°“√„™â∑√—æ¬å ‘π¢Õß∫√‘…∑— œ „À⇰‘¥ª√–‚¬™πå ·≈–¡’°“√·∫àß·¬°Àπâ“∑’ºË ªŸâ Ø‘∫µ— ß‘ “π ºŸµâ ¥‘ µ“¡·≈–ª√–‡¡‘πº≈ÕÕ°®“°°—π ‡æ◊ËÕ„À⇰‘¥°“√∂à«ß¥ÿ≈·≈– Õ∫¬—π√–À«à“ß°—πÕ¬à“߇À¡“– ¡ πÕ°®“°π’È ¬—ß¡’°“√§«∫§ÿ¡¿“¬„π∑’Ë ‡°’ˬ«°—∫√–∫∫ß“π¥â“π°“√‡ß‘π ‚¥¬∫√‘…—∑œ ‰¥â®—¥„Àâ¡’√–∫∫√“¬ß“π∑“ß°“√‡ß‘π ·≈– ∫—≠™’ ‡ πÕµàÕ ºŸâ∫√‘À“√„π “¬ß“π∑’Ë√—∫º‘¥™Õ∫ ∫√‘…—∑œ ®—¥µ—ÈßΩÉ“¬µ√«® Õ∫¿“¬„π∑”Àπâ“∑’˵√«® Õ∫ß“π¥â“πµà“ßÊ ‡æ◊ËÕ„Àâ¡—Ëπ„®«à“ °“√ ªØ‘∫—µ‘ß“πÀ≈—°·≈–°‘®°√√¡∑“ß°“√‡ß‘π ·≈– ∑“ß°“√§â“ ∑’Ë ”§—≠¢Õß∫√‘…—∑œ ‰¥â¥”‡π‘π°“√‰ªµ“¡ ·π«∑“ß∑’˧≥–°√√¡°“√°”Àπ¥ Õ¬à“ß¡’ª√– ‘∑∏‘¿“æ √«¡∂÷ßµ√«® Õ∫°“√ªØ‘∫—µ‘µ“¡°ÆÀ¡“¬·≈– ¢âÕ°”Àπ¥∑’ˇ°’ˬ«¢âÕß°—∫∫√‘…—∑œ (compliance control) Àπ૬ߓπµ√«® Õ∫¿“¬„π¡’§«“¡‡ªìπ Õ‘ √–„π√–¥—∫Àπ÷ßË ·≈– “¡“√∂∑”Àπâ“∑’µË √«® Õ∫·≈–∂à«ß¥ÿ≈‰¥âæÕ ¡§«√ ΩÉ“¬µ√«® Õ∫¿“¬„π ªí®®ÿ∫π— √“¬ß“πº≈°“√µ√«® Õ∫ºà“π√Õß°√√¡°“√ºŸ®â ¥— °“√ΩÉ“¬∫—≠™’°“√‡ß‘π °√√¡°“√ºŸ®â ¥— °“√∫√‘…∑— œ ·≈– °√√¡°“√µ√«® Õ∫ ● °“√∫√‘À“√§«“¡‡ ’Ë¬ß §≥–°√√¡°“√∫√‘…—∑œ ‰¥â „À⧫“¡ ”§—≠‡°’ˬ«°—∫°“√∫√‘À“√§«“¡‡ ’ˬßÕ¬à“ß¡“° ∫√‘…—∑œ ‰¥â ¡’°“√°”Àπ¥·≈–ª√–‡¡‘𧫓¡‡ ’ˬߢÕß°‘®°“√ ¡’°“√°”Àπ¥¡“µ√∞“π°“√ªÑÕß°—π·≈–®—¥°“√≈¥ §«“¡‡ ’ˬ߄ÀâÕ¬Ÿà„π√–¥—∫∑’ˇÀ¡“– ¡ ´÷Ëß√«¡∂÷ߧ«“¡‡ ’ˬß∑’Ë¡’º≈µàÕ°“√¥”‡π‘πß“π¢Õß∫√‘…—∑œ µ“¡∑’Ë √–∫ÿ„π·∫∫ 56-1 ¡’°“√°”°—∫¥Ÿ·≈ªØ‘∫—µ‘µ“¡°ÆÀ¡“¬·≈–¢âÕ°”Àπ¥∑’ˇ°’ˬ«¢âÕß 14. √“¬ß“π¢Õߧ≥–°√√¡°“√ §≥–°√√¡°“√∫√‘…—∑œ ‡ªìπºŸâ√—∫º‘¥™Õ∫µàÕß∫°“√‡ß‘π√«¡¢Õß∫√‘…—∑œ ·≈–∫√‘…—∑¬àÕ¬ ·≈– “√ π‡∑»∑“ß°“√‡ß‘π∑’˪√“°Ø„π√“¬ß“πª√–®”ªï ß∫°“√‡ß‘π¥—ß°≈à“«®—¥∑”¢÷Èπµ“¡¡“µ√∞“π°“√∫—≠™’∑’Ë√—∫√Õß ∑—Ë«‰ª„πª√–‡∑»‰∑¬´÷Ëß Õ¥§≈âÕß°—∫¡“µ√∞“π°“√∫—≠™’ “°≈‡ªìπ à«π„À≠à ‚¥¬‡≈◊Õ°„™âπ‚¬∫“¬∫—≠™’∑’Ë ‡À¡“– ¡·≈–∂◊ժؑ∫µ— Õ‘ ¬à“ß ¡Ë”‡ ¡Õ „™â¥≈ÿ ¬æ‘π®‘ Õ¬à“ß√–¡—¥√–«—ß·≈–ª√–¡“≥°“√∑’¥Ë ∑’ ’Ë ¥ÿ „π°“√®—¥∑” √«¡ ∑—Èß¡’°“√‡ªî¥‡º¬¢âÕ¡Ÿ≈ ”§—≠Õ¬à“߇撬ßæÕ„πÀ¡“¬‡Àµÿª√–°Õ∫ß∫°“√‡ß‘π


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13. Internal Control System and Internal Audit â—? Internal Control and Internal Audit The company considers it a necessity for Internal Control both in management and operation for efficiency of performance results, and therefore has clearly determined the duties and authorities for management operation and executives in writing. The company controls the utilization of assets which would most benefit the organization and has also separated the duties of the management, the business monitor and work assessment persons in order to equalize and examine each other in a most suitable and fair manner. In addition, there is the internal control relating to the financial working system whereby the company has arranged for the financial and accounting report system to be presented directly to the responsible management. The company appoints the internal audit division whose duties and responsibilities are to audit other departments in order to instill confidence that the principal for working operation and financial activity, as well as trading operation have been performed in the trends determined by the Board of Directors as most efficient. The same applies to performance in accordance with laws and regulations relating to the company (compliance control). The internal audit division shall have a certain level of independence, therefore, enabling them to audit and equalize satisfactorily. The internal audit division currently reports to the Vice President of Accounting and Finance, Chief Executive Officer and the Audit Committee. â—? Risk Management The necessity on risk management was determined by the Board of Directors. The company determines and assesses on business risks, standard protection and risk reduction arrangement into an acceptable level. These also include all risks of which will have an impact to the business operation of the company as stipulated in Form 56-1. The company maintains control and supervision on performance in accordance to any relating legal issues and regulation. 14. The Board of DirectorsĂť Report The Board of Directors is responsible for the financial statements of the company and its subsidiaries, including any financial technology information shown in the Annual Report. The financial statement was prepared in accordance with the accounting standard as generally accepted in Thailand, in which is also complied with major international accounting standards. The company chooses the appropriate accounting policy and follows its performance regularly. Pre-cautionary measures are necessary for discretion and estimation for such arrangements, which include adequate disclosures and necessary information in notes for financial statements.

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The Board of Directors controls the efficiency of the internal audit control system in order to be reasonably confident that records of any accounting information are accurate, thorough, complete and able to adequately maintain the company没s assets. The outcome will show any weaknesses, as well as protect dishonest or inappropriate performances. As such, the Board of Directors of the company has appointed an Audit Committee consisting of the Independent Directors who are not Executives. The Audit Committees shall have the responsibilities relating to the quality of the Financial Statement and Internal Control System. The opinion of the Audit Committee with regards to this subject shall be stipulated in the report of the Audit Committee as shown in the Annual Report. It is the opinion of the Board of Directors that, in general, the Internal Control System of the company has achieved an appreciated level and reasonably ensured to the accounting system of the company and its subsidiaries as recorded on December 31, 2002. 15. Relations with Investors The Board of Directors realizes that the company没s information relating to financial or non-financial issues has an impact on the process for making decisions of an investor and any interested person of the company. Hence, the Board has instructed executives to disclose any related information in an honest and adequate manner, with respect and provided in a regular and on time. The company没s Executives also follow the same work ethics. Although the company has not yet established a special division for managing investor relations, the company meanwhile has authorized Ms. Rumpa Kumhomreun, the Chief Financial Officer and Vice President, Accounting and Finance, to act on behalf of the company, on communications with any investor, institution investor, shareholder, including any analyst and governmental institution. While an activity concerning investor relations has rarely occurred at present, an interested investor is able to communicate for the request of any information of which is able to be disclosed by the company, at telephone number 0-2650-3790 or via email address of :

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


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Internal Data Controlling The company applies the following strategies and prevention criteria to prevent employees from using inside information for personal benefits : 1. Strict enforcement of the criteria on every level of staff who will state their strategy in the use of information and a close monitoring system. This includes the protection of the information technology system in order to prevent clandestine use of the data. As a result, the company only allowed the authorized person to obtain access to the information by providing a password to the authorized person, who must in turn strictly and carefully utilize the password to prevent access to the data to unauthorized persons. 2.


To review the Executive没s security holding report that requires submission to the SET and SEC at any time once the security transaction has been made. That is to observe uncommon security transaction resulting from the use of internal data for personal benefit, especially during the one-month period prior to the issuance of the company没s financial statements to public. To appoint the punitive measures if the company discovers that any internal information is used for personal benefits.

The Internal Control At the Board of Directors没 Meeting No.3/2003 on March 7, 2003, there were 3 members of the Audit Committee attending the meeting. The Board of Directors reviewed the internal control system on the internal control questionnaire prepared by Executives. After reviewing the internal control system of the company which is categorized into 5 areas - namely the organization and the environment, risk management, monitoring of management operation, information technology and data communication system, and monitoring system - the meeting agreed that the internal control system of the company regarding the related transactions with major shareholders, directors and executives, or any related persons as well as other internal control system are sufficient. The Audit Committee has agreed on every matter of the report of the Board of Directors. Furthermore, the auditor was unaware of any significant matter in the accounting procedures of the internal control of the company.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002





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Related Company Transactions 1.

Related company transactions in the year 2002 During the year 2002, the Company and its subsidiaries have many related transactions with the related companies, which relates to lending of money, purchase and sale of products or services, and the lease of assets. The said companies are related by way of common shareholders or are in the same group of companies. The details of the related company transactions are shown in the table of summary related company transactions.


The approval criteria of the related transactions 2.1 Regarding the transactions that must seek approval from the shareholders没 meeting according to the Notification of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, subject: the rules, procedure, and disclosure of connected transactions of listed companies, then the transaction must be approved by the shareholders before further implementation. However, the Board of Directors must approve every loan transaction and purchase/sale of land transaction. 2.2 Regarding the transactions that need no approval from the shareholders没 meeting according to the Notification of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, subject: the rules, procedure, and disclosure of connected transactions of listed companies, then the transaction does not need approval from the shareholders before further implementation. However, the Board of Directors must approve every loan transaction and purchase/sale of land transaction. Beside, the Board of Directors没 meeting No. 17/2000 has passed on the resolution that the Company must report to the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors in every quarter regarding all related company transactions.


The trend of the related company transactions The Company and its subsidiaries continuously encounter the related company transaction, which commonly occurs in business operation. Both parties must conform to the details stated in the contract.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002



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—≠≠“ 1 ªï ‡√‘Ë¡ 1 ¡.§ 45 §à“„™â®“à ¬ §à“∫√‘°“√ 90,000 ∫“∑µàÕ‡¥◊Õ𠇮â“Àπ’È

—≠≠“‡√‘Ë¡ 1 µ.§. 40 §à“∫√‘À“√ß“π‡¥◊Õπ≈– 599,400 ∫“∑


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.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


Harng-Central Department store

3. Tax advisor agreement

5. Lease agreement of Lessee : Central Superstore Wongsawang Big C Lessor : Chidlom Department Store storeûs building

4. Lease agreement of Lessee : The Company land at Lessor : Tieng Chirathivat Nakornratchasima Big C Store

2. Management of Wongsawang shopping center

Related Company C-Trade Sakol Central Trading Prinya Inter-Trade Central Garment Factory Central Textile Others Central Department Store

Transaction 1. Purchase of merchandise from Chirathivat group of companies

Summary Related Company Transaction

Expense Payable


7.8 At market price (external auditorûs opinion)

7.2 In the opinion of the Companyûs independent director, this transaction is reasonable and commercially useful for subsidiary. 1.1 In the opinion of the Companyûs 0.1 independent director, this transaction is reasonable and commercially useful for the Company. 3.6 At reasonable price (opinion of the 0.3 Companyûs financial advisor) and independent director has no contradictory opinion.

Amount (Million baht) Third Partyûs Comment Purchase 63.9 At price agreed among group Account payable 45.2 companies.

Lease term of 30 years Expense commencing from Dec-1-96, Payable leased amount of Bt 105 million with monthly rental and central service of Bt 275,000 increased by 10% for every 3 years Lease term of 15 years Expense commencing from Apr-1-91, leased amount of Bt 100.1 million with monthly rental and central service of Bt 652,599 increased by 20% for every 5 years

Service agreement starting from Oct-1-97, monthly management fee of Bt 599,400 Service term of one year commencing from Jan-1-02, monthly fee of Bt 90,000




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ºŸâ‡™à“: ∫®°. ‡´Áπ∑√—≈´Ÿ‡ªÕ√å ‚µ√å ºŸâ „À⇙à“: ∫®°. ‡´Áπ∑√—≈∏π∫ÿ√’

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√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥ —≠≠“ —≠≠“ 3 ªï ‡√‘Ë¡ 1 .§. 45 §à“‡™à“‡¥◊Õπ≈– 346,725 ∫“∑

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71.8 ºŸâ Õ∫∫—≠™’‰¥â „À⧫“¡‡ÀÁπ«à“√“¬°“√ 9.4 ¥—ß°≈à“«‡ªìπ√“§“µ≈“¥

0.2 ºŸâ Õ∫∫—≠™’‰¥â „À⧫“¡‡ÀÁπ«à“√“¬°“√ ¥—ß°≈à“«‡ªìπ√“§“µ≈“¥

15.1 ºŸâ Õ∫∫—≠™’‰¥â „À⧫“¡‡ÀÁπ«à“√“¬°“√ ¥—ß°≈à“«‡ªìπ√“§“µ≈“¥

2.0 ºŸâ Õ∫∫—≠™’‰¥â „À⧫“¡‡ÀÁπ«à“√“¬°“√ ¥—ß°≈à“«‡ªìπ√“§“µ≈“¥

1.4 ºŸâ Õ∫∫—≠™’‰¥â „À⧫“¡‡ÀÁπ«à“√“¬°“√ ¥—ß°≈à“«‡ªìπ√“§“µ≈“¥

®”π«π‡ß‘π (≈â“π∫“∑) §«“¡‡ÀÁπ°√√¡°“√Õ‘ √–/ºŸâ Õ∫∫—≠™’ §à“‡™à“ 4.2 ºŸâ Õ∫∫—≠™’‰¥â „À⧫“¡‡ÀÁπ«à“√“¬°“√ ¥—ß°≈à“«‡ªìπ√“§“µ≈“¥

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


Lessee : The Company Lessor : Central Pattana Plc

Lessee : Big C Fairy Lessor : Central Pattana Khonkaen

Lessee : Central Superstore Lessor : Central Thonburi

Lessee : Central Superstore Lessor : Central Thonburi

Related Company Lessee : Central Superstore Lessor : Central Department Store

11. Lease agreement for Lessee : rental space and - Thai K.F.C. service of retail shop - Thai Franchising - Central Ice Cream - Central Book Distribution - Central Watson Lessor : - The Company and subsidiaries

8. Lease land agreement at Ratburana Big C store 9. Lease land agreement of Khonkaen Big C store 10. Lease land agreement for Chonburi province project (discontinued project)

Transaction 6. Lease land agreement Wongsawang Big C store 7. Lease land agreement at Retburana Big C store Agreement Lease term of 3 years commencing from Aug-1-02, monthly rental of Bt 346,725 Lease term of 30 years commencing from May-1-95, leased amount of Bt 119.9 million with monthly rental of Bt 120,833 increased by 10% for every 3 years Lease term of 3 years commencing from Jul-1-00, monthly rental of Bt 176,000 Lease term of 30 years commencing from Jul-17-96, monthly rental of Bt 1.3 million Lease term of 30 years commencing from Jun-1-97, leased amount of Bt 15.5 million with monthly rental of Bt 10,000 increased by 5% for every years Lease term ranging from 3 years to 15 years Income Receivable





71.8 At market price (external auditorûs 9.4 opinion)

0.2 At market price (external auditorûs opinion)

15.1 At market price (external auditorûs opinion)

2.0 At market price (external auditorûs opinion)

1.4 At market price (external auditorûs opinion)

Amount (Million baht) Third Partyûs Comment Expense 4.2 At market price (external auditorûs opinion)


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.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


15. Service agreement for Service receiver : - The Company building facility in Service provider : Fashion Island - Central Department Store Big C store

14. Sub-lease agreement Lessee : The Company of Fashion Island Lessor : Central Department Store Big C store

13. Service agreement Service receiver : - The Company for building facility in Service provider : Hua-Mak Big C store - Central Department Store

Transaction Related Company 12. Lease agreement of Assignee : The Company Hua-Mak Big C Assignor : Ramindra storeûs building Department Store Lessor : Harng-Central Department Store Agreement Lease term of 15 years and one month commencing from Apr-25-00 with the renewal of 4 years and 11 months, the rental during first eight years depends on sale volume with the minimum and maximum rental, after that the rental depends on the agreed condition Service agreement of 15 years and one month commencing from Apr-25-00 with renewal of 4 years and 11 months, service charge based on service area and service rate per area as determined in the agreement. Lease term of 15 years commencing from Oct-20-00 with renewal of 9 years, monthly Rental of Bt 792,000. Service agreement of 15 years commencing from Oct-20-00 with renewal of 9 years ; two service charges. First : based on service area and service rate par area as determined in the agreement Second : during first eight years, service charge depends on sale volume with minimum and maximum charge, after that service charge depends on agreed condition Expense



9.5 At reasonable price (opinion of the Companyûs financial advisor) and independent director has no contradictory opinion. 44.3 At reasonable price (opinion of the Companyûs financial advisor) and independent director has no contradictory opinion.

25.3 At reasonable price (opinion of the Companyûs financial advisor) and independent director has no contradictory opinion.

Amount (Million baht) Third Partyûs Comment Expense 49.0 At reasonable price (opinion of the Companyûs financial advisor) and independent director has no contradictory opinion.


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.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


18. Utility and central Service receiver : sevice agreement of - Central Realty Service Pattaya Big C store Service provider : - Central Pattaya 19. Lease agreement for Lessee : Central Pattana partial rental space Lessor : Central Pattaya Plc in Central Festival Shopping Center at Pattaya 20. Agreement to share Service receiver : utility and central - Central Pattaya service expense in Service provider : Pattaya Big C store - Central Realty Service

17. Lease agreement of Lessee : Central Pattana Plc Pattaya Big C store Lessor : Central Pattaya

Transaction Related Company 16. Sub-lease agreement Lessee : Central Pattana Plc for land located at Lessor : Central Pattaya Pattaya province

Agreement starting from Jul-29-95, monthly sharing expense of Bt 318,583

Agreement Lease term of 21 years and 6 months commencing from Nov-1-93, monthly rental ranging from Bt 167,500 (first year) to Bt 834,000 (last year), deposit for rental guaranty of Bt 61.7 million (partailly returned to lessee on quarterly basis of Bt 771,625) Leased term of 19 years and 4 months commencing from Dec-29-95, leased amount of Bt 19.2 million Service term of 19 years and 4 months commencing from Dec-29-95, service fee of Bt 12.8 million Leased term of 19 years and 9 months commencing from Jul-29-95, leased amount of Bt 1.2 million 3.8 At market price (external auditorûs opinion)

At market price (external auditorûs opinion)



At market price (external auditorûs opinion)

At market price (external auditorûs opinion)



Amount (Million baht) Third Partyûs Comment Income 8.2 At market price (external auditorûs Payable (deposit) 37.8 opinion)


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23. —≠≠“°Ÿ¬â ¡◊ ‡ß‘π

Casino Guichard-Perrachon SA

22. —≠≠“§È”ª√–°—π‡ß‘π°Ÿâ Casino Guichard-Perrachon SA

√“¬°“√ ∫√‘…∑— ∑’‡Ë °’¬Ë «¢âÕß°—π 21. ∫√‘…—∑®à“¬§à“∏√√¡‡π’¬¡ Casino France SAS °“√®—¥°“√ ®”π«π‡ß‘π (≈â“π∫“∑) §«“¡‡ÀÁπ°√√¡°“√Õ‘ √–/ºŸâ Õ∫∫—≠™’ §à“∏√√¡‡π’¬¡ 6.8 °√√¡°“√Õ‘ √–„À⧫“¡‡ÀÁπ«à“‡ªì𠇮â“Àπ’È 3.7 √“¬°“√∑’Ë ¡‡Àµÿ ¡º≈·≈–¡’§«“¡ ®”‡ªìπ·≈–‡ªìπª√–‚¬™πåµàÕ°“√ ª√–°Õ∫∏ÿ√°‘®¢Õß∫√‘…—∑·≈–∫√‘…—∑¬àÕ¬ §à“∏√√¡‡π’¬¡§‘¥®“°«ß‡ß‘π°Ÿâ¬◊¡ §à“∏√√¡‡π’¬¡ 2.7 ºŸâ Õ∫∫—≠™’‰¥â „À⧫“¡‡ÀÁπ«à“√“¬°“√ „πÕ—µ√“√âÕ¬≈– 0.5 πÕ°®“°π’È ‡®â“Àπ’È 1.0 ¥—ß°≈à“«‡ªìπ‰ªµ“¡Õ—µ√“∑’Ë ¬—ß¡’§à“∏√√¡‡π’¬¡§‘¥®“°‡ß‘π°Ÿâ¬◊¡ ∏𓧓√æ“≥‘™¬å§‘¥°—∫≈Ÿ°§â“∑—Ë«‰ª ∑’ˇ∫‘°„™â „πÕ—µ√“√âÕ¬≈– 0.3 —≠≠“°Ÿâ¬◊¡‡ß‘π 70 ≈â“π¬Ÿ‚√ ¥Õ°‡∫’¬È ®à“¬ 102.4 ∑’˪√÷°…“∑“ß°“√‡ß‘π¢Õß∫√‘…—∑„Àâ √–¬–‡«≈“ 3 ªï Õ—µ√“¥Õ°‡∫’Ȭ ¥Õ°‡∫’Ȭ§â“ß®à“¬ 21.1 §«“¡‡ÀÁπ«à“‡ªìπ√“¬°“√∑’Ë¡’§«“¡ ¡‡Àµÿ EURIBOR 6 ‡¥◊Õ𠇮â“Àπ’ȇߑπ°Ÿâ¬◊¡ 2,775 ¡º≈‡ªìπª√–‚¬™πå·°à∫√‘…—∑ Õ—µ√“ ∫«°√âÕ¬≈– 1 ·≈–√âÕ¬≈– ¥Õ°‡∫’ȬլŸà „π√–¥—∫∑’˵˔°«à“Õ—µ√“ 1.25 µàÕªï ¥Õ°‡∫’Ȭ‡ß‘π°Ÿâ¬◊¡®“°µà“ߪ√–‡∑»„πÕ¥’µ ∑’Ë∫√‘…—∑‡§¬°Ÿâ¬◊¡ ·≈–°√√¡°“√Õ‘ √– ‰¡à¡’§«“¡‡ÀÁπ¢—¥·¬âß

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.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


23. Loan agreement

22. Loan guaranty agreement

Transaction 21. Management agreement

Casino Guichard-Perrachon S.A.

Related Company Service receiver : - The Company Service provider : - Casino France SAS Casino Guichard-Perrachon S.A.

102.4 In the opinion of the Company没s 21.1 financial advisor, this transaction is 2,775 reasonable and commercially useful for the Company ; such interest rate is lower than interest rate of off-shore loan that the Company ever took and independent director has no contradictory opinion.

Amount (Million baht) Third Party没s Comment Expense 6.8 In the opinion of the Company没s Payable 3.7 independent director,this transaction is reasonable and commercially useful for the Company. Expense 2.7 At market price (external auditor没s Payabl 1.0 opinion)

Guaranty fee at 0.5% on credit line and also at 0.3% on withdrawal. Loan agreement of EU 70 Interest Expense million for a period of 3 years Interest payable with interest rate at 6 month Borrowings EURIBOR rate plus 1% and 1.25 per annum.

Agreement Annual management fee not over than Bt 8 milion

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.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


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951,863,470 121,962,093 538,343,179 3,821,220,877

641,196,709 251,554,410 892,751,119 6,695,925,837

425,256,277 248,449,670 673,705,947 5,755,976,089

509,655,856 219,317,858 164,920,541 150,762,944 674,576,397 370,080,802 6,107,966,016 3,114,187,184

60,000,000 18,161,509,057 15,584,807,865 495,466,932 520,035,550

609,292,719 42,547,036 33,408,535 2,058,858,092

60,000,000 235,548,378 1,197,646,188 5,024,298,299 4,461,789,194 13,336,249,299 10,259,297,443 -

643,065,411 172,472,449 625,254,358 161,713,104 184,743,383 162,454,020 150,205,073 137,282,354 827,808,794 334,926,469 775,459,431 298,995,458 19,484,784,783 16,499,769,884 19,371,555,407 16,277,728,283 26,180,710,620 22,255,745,973 25,479,521,423 19,391,915,467

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2,177,686,854 6,893,736,734 103,712,501 -

1,405,138,933 7,636,484,027 87,653,161 894,593,649

2,175,032,570 2,587,248,606 1,294,701,196 697,762,979

122,598,905 91,288,488 817,141,064 855,198,983 664,892,946 447,461,856 194,627,924 44,523,962 1,799,260,839 1,438,473,289 11,971,134,972 10,613,609,378

117,095,336 699,209,754 536,649,126 173,776,894 1,526,731,110 11,550,600,880

7,580,456 685,342,513 307,119,416 21,595,300 1,021,637,685 7,776,383,036

159,369,968 2,775,000,000

173,078,200 1,593,000,000

29,436,913 2,775,000,000

25,859,890 1,593,000,000

113,439,117 395,322,573 30,563,196 539,324,886

70,573,943 312,604,110 38,686,314 421,864,367

111,653,429 234,282,635 16,223,079 362,159,143

69,347,662 154,427,539 22,781,984 246,557,185

3,473,694,854 2,187,942,567 15,444,829,826 12,801,551,945

8,604,433 3,175,200,489 14,725,801,369

295,062,825 2,160,479,900 9,936,862,936

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7,996,375,740 7,996,375,740 10,759,600 2,237,294,384 2,237,294,384 (489,750) (489,750)

49,200,000 24,882,770 49,200,000 24,882,770 420,601,487 (842,989,206) 460,580,080 (803,010,613) 469,801,487 (818,106,436) 509,780,080 (778,127,843) 10,713,741,461 9,415,073,938 10,753,720,054 9,455,052,531 22,139,333 39,120,090 10,735,880,794 9,454,194,028 10,753,720,054 9,455,052,531 26,180,710,620 22,255,745,973 25,479,521,423 19,391,915,467

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32,846,045,176 17,381,167,322

1,183,034,259 909,494,428 2,675,888,862 1,799,123,843 42,072,485,485 35,345,256,975

424,115,222 898,983,284 975,897,090 454,287,207 2,083,532,653 912,974,934 36,329,590,141 19,647,412,747

34,274,233,536 29,028,804,913 6,166,273,111 4,984,377,736 2,130,000 3,095,000 40,442,636,647 34,016,277,649

29,580,383,248 15,485,423,525 5,111,118,657 2,921,990,291 2,130,000 3,095,000 63,094,049 34,693,631,905 18,473,602,865

1,629,848,838 (144,456,610) (238,337,712) 1,247,054,516 40,853,407 1,287,907,923

1,328,979,326 (86,854,586) (232,421,959) 1,009,702,781 (7,165,676) 1,002,537,105

1,635,958,236 1,173,809,882 (169,898,293) (103,254,075) (178,152,020) (68,018,702) 1,287,907,923 1,002,537,105 1,287,907,923 1,002,537,105

1.61 799,637,574

1.27 789,638,617

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49,200,000 420,601,487


48,013,900 (24,141,250) (24,141,250) 22,139,333 10,735,880,794


980,101 980,101 24,882,770 (842,989,206) 39,120,090 9,454,194,028 10,759,600 24,317,230 (24,317,230) 1,287,907,923 1,287,907,923 (40,853,407) (40,853,407)

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24,882,770 24,882,770 24,317,230 49,200,000

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1,215,474,411 22,537,615 41,153,015 18,252,560 23,058,425 (135,700) (379,845) (40,853,407)

991,048,239 11,145,407 34,706,890 29,843,657 14,041,675 920,100 8,735,890 (362,426) 7,165,676

904,730,577 26,072,675 57,484,964 9,631,778 (135,700) (389,678) (424,115,222) -

605,578,123 1,264,176 17,740,096 13,416,806 920,100 63,094,049 (5,811,011) (362,426) (898,983,284) -





(59,727,908) (29,535,459) (34,409,152) (13,010,982) (483,992,818) (1,186,739,650) (241,582,787) (275,283,920) (540,966,950) (91,522,251)

(79,415,057) (504,934,644) (1,819,847,749) (332,467,169) (511,998,901)

(15,117,033) (4,745,964) (801,307,046) (196,227,334) (166,640,700)

5,049,235,421 (1,207,048,035) 505,229,125 120,601,958 3,080,542,266

745,315,811 344,764,311 53,073,900 67,302,260 825,811,939

1,811,069,750 (45,927,289) 360,923,248 120,970,710 3,453,371,801

1,473,962,220 (85,510,273) (30,086,270) 78,626,294 1,940,681,922

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60,000,000 (24,141,250) 11,776,471 (3,789,448,395) (3,741,813,174)

(60,000,000) 801,017,505 (575,413,398) 101,890,637 (3,700,797,868) (3,433,303,124)

962,097,810 60,000,000 (942,609,545) (600,000,000) 868,256,650 251,399,520 10,091,057 (3,966,903,640) (3,357,668,148)

(768,404,417) 1,182,000,000 10,759,600 48,013,900 472,369,083 183,927,710 961,048,742 1,144,976,452

(143,442,584) 1,593,000,000 246,078,682 980,101 1,696,616,199 203,994,997 757,053,745 961,048,742

(769,893,637) 484,907,857 196,830,670 525,935,306 1,182,000,000 1,593,000,000 10,759,600 246,078,682 619,696,633 2,849,921,845 342,570,751 121,319,210 609,292,719 487,973,509 951,863,470 609,292,719

134,849,262 191,397,336

80,118,686 205,927,489

160,727,192 67,352,274

1,602,792,279 (60,000,000) 801,017,505 (1,447,628,400) (1,150,000,000) 101,755,073 57,500,000 37,923,822 (3,497,774,853) (3,554,414,574)

95,586,710 84,806,856

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002



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1.50 2.48 4.90 2.58 1.46 0.28 2.00 2.83 2.08 2.18 0.35 0.72

1.53 2.55 4.06 4.70 1.90 7.32 8.17 1.87 2.62 1.48 1.77 0.72

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1.57 0.11 0.40 0.11 21.77 27.78 2.21 2.29 2.62 2.88 0.09

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002



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34,991 4,040,860 2,608,925 1,329,777 3,341,504 3,772,358 1,350,801 4,935 13,811,991 1,896 1,211,884 29 1 26,090 351,215 31,887,257

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3,556,083 1,734,466 2,143,862 569,288 273,030 4,851 4,124,900 9,146 567,406 1,449,214 165,742 331,040 14,929,028

3,424,181 1,671,246 2,058,337 609,930 641,639 4,978 4,004,918 12,752 527,231 29,900 1,412,736 58,292 276,057 14,732,197

167,664 65,307 87,768 4 187 285 156,156 41,007 212,763 107,450 56,003 894,594

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3,978,210 58,550 4,036,760 (50,825) 3,985,935

3,877,601 20,150 3,897,751 (76,530) 3,821,221

2,036,557 41,346 2,077,903 (19,045) 2,058,858

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601,511 821,407 2,023

538,631 875,395 950

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180 140 738 1 1,050

89.99 99.99 99.99 99.99 92.38

162,000 140,300 713,809 1,000 970,000 5,071,406

325,495 375,802 408,010 8,295 610,873 5,024,298

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002



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100.00 100.00 99.99 99.99 89.99 99.99 92.38 95.23 51.00

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146,095 1,275,514 1,301,999 357,357 162,000 140,300 970,000 419,149 1,020 4,773,434

123,303 1,298,610 1,336,294 370,469 245,945 363,967 510,889 211,702 610 4,461,789

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25 138 1 101

100.00 64.99 99.99 99.99

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16,771,718 16,771,718


3,921,622,844 2,582,748,119 4,191,622,844 3,248,795,990

580,116,627 174,442,242 (14,241,676) 740,317,193


3,921,622,844 3,179,636,464 270,000,000 883,618,749 (57,370,312) 4,191,622,844 4,005,884,901


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19,339,507 4,803,371,656 1,219,092,290 2,161,746,458 18,612,861 5,334,659,117 1,547,378,133 2,680,626,517


5,973,612 1,155,534,567 1,116,558,492 901,118,795 2,468,388 345,404,253 443,478,370 238,791,493 (2,307,729) (154,681,235) (7,726,732) 8,442,000 1,498,631,091 1,405,355,627 1,132,183,556

25,313,119 5,958,906,223 2,335,650,782 3,062,865,253 1,741,742 887,501,818 987,104,558 794,672,841 (13,117,833) (370,021,580) (44,728,021) 27,054,861 6,833,290,208 2,952,733,760 3,812,810,073

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25,217,504 25,217,504


41,989,222 41,989,222

3,772,380,354 1,209,865,737 (180,116,581) 4,802,129,510

1,175,318,429 1,209,865,737

18,076,085 858,810,906 15,584,807,865 13,084,190 1,126,729,405 18,161,509,057


13,078,261 5,280,991 (1,159,209) 17,200,043

31,154,346 884,028,410 19,399,177,441 359,914 329,095,735 4,154,095,357 (1,230,027) (61,177,236) (547,645,009) 30,284,233 1,151,946,909 23,005,627,789

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16,771,718 16,771,718


2,112,115,854 2,362,222,368 2,382,115,854 3,076,777,739

455,358,886 160,289,876 (4,823,245) 610,825,517


2,112,115,854 2,834,352,972 270,000,000 882,779,727 (12,757,725) 2,382,115,854 3,704,374,974



447,652,656 187,240,726 (1,193,750) 633,699,632 -

634,360,457 368,049,213 (35,882,554) 966,527,116 -

369,361,141 168,452,147 (334,778) 537,478,510

8,372,796 2,707,054,406 846,304,706 1,417,775,816 9,296,114 3,349,790,502 1,383,091,274 2,005,147,401


849,705 818,424 1,668,129

9,222,501 3,154,707,062 1,480,665,163 1,787,136,957 1,741,742 835,900,905 987,881,508 759,076,516 (7,117,833) (118,928,281) (3,587,562) 10,964,243 3,983,490,134 2,349,618,390 2,542,625,911

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25,217,504 25,217,504

41,989,222 41,989,222

- 1,917,146,525 - 889,812,188 (43,367,076) - 2,763,591,637

611,281,345 889,812,188

17,576,528 787,874,969 10,259,297,443 12,914,639 1,117,115,776 13,336,249,299


9,563,680 4,961,802 (1,132,749) 13,392,733

27,140,208 813,092,473 12,218,433,190 299,914 329,240,807 4,066,921,119 (1,132,750) - (143,524,151) 26,307,372 1,142,333,280 16,141,830,158

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1,521 1,742 (6,391) (217) 238

1,216 1,958 (5,394) (198) (232)

61 (163) -

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909 1,799 (4,987) (87) (232)







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.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002



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.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


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Financial Statements For the Years Ended December, 2001 and 2000 And Report of Certified Public Accountant Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and Subsidiaries


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Report of Independent Auditor Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001

To The Board of Directors and Shareholders of Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited I have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries as at 31 December 2002 and 2001, the related consolidated statements of earnings, changes in shareholders没 equity and cash flows for the years then ended, and the separate financial statements of Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited for the same period. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company没s management as to their correctness and completeness of the presentation. My responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audits. I conducted my audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that I plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. I believe that my audits provide a reasonable basis for my opinion. In my opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its subsidiary companies and of Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited as at 31 December 2002 and 2001, and the results of their operations and cash flows for the years then ended, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

Ruth Chaowanagawi Certified Public Accountant (Thailand) No. 3247 Ernst & Young Office Limited Bangkok : 18 February 2003

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


Balance Sheets Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001 (Unit : Baht)

Note ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Trade accounts receivable-net Amounts due from related parties Inventories-net Other current assets Accrued income-net Others Total other current assets TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS NON-CURRENT ASSETS Cash pledged for land purchase Loans to subsidiary companies Investments in subsidiaries accounted for under equity method Other long-term investments Property, plant and equipment - net Intangible assets - net goodwill Other non-current assets VAT refundable Others Total other non-current assets TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS

4 5 6

5 7 8 9



1,144,976,454 145,005,456 84,417,756 4,428,775,052

961,048,742 85,277,548 50,008,604 3,985,935,248

951,863,470 121,962,093 538,343,179 3,821,220,877

641,196,709 251,554,410 892,751,119 6,695,925,837

425,256,277 248,449,670 673,705,947 5,755,976,089

509,655,856 219,317,858 164,920,541 150,762,944 674,576,397 370,080,802 6,107,966,016 3,114,187,184


60,000,000 -

18,161,509,057 15,584,807,865 495,466,932 520,035,550


609,292,719 42,547,036 33,408,535 2,058,858,092

60,000,000 1,197,646,188

5,024,298,299 4,461,789,194 13,336,249,299 10,259,297,443 -

643,065,411 172,472,449 625,254,358 161,713,104 184,743,383 162,454,020 150,205,073 137,282,354 827,808,794 334,926,469 775,459,431 298,995,458 19,484,784,783 16,499,769,884 19,371,555,407 16,277,728,283 26,180,710,620 22,255,745,973 25,479,521,423 19,391,915,467

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


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Balance Sheets

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001 (Unit : Baht)

Note LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS没 EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Bank overdrafts and loans from financial institutions Trade accounts payable Amounts due to related parties Loans from subsidiary companies Other current liabilities Corporate income tax payable Other payables Accrued expenses Others Total other current liabilities TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Unearned leasehold rights - net Long-term loan from related company Other non-current liabilities Retention payables Deposits for rental Others Total other non-current liabilities Excess loss over cost of investments in subsidiary companies TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES

10 5 5

5, 11



1,409,282,437 8,704,806,484 57,785,212 -


2,177,686,854 6,893,736,734 103,712,501 -

1,405,138,933 7,636,484,027 87,653,161 894,593,649

2,175,032,570 2,587,248,606 1,294,701,196 697,762,979

122,598,905 91,288,488 817,141,064 855,198,983 664,892,946 447,461,856 194,627,924 44,523,962 1,799,260,839 1,438,473,289 11,971,134,972 10,613,609,378

117,095,336 699,209,754 536,649,126 173,776,894 1,526,731,110 11,550,600,880

7,580,456 685,342,513 307,119,416 21,595,300 1,021,637,685 7,776,383,036

159,369,968 2,775,000,000

173,078,200 1,593,000,000

29,436,913 2,775,000,000

25,859,890 1,593,000,000

113,439,117 395,322,573 30,563,196 539,324,886

70,573,943 312,604,110 38,686,314 421,864,367

111,653,429 234,282,635 16,223,079 362,159,143

69,347,662 154,427,539 22,781,984 246,557,185

3,473,694,854 2,187,942,567 15,444,829,826 12,801,551,945

8,604,433 3,175,200,489 14,725,801,369

295,062,825 2,160,479,900 9,936,862,936

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


Balance Sheets

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001 (Unit : Baht)

Note LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERSû EQUITY (Continued) SHAREHOLDERSû EQUITY Share capital Registered 825,000,000 ordinary shares of Baht 10 each Issued and fully paid up 799,637,574 ordinary shares of Baht 10 each Share subscription received in advance before registration 12 Share premium Unrealized loss on decline in value of investments Retained earnings (deficit) Appropriated - statutory reserve 14 Unappropriated (deficit) Equity attributable to Companyûs shareholders Minority interest - Equity attributable to minority shareholders of subsidiaries TOTAL SHAREHOLDERSû EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERSû EQUITY











10,759,600 2,237,294,384 (489,750)

2,237,294,384 (489,750)

10,759,600 2,237,294,384 2,237,294,384 (489,750) (489,750)

49,200,000 420,601,487 469,801,487 10,713,741,461

24,882,770 49,200,000 (842,989,206) 460,580,080 (818,106,436) 509,780,080 9,415,073,938 10,753,720,054

22,139,333 39,120,090 10,735,880,794 9,454,194,028 26,180,710,620 22,255,745,973

24,882,770 (803,010,613) (778,127,843) 9,455,052,531

10,753,720,054 9,455,052,531 25,479,521,423 19,391,915,467

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


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Statements of Earnings Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries For The Year Ended 31 December 2002 and 2001 (Unit : Baht)

Note REVENUES Sales Share of profit from investments in subsidiary companies accounted for under equity method 7 Rental and service income Other income 18 TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES Cost of sales Selling and administrative expenses Directors没 remuneration 19 Loss from sales of investments in subsidiary company TOTAL EXPENSES EARNINGS BEFORE INTEREST EXPENSES, INCOME TAX AND MINORITY INTERESTS INTEREST EXPENSES CORPORATE INCOME TAX 16 EARNINGS BEFORE MINORITY INTERESTS MINORITY INTERESTS NET EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR



38,213,562,364 32,636,638,704

32,846,045,176 17,381,167,322

1,183,034,259 909,494,428 2,675,888,862 1,799,123,843 42,072,485,485 35,345,256,975

424,115,222 898,983,284 975,897,090 454,287,207 2,083,532,653 912,974,934 36,329,590,141 19,647,412,747

34,274,233,536 29,028,804,913 6,166,273,111 4,984,377,736 2,130,000 3,095,000 40,442,636,647 34,016,277,649

29,580,383,248 15,485,423,525 5,111,118,657 2,921,990,291 2,130,000 3,095,000 63,094,049 34,693,631,905 18,473,602,865

1,629,848,838 (144,456,610) (238,337,712) 1,247,054,516 40,853,407 1,287,907,923

1,328,979,326 (86,854,586) (232,421,959) 1,009,702,781 (7,165,676) 1,002,537,105

1,635,958,236 1,173,809,882 (169,898,293) (103,254,075) (178,152,020) (68,018,702) 1,287,907,923 1,002,537,105 1,287,907,923 1,002,537,105

EARNINGS PER SHARE 17 Basic earnings per share Net earnings Weighted average number of ordinary shares (shares)

1.61 799,637,574

1.27 789,638,617

1.61 799,637,574

1.27 789,638,617

Diluted earnings per share Net earnings Weighted average number of ordinary shares (shares)

1.61 800,332,772

1.27 789,945,692

1.61 800,332,772

1.27 789,945,692

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002



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7.4 7.2


7,996,375,740 12 -

7,802,039,170 194,336,570 -

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the finacial statements.

Balance - beginning of the year 2001 Share capital Warrants Share premium Net earnings for the year 2001 Net earnings of minority interests Increase in minority interests from increased in subsidiary company Balance - end of the year 2001 Share subscription received in advance before registration Transfer to legal reserve Net earnings for the year 2002 Net loss of minority interests Increase in minority interests from increased share capital in subsidiary company Decrease in minority interests from sale of investment in the parent company Balance - end of the year 2002


Issued and fully paid up share capital





19,796,083 (19,796,083) -









2,237,294,384 -

2,166,118,615 71,175,769 -




(489,750) -

(489,750) -

980,101 980,101 39,120,090 9,454,194,028 10,759,600

30,974,313 8,197,794,890 194,336,570 (19,796,083) 71,175,769 1,002,537,105 7,165,676 7,165,676

49,200,000 420,601,487


48,013,900 (24,141,250) (24,141,250) 22,139,33310,735,880,794


24,317,230 (24,317,230) 1,287,907,923 1,287,907,923 (40,853,407) (40,853,407)

24,882,770 (842,989,206) -

24,882,770 (1,845,526,311) 1,002,537,105 -


(Unit: Baht)

Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries For The Year Ended 31 December 2002 and 2001

CONSOLIDATED Share subscription Unrealised gain Retained earnings (loss) received in on decline Appropriated advance before Share in value of statutory Minority Warrants registration premium investments reserve Unappropriated interests

Statements of Changes in Shareholderesûs Equity

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


The accompanying notes are an integral part of the finacial statements.

Balance - beginning of the year 2001 7,802,039,170 Share capital 194,336,570 Warrants Share premium Net earnings for the year 2001 Balance - end of the year 2001 7,996,375,740 Share subscription received in advance before registration 12 Transfer to legal reserve Net earnings for the year 2002 Balance - end of the year 2002 7,996,375,740


Issued and fully paid up share capital


19,796,083 (19,796,083) 2,166,118,615 71,175,769 2,237,294,384 10,759,600 10,759,600 2,237,294,384 (489,750) (489,750) (489,750)

24,882,770 24,882,770 24,317,230 49,200,000

(1,805,547,718) 8,206,799,170 194,336,570 (19,796,083) 71,175,769 1,002,537,105 1,002,537,105 (803,010,613) 9,455,052,531 10,759,600 (24,317,230) 1,287,907,923 1,287,907,923 460,580,080 10,753,720,054


(Unit: Baht)

Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries For The Year Ended 31 December 2002 and 2001

THE COMPANY ONLY Share subscription Unrealised Retained earnings (loss) received in gain on Appropriatedadvance before Share decline in value statutory Warrants registration premium of investments reserve Unappropriated

Statements of Changes in Shareholderes没s Equity

Statements of Cash Flows Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001 (Unit : Baht)

CONSOLIDATED 2002 2001 Cash flows from (used in) operating activities Net earnings Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities Depreciation and amortization Bad debts and doubtful accounts Provision for obsolete, out-of-date, shrinkage inventory Written off withholding tax and VAT Goodwill amortization Unrealized loss (gain) on exchange Loss on sales of investment in subsidiary company Loss (gain) on sales and disposal of property, plant and equipment Gain on unexercised warrants Share of gain of subsidiary companies Minority interests in net earnings (loss) for the year Net earnings from operations before changes in operating assets and liabilities (Increase) decrease in operating assets Trade accounts receivable Amounts due from related parties Inventories Other current assets Other non-current assets Increase (decrease) in operating liabilities Trade accounts payable Amounts due to related parties Other current liabilities Other non-current liabilities Net cash from operating activities






1,215,474,411 22,537,615 41,153,015 18,252,560 23,058,425 (135,700) -

991,048,239 11,145,407 34,706,890 29,843,657 14,041,675 920,100 -

904,730,577 26,072,675 57,484,964 9,631,778 (135,700) -

605,578,123 1,264,176 17,740,096 13,416,806 920,100 63,094,049

(379,845) (40,853,407)

8,735,890 (362,426) 7,165,676

(389,678) (424,115,222) -

(5,811,011) (362,426) (898,983,284) -





(59,727,908) (29,535,459) (34,409,152) (13,010,982) (483,992,818) (1,186,739,650) (241,582,787) (275,283,920) (540,966,950) (91,522,251)

(79,415,057) (504,934,644) (1,819,847,749) (332,467,169) (511,998,901)

(15,117,033) (4,745,964) (801,307,046) (196,227,334) (166,640,700)

5,049,235,421 (1,207,048,035) 505,229,125 120,601,958 3,080,542,266

745,315,811 344,764,311 53,073,900 67,302,260 825,811,939

1,811,069,750 (45,927,289) 360,923,248 120,970,710 3,453,371,801

1,473,962,220 (85,510,273) (30,086,270) 78,626,294 1,940,681,922

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


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Statements of Cash Flows

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries For The Year Ended 31 December 2002 and 2001 (Unit : Baht)

CONSOLIDATED 2002 2001 Cash flows from (used in) investing activities Decrease in loans to subsidiary companies Decrease (increase) in cash at bank with restrictions 60,000,000 Decrease in short-term investment Purchase of investments in subsidiary companies (24,141,250) Payment of increased share capital in subsidiaries Cash received on repayment of share capital Proceeds from sales of investment in subsidiary company Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment 11,776,471 Purchase of property, plant and equipment (3,789,448,395) Net cash used in investing activities (3,741,813,174) Cash flows from (used in) financing activities Increase (decrease) in bank overdrafts and loans from financial institutions (768,404,417) Increase in loans from subsidiary and associated companies Increase in long-term loan from related company 1,182,000,000 Share subscription received in advance before registration 10,759,600 Cash received on increase in share capital of the Company Increase in minority interest from increased share capital in subsidiary company 48,013,900 Net cash provided from financing activities 472,369,083 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 183,927,710 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 961,048,742 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 1,144,976,452 Supplemental disclosure of cash flows information Cash paid during the year for :Interest expenses Corporate income taxes

134,849,262 191,397,336


(60,000,000) 801,017,505 (575,413,398) 101,890,637 (3,700,797,868) (3,433,303,124)

962,097,810 60,000,000 (942,609,545) (600,000,000) 868,256,650 251,399,520 10,091,057 (3,966,903,640) (3,357,668,148)

1,602,792,279 (60,000,000) 801,017,505 (1,447,628,400) (1,150,000,000) 101,755,073 57,500,000 37,923,822 (3,497,774,853) (3,554,414,574)

(143,442,584) 1,593,000,000 246,078,682

(769,893,637) 484,907,857 196,830,670 525,935,306 1,182,000,000 1,593,000,000 10,759,600 246,078,682

980,101 1,696,616,199 203,994,997 757,053,745 961,048,742

619,696,633 342,570,751 609,292,719 951,863,470

2,849,921,845 121,319,210 487,973,509 609,292,719

80,118,686 205,927,489

160,727,192 67,352,274

95,586,710 84,806,856

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001



The Company was incorporated as a limited company and subsequently transformed to be a public limited company under Thai laws and operates its business in Thailand. Its principal activity is hypermarket business and registered address is 89/36, 7th Floor, Univest Building, Rajdamri Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok. As at 31 December 2002, the Company and its subsidiaries operates 37 stores, (the Company only : 32 stores) (2001 : The Company and its subsidiaries 29 stores, the Company only 24 stores). 2.


The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited (the çCompanyé), and its subsidiary companies (the çSubsidiariesé) as follows :2.1 Subsidiaries which were directly held by the Company Registered share capital 2002 2001 Million Million Baht Baht Chiengmai Big C (2001) Co., Ltd. Inthanon Land Co., Ltd. Sontheast Asia Pacific Trading Co., Ltd. Siam Retail Co., Ltd. Asia Asset Co., Ltd. Central Superstore Limited

Theparak Big C Limited

Surat Big C Limited Big C Distribution Co., Ltd. Udon Big C Co., Ltd. Pitsanulok Big C Co., Ltd. Big C Fairy Limited Chiengrai Big C Co., Ltd. Ubon Big C Limited Flexpay Co., Ltd.


Equity interest of the Company 2002 2001 Percent


300 841

300 -

100.00 100.00

73 -

10 1,300

1,281 25 1,300

100.00 99.99

99.99 99.99 99.99





200 1 850 1,050 180 100

200 1 250 1,050 440 180 101 2

99.99 99.99 99.99 92.38 89.99 51

99.99 99.99 64.99 92.38 95.23 89.99 87.43 51

Nature of business

Retail Rental of immovable assets Dormant Dormant Dormant Rental of immovable assets and holding company Rental of immovable assets and holding company Dormant Distribution center Retail Retail Retail Retail Dormant Credit card business

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Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001

2.2 Indirect subsidiaries which were held by the Company没s subsidiaries Registered share capital 2002 2001 Million Million Baht Baht

Equity interest of the Subsidiaries 2002 2001 Percent


Nature of business

2.2.1 Investment through Central Superstore Limited Central Pattaya Co., Ltd. 80




Rental of immovable assets

2.2.2 Investment through Theparak Big C Co., Ltd. Big C Fairly Limited 440 Pharam II Big C Co., Ltd. 5


95.23 95.23


Retail Rental of immovable assets









Rental of immovable assets Dormant





2.2.3 Investment through Siam Retail Co., Ltd. Inthanon Land Co., Ltd. Southeast Asia Pacific Trading Co., Ltd. Chiangmai Big C (2001) Co., Ltd.


2.3 Percentage of total assets and revenues to the consolidated financial statements The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements for the years ended 31 December 2002 and 2001 of Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries. The percentage of total assets and revenues for the years ended 31 December 2002 and 2001 to the consolidated financial statements are following :-

Subsidiaries 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Chiengmai Big C (2001) Co., Ltd. Inthanon Land Co., Ltd. Siam Retail Co., Ltd. Central Superstore Limited Theparak Big C Limited Surat Big C Limited Big C Distribution Co., Ltd. Udon Big C Co., Ltd. Pitsanulok Big C Co., Ltd. Big C Fairy Limited Chiengrai Big C Co., Ltd. Flexpay Co., Ltd. Central Pattaya Co., Ltd.

Subsidiary没s total assets as a percentage to the consolidated total 2002 2001 1.50 2.48 4.90 2.58 1.46 0.28 2.00 2.83 2.08 2.18 0.35 0.72

Subsidiary没s total revenues as a percentage to the consolidated total 2002 2001 1.53 2.55 4.06 4.70 1.90 7.32 8.17 1.87 2.62 1.48 1.77 0.72

2.46 0.11 0.38 0.11 1.69 19.50 2.07 2.41 2.80 2.81 0.12 0.08

1.57 0.11 0.40 0.11 21.77 27.78 2.21 2.29 2.62 2.88 0.09

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001

2.4 Intercompany balances and significant transactions, investments in the subsidiaries in the Companyûs accounts and the subsidiariesû share capital are eliminated from the consolidated financial statements. 2.5 The excess of the fair value of net assets at the date of the acquisition of the subsidiaries over related cost of investment is accounted as çGoodwill - neté in the balance sheets and are amortised over 40, 20 and 10 years. 2.6 On 29 September 2000 and 16 October 2000, the extraordinary shareholdersû meeting of Ubon Big C Limited has resolved to deregister the Company as from 16 October 2000. The Companyûs dissolution was registered with the Ministry of Commerce on 26 October 2000 and registered the completion of the dissolution with the Ministry of Commerce on 29 November 2002. 2.7 On 28 July 2001 and 16 August 2001, the extraordinary shareholdersû meeting of Asia Asset Co., Ltd., Southeast Asia Pacific Trading Co., Ltd. and Siam Retail Co., Ltd. have resolved to deregister the Companies as from 16 August 2001. The Companiesû dissolution were registered with the Ministry of Commerce on 16 August 2001. 2.8 On 12 December 2001, the Company jointly invested with two overseas companies to establish a credit card business company under the name of Flexpay Co., Ltd. That company commenced its operations in the first quarter of 2002. However in the fourth quarter of 2002, the subsidiary company (with the approval of its major shareholders) entered into an agreement to transfer the credit card business to a company which previously provided credit card management services to this subsidiary company. This subsidiary company will receive the amount of approximately Baht 55 million for the transfer of business and the transferee company will commence hire purchase and credit card business from 1 January 2003 onwards. 3.

SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting standards pronounced by the Institute of Certified Accountants and Auditors of Thailand which are effective under the Accounting Act B.E. 2543. Significant accounting policies adopted by the Company and subsidiaries are summarized below :3.1 Revenue recognition Sales are the invoiced value, excluding value added tax, of goods supplied after deducting discount and allowance.


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Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001

Rental and service income are recognized on the accrual basis over the period of the lease and service agreements. 3.2 Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand and at banks with an original maturity of 3 months or less and free from restrictions. 3.3 Trade accounts receivable and allowance for doubtful accounts Trade accounts receivable are stated at the net realizable value. Allowance for doubtful accounts is provided for the estimated collection losses that may be incurred in the collection of receivables. The allowance is based on collection experience and current status of receivables outstanding at the balance sheet date. 3.4 Inventories Inventories are valued at the lower of cost (the average cost method) and net realisable value. 3.5 Investments Investments in subsidiaries in the Companyûs financial statements is stated under the equity accounting method. Should the Company has continuing obligation for the capital deficit of subsidiary the excess of loss over cost of investment is presented as liabilities under the caption of çExcess loss over cost of investment in subsidiary companiesé in the balance sheets. Long-term investments in other companies which are non-marketable securities and held as other investments are stated at cost. The loss on impairment in value of securities (if any) is included in determining earnings. 3.6 Property, plant and equipment All items of property, plant and equipment are recorded at cost. Land is however subsequently revalued by an independent professional valuer, on an asset-by-asset basis, to their fair value. Revaluations will be made with sufficient regularity to ensure that their carrying amount does not differ materially from their fair value at the balance sheet date. Plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. 3.7 Depreciation Depreciation of plant and equipment is calculated by reference to their costs on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives as follows :-

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001

Land improvements Building and building improvements Furniture, fixtures, tools and office equipment Utility systems Vehicles


5 - 20 5 - 30 5 - 20 5 - 20 5

years years years years years

No depreciation is provided for land and land revaluation and construction in progress. Depreciation is included in determining earnings. 3.8 Capitalisation of borrowing costs Borrowings costs of the loan obtained for the acquisition of fixed assets are capitalised as cost of fixed assets until they are ready for their intended use. 3.9 Amortisation Goodwill is amortised on a straight-line basis over a period of 40, 20 and 10 years. 3.10 Finance lease The Company regarded a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership as finance lease whereby the fair value of the leased properties is recorded as assets and commitment of the future rental (deducted interest portion) as liabilities. Interest expense or finance charge is included in determining earnings according to the remaining balance of the liabilities. 3.11 Allowance for impairment of assets The Company will recognise impairment loss if events or changes in circumstances indicate the carrying value may not be recoverable. 3.12 Financial instruments The Company has no policy to speculate in or engage in the trading of any financial derivative instruments. Financial instruments carried in the balance sheet include cash and bank balances, bank overdraft and loans from financial institutions trade accounts receivable and trade accounts payable, loan to and loan from related companies. The particular recognition methods adopted are disclosed in the individual policy statements associated with each item. 142

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Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001

3.13 Foreign currencies Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into Baht at the rates ruling at the transaction dates. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency outstanding at the balance sheet date are translated into Baht at the rates ruling at the balance sheet date except for those covered by forward exchange contracts at the contracted date. Exchange gains and losses are included in determining earnings. Discounts or premiums on forward exchange contracts (the difference between the spot exchange rate and the forward exchange rate at inception of the contracts) are deferred and amortized to earnings over the contract lives using the straight-line method. 3.14 Earnings per share Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing net earnings for the year by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. Diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing net earnings for the year by the total sum of the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year and the weighted average number of ordinary shares to be issued for conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares into ordinary shares. 3.15 Use of accounting estimates Preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in certain circumstances requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect amounts reported in the accompanying financial statements and notes thereto. Actual results could differ from these estimates. 4.

TRADE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE The aging of the outstanding trade accounts receivable as at 31 December 2002 and 2001 is as follows :(Unit : Thousand Baht)

CONSOLIDATED 2002 2001 Within 3 months More than 3 months - 6 months More than 6 months - 12 months More than 12 months Total accounts receivable - retail business Less : Allowance for doubtful accounts Net

144,963 2,080 147,043 (2,038) 145,005

85,008 2,080 87,088 (1,810) 85,278

THE COMPANY ONLY 2002 2001 121,805 559 122,364 (402) 121,962

42,390 559 42,949 (402) 42,547

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001


RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS During the years, the Company had significant business transactions with its subsidiaries (eliminated from the consolidated financial statements) and related companies (related by way of common shareholders and/or directors) mostly in respect of borrowings, sales/purchase of goods and services and rental. The Company has the following policies on pricing for its related transactions : 1. Sales and cost of goods transactions, the prices will be based on the agreed prices between the parties. 2.

Rental and service income and expenses will be based on the contract price between the parties and according to market price.


Management fee income and expenses will be based on the agreed prices between the parties and/or market price.


Inter-company loan, interest rate will be based on the interest rate close to those charged by bank to normal customer.

Significant transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries and related companies are summarized below :(Unit : Thousand Baht)

CONSOLIDATED 2002 2001 Transactions with subsidiaries Sales Purchases Rental and service income Rental and service expenses Management fee income Management fee expense Interest income Interest expense Transactions with related companies Purchases Rental and service income Rental and service expenses Management fee income Management fee expense Interest income Interest expense





788,467 9,476,575 15,685 254,286 807 1 40,183 25,614

7,158 7,134,066 15 1,021 91,028 16,307

28 120,232 7,271 14,178 105,167

545 2,464 161,523 7,553 7,145 54,756

105,624 7,271 9,283 105,167

303 2,464 145,783 4,563 54,756

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Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001

As at 31 December 2002 and 2001, the outstanding balances of the above transactions have been separately shown in the balance sheets and consist of the following :(Unit : Thousand Baht)

CONSOLIDATED 2002 2001 Amounts due from related parties Subsidiary companies Central Superstore Limited Udon Big C Co., Ltd. Pitsanulok Big C Limited Big C Fairy Limited Surat Big C Limited Theparak Big C Limited Chiengrai Big C Co., Ltd. Phraram II Big C Co., Ltd. Big C Distribution Co., Ltd. Central Pattaya Co., Ltd. Chiengmai Big C (2001) Co., Ltd. Asia Asset Co., Ltd. Flexpay Co., Ltd. Total amounts due from subsidiary companies Related companies Central group of companies Total amount due from related companies Total amounts due from related parties




64,119 95,675 105,089 1,214 110,474 148 85,121 14,598 476,438

283 358 58 48 1,209 98 23 431 1 58 7 1,905 4,479

84,418 84,418 84,418

50,009 50,009 50,009

61,905 61,905 538,343

28,930 28,930 33,409

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001 (Unit : Thousand Baht)




Loans to subsidiary companies Central Superstore Limited Udon Big C Co., Ltd. Pitsanulok Big C Limited Big C Fairy Limited Surat Big C Limited Theparak Big C Limited Chiengrai Big C Co., Ltd. Phraram II Big C Co.., Ltd. Big C Distribution Co., Ltd. Asia Asset Co., Ltd. Chiengmai Big C (2001) Co., Ltd. Inthanon Land Co., Ltd. Southeast Asia Pacific Trading Co., Ltd. Flexpay Co., Ltd. Central Pattaya Co., Ltd. Total loans to subsidiary companies



1,388 412 12 13 34,332 199,093 14 6 2 9 267 235,548

40 643,258 85,013 182 1,094 205,841 1,119 4,458 256,500 1 137 2 1 1,197,646

Amounts due to related parties Subsidiary companies Central Superstore Limited Udon Big C Co., Ltd. Pitsanulok Big C Limited Big C Fairy Limited Surat Big C Limited Theparak Big C Limited Chiengrai Big C Co., Ltd. Phraram II Big C Co., Ltd. Big C Distribution Co., Ltd. Siam Retail Co., Ltd. Chiengmai Big C (2001) Co., Ltd. Inthanon Land Co., Ltd. Flexpay Co., Ltd. Central Pattaya Co., Ltd. Total amounts due to subsidiary companies



35,789 1,044 342 1,046 1,922 2,794 562 483 23,399 1,314 111 70 3,146 72,022

121 19 13 32 1,456 5 15 1,233,928 600 275 1,236,464

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Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001 (Unit : Thousand Baht)

CONSOLIDATED 2002 2001 Related companies Central Pattana Public Co., Ltd. Robinson Group of Companies Central Group of Companies Casino Guichard - Perrachon Total amounts due to related companies Total amounts due to related parties Loans from subsidiary companies Central Superstore Limited Udon Big C Co., Ltd. Pitsanulok Big C Limited Big C Fairy Limited Surat Big C Limited Theparak Big C Limited Chiengrai Big C Co., Ltd. Phraram II Big C Co.., Ltd. Big C Distribution Co., Ltd. Siam Retail Co., Ltd. Chiengmai Big C (2001) Co., Ltd. Inthanon Land Co., Ltd. Flexpay Co., Ltd. Total loans from subsidiary companies Long-term loan from related company Casino Guichard - Perrachon Total long-term loans from related company


37,810 7,415 12,560 57,785 57,785

40,896 27,598 8,180 27,039 103,713 103,713

3,071 12,560 15,631 87,653

27,598 3,600 27,039 58,237 1,294,701



167,664 65,307 87,768 4 187 285 156,156 41,007 212,763 107,450 56,003 894,594

35,762 2,087 2,243 40,646 368,796 412 36,174 3,606 832 29,900 176,285 1,020 697,763

2,775,000 2,775,000

1,593,000 1,593,000

2,775,000 2,775,000

1,593,000 1,593,000

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001

Movement of loans to and loans from subsidiary companies and long-term loan from related company during the year 2002 are as follows :(Unit : Thousand Baht)

Balance as at 1 January 2002 Loans to subsidiary companies Central Superstore Limited Udon Big C Co., Ltd. Pitsanulok Big C Limited Big C Fairy Limited Surat Big C Limited Theparak Big C Limited Chiengrai Big C Co., Ltd. Phraram II Big C Co., Ltd. Big C Distribution Co., Ltd. Asia Asset Co., Ltd. Chiengmai Big C (2001) Co., Ltd. Inthanon Land Co., Ltd. Southeast Asia Pacific Trading Co., Ltd. Flexpay Co., Ltd. Central Pattaya Co., Ltd. Total loans to subsidiary companies Loans from subsidiary companies Central Superstore Limited Udon Big C Co., Ltd. Pitsanulok Big C Limited Big C Fairy Limited Surat Big C Limited Theparak Big C Limited Chiengrai Big C Co., Ltd. Phraram II Big C Co., Ltd. Big C Distribution Co., Ltd. Siam Retail Co., Ltd. Chiengmai Big C (2001) Co., Ltd. Inthanon Land Co., Ltd. Flexpay Co., Ltd. Total loans from subsidiary companies Long-term loan from related company Casino Guichard - Perrachon Total long-term loans from related company


Movement during the year Balance as at Increase Decrease 31 December 2002

40 643,258 85,013 182 1,094 205,841 1,119 4,458 256,500 1 137 2 1 1,197,646

36,339 3,398,014 2,523,924 1,329,608 3,374,742 3,765,610 1,349,696 477 13,555,491 1,895 1,211,753 29 26,099 351,482 30,925,159

34,991 4,040,860 2,608,925 1,329,777 3,341,504 3,772,358 1,350,801 4,935 13,811,991 1,896 1,211,884 29 1 26,090 351,215 31,887,257

1,388 412 12 13 34,332 199,093 14 6 2 9 267 235,548

35,762 2,087 2,243 40,646 368,796 412 36,174 3,606 832 29,900 176,285 1,020 697,763

3,556,083 1,734,466 2,143,862 569,288 273,030 4,851 4,124,900 9,146 567,406 1,449,214 165,742 331,040 14,929,028

3,424,181 1,671,246 2,058,337 609,930 641,639 4,978 4,004,918 12,752 527,231 29,900 1,412,736 58,292 276,057 14,732,197

167,664 65,307 87,768 4 187 285 156,156 41,007 212,763 107,450 56,003 894,594

1,593,000 1,593,000

1,182,000 1,182,000


2,775,000 2,775,000

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Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001


INVENTORIES (Unit : Thousand Baht)

CONSOLIDATED 2002 2001 Inventories Goods in transit Total Less : Provision for shrinkage, obsolete and damage inventories Inventories - net



4,494,019 26,734 4,520,753

3,978,210 58,550 4,036,760

3,877,601 20,150 3,897,751

2,036,557 41,346 2,077,903

(91,978) 4,428,775

(50,825) 3,985,935

(76,530) 3,821,221

(19,045) 2,058,858

INVESTMENTS IN SUBSIDIARIES ACCOUNTED FOR UNDER EQUITY METHOD As at 31 December 2002 and 2001, the Company has long-term investments in ordinary shares of the following companies :The Company Only (Unit : Thousand Baht)

Type of business 31 December 2002 Investments in subsidiary companies Chiengmai Big C (2001) Co., Ltd. Inthanon Land Co., Ltd. Sontheast Asia Pacific Trading Co., Ltd. Central Superstore Limited Theparak Big C Limited Chiengrai Big C Co., Ltd. Surat Big C Limited Udon Big C Limited Big C Distribution Co., Ltd. Pitsanulok Big C Limited Total investments in subsidiary companies

Paid-up Equity share capital interest Investment Million Baht % Cost method Equity method

Retail 300 Rental of immovable assets 841 Dormant 10 Rental of immovable assets 1,220 and holding company Rental of immovable assets 57 and holding company Retail 180 Dormant 140 Retail 738 Distribution Center 1 Retail 1,050

100.00 100.00 100.00 99.99

601,511 821,407 2,023 1,301,999

538,631 875,395 950 1,407,836




89.99 99.99 99.99 99.99 92.38

162,000 140,300 713,809 1,000 970,000 5,071,406

325,495 375,802 408,010 8,295 610,873 5,024,298

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001

The Company Only (Unit : Thousand Baht)

Type of business 31 December 2001 Investments in subsidiary companies Chiengmai Big C (2001) Co., Ltd. Siam Retail Co., Ltd. Central Superstore Limited Theparak Big C Limited Chiengrai Big C Co., Ltd. Surat Big C Limited Pitsanulok Big C Limited Big C Fairy Limited Flexpay Co., Ltd. Total investments in subsidiary companies

Paid-up Equity share capital interest Investment Million Baht % Cost method Equity method

Retail 300 Dormant 1,281 Rental of immovable assets 1,220 Rental of immovable assets 57 Retail 180 Retail 140 Retail 1,050 Retail 440 Credit card business 2

100.00 100.00 99.99 99.99 89.99 99.99 92.38 95.23 51.00

146,095 1,275,514 1,301,999 357,357 162,000 140,300 970,000 419,149 1,020 4,773,434

123,303 1,298,610 1,336,294 370,469 245,945 363,967 510,889 211,702 610 4,461,789

In addition, as at 31 December 2002 and 2001, the investments in subsidiary companies with deficit in shareholdersû equity which presented as separate item in the Companyûs financial statements are as follows :(Unit : Thousand Baht)

Type of business 31 December 2002 Excess loss over cost of investments in subsidiary companies Ubon Big C Limited Flexpay Co., Ltd.

Dormant Hire purchase credit card business

Paid-up Equity share capital interest Investment Million Baht % Cost method Equity method











1,377 89,667 1,000 22,383

(13,970) (268,591) (6,005) (6,497)



Total investments in subsidiaries which have excess loss over cost of investments in the Companyûs financial statements 31 December 2001 Excess loss over cost of investments in subsidiary companies Asia Asset Co., Ltd. Udon Big C Co., Ltd. Big C Distribution Co., Ltd. Ubon Big C Limited Total investments in subsidiaries which have excess loss over cost of investments in the Companyûs financial statements


Dormant Retail Distribution Center Dormant

25 138 1 101

100.00 64.99 99.99 99.99

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Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001

7.1 On 1 January 2002, the Company has acquired the operations of its subsidiary, Surat Big C Co., Ltd., by purchasing its inventories and movable fixed assets at a selling price of Baht 1,262 million. 7.2 On 15 January 2002, the Company purchased 8,750,000 ordinary shares (par value of Baht 10 each in which Baht 5.5 each has been called up) from the existing shareholder of Udon Big C Co., Ltd. (subsidiary company) at the amount of approximately Baht 24 million. As a result of this the equity interest of the Company in this subsidiary has increased 35 percent to 99.99 percent. 7.3 On 1 September 2001 the Company acquired 100 percent direct and indirect shareholding in the following companies which collectively own and operate a hypermarket and associated assets located in Chieng Mai Province : 1. Asia Asset Co., Ltd. 2. Siam Retail Co., Ltd. 3. Auchon Chieng Mai Co., Ltd. (presently known as รงChiengmai Big C (2001) Co., Ltd.) 4. Inthanon Land Co., Ltd. 5. Southeast Asia Pacific Trading Co., Ltd. The cost of this investment is approximately Baht 793 million. Subsequently the Company had made additional investment and restructured the group which at present consist of the following :1. Auchon Chieng Mai Co., Ltd. (presently known as รงChiengmai Big C (2001) Co., Ltd.) 2. Inthanon Land Co., Ltd. 7.4 On 13 February 2002, an extraordinary meeting of shareholders resolved that Flexpay Co., Ltd. increase its registered capital from Baht 2 million (200,000 ordinary shares of Baht 10 each) to Baht 100 million (10,000,000 ordinary shares of Baht 10 each) through the issuance of 9,800,000 ordinary shares to the existing shareholders at a par value of Baht 10 each. The subsidiary registered the capital increase with the Ministry of Commerce on 3 April 2002. In the fourth quarter of 2002, this subsidiary company (with the approval of itรปs major shareholders) entered into an agreement to transfer its credit card business to a company which previously provided credit card management services to the subsidiary company. The subsidiary company will receive the amount of approximately Baht 55 million for the transfer of business. The transferee company will commence its hire purchase and credit card business from 1 January 2003 onwards.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001

7.5 On 10 July 2002, the Company has sold its investment in Big C Fairy Co., Ltd. (subsidiary company) consisting of 1,189,992 ordinary shares and 3,000,000 preferred shares of Baht 60 each to a subsidiary, Theparak Big C Co., Ltd., for approximately Baht 251.4 million. 7.6 On 3 July 2002, an extraordinary meeting of shareholders of Udon Big C Co., Ltd. resolved to increase its registered capital from Baht 250 million (25,000,000 ordinary shares of Baht 10 each) to Baht 850 million (25,000,000 ordinary shares and 60,000,000 preference share of Baht 10 each) through the issuance of 60,000,000 preference shares at a par value of Baht 10 each. The subsidiary has registered the capital increase with the Ministry of Commerce on 19 July 2002. On 26 July 2002, the Company acquired all of the preference shares of approximately Baht 600 million in Udon Big C Co., Ltd. 7.7 On 1 September 2002, the Company has acquired the operations of its subsidiary, Big C Distribution Co., Ltd., by purchasing its inventories and movable assets as a selling price of Baht 425 million. 7.8 During the current year, there were no dividend payments from the aforementioned subsidiary companies. 8.

OTHER LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS As at 31 December 2002 and 2001, the Company has long-term investments in ordinary shares of the following companies :(Unit : Thousand Baht)

Type of business 31 December 2002 and 2001 Investments in other companies Singtor Sakol Co., Ltd. Status Group Co., Ltd. Total investments in other companies Less : allowance for unrealized loss on decline in value Net


Dormant Dormant

Paid-up Equity share capital interest Investment Million Baht % Cost method Equity method

120 50

5.00 1.00

6,000 490 6,490

6,000 490 6,490

(6,490) -

(6,490) -

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16,771,718 16,771,718


3,921,622,844 2,582,748,119 4,191,622,844 3,248,795,990

580,116,627 174,442,242 (14,241,676) 740,317,193



19,339,507 4,803,371,656 1,219,092,290 2,161,746,458 18,612,861 5,334,659,117 1,547,378,133 2,680,626,517


5,973,612 1,155,534,567 1,116,558,492 901,118,795 2,468,388 345,404,253 443,478,370 238,791,493 (2,307,729) (154,681,235) (7,726,732) 8,442,000 1,498,631,091 1,405,355,627 1,132,183,556

25,313,119 5,958,906,223 2,335,650,782 3,062,865,253 1,741,742 887,501,818 987,104,558 794,672,841 (13,117,833) (370,021,580) (44,728,021) 27,054,861 6,833,290,208 2,952,733,760 3,812,810,073

Assets carried at cost Leasehold Furniture, rights and Land Building and fixture and Utility improvements improvements improvements office equipment systems

3,921,622,844 3,179,636,464 270,000,000 883,618,749 (57,370,312) 4,191,622,844 4,005,884,901


Assets carried at the revalued amount


Cost/Reappraised values : As at 31 December 2001 Acquisitions/Transfer in Disposals/Transfer out As at 31 December 2002 Accumulated depreciation : As at 31 December 2001 Depreciation charged during the year Depreciation of disposals As at 31 December 2002 Allowance for impairment : As at 31 December 2001 As at 31 December 2002 Net book value : As at 31 December 2001 As at 31 December 2002 Depreciation in the earnings statements for the year : 2001 2002


25,217,504 25,217,504


41,989,222 41,989,222

3,772,380,354 1,209,865,737 (180,116,581) 4,802,129,510

1,175,318,429 1,209,865,737

18,076,085 858,810,906 15,584,807,865 13,084,190 1,126,729,405 18,161,509,057


13,078,261 5,280,991 (1,159,209) 17,200,043

31,154,346 884,028,410 19,399,177,441 359,914 329,095,735 4,154,095,357 (1,230,027) (61,177,236) (547,645,009) 30,284,233 1,151,946,909 23,005,627,789

Construction in progress and projects under Vehicles development Total

(Unit : Baht)

Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002



Cost : As at 31 December 2001 Acquisitions/Transfer in Disposals/Transfer out As at 31 December 2002 Accumulated depreciation : As at 31 December 2001 Depreciation charged during the year Depreciation of disposals As at 31 December 2002 Allowance for impairment : As at 31 December 2001 As at 31 December 2002 Net book value : As at 31 December 2001 As at 31 December 2002 Depreciation in the earnings statements for the year : 2001 2002

The Company Only

16,771,718 16,771,718


2,112,115,854 2,362,222,368 2,382,115,854 3,076,777,739

455,358,886 160,289,876 (4,823,245) 610,825,517


2,112,115,854 2,834,352,972 270,000,000 882,779,727 (12,757,725) 2,382,115,854 3,704,374,974



447,652,656 187,240,726 (1,193,750) 633,699,632 -

634,360,457 368,049,213 (35,882,554) 966,527,116 -

369,361,141 168,452,147 (334,778) 537,478,510

8,372,796 2,707,054,406 846,304,706 1,417,775,816 9,296,114 3,349,790,502 1,383,091,274 2,005,147,401


849,705 818,424 1,668,129

9,222,501 3,154,707,062 1,480,665,163 1,787,136,957 1,741,742 835,900,905 987,881,508 759,076,516 (7,117,833) (118,928,281) (3,587,562) 10,964,243 3,983,490,134 2,349,618,390 2,542,625,911

Assets carried at cost Leasehold Furniture, rights and Land Building and fixture and Utility improvements improvements improvements office equipment systems

25,217,504 25,217,504

41,989,222 41,989,222

- 1,917,146,525 - 889,812,188 (43,367,076) - 2,763,591,637

611,281,345 889,812,188

17,576,528 787,874,969 10,259,297,443 12,914,639 1,117,115,776 13,336,249,299


9,563,680 4,961,802 (1,132,749) 13,392,733

27,140,208 813,092,473 12,218,433,190 299,914 329,240,807 4,066,921,119 (1,132,750) - (143,524,151) 26,307,372 1,142,333,280 16,141,830,158

Construction in progress and projects under Vehicles development Total

(Unit : Baht)

Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001

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Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001

Had the Company and its subsidiaries presented the land at cost, the net book value as at 31 December 2002 and 2001 would have been as follows :(Unit : Baht)

Land Consolidated Net book value (presented at cost) As at 31 December 2002 As at 31 December 2001 10.

3,808,263,158 3,538,263,158

BANK OVERDRAFTS AND LOANS FROM FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS As at 31 December 2002, the Company and its subsidiaries entered into overdraft and credit facilities agreements with local financial institutions and branches of foreign banks totalling approximately Baht 8,359 million (2001 : Baht 5,604.2 million) (the Company only : Baht 8,140 million (2001 : Baht 5,382 million)). Bank overdrafts bear interest at the minimum loan rate per annum. Credit facilities of Baht 769 million (2001 : Baht 1,219 million) (the Company only : Baht 550 million (2001 : Baht 1,000 million)) are guaranteed by a shareholder. As at 31 December 2002, the Company had short-term loans with local financial institutions and branches of foreign banks totalling approximately Baht 1,105 million and Baht 300 million respectively, with interest at the rate of 1.65 and 1.875 percent per annum, respectively. Under the terms of the above agreements, the Company and its subsidiaries must comply with certain conditions and restrictions stipulated in the agreements.


LONG-TERM LOAN FROM RELATED COMPANY The Company entered into a loan agreement with a foreign related company for a total loan of EU 40 million for a period of three years with interest at the 6-months EURIBOR rate plus 1 percent per annum. During the first and second quarter of 2001, the Company had drawndown EU 20 million in each quarter.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001

During the first and second quarter of 2001, the Company entered into cross-currency swap contracts to swap the above loan of EU 40 million to Baht 791 million and Baht 802 million respectively with the branch of a foreign bank. This loan will be repayable in 2004 and carries interest at the rate 3.99 percent and 3.98 percent per annum, respectively, on semi-annual basis for the first period and thereafter the interest will be repayable on a quarterly basis at a fixed rate as follows :Period Principal of Baht 791 million Principal of Baht 802 million Percent Percent 2 4.59 4.69 3 4.79 4.88 4 4.84 4.83 5 4.79 4.79 6 4.79 4.79 7 4.79 4.75 From period 8 4.55 4.55 During the first quarter of 2002, the Company received an additional loan facility of EURO 100 million from the foreign related company. The Company has already drawn down EURO 30 million in this period with the interest rate of the 6-month EURIBOR rate plus 1.25 percent per annum. The loan will be repayable within 3 years with a semi-annual interest payment commencing from third quarter of 2002. However, the Company entered into cross-currency swap contracts with a branch of a foreign bank to swap the above loan of EURO 30 million to Baht 1,182 million. The repayment schedule of principal and interest are the same as stipulated in the above loan agreement. The loan bears interest at the rate of 2.25 percent per annum for the first six-months. The cross currency swap contracts of EURO 50 million are guaranteed by a shareholder. 12.

SHARE SUBSCRIPTION RECEIVED IN ADVANCE BEFORE REGISTRATION During the fourth quarter of 2002, the Company has received share subscription in advance of registration from the exercise of warrants of 727,000 units approximately of Baht 10.8 million. The Company has subsequently registered the increase in paid up share capital with the ministry of Commerce in January 2003.


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Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001


WARRANTS On 18 April 2001, the Company没s shareholders没 meeting approved the increase in its registered share capital from Baht 8,000 million (800 million ordinary shares of Baht 10 each) to Baht 8,250 million (825 million ordinary shares of Baht 10). With regard to the increase 20 million ordinary shares will be reserved for issuing 20 million warrants at no charge to the Company没s directors and employees with an exercise ratio of one warrant for one ordinary share, and the exercise price shall be fixed by the management in the line with the Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission. The warrants have a five years period. In addition, the remaining increase of 5 million ordinary shares will be reserved for compensation charges to the rights of the warrants as held by the existing shareholders. The Company has registered its capital increase with the Ministry of Commerce on 2 May 2001. On 1 November 2001, the Company offered for the first time 3,025,000 warrants at no charge to the Company没s directors and employees. The exercise ratio is one warrant for one ordinary share and is exercisable at a price of Baht 14.80 per share. The warrants have a five year period as from 1 November 2001 to 31 October 2005 and is exercisable after two years from the date of issuance (since 31 October 2002) and is to be exercised on the last working day of each quarter. In 2001 the Company has issued 2,925,000 warrants whereby 727,000 warrants has been exercised in 2002.


STATUTORY RESERVE According to the Section 116 of the Public Limited Companies Act B.E. 2535, the Company is required to set aside statutory reserve of at least 5% of its net earnings for the year after deducting accumulated deficit brought forward (if any) until the reserve reaches 10% of the registered share capital. The statutory reserve could not use for dividend payment.


PROVIDENT FUND The Company and its employees have jointly established a provident fund as approved by the Ministry of Finance in accordance with the Provident Fund Act (B.E. 2530). The fund is contributed by both the employees and the Company and is managed by Thai Farmers Asset Management Company Limited. Payments to the employees upon retirement or cessation of employment is to be made in accordance with the rules of the fund. Total contributions by the Company and its subsidiaries for the year amounted to approximately Baht 25 million (2001 : Baht 11 million) and Baht 21.3 million for the Company (2001 : Baht 7 million).

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001


CORPORATE INCOME TAX Corporate income tax for the year of the Company has been calculated after adding back provisions and expenses which are disallowed for tax computation purpose.


RECONCILIATION OF DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE CONSOLIDATED For the year ended 31 December Weighted average number Net earnings of ordinary shares Earnings per shae 2002 2001 2002 2001 2002 2001 Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Baht Baht Baht Baht Shares Shares Basic earnings per share Net earnings Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares Warrants 2,198,000 units (2001 : 2,925,000 units) Diluted earnings per share Net earnings of ordinary shareholders assuming the conversion of dilutive potential ordinary shares Ner earnings

1,287,908 1,002,537






1,287,908 1,002,537








THE COMPANY ONLY For the year ended 31 December Weighted average number Net earnings of ordinary shares Earnings per shae 2002 2001 2002 2001 2002 2001 Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Baht Baht Baht Baht Shares Shares Basic earnings per share Ner earnings Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares Warrants 2,198,000 units (2001 : 2,925,000 units) Diluted earnings per share Net earnings of ordinary shareholders assuming the conversion of dilutive potential ordinary shares Ner earnings


1,287,908 1,002,537






1,287,908 1,002,537








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Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001


OTHER INCOME Other income mainly consists of rebate income calculated on the value of purchase at a percentage agreed between the Company and suppliers, the advertising income which is charged to suppliers for the advertisements placed in the Companyûs brochures, entrance fees, and share of income from food sales.


DIRECTORS’ REMUNERATION Directorsû remuneration represents the benefits paid to the Companyûs director in accordance with Section 90 of the Public Limited Companies Act, exclusive of salaries and related benefits payable to executive directors.


EMPLOYEES AND RELATED COSTS Consolidated 2002 2001 Number of employees at end of year (Persons) Employee costs for the year (Thousand Baht)


12,335 1,691,816

11,560 1,476,298

The Company Only 2002 2001 10,467 1,489,763

7,119 993,289

COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Commitments and contingent liabilities at 31 December 2002 are summarised as follows :21.1 The Company and its subsidiaries had outstanding guarantees of approximately of Baht 205 million (2001 : Baht 134.8 million) and approximately Baht 191.5 million for the Company (2001 : Baht 99.4 million) as issued by the banks on behalf of the Company and its subsidiaries for the government agencies in respect of certain performance bonds as required in the normal course of business. 21.2 The Company and its subsidiaries entered into land lease and sub-lease agreements with individuals and related and other companies for the construction of office buildings and department stores for periods ranging from one year to thirty years. The annual rental and service fees are as follows :(Unit : Thousand Baht) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 - 2033


The Company Only

123,603 131,774 138,227 124,841 125,929 1,855,551

96,277 104,388 110,781 97,335 98,363 1,333,707

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001

21.3 The Company also entered into agreements relating to the transfer of leasehold right and sub-lease arrangements covering part of buildings from existing lessors (which are two related companies). The lease contracts were made with a related company and a local company. The compensation for the transfer of leasehold right and leasing charges during the first eight years starting from 2001, are in the range of approximately Baht 687.5 million to Baht 1,201.6 million, depending on sales volume. Subsequent sub-leasing charges from the ninth year would be based on the market rate for such period, depending on conditions to be agreed between the parties. 21.4 The Company was committed to obligations under agreements with several companies for the construction of office buildings and department stores totalling approximately Baht 521 million (2001 : Baht 721 million). 21.5 The Company has outstanding commitment in respect of uncalled portion of investment in four subsidiaries of approximately Baht 275 million (2001 : Baht 235.3 million). 21.6 On 11 May 2001, the Company entered into a trademark agreement with an oversea company whereby the Company has a commitment to pay a fee at a certain percentage of net cost of the products covered by the trademark after excluding taxes. The agreement is for a period of eight years. 21.7 A subsidiary company entered into a logistics and distribution services agreement with a company resulting in a commitment to pay for the service fee at a percentage of goods purchased. 21.8 The Company entered into a software license and implementation contract with a foreign company. Under the agreement, the Company was committed to the payment for software license and service fee according to conditions in the agreement amounting to approximately Baht 0.3 million (2001 : Baht 0.3 million). 21.9 The Company has been sued by other entities as co-defendant for breach of contracts and penalty claim in which the case is currently being considered by the Civil Court. Furthermore, the Company has been sued by certain individuals in respect of violation. However, the Companyûs management believes that the Company will receive favourable ruling for the cases and no provision has therefore been made in the accounts.


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Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001

21.10 In the fourth quarter of 2002 the subsidiary company (under the approval of its major shareholder) has entered into an agreement to transfer the hire purchase and credit card business with a company as discussed in Note to financial statement No. 2.8. Under the conditions stipulated in the agreement, the Company has committed to pay the fee according to the conditions in the agreement. In addition as at 31 December 2002, the subsidiary company has an commitment to guarantee the accounts receivable - hire purchase and credit card of Baht 1,320 million. 22.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION BY SEGMENT Financial information by segment for the Company and its subsidiary companies, as of 31 December 2002 and 2001, is as follows :CONSOLIDATED (Unit : Million Baht)

Revenue from Revenue from hire purchase and Eliminated retail business credit card business transaction 2002 2001 2002 2001 2002 2001 Net sales - Other customers - Related parties Cost of goods sold - Other customers - Related parties Gross profit

Consolidated 2002 2001

38,213 11,766

32,637 13,213





38,213 -

32,637 -

(34,274) (11,766) 3,939

(29,029) (13,213) 3,608



11,766 -

13,213 -

(34,274) 3,939

(29,029) 3,608

Rental and service income 1,521 Other income 1,742 Selling and administrative expenses (6,391) Interest expenses (217) Corporate income tax 238 Loss (gain) of minority interests Net earnings

1,216 1,958 (5,394) (198) (232) -

61 (163) -

(1) -

(338) 873 386 73 40

(307) (159) 408 111 (7)

1,183 2,676 (6,168) (144) (238) 40 1,288

909 1,799 (4,987) (87) (232) (7) 1,003

Assets Trade account receivable - net Current assets Non-current assets Total assets

103 9,294 23,475 32,872

65 10,180 22,091 32,336

114 2 116

1 1 2

42 20 (2,857) (4,450) (3,992) (5,651) (6,722) (10,081)

145 6,551 19,485 26,181

85 5,731 16,440 22,256

Liabilities Trade account payable Current liabilities Non-current liabilities Total liabilities

8,705 5,301 3,469 17,475

6,893 9,555 589 17,037

118 118

1 1

(2,153) 5 (2,148)

8,705 3,266 3,474 15,445

6,894 5,312 595 12,801

(4,243) 6 (4,237)

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001


FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS 23.1 Financial risk management and policies The Company and its subsidiaries are exposed to risks from changes in market interest rates and in currency exchange rates, and from nonperformance of contractual obligations by counterparties. The Company and its subisidiaries use derivative instruments, as and when they consider appropriate, to manage such risks. They do not hold or issue derivative instruments for speculative or trading purposes. 23.2 Interest rate risk The interest rate risk is the risk that future movements in market interest rates will affect the results of the Company and its subsidiariesû operations and their cash flows. Their exposure to interest rate risk relate primarily to its deposits with financial institutions, bank overdrafts and loans. Since the majority of these financial assets are short-term and the interest rates are subject to be changed with the market rate, the Company and its subsidiaries do not use derivative financial instruments to hedge such risk. The majority of the financial liabilities of the Company and its subsidiaries are long-term borrowing from related companies. Management believes that the interest rate of the loans are suitable in the current situation and that movements in market interest rates will not be significant. The details of long-term loans are set out in Note 11. 23.3 Foreign currency risk The Company is not exposed to risks from changes in foreign currency since the Company has entered into a cross-currency swap contracts from EURO to Thai Baht for the long-term loan from its related company as set out in Note 11. 23.4 Credit risk The Company and its subsidiaries are exposed to credit risk related to trade accounts receivable. However, since most of the merchandise are sold on a cash basis the Company and it subsidiaries do not anticipate material losses from their debt collection.


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Notes to Financial Statements

(Continued) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries As at 31 December 2002 and 2001

23.5 Fair value As the majority of financial assets and liabilities are short-term and related party transaction, their carrying value do not materially differ from their fair value. 24.

PRESENTATION The presentation of the financial statements has been made in compliance with the stipulations of the Notification of the Commercial Registration Department dated 14 September 2001 as empowered under the Accounting Act B.E. 2543. Certain amounts in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2001 have been reclassified to conform to the current year classifications, with no effect on previously reported net earnings or shareholders没 equity.


APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS These financial statements have been approved by the Company没s directors.

.................................................................................................................. ANNUAL REPORT BIG C SUPPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2002


°√ÿ߇∑æœ BANGKOK “¢“«ß»å «à“ß WONGSAWANG “¢“·®âß«—≤π– CHANGWATTANA “¢“√“…Æ√å∫Ÿ√≥– RATBURANA “¢“√—ß ‘µ RANGSIT “¢“√“™¥”√‘ RAJDAMRI “¢“∫“ßæ≈’ BANGPLEE “¢“√—µπ“∏‘‡∫»√å RATTANATHIBET “¢“æ√–√“¡ 2 RAMA II “¢“À—«À¡“° HUA-MAK “¢“ ¡ÿ∑√ª√“°“√ SAMUTPRAKARN “¢“¥Õπ‡¡◊Õß DONMUANG “¢“·ø™—Ëπ ‰Õ´å·≈π¥å FASHION ISLAND “¢“ ÿ¢ «— ¥‘Ï SUKSAWAT “¢“∫“ßπ“ BANGNA “¢“≈“¥æ√â“« LADPHRAO “¢“¥“«§–πÕß DAOKANONG “¢“µ‘«“ππ∑å TIWANON

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¿“§„µâ SOUTH “¢“ ÿ√“…Æ√å∏“π’ SURAT THANI “¢“À“¥„À≠à HAT YAI “¢“¿Ÿ‡°Áµ PHUKET

More Than Just Low Prices

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¿“§µ–«—πÕÕ° EAST “¢“æ—∑¬“ PATTAYA “¢“√–¬Õß RAYONG ∫√‘…—∑ ∫‘Í°´’ ´Ÿ‡ªÕ√凴Áπ‡µÕ√å ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π) Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited

Annual Report

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Big C Supercenter Public Company Lim ited

Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited A Central-Casino partnership

2 0 0 2 Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited

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Annual Report 2002

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7 th Floor Univest Building, 89/36 Rajdamri, Rd., Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok, 10330 Tel. 0-2655-0666 Fax. 0-2655-5801-2

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