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Bioswale Plan
Pervious pavement intersection

Storm-water Recharge Pits (source: author)
consist of interventions that create pond, wetlands, rain-gardens, or sunken plazas within green or urban public spaces. Buildings collect components like rainwater harvesting, green roofs, and detention tanks since they can be implemented atop or around buildings. Buildings can be modified by their respective owners or tenants with little to no government involvement. The implementation of all Sponge Streets and Sponge Open Spaces on public lands require co-ordination between two or more departments within the urban local body and other government agencies.
Biovvbvswales Channel
Bio Swales line is proposed across the Abul fazal already existing drainage system which is proposed to be converted in to two pipe system where black water is directly flowed to the Okhla WWTP which gray water and storm water is transported through Bio Swales.
Public Square
Nine public square near intersection of Abdul Fazal to increase the public spaces in the residential colonies as it is tightly packed. These squares can be used as community space, for interacting as it is clearly lacking in the vicinity, though these are small spaces only 5 meters wide and up to 40 meters long at a time, together these nice squares are stretch over abul fazal running parallel to Agra canal. The last square is also proposed temporary vegetable market

Proposed Plan for Conversion of Abul fazal Nala into
Bioswales and Public squares along the colony (source: