Kanpur Metro Corridor Station design concept
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Evolution of Form Materials included and application Visualization Roofing System
Kanpur Metro Corridor Station design concept Evolution of the Concept (Kanpur City Essence): • City Industry: The city is famous for its leather and textile industries. The basic use of leather and textile product is to cover human body. Air can pass through these material product as they are semipermeable in nature. From here we inspired to choose metal perforated sheet to cover the building which allows the building to feel like its breathing.
Non-uniform perforated golden colored metal sheet
Leather Life Giving River Ganga:
Uniform perforated metal sheet
The city is blessed with the life giving river Ganga. River side its very natural to find scenes of floating boats over it.From here we inspired to depict the whole scene to the commuters and the people passing by the station.
Floating Boat Scene
River waves depiction
Kanpur Metro Corridor Station design concept Incorporation of Concept in Built Form and Design Aspects: Horizontal void between the boat and roof gives Roof top inspired from boat with non uniform the feeling that boat is floating. Columns with top bulging shape merges golden colored metal sheet resembling the boats seamlessly with boat shape roof to give the essence of fusion of industry and brown color with Sky Light at the top surface of roof. the river.
Station Box like body covered with uniform perforated metal sheet depicting the waves of river Ganga with the help of regulating the perforation sizes to waves patterns. Large cutouts in walls of concourse area behind the screen have a glittering light effect due to wave patterns on the perforated screen.
Kanpur Metro Corridor Evolution of Form Form Overlayed on Station Box
Basic form
Floating boat roof top with skylight. Entry structure form
Side Elevation
Kanpur Metro Corridor Material & Application MATERIAL HIGHLIGHT AND APPLICATION
Commercially available perforated sheets Fixing of panels over framework Some examples of the sheeting pattern to be applied on the station box
Application on form
DESIRED SHADE (Golden and Grey)
RESULTING FACTOR (Sunlight through perforations)
Reference image for roof sides and entry structure Reference image for wave pattern around station box
Some examples of the sunlight through pattern
Kanpur Metro Corridor Visulization
Kanpur Metro Corridor Visulization
Kanpur Metro Corridor Visulization
Kanpur Metro Corridor Visulization Station Box with waves pattern perforated metal sheet screen
Entry Structure with random perforated golden metal sheet from all side faces
Polycarbonate See through sheets for daylight
Non-Perforated metal sheet
Roof sides with random perforated golden metal sheet.
Kanpur Metro Corridor Visulization
Kanpur Metro Corridor Visulization
Mauritius Metro Express Ltd. Aapravasi Ghat design concept
Mauritius Metro Express Ltd.
Views & Concept CONCEPT: As the building which was used to receive the contracted labor from India. The word labor itself states the character of strength, roughness and restrictions. The same ideology is transformed in the built form. • • • • •
A solid form and linearity reflects the boldness and strength of the built form. The rectilinear cutouts with jalis in it reflects the restrictions character of the labors life. The texture paint throughout the built-up mass reflects the rough life of labors. Stone cladding to the columns of platform shows the touch of the Aapravasi ghat building complex. The use of railing throughout the staircase and FOB reflects the perforation of softness to the hardened life of the labors where railing shows the lightness and softness and solid mass shows the hardness of labor’s life.
Waffle Slab Foot over bridge
Wall in block work with texture paint Feature wall for local Mauritian Art
Stone Cladding
LRT track
Buffer stop
Platform Bollards to differentiate track and road Track
Insertion Plan 26.5
18.5 8.5
Platform Plan
Platform level Plan
Regional Rapid Transit System Station design concept
Concept: Moving Station Station design concept Moving Station: As India is developing and metro became one of the major transport medium in the region. The proposed RRTS medium is referred as high speed metro, So the station should gives the glimpse of speediness, modern form and giving the feeling of proudness among passengers. Keeping this the proposed station seems to look like moving ahead. In which the station box is like body and the two entry structure in opposite direction gives the feeling of moving legs. Design Aspects:
Station Box is like body. There is continuous change in height in increasing order throughout the station from one end to other which gives the passengers feeling of grandness. The station box is designed in solid and translucent form.
In this portion the roof is open above the track. Train is half visible from outside while getting out and inside the station.
Two entry structure in opposite direction gives the feeling of moving legs.
In this portion train is visible from outside while getting out and inside the station after station box ends.
Concept: Moving Station Station design concept Architectural Aspects:
Skylight to provide natural daylight. Glass / Polycarbonate transparent sheets.
Form Development:
Solid mass with random size square punctures.
Finale end design.
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