Apenkwa Market Report

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Rohan Puranik Nicholas Walny Longwei Chen Runak Rasool

“There is no logic that can be superimposed on the city; people make it, and it is to them, not buildings that we must fit our plans.� - Jane Jacobs


Table of Contents


1. Introduction................................................... 1 2. Overview of the city of Accra & Ghana......... 1 3. Cultural Context............................................ 1 4. Logical Framework....................................... 2 5. Transport.......................................................2 6. Flood Risk.....................................................3 7. The Stakeholders..........................................3 7.1 RNLR Pvt. Ltd........................................3 7.2 The Accra Metropolitan Assembly..........4 7.3 The Chiefs..............................................4 8. Others involved.............................................4 8.1 Agripro.....................................................4 8.2 Farmers...................................................4 8.3 Commercial Traders................................5 8.4 Fishermen...............................................5 8.5 Consumers..............................................5 9. Community Benefits......................................5 10. Food Distribution.........................................5 11. Structure of the Market................................6 12. Market Design.............................................7 12.1 AMA and the site..................................7 12.2 Neighbourhood Analysis...................... 7 12.3 Neighbourhood and site analysis.........8 12.4 Neighbourhood analysis and its relation to the design............................8

13. Market Design................................................................9 13.1 Ground floor plan..................................................... 9 13.2 Ground floor plan and the proposed extension....... 10 13.3 Details of the design................................................ 11 13.4 Sunpath and the wind direction............................... 12 13.5 Floor plans............................................................... 13 13.6 Conceptual images for the proposed market...........14 13.7 Flood Management..................................................15 14. Business and Financial Strategy....................................16 14.1 Cost of construction of the market........................... 16 14.2 Construction of the market.......................................17 14.3 A socio-economic model of development.................17 14.4 Loan for the market................................................. 18 14.5 Income of the market............................................... 18 14.6 Financial Project Appraisal...................................... 19 14.7 Financial Viability of the market proposal.................20 15. Benefit for the Accra Metropolitan Assembly................. 20 16. Exit Strategy for the market - RNLR Pvt. Ltd................. 20 17. Gantt Chart.................................................................... 21 18. Conclusion.................................................................... 22 References and Bibliography


INTRODUCTION 1. Introduction Pannayotou (1993) discussed essentials that have an effect on a market; these include insecurity of resource ownership, non-priced resources, high transaction costs, uncompetitive markets and so on. It is important for markets to make a profit to remain in competition. However, for future market sustainable development, this is insufficient. Greenwood and Newman (2010) emphasized that for a sustainable market development, you need to consider environmental sustainability alongside social and economic factors. For instance: A sustainable market should provide adequate basic urban services and reduce urban poverty at the local level by increasing local employment (UN-HABITAT, 2009). For the building design of the market, the design needs to be environmentally friendly and integrated in the wider urban system (UN-HABITAT, 2012). An example of this is the waste management and sewage system. The former site of Apenkwa market in Accra, Ghana has been selected for regeneration and development. The goal of the market is to provide an opportunity to stimulate employment in the urban economy in a modern and environmentally sustainable way.


2. Overview of The City Accra and Ghana Figure 2.1: Location of Accra Source: www.google.com/maps, 2014

Ghana is located in the center of West Africa and has a population of approximately 20 million people, half of who live in its cities (Ortiz et al., 2010). The country is bordered by Toga, Burkina Faso and Cote d' lovire, with 529 km of coastline on the Gulf of Guinea (Bergert, 2000) (Figure 2.1 & Figure 2.2).

3. Cultural Context

Accra is the capital of Ghana and is a rapid developing coastal city with a population of 3 million people (Adank et al., 2011). Accra is the anchor city of the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area that is (GAMA) made up of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) area that includes 57% of GAMA population, Tema Municipal Assembly (TMA) area with 17% and the Ga District Assembly (GDA) are with 26% of the GAMA population (Grant and Yankson, 2003)(Figure 2.2).

Being that the market is situated in the middle of numerous neighborhoods, Apenkwa market will deliver a major cultural impact on these neighborhoods and beyond. Everything one would need will be available at the market, including: Meats, fish, tropical fruits, vegetables, clothing, crafts, handmade goods, food vendors, hardware, etc. The design will incorporate many Ghanaian features to the interior and exterior of the building. Festivals will be held in the main public spaces several times a year representing the people of Ghana and the entertainment they enjoy. The market itself and the individuals who make up the market will create a Ghanaian culture (Picture 3.1), this will include: The farmers and fisherman, the women traders, and the consumers from the greater Accra region.

Figure 2.2: Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (Source: www.google.com/maps, 2014).

Accra is the most industrialized city in Ghana, and contributes approximately 10% of the country's GDP and over 30% of the manufacturing activities are located there (UN-HABITAT, 2009). This has led to rapid urbanization and population growth, with an average annual population growth rate of 6.5% within the boundaries and the peripheries of Accra (Ortiz et al., 2010). This growth has brought a food deficit in Accra and an exacerbated effect on food production because agriculture represents the smallest portion of Accra's economy (Ortiz et al., 2010). Furthermore, the inadequate high prices of food have made it difficult for low-income groups to access food (Ortiz et al., 2010). Solving these food market problems is a big challenge for the redevelopment of the Apenkwa Market.

Picture 3.1: Culture to see in Accra. (Source: www.timeout.com, 2014)

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5. Transport

4. Logical Framework Apenkwa Market OBJECTIVES


The market becomes a cultural destination for the community by means of quality food Goal: Regenerating a vacant area of Accra into a viable education and social cultural commercial market that will sell locally/organic interaction. Provides jobs for goods to consumers of the community and beyond. local growers, the selling of commercial goods, maintenance, and the selling of prepared food.

Project Purpose: To create sustainable livelihoods for local farmers and commercial sellers by providing them education and the opportunity to create capital.

Output 1. Education will be provided to local farmers on what to grow and how they sell at the market.

Activities: Education will be provided by AGRIPRO a local company who specializes in bridging the gap between farmers and markets. Output 2. Providing commercial sellers the opportunity to sell their products by providing them the space needed to do so.


Activities: Marketing tactics will be used to encourage commercial sellers to sell their products at the market. Output 3. Providing the greater Accra region a place to buy organic foods, handmade goods, and fine cooked foods at a competitive price. Activities: Marketing will be used in the greater Accra region to spread the word about the quality of the market. Output 4. Education facilities and donations to organizations will be given to the surrounding community to teach the importance of food and culture and provide a better lifestyle for those in need. Activities: % of Profits made after year 10 will be given back to the surrounding community.


Annual report (Year after year research study of the market) done by AMA and the Farmers Association

Local farmers and commercial sellers are able to provide themselves and there family a better quality of life.

Annual report will measure the quality of life obtained by local farmers and commercial sellers by conducting year after year interviews and surveys.

Local farmers are able to eventually produce what the community wants without help.

The annual report will measure how local farmers adapt to selling their products at the market.

% of fee collected from farmers association will be used to pay AGRIPRO.

AGRIPRO is a successful organization that has worked through out Ghana connecting farmers to markets.

The space provided to commercial sellers has a high percentage leased and continues to grow year after year.

The Annual Report will measure the amount of space leased to commercial sellers year after year.

ASSUMPTIONS Development in the surrounding area will grow due to the success of the market and will create a destination for the community and visitors. The success of the market will have a major impact on the livelihoods of local farmers and commercial sellers and will therefore impact the community by capital being spent on services needed in the greater Accra region. Local farmers will learn and be able to provide themselves the knowledge needed to know what to grow and how to sell. Local farmers must adapt without the help of AGRIPRO. The success of the market will create a waiting list of space wanting to be leased.

Current traffic and transportation maps in Accra can describe the lack of adequate access roads. There is 300-400 kilometers of missing links and un-engineered roads combined with unpaved roads and potholes (UN-HABITANT, 2009). In Accra the road systems base is a radial route and converges on the Central Business District (Kofi, 2004) (Figure 5.1). In Accra, 65% of vehicular movement has the Central Business District as the destination point with a large number of low capacity vehicles creating congestion. The high travel time creates aggressive situations on the roads (UN-HABITANT, 2009). It is important for the market to know high peak travel times around Accra and avoid traffic to save time and deliver fresh food to the market. Kofi (2004) has shown that travel peak hours in Accra occur from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 12 a.m. Commercial buses are not able to cope with the transport demands during high peak hours in Accra (Kofi, 2004).


The developers (Us) will market The developers have experience The popularity of the space to commercial sellers by in developing and marketing market will market itself to using their own capital. projects. commercial sellers. The greater Accra region will The Annual Report will collect choose to shop at the market information on goods sold from because of the locally sourced every stall and measure the goods will be available at a growth year after year. price they can afford. The developers will market the The developers have experience market to the surrounding in marketing and will use community by using their own billboards and flyers to spread capital. the word about the market. The surrounding community The Annual Report will measure will benefit from education by how many people attend learning about healthy food education classes year after year and culture. starting in year 10.

% of profits made from the developer will benefit the surrounding community.

The greater Accra region will choose to shop at the market over other markets in the area. The success of the market will decrease the marketing of the market.

The surrounding community will benefit fromthe education classes and obtain a healthy lifestyle. Research will be done on who to The community will benefit donate to and what to educate fromthe successes of the about. market.

Figure 5.1: Transport routes in Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (Source: www.google.com/ maps, 2014).

The Accra Metropolitan Assembly needs to work in collaboration with us to try and manage the traffic situation around the site. We will propose solutions for the traffic around the site that need to be reorganized in order to help the movement of vehicles visiting the market. This traffic solution (Figure 5.2) is proposed as an alternative to regular traffic movement around the neighbourhood. The vehicles around the site will operate in the time intervals proposed above and will be using the routes shown in the next map (Figure 5.2). The red colour shows the main access roads around the site. The yellow colour shows the road that goes towards the airport which remains heavily congested during the day. We propose to use the roads coded in the green colour for activities related to the proposed market.

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from September to October (Adank et al., 2011) (Figure 6.1). However, human activities have aggravated the flooding risk in Accra. Rapid urbanization has increased the extent of the impervious surface (Rain et al., 2011). Impervious surface has prevented infiltration of water into the soil, and includes roads, rooftops, sidewalks, and compacted soils (Rain et al., 2011). The result has lead to increased discharge that overloads drainage channels (Rain et al., 2011). Also contributing to flooding is the lack of adequate infrastructure, such as drainage facilities, the blockage of major drains by accumulated garbage and silt, is caused by years of neglect and lack maintenance (Peter and Sam, 2009). Combined, these factors could ease the cause of flooding risk in Accra, especially in low elevation areas (Figure 6.2). Figure 6.2, shows the mean elevation in the city of Accra and the surrounding neighborhoods.The elevation in Accra is quite low mostly ranging from 1-29m.

Figure 5.2: Roads around site area. (Source: www.google.com/maps, 2014)


6. Flood Risk in Accra Accra has been experiencing periodic floods that affect properties and lives; it's a serious environmental issue to the city (Nyarko, 2000; Rain et al., 2011). Heavy rainfall is the main cause of the current flooding in Accra (Karley, 2009). Heavy rains generally occur from March to July, and smaller rains occur

Figure 6.2: Showing the Mean elevation around Accra area (Source: Rain et al, 2011)

7. THE STAKEHOLDERS 7.1 RNLR Private Limited We are local developers from the Accra region and have a history of community-based development. Our goal is to provide the Greater Accra Region a market to purchase locally sourced food and items while creating a cultural destination for the community. Jobs will be provided from the Accra region for construction and the maintenance of the market. Local farmers will be educated and given an opportunity to sell their products at the market. We will own the remaining 51% of the market for 30 years. After year 30 we will exit the market and the Apenkwa market organization that includes farmers, women traders, and commercial sellers will take over our remaining share of the market. We will receive 40.8% of the profits and the remaining 10.2% will go to the Chiefs.

Figure 6.1: Monthly rainfall in Accra. Source: (Adank et al., 2011).

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7.2 The Chiefs Chiefs own 20% of the land we are developing. Ghanaian Chiefs play a vital role in the community as most individuals seek advice from their local Chief. The main functions of chiefs include dispute settlement, codification of customary law, arrangement of ceremonies and festivals, organisation of communal labour and promotion of socioeconomic development. Chiefs have been involved in the development of their areas since precolonial times.


However, contemporary chiefs face new challenges such as demands for good governance, the introduction of information and communication technologies and expectations of international connections (Kleist, 2011). To develop on the land we must consider the importance of the Chiefs and communicate every step in the development process with them. We expect some individuals in the community will have some concerns with the development process and will communicate with the Chiefs if there are issues. Therefore, it is very important to have honest communication with the Chiefs.

Own 20% of the land Proposal: 20% of Profits

To develop on 20% of their land we are offering the welfare of the Chieftaincy 15% of the profits and the local Chiefs 5% of profits made from the market. If the market does not become a success, the Chiefs will lose nothing in terms of money. The Chiefs are also invited to make an impact on the cultural statement of the market. We will allow them to use the market for meetings and other purposes.

Notable work done recently by Agripro was the Accra Green Market. They were able to improve food security for local residents by increasing physical and economic access to healthy food and agricultural value added products. The market links small farmers who produce using sustainable agriculture practices with consumers in a unique community gathering. A project such as this will be replicated into the market we are creating. Agripro will be our main consultants in connecting farmers to Apenkwa Market.

7.3 The Accra Metropolitan Assembly

8.2 Farmers

The AMA owns the remaining 80% of the land. The mission of the AMA is to improve the quality of life of the people of the city of Accra especially the poor, vulnerable and excluded by providing and maintaining basic services and facilities in the areas of education, health, sanitation and other social amenities, in the context of discipline, a sense of urgency and commitment to excellence (AMA, 2014).

Farmers are to be from the Greater Accra Region and are to sell fruits, vegetables, and meat. Items must be fresh. To engage farmers in growing and selling, a consulting firm based in the agriculture business will be hired to connect farmers with the market. Registration is open to all farmers in the region to create competition amongst prices to create a marketplace. Farmers who did not have previous knowledge of selling goods at farmers markets will learn and develop the skills overtime to become their own entrepreneur.

To purchase the remaining 80% of the land from the AMA we are proposing a partnership approach. The AMA will be involved in the entire development process and beyond. We are proposing to them a share of 49% ownership of the market. They will collect 39.2% of the profits and pay the Chiefs 9.8% of their profit. Conditions must also be met for the AMA, this includes connecting transportation routes to the market, provision of services to the sight, and provide certification for the quality and freshness of food sold at the market.

Own 80% of the land Proposal: 49% ownership Profits = 39.8% (as they will pay Chiefs 9.8% of the 49% profit)

8. Others Involved 8.1 Agripro Agripro is an agriculture based consultancy firm located in Ghana. Agripro will be hired by us to teach and educate farmers on how to sell and connect their products to the market. The following are the aims of Agripro: Picture 8.2.1: Farmer in Accra (Source:http://www.theguardian.com, 2014)

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8.3 Commercial Traders Many types of goods will be sold at the market, things such as; Clothes, hardware, crafts, jewelry, silverware, etc. Marketing and advertising will be used to attract sellers to the market. Women will play an important role in this aspect. A women's trade organization will be specially created for the market so they receive fair and equal treatment. 8.4 Fishermen Being that Accra is near the ocean, fisherman will play an important role in delivering fish to the region. The consultancy firm will connect the fisherman to Picture : Commercial traders in Accra (Source: the Appenkwa Market so they can learn to develop markets.ischool.berkeley.edu/, 2014) the skills necessary to selling and keeping their products fresh.

Source: www.hungergap.org

Source: www.debsdaycarewi.com

Source: stocklogos.com

10. Food Distribution

8.5 Consumers

10.1 The problem

The market is to be mainly geared towards residents of the surrounding community and the Greater Accra Region. Supplying what the community wants will be an important aspect of the market. The education of farmers is very important because they need to gain the knowledge necessary to know what the public wants. The market will eventually become a tourist destination. It will be a culturally rich destination that will be a must see place for any visitor to Accra.

Food distribution in Ghana can be described as having two types of distribution channels: long distance and peri-urban agriculture. The peri-urban farmers primarily produce perishable items such as dairy, meat, fruits and vegetables. The wives of the farmers sell these goods directly to consumers within 24 hours due to the lack of refrigeration. Trains and vehicles are the primary sources for moving products. Long distance distribution enters through a network of middlemen before reaching the consumer, causing the farmer to miss out on expected profits from their goods (Ortiz et al, 2010).

9. Community Benefits

10.2 What we propose Through the creation of the farmers association (union for farmers), farmers will have a chance to designate a % of money collected from the association to hire transportation to collect and distribute goods. This will eliminate the middle men and create larger profits for farmers from long distances (Figure 10.2.1).


The surrounding community will benefit greatly from the installment of Apenkwa Market. The benefits include: 1.Increased source of food security to the local area. Food will be organic and affordable. 2.A variety of products added to the area will keep prices low and increase competition, which will benefit the community. 3.A vacant area of Accra will be turned into a destination and cultural point for citizens of the region. 4.Ghanaians from the area will be hired for the construction of the market, maintenance of the market, and sanitation of the market. 5.Local farmers and commercial sellers will have an opportunity to create their own business at the market. 6.Food education will be provided to locals in form of classes for all age groups on the importance of healthy food and how to cook. A youth workspace will be included. 7.% of profits will be instilled into the local community in the form of donations. The destinations of these donations are currently not known. 8.Creation of a clinic and pharmacy to help those who are not well. 9.A creation of a daycare for those working at the market.

Figure 10.2.1: Showing food traveling from long distance foot market channel to short distance food marketing Channel. (Sources: Ortiz, et al., 2010 and Author)

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11. Structure of the Market

12. Market Design 12.1 The AMA and the site The site is locate Ashiedu Keteke Sub- Metro. Ashiedu Keteke Sub-Metropolitan District Council shiedu-Keteke Sub-Metropolitan District Council is the smallest among the eleven Sub-Metropolitan Districts with a population of about 250,000 people. It was established by Legislative Instrument 1722. It consists of three (3) electoral areas - Kinka, Ngleshie and Korle Wokon. The administrative set up of this Sub-Metropolitan District Council is made up of: Administration, Treasury, Waste Management Unit, Metro Guards Department, Metro Health Department, Audit Section, Works section, NADMO, Roads Unit, Rating/Valuation. The structure is headed by a chairman who is the political head and supported by an Assistant Director who is the head of Administration (AMA, 2014). 12.2 Neighbourhood analysis




Women Traders Association Market Union Farmers Association

The Unions and Associations: The market overview was created to have an extended view of how the stakeholders, individuals, and organizations relate to one another. The blue arrows connect individuals to each other, for example, Agripro is connected to the local farmers who are connected to the commercial sellers and the two create unions and organizations that relate back to the market. The black arrows connect the individuals to the market while the red arrows are outputs of the market, for example, the market creates a number of community benefits.

Transportation High rent Social welfare Limited public facilities Flooding Limited credit facilities Unorganized environment Informal Market Space Children’s welfare CHAOTIC SITUATION Women’s welfare Textile products Unregulated Agricultural products Women traders Meat products Utensils Tools Basic infrastructure Crime

Informal market space Unorganized Limited public facilities Limited credit facilities Social welfare missing Children's welfare missing No services Not Regulated Women traders Agricultural products Meat market Textile market Tools Utensils Basic infrastructure High rents Crime Flooding Transportation problems No market organization

Major factors involved

The site of the market needed to be a space that would be a living organism in itself. The urbanisation process resulting of the growing number of people living in cities becomes a burden for the markets to handle. Hence, the result can be radical and catastrophic consequences on human health and on the environment. Analyzing the sensitive nature of the proposed market, the site needed to respond to its needs.

Analysis of a few markets around Accra presented us with this situation filled with chaos. We picked out the major factors that would be involved in the design analysis of our market and the site. The transportation problems in the city as we have stated previously in the report needed to be addressed. Other major problems include the provision of good infrastructure for markets, as well as regulating them. Women traders and the collaboration of other associations of market workers could form a base for management. Solutions needed to be designed for the flood problem. High rents were a major issue. We would try to develop a solution in the financial and business strategy to address this problem. It was a priority in designing a socio-economically sustainable market.

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12.3 Neighbourhood and Site Analysis

Figure 12.3.1: Actual site. (Source: www.googlemaps.com, 2014)


Increasing the value of shared spaces is achieved through collectively shaping the life of the people using the space. It creates a sense of community as the shared spaces used in day today life by different people becomes a part of daily life and its use enhances the quality of the life of the people using it. The visitors are also linked with personal and community milestones achieved by the market that will be constructed on the site.

Figure 12.2.3: Density pattern around the site. Figure 12.3.2: Place making diagram. (Source: clarkston.org, 2014)

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12.4 Neighbourhood Analysis and its relation to the design

Figure 12.4.1: Site and neighbourhood.

Middle Road Income Residential area And Industrial area

Lower Economic Residential area The figure 12.4.1 shows that the market will be visible only if the neighbourhood density pattern and the neighbourhood structures are analyzed



Structure Public space


Middle Income Residential area

Figure 12.4.2: Site and neighbourhood scale. Anthropologically suitable structural scale should be followed.



Lower Economic Residential area And Industries

Figure 12.4.3: Site and neighbourhood study.


The figure 12.4.3 shows that the neighbourhood mainly consists of low and middle income neighbourhoods. It needs to have better services and the market can aim to provide these to the area. The AMA will be responsible to provide these services as a part of the agreement for the ownership proposal in the market. Hence the development of the neighbourhood will be inevitable with the market acting as a catlyst.

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13. Design of the Market We are trying to deign a market place that will be a process that fosters the creation of vital public destinations, where people have a strong feeling of community and well being. The art of place making will be applied here. This will be based on the local community assets, inspiration and potential, ultimately giving rise to good interactive public spaces that cater to people's health, happiness, security and well-being.

Traditional architecture was a major part of the design. Locally sourced material and local labour will help us create structures that will adapt to the local conditions. Culturally relevant inputs from the local population will be considered. Inputs from the traditional architecture has been included in the design. the images? below show some of the structures studied in order to design the new market structures.

Placemaking involves the planning, design, management and effective use of public spaces. It has the potential to become the most transforming idea of this century. As described by Patsy Healey, "The primary focus of placemaking in urban design is how ideas of liveability and sustainability get transformed into programmes of action" (Healey, 2010; p10). The market structure was divided accordingly in the design and the concept stages to help and understand the needs of the site. the following figure shows the design concept of the market.


Picture 13.1: Traditional West African Architecture (Source: http://www.mediafritiq.com/2014)

Picture 13.2: Traditional West African Architecture (Source: http://www.mediafritiq.com/2014)

The concept design made us understand the link between a person selling products in any market and the consumer. The relation between the trader and the consumer helped us in designing the spaces.

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Market Design



es c c A

d a o sR

13.1 Ground Floor Plan

Groceries Furniture

Spices Dairy Public Space



Clothes and local products Vegetables

Fruits Parking

Access Road

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Market Design

The visual appeal of the market would be enhanced by the use of traditional architecture.

13.2 Ground Floor Plan and the proposed extension

We have designed all facilities, public services and the administrative services into the extension block near the main entrance adjacent to the access road towards the east.



The access road heading towards the west actually connects a major lorry parking facility as seen in the site transport analysis. Therefore the use of the parking located at the north west will be intended for service vehicles. The main entrances will be towards the eastern access road and will make the markets eastern edge into an active facade. This will be a mixed use facade with shops, places to sit and landscaped areas that will serve the visitors and create a great environment inside as well as outside the market.

The heigh of the extension will make the market visible in the neighbourhood and easy to locate.


es c c A

The main floor is the ground floor, where all consumers that intend to shop in the market will be located.

d a o sR

The proposed market extension is located in the north east side of the market. Trying to keep the market character intact was the main issue of the market. Current market redesigns have all tried to completely change the character of today’s markets. These markets turn into shopping and commercial designs that generate money. We are trying to make people feel comfortable and not alienated when they will enter the new Apenkwa market. the market will function seamlessly when the user will roam around the ground floor.



The active facade in turn will actually make the adjacent areas around it develop and influence the rate of development in the neighbourhood.

Dairy Public Space



Proposed market extension located at the north east end of the site.

Clothes and local products Vegetables

Fruits Parking

Access Road Pg 11.

Market Design 13.3 Details of the design

Structural grid of the market building.

The structural design of the market shows that the grid and layout are aligned perfectly with one another. The market construction can be low cost as the roof and the materials will be used.



Two types of shops are available to lease for the people in the market. The shops are separated by removable partition walls. The basic shop size available for rent is 12.5 sqm. We designed this space as it is the basic requirement for any trader. This space is the minimum requirement for any trader and customer to function in a comfortable manner.

A tight structure with the help of small columns will be created. The supporters of the roof can be in wood but they can be easily replaced by a bamboo framing. Walls are constructed with a mixture of soil and concrete over a frame. All the material that is used is local. The project has been tuned to be done with simple hand tools, no need for machinery and expensive materials. Local labour will be engaged in construction giving them an opportunity to learn how a low cost building can be made. In addition the only expensive part of the building is the suggestion for power cells on the roof along with solar collectors (a combination of both should be the ideal) for making the small community not energy dependant. Also a complete recycling-energy saving program must go along with it. The goal is to have not only cheap construction, but little maintenance and autonomy from expensive services. Rain water harvesting will be done as it will be shown in the next step o flood management. We thought that rather than making isolated pods, bigger buildings would react better to insulation, as they tend to gain heat slower and loose it slower. All the ventilation system can be regulated so it is a combination of an active/passive system that is controlled by hand. We had not added any gizmo or any device that could make difficult or expensive the maintenance. In addition, we propose any further development as a dialogue on what is exactly needed, and what can be suggested or proposed.

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Market Design 13.4 Sun path and Wind direction

Therefore they are located in the northern area of the market so as to help keep the market areas fresh with the smell of fruits and vegetables.



es c c A

The sun path helped us design the windows and the roof for the market.

d a o sR

The wind direction led to the location of certain shops in the market. For example, we did not want the shops selling meat and dairy products to have their scent traveling across the market.

The lighting and ventilation patterns were worked out simultaneously while the design was being worked on so as to help in achieving the final form.

Groceries Furniture

The main areas of the market such as the shops, pathways etc were first separated and then the building circulation pattern led to the fusion of the areas. The orientation was based according to the cardinal directions.

Spices Dairy Public Space



Clothes and local products Vegetables

Fruits Parking


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Market Design


13.5 Floor Plans

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13.6 Conceptual images for the proposed market

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 1- 4 shows the market interiors. Image 5-7 shows the active facade designed for the access road towards the east. Image 8 shows us the entrance designed for the market.


Image 8

Image 7

Image 4

Image 6

Image 5

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13.7 Flood Management Climate change is predicted to deliver extreme weather in the future (Graham et al., 2012). The inadequate infrastructure in Accra, such as car parks, roads, and roofs all serve to speed up the rate of rainwater run-off and increase the risk of flooding (Graham et al., 2012). Designing a sustainable drainage system (Suds) is an affective way to reduce flood risks for Apenkwa Market in Accra (Image 13.7.1). The strategy for the sustainable drainage system is as follows: - The green belt design surrounding the market will create a small ecosystem in the urban area. - Evaporative cooling features will also help urban heat island effects. - Green roofs will absorb water and reduce its volume to gutters and down pipes. - Permeable paving and landscape permeable planters will increase the infiltration on the ground. - The under-drained swale will cope with heavy rainfall, receiving surface run-off from roads and permeable paths; planted with mixes of nectar-rich shrubs, trees, and perennial plants able to withstand short periods of inundation (Graham et al., 2012), and reduce water before it runs into existing drainpipes. Overall, sustainable drainage systems have the potential to integrate surface water management. It's not just reducing the flood at the market but it also increases the amenity value of the site and creates a sustainable development at the Apenkwa Market.

14. Business and Financial Strategy 14.1 Cost of Construction of Market The market cost will be based on the total built up area of the market. The proposed market built up area is as follows: Ground floor area - 19771 sqm First floor area - 2342 sqm. Second floor area - 2342 sqm. Third floor area - 2342 sqm. Total floor area - 26,797 sqm . loading factor. The loading of construction The total cost of construction is based on the following material is the loading factor acting on the total built up area. This is calculated at 0.25 for low cost construction and can vary up to 0.32 for higher cost construction materials. Therefore the built up area is: 26979 sqm x 0.25 = 33487 sqm The total cost of construction is based on the following loading factor. The loading of construction material is the loading factor acting on the total built up area. This is calculated at 0.25 for low cost construction and can vary up to 0.32 for higher cost construction materials. The total cost of construction is based on the following loading factor. The loading of construction material is the loading factor acting on the total built up area. This is calculated at 0.25 for low cost construction and can vary up to 0.32 for higher cost construction materials. The cost of construction for the proposed market will be as follows: Rate of Construction x Built up Area = Cost of Construction.


The rate of construction has been calculated from a case study. “ Even with the high administrative cost of the demonstration training building construction project, the cost per square meter was GHC 243.75 whereas that for its equivalent in traditional sandcrete blocks in the same location is GHC 375.00.“ (Strategies for sustainable development in Ghana BY HOUSING THE MASSES, 2011). The cost of a low cost housing project in Ghana was 243.75 GHC/sqm. This comes down to approximately = 86 USD/sqm. SUSTAINABLE DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR THE MARKET

Image 13.7.1: Showing the model of the sustainable drainage system. (Source: Author).

Taking the value as 90 USD for the current market scenario in 2014, and calculating the cost of construction for the proposed market we will get the following numbers: Therefore the cot of construction is: 33487 sqm x 90 = 3,013,830 USD . Additional cost of services such as plumbing, electricity and sewage facilities area added at an overall percentage from the cos of construction. This will be calculated at 0.25 % of the total cost of construction. Therefore the cost of services for construction is: 0.25 x 3,013,830 USD = 452,074 USD


Therefore the Total cost of construction is: 3,013,830 USD + 452,074 USD = 3465904.5 USD

Pg 16.

14.2 Construction of Market A Ghanaian National earns approximately 364 GHC per month. This will be equal to 17% of a Ghanaian Nationals monthly income.

The market will be built by locally sourced labour and materials.

Two types of shops are available to lease for the people in the market.

Local Labour


The shops are separated by removable partition walls.

Maintenance Labour training

Rent will be increased by a certain % GHC every 5 years. Rentable space in the market:

- Training is given to the local population to form a labour force. - The construction jobs are undertaken by the community . - Training is very important to ensure project sustainability. - Trained workforce can find employment opportunity in the maintenance of the market in the future.

Ground floor: 14066 sqm. 1st floor + 2nd floor + 3rd floor = 6144 sqm. Total rentable space = 20,210 sqm.

14.3 Socio Economic model of development The GDP of Ghana is 40.71 billion USD (World Bank, 2012). The currency of Ghana is the Ghana Cedi. (GHC).

GNI PPP 1550 USD = 4370 GHC

GNI PPP Per month = 364 GHC

GNI PPP Daily = 12.33 GHC


Therefore the average person in Ghana ears close to 12.33 GHC or 4 USD daily. The Government of Ghana states that the average per capita income of a Ghanain national is 340 GHC. The highest income has been recorded to be around 544 GHC (Ghana Statistical Survey, 2008). THE QUESTION IS: HOW WILL AN AVERAGE PERSON IN GHANA AFFORD THE RENT IN OUR MARKET ?


The Government of Ghana states that the average per capita income of a Ghanain national is 340 GHC. The highest income has been recorded to be around 544 GHC (Ghana Statistical Survey, 2008).

Basic space Proposed: 2.5 m x 5 m = 12.5 sqm.

Proposed rent = 5 GHC/sqm.

Proposed rent /month = 62.5 GHC (12.5 sqm).

Proposed rent per square meter (for years 1-5) 5 GHC = Market income Total Market income = 1,01,050 GHC = 35,801 USD/month. (First 5 years) Calculating the total income of the market will help us calculate the required loan amount. The time required to pay back the loan will be based on the income calculations. Pg 17.

FINANCIAL DATA Total Loan from AfDB Area of the plot Area to be built for the market

14.4 Loan for the market

10000000 37200 90% 33487

USD sqm Of Floor space sqm

Cost of Construction Basic hall and walls with door and windows Area under construction Total cost of construction of basic infrastructure Cost of services to be provided to the site Cost of services (total) Total cost of construction with services

90 33487 3013830 15% 452074.5 3465904.5

USD/sqm sqm USD of construction cost USD USD

Budget (% )for management and staff salary Total expenditure

10% 1000000

of loan for 30 years USD

Budget for social welfare of the market and neighborhood Total expenditure

20% 2000000

of loan for 30 years USD

Budget for Maintenance of market & New construction Total expenditure

20% 2000000

of loan for 30 years USD

Remaining Credit - Safe deposit






Sovereign guaranteed loans for public sector “A loan qualified as a Sovereign Guaranteed Loan if made to a Regional Member Country or if it is supported by the full faith and credit of the Member Country in whose territory the Borrower is domiciled, or in the case of loans to multinational institutions if it is guaranteed by a Member Country or by Member Countries in whose territory (ies) the Borrower shall execute the project.� - AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK. We will be borrowing the loan from the African Development bank as we will be classified under a public sector project which can be guaranteed by a member country. The bank was contacted by us and they proposed a loan at the rate of 2.8%. As proposed the market rent will increase every 5 years.




The loan has been further subdivided according to the main needs of the market. The market needs a percentage of the loan funds towards each of the goals set for the development. Basic factors like construction and services along with the maintenance also will be calculated for the 30 years. The table? shows that the total loan has been divided accordingly. 14.5 Income of the market


We will be increasing the rent because the market needs to be a financially viable model. The Net Present Value (NPV) of the market needs to be a profit if the model is to be a viable one (table?). The increase in the rent is kept at a minimum and it comes down to an average of 1.5 GHC per year. That is kept marginal so that the socio-economic development of the market or its users remains a priority. High rents are a major problem in the markets of Accra. The high rents keep the traders with a lower economic income out of markets. We want to curb this practice and hence we propose the lowest market rents in the beginning and increase them marginally every year. The marginal increase will be easy to bear for the traders and they will not be driven out of the market because of rising rents.

Table 14.4.1: Distribution of the loan.

Year (1-5) Year (6-10) Year (1015) Year (1620) Year (2125) Year (2630)


T otal incom e per m onth 101050 161680 222310

T otal income per year 1212600 1940160 2667720

T otal income per 5 year 6063000 9700800 13338600

T otal incom e in USD per 5 years 2148120.9 3436993.44 4725865.98

T otal Income USD per year 429624.18 687398.688 945173.196

Rent GHC/ per square meter 5 8 11 15


















T otal incom e (After 30 years) Loan taken from bank Rate of Interest (P.A.) Amount to be paid back Profit made by market after 30 years

1596590 10000000 2.8 15698581 18241729.22

19159080 USD percent USD USD



Table 14.5.1: Income of the market.

Pg 18.


14.6 Financial Project Appraisal


Costs (million($))

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

-10 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333 -0.333333

Revenue or Income (million ($))

Cash Flow (million ($))

-10 0.429624 0.096 0.429624 0.096 0.429624 0.096 0.429624 0.096 0.429624 0.096 0.687399 0.354 0.687399 0.354 0.687399 0.354 0.687399 0.354 0.687399 0.354 0.945173 0.612 0.945173 0.612 0.945173 0.612 0.945173 0.612 0.945173 0.612 1.288873 0.956 1.288873 0.956 1.288873 0.956 1.288873 0.956 1.288873 0.956 1.554665 1.221 1.554665 1.221 1.554665 1.221 1.554665 1.221 1.554665 1.221 1.890354 1.557 1.890354 1.557 1.890354 1.557 1.890354 1.557 1.890354 1.557 Net Present Value

Table 14.6.1: NPV calculation of the market. (Source: Author).

2.8% Discountng Factor 1 0.972762646 0.946267165 0.920493351 0.895421548 0.871032634 0.84730801 0.824229582 0.801779749 0.77994139 0.75869785 0.738032928 0.717930864 0.698376327 0.679354403 0.660850587 0.642850766 0.625341212 0.608308572 0.591739856 0.575622428 0.559943996 0.544692603 0.529856618 0.515424725 0.50138592 0.487729494 0.474445033 0.461522405 0.448951756 0.436723498

Present Value (million ($)) -10 0.094 0.091 0.089 0.086 0.084 0.300 0.292 0.284 0.276 0.269 0.452 0.439 0.427 0.416 0.404 0.614 0.598 0.581 0.565 0.550 0.684 0.665 0.647 0.630 0.612 0.759 0.739 0.719 0.699 0.680 3.74

In order to create a Financial Project Appraisal, the Net Present Value table was produced for the loan period of 30 years which includes (Table 14.6.1): - Costs (USD) - Revenue or Income (USD) - Cash Flow (USD) - 2.8% discounting Factor (Rate of interest provided by AfDB) - Present Value (USB) Table 14.6.1: indicates that the Net Cash Flow in this project is 10 million USD. By calculating the total cash flow from year 1 to year 20, with a total of 10.09 million USD, so, our payback period of this project is 20 years. Based on the 2.8% discount rate, each year Present Value (PV) were calculated using the follow equation:

The Net Present Value thus calculated (NPV) with result of 3.74million USD. The positive NPV indicates that this project its worth investing in. In order to understand why 2.8% discount rate is a reasonable rate for this project, it important to know the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for this project. The NPV Curve diagram (Figure 14.6.1) was plotted using the built-in functionality of Excel and with y-axis showing NPV and the x-axis showing discount rate. The IRR for this project is 4.5% (Table 14.6.2) which was calculated using functions of Excel. It also shows in Figure 14.6.1, this mean, beyond the IRR of 4.5% which showing in orange in Figure 14.6.1, this project will ceases to be profitable, the project will be profitable at all interest rates below the IRR 4.5% which showing in green in Figure 14.6.1. Overall, 2.8% discount rate is acceptable for this project. It indicates that the market can make profit during these 30 years and it is worthwhile for an investor to put credit into the market.

Annual Required Rate Return (Discount Rate) 2.80% Net Present Value (NPV)($) 3.74million Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 4.5% Table 14.6.2: IRR calculation of the market. (Source: Author).

Figure 14.6.1: NPV calculation of the market. (Source: Author).

Pg 19.

14.7 Financial Viability of the market proposal

15. Benefit for the Accra Metropolitan Assembly

We have calculated the profits at the rate of 2.8%. The profits calculated by the normal method shows us that the profit was estimated at 3.74 million USD after 30 years.

Main Source of income for the AMA: 1) Article 240 (2) (C) of the 1992 Constitution stipulates that “there shall be established for each local government unit a sound financial base with adequate and reliable source of revenue”. 2) Section 94 of the Local Government Act of 1993 (Act 462) designates District Assemblies as rating authorities. Section 95 of Act 462 allows the District Assemblies to levy rates as a cost recovery method to defray either partly or inwhole any expenditure to be incurred by the Assemblies. It is mainly upon this statutory authority that the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (A.M.A) as a District Assembly proceeds to levy rates. This is further enhanced by the Guidelines issued by the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development for the fixing of fees and rates. There are four (4) main sources of revenue: a. Central Government transfers, including the District Assemblies’ Common Fund, salaries of Assembly workers and HIPC Relief Fund disbursements; b. Internally-generated funds (IGF); c. Loans and grants; d. Private sector funding (AMA, 2008).

The division of the profits would therefore have to be considered. Proposed Loan amount: 10 million USD. Loan period – 30 years. APENKWA MARKET EARNINGS – average /per 10 years – 6,788,062 USD MARKET EARNING IN 30 YEARS – 20,364,186 USD LOAN to be repaid to the bank with interest at the rate of 2.8% in 30 years will be equal to: 15,698,581 USD Interest to be paid to the bank = 4,792,199 USD PROFIT MARGIN FOR MARKET AFTER 30 YEARS = 3,74,000 USD. That is approximately a profit of : 1,246,666 USD every 10 years. A profit margin of approximately: 124,666 USD per year The above figures were calculated based on the NPV method. The profit after 30 years based on the NPV method is a realistic estimate and has been considered for the subdivision of the profits among the stakeholders.

As the traditional sources of internally-generated revenue are derived from five main areas, namely, rates, fees, licenses (business operating permit (BOP) fees), rents and trading services. Rates, (especially property rates), licenses, fees and trading services ,of which market tolls forms part, contribute the greater proportion of local revenues of the A.M.A. The AMA’s revenue generated from market tolls, which forms part of the traditional sources will be enhanced to support the heavy costs in the performance of its functions, if the Assembly’s Market infrastructure are properly rehabilitated and managed (AMA, 2008). Therefore when we are developing a market like Apenkwa, which will generate a good income for the AMA, and in turn the AMA can help improve the city with this contribution.


ACCRA METROPOLITAN ASSEMBLY 39.2 % of the profits. 48,869 USD/ month.

RNLR Pvt. Ltd. 40.8% of the profits. 50,863 USD/ month.

TRADITIONAL CHIEFS 20% of the profits. 24,934 USD/ month

Staff salary

The management of the Apenkwa Market by RNLR Pvt. Ltd. will be based on the partnership with the locals and officials of the AMA. The traditional chiefs will also be a part of this huge enterprise. The administration will be managed by the RNLR Pvt. Ltd. for 30 years. This is mainly to train the future administration of the market which would comprise of the above. The loan needed to develop the market would also be paid of by us and the market will be no pressure. Apnkwa market administration trained by us will be converted into the Apenkwa Market Traders Association and we will leave a functioning market in the hands of capable individuals. These people in the administration can turn to us anytime they need to help. We will hope that this project will set an example of a successful public private partnership that has helped the people of Accra and create a considerable change in the city.


20% Welfare Projects

16. Exit Strategy for the market - RNLR Pvt. Ltd.


Security management

After 30 years Waste management

Apenkwa Market Traders Association

RNLR Pvt. Ltd. will try to maintain and help all the above unions, administration, services and offices with the income that it is getting from the market. RNLR will also contribute 20% of the monthly income to welfare projects around the site and the city to help and enhance the quality of life around the city.

Pg 20.

Gantt Chart The chart represents the market proposal and the phases of development.


The development phase has been divided into 5 year intervals.

Pg 21.



The Apenkwa market is created by the people, for the people of Accra. The management of the market being handed over to the Apenkwa Market Traders Association will help it gain recognition as the people's market. The market will be an innovative place which is productive, inclusive and creates a sustainable market environment for traders. The market will become a central feature of the neighbourhood and the daily life of people in Accra. There will be employment generated and the formalization of the market will have legal, environmental, physical, health and economical benefits. The market will operate on the most important relation between the AMA, the traders and the people of Accra in the long term. We will be the developers who gained the trust of the people of Accra, helped the AMA create better livelihoods for the people of its city and build a socio-economic market. The strong sense of identity that will come with the market will help people relate to the market. The market will be a viable socio-economic model that would possibly be replicated in other places.


The Apenkwa Market will be initiated and designed for the people of the greater Accra region. This project will work because it will provide fresh healthy sources of food and commercial items at affordable prices for the people of Accra and the surrounding neighborhood. Our main competition is the very near Makola market. By providing a clean, maintained, and managed market we believe it will fit the needs of the Ghanaian people and visitor's abroad and create stiff competition for the Makola market. The design represents Ghana and its culture to the highest degree, creating a cultural destination point for the community. The community will benefit in many ways as stated in the report. We believe the success of the market will create further development in the area and create not only a market destination but also a neighborhood destination for those to live, work, and play. It is time for a change in Accra, and the Apenkwa market will be the catalyst for that change.

Pg 22.

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Pg 23.

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