TUM Faculty of Architecture - Information for International Partners 2010

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Technische Universit채t M체nchen Faculty of Architecture


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Information for International Partners


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Technische Universit채t M체nchen (TUM)

Your place to study

Roof top of the Faculty of Architecture TUM beside the Frauenkirche. Source: Oliver Raupach, fotolia.com

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Faculty of Architecture

International Competitiveness The systematic internationalisation is one of the strategic development goals of the TUM Faculty of Architecture, which was founded in 1868. The Faculty of Architecture is looking to establish privileged partnerships with other international universities, who have a similar spectrum of courses and content. The European and global network is constantly growing and in light of this development education should increasingly be seen in an international context. There is a growing demand within the job market for internationally qualified academics. Thus, students with qualifications with an international outlook will have a noticeable advantage in the job market. When choosing a location to study, the internationalisation of a programme is more and more factored into the decision, and influences the attractiveness of a location. The Faculty of Architecture would thus like to extend its competitiveness beyond the borders of Germany to the international field. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Brisbane - University of Queensland Antwerpen - Artesis Hogeschool „Henry van de Velde“ Sao Paulo - Universidade de Sao Paulo Curitiba - Universidade Federal do Parana Valparaiso- Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María Peking - Chinese Central Academy of Fine Arts CAFA Aarhus - Aarhus School of Architecture Kopenhagen - DTU Technical University of Denmark Grenoble - Ecole Nationale Superieure d‘Architecture Montpellier - Ecole Nationale Superieure d‘Architecture Paris - Ecole Nationale Supérieure d‘Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires à Marne la Vallee Paris - Ecole Nationale Supérieure d‘Architecture de Paris-La-Villette Straßburg - Ecole Nationale Supérieure d‘Architecture Toulouse - Ecole Nationale Supérieure d‘Architecture Ahmedabad - Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology Bologna - Università degli Studi di Bologna Ferrara - Università degli Studi di Ferrara Mailand - Politecnico di Milano Rom - Università degli Studi di Roma ‚La Sapienza‘ Rom - Università degli Studi Roma Tre Venedig - Università IUAV di Venezia Zagreb - University of Zagreb Riga - Riga Technical University

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Vaduz - Hochschule Liechtenstein Vilnius - Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Mexiko-Stadt - Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco Wellington - Victoria University of Wellington Graz - Technische Universität Graz Innsbruck - Universität Innsbruck Wien - Technische Universität Wien Kraków - Politechnika Krakowska Warschau- Politechnika Warszawska Lissabon -Faculdade de Arquitectura da U.T.L. Bern- Fachhochschule Bern Lausanne - EPF Lausanne Mendrisio - Università della Svizzera italiana Singapore - National University of Singapore Bratislava - Slovak University of Technology Ljubljana - Univerza v Ljubljani Alicante - Universidad de Alicante Barcelona - UPC Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Granada - Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura Madrid - ETSAM Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Sevilla - ETSAS Universidad Politécnica de Sevilla Valencia - ETSAV Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Prag - Czech Technical University in Prague Istanbul - Istanbul Technical University Pécs - University of Pécs Budapest - Budapest University of Technology Urbana - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Bath - University of Bath Belfast - Queens University Belfast Bournemouth - Poole The Arts University College at Bournemouth Nottingham - University of Nottingham Sheffield - University of Sheffield Nanjing - Nanjing University Peking - Tsinghua University Kopenhagen - København Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole Tallinn - Estonian Academy of Arts Oulu - University of Oulu Paris - Ecole Speciale d‘Architecture Dublin - University College Dublin Delft - Technische Universiteit Delft Oslo - Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo Trondheim - Norges Teknisk-Naturvitensk.Universitet Helsinki - Aalto University Eindhoven - Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Providence - Rhode Island School of Design 5

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Technische Universität München (TUM)

Surfing on the inner city Isar river.

Munich offers wide green corridors, especially the English garden, the largest inner city park within Europe.

Former 1972 olympic park next to TUM sports science campus.

1:1 TUM design project ‘Ski Haus‘ in snowy Alps - near Munich.

‘The image of the city‘ by Fabian Wagner, winner of the Klaus-HumpertPrize for innovative urban design.

Design project on TUM Research Campus Garching at the chair for Integrated Construction.

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Faculty of Architecture

Munich as a Place to Study

Lecture by Dieter Rams at the chair for Industrial Design. Source: Laura Egger.

Technology, talent and tolerance define the attractiveness of a city – but also a city`s productivity and wealth. The city of Munich with its 1,3 million inhabitants is one of the leading cities in this respect, both in terms of the establishment of technology intensive companies, the number of patents as well as the number of people working in the creative industry or at universities. Munich is also the home of several architecture and design companies. Munich is located on the river Isar north of the Bavarian Alps and is the third largest city in Germany. The Herald Tribune voted Munich the “most liveable city in the world: A winning combination of investment in infrastructure, high-quality housing, low crime, liberal politics, strong media and general feeling of Gemütlichkeit make it a city that should inspire others.” www.muenchen.de www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen

Design proposal for thermal collectors of a highrise by Holger Engleitner.

Students working in the studio for Design Methodologies. Source: Laura Egger


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Technische Universität München (TUM)

Neo-classical monuments Propyläen and Glyptothek, close-by the garden of the TUM cafeteria.

View into faculty club Vorhoelzer Forum Source: Sebastian Schels

Technische Universität München Since its inception in 1868, TUM has established its reputation as a foremost academic institution with 6 Nobel prizes and many other prestigious awards, making it repeatedly the number one German university in various rankings, including the most recent ones. Our university covers a large spectrum of fundamental and applied research with studies ranging from engineering, natural sciences, including life and medical sciences, to economics. Today TUM comprises 13 faculties with more than 25,000 students (about 20 percent of whom come from abroad), 460 professors, and roughly 6,500 academic and non-academic staff. TUM is thus well positioned to create new knowledge and know-how.

Diploma project „Das Pendant“. Source: BT004

The University of Excellence In 2005 the federal and state governments started the socalled Excellence Initiative in Germany. Between 2006 and 2011 they will fund the expansion of top university research with up to 1.9 billion Euros in three funding categories: graduate schools, clusters of excellence and institutional strategies for universities. TUM was recognized as one of the first three universities that succeeded in all three categories.

Diploma project

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Faculty of Architecture

First year studio “Weißer Saal” on the rooftop of TUM. Other universities like the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, the University of Music and Performing Arts and the School of Television and Film are located nearby. Source: Sandor Horvath

TUM. The Entrepreneurial University

TUM figures

The corporate concept “TUM. The Entrepreneurial University” supports and advances the existing TUM strategy and promotes top-level research on multiple levels. In this context ‘Entrepreneurial Spirit’ means to activate the diversity of human talent in a concerted, interactive way. In terms of top-level research, it entails combining a maximum of individual freedom with a supportive administration.

• 13 departments • 137 degree courses • 398 professors, 24.000 students • 31% female students, 18% foreign students • 6.500 first-years • 790 doctorates • 4.200 academic staff, 2.800 non-academic staff • 7 collaborative research centres funded by the German Research Foundation • 14 participations in collaborative research centres • 10 winners of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Award • 98 winners of the Alexander von Humboldt Award • Total Budget 946 Mio. Euro (incl. hospital) • Research funding 218 Mio. Euro • Fundraising 170 Mio. Euro since 1998


Faculty of Architecture The Faculty of Architecture TUM with its 1.100 students and 29 academic chairs with approximately 150 academic staff is the only university in Bavaria offering a study programme in architecture. The Technical Centre, in cooperation with partners from the high-tech industry in Munich, provides support for research-oriented teaching at the university. www.ar.tum.de

TUM Faculty of Architecture figures • 4 institutes and 29 academic chairs • Approx. 1.100 students with 60% female students and 15% foreign students • 180 first-years, 135 ongoing doctoral theses • 150 academic staff, 30 non-academic staff • 15 honorary professors, 60 lecturers, 50 tutors, 70 student assistants and several visiting critics • 600 workstations for students • 11.600 m² surface area • Research funding 3,4 Mio. Euro


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Technische Universität München (TUM)

Pinakothek der Moderne. Source: Architekturmuseum

View into the Architekturmuseum within Pinakothek der Moderne. Source: Architekturmuseum

Study Programmes Beside a 4-year Bachelor of Arts and a 2-year Master of Arts programme in architecture the Faculty also offers a separate course in Restoration, Art Technology and Conservation Science. This trains restaurateurs to combine artistic sensitivity with scientific competence and skilled craftsmanship. The Bachelor‘s and Master‘s courses in Landscape Architecture in Weihenstephan and Munich are regarded as two of the leading authorities in this field in the German-speaking part of the world. The study programme focuses on the aesthetic, ecological and social development and layout of urban open spaces and cultural landscapes. As a scientific/artistic course of studies, it combines research and design. Key topics include public urban open spaces, suburban or ‚urban fringe‘ landscapes and industrial landscapes. The Master‘s degree course and research alliance ClimaDesign, together with the new, innovative Façade Engineering - Technology and Design teaching and research unit show that the technical relevance of TUM is a core aspect. The ClimaDesigners are in a position to play a long-term, active role in the entire planning process and to provide holistic consultation services, starting with the conceptual phase and lasting right through to the detailed optimization of a building.

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The course in Industrial Design, which works hand-inhand with UnternehmerTUM, the leading European centre for entrepreneurship, enables teams of students to develop sustainable products or services for new business start-ups. The main focus is on universal design and the challenges of an ecologically justifiable mass production. It is the first academic course in Design at a German university of technology that leads on to a doctorate. Current tuition fees for full-time students at TUM are €500 per semester. TUM has agreements with partner universities that no tuition fees will be charged by receiving university. www.ar.tum.de/en/study-programmes/ • Architecture Bachelor of Arts (4 years) www.ar.tum.de/en/study_programmes/architecture_ba/ • Architecture Master of Arts (2 years, starts in 2011) www.ar.tum.de/en/study_programmes/architektur_ma/ • Restoration, Art Technology and Conservation Science Bachelor of Arts (4 years) www.ar.tum.de/studiengaenge/restaurierung_ba/ • Restoration, Art Technology and Conservation Science Master of Arts (2 years, starts in 2011)

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Faculty of Architecture

Students working on the Deutsche Museum project in the studio for Integrated Construction. Source: Laura Egger

1:1 prefab micro compact home units in the north of Munich developed by TUM. Exhibited at MoMA New York during 2008. Source: Horden Cherry Lee, Haak+Höpfner

• Landscape Architecture Master of Arts (2 years) www.wzw.tum.de/landschaft • Urbanism Master of Science (2 years, starts in 2011) • ClimaDesign Master of Science (2 years) www.climadesign.de • Industrial Design Master of Science (2 years) www.id.ar.tum.de • Advanced Construction and Building Technology Master of Science (2 years, starts in 2011) • Energy-efficient and Sustainable Building Master of Science (2 years, starts in 2011) • Historical Buildings Master of Science (2 years, starts in 2012) • Doctorate‘s degree (Dr.-Ing and Dr. phil.) • Traineeship for Munich Building Authority • Teaching Studies Bachelor of Education (3 years)

Model of Dencity-project by Maximiliane Groha and Hanne Andreesen.


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22.11.2010 18:31:33

Technische Universität München (TUM)

A meeting of Prof. Fritz Frenkler and students on developing and manufacturing a roadworthy roadster within 365 days.

Kunstareal conference at the Architecture Museum. Source: Franziska Hasse

Bachelor and Master of Arts in Architecture TUM As part of the Bologna Process all universities in Europe are currently switching to Bachelor and Master degrees based on the idea that academic qualifications will then become more comparable. The Faculty of Architecture TUM has established a bachelor degree of 4 years duration followed by several different Master degrees of 2 years duration. The academic qualification will be a Bachelor and Master of Arts (equal to Dipl.-Ing.) in Architecture. The course in architecture at the TUM conveys basic knowledge of skills and techniques, that are quintessential to the field of activities of architects. At the same time the study programme sees itself as an instrument to develop the students‘ skills to comprehend fundamental and complex problems, to extend these questions and methods of resolution from other disciplines. In more concrete terms, students should be qualified to identify problems within t heir own discipline as well as within the multidisciplinary environment of the TUM, to analyse these and provide solutions, to use a clear scientific approach and to communicate the results of their work convincingly.

spatial components, up to usability and appearance of the technical object ‘building’. The management of energy resources of buildings, the extent to which the building can be recycled as well as the development and design of building components and systems are growing fields of work in the building process. On societal as well as urban and regional planning levels, questions of sustainability are successively expanded beyond the building through important future topics such as climate, mobility and energy cycles. The principle of the study programme is teaching guided by research. With responsibility for the built environment, students should be qualified to act in an entrepreneurial way and to resume leading positions in planning processes. In order to provide students with the necessary qualification to become actors in future international markets, an integrated one year study abroad at one of our partner universities across the world is a mandatory part of the bachelor programme.

Through the collaboration of the four institutes of the Faculty of Architecture TUM students are instructed using a holistic approach in dealing with complex systems, starting from the theoretical concept and its cultural background, the allocation and dimensions of technical and

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Faculty of Architecture

A view into the Digital Design Lab whilst working with a stereoscopic scan tool.

Manufacturing a carbon frame model at Technical Centre.

Work Environment Students benefit from a professional work environment in Munich’s city centre. Friendly student service and intensive mentoring during projects are an important foundation of the programme. The teaching and research facilities of the Faculty, which also include the studios, are spread over an area of 11.600 sqm. Several work stations are also provided by the Faculty. The Technical Centre provides direct access to the metal, wood and plastic workshops for model-making and prototypes including 3D printers and laser cutters. Additional work and research stations are provided, for instance, through the Digital Design-laboratory, solar station, fire control lab, climate laboratory, restoration lab or foto labs. All toois and computers required for successful studies are available for lending at the service-pool. Each year the Faculty of Architecture welcomes its freshman students in the studio “Weißer Saal” which offers a great view of the Alps.

Parametric wood structure by Stefan Kaufmann and Gerhard Schubert


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22.11.2010 18:31:44

Technische Universität München (TUM)

Study Programme Architecture - Bachelor of Arts (TUM)

Architecture - Mas

Integrated 1 year study abroad programme

Porgramme starts in 2009/10 Aptitude Test Introduction TUM

Programme starts in 2009/10

Semester 1 Design Studio + Construction (9)

2 Design Studio + Construction (9)

3 Design Studio + Technology (9)

4 Urban Design Studio (9)

Construction 1 (6)

Construction 2 (6)

Construction 3 (6)

Urban Design Theory + case studies (6)

Structural Design (6)

Structural Design (6)

Building Climatics (6)

Urbanism (6)

5 6 Curriculum will be individually agreed upon with each partner university

Architectural Design Engineering + Technology History + Theory Visual Arts Urbanism Management Practice

7 Design studio (9)

8 History, Theory and Preservation (6)

Semester 1 Design Studio (6)*

Elective Subjects (9)

Elective Subjects (6)*

Technology (6)

Inte Elective Subjects (6)*

Management Practice and Law (6)

Bachelor Thesis (12) + Colloquium (3)

Digi Elective Subjects(6)*

History of Architecture (3) + (3)

Visual Arts (6)

Visual Arts (6)

History and Theory of History of Urban Planning Architecture, Art and Design (Development) (3) (3) Digital Graphics (6) Visual Arts (6)

2 Des


Theory of Architecture and Design (3) Visual Arts (6)

Field trips

Elective Subjects (6)*

Social Skills and Entrepreneurial Thinking Internships 30 Credits

30 Credits

30 Credits

30 Credits

30 Credits

30 Credits

30 Credits

30 Credits

30 Credits

Bachelor Degree Programme - Description The bachelor programme in architecture is a 4 year fulltime degree. The first 2 years (4 semesters) provide a general foundation in the methodology of architectural design as well as in the disciplines of science & technology and humanities & social sciences. These subjects are largely compulsory. The core subjects of design, urbanism, construction, history and theory, visual arts, CAAD amongst others will be taught in 20 contact hours per semester. Design plays a very central role which is expressed through project work (6 contact hours) coupled with a design charette. This project block is in turn supported by thematically related lectures and seminars. As a general rule, students in their third year will study abroad for 1 academic year at one of TUM’s partner universities. The International Relations Team of the Faculty of Architecture will advise and assist the students in their choice of partner university. In order not to overburden students during their study abroad, they are required to participate in courses giving them a minimum of 20 credit points in total. Each partnership with a university is

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based on an agreement which specifies the number of exchange students and the possible duration of their stay. The study curricula of each of the partners will also be coordinated with the study programme of the Faculty of Architecture TUM. In year 4 of the bachelor programme the acquired knowledge will be deepened and widened. In the 7th semester students will be able to choose at which chair they would like to complete their final project, as the different chairs will be focusing on different topics. The remaining subjects are comprised of compulsory core electives, which will allow students a certain personal specialisation. In the final semester students will have to complete their bachelor thesis which is followed by an oral examination. With this four year bachelor degree the students are allowed to apply to register with the Chamber of Architects.

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30 C


Faculty of Architecture


) = Credits

Architecture - Master of Arts (TUM) Programme starts in 2010/11 8 History, Theory and Preservation (6)

Semester 1 Design Studio (6)*

Elective Subjects (9)

Elective Subjects (6)*

2 Design Studio (6)*

3 Design Studio (6)*

Integrated Subjects (6)

Integrated Subjects (6)

Digital Graphics (6)

Digital Graphics (6)

Elective Subjects (12)*

Elective Subjects (6)*

4 Master Thesis (30)

Elective Subjects (6)* Bachelor Thesis (12) + Colloquium (3) Elective Subjects(6)*


For the Master’s degree programme students choose a mentor depending on his / her favoured design project. The mentees then develop an individual study programme through support and consultation with their respective mentors. The students have a choice of elective subjects from all Teaching Units such as Climatic Design, Landscape Architecture, Structural Design, Advanced Materials, Lighting Design, Product Engineering, Housing, Robotics, Business Planning, Urbanism, Spatial Sciences, History + Theory, Visual Arts or Industrial Design.


Elective Subjects (6)*

30 Credits

30 Credits

Elective Subjects (6)*

30 Credits

30 Credits

30 Credits

Library at the chair of Urbanism

Visual Arts Workshop

Counseling session at the chair for Structural Design

Debate on a design project at the chair for Design Methodologies All sources: Laura Egger


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22.11.2010 18:31:48

Technische Universität München (TUM)

List of Seminars A full list of offered courses (213 in total) is available on www.campus.tum.de (Fakultäten / Architektur / Lehrveranstaltungen). Listed below, you can find a list of selected seminars. A spezialised study track in english language for guest students is in preparation.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Design Studio, Prof. Deubzer Design Studio, Prof. Fink Design Studio, Prof. Horden Design Studio, Prof. Frenkler Design Studio, Prof. Kaufmann Design Studio, Prof. Krucker & Prof. Bates Design Studio, Prof. Lopez-Cotelo Design Studio, Prof. Mückenheim Design Studio, Prof. Wolfrum Algorithmic Design II Angewandte Bauaufnahme und Bauuntersuchung Angewandtes Bauordnungsrecht Arbeitssicherheit Architektur im Weltall und in Extremumgebungen Architektur Trailer Barrierefreies Bauen und Denkmalschut Bau- und Kunstgeschichte Bauen für Alte und Behinderte Baukonstruktion I: Mauerwerksbau Baukonstruktion III: Betonbau Baumanagement - Robot Oriented Design Baurealisierung Baustoffkunde Beispiele zur praktischen Denkmalpflege Bildnerisches Gestalten II CAD für Landschaftsarchitekten ClimaDesign Collaborative Design Platform Doktorandenseminar Dynamic Architecture II Farbgebung Figürliches Zeichnen Zum Wandel in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft Freihandzeichnen und Perspektive Geschichte der Baukonstruktion Geschichte der Gartenkunst Historische Tragwerke Hüllkonstruktionen - Adaptiv Hüllkonstruktionen - Textilfassaden Informatik II (Bildverarbeitung)

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• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Innenausbau I International Building Typology, Specialist Studies Kommunalwesen Konzeptioneller Brandschutz Bauten des Gesundheitswesens Ländliches Bau- und Siedlungswesen Lichtgestaltung Fassadenintegrität und Energieeffizienz Methodisches Kolloquium - Urban Land Scape Methoden der Landschaftsarchitektur Designtheorie und -geschichte Grundlagen Bauphysik und Haustechnik Grundlagen der Energieversorgung von Gebäuden Design Enterprise, 1 Grundlagen Design Research 1 Geschichte und Theorie von Architektur und Design Rechtsgrundlagen Digitale Formfindung Design, Kommunikation & Gesellschaft 1 Entwurfsmethodik + Gebäudelehre Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten Statik und Festigkeitslehre Übungen zur Statik Gebäude und Technik Darstellen + Gestalten Konzeptentwicklung I Baugeschichte: Große und kleine Bauten Parametric Architecture I Planungsrecht in der städtebaulichen Praxis Privates Baurecht und Architektenrecht Raumgestaltung Urban and Spatial Sciences Regionalentwicklung Sakralbau Schrift am Bau Siedlungsstrukturplanung in Quartier, Stadt Sonderthemen Baurealisierung Sonderthemen der Baukonstruktion Sonderthemen des Holzbaus Stadt: Analyse, Visualisierung, Kommunikation Städtebau / Platzatlas Städtebau und Regionalplanung Strategien in der städtebaulichen Planung Szenografische Übung Theorie der Freiraumplanung Kunstgeschichte I

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Faculty of Architecture

A model-based study on theatre architecture by the chair for Spatial Arts and Lighting Design.

Roof terrace of the Faculty of Architecture Source: Martin Luce ,

Associative Urban Design model at the chair of visiting professor Peter Trummer (Berlage Institute).

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Design and research project Power Tower at the chair for Integrated Construction.

22.11.2010 18:31:56

Technische Universität München (TUM)

Testing of small furniture prototypes developed by first year students at the teaching and research unit for Timber Construction. Source: TUM

Working group session at the chair for Climatic Design. Source: Laura Egger

Teaching and Research Units • Timber Construction Prof. Hermann Kaufmann • Technology and Design of Shell Constructions Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tina Wolf • Architecture Informatics Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Petzold • Architecture Technology Prof. Richard Horden • Robotics in Construction Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Bock • Integrated Construction Prof. Dietrich Fink • Building Construction and Material Science Prof. Florian Musso • Structural Design Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Barthel • Climatic Design and Building Services Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Hausladen • Industrial Design Prof. Fritz Frenkler • Design Methodologies Prof. Florian Nagler • Visual Arts Prof. Tina Haase • Spatial Arts and Lighting Design Prof. Hannelore Deubzer • Architectural Design and Conservation Prof. Victor López-Cotelo • Principles of Architectural Design Visiting professor Mark Mückenheim • History, Building Archaeology and Preservation Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Schuller • Theory and History of Architecture, Art and Design Prof. Dr. Dietrich Erben • Architekturmuseum Prof. Dr.-Ing. Winfried Nerdinger • Restoration, Art Tech. and Conservations Science Prof. Dr. Erwin Emmerling • Urban Design and Regional Planning Prof. Sophie Wolfrum

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• Urban Design and Housing Prof. Stephen Bates, Prof. Bruno Krucker • Sustainable Urbanism Prof. Mark Michaeli • Spatial Development Prof. Dr. oec. Alain Thierstein • Landscape Architecture and Public Space Prof. Regine Keller • Landscape Architecture and Regional Open Space Prof. Dr. Soeren Schöbel-Rutschmann • Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscape Prof. Dr. sc. ETH Udo Weilacher • Energy-efficient and Sustainable Planning and Building Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang • Theory and History of Landscape Architecture Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hennecke

Associated Professors • Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzog (Emeritus of Excellence) • Prof. Peter Latz (Emeritus of Excellence) • Prof. Richard Junge • Prof. Ueli Zbinden • Prof. Ferdinand Stracke • Prof. Dr. Theodor Hugues • Dr. hon. Shigeru Ban • Dr. hon. Klaus Daniels • Dr. hon. Frei Otto • Dr. hon. Gottfried Böhm www.ar.tum.de/en/institutes/

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Faculty of Architecture

Experimental plastics workshop at the Technical Centre. Source: Simon Schuster

The scientific information centre of TUM supports research activities with its services: It offers work stations, 1.8 million books and a selection of more than 6.000 journals. Source: Laura Egger

Research & Development With about 130 ongoing doctoral theses and more than 100 research projects during the last three years the Faculty of Architecture is strong in research. Through application-oriented research at the chair for Climatic Design and Building Services, the Faculty of Architecture has developed the concept of ClimaDesign. This holistic approach coordinates a building’s structure, its façade and building services engineering. Research areas include energy-optimised planning and building, façade planning, innovative ventilation engineering, fire protection and lighting systems. The technical and constructional development of shells is of great importance for a building’s energy balance. The Faculty of Architecture is therefore establishing a new research unit in Technology and Design for Shell Constructions. The unit fits well into the long tradition of building technology research by TUM Emeritus of Excellence Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzog. Holistic planning begins on a social and municipal level. The seven chairs for urbanism at TUM run the affiliated research group ‘urban land scape‘ on Zwischenstadt, urban landscapes and agglomeration research. The newly established chair for Industrial Design deals with ecological challenges of mass production. The focus on universal design explores processes of demographic changes within our societies.

The teaching and research unit for Timber Construction analyses renewable resources and composite materials for integrating them into the design process in cooperation with the strong bavarian timber industry and TUM faculties of engineering. Since 2009, the new independent Oskar von Miller Forum additionally supports activities of the Faculty by providing a guest house and event venue. In 2010, the TUM established a strongly equipped professorship and Competence Centre for Energy-efficient and Sustainable Planning and Building, co-funded by the Bavarian Construction Association.

Further research fields • Architecture history and intermediation of architecture at the Architekturmuseum of TUM • Preservation of historical buildings • Robot oriented design in construction • History and theory of landscape architecture • Art restoration and conservation sciences • Structural design research • Research cooperations with housing companies and the local aviation and automotive industry, as well as links to other faculties and international partners. http://www.ar.tum.de/forschung/f-e-projekte/ 19

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22.11.2010 18:32:01

Technische Universit채t M체nchen (TUM)

Pinakothek der Moderne. Source: Architekturmuseum

View into the Architekturmuseum within Pinakothek der Moderne. Source: Architekturmuseum

Architekturmuseum The Pinakothek der Moderne, where the Architekturmuseum TUM is located, acts as an international showcase for the Faculty of Architecture. The significant collection of the museum consists of 500.000 drawings of about 700 architects, several models, more than 100.000 original photographs and plans and is an academic archive for research projects. www.architekturmuseum.de

The collection of models of the Architekturmuseum. Source: Laura Egger

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22.11.2010 18:32:09

Faculty of Architecture

Second year students working in the studio for Building Construction. Source: Laura Egger

Final critics at the chair for Product Engineering led by Prof. Richard Horden (London). Source: Simon Schuster

Studio Weisser Saal. Source: Laura Egger

Students working on Aero House, a full-size prototype of a bivouac, in the studio for Product Engineering. Source: Laura Egger


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22.11.2010 18:32:17

Technische Universität München (TUM)

Art space Königssaal during a student presentation.

Khanyisani Preschool Orange Farm in South Africa after completion. A 1:1 building project led by the chair for Timber Construction and the chair for Landscape Architecture.

The TUM International Office

Language Centre

The International Office (IO) looks after international students at the TUM. It is responsible for the university‘s international relations and everything connected to them. Every year the International Office organises various Summer University courses. You can contact the staff of the IO at any time; they will be pleased to help you or give you the name of the right person to get in touch with: incoming@zv.tum.de You will find more information in the International Student Handbook.

The TUM offers a wide range of language programmes. International students can also study German as a foreign language.


Carl von Linde-Akademie The Carl von Linde-Akademie aims to establish ties between science and the economy. The academy offers courses which will enhance students‘ understanding on how to lead and cooperate, how to shape the future, make decisions, evaluate risks, take responsibility and stay open minded for change. The courses seek to enrich the students’ knowledge and experiences. www.cvl-a.tum.de


Vorhoelzer Forum The Vorhoelzer Forum is a meeting point and beletage of the Technische Universität München. Situated on the rooftop of TUM, this faculty club offers a room for events, mobile workstations and a café for all members of the Faculty of Architecture. The terrace offers a free view into the Alps. www.ar.tum.de/einrichtungen/vorhoelzer_forum

Oskar von Miller Forum The Oskar von Miller Forum is an independent educational initiative supported by the Bavarian Construction Association. It is dedicated to enhance the image of construction engineering in wider society. The forum is a meeting point and an international guest house in cooperation with TUM. www.oskarvonmillerforum.de

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Faculty of Architecture

Courtyard of TUM city campus during winter time. Source: TUM

A student design on densification of cities by high rise construction. The visualisation shows a night view over Munich with the Frauenkirche. Source: Hanne Andreesen, Maximiliane Groha

Alumni & Career Technische Universit채t M체nchen appreciates its alumni and offers them a wide range of opportunities via its KontakTUM network. In conjunction with the alumni associations and university departments, the TUM Alumni & Career Service arranges reunions, advanced training programmes for alumni, homecomings etc. While we help you to organise your alumni get-togethers, our publications keep you in touch with the big, international TUM family. portal.mytum.de/alumni Public debate at Vorhoelzer Forum. Source: Sebastian Schels

TUM Student Service Center The information desk of student counseling at the student service center can give you information and advice on studies at TU M체nchen. portal.mytum.de/studium/ssz/

Timber workshop at the Technical Centre. Source: Martin Luce


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Technische Universität München (TUM)

TUM Graduate School Faculty Graduate Center of Architecture The TUM Graduate School is an innovative approach to German doctoral education, living up to highest of international standards. Apart from extending the portfolio of excellent academic qualifications offered by TUM, it also underpins our interdisciplinary and international orientation. By doing so, it not only rises up to the increasingly complex research challenges of today but also reflects the changing trends in the labor markets. Through a wide range of interdisciplinary advanced training courses and general services, the TUM Graduate School and its Graduate Centers encourage networking amongst doctoral candidates. Besides the obvious benefits for the doctoral candidates, the TUM Graduate School also serves to integrate the faculties more cohesively into international networks whilst simultaneously generating extra revenue for the postgraduate training programs. portal.mytum.de/gs

UnternehmerTUM UnternehmerTUM, the Center for Innovation and Business Creation, is an institute affiliated to Technische Universität München. The Center comprises UnternehmerTUM GmbH established in 2002 as an institute of public interest and its subsidiary, UnternehmerTUM Projekt GmbH, established in 2010. The Managing Director of both enterprises is Dr. Helmut Schönenberger. Bringing together two core competences in a unique manner qualification as an entrepreneur and the initiation of innovations and new companies - UnternehmerTUM bridges the gap between the university and the world of business, making a decisive contribution in strengthening the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in Germany.

Grants and Scholarships portal.mytum.de/studium/stip portal.mytum.de/studium/studienfinanzierung/ stipendienstelle/stipendien

TUM ForTe - Office for Research & Innovation Third party funding by the European Union and from national organisations is vitally important for many fields of science. Without them, many reseach projects at universities would not be possible. The TUM is right at the top in raising third party funds in Germany, which is shown in several rankings, e.g. the DFG ranking for funds. In many fields, fundamental research at the TUM leads straight to applied research, often in cooperation with business companies. Properiety rights and patents play an important role in this. The TUM ForTe – Office for Research and Innovation advises researches professionally and comprehensively in matters of national and international research funding and transfer of technology. TUM ForTe also harbours the staff unit Excellence Initiative, which is responsible for the implementation of the 3. funding line, and the coordination with the 1. funding line (Graduate Schools) and the 2. funding line (Clusters of Excellence). It also coordinates the proposals for the next round of the Excellence Initiative. portal.mytum.de/forte

With more than 40 employees, over 1,000 participants attending lectures, seminars and programs each year, as well as 50 innovation and start-up projects per year, UnternehmerTUM is one of the leading university-based innovation and business creation centers in Europe. www.unternehmertum.de

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Faculty of Architecture

Diploma project by Florian Gandlhuber

Diploma project

Debate with students. Source: Laura Egger

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Hausladen during a lecture. Source: Laura Egger

Project on the conversion of Munich Slaughterhouse by Bettina Satzl.

Final critics at TUM Study & Residence Centre, a former monastery. Source: Heike Schollmeyer


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Structural design and energy scheme of diploma work „Spriessen“

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Published by Technische Universität München Faculty of Architecture Arcisstr. 21, 80333 Muenchen, Germany www.ar.tum.de © 2010 Dean Prof. Regine Keller Vice Deans Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hermann Kaufmann Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietrich Erben Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Hausladen International Relations Yolande Hoogendoorn + hoogendoorn(at)tum.de Assistant to the Dean Martin Luce + luce(at)tum.de Student Advisory Service Architecture Marga Cervinka + marga.cervinka(at)ar.tum.de Andrea Paul + andrea.paul(at)ar.tum.de 27

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Patent-registered Solar Concrete Stone an invention by student Barbara Grassl for gaining solar energy out of concrete facades.

Visit TUM. Don‘t hesitate to contact us: international(at)ar.tum.de or +

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