Research Methods

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Contents: General Characteristics of Research. The Functions of Research. Objectives of Research.

Classification of Research. Types of Research.

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Research Methods

Research is not merely a search for truth, but a prolonged, intensive, purposeful search. In the last analysis, research constitutes a method for the discovery of truth which is really a method of critical thinking. - Clifford Woody

General Characteristics of Research.



It is an exact systematic and accurate investigation.

Logical and objective.



Uses certain valid data gathering devices.

The researcher resists the temptation to seek only the data that support his hypotheses.

1 Gathers new knowledge.

2 Places emphasis upon the discovery of general principles.


Research is carefully recorded and reported.




The researcher eliminates personal feelings and preferences.

Research is patient and unhurried activity.



It endeavors to organise data in quantitative terms.

The researcher is willing to follow his procedures to the conclusions that may be unpopular and bring social disapproval.

Conclusions and generalisations are arrived at carefully and cautiously.

The function of research is to aid to making a decision concerning the refinement or extension of knowledge in this particular area.

The main function is to improve research procedures through refinement & extension of knowledge.

The function of research is to improve the students learning and classroom problem with which teacher is encountering with problems.

To aid & improve social studiesal administrators & systems.

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The Functions of Research

The social studiesal improvement is associated with various aspects of social studies:

1. Theoretical Objective: Those researches whose objectives are theoretical formulate the new theories, principles or laws. Such type of research is explanatory because it explains the relationships of certain variables. The researches in different disciplines i.e., Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics etc. 2. Factual Objective: Those researches whose objective is factual find out new facts. This objective is by nature descriptive. These researches describe facts or events which happened previously. Such type of research is done in history. 3. Application Objective: The research having application objective does not contribute a new knowledge in the fund of human knowledge but suggests new applications. By application we mean improvement and modification in practice.

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Objectives of Research


1. Fundamental Research. 2. Action Research.

Approach Research

1. Longitudinal Research. 2. Cross sectional Research.

Precision in Research findings

1. Experimental Research. 2. Non - experimental research.

Nature of findings

1. Explanatory Research. 2. Descriptive Research. [More concerned with facts]

According to National Science Foundation

1. Basic Research. 2. Applied Research. 3. Development Research.

Another classificaton

1. Adhoc Research. 2. Empirical Research.

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Objectives of Research

3. Explained Research. 4. Boarder line Research.

Types of Research

Generally research has two levels: 1. Basic level. 2. Applied level.

The researches are classified broadly into two categories:: 1. Fundamental or Basic level. 2. Action research or Applied research.

1. Basic level: It is designed to add an organized body of scientific knowledge and does not necessarily produce results of immediate practical value. 2. Applied level: Applied research is undertaken to solve an immediate practical problem and the goal of adding to scientific knowledge is secondary.

Action research : "'The process by which practitioners attempt to study their problems scientifically in order to guide, correct and evaluate their decision and action is what a number of people have called action research.” - Stephen M. Corey

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Classification of Research

Why study the past?

Meaning & Defination of History:

"The past is not behind the group, it is within the group. The past if it can be located, contains the key to the present. Through today is different from yesterday, it was shaped by yesterday. Today and yesterday will probably influence tomorrow.” - George Bernard Shaw

The origin of the word history means the search for knowledge & truth. “History is any integrated narrative or description of past events or facts written in a spirit of critical inquiry for the whole truth.” - Good and Scate “An advantage of history that is often overlooked is its effect on the personality of the students and teacher including past events and facts. Scientists prove evidence for fact but no effect.” Thus, history is the combination of facts and imagination of historian.

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Historical Research

History is the meaningful record of man's achievement. It is not merely a list of characteristics, of chronological events, but a truthful integrated account of the relationship between persons, events, times and places. Man uses history to understand the past, and to try to understand the present in light of past events and developments.

What is Historical Research?

Sources of Historical Data or Evidences

Purpose of Historical Research

Presentation of Data

Approachs of Historical Research

Writing the report

Types of Historical Research

Limitations of Historical Research

The Steps of Historical Research

Strengths & Weaknesses

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Purpose of Historical Research

Historical studies is an education which provides important information concerning the effects of certain past educational practices and may suggest programmes for future action, based upon the evaluation of these past experiences.

The foremost purpose of doing historical research is to gain a clear perspective of the present. Most current events have a past “History” and it is generally necessary for us to acquaint ourselves with this history to know about their significance.

Approachs of Historical Research

Historical Sources

1. Perspective Approach: To study the events from the past towards present. 2. Retrospective Approach: To study the events of present and proceed to past events.

1. Collection of data with consideration of documents and remains of relics, of primary and secondary sources, of bibliographical procedure and of organization of materials. 2. Criticism of the data collected including the processes of external criticism and internal criticism.

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What is Historical Research?

Historical research which is concerned with the past and which attempts to trace the past as a means of seeing the present in prospective.

1. Approach 2. Subject : The bibliography of a given person monography of a town, state, nation or civilization or slightly higher level the history of ideas, institutions or trends. 3. Technique : It is based either on documents or relics. Another way of classification research is of four types: a. Classical studies in Historical Research b. Documentary Research-It excludes remains as source and considers only documents. c. Bibliographical Research-It includes history of a unit (nation, person, culture). d. Legal Research.

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Types of Historical Research

Although slight adaptations from standard scientific methods need to be made because of its nature historical research must meet the same criteria and generally follow the same procedures as the forms of research:

1. Identification and Definition of the Problem: It is a difficult proposition since it involves not only the location of the problem, which has a historical significance, but also the availability of adequate data. 2. Collection of Data: Collection of data may involve anything from digging up ancient ruins to stumbling on old documents or remains. 3. Criticism of Data: The establishment of the validity of data generally involves the dual process, of first establishing the authenticity of the sources and then the validity of its content.

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The Steps of Historical Research

Historical evidences may be classified into two categories: 1. Documents, 2. Relics or remains according whether or not the source was intended to transmit the information,

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Sources of Historical Data or Evidences

1. Various Documentary Sources are: a. Official Records - Minutes of meetings, court decisions, legislative act, etc. b. Institutional Records - Attendance rolls, university bulletins. c. Memoir, biographies, diaries, personal letters, books on the philosophy of a given scholar, etc. d. Newspapers, periodicals, journals. Literary material. Catalog, syllabus, prospectus etc. 2. Relics or Remains: a. Building, furniture and equipment. b. Photographs and other records. c. Photographs and other records. d. Written material.

After the data have been subjected to an external or internal criticism the problem of synthesis or ordering or organization and presentation remains.

Limitations of Historical Research

1. it is very difficult to study historical events on the basis of cause-effect relationship. 2. Many obstacles hinder the objectivity of the study. 3. It is very important for the investigator to have a special historical perspective. Besides these limitations importance of historical research has declined due to use of scientific method in social sciences.

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Presentation of Data

Now data must be organised in a chronological sequence or way. The descriptive statistics may be used in analyzing the data but steps of historical research need a greater deal of imagination and resourcefulness and careful method of logical thinking. This process is also known as synthesis & it is of two parts: 1. Chronological Synthesis: In this synthesis we collect the facts year wise. 2. Topical or Theme wise Synthesis: In this synthesis we collect the facts theme wise or topic wise.



Historical research remains a storied and elevated mode of inquiry. Its standards of reportage have traditionally set the standards for documentation, citation, format, and so on, for other modes of qualitative writing.

History is an interpretive enterprise, so that any one particular study on a topic is no doubt one point of view on that topic.

History is also a unique mode of inquiry in that it is probably the only research strategy whose topic of inquiry does not “exist” in any empirically accessible way.

It is necessary to weigh not only the report itself, but also the theoretical frame of the analyst.

History at the tactical level is commonly used in other research strategies, so the how‐to’s of data procurement are important to know even for researchers using other strategies.

Multiple histories of any one topic are probably needed for a full‐orbed account of that topic.

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Tactically, history research entails fact finding, fact evaluation, fact organization, and fact analysis. It requires an interpretive imagination that nevertheless does not spill over into fiction, but is rather guided by a mind that is described as having a love for order. It entails being aware of different kinds of judgments that can be made once enough evidence has been garnered. Above all, again at the strategic level, history research requires the framing of a narrative that is at once holistic, in the sense that a story is holistic.

Contents: Aims of Descriptive Research. Types of Descriptive Research. Steps of Descriptive Research.

What is Descriptive Research? It is called an observational research method because none of the variables that are part of the research study are influenced in any capacity. Characteristic of Descriptive Research.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Descriptive Research.

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Descriptive Research

Defined as a research method that describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon that is being studied. This methodology focuses more on the “what” of the research subject rather than the “why” of the research subject.

1 Descriptive research can be used in multiple ways and for multiple reasons. Before getting into any kind of survey though, the survey goals and survey design is very important.

2 Define respondent characteristics: The aim of using close-ended questions is to draw concrete conclusions about the respondents.


5 4 Conduct comparisons: Organizations also use descriptive research to understand how different groups respond to a certain product or service.

Measure data trends: Data trends can be measured over time with statistical capabilities provided by descriptive research


Validate existing conditions: Descriptive research is widely used to help ascertain the prevailing conditions and underlying patterns of the research object.

6 Conduct research at different times: To ascertain if there are any similarities or differences, the research can be conducted at different periods of times. This also allows any number of variables to be evaluated.

Aims of Descriptive Research. K. VINEETHA 19171NB003

Descriptive research methods are pretty much as they sound, they describe situations. They do not make accurate predictions, and they do not determine cause and effect.

Observational Method: sometimes referred to as field observation) animal and human behavior is closely observed. There are two main categories of the observational method, naturalistic observation and laboratory observation. Case Study Method: Case study research involves an in-depth study of an individual or group of indviduals. Case studies often lead to testable hypotheses and allow us to study rare phenomena

Survey Method: In survey method research, participants answer questions administered through interviews or questionnaires. After participants answer the questions, researchers describe the responses given.

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Types of Descriptive Research

There are three main types of descriptive methods:

Identify the Problem


Review the Literature Select particpants & instruments Collect valid &reliable data Analyze data Report conclusions

Characteristics of Descriptive Research Quantitative research:

Descriptive research is a quantitative research method that attempts to collect quantifiable information to be used for statistical analysis of the population sample. It is an popular market research tool that allows to collect and describe the nature of the demographic segment

Uncontrolled variables:

In descriptive research, none of the variables are influenced in any way. This uses observational methods to conduct the research. Hence, the nature of the variables or their behavior is not in the hands of the researcher.

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Steps of Descriptive Research

Cross-sectional studies:

Descriptive research is generally a crosssectional study where different sections belonging to the same group are studied.

Basis for further research:

The data collected and analyzed from descriptive research can then be further researched using different research techniques. The data also can help point towards the types of research methods are to be used for the subsequent research.

Advantages of Descriptive Research Effective to analyse non-quantified topics and issues. The possibility to observe the phenomenon in a completely natural and unchanged natural environment. The opportunity to integrate the qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. Less time-consuming than quantitative experiments. Data collection: Descriptive research can be conducted by using specific methods like observational method, case study method and survey method.

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Characteristics of Descriptive Research

Varied: Since the data collected is both qualitative and quantitative, it gives a holistic understanding of a research topic. This causes data that was not planned to be collected gets tracked and the data is varied, diverse and thorough. Natural environment: Descriptive research allows for the research to be conducted in the natural environment of the respondent and this ensures that high-quality and honest data is collected. Quick to conduct and cheap: As the sample size is generally large in descriptive research, the data collection is quick to conduct and is cheap.

Disadvantages of Descriptive Research

Confidentiality: Respondents aren’t always truthful if questions are too personal or they feel that they are being “watched”. This may negate the validity of the data. Halo effect: If the research observer has a potential bias towards the research topic or some respondents in the research, the observations then maybe considered as invalid or untrue. Sample isn’t representative: Due to the randomness of the sample, it is very tough to validate that the sample is an accurate representation of the whole population. No scope to learn cause: Since descriptive research only focuses on the “what” of an objective or phenomenon, it does not delve into the “why or how” and that is a limitation in learning specific causes.

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Advantages of Descriptive Research

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