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Video of Events & Activities 2019 – Testimonials

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Following the release of our video of 2019 events and activities, highlighting the 40th anniversary, and honoring the founders and pioneers of the Chamber, we have been pleased with the feedback we received from our friends in Greece and the Arab world. Some of them are quoted here:

Mohamed Abdo Saeed


President – Union of Arab Chambers

President - Federation of UAE Chambers of Commerce & Industry Over the years, your role has evolved to

your Chamber and its future goals. be quite instrumental in enhancing ArabGreek relations in every business domain. Your presence has been well noticed among Arab-foreign joint chambers. That is due to the excellent organization of your events and to the positive response from the participants. Congratulations to the ArabHellenic Chamber on its 40th anniversary. Keep up the good work.

Dr. Hamed Sidi Mohamed Majed B. Jamaluddin

Commerce & Industry

Ambassador of Mauritania to Greece

I would like to express my appreciation for the efforts continuously exerted in promoting trade and cultural relations between Greece and the Arab World. I have participated in some of your events and I should say that they were very well organized, and I thank you for the hospitality exerted to us. Our Embassy will always cooperate

Mohamed Al-Thani Murshid AL-Rumaithi

I am pleased to felicitate the ArabHellenic Chamber for the success achieved in developing trade relations between Greece and the Arab world since its establishment. A special emphasis should be placed on your role in enhancing the communication between the Greek and Emirati Businessmen and in this connection, I would like to assure you of our Federation’s continuous support of

The Advisor- Kuwait Chamber of with the Chamber in future events.

Congratulations on the 40th Anniversary of your Chamber. I am wishing you continuous success and may God the Almighty bless the souls of the Chamber’s Pioneers, may their souls rest in eternal peace. I have truly enjoyed the commemorating video clip that reminded me of the years of my youth.

Dr. Nayef Abdullatif

Vice President – Consultative State Council – Republic of Iraq

Congratulations to the Management and the staff of the Chamber on the 40th Anniversary of its establishment. I have been privileged to take part in most of your events which have always been successful. Wish you the best in your future endeavors.


Tamer Mansour

Secretary General - Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce

We would like to extend our warmest congratulations on the 40th Anniversary of the establishment of the Arab-Hellenic Chamber and commend the successful role it is playing while enhancing economic trade and cultural ties between Greece and the Arab World.

Antonia Dimou

International Relations Advisor, Hellenic Parliament and Director of Middle East Unit, Institute for Security and Defense Analyses (ISDA)

On the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Arab-Hellenic Chamber, please convey to the Secretary General & President, on behalf of the Minister of Tourism, our thanks and vast support to the Chamber’s future actions and events.

Rashid Ennimer

Lead Internal Auditor Consolidated Contractors Co. (CCC)

I would like to congratulate you on a welldone video clip. You have managed, in a brief and interesting way, to highlight the interesting events that took place during 2019 and at the same time, honor the people who were historically involved in sustaining the growth of the Chamber. Hopefully, the Chamber will continue to grow in the years to come.

Dr. Amer Kharboutly

Prof. of Economy- Director General - Damascus Chamber of Commerce

I was privileged to take part in the last year’s events of the Chamber and watched, with great regard, the video clip commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Chamber and honouring its Founders. I strongly believe that Greece will be and should be among the pioneers in its trade relation with Syria, as the two countries have geographical and economic ties and its peoples have been historically very cordial with each other.

Aidrous Abu Bakr Bazara


I have been watching with great interest the story of 40 years of the Arab-Hellenic Chamber and the role it played in the ArabGreek relations. Your Chamber has a very distinctive character and continues to be one of the few active Chambers that I am familiar with.

Alkistis Agio MA, PhD

TEDx Speaker, Trainer, Philosopher, WellnessTV host Author of "FEAR TO FREEDOM"

Thank you so much for sharing the video clip. May the next 40 years be just as productive!

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