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HELLENIC INSURANCE AGENCY A: 74-76 Kolokotroni str. - 18535 Piraeus, Greece, 1st floor T: +30 210 46 54 444 A: 1 Kazantzaki N. str. - 18900 Salamina, Greece, 1st floor T: +30 210 46 44 444 E: mail@hellenicinsurance.com W: www.hellenicinsurance.com

HELLENIC INSURANCE AGENCY, was established in 2005, based on the 15 years of experience of its founders Anna and Angelos Kanakis in the insurance sector. Our philosophy is to be next to you at any time.
We provide a comprehensive range of solutions, in cooperation with accredited and reliable insurance companies and specialized brokers in Greece and abroad, covering all private insurance areas for business, marine and individuals. Our company acts as a partner, providing professional advice and guidance regarding the most efficient cover, as well as advise in handling damage and settlement of claims.
“Good luck strikes once, but bad luck is more persistent.”
As the world is changing constantly, we provide flexible insurance products and services covering a full variety of modern needs such as Cyber Risks, Environment, Kidnap Ransom, Fine Arts, Travel Insurance (COVID era).

We have cooperation with international insurers to cover every need in the shipping industry including: Hull & Machinery • War & Strikes • Protection & Indemnity • Freight, Demurrage & Defence • Crew Personnel Accident Cover • Kidnap & Ransom • Loss of Hire • Pleasure Crafts • Mega Yacht Insurance • Charterers Cover for GA Salvage Costs • Shipyards • Professional Indemnity • Port Authorities
regulated by the Bank of Greece member of the Hellenic Union of Insurance Intermediaries