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Success for the Greek Exports Forum & Awards 2020
The successful annual event to which the Arab – Hellenic Chamber once again granted its auspices closed its works on January 21st 2021, with big success. The event, which has become an institution for the exports sector, was organized for the 9th consecutive year by ethosEVENTS and the Union of Diplomatic Officers for Economic & Commercial Affairs (ENDY-OEY) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in collaboration with the economic and business portal banks.com.gr and HRIMA magazine on finance and investments.
The participating keynote speakers included Mr. Antonios Katepodis, President of ENDY-OEY and Director of B8 Directorate for Business Development of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Kostas Fragogiannis, Deputy Minister for Economic Diplomacy and Openness, Mr. Ioannis Smyrlis, Secretary General for International Economic Relations and Openness of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and President of Enterprise Greece, Mrs. Betty Alexandropoulou, Chief Executive and member of the Board OF Directors of Enterprise Greece as well as Mr. Nikos Ch. Papathanassis, Deputy Minister for Development and Investments responsible for private investments and PPPs.
The first panel of the event discussed openness and the new landscape in foreign trade, with speakers from the banking sector, Commercial Attaches of Greece in foreign countries and Mr. Christos Dimas, Undersecretary for Development and Investments, while the second panel discussed topics of Innovation-Exports-Startups, including high-ranking personalities in the said domain. During the event, “Honorary Export Distinction” awards were granted to President of the Panhellenic Exporters Association Mrs. Christina Sakellaridi for her long-standing and unfailing support to the Greek exports sector and to the Regional Governor of Attica Mr. George Patoulis, for his strategic decision to connect the development reboot of Attica with extroverted business activities.

Then, Greek export companies were awarded the Top Greek Export Company 2020 awards, topped by our Chamber’s member-company, KLEEMANN, which received the GOLD award. We are very proud for our member, and wish them all the best in their future endeavours.
The next day, on January 21st, professionals involved in the exports sector had the opportunity to meet representatives of bilateral chambers, including ours, in closed meetings which took place in the private and safe environment offered by LiveOn’s B2B Meetings service. We would like to seize this opportunity to thank the organizers of the prestigious event, ethosGROUP’s CEO Mr. Konstantinos Ouzounis, for his kind invitation, one more year, to Greek Exports Forum, and wish all the best and many more successes in the events to come.
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