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Roundtable with H.E. Ms. Suha Dawood Najar
On the occasion of the visit of H.E.Ms. SUHA DAWOOD NAJAR, CHAIRWOMAN OF THE NATIONAL INVESTMENT COMMISSION (REPUBLIC OF IRAQ), the Arab-Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (ABLCC) convened a roundtable meeting on Thursday 01 July, 2021, in their premises.
Given the current context, the ABLCC went in favour of a meeting in a restricted committee with key representatives: H.E. Ms. SUHA DAWOOD NAJAR | Chairwoman, National Investment Commission DR. Fadhil AL-RAHEEM | Minister Plenipotentiary - Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Iraq Ms. Maysa HATEM | Second Secretary, Embassy of Iraq Mr. Didier DE BAERE | Deputy Director General, Belgian Foreign Trade Agency Ms. Hannelore DELCOUR | Desk officer Iraq, Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Peter VAN DER VEEKEN | Managing Director, CJ-ICM Logistics Mr. Qaisar HIJAZIN | Secretary General, ABLCC
H.E. Mrs. Suha DAWOOD NAJAR provided an insight of the actual situation in Iraq and its potential for Investments, learned more about Belgium, and highlighted the potential synergies.

In a nutshell, this gathering enabled participants from both sides to share experiences, promote dialogue, and discuss potential areas of cooperation in developing closer relations.
All agreed to follow up on this matter.
Source: www.ablcc.org