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Arab-Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber

Remarkable Cooperation
Federation of Saudi Chambers & Arab Belgian- Luxembourg Chamber
On 13th of March 2022, the Saudi – Arab Belgian- Luxembourg Business Forum was convened in Riyadh at the premisses of the Federation of Saudi Chambers at ‘Alrashed Meeting Room’. Among the topics discussed during this Forum was the vision of Saudi Arabia 2030, Presentation on the Belgian Economy, followed by presentation by the National Center for Privatization and other mutual issues between Saudi Arabia and Belgian.
The Forum was attended by high level of participation from both countries, followed by B2B meetings between businessmen from Saudi Arabia and Belgian in various business domain. Saudi Arabia and Belgian have long history of friendly relations and cooperation in all business domains.
This is considered the biggest Belgian-Luxembourgian business delegation that have visited the Kingdom, consisting of 80 businessmen, representing various business sectors. However, the significance of this visit was marked by the signing of Agreement between the Federation of Saudi Chambers and the Arab–Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce for the formation of the Saudi-Belgian-Luxembourgian Business Council. So to both sister Organizations we say “All the Best in your Remarkable Cooperation”!

Saudi Arabia is going through major economic changes based on its vision 2030, which has already made a remarkable success in all pillars of this vision. Saudi Arabia is becoming a favourable destination for conducting business and investments, the fact of convening this Forum at such a time is a testimony of the important of Saudi Arabia in world economy.
We, at the Arab - Hellenic Chamber, would like to seize this opportunity to congratulate the Federation of Saudi Chambers and the Arab-Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber for organizing this successful event.

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لاجم يف ةعونتم ةربخ اهيدل نودوريكرأ ةكرش نا ءاشنلااو ديروتلاو ةسدنهلا دوقع لامعلأاةيتحتلا ةينبلاو ةيرحبلا ، عومجم لمشت ثيح :كلذ يف امب تاعاطق ةةقاطلا، ةيلحت تاطحمو ةقاطلا ديلوت كلذ يف امب ةيموكحلا تامدخلا بيبانلأا دمو ، كيركتلا لحاوسلا ةيامحو ئفارملاو ئناوملاو ةيئايميكلا تآشنملاو زاغلاو طفنلاو هايملا ككسلاو قرطلاو روسجلاو ةيرحبلا تاءاشنلإاو تاطحمل و ةيرحبلا ةفصرلأاوا يرلاو دودسلاو يحصلا فرصلاو هايملا تآشنمو ةيئيبلا عيراشملاو ةيديدحلا كيركتلا ىلإ ةفاضلإاب فراصملا تابصمو هايملا ذخآمو ةيرحبلا بيبانلأا طوطخو ةصاخلا ينابملاو. ةيرحبلا يضارلأا حلاصتساو

تاءاشنلاا ، .دارفلأاو تاعمتجملا ،ءلامعلل ةميق
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